Part 01

Author's Note: ALL Characters are over the age of 18

I really didn't mean to do it. Honest.

Okay, I was outside the bathroom door, just walking down the hall, while my sister, Jenny, was showering. But then I tripped and fell into the door, which was unlocked because the lock broke, and then I was face to face with my sister's perfect backside. She was gorgeous. Her ass was amazing, a perfect heart shape, not to mention her muscular and tone legs. She was absolutely perfect.

It didn't help that when I tripped my pants fell around my ankles and my cock, which wasn't hard when I fell in was now fully erect upon seeing Jenny's perfect ass. Unfortunately, I also made a lot of noise doing it.

"DONNIE!" Jenny shouted as I fell into the room, "What the fuck are you doing?! I'm your sister!?"

As she said this she turned to face me, but this only showed her just as perfect front side to me. My jaw fell off my mouth and landed on the floor in front of me, or at least it felt like that with how dumbfounded I was staring at my sister's large, perky tits, her equally large aerola and nipples, along with her shaved pussy.

I opened my mouth to say something but all that came out was a sound like "Kerblah?" That's probably what you sound like when your jaw falls off your face...

I only then looked at Jenny's eyes, but she wasn't looking at my face, she was staring at my hard cock on display for her. I was rather large in that area being about 11" long and maybe 3.5" thick. I'd never had sex before but I knew from porn that I had a pretty big cock.

For a second I thought I noticed Jenny's face flushing with lust but a second later I guessed that it was her anger, "YOU FUCKING PERVERT! You were just watching me and jerking off! WEREN'T YOU!?"

"DONNIE!!" Mom said as she came in wearing one of her pretty conservative outfits. It was a skirt that went down to her knees but still showed off her sexy legs below that, "You were staring at your SISTER in the SHOWER!?"

"I wasn't!" I said in complaint, and then tried to explain what really happened, but it was hard to really prove what I was saying was true when my pants were around my ankles and my erection was clearly on display.

My mom didn't say anything for a moment as she stared at my hard cock. I was struggling to get my pants back up then too but I was like a slapstick comedy with how much I was tripping over myself just trying to do that much.

"You are more than grounded mister!" Mom shouted then, angrier than I though she would be, "In fact, you're moving into the attic until your aunt leaves!" She was refering to her sister, Aunt Sara, who was coming later that day with her daughter, my cousin, Barb, and they were staying the weekend.

Me being moved into the attic was a fairly common occurrence as well. Ever since Dad left Mom when my sister and I were very young, we're twins by the way, well after that happened, Mom had been treating me like any time I did anything bad it was the worst thing in the world. Truthfully, she did this and everyone else did it as well. I guess it didn't help that I was the only man in our small family. But Mom taking all my things away and making me sleep in the attic was a very common punishment for me at that point in my life. I was just barely 18, an adult, but I still lived with my Mom and had to abide by her rules.

I had just finished moving my clothes up to the attic, which actually wasn't too bad, it had a bed up there and an old TV so I could at least watch the local stations, but outside of that there wasn't much. I didn't mind giving up my bedroom but I wished I could at least sleep in the couch on the living room but Mom didn't like me sleeping there ever since she caught me watching porn late at night down there. It didn't help that I may have bought it with her credit card...

After I finished moving my shit upstairs, that was when Aunt Sara and Barb showed up. I kinda groaned feeling both annoyed and relieved. For one thing, Sara and Barb were super hot, just like my mom and sister, but Sara had one of the biggest sticks up her ass ever. She literally did not like fun and mostly talked about the paperwork she did in her office every day. And Barb, well, my cousin was kinda ditzy, but I think that was mostly because she knew she was pretty enough she could basically get any boy (and most girls, to be frank) to do whatever she wanted them too.

Unfortunately, that also meant me, "Hey cuz!" She said excitedly, "Want to help me with my homework?" Barb fluttered her eyes and leaned forward to show off her cleavage and my boner was back with avengence.

"Um, sure, uh, whatever you want." I told her, knowing full well that I was going to be doing Barb's homework for her. Which I did in my room where she was sleeping during the weekend while she talked to one of her friends from college.

After that she kicked me out of her room, "Go do it in the kitchen." She said as she handed me her homework as well. Barb was very bossy, or maybe that was just to me because I was such a pushover...

I took Barb's homework to the kitchen and that's when her mother, my Aunt Sara, came up to me. She was my mother's twin sister and she was perhaps even more beautiful than she was. It was hard to say because she dressed even more conservatively than my mom did. She was wearing tight, black jeans (which I don't think she realized actually made her ass even more apparent rather than less) and her boobs were even bigger than Mom's because of the few extra pounds she put on. She was a total workaholic and spent almost all her time in the office. Sometimes I heard Barb complaining about it to her friends over the phone while I'm stuck doing her homework.

Aunt Sara rolled her eyes when she saw me put the homework on the table, "You really don't have to do what she tells you to."

I shrugged, pretending it didn't bother me, "Whatever." Classic teenager response.

"Well, I doubt she learns much you doing that for her all the time," Sara said with a guffaw, "except how to take advantage of you." She sure got that right.

It was silent for a moment. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Mainly for Aunt Sara to bring up that I was caught that morning with my pants around my ankles while Jenny was showering, but she didn't say anything. I guessed that Mom hadn't told her, but knew that didn't mean she wasn't going to, she just hadn't told my Aunt Sara what a pervert I was yet...

"I have a huge presentation in the morning," Aunt Sara then explained, "So please, get out of my way, I need to use the table to layout so I can show your mother."

I had a feeling she just wanted me out of the way so when Mom came back from wherever she was they could talk about me, but I complied. I wasn't a huge fan of being around either of them when they were together. It was just two older MILFs bullying me, and not in a fun way...

I went into the living room. I sat to do Barb's homework for her as I heard Mom and Aunt Sara whispering about me in the kitchen. I didn't feel sorry for myself though. Not one bit. Nope.

Anyway, after about 15 minutes of doing Barb's complicated math problems, I heard Aunt Sara's cell phone ring. I didn't hear much of what was said but after a few minutes, Mom came into the room.

"There's been a quarantine. The state has ordered all business closed down." Mom said to me looking and sounding like she'd just seen a ghost.

Oh yeah, did I mention this story takes place in the early spring of 2019?

Anyway, Mom went out of the room then, probably to go tell my sister and cousin about it. I put the homework down and began pacing. I figured if everything just closed down my cousin probably didn't have to do her homework anymore.

We had a family meeting, during which, Mom explained that we were stuck there. That we had enough food at least for a week but we were going to have to stay there. No one was even allowed on the roads in our state when quarantine first started. All the grocery stores had been closed down even.

Mom also explained that Aunt Sara and Barb were going to be staying with us because of that. There wasn't anything else we could do about it. I wasn't really sure what that meant for me but I could only imagine it was going to be bad.

We had no way of knowing this at the time, but after a week they would open up the roads again (but only in case of emergencies) along with grocery stores. Until that happened though, it just felt like we were all stuck together.

The next morning at breakfast, we all ate together. It wasn't a big deal but I noticed just how annoyed everyone seemed to be about everything. It was just my normal family, blaming everything on me, and I just sat there and took it, but mostly I just stared at their boobs through their clothes. All the members of the family were really stacked, I had to say.

The rest of the day was spent in the attic trying to figure out how to hook my game station up to that old ass TV. Mom said I could take it up there, but I guess it wasn't going to work.

We had dinner together as well, I mostly minded my own business. When we went to sleep, I jerked off thinking about seeing my sister's naked body only yesterday. It was fairly normal stuff for me, even if it was kinda fucked up.

I was mostly dreading the coming days, and hoping quarantine ended soon. I didn't think that over the course of that week, my whole life would change in almost every way.

Aunt Sara was going absolutely insane the following day. She was pacing around in a huff when I got up for breakfast.

"God dammit!" She complained, as she through her papers into her briefcase from work, "How can I not be working!? I was supposed to give a presentation today and instead I'm stuck here with all of you! Gah!" And then she stormed out of the room.

Mostly I thought, Thank God. But I think Mom caught the look on my face and told me, "Go and talk to her."

"What? Why me?" It didn't really make sense. Mom should be the one to comfort her sister.

"You know why." Mom said sternly. I groaned, but got up to go talk to her. I knew Mom was referring to the incident with my sister the other day when I walked in on her naked and they both saw my boner. Was she never going to let me live this down!? I thought, even though it literally just happened yesterday, I still felt Mom should be more considerate of her son.

"Oh it's you." Aunt Sara said to me when I walked into the room. Then, more annoyed, "What are you doing in here?"

I was feeling angry so I said, "You know, at least I cared enough to come in here instead of blaming my problems on everyone else and trying to work myself to death." I think I was a little angrier than I intended.

"Whatever you little creep. Your mother told me what you did. Jerking off to your own sister!"

I opened my mouth but then closed it because, though I wasn't doing that when I fell into the bathroom, I did just jerk off to the memory of my sister's body last night. So I did feel a little guilty just then.

"Ha, I knew it." Aunt Sara said, and then shut the door and locked us in. I had no idea why she would do that.

But then she turned to me and dropped her pants to the ground and took off her top. She stood in front of me with only her bra and panties on. They were a hot red.

"Whoa! What the hell!?" I shouted at my aunt. But her body was so sexy that my cock was already rock hard in my pants. Still, this made absolutely no sense to me and I just stood there feeling as confused as I've ever felt.

"Ha, I knew it," She said as she looked at my cock in my pants, then back to my eyes, "Do you think your aunt is sexy?" She asked, teasing me as she swayed her hips and slowly spun around so I could admire her whole body.

I had no idea how to answer. Or what the hell was going on. But I knew I needed to get out of there. I practically bolted to the door, unlocked it, and ran down the hall. I hid in the attic for about an hour.

After that Mom came up to see me.

"I don't know what you said to Sara, but she is in one of the best moods I've ever seen her in! Thank you, Donnie!" And then she hugged me, bringing my face into her bosom and practically suffocating me but I would have died the happiest man between my mother's amazing tits.

When she went away, I was very confused about everything though. What the hell could I have done to make Sara happier? It seemed like she was just bullying me like she normally was, even if it was in a totally different way.

I shrugged it off, and I came back downstairs. Aunt Sara did indeed seem to be in a good mood now, but she was also ignoring me. So, same-old, same-old.​
Next page: Part 02