Part 01.1
This is part 1 of a series that takes part in the same universe as my series 'Comfort in the New World'. However this series is essentially stand-alone and can be read on its own. In short, in this future world the Guild of Humanity provide mental and physical training to people of the utmost moral and psychological condition as Agents of Comfort. These agents provide services of intimacy to those in need -- rich or poor. But sometimes they are used for more subtle and nefarious purposes...
The themes involved are non-consent, sexual slavery, freeuse, and mystery. It also contains religious elements, though the religion depicted is completely fictional and not based on any real-life belief what so ever.
All characters are above 18 years of age and are entirely fictitious.
The trade ship that brought us to Palaxion had been crowded but the trip had been a mere two days. My companion Elosia and myself had found a hidden nook to ourselves where we spent most of the journey in relative isolation. The ship had been full of mostly women though also a few men, all bound for the same destination and fate. Everyone we talked to spoke in fearful tones about our destination; Planet Palaxion.
Once we made landfall we were taken into separate vehicles, me and Elosia herded off together and headed out across the barren, hostile landscape. Palaxion was a rocky uninhabitable world except for the thousands of domed hamlets and towns that dotted its surface, most with the same, barbaric societal structure that was the reason for me and Elosia being here.
The vehicle approached one of these hamlets now and an airlocked entrance opened to admit us. The doors shut behind us and sound returned as we were surrounded by oxygen once more.
"No way to escape." Elosia whispered to me and I nodded. We'd known about it, but still -- seeing how impossible it would be to get out of here was a grim reminder of our mission's inherent danger.
"Right, out you go!" the driver said and opened the hatch to let us out. We stepped out into a paved area surrounded by neat bushes. A man in a business suit stood flanked by two guards with batons, waiting for us. He walked up to the driver and they shook hands.
"Pleasant journey?" the man in the suit asked.
"No troubles." the driver said and motioned towards the two of us. "These two I think will do you very nicely, if I do say so myself." They walked over to us and the man in the suit took a long, good look at us. We were very different in build, which had been part of the reason why we were selected. I was 5'7 with wide hips and large, full breasts, while Elosia was 5'5 and petite. She had blond, shoulder-length hair, versus my fiery red which I kept a little short, in bangs.
"Mm, very nice. Who are you?"
"I'm Elosia."
"Taliah." I said and the man shook his head.
"Not trained?"
"Guess not." The driver grinned. "Not part of the job description, I'm afraid."
"How much?"
"I think six hundred for both." The man in the suit gave a whistle.
"I think you're trying to make a fool of me." The driver feigned shock.
"Come on, Farren," he walked over and suddenly pulled my top halfway down my belly; My naked breasts fell out, exposed to everyone. His hand grabbed one and squeezed it. "Look as these juicy tits! And the other's one nice and slim! Easy worth Six hundred!" My whole body froze as this strange man fondled me and the suited man -- Farren -- eyed me carefully. Elosia let out a sigh next to me.
"Give you Five-seventy-five." The driver grumbled but accepted. They exchanged some information on their wristbands while I quickly re-zipped my jumpsuit. One of the guards watched me and sneered at me. The driver climbed back into his vehicle and Farren gave a quick command to the guards. They assumed position on either side of me and Elosia and we were escorted away.
"This is the town of Tuls," Farren said. "do you understand why you've been brought here?" we both played the part and shook our heads but Farren wasn't having it. "Don't bullshit me, I know you must have heard the others talk on the ship here, you must at least have heard the rumours." I meekly nodded and he seemed encourage. "So, what do they say?"
"They say you bring women here to be... to be used." He stopped and looked me dead in the eye.
"'Used'." He scoffed. "Such an inadequate description. You are here because we need you. All will be explained." He then gestured to the guards. "Take them to the temple." They lead us further into two and as we walked I looked around, taking in my surroundings.
Tuls was, to my surprised, a lovely town. Completely enclosed by a dome to keep in the air it was nonetheless tranquil, with greenery and water features adoring the roads. People chatted to each other on the corners and homely little houses lined the streets in neat rows. In spite of our briefing and my training I found myself relaxing: Maybe the rumours were exaggerated, maybe it wouldn't be so bad.7
At the center of town lay a large, semi-spherical-shaped building, mimicking the structure of the town's dome. We were lead into a side door and into a small room, where the guards told us to wait.
"Are you alright?" Elosia asked me as soon as the guards left.
"Yes. You?"
"Nervous, but yeah. Okay."
"It's... not quite what I expected." I admitted.
"No, it's not. Just..." she searched for something to say. "Remember our training." She finally landed on and I nodded. We had volunteered and passed all the psych evaluations so they had sent us despite my inexperience, a fact that made me proud. I wanted to do well, yet it seemed Elosia felt more confident than me, which made me jealous.
A door leading further into the building opened and Farren walked in. His suit was gone, replaced by a ceremonial black robe, and now two more guards had joined him. He ushered for us to follow and the guards gave us stern looks so we obeyed.
We were marched down a corridor and I heard voices -- sounded like dozens. We emerged into a large gathering hall, like a church -- rows of benches and a pulpit. The place was packed -- fifty, sixty people, easily. Mostly men but a few women, too. In front of the pulpit were two tables, large enough for a grown person to lie on. I saw straps hanging from them and my first tingling of genuine fear went through my body. As soon as I faltered a single step the guards grabbed me and held me steady. Farren walked up to the pulpit and with a wave of his arms the crowd silenced.
"Friends and neighbours. Today is a wonderful day. The ships have come, their cargo has been distributed and we have received our bounty. Our ancestors bless us with these two," he indicated us. "to service our town with their bodies." I felt every eye in the room fall upon us. Farren spoke again:
"Now, let us begin." He nodded and suddenly the guards were tearing out clothes off. I barely had time to struggle before I was standing naked on the clean, cold tiled floor, trying to cover myself. I needn't have bothered because the next second the guards picked us up, two on each of us and moved us, predictably to the tables. I wriggled, trying to get free but couldn't escape the guards. They forced me down on the table and I felt straps go around my hands and legs. Someone hit a button and the straps went tight -- my hands pinned to the table and my legs splayed open.
"Let the anointing begin." Farren said and walked towards us. I sensed movement all around as the rest of the congregation got up and I heard belts come undone, flies being unzipped. I squirmed and struggled and watched Farren stand close to me.
"What are you doing?" I said and Farren held up a finger.
"Sssh. This is a sacred moment, do not spoil it." He opened his robe. His cock was out and already erect. He placed himself at my head and held it over me and started stroking it. He closed his eyes, lost in his own reverie as he jerked himself off. After a short while he moved and walked over to Elosia and kept stroking himself while mumbling. I sensed people waiting nearby and craned my head to look down. I saw my naked, exposed body and my heaving breasts with erect nipples from the chilly room. Dozens of men stood, patiently waiting at the foot of the table, many with their dicks out, already stroking themselves.
Farren paced back to me, his strokes growing faster and faster, I heard a moan escape his lips and again wriggled to get free.
"Don't!" I whimpered and that seemed to send him over the edge. Cum blasted out from his cock and splashed onto me, all over my breasts and tummy. I cried out in disgust. Farren leaned in and to my absolute horror dragged his sticky cock over my forehead.
"I anoint you in the name of Palaxion and of the town Tuls." He intoned, out of breath. He scooped up some of his own cum from my breast and walked back to Elosia. He dragged his cock over her forehead, too and grasped her breast with his hand, smearing his cum over her as well.
"I anoint you in the name of Palaxion and of the town Tuls." He said again, closed his robe and declared loudly: "These two now belong to us. Anoint them, friends!"
Eager, hungry hands were on my before I knew what was happening. My breasts were fondles, my stomach rubbed and fingers travelled up my legs and disappeared inside me.
"No! Stop, stop!" I cried out, disgusted and embarrassed but all I got my trouble was a man -- I didn't even see who -- who stuck his cock into my mouth. I sucked on it on pure instinct for a second before I tried to pull away but he held my head still and pushed himself towards me.
Panicking I thought the best thing to do was to finish him quickly so I wrapped my tongue around his head and to my relief he exploded almost instantly. He held me in placing, forcing it into my mouth until he pulled away and cum dripped out from my lips; I refused to swallow.
Something warm splashed onto me again as someone else shot his load all over my chest, I turned my head to look but as soon as I did more semen spurted onto my face and some got in my eye. I cried out in discomfort and again yelled for them to stop but no-one paid me any attention. I glanced over, one eye closed, at Elosia, who was surrounded by men, too. I spied her face, glistening with cum.
"You people are crazy, stop!" I yelled, struggling in vain against the restraints. Hands were everywhere, my pussy was being fingered and to my extreme embarrassment I felt how wet I was. More cum on my tits now and someone else brought his cock up to my face but suddenly Farren was there and guided him away.
"One of us has already broken the rules -- her holes are not yet for us to use." He said, solemnly. The man backed down and instead grabbed one of my tits and within moments jerked himself to orgasm, too. I felt myself covered in cum; I had never before experienced anything like this. I stopped struggling -- clearly there was no point. A few minutes later the last of the crowd finished. I had semen everywhere. I felt it on my arms, my legs, in my hair, on my face, even some running down between my thighs and close to my now soaking wet, warm pussy.
"The ceremony is complete. I name these two now." he walked over and placed a hand on my cheek, running it along almost tenderly. "This one shall be Cocksleeve." He declared, then placed his other hand on Elosia. He ran it down her bare, cum-stained breasts and down her tummy until he was caressing her crotch "And this one Semenface." The crowd cheered and I saw some of the men putting their clothes back on.
Guards walked up and undid our restraints. I tried to wipe myself off at least a little but they held my hands to my side. They forced us both down on our knees, facing the crowd. I reeked of cum, the musky scent impossible to ignore. Elosia glanced at me, fear and excitement in equal measure visible on her face. Farren walked over with something in his hand. He stopped in front of me and placed a bundle in front of me.
"Clothes for you." It was white, tight-fitting jumpsuit. I immediately noticed zippers both in the front and the back. He placed a similar bundle in front of Elosia. Then he pulled something out from his robes and in a flicker of movement jabbed something into her arm. She cried out and flinched and Farren produced another syringe and headed over to me.
"These will prevent pregnancy and eliminate all STDs." He said as he grabbed my arm and forcefully stabbed it into my skin. He needn't have bothered; we were both of the Order of Comfort and had received vaccines that supressed menstruation, prevented unwanted pregnancy and virtually every kind of STD in the universe. I was rubbing the spot where he'd stabbed me when something else stung me -- this one much harder and at my neck. Something sharp stabbed me just to the side of the base of my neck and I felt a horrible sound as micro-drills and bone anchors tore into me. It only lasted for a moment before a local anaesthetic kicked in. A yelp from Elosia told me they'd attached the same control device to her.
"Stand up, Cocksleeve." Farren said and when I did not move the guards hoisted me up.
"You belong to us, now. Your time here does not need to be uncomfortable, but your body- your holes, every part of you is now for the people of this town to use." He turned to Elosia. "Yours too, Semenface. You will both service our people for no less than one year, after which you may leave to resettle elsewhere on the planet as free women -- though you may never again leave Palaxion. Do you understand?" We nodded, and Farren seemed pleased.
"Please welcome our new whores; Semenface and Cocksleeve!" he proclaimed and the hall erupted in applause.
After the 'ceremony' we were allowed to dress. Our clothes had disappeared and all we had now were the jumpsuits. They fit perfectly, the smart-textile material conforming to our bodies and obviously meant to show off our physique and provide easy access to both front and rear, but at least they were comfortable. Someone walked up and put a nametag on each of them after we donned them; 'Cocksleeve' and 'Semenface', the names given to me and Elosia respectively by Farren.
The guards then escorted us out. My face still stank of cum and it had started to dry, flakes of it coming off in the gentle breeze provided by massive fans.
They lead us into a small complex adjoining the big hall, down some steps underground. Hard steel corridors and a few signs still left up led me to believe this used to be an emergency shelter for when the colony was new. Eventually we arrived a door that had been modified. A big sign hung over it: 'Sanctum of the Sacred Sluts of Tuls'.
The door's locks were on the outside and the guards opened it and showed us in, closing and locking it behind us. It was definitely a former emergency shelter, but to my surprise it was genuinely very cosy. There were four or five rooms plus two bathrooms and the walls were all painted in lush, vivid reds.
"Are you alright?" Elosia asked as soon as the doors had closed. I nodded. "You seemed... well you seemed like you weren't handling things so well." she continued.
"I... I... I just wasn't prepared for all of it." I replied earnestly. I had done my best to focus on my training and bring about a state of expectance and calm acceptance. But an entire room full of strangers had groped me; molested me, splashed their cum all over me. Of course it had been stressful. Though not entirely without enjoyment. I was a member of the Order, after all. I was trained to enjoy these things, even when they weren't to my exact wish.
"Be careful, Taliah. We still don't know the full story here." I was about to say something when one of the bedroom doors opened and a woman stepped out. She was beautiful: Ebony with long, dark hair and brilliant green eyes. She peeked out of the door.
"Hello?" Elosia and I looked at each other, surprised -- we had assumed we were alone.
"Hi." I said and took a few steps forwards. "I'm sorry, we didn't expect anyone else to be here." The woman smiled and stepped out to meet us.
"I understand." she reached out a hand and greeted us. "I'm Cumbucket."
"Er... I'm Taliah."
"Elosia." She shook her head.
"It's easier if you get used to your new names quickly." she said and glanced at our name tags. She fixated on mine. "Oh, you're the new Cocksleeve!" to my great surprise her face lit up in delight. "The last Cocksleeve was very nice to me. I miss her." I looked at her aghast.
"W-what do you mean 'was'?"
"Well her year was up a few weeks ago so she got released. I've only been here about four months, so still most of my time left, but both the last Cocksleeve and Semenface left almost a month ago so I've been by myself for a while. Well," she added with a shy grin. "obviously not by myself most of the time."
She showed us to a large, open area like a living room and we all sat down in a big sofa. I noted the walls had openings in them -- large, body-shaped openings and swallowed nervously.
"Oh don't worry, they don't use those except during the Week of Conquest. The next one isn't for a few more weeks." Taliah leaned forwards.
"Honey, what can we call you?"
"Cumbucket, I said." she replied, almost a little annoyed.
"But that's not your real name."
"I know that!" she protested. "But it's honestly just easier to not bother with your old name. You'll get punished."
"Punished how?" I asked.
"Different ways." she said. "My first week here they tied me to a post in the plaza naked for a day. I learned my lesson." I swallowed, my mouth dry with horror. "And if it comes to that there's these." She added, and tapped the little device attached to her neck, just like we had. "They can zap you -- anything from like licking a battery to enough to stop your heart. But they haven't had to do that in decades!" she quickly added at the end.
"Okay... erm. Cumbucket," Talia said, reluctantly. "can you tell us why... well why we're here?"
"You're here to be Sluts of Tuls." She answered, matter-of-factly.
"Yes but what does that mean?"
And she started explaining.
"About two hundred years ago, when Palaxion was first founded, the colony ship that came here suffered a malfunction. The cryofreezers holding almost one half of the female colonizers failed and they all died before arrival. The next few years the colonists tried their best to make their new home work, but there was a big problem: A huge offset in gender ratio. They projected a much lower population growth than they had planned, but that wasn't the biggest problem. The biggest problem was, well... sex." She must have seen the look of scepticism on our faces so she quickly explained.
"Palaxion was settled by a group of people who believed that sex was more than just pleasure, it was practically a religion to them. All the colonists had been genetically modified over generations to have increased sex drives, meaning that once they arrived here with a 2:1 ratio of men to women, there were... problems. So after several years increasing social discord, a group of Palaxion women across the planet decided to solve the issue. They would sacrifice themselves and at least one of them would travel to every hamlet or town on the planet and offer their bodies to anyone and everyone who wanted them. This created a peaceful society until enough time passed that births and deaths equalized the gender distribution."
"Okay..." I said, utterly horrified. "but then... why are we here?"
"We're here as a religious celebration: A remembrance of the original Sluts of Palaxion. Each town celebrates it in their own way, Tuls originally received three women, and so every year the people here find three girls to take over their roles. One is called Cumbucket; me," She smiled, again to my amazement and disgust. "one is Cocksleeve and one is Semenface." After you spend a year serving the town you're free to go. Though you can never leave the planet. They let you resettle under some other town and give you a new name, so no-one has to know you were a Slut."
"This is... horrifying." I said.
"Why wouldn't the colonists just have reached out to the Guild of Humanity?" Taliah asked. "Arranged for Agents of Comfort to arrive?"
"Two hundred years ago the Guild was almost ten years of ship travel away. And now, well, now they're stuck in their tradition, I suppose." She shrugged her shoulders. I was about to ask something else, but there was a noise and the door opened. Farren stepped inside, still in his ceremonial robes. Me and Talia both got up but not our third cellmate. She smiled and waved.
"Hello Grandmaster."
"Hello Cumbucket. Getting the new girls situated?" he asked, almost pleasantly.
"Trying to."
"Good. Well, tomorrow morning I expect all of you to be up bright and early. It is the Day of Inauguration."
"How many?"
"Only three." Farren shook his head, disappointed. "It's harder and harder to find young men willing to wait."
"We'll be sure to take good care of them."
"Good. Cocksleeve," he looked at me. "You'll be busy, so get a good night's sleep. You'll need it." He then turned and walked out, the door locking behind him.
"What the fuck is the Day of Inauguration?" I asked as soon as Farren was gone.
"When new Sluts are scheduled to show up, men of the town who are still virgins make a vow to forego sex until the Sluts arrive. It is considered a great act of spirituality to be among the first men in town to have sex with one of us, and especially if you lose your virginity in doing so."
"That's a terrible way to have sex the first time! I won't do it." She squirmed uncomfortably.
"Honey, they... they won't really care if you agree or not. I mean if you're lucky they might decide to go for me or Semenface instead, but Cocksleeve is the traditional Slut to be inaugurated inside. So if you refuse they'll... well." I swallowed, suddenly feeling very nervous again.
It was going to be a long, sleepless night.
Each of us had their own bedroom and they were clearly labelled both with our names and the doors adorned with intricate carvings and iconography. My room was flanked by images of penis being enveloped by openings; swords being sheathed and artistic depictions of women's vaginas.
CB (I hated using the name 'Cumbucket' but since I nothing else to go with I had to make do) informed me that each one of us also had unique roles in the colony's different ceremonies. Such as the one starting today.
Cumbucket and Semenface didn't feature -- unless Cocksleeve proved uncooperative. I was the star of the event. I was supposed to usher the virgins of the colony into manhood.
I awoke around seven -- yes I was scared, but my training taught me techniques to calm myself enough to get a good amount of sleep, and the beds were very comfortable. Each room had a double-bed. They also all had windows that showed nothing but darkness, but CB had explained they were one-way so people outside could look in. There were mechanisms in the walls, too, but I hadn't bothered learning their function yet; I suspected the walls were partially made from smart matter. All doors inside the Sanctum lacked locks.
I did my morning exercises and poked my head out into the hallway. From the kitchen area I heard CB humming to herself and Elosia must have heard me getting up because she joined me in the hallway.