Part 01.2
"Hey. You feeling okay?" she asked and I nodded and said I did.
I did not. I was frightened. I knew what I had volunteered for but naïvely I had assumed she would be with me through it all. From the sound of things I might have to face today on my own. I'm sure I didn't fool her but she must have known no good would come from cracking my brave facade so she simply asked CB where the showers were.
The showers were communal, with three alcoves, one for each of us; the beautiful, expensive-looking tiling was again decorated with imagery associated to each of our titles. As we walked in I glanced around and found the cameras immediately; it's not like they were hidden. Our rooms had them too -- in fact all the rooms in the Sanctum were fully covered by cameras. CB had told us they weren't switched on right now, though how would she know for sure?
A fully stocked linen closet provided us with thick, fluffy towels and bathrobes and luxurious soaps, creams and gels. It was nearly as nicely supplied as those of the Guild's own facilities. In fact I recognized some of the soaps.
Elosia stripped down to nothing without hesitation, I think pretending she didn't see the cameras and I did the same. As I stepped into 'my' alcove I noticed plenty of cameras here, too -- although at least here they were hidden. Micro-cameras embedded in the grout that joined their images together to provide full, high-resolution images, probably even capable of gathering a full 3D-version of my body to be projected elsewhere. I didn't bother to check the floor: I knew there must be cameras there, too, looking up.
I tried not to let it bother me, but I showered quickly and as soon as I was done wrapped my towel around me. Elosia noticed and came out soon after.
"Remember to play along. Remember they expect you to be scared, reluctant."
I'll do my best to pretend. I thought to myself, but said nothing.
This was far, far more than we had expected. We knew women were being taken here against their will -- our man on the inside had said as much in his message. And we had believed there were violations against the Imperial Charter and that fell under the Guild's jurisdiction to investigate but this... we had not expected this. Maybe Elosia had, but not me. Some part of me still thought it couldn't be true -- that people still did this in our day and age with the Guild and the Order providing legal, healthy and moral alternatives.
Dressed in our coveralls again we joined CB in the kitchen. She had made pancakes and offered us both a plate each. She was happy to not be alone anymore. The kitchen was equally well-stocked, just like the bathroom had been. We sat down and ate our meal mostly in silence, CB occasionally repeating how happy she was she wasn't alone.
"I hope you'll enjoy being used today." She suddenly blurted out at me and I nearly choked on a bite.
"Excuse me?"
"Today, when the men use you. The last Cocksleeve did not enjoy it, so I hope you do. There will only be three, after all. She had to deal with six."
"Six?!" I said.
"Mmm. She was very tired afterwards. Cried a lot, too. But she got over it. You will, too." I felt a cold sweat run down my back then reminded myself that whoever the other girl had been she had not been a member of the Order of Humanity; she hadn't been trained. She must have gone through something quite rough but I was ready. I was prepared.
At least I hoped I was.
There was a sound coming from outside and the outer door was unlocked. Farren, the master of ceremonies from yesterday walked inside and I could glimpse the guards outside. He was joined by a young man in his twenties who quickly took us all in with eager eyes. He had a crew cut and a handsome but mean face -- his smile was like a shark's. Farren marched in like a man in charge and stopped in the centre of the room. CB quickly ushered us out from the kitchen area and motioned for us to line up in front of them.
"Good morning, Sluts." Farren said and to my surprise CB did a curtsy. Elosia hurriedly joined her. I stood still. Farren's eyes landed on me and he smiled.
"You'll learn it's wise to respect me, Cocksleeve. But I'm not surprised it might take you a while." he swivelled his head and turned back to CB. "Cumbucket, come here." She obeyed instantly and almost ran up and fell to her knees but Farren held out his hand.
"No no, I myself wouldn't dare to sully this holy day. It is Prockas who begged me to allow him in." He motioned to the man behind him and without saying a word CB got up, went past Farren and fell to her knees in front of the man who unzipped his pants. Farren turned to the two of us and explained;
"Ordinarily the Sluts are off-limits to all on the Day of Inauguration. But my son, Prockas here said he desperately needed the services of Cumbucket. He is my only son, you see, and I spoil him terribly." Behind him I could see the man had gotten his fly open and his thick, veiny cock was out. CB had already wrapped her lips around it and the room filled with quiet slurps and smacks. Prockas put his hands on her head and forced his cock into her throat: I assumed she was used to it because she seemed to take his entire length without trouble. Deepthroating had never been a special skill of mine within the Order -- though Elosia was famous for her exquisite, deep blowjobs. She'd been very popular amongst the male agents in our dorm.
Farren regarded the two of them for a moment, then shook his head as if in disappointment and returned to us, locking eyes with me.
"Now, Cocksleeve -- are you ready for your big day?"
"You... you can't really mean this!" I said and Farren closed his eyes, containing his frustration.
"The sooner you understand and accept this the easier it will be for you. There are three men who at this very moment are getting ready to lose their virginity -- they are donning their ceremonial robes and ingesting the physic that will help them enjoy the moment -- and you will do as you are expected, do you understand? Cumbucket!" he roared and CB looked up.
"Didn't you- get that boy's cock out of your mouth!" Farren shouted and pulled her off Prockas by the arm. "Didn't you explain to Cocksleeve here her duties? And the punishment for disobedience?" CB's panicked stare darted between me and Farren.
"I did, Grandmaster! I promise I did! I told her what would happen!"
"Have you taught them the words?" CB's eyes filled with fright.
"I... I di- I forgot but I'll teach them, I promise!" Farren sighed and unclipped something from his belt. "No, Grandmaster please, no!" CB shouted at the sight of it and as I glanced at Farren I saw something in his eyes and my training kicked in He likes when girls beg. I thought -- my years of training and practice in understanding what people wanted, what made them tick and what satisfied them almost subconsciously registering Farren's heightened excitement in that moment. But then my heart jumped as he touched the device and CB gave a cry of pain -- her hands darted to her neck as the device delivered its shock. It lasted only for a moment.
I noticed Prockas hadn't moved -- he stood by, his cock dangling freely in the air, waiting for CB to get back to him. CB slowly caught her breath and when she was able to stand again Farren tapped his foot demonstrably.
"Lead the recital, Cumbucket."
"Yes, Grandmaster." CB said, keeping her head low and turned to us. "Repeat after me." She said, and I could tell there was a pleading in her voice.
"I am a Slut." she said.
"I am a Slut." we repeated.
"I belong to the town of Tuls."
"I belong to the town of Tuls."
"I will present my body and all my holes to all the men of this town whenever required."
"I will present my body and all my holes to all the men of this town whenever required."
"I am a Slut."
"I am a Slut." CB finished and Farren nodded.
"Good. Go back to Prockas before he starts moaning." CB leapt back to the young man and took his cock in her mouth as if nothing had happened and Farren turned back to me.
"I don't like punishing you Sluts-" Maybe not, but you do like when they beg. I interjected to myself. "but I will, if you don't behave." I nodded.
"The first of the boys will be here in just a few minutes. He will fuck you however he please, empty his seed in you and you will thank him. Do you understand?" I shivered, and consciously brought to mind my training. I will be raped. I thought, accepting the thought. I will be used. Taken advantage of. I will be a plaything. I reconstrued the idea, making it more palpable. I will provide comfort. I will serve humanity. I added, then finally scrutinised the idea again and, finding it would not harm me nor frighten me any more I accepted it again; I will be raped. I thought the journey complete. Guild training was truly amazing. I found myself nervous, yes, but not prepared. I was looking forward to it.
"Yes." I said out loud.
"Yes what?" Farren said, brusquely.
"Yes, Grandmaster."
"Very good." From the corner of the room came a deep, guttural groan and I turned just in time to see Prockas grasp CB's head and slam her towards his groin. Her body resisted from instinct and I could hear her struggle for air but Prockas held her firmly in place as he emptied himself in her. Her muffled screams soon died away as she accepted what was happening and Prockas rode out his orgasm. When he finally finished coming he pushed her off spilling semen everywhere and staining her coveralls and leaving her on the floor, gasping for air.
"Thank you-" she cried, amid hoarse breaths. "Thank you for your semen." She finished and Farren nodded.
"Good, we can leave now." Farren said as Prockas pulled his trousers up. "You two-" he said towards Elosia and CB. "stay in your rooms. If Cocksleeve here does as told there's nothing for you to do today. You'll get your fun in due time." With that, he left.
As soon as the door closed me and Elosia hurried over to CB who was still gasping on the floor but she got up and brushed our help away. She managed a smile.
"I'm fine."
"He seemed very rough with you."
"He's always like that." CB said and laughed it off. "He doesn't really like me. He liked Semenface -- I mean the old Semenface better. Maybe he'll-" she stopped herself there before, I'm sure, adding 'Maybe he'll leave me alone now that you're here.'
"Anyway, you should get yourself ready." She said, addressing me. "And we should go to our rooms." Elosia took my hand.
"Will you be okay?" she asked and I gave a brave smile.
"Not much choice, is there?" I said and Elosia hugged me. The mental exercise had helped, but I was still scared. But I thought I could handle it, at least. We all slowly walked into the hallway and Elosia actually pulled me in close and kissed me before we parted -- the two of them going into their rooms and I into my own. I glanced at the symbols that surrounded the door and considered them again; my eyes were drawn to one particular carving: A woman on her hands and knees, legs obviously spread wide and her crotch exposed -- a queue of lovers that disappeared into the background, as if going on forever lined up behind her.
I am about to be in service to mankind. I said to myself. Okay, not in the way I had been trained or expected to be -- but still. Three men who wished to experience... intimacy, in a way, with me. This was my mission; my purpose for joining the Order.
Besides I thought. I do have a way out, if it comes to the worst. And I absently touched the spot on my hand where the secret implant lay.
I heard footsteps and my heart jumped. The outer door had opened again. Soon the footsteps grew nearer and I held my breath as the door opened.
The man who entered was tall and built like a power-loader. His eyes travelled around the room and his face lit up they got to me. He looked like a child who's spotted his birthday presents.
"Oh fuck you're hotter than I hoped for." He mumbled and closed the door behind him.
"Thanks." I said, awkwardly. "I'm Taliah." The man shook his head.
"You shouldn't say that." He stated and I held my breath for a moment -- I wasn't sure he carried a punishment device. I hadn't actually said my 'name' until now.
"I'm... Cocksleeve." He nodded excitedly.
"I know." his eyes wandered from my face and down over my body. "Fuck you're so hot."
"What... what's your name?" I asked. He was advancing towards me, practically drooling.
"Jomain." Involuntarily I backed up towards the bed. He opened his dark-red robes and exposed himself: he was naked underneath. His cock was already rock-hard. I'd seen bigger, of course I had; several of my fellow agents from the school boasted bigger members, but it was still plenty big -- I'd guess six, six and a half inches, there abouts.
"H-how do you want me, Jomain?" I asked but received no reply. Instead Jomain grabbed me, pulled me close and to my surprise kissed me. His tongue pushed against my lips and they parted almost from instinct and he inexpertly probed my mouth. He broke it off and with his big, massive slabs for arms twisted me around and pushed me onto the bed. I scrabbled to get up on my arms and legs before he grabbed my rear, smacked my ass really hard and I yelped in pain but felt a thrill hit me like an electric shock.
"Fuck you're gonna feel amazing!" he yelled in joy and I felt him reach for the zipper on my coveralls. He pulled and split it open from my lower back all the way down to my crotch -- I was exposed and I felt air against my naked loins. I shivered but to my relief felt I was getting wet.
Use me. I thought, finding the idea appealing. I was a toy, a plaything, which is what Jomain wanted -- you didn't need to be an Agent of Comfort to understand that. He didn't enjoy being rough, he just didn't see me as a person, he just saw me for what I could offer him: Sex, pleasure, orgasms. He was brainwashed -- it would be wrong to blame him.
His big hands briefly explored my crotch -- running up and down my lips and pressing inside my warm pussy.
"Shit, I guess it's true what they say -- they really do pick the purest whores!" he announced from behind me, his voice childlike in its enthusiasm and I filed that away for later. Moments later I felt him climb up on the bed and position himself behind me. I braced, nervous and eager in equal measure. Then he entered me. He wasn't gentle by any means -- he pushed himself into me slowly but all in one go and filled me up with his erect member. I gave out a yelp and gripped the covers tightly, balling my hands. He groaned in pleasure, pulled himself nearly all the way out and then rammed himself back fully inside in one, fast stroke. He started stroking rhythmically, hard and fast.
"Please -- ah! Please, a little slower!" I pleaded and for a moment Jomain paused.
"You're not supposed to tell me what to do!" he roared and then started up again, faster and harder than before and I screamed in exquisite pain. He was hard, fast and rough and didn't care about me at all.
Remember what you are. I thought. A guild member doesn't put themselves first. I bit my lip and willed myself to enjoy it. Jomain had himself braced on my hips, my ass firmly planted in front of him and his hips kept smashing into my ass cheeks; he entered me completely with each thrust and I started feeling dizzy.
It was the nature of my duty that not every sexual encounter I undertook was enjoyable for me -- true, agents were never, ever coerced to take on a client, but you were always meant to consider your client's needs above your own. And I'd only ever taken on two clients before -- there hadn't been time for any more before the Guild asked for volunteers for this mission. But I had trained and practiced with others guild members, both veterans and other who were also inexperienced.
But I had never before been with anyone who disregarded me and my feelings as completely as Jomain did. I was truly nothing but a hole attached to a pleasing body to him.
"Aaah! Oooh fuck yeah this feels so good!" he bent forward and reached a hand in under my open coveralls, up my stomach and grasped one of my breasts and squeezed it hard. I yelped and felt my body shiver with pleasure at his forceful grip. "Is it true they pick you because how tight your pussies are?" He asked, his body deep and guttural. I moaned and breathlessly replied that they picked us because we had the tightest pussies, the plumpest asses and could take cocks deeper than anyone else. He leaned further down and put his face next to my ear:
"I can't wait to try your other holes." My ass puckered just from hearing him say that -- my whole body instinctively resisted the idea but I forced myself to relax and suddenly heard Jomain groan deeper than before.
"Oooh shit! Shiiiit!" he groaned and I was sure he was going to come -- but he didn't. He held on but I could tell he was getting close -- I squeezed my pelvic muscles just a little and heard him groan again and tense up -- I knew I could end him for sure, but I didn't want to just yet -- I was sure he wanted more. Still, it was good to know I could control events a little. Almost as if he could tell what I was doing he let go of my breast and stood back up. His free hand swung in the air and I heard it woosh through the air before it struck my ass hard. I screamed out loud from the pain and Jomain did it again -- and again -- and again. With every hard slap on my ass he stroked into me.
"Fuuuuuck! Fuck yeah, bitch! Fuck I'm gonna fuck you raw in every hole you have!" he screamed and I decided enough was enough -- I was getting dizzy from the pain and the pleasure. I squeezed around his cock again as tight as I could and his hand suddenly grabbed my hip again for support as he exploded inside me. And he came like a freight train -- wave after wave of cum filled me and my knees buckled; I had always loved cum inside me.
Jomain stay coupled to me until he'd finished, then slowly withdrew. He was out of breath and as soon as he pulled out I collapsed onto the bed, spent. My ass was sore, my pussy full -- dripping, in fact and my own orgasm hadn't been anything to write home about -- but at least it had arrived. Jomain moved behind me, putting his robe on. I turned around to see if he was going to say something, but he was already out the door by the time I looked.
I stayed on the bed, catching my breath. That had been intense; scary, exciting. But worrying. Jomain was clearly capable of violence and didn't see me as a person. If this was what most men in Tuls that was bad. If it was indicative of the population of Palaxion as a whole it was deeply, deeply concerning.
My thoughts were interrupted by movement behind me. I looked back again and saw another robed figure, silhouetted by the light from the hallway. This one was at least not as massive as Jomain; he was slender, tall. I took a deep breath, zipped up my coveralls and sat up on the bed as he walked in.
"Hi." I said.
"Hi." He replied, quietly.
"I'm-" I caught myself. "Cocksleeve."
"I know." He said and walked into the room. He pulled off his robe and just like Jomain he was naked under. "Take off your clothes." He ordered and I obeyed. His quiet, resolute voice concerned me much more than Jomain had. I stripped out of the coveralls and folded them neatly on the bed and sat down with my hands on my knees. The man eyed me silently, taking me in. My full breasts heaved as my chest rose, still a little out-of-breath. He only glanced at my chest, though. His eyes focused in on my hair.
"Okay." He finally said and walked closer. I got a good look at his dick and felt a little relief -- it was more modest than Jomain's and my aching groin needed a break. He climbed onto the bed and towered over me.
"You are going to be called Sovesta." He said and I felt a little confused. "My name is Tolles."
"And who is Sovesta?" I asked.
"She is my friend. She has a boyfriend named Cappon."
"Does she have red hair like me?" I asked, and Tolles nodded eagerly. "And am I going to choose you over him?"
"No." Tolles said. "I am going to Ra*e you." He stated, matter-of-factly. The calmness of his voice sent chills down my spine. Still, I'd practice Ra*e roleplay tons of times... with fellow order members only, though. "I am going to Ra*e you and you are going to be too afraid to fight back, but then you are going to start liking it because you're a slutty whore." I nodded. Tolles looked at me and his eyes suddenly got wild and he moved faster than I'd anticipated. His arms grabbed mine and he threw himself over me, pinning my hands above my head.
"Tolles! What- what are you doing?" I said, putting genuine fear into my voice -- willing my mind to accept what was happening and only subconsciously moving my thumb towards the spot between my index and middle finger where the 'panic button' was -- if I applied firm pressure there the electric shock would zap Tolles clean across the room.
"I've had enough of your games you bitch!" he hissed and pressed his chest against mine. "I've had enough of you teasing me, throwing your body in my face all the time while being with that fucking scumbag!"
"I- I don't understand, Tolles please!" I screamed and Tolles leaned in and kissed me. I resisted and to my gratification he forced himself into my mouth -- that meant I was doing what he wanted.
"Shut up! I'm going to take you!"
"W-what? No! Tolles, no, please, no!" I cried, fake tears welling into my eyes -- important for some men. Tolles suddenly grabbed his cock, keeping my hands pressed against the bed with his free hand. I crossed my legs but only weakly resisted as he forced them apart. "Please, no!" I screamed as he pushed the tip of his dick inside me and then let out a gasp of (I hoped) reluctant pleasure as he pressed himself up and into me.
"Nooo! How could you do this to me?!" I yelled but Tolles was barely present -- he was fucking me quickly, angrily. I cried, then started to mix in some moans between sobs.
"T-Tolles how -- aah! Aah! H-how can you do this- ah! How can you do this to me? You're my friend!"
"And you never once thought about my feelings!" He screamed; his face inches from my own and a mask of anger and bitterness. As he screamed he gave one extra-hard thrust into me and I genuinely yelped from it -- I was sore, but still I was starting to enjoy myself.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry but Tolles please stop!"
"NO!" he shouted at the top of his lungs and kept fucking me angrily. I stopped speaking and instead started breathing heavily; I moaned deeper and deeper until I finally moaned;
"Oh... Tolles... oh Tolles..." he stared at me, his eyes full of excitement.
"I knew you'd like it in the end you fucking whore. I knew you were just a whore who'll fuck absolutely anyone!"
Except you, I guess, moron. I thought to myself.
"I-I... I... oooh fuck... Tolles, please fuck me!" And he did. He fucked me in that quick, angry fashion for several minutes until I could tell he was getting close.
"I'm going to ruin you now, you bitch!" he roared and for a brief moment I moved my thumb to the spot on my hand but all he did was grunt and empty his load inside me -- the second batch of semen inside me that day. As he came he strained and screamed and I moaned deeply and allowed myself to climax, too.
Tolles lay on top of me, breathing heavily in total silence. After several minutes I very, very gently moved my arms and suddenly he jumped up like I'd hit him with the shocker. I caught a glimpse of his face and could see his eyes were welling up with tears and as he threw on his robe and practically ran out of the room I swore I could hear him sobbing.
Once again I was left alone in the bed and I sat back up -- as I did semen spilled out of my pussy -- both Tolles' and Jomain's. I was getting properly sore now and prayed for a bit of a breather.
As I sat there I thought about Tolles. He was exactly the sort of person the Order of Comfort. An agent could have given him some kind of cathartic, but healthier experience than what... well, than what just happened had been. People like him existed but the Order saw to it that they could play out their fantasies in a safe and mentally healthy manner (and could keep close tabs on him both before and after, though that wasn't publicly known).
This place was, perhaps not very surprisingly, not healthy.
Once more, the door opened. A heavy-set man entered and stood by the door, looking inside. I drew a deep breath; I was very tired, my mind racing but I drew from reserves within and smiled.
"Hello." I said.
"Hi." Replied the man, looking awkwardly at me. I suddenly became aware that I was naked: I had genuinely forgotten. He walked carefully a little closer.
"I, erm -- I'm Grivin."
"Hi Grivin, I'm... I'm Cocksleeve." Grivin gave a little nervous laugh.
"Right." He was quiet for a while. "Is it... it's true, right? They... you will have sex with anyone? I mean you don't say no, right?" I studied him. What exactly did they tell people, I wondered?
"I... am here to do whatever you want." I gave a weak smile and Grivin smiled back.
"I guess... I'm here to... to have sex."
"Which you never have before?"
"No." Grivin said.
"Well..." I said and slowly, purposefully pulled my knees up and then spread them. My crotch was a mess: I had cum all over me but Grivin's eyes went wide as he looked between my legs. "I'm... here for you. My holes are yours." At that, Grivin seemed to wake up and he moved towards the bed slowly. He stopped at the edge and gazed at me.
"Really." I said, assuring him. He still froze for just a minute but then disrobed. He was a heavy-set young man with an average-length but wonderfully thick cock that I wish had been the first in me -- by now I was sore and knew I wouldn't enjoy this one as much as I might otherwise.
"Nice cock." I said, sincerely and was rewarded with Grivin blushing. He heaved himself onto the bed and approached me. I leaned back and let him climb on top of me.
"Do you want me like this?" I asked and he nodded eagerly. Without ceremony he entered me and groaned deeply.
"Ooooh! Ooooh... oh god so this is what it feels like!" he whispered, breathlessly and I smiled. I reached up and put a hand on his head and caressed his thick, dark hair.
"Do you like it?" I asked as his thick, hard cock filled me up. My pussy ached but I put on a brave face and took it. He nodded and stared down at me.
"It's... it's amazing!" I smiled and let out a dutiful moan as he moved and pushed himself a little deeper into me.
"Ooooh wow you're thick!" Well he was.
"Oh fuck!" he cried and I wrapped my arms around him; I could barely reach but I held him close as he fucked me. He was slow, gentle, like a big teddy bear.
This place may not be a lost cause, at least. I thought.
Grivin stayed on top of me for several minutes always moving slowly, gently, as if savouring each moment. When he came he grunted deeply and looked at me in horror, as if he wasn't sure what to do but I held him close and his cum joined Jomain's and Tolles' inside me. Afterwards he drew deep breaths as he lay on top of me, which was getting uncomfortable -- he was very big.
"Thank you for coming in me." I finally said and kissed him on the cheek. He looked at me and his eyes were alight.
"That was the nicest thing that's ever happened to me." He said and sounded so genuine I just wanted to hug him forever. "I-" he began but stumbled on his words. "I guess you're probably gonna be really busy but... I can come visit you again, right?" I swallowed nervously at the thought of what 'busy' might mean, but nodded.
"Of course you can." He grinned like a fool.
"And I guess your two friends can do stuff with me, too? Right?" he asked and my heart sank a little. Even he in the end only saw me as a thing.
"Of course, honey." I said and he kept grinning. Finally he got up and put on his robe.
"I'll see you some other time, yeah?" he said and I smiled weakly and waved goodbye as he closed the door. I collapsed on the bed as soon as he was gone. I was done. My heart jumped as the door opened but it was Elosia who carefully looked inside. I waved her to come in and she quickly joined me on the bed.
The bed was a mess; just like me it was covered in cum. She hugged me and asked how I was. I started to explain what had happened, but soon started crying: I was exhausted and so much had happened I just needed to rest. Elosia held me, stroked my hair and I fell asleep in her arms.
I didn't even dare to think about what might lie ahead -- not just for me, but for all of us.
I did not. I was frightened. I knew what I had volunteered for but naïvely I had assumed she would be with me through it all. From the sound of things I might have to face today on my own. I'm sure I didn't fool her but she must have known no good would come from cracking my brave facade so she simply asked CB where the showers were.
The showers were communal, with three alcoves, one for each of us; the beautiful, expensive-looking tiling was again decorated with imagery associated to each of our titles. As we walked in I glanced around and found the cameras immediately; it's not like they were hidden. Our rooms had them too -- in fact all the rooms in the Sanctum were fully covered by cameras. CB had told us they weren't switched on right now, though how would she know for sure?
A fully stocked linen closet provided us with thick, fluffy towels and bathrobes and luxurious soaps, creams and gels. It was nearly as nicely supplied as those of the Guild's own facilities. In fact I recognized some of the soaps.
Elosia stripped down to nothing without hesitation, I think pretending she didn't see the cameras and I did the same. As I stepped into 'my' alcove I noticed plenty of cameras here, too -- although at least here they were hidden. Micro-cameras embedded in the grout that joined their images together to provide full, high-resolution images, probably even capable of gathering a full 3D-version of my body to be projected elsewhere. I didn't bother to check the floor: I knew there must be cameras there, too, looking up.
I tried not to let it bother me, but I showered quickly and as soon as I was done wrapped my towel around me. Elosia noticed and came out soon after.
"Remember to play along. Remember they expect you to be scared, reluctant."
I'll do my best to pretend. I thought to myself, but said nothing.
This was far, far more than we had expected. We knew women were being taken here against their will -- our man on the inside had said as much in his message. And we had believed there were violations against the Imperial Charter and that fell under the Guild's jurisdiction to investigate but this... we had not expected this. Maybe Elosia had, but not me. Some part of me still thought it couldn't be true -- that people still did this in our day and age with the Guild and the Order providing legal, healthy and moral alternatives.
Dressed in our coveralls again we joined CB in the kitchen. She had made pancakes and offered us both a plate each. She was happy to not be alone anymore. The kitchen was equally well-stocked, just like the bathroom had been. We sat down and ate our meal mostly in silence, CB occasionally repeating how happy she was she wasn't alone.
"I hope you'll enjoy being used today." She suddenly blurted out at me and I nearly choked on a bite.
"Excuse me?"
"Today, when the men use you. The last Cocksleeve did not enjoy it, so I hope you do. There will only be three, after all. She had to deal with six."
"Six?!" I said.
"Mmm. She was very tired afterwards. Cried a lot, too. But she got over it. You will, too." I felt a cold sweat run down my back then reminded myself that whoever the other girl had been she had not been a member of the Order of Humanity; she hadn't been trained. She must have gone through something quite rough but I was ready. I was prepared.
At least I hoped I was.
There was a sound coming from outside and the outer door was unlocked. Farren, the master of ceremonies from yesterday walked inside and I could glimpse the guards outside. He was joined by a young man in his twenties who quickly took us all in with eager eyes. He had a crew cut and a handsome but mean face -- his smile was like a shark's. Farren marched in like a man in charge and stopped in the centre of the room. CB quickly ushered us out from the kitchen area and motioned for us to line up in front of them.
"Good morning, Sluts." Farren said and to my surprise CB did a curtsy. Elosia hurriedly joined her. I stood still. Farren's eyes landed on me and he smiled.
"You'll learn it's wise to respect me, Cocksleeve. But I'm not surprised it might take you a while." he swivelled his head and turned back to CB. "Cumbucket, come here." She obeyed instantly and almost ran up and fell to her knees but Farren held out his hand.
"No no, I myself wouldn't dare to sully this holy day. It is Prockas who begged me to allow him in." He motioned to the man behind him and without saying a word CB got up, went past Farren and fell to her knees in front of the man who unzipped his pants. Farren turned to the two of us and explained;
"Ordinarily the Sluts are off-limits to all on the Day of Inauguration. But my son, Prockas here said he desperately needed the services of Cumbucket. He is my only son, you see, and I spoil him terribly." Behind him I could see the man had gotten his fly open and his thick, veiny cock was out. CB had already wrapped her lips around it and the room filled with quiet slurps and smacks. Prockas put his hands on her head and forced his cock into her throat: I assumed she was used to it because she seemed to take his entire length without trouble. Deepthroating had never been a special skill of mine within the Order -- though Elosia was famous for her exquisite, deep blowjobs. She'd been very popular amongst the male agents in our dorm.
Farren regarded the two of them for a moment, then shook his head as if in disappointment and returned to us, locking eyes with me.
"Now, Cocksleeve -- are you ready for your big day?"
"You... you can't really mean this!" I said and Farren closed his eyes, containing his frustration.
"The sooner you understand and accept this the easier it will be for you. There are three men who at this very moment are getting ready to lose their virginity -- they are donning their ceremonial robes and ingesting the physic that will help them enjoy the moment -- and you will do as you are expected, do you understand? Cumbucket!" he roared and CB looked up.
"Didn't you- get that boy's cock out of your mouth!" Farren shouted and pulled her off Prockas by the arm. "Didn't you explain to Cocksleeve here her duties? And the punishment for disobedience?" CB's panicked stare darted between me and Farren.
"I did, Grandmaster! I promise I did! I told her what would happen!"
"Have you taught them the words?" CB's eyes filled with fright.
"I... I di- I forgot but I'll teach them, I promise!" Farren sighed and unclipped something from his belt. "No, Grandmaster please, no!" CB shouted at the sight of it and as I glanced at Farren I saw something in his eyes and my training kicked in He likes when girls beg. I thought -- my years of training and practice in understanding what people wanted, what made them tick and what satisfied them almost subconsciously registering Farren's heightened excitement in that moment. But then my heart jumped as he touched the device and CB gave a cry of pain -- her hands darted to her neck as the device delivered its shock. It lasted only for a moment.
I noticed Prockas hadn't moved -- he stood by, his cock dangling freely in the air, waiting for CB to get back to him. CB slowly caught her breath and when she was able to stand again Farren tapped his foot demonstrably.
"Lead the recital, Cumbucket."
"Yes, Grandmaster." CB said, keeping her head low and turned to us. "Repeat after me." She said, and I could tell there was a pleading in her voice.
"I am a Slut." she said.
"I am a Slut." we repeated.
"I belong to the town of Tuls."
"I belong to the town of Tuls."
"I will present my body and all my holes to all the men of this town whenever required."
"I will present my body and all my holes to all the men of this town whenever required."
"I am a Slut."
"I am a Slut." CB finished and Farren nodded.
"Good. Go back to Prockas before he starts moaning." CB leapt back to the young man and took his cock in her mouth as if nothing had happened and Farren turned back to me.
"I don't like punishing you Sluts-" Maybe not, but you do like when they beg. I interjected to myself. "but I will, if you don't behave." I nodded.
"The first of the boys will be here in just a few minutes. He will fuck you however he please, empty his seed in you and you will thank him. Do you understand?" I shivered, and consciously brought to mind my training. I will be raped. I thought, accepting the thought. I will be used. Taken advantage of. I will be a plaything. I reconstrued the idea, making it more palpable. I will provide comfort. I will serve humanity. I added, then finally scrutinised the idea again and, finding it would not harm me nor frighten me any more I accepted it again; I will be raped. I thought the journey complete. Guild training was truly amazing. I found myself nervous, yes, but not prepared. I was looking forward to it.
"Yes." I said out loud.
"Yes what?" Farren said, brusquely.
"Yes, Grandmaster."
"Very good." From the corner of the room came a deep, guttural groan and I turned just in time to see Prockas grasp CB's head and slam her towards his groin. Her body resisted from instinct and I could hear her struggle for air but Prockas held her firmly in place as he emptied himself in her. Her muffled screams soon died away as she accepted what was happening and Prockas rode out his orgasm. When he finally finished coming he pushed her off spilling semen everywhere and staining her coveralls and leaving her on the floor, gasping for air.
"Thank you-" she cried, amid hoarse breaths. "Thank you for your semen." She finished and Farren nodded.
"Good, we can leave now." Farren said as Prockas pulled his trousers up. "You two-" he said towards Elosia and CB. "stay in your rooms. If Cocksleeve here does as told there's nothing for you to do today. You'll get your fun in due time." With that, he left.
As soon as the door closed me and Elosia hurried over to CB who was still gasping on the floor but she got up and brushed our help away. She managed a smile.
"I'm fine."
"He seemed very rough with you."
"He's always like that." CB said and laughed it off. "He doesn't really like me. He liked Semenface -- I mean the old Semenface better. Maybe he'll-" she stopped herself there before, I'm sure, adding 'Maybe he'll leave me alone now that you're here.'
"Anyway, you should get yourself ready." She said, addressing me. "And we should go to our rooms." Elosia took my hand.
"Will you be okay?" she asked and I gave a brave smile.
"Not much choice, is there?" I said and Elosia hugged me. The mental exercise had helped, but I was still scared. But I thought I could handle it, at least. We all slowly walked into the hallway and Elosia actually pulled me in close and kissed me before we parted -- the two of them going into their rooms and I into my own. I glanced at the symbols that surrounded the door and considered them again; my eyes were drawn to one particular carving: A woman on her hands and knees, legs obviously spread wide and her crotch exposed -- a queue of lovers that disappeared into the background, as if going on forever lined up behind her.
I am about to be in service to mankind. I said to myself. Okay, not in the way I had been trained or expected to be -- but still. Three men who wished to experience... intimacy, in a way, with me. This was my mission; my purpose for joining the Order.
Besides I thought. I do have a way out, if it comes to the worst. And I absently touched the spot on my hand where the secret implant lay.
I heard footsteps and my heart jumped. The outer door had opened again. Soon the footsteps grew nearer and I held my breath as the door opened.
The man who entered was tall and built like a power-loader. His eyes travelled around the room and his face lit up they got to me. He looked like a child who's spotted his birthday presents.
"Oh fuck you're hotter than I hoped for." He mumbled and closed the door behind him.
"Thanks." I said, awkwardly. "I'm Taliah." The man shook his head.
"You shouldn't say that." He stated and I held my breath for a moment -- I wasn't sure he carried a punishment device. I hadn't actually said my 'name' until now.
"I'm... Cocksleeve." He nodded excitedly.
"I know." his eyes wandered from my face and down over my body. "Fuck you're so hot."
"What... what's your name?" I asked. He was advancing towards me, practically drooling.
"Jomain." Involuntarily I backed up towards the bed. He opened his dark-red robes and exposed himself: he was naked underneath. His cock was already rock-hard. I'd seen bigger, of course I had; several of my fellow agents from the school boasted bigger members, but it was still plenty big -- I'd guess six, six and a half inches, there abouts.
"H-how do you want me, Jomain?" I asked but received no reply. Instead Jomain grabbed me, pulled me close and to my surprise kissed me. His tongue pushed against my lips and they parted almost from instinct and he inexpertly probed my mouth. He broke it off and with his big, massive slabs for arms twisted me around and pushed me onto the bed. I scrabbled to get up on my arms and legs before he grabbed my rear, smacked my ass really hard and I yelped in pain but felt a thrill hit me like an electric shock.
"Fuck you're gonna feel amazing!" he yelled in joy and I felt him reach for the zipper on my coveralls. He pulled and split it open from my lower back all the way down to my crotch -- I was exposed and I felt air against my naked loins. I shivered but to my relief felt I was getting wet.
Use me. I thought, finding the idea appealing. I was a toy, a plaything, which is what Jomain wanted -- you didn't need to be an Agent of Comfort to understand that. He didn't enjoy being rough, he just didn't see me as a person, he just saw me for what I could offer him: Sex, pleasure, orgasms. He was brainwashed -- it would be wrong to blame him.
His big hands briefly explored my crotch -- running up and down my lips and pressing inside my warm pussy.
"Shit, I guess it's true what they say -- they really do pick the purest whores!" he announced from behind me, his voice childlike in its enthusiasm and I filed that away for later. Moments later I felt him climb up on the bed and position himself behind me. I braced, nervous and eager in equal measure. Then he entered me. He wasn't gentle by any means -- he pushed himself into me slowly but all in one go and filled me up with his erect member. I gave out a yelp and gripped the covers tightly, balling my hands. He groaned in pleasure, pulled himself nearly all the way out and then rammed himself back fully inside in one, fast stroke. He started stroking rhythmically, hard and fast.
"Please -- ah! Please, a little slower!" I pleaded and for a moment Jomain paused.
"You're not supposed to tell me what to do!" he roared and then started up again, faster and harder than before and I screamed in exquisite pain. He was hard, fast and rough and didn't care about me at all.
Remember what you are. I thought. A guild member doesn't put themselves first. I bit my lip and willed myself to enjoy it. Jomain had himself braced on my hips, my ass firmly planted in front of him and his hips kept smashing into my ass cheeks; he entered me completely with each thrust and I started feeling dizzy.
It was the nature of my duty that not every sexual encounter I undertook was enjoyable for me -- true, agents were never, ever coerced to take on a client, but you were always meant to consider your client's needs above your own. And I'd only ever taken on two clients before -- there hadn't been time for any more before the Guild asked for volunteers for this mission. But I had trained and practiced with others guild members, both veterans and other who were also inexperienced.
But I had never before been with anyone who disregarded me and my feelings as completely as Jomain did. I was truly nothing but a hole attached to a pleasing body to him.
"Aaah! Oooh fuck yeah this feels so good!" he bent forward and reached a hand in under my open coveralls, up my stomach and grasped one of my breasts and squeezed it hard. I yelped and felt my body shiver with pleasure at his forceful grip. "Is it true they pick you because how tight your pussies are?" He asked, his body deep and guttural. I moaned and breathlessly replied that they picked us because we had the tightest pussies, the plumpest asses and could take cocks deeper than anyone else. He leaned further down and put his face next to my ear:
"I can't wait to try your other holes." My ass puckered just from hearing him say that -- my whole body instinctively resisted the idea but I forced myself to relax and suddenly heard Jomain groan deeper than before.
"Oooh shit! Shiiiit!" he groaned and I was sure he was going to come -- but he didn't. He held on but I could tell he was getting close -- I squeezed my pelvic muscles just a little and heard him groan again and tense up -- I knew I could end him for sure, but I didn't want to just yet -- I was sure he wanted more. Still, it was good to know I could control events a little. Almost as if he could tell what I was doing he let go of my breast and stood back up. His free hand swung in the air and I heard it woosh through the air before it struck my ass hard. I screamed out loud from the pain and Jomain did it again -- and again -- and again. With every hard slap on my ass he stroked into me.
"Fuuuuuck! Fuck yeah, bitch! Fuck I'm gonna fuck you raw in every hole you have!" he screamed and I decided enough was enough -- I was getting dizzy from the pain and the pleasure. I squeezed around his cock again as tight as I could and his hand suddenly grabbed my hip again for support as he exploded inside me. And he came like a freight train -- wave after wave of cum filled me and my knees buckled; I had always loved cum inside me.
Jomain stay coupled to me until he'd finished, then slowly withdrew. He was out of breath and as soon as he pulled out I collapsed onto the bed, spent. My ass was sore, my pussy full -- dripping, in fact and my own orgasm hadn't been anything to write home about -- but at least it had arrived. Jomain moved behind me, putting his robe on. I turned around to see if he was going to say something, but he was already out the door by the time I looked.
I stayed on the bed, catching my breath. That had been intense; scary, exciting. But worrying. Jomain was clearly capable of violence and didn't see me as a person. If this was what most men in Tuls that was bad. If it was indicative of the population of Palaxion as a whole it was deeply, deeply concerning.
My thoughts were interrupted by movement behind me. I looked back again and saw another robed figure, silhouetted by the light from the hallway. This one was at least not as massive as Jomain; he was slender, tall. I took a deep breath, zipped up my coveralls and sat up on the bed as he walked in.
"Hi." I said.
"Hi." He replied, quietly.
"I'm-" I caught myself. "Cocksleeve."
"I know." He said and walked into the room. He pulled off his robe and just like Jomain he was naked under. "Take off your clothes." He ordered and I obeyed. His quiet, resolute voice concerned me much more than Jomain had. I stripped out of the coveralls and folded them neatly on the bed and sat down with my hands on my knees. The man eyed me silently, taking me in. My full breasts heaved as my chest rose, still a little out-of-breath. He only glanced at my chest, though. His eyes focused in on my hair.
"Okay." He finally said and walked closer. I got a good look at his dick and felt a little relief -- it was more modest than Jomain's and my aching groin needed a break. He climbed onto the bed and towered over me.
"You are going to be called Sovesta." He said and I felt a little confused. "My name is Tolles."
"And who is Sovesta?" I asked.
"She is my friend. She has a boyfriend named Cappon."
"Does she have red hair like me?" I asked, and Tolles nodded eagerly. "And am I going to choose you over him?"
"No." Tolles said. "I am going to Ra*e you." He stated, matter-of-factly. The calmness of his voice sent chills down my spine. Still, I'd practice Ra*e roleplay tons of times... with fellow order members only, though. "I am going to Ra*e you and you are going to be too afraid to fight back, but then you are going to start liking it because you're a slutty whore." I nodded. Tolles looked at me and his eyes suddenly got wild and he moved faster than I'd anticipated. His arms grabbed mine and he threw himself over me, pinning my hands above my head.
"Tolles! What- what are you doing?" I said, putting genuine fear into my voice -- willing my mind to accept what was happening and only subconsciously moving my thumb towards the spot between my index and middle finger where the 'panic button' was -- if I applied firm pressure there the electric shock would zap Tolles clean across the room.
"I've had enough of your games you bitch!" he hissed and pressed his chest against mine. "I've had enough of you teasing me, throwing your body in my face all the time while being with that fucking scumbag!"
"I- I don't understand, Tolles please!" I screamed and Tolles leaned in and kissed me. I resisted and to my gratification he forced himself into my mouth -- that meant I was doing what he wanted.
"Shut up! I'm going to take you!"
"W-what? No! Tolles, no, please, no!" I cried, fake tears welling into my eyes -- important for some men. Tolles suddenly grabbed his cock, keeping my hands pressed against the bed with his free hand. I crossed my legs but only weakly resisted as he forced them apart. "Please, no!" I screamed as he pushed the tip of his dick inside me and then let out a gasp of (I hoped) reluctant pleasure as he pressed himself up and into me.
"Nooo! How could you do this to me?!" I yelled but Tolles was barely present -- he was fucking me quickly, angrily. I cried, then started to mix in some moans between sobs.
"T-Tolles how -- aah! Aah! H-how can you do this- ah! How can you do this to me? You're my friend!"
"And you never once thought about my feelings!" He screamed; his face inches from my own and a mask of anger and bitterness. As he screamed he gave one extra-hard thrust into me and I genuinely yelped from it -- I was sore, but still I was starting to enjoy myself.
"I'm sorry! I'm so sorry but Tolles please stop!"
"NO!" he shouted at the top of his lungs and kept fucking me angrily. I stopped speaking and instead started breathing heavily; I moaned deeper and deeper until I finally moaned;
"Oh... Tolles... oh Tolles..." he stared at me, his eyes full of excitement.
"I knew you'd like it in the end you fucking whore. I knew you were just a whore who'll fuck absolutely anyone!"
Except you, I guess, moron. I thought to myself.
"I-I... I... oooh fuck... Tolles, please fuck me!" And he did. He fucked me in that quick, angry fashion for several minutes until I could tell he was getting close.
"I'm going to ruin you now, you bitch!" he roared and for a brief moment I moved my thumb to the spot on my hand but all he did was grunt and empty his load inside me -- the second batch of semen inside me that day. As he came he strained and screamed and I moaned deeply and allowed myself to climax, too.
Tolles lay on top of me, breathing heavily in total silence. After several minutes I very, very gently moved my arms and suddenly he jumped up like I'd hit him with the shocker. I caught a glimpse of his face and could see his eyes were welling up with tears and as he threw on his robe and practically ran out of the room I swore I could hear him sobbing.
Once again I was left alone in the bed and I sat back up -- as I did semen spilled out of my pussy -- both Tolles' and Jomain's. I was getting properly sore now and prayed for a bit of a breather.
As I sat there I thought about Tolles. He was exactly the sort of person the Order of Comfort. An agent could have given him some kind of cathartic, but healthier experience than what... well, than what just happened had been. People like him existed but the Order saw to it that they could play out their fantasies in a safe and mentally healthy manner (and could keep close tabs on him both before and after, though that wasn't publicly known).
This place was, perhaps not very surprisingly, not healthy.
Once more, the door opened. A heavy-set man entered and stood by the door, looking inside. I drew a deep breath; I was very tired, my mind racing but I drew from reserves within and smiled.
"Hello." I said.
"Hi." Replied the man, looking awkwardly at me. I suddenly became aware that I was naked: I had genuinely forgotten. He walked carefully a little closer.
"I, erm -- I'm Grivin."
"Hi Grivin, I'm... I'm Cocksleeve." Grivin gave a little nervous laugh.
"Right." He was quiet for a while. "Is it... it's true, right? They... you will have sex with anyone? I mean you don't say no, right?" I studied him. What exactly did they tell people, I wondered?
"I... am here to do whatever you want." I gave a weak smile and Grivin smiled back.
"I guess... I'm here to... to have sex."
"Which you never have before?"
"No." Grivin said.
"Well..." I said and slowly, purposefully pulled my knees up and then spread them. My crotch was a mess: I had cum all over me but Grivin's eyes went wide as he looked between my legs. "I'm... here for you. My holes are yours." At that, Grivin seemed to wake up and he moved towards the bed slowly. He stopped at the edge and gazed at me.
"Really." I said, assuring him. He still froze for just a minute but then disrobed. He was a heavy-set young man with an average-length but wonderfully thick cock that I wish had been the first in me -- by now I was sore and knew I wouldn't enjoy this one as much as I might otherwise.
"Nice cock." I said, sincerely and was rewarded with Grivin blushing. He heaved himself onto the bed and approached me. I leaned back and let him climb on top of me.
"Do you want me like this?" I asked and he nodded eagerly. Without ceremony he entered me and groaned deeply.
"Ooooh! Ooooh... oh god so this is what it feels like!" he whispered, breathlessly and I smiled. I reached up and put a hand on his head and caressed his thick, dark hair.
"Do you like it?" I asked as his thick, hard cock filled me up. My pussy ached but I put on a brave face and took it. He nodded and stared down at me.
"It's... it's amazing!" I smiled and let out a dutiful moan as he moved and pushed himself a little deeper into me.
"Ooooh wow you're thick!" Well he was.
"Oh fuck!" he cried and I wrapped my arms around him; I could barely reach but I held him close as he fucked me. He was slow, gentle, like a big teddy bear.
This place may not be a lost cause, at least. I thought.
Grivin stayed on top of me for several minutes always moving slowly, gently, as if savouring each moment. When he came he grunted deeply and looked at me in horror, as if he wasn't sure what to do but I held him close and his cum joined Jomain's and Tolles' inside me. Afterwards he drew deep breaths as he lay on top of me, which was getting uncomfortable -- he was very big.
"Thank you for coming in me." I finally said and kissed him on the cheek. He looked at me and his eyes were alight.
"That was the nicest thing that's ever happened to me." He said and sounded so genuine I just wanted to hug him forever. "I-" he began but stumbled on his words. "I guess you're probably gonna be really busy but... I can come visit you again, right?" I swallowed nervously at the thought of what 'busy' might mean, but nodded.
"Of course you can." He grinned like a fool.
"And I guess your two friends can do stuff with me, too? Right?" he asked and my heart sank a little. Even he in the end only saw me as a thing.
"Of course, honey." I said and he kept grinning. Finally he got up and put on his robe.
"I'll see you some other time, yeah?" he said and I smiled weakly and waved goodbye as he closed the door. I collapsed on the bed as soon as he was gone. I was done. My heart jumped as the door opened but it was Elosia who carefully looked inside. I waved her to come in and she quickly joined me on the bed.
The bed was a mess; just like me it was covered in cum. She hugged me and asked how I was. I started to explain what had happened, but soon started crying: I was exhausted and so much had happened I just needed to rest. Elosia held me, stroked my hair and I fell asleep in her arms.
I didn't even dare to think about what might lie ahead -- not just for me, but for all of us.