Part 02.1

Elosia spent the first night in my room. We talked some of course -- I told her what had happened and my observations, but mostly she held me. Those three men had each been so different and apart from physically tired I was emotionally drained from the rollercoaster of their sexual preferences and needs.

When I'd calmed down and napped for a little while we made love to each other, of course. Tender and caring love, which washed me clean after the long day.

The next morning we woke up together and I wished we could drift back to sleep together and not face our reality. But I knew that wouldn't work.

We did our exercises together; the Order's own stretches meant to sharpen the mind and hone our senses. We then showered, I again trying to pretend the cameras weren't there and just like the day before CB was in the kitchen with some breakfast prepared for us which we ate and thanked her for. CB didn't ask me anything, to my surprise. She seemed to think it was private.

A sound at the door caught our attention. The door opened and once again Farren stepped through, the guards outside closing the door behind us. CB lead us to line up in the middle of the room and today we dutifully lined up.

"Good morning, Sluts." Farren said and reluctantly I joined the other two in curtsying. "You did well yesterday, Cocksleeve." Farren said. I said nothing. "All three of our Inaugurates were pleased. He took a step closer to me.

"But" he said, a warning tone in his voice. "I told you to thank them afterwards. You only thanked that last boy, Grivin."

"I-" I began but Farren held up a hand.

"I will be forgiving. I will chalk it up to first day jitters and we'll hear no more of it. But from now on you are all to remember -- it is an honour to receive the semen of our citizens. Whoever, whenever and whichever of your filthy holes they choose to deposit it in. Clear?"

"Yes, grandmaster." We all said.

"Good. Now, the recital, please, Semenface." He ordered and I sensed Elosia tense up. Farren had already placed his hand on his belt where the control device for the shock implants attached to our necks sat.

"Er... "I am a Slut." she began.

"I am a Slut." me and CB repeated.

"I belong to the town of Tuls."

"I belong to the town of Tuls."

"I will... offer myself when- AAH!" she cried out in pain and her knees buckled; she fell to the floor and only caught herself at the last moment.

"Try again."

"I... I will..." she struggled between ragged breaths. "...present mys- my body and all my holes to the men of this town whenever required."

"I will present my body and all my holes to all the men of this town whenever required."

"I am a Slut."

"I am a Slut." Me and CB finished.

"You will learn, in time, I'm sure." Farren said and took a step back to observe us. His eyes flitted from each of us in turn. "Now, with yesterday over, your Sanctum is open to the public." I felt my blood run cold. "I assume Cumbucket here as explained things to you?" Me and Elosia nodded.

On special occasions -- what these people called religious holidays -- there were special rules, like the inaugural ceremony with me yesterday. But normally, the Sanctum of Sluts was open for the entire town to come and visit.

But this would have lead to chaos if there wasn't a system in place. Basically, CB had explained, there was a digital sign-up sheet. People booked time slots and one of the Sluts -- us: Like booking times at a fucking laundromat! It was a terrifying, brutal and barbaric concept and it scared me senseless.

"Cocksleeve and Semenface, since you're the new girls you've a lot of visitors today eager to meet you. Cumbucket, you're mostly getting people who couldn't book either of them in time." I glanced at CB and she looked disappointed but I was sure that for show. Wasn't it?

"Today your true service to the town begins." He smiled, almost proud! "But first, of course..." he said, and then to my surprise he unzipped his trousers and whipped out his dick! It hang out in the open, semi-erect and he turned back to CB.

"Cumbucket, you first." CB didn't wait an instant -- she leapt to her knees and eagerly wrapped her lips around his cock. Just like yesterday, slurps and smacks filled the room as she sucked him off. Farren moaned contentedly and just as his son had pressed CB's head down over his member. Her muffled groans as she struggled meant nothing to him and she must have known it wouldn't because she didn't slow down. After about two minutes he firmly grabbed her head and shoved her off.

"Now you, Cocksleeve." He said and looked at me. I stood still.


"It's your turn. Get on your knees and suck my cock. Now." I stared at him.

"No." I said.

"Cocksleeve..." Farren said, warningly but I didn't care. Not him. Absolutely not. Not the man who imprisoned us here, who smeared his disgusting cum on my face in his sick play at some twisted holy ceremony. Not him. I would not give him a moment of pleasure, no way.

"I think maybe I should show you exactly what this can do." He said and unclipped the device from his belt. He fiddled it and then demonstrably pressed something.

My knees buckled as my body suddenly exploded into one of the most intense orgasms I'd ever experienced. Only under the care of the most veteran members of the Order had I experienced anything like it. The climax washed over me again and again, without relenting. I screamed, panted for breath as I lay on the floor until it vanished as quickly as it had arrived.

"That's one setting. Here's another."

My body, still settling from the waves of pleasure suddenly leapt into sharp, horrible pain -- like a million bee stings. I screamed again in agony and clawed at the floor. It also stopped as quickly as it had come.

"Pleasure and pain, whenever I choose. Do you see?" I panted, and Farren leant down closer to me. "I said: Do you see?"

"Yes... yes I see." I said.

Oh I definitely see. I thought to myself. The pain, that was plain enough -- imperial intelligence operatives had such devices. But the pleasure, the orgasm -- that was different.

That's Guild tech. I thought.

"Now then... what do you say?" Farren said, rising up and demonstrably shoving his cock close to my face. Defeated, I slowly got to my knees and reluctantly but hopelessly put my mouth over his cock. I eased my lips over his head and slowly sucked on it, not wanting to be close to him. He gave a cruel little laugh and then his hands were on the back of my head and he forced his cock all the way into my mouth. I nearly choked but remembered to breathe through my nose and gulped as his member filled my throat.

"I haven't showered since I came in my wife this morning, so you might still taste her on me, Slut." he said, chuckling to himself.

Fucking bastard. I thought, tears coming to my eyes from the pain and humiliation. He fucked my face for what felt like an eternity and as I heard him groan deeper and deeper I got scared and angry in equal measure:

Please, no -- please don't make me swallow this man's load. But he didn't. Finally he grabbed my head and just like he had with CB he threw me aside and ordered Elosia over. Elosia did as told and knelt down. The same scene played out, she gingerly sucked on his cock and he jammed her head down on his cock. Her eyes went wide and she made muffled, desperate cries over his cock. Farren laughed while keeping Elosia's face pressed tightly against his crotch:

"Oh you little Slut -- you're gonna have to get better at this and quickly, I think."

Moron. I thought. Elosia was the Deepthroat Queen in our class in the Order -- she won't choke on a mediocre pecker like yours, but she knows it's what you want.

He stayed with Elosia, forcing her to gag on his cock for several minutes: drool and precum ran down her chin and on the floor by the time he grunted deeply and with both hands kept her head stuck over his dick as he came. I watched Elosia carefully and I could watch her throat muscles working, swallowing his cum easily but she still made a good show of it: A horrified, panicked muffled groan and convulsions, as if she struggled to handle his load. Finally Farren let her go and she fell down, landing on her butt, breathless and mouth and chin sticky with saliva and cum.

"What do you say, Slut?" Farren asked.

"Thank you." Elosia said.

"Thank you...?" he teased.

"Thank you for letting me swallow your cum, Grandmaster."

"Good job, Semenface." he said, with a smug look on his face while he pulled his trousers back up and pulled his zipper closed.

"Good luck today, Sluts. You're gonna need it!" he said, laughed at his own comment and marched out. CB quickly went to check on Elosia but she got up on her own and explained she was fine. We stood together, all three, quietly, unsure what to do or say. I badly needed to speak to Elosia on her own, but CB kept hovering near us, nervous and anxious on our behalf.

"So, what do we do?" I said, to CB.

"The townspeople won't show up for another thirty minutes" she said, looking at the big clock that sat above the outer door; it was half past eight. "When they start arriving, we wait here to receive them, then the guards will tell us what they're here for." Elosia glanced at me knowingly and I nodded.

"I think I'll go to my room until then." I said, glancing at the kitchen faucet. "After I've washed my mouth." I added.

Shortly thereafter Elosia joined me in my room.

"You alright?" I asked and she made a grimace as if her mouth tasted bad. I smiled.


"Yeah, except one thing. These implants-" I touched my neck. "they're Guild tech."

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"I'm positive. At least in part. The pleasure trigger is definitely ours."

"How in the fuck did they get their hands on Guild tech?"

"I don't know, but it's bad. Very bad." Elosia nodded and we were quiet.

"What do you think today will be like?" She finally asked and I felt my heart tumble.

"I don't know." I said, earnestly. Yesterday I'd felt like the lost one but after my experience I now had switched roles. But I still had no idea what was coming.

At five minutes to nine the doors opened again and the two guards stepped inside. Behind them stood a crowd of men, all eagerly glancing inside to get a glance at us, like spectators at a zoo. We stood lined up, like we did with Farren and I reached for Elosia's hand. I gave it a gentle tug and she reciprocated. As a third guard stepped inside and stood up in front of us the doors closed behind him. He wore body armour and, like all the other guards I'd seen before had a similar control device to the Farren had clipped to his belt, next to his stun baton. He also had white silk gloves on and a single white line running along his sleeve -- to indicate seniority, no doubt.

"My name is Hauben and I am the Guard of the Sanctum. From now on me and my men are going to be supervising your day-to-day activities." he declared proudly. "In a few minutes we'll be letting in your first batch of customers. We'll be letting them in in groups of six and make sure nobody ruins the fun for the others. That is our job. Your job is to satisfy them, to receive them in any way they wish and to do so willingly, without complaints." he paused, cast a sly glance at his two subordinates. "Well" he finally added. "except for some who like it when you complain, of course." He chuckled at his own gag and both guards smiled politely, but silently. Hauben pulled out a small device from his uniform and turned something on.

The antechamber of the Sanctum was roughly rectangular and quite large -- one side featured our kitchen and a communal dining area and was nicely decorated with plants, paintings (no prize for guessing the motifs) and comfortable armchairs.

The other was more sparse but ended in a curving wall with a long sofa that followed the curvature of the wall exactly; it seemed almost like a waiting area. Between them stood the empty space where we had assembled to receive Farren each morning and where Hauben now addressed us. As Hauben touched the device the wall in the waiting area suddenly came to life and three big displays appeared on the wall, above the sofa. Each one carried our titles and below a short table followed. Mine read:


WYFA-score: 67%

Pussy score: 8,6

Ass score: N/A

Mouth score: N/A

Total Score: 8,6

Cocks served: 3

Elosia's was empty, and as I looked at CB's my heart jumped. I didn't know what a WYFA-score was, exactly, but I assumed higher was better and CB's read -30%. Her score for pussy and mouth were both near seven, but her score for ass was very low -- below a five. But what really made me jump was the very end:

Cocks served: 391

That poor girl had been here for about eight months. And she'd had to be with nearly four hundred men. Unbelievable.

"Every man you allow inside yourself will fill out a survey to grade his satisfaction. Based on this your score will increase or decrease. A high score will be rewarded. A low score will be punished." He glanced at CB and grinned and I could see her face grow nervous.

"Are there any questions?" Hauben asked, in a tone that made it pretty clear he wasn't terribly interested in answering any. When there was nothing he turned to his two subordinates and gave a nod. One of them turned about and pressed a button on his belt and the doors opened. Hauben marched out as the two remaining guards ushered the first group of men in.

They were all large and heavy-set; some muscular, some just fat. Their hands and faces were rough and they seemed like labourers. Each of them glared at us with hungry expressions and I felt my heart start racing. They were ushered to the sofa underneath the screens by the guards and took their seats.

"Alright, in an orderly fashion, boys." One of the two remaining guards said and for a moment the men all looked at each other before a few of them made their moves. There was a very brief interchange between the third and fourth man but the guard interceded and told them to go in the order they arrived in. The first three moved towards us. One quickly grabbed CB and led her roughly by the arm to her room. Another walked over to Elosia but before I could get an idea of what he had in mind the man who was aiming for me grabbed my arm.

He wore what looked like construction workers' clothes and smelled of machinery and sweat. He looked me over like I was a piece of property he'd purchased and smiled.

"Let's see what you can do, then." I put on a fake smile and asked him if he wanted to go to my room.

"I don't give a shit, honey." He declared and undid his trousers. As his cock flopped out from his trousers there were cheers from the sofa and someone called out:

"Fuck that bitch, Conrad!" He gave a wide grin and said.

"Nah. I wanna feel this whore's mouth on my fat cock." He pressed me down to the groun and pushed his cock demonstrably towards my face.

Conrad's cock smelled of sweat and musk and he had no interest in anything except getting off. I did my best to work him as quickly as possible but despite my best efforts it took several minutes before he came. His hot semen spilled into my mouth and I swallowed it almost on instinct. Conrad groaned deeply with satisfaction and for good measure he slapped me with his dick, leaving a trail of cum across my cheeks before he re-zipped his pants.

"Nice work, Slut." I blushed and then, quietly murmured;

"Thank you for letting me swallow your cum." Conrad laughed and wandered off. I looked over at Elosia but she was already done with her 'client', too. She looked relieved, but it wasn't to last for long. Over at the sofa the next two men stood up and headed over.

Me and Elosia had been on our knees side by side together many times during our time in the Order, but never had we experienced anything as cheap and degrading. The men here wanted nothing except to use us; to come. These next two also wanted our mouths and we dutifully did what was expected of us. Within a few minutes a second load of cum joined Conrad's in my stomach. Elosia worked hers like the pro she was and he soon exploded in her mouth, too, but as he came he pulled away and semen splashed all over her face; she gave a little yelp as cum went all over her in long, thick ropes.

"Aaaah... that's what you should look like, Slut." The man cried and finished by wiping his sticky cock over her lips. "Now you look like a proper Semenface!" he declared and was rewarded with uproarious laughter from the sofa.

Behind us the door to CB's room opened and the last of the first three men walked out, a satisfied grin on his face. CB walked out behind him, a little out of breath but with a dutiful smile on her face.

There was only one man left and he came over now. He stood over me for a moment and grabbed my face. He held me by the chin and lifted my head up as if to inspect me, but something seemed to not meet his satisfaction and he let me go and walked over to Elosia.

"I think you need more cum on your face, darling."

"I'm sure you're right." Elosia said -- I was probably the only one who knew her well enough to pick up the nervous tone in her voice; she masked it expertly. I watched the scene play out; Elosia on her knees, serving this man's cock like the consummate professional she was. Soon he too left a huge load on her face and he finished off holding his cock up again:

"Give it a farewell kiss, whore." She did. She leant in and gently placed her lips on the head, kissing it gently.

"Thank you for coming on my face." She whispered. More laughter ensued and the men all gathered back in the waiting area, high-fiving and making lewd, mocking comments about us. The guards gathered them up and directed them out of the Sanctum.

Then there came a series of beeps and my eyes were drawn to the displays.


WYFA-score: 20%

Pussy score: 8,6

Ass score: N/A

Mouth score: 6,5

Total Score: 7,5

Cocks served: 5

I glanced over at Elosia's screen:


WYFA-score: 33%

Pussy score: N/A

Ass score: N/A

Mouth score: 8

Total Score: 8

Cocks served: 3

One of the guards chuckled to himself as he saw us reading the screens.

"You Sluts still have a lot of work left for today; don't rest on your laurels." Behind him is colleague opened the doors and ushered in another group of men -- only four this time but of the same sort; big, burly workers. I recognized one or two as being dressed in the same clothes as the workers who'd been milling about the terminal area where me and Elosia had first arrived in Tuls and one was wearing similar clothes to the dockworkers at our landing site.

The process pretty much repeated. It was mechanical, without any regard for us. Each of the first three men stepped up, picked one of us and used us -- all three of them choosing our mouths and CB kneeling down next to us, this time. I kept stealing glances at Elosia and saw her do the same. A third batch of cum joined the two already in my gut, Elosia swallowing her fourth one as did CB.

The fourth man had been watching intently from the sofa and at some point had taken his cock out and started stroking it. He hurried excitedly over and barely breaking his stride before his cock went into my mouth. He groaned deeply and I barely had time to do anything before he came.

"Oooooh fuck yeah bitch take it! Ooooooh fuck yeah that's it, that's it -- take that load!" he screamed in triumph as if he'd done anything except brush against my lips before ejaculating. I kept my mouth in place and load number four went down my throat.

"Thank you for-" I began.

"Whatever, bitch!" he said and laughed, the other three joining in before they too were ushered out of the room. The guards closed the door behind them and glanced at each other.

"Five minute break for you." One of them said and nonchalantly sat down in the sofa while the other stood by the door. I turned to Elosia and asked if she was okay; her face was stained with semen, flaking as it dried out.

"I'm alright. You?" I nodded, the taste of cock and semen in my mouth and the combined loads of four men in my stomach making me feel slightly nauseous; thank the stars I'd had a big breakfast, I thought.

"You two gossiping?" the guard said from the sofa.

"No!" I said, a bit too quickly. He rose up and walked over to us. We were still on our knees, CB having quietly sneaked off to her room at first opportunity.

"Yes you were. Were you talking about those boys who were just here?"

"Er, yes." I lied, trying to look ashamed.

"Hmm." he gave a little snort. "These fucking bumkins never can last." he said. "They get so eager to be here that they get over-excited and blow their load almost immediately." I said nothing, figuring he wasn't expecting an answer.

"But I'm not like that." he said, now up to me and Elosia. "I know better. This job comes with perks." He had to partially take off his body armour to undo his trousers but soon he whipped out his penis.

"I'm Plitrick. If you take good care of me I can take care of you, understand?" he said.

He was packing some serious heat -- nearly seven inches. It rose as we watched, and he grinned widely. I glanced at Elosia but she was already moving closer to me. Plitrick looked at her, then me and his grin got even wide.

"Get to work, sluts." I looked up from his crotch to his face.

I lowered my head first and engulfed him in my mouth. Soon I felt Elosia move her head closer to mine and her mouth joined mine and together we worked his cock.

He let us do our work, rather than force us down like Farren did, and he at least seemed like he enjoyed himself, unlike the men before who were only interested in the end result. Elosia ran her tongue over his shaft while I kept my lips locked on his head and swirled my tongue around, resulting in deep groans from the guard.

"Mmmm... I love this job. You" he pointed at me. "show me your tits." He ordered and I quickly undid the top of my coveralls and exposed my breasts.

"Fucking nice... I think we're gonna have some fun over the next few months, girls." He said but did nothing. He was content with looking at them. "Get back to work." He ordered and I rejoined Elosia on his cock. Elosia soon moved her mouth and sneakily she exchanged a kiss with me, then took over my spot on his head while I switched to his shaft. I leaned further in and reached my hand up. I pulled his trousers down a little and exposed his crotch entirely. Eagerly, greedily I opened my mouth and started sucking on his balls.

"Ooooh you dirty bitch!" he moaned. I closed my eyes and allowed myself to get lost in what I was doing. In my ear I heard Elosia's expert mouth slurping on his head while I paid tender attention to his testicles.

Being on good terms with the guards seemed smart.

He lasted a respectable amount of time. When he came, Elosia was on his head and as he grunted she locked her lips on his head and allowed his whole load into her mouth and again I saw her throat muscles move in that tell-tale way. His load disappeared into her throat and into her stomach and she separated from his cock with a small, theatrical 'pop'.

"Thank you for your semen, sir." She said, sweetly and the guard chuckled.

"You're welcome, whore." He grinned, put his trousers back on and checked the time. "Time for your next customers. No rest for the slutty!" he said, cheerily and invited the next group.

Six men entered this time and eagerly the first three each grabbed one of us. Another cock jammed into my mouth and I could feel my jaw starting to ache. Elosia knelt dutifully in front of her man but he grabbed her by the arm and hauled her off to her room. I couldn't turn away to check on her but I hoped she'd be okay. Soon I heard moans of pleasure coming from her room; both the man's and hers. I tried to pay attention to the sounds but with the soft sounds of CB sucking cock next to me and the cock in my own mouth found it hard.

Five loads in my stomach in less than two hours -- I was getting close to my record from the academy. I thanked him and he said nothing. Another man came up from the sofa but the other guard motioned for him to sit down.

"Hang on -- I need a fucking go at this one." He said. The man protested but Plitrick and his colleague both moved their hands to their batons and told him to shut up before he got in trouble.

He approached me with a strange look on his face, undoing his trousers as he walked. His cock fell out -- long but not very thick.

"Get to work, whore." He said and I did -- my jaw seriously struggling now. His cock was easy enough to fit, though and just like with Piltrick I knew it was smart to have the guards like us. I spun my tongue around his head and heard him grown deeply in pleasure. But soon he pulled away. He glanced over his shoulder.

"You seem better with your pussy than your mouth." He said, meaningfully and I felt a shiver run down my spine as I thought of yet another stranger entering me. He looked behind again.

"But I'm not putting on a show for these assholes." He said and picked me up -- tossed me over his shoulder and marched me off. There were protests from the sofa but luckily Elosia came out of her room just as CB finished off her customer so only one man was left waiting. The guard carrying me kicked open the door to my room and practically threw me on the bed. He closed the door behind me and I drew a deep breath. I sat up on my knees and slowly undid my coveralls. My breasts fell out as the guard turned back to me and I presented myself.

"How do you want me?" I said, as seductively as I could muster. He stood still for a moment, looking at my breasts. Slowly he started walking towards me. As he moved he undid his vest, his belt and let them fall to the floor. His trousers were already half-off and he tossed them aside too, and approached me fully naked. He leaned in over me and grabbed my zipper. Slowly he undid it all the way and I dutifully wriggled out of it and lay before him naked, my breasts heaving in rhythm to my excited breaths. To my slight surprise he leaned in for a kiss. I met his lips but he broke it off almost immediately:

"To serve humanity in all things." He whispered. I paused and looked at him. His eyes locked to mine and he gave a tiny nod.

"You-" I began.

"Quiet, bitch!" he roared back and pushed me down. He leaned back in and whispered.

"Shh -- you have to whisper so Plitrick doesn't hear. And I've no idea if the cameras in here are on or not." He said. His hands wandered over my breasts and then he got up.

"Turn over, Slut." He ordered and I dutifully did. He pushed me down onto my stomach and pushed my legs apart, rubbing his cock over the inside of my thighs. He put one hand around my neck and leaned in and whispered in my ear:

"Sorry about this -- I can't risk being discovered."

"Who are you?" I whispered into the covers and felt his hard cock travel up my thighs and rub over my pussy lips.

"My name is Glail, my sister sent me."

"Who's your sister?" I asked, feeling Glail push the tip of his penis past my pussy lips and enter me. He was gonna fuck me while we talked! I realised.

"She applied to the Guild years ago but got rejected. A few months ago she- ah! She asked me to help her get a message out."

"Sh-aah! D-do you have to fuck me?"

"Yeah, the cameras in here can record everything in full 3D." I figured. I guess this was how our clandestine meeting would have to go.

"Can you-ooh! Can you get us out of here?" I asked as quietly as I could while Glail ran his cock in and out of me. At least it was giving my mouth a break.

"No way, no fucking way I ain't risking my life like that." Figured.

"Can you get a message out to the Guild again?"

"May- fuck! Fuck you're tight... oooh... Maybe. What should it say?"

"That -- ah! That they're using Neural Climax Stimulators -- NCSs. It's Guild technology. And tell them we're both okay for now." Glail nodded and rammed his cock into me deeper, letting out a deep, guttural groan.

"Mmm... fuck... okay. Anything else?"

"N-noooo... ooooh..." I squealed. "Anything you can- oooh... can tell me?"

"Actually there is." He said between deep breaths. "There's a local club, mostly rich kids. They have this... tradition."

"What tradition?"

"They call it The Raid. After the Slut's first day they -ooooh fuck I'm getting close! They pick the Slut with the highest total score for the day. They bribe the guards to get in in the middle of the night and-ah! Ahh... oooh..." He squirmed and almost by instinct I flexed my pelvic muscles around him. I squeezed his dick inside me and his whole body tensed up, his arm wrapping a little harder around my neck as he finished his sentence; "and they Ra*e her!" he whispered between clenched teeth as he exploded inside me, pumping my pussy full of cum as the words hit me.

Glail stayed on top of me for a moment, catching his breath.

The Slut with the highest total score... I thought, my mind racing, as he finally rose and started dressing. He cleared his throat and I turned to look at him. He didn't say anything but gave me a look and I gave him the tiniest nod to tell him I understood.

"Nice work, whore. I might even give you a ten for that." He said, then as he realised what he'd just told me looked away. But I jumped at it.

"Please do! I would love to be the best Slut on my first day!" I squealed like a happy little whore, hoping he would understand I actually meant it. He looked surprised but again said nothing else. He fished out a digital device and entered something -- from the other room I heard the beep of one of the displays updating.

"Come on, let's see if there are any more customers waiting for you." He said and I hurriedly got dressed.

"You took your fucking time." Plitrick said when we re-entered the antechamber. "Semenface here finished off two guys while you were busy in there, the cock-hungry bitch." He said and laughed. I glanced over at the screen and to my horror watched the latest stats for us.

My total score was 8.2, Elosia's 7.7. Her WYFA score -- whatever that meant -- was 40% while mine was only 20%! I had no idea which of these mattered more, but I knew that if I could I had to get the highest score; I had to take this hit for Elosia or at least warn her about it. CB's score was well below both of ours, which was a relief. If it came to it I knew Elosia at least had the same training as me, we were both capable of handling something like that, even if it might not be very enjoyable -- but CB didn't, as long as she wasn't in danger that was the main thing.

If Elosia noticed anything off she didn't show it. Glail grinned and looked bashful.

"So? Her pussy any good?" Plitrick asked. Glail glanced at me and raised his hand in a so-so motion.

"I've had better but she's alright." Inwardly I cursed -- if Plitrick bothered to do a tiny amount of math he'd figure out that my pussy score had gone up from 8.6 to 9, and that could only be because Glail had given me a ten. But if Plitrick could do basic math or not was up for debate, and in any case he didn't seem to notice anything.

The morning continued with two more batches of men coming in, another eight in total. I tried my best to entice them to fuck me to my frustration they all opted for blowjobs -- I knew I could never beat Elosia at sucking dick, but I knew my pussy game was stronger -- and my ass game exceptional. If only I could have explained to her.

So I did what I could. I sucked on all cocks offered me as best as I knew how. I managed three out of eight and again all eight chose to finish in my mouth -- I felt bloated by all the sperm in my belly by the time we were done.

By the time lunch time rolled around my jaw was killing me, but when I looked at the displays it wasn't much encouragement:


WYFA-score: 29%

Pussy score: 9

Ass score: N/A

Mouth score: 7,8

Total Score: 8,4

Cocks served: 13

I compared mine to Elosia's:


WYFA-score: 40%

Pussy score: 7

Ass score: N/A

Mouth score: 8,4

Total Score: 7,7

Cocks served: 10

The story was the same as before. If the Raiders went by WYFA-score it would be Elosia. If they went by total score it would be me. I wasn't sure what was my best bet.

"Okay Sluts, that's you done for the morning. The next group will be here at one so be ready then." Plitrick said and he and Glail left. I got up, my knees and jaw both quite sore.

"That was something." Elosia said and I started to reply when CB ran up to us and with a bubbly smile gathered us both up into a bear hug.

"You guys did so great!" she pulled us close. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have friends who are so brave!" she held the hug in and I put my hand on her back to return the favour. Eventually she pulled away, took both of our hands in hers and smiled.

"I was so scared my first day you wouldn't believe it but you guys you're-" she shook her head. "I don't even know what to say." Her eyes lit up. "And twenty cocks between you! The Grandmaster is going to be so pleased!" I exchanged awkward glances with Elosia but we smiled and assured her we were just trying to do our best and contribute. She was on the verge of tears. She lit up again and joyfully declared she would make us all bacon lettuce sandwiches and skipped off to the kitchen, humming something to herself. My stomach growled at the mention of food -- I was quite full but needed something more solid. But first I had to talk to Elosia. I stopped her from following CB and pulled her in close. In hushed tones I explained what had happened with Glail, our new inside man and what he'd told me about The Raid. Elosia's eyes went wide and she immediately looked to the displays then back to me.

"Do you know what score they go by?" I told her I didn't and she bit her lower lip, thinking.

"Okay... well I'll do my best to get my total up higher, I'm not sure exactly how we can rig this but I'll think of something."

"El, no!" I said as quietly as I could and explained I should be the one to do it, to which she immediately rebelled.

"After what you did yesterday it's only fair that I take this one." She said and I retorted that I didn't want her to 'take' anything for me. She, predictably replied that the feeling was mutual. We stood there silently arguing the point for a minute until agreeing that we would both just try our best and since we didn't know what the criteria were anyway we could only do so much.

We ate lunch in silence except for CB who was still bubbly and excited and kept talking about anything and everything.

"Looking forward to the afternoon though, afternoon's are usually calmer."

"How's that?" Elosia asked.

"Well the morning are all... you know... rough people. In the afternoon they usually bring in, well, erm... nicer people."

"'Nicer people'?" I asked.

"You know... fancy people." I exchanged another look with Elosia. All morning we'd been doing sexual favours for what we'd both marked as labourers: Construction workers, dock workers, machine operators and alike. What was coming after lunch, we wondered?

"Line up, sluts!" Plitrick called out as he and Glail entered the room again. I glanced at Glail as we paraded in front of them but his face betrayed nothing.

"All rested up?" Plitrick said, with a smug grin. "Good! You're next clients are waiting." With that he turned and the door opened. A man in a well-fitting expensive suit walked in without so much as a look at Plitrick. He simply walked across the floor heading straight for CB who curtsied as he approached.

"The usual, Mister Felling?" she cooed and Felling replied yes and they disappeared towards CB's room.

Another man entered, a confident but friendly smile on his face and he nodded at Plitrick.

"Semenface?" he enquired and Plitrick pointed at Elosia.

"The skinny one, director."

"Wonderful, wonderful." He said and marched up towards her. To my (and Elosia's, judging by her expression) shock he took her hand and kissed it.

"I have so very much been looking forward to this. To your chambers?" Elosia curtsied and escorted him away.

Finally through the door marched an elegant, slender middle-aged woman dressed in an expensive-looking white jacket and knee-length skirt.

"Lady Carasina." Plitrick said and bowed. Lady Carasina did not say much but glanced over her shoulder and motioned to someone unseen. Two men, identical twins with broad, muscular bodies dressed in tightly fitting shirts and well-combed hair appeared and flanked her. She finally looked at me.

"This is the new Cocksleeve?!" she asked, agasp and Plitrick confirmed that yes it was. Carasina shook her head and seemed mortally disappointed but motioned for the two men to follow.

"Come along boys, we'll make the best of it." She walked past me and the boys stopped between me and her, taking an opportunity to take in my body.

"Well, come along!" she repeated at me this time and I followed, the two men following me in turn. She entered my room first and one of the men closed the door behind me. Here she turned around, took another long look at me and made no attempt at hiding her disapproval.

"Crude. Very crude. Inelegant. But you'll have to do." She sat down -- the room had two armchairs that faced the bed.

"I am Lady Carasina and these are my two sons; Ramba and Dando. The two brothers looked at me and while I could tell they were excited I could also tell they were a bit embarrassed. Maybe even shy.

Two boys as big as houses and they seem nervous. I thought, but then added; But I've never been to a brothel where my mom went with me...

"They are my little darlings" she cooed in a sing-song voice. "and I am here to give them a special treat. And I guess you're it." She said, finally with a strong note of disapproval.

"Well, let's see what we have to work with. Strip." She commanded and I as gracefully as I felt possible unzipped my jumpsuit. I stood as tall as I could, striking my most flattering pose, extenuating my breasts and swerving hips. I could tell Ramba and Dando were impressed but the Lady wasn't won over.

"Eugh... I can't stand such based sexual attributes. It's... crude. Ah well. Boys, do you like her?" The twins nodded eagerly and took a few ginger steps towards me.

"Up up up!" Carasina interrupted. "One at a time. We are not animals. Ramba, you will have her first. Now, young lady-" she commanded me. "get on your knees. Ramba, take off your clothes and hop up there." She said, indicating the bed. Ramba did as he was told, stripping down to his waist first. He had abs that might have been carved in bronze. Next his trousers went and his thighs were nearly as wide as my waist. The bed heaved a little under his weight as he jumped up and took his seat as I sat down on my poor, poor knees again.

Ramba didn't say a word but he did smile eagerly. His cock was already quite hard and a very respectable almost six inches. I did my best to gather my thoughts in the brief moment before I plunged and engulfed my tenth penis of the day. His was nice and thick, too, really a perfect size and a tiny voice in my head wished that he would want to fuck me. This would fit my crotch just right.

My ass, too. I thought.

Focusing back on the task at hand I quickly engulfed almost half his length into my mouth and started swirling my tongue around his head when suddenly I heard Lady Carasina get up from her chair.

"No no no!" she cried and angrily shoved me off him. "You're no good at all!" she sighed deeply in frustration and looked down at Ramba's penis. "Oh very well, I guess I'll have to show you." She said.​
Next page: Part 02.2
Previous page: Part 01.2