Part 02.2

It took me a little while to process what happened next. Carasina, this high society socialite-seeming woman suddenly pulled out a hairband, quickly did up her beautifully cared for hair in a bun and then dropped to her knees. She took her son's dick in her hand and then, with both eyes closed, put it in her mouth.

"Mother!" Ramba moaned. "You promised you'd let her do it!"

"I know honey I just- mmm- I just need to *smack* show her how." She said and as I watched she gently, slowly nuzzled her son's penis, kissing the head while stroking the shaft. Her lips sucked on his head over and over again, her cheeks bellowing in and out as she applied suction.

Incest is not a taboo that's out of scope for the Order of Humanity -- there are next to no taboos that are. But it's always explored with an experienced member and there are many careful steps involved to make sure any fantasies are explored in a healthy and safe way. To see it so suddenly and brazenly was a shock to say the least. It was such a shock that it took me almost a minute of watching as Lady Carasina gave her son a tender, loving, slow blowjob before I realized what she was trying to show me.

I had gotten so into the headspace of the men here wanting nothing but quick, simple orgasms that I'd forgotten one of the most basic rules of the Order: To adjust yourself to the needs of the client.

Well, I guess in this instance there were three clients, and I wasn't sure what Ramba wanted but what his mother wanted seemed clear now.

"I see, Lady. May I try again?" Lady Carasina opened her eyes and glared at me -- her jealousy was plain as day, but I guessed she couldn't go back on a promise to her sons and so slowly, reluctantly she pulled away, giving Ramba's cock a gentle kiss before withdrawing. I took up her post and placed both hands on the floor. I looked up at Ramba who was resting on his elbows and smiled at him.

"I am sorry, I was too brusque before. I promise I'll be more gentle now." I said and then, keeping both hands firmly on the floor I knelt back down and navigated my lips down on his cock again.

I was slow, methodical. I worked my tongue only very gently and focused on using my lips to make tiny up and down movements over the head of his penis but always slowly, slowly going a little further down than before. I felt Ramba twitch in my mouth and as I allowed my lips to inch down, down on his cock.

I had his entire head in my mouth by now and I let out a satisfied, drawn-out muffled moan and to my satisfaction Ramba returned it. I shot a glance at Lady Carasina who watched me with angry, envious eyes but as soon as she saw me look at her she turned her head to the sky and gave a posh 'hmph!'.

"Mom she's really good!" Ramba said, probably afraid that she'd take over again. The Lady was quiet but then stood up and walked over to the bed again. She craned her head over her son and caressed his head.

"Well, as long as it makes you happy, dear. Happy birthday." She kissed him on the forehead. "Now, I need to go outside for a moment for a quick call but I'll be back in just a moment." She got up and walked out the door a little too quickly. From the antechamber I heard Plitrick ask if something was wrong and Lady Carasina replying for him to shut up and mind his business. I glanced up at Ramba who now looked between me and his brother.

Gently, very slowly I eased off his cock. I let it fall from my mouth with a soft 'plop' and stood upright on my knees and smiled at him, and at his brother who was getting up from his chair.

"What do you boys want?" I asked and they looked at each other.

"Mother... mother never..." Ramba started.

"She always makes us finish on our own." Dando filled in.

Of course. I thought, feeling my cum-filled stomach grumble again.

"Would you like to feel a girl swallow your cum?" I asked and they both nodded eagerly.

I returned to his cock, sucking on it slowly, gently, lovingly. This time I reached a hand up and started stroking him. I gently cupped his balls and held them, feeling their weight.

"Mmm... I'm lucky to get to -- mmm... be the first to swallow your load, Ramba." I said between sucking.

I spent minutes on my knees like that -- I guess at least Lady Carasina had given them some stamina. Finally I felt Ramba tense and as he did I locked my eyes on him and as he emptied himself in my mouth we maintained eye contact.

He came a lot, but I kept my mouth firmly in place. I was giving Elosia a run for her money, I thought and suddenly remembered the reality of where I was of what might happen tonight. I pushed it away. Ramba finished and lay on the bed shivering. I slowly, gently released him from my mouth. As my lips parted from him he made a tiny whimpering noise and then lay still on the bed.

Behind me Dando moved.

"Is it my go now?" he said and then when I looked at him he raised both eyebrows. "Please?" he added.

I directed him to the bed where he eagerly lay down next to his brother after stripping off his clothes. I glanced between them -- two identical penises except one was going flaccid and the other was hard as steel. This is definitely a little new. I though and then went at it.

Dando was the same as his brother and I treated him the same way. I was slow, steady and methodical but tender. I lovingly sucked on Dando's hard member and felt myself disappear into the moment.

This is why I had joined the guild and the Order of Comfort in particular: To provide people with the intimate needs they otherwise could not fulfill. Okay the circumstances were... unusual to say the least, but regardless: This is why I was here.

I became so lost and enthralled in what I was doing I didn't notice the door opening behind us. But Lady Carasina's shrill voice did succeed in breaking the spell.

"Oh my word, I- what did you do you dumb slut?!" Dando suddenly pulled away from me and I saw Ramba sit up straight. I turned around just in time to see the Lady march up to me and stop inches away, towering above me; her eyes shooting furious lightning at me.

"Don't tell me you made that boy come already?"

"I- yes I did, m'am, should I not?"

"Mom she was great, she-"

"Quiet! Oh I should have known, I should have know a stupid bitch who degrades herself like this would be so crass as to just... Oh!" she could barely speak from frustration. "Oh well, what's done is done. Ramba, scooch nearer. We'll just have to try again." My head span. Try again? What did she mean?

Her hair was still up from before and as she knelt down she once again took Ramba's cock in her mouth and started sucking on it.

"I- mmm- I raised my boys right, young lady." She explained between mouthfuls. "They can go again quick enough-mmmm... mmmm..." she paused, momentarily lost in caring for her son's dick. "they just need a little encouragement."

She wasn't wrong: Ramba's dick was getting hard again. I looked up at the two boys and saw them both blush and try to look away; anywhere but at me. Dando's cock was still in front of me, semi-erect. Lady Carasina spotted me looking at it.

"Get back to work! Just don't spoil it for him like you did with Ramba!"

"Mom, she didn't-"

"Hush, honey, let mommy put you right." She instructed and dove back down on his penis. I hesitantly moved my head back down and put Dando's cock back in my mouth and together we sucked off her sons. Within minutes Dando started groaning deeper and deeper and I glanced over at the Lady but her eyes were closed and she seemed wholly engulfed in the task before. I let go of Dando's penis and carefully explained that he might be getting close.

Lady Carasina instantly shot up and got to her feet.

"Right, let me show you what to do." She said and quickly, without fuss started pulling off her pantyhose, rolling them up carefully before placing them on the floor and shimmying out of panties -- silken white. With nothing on under her dress anymore she got up onto the bed and ordered her son to move up. Once in position she lowered herself onto his erection, guiding it in gently and then lowering herself the final few inches until she sat in his lap.

"This- aaaah!" she paused, lost in pleasure. "this is how to- mmm... how to do it. This is how a lady acts." She started moving up and down, riding him. Only for a minute though. Then she slowly (and I thought, reluctantly) heaved herself off.

"But of course a lady can't allow a man to... make a mess. So you do it. That's what you're for. And once you're done with him, it's Ramba's turn. I'll keep him going for you." She happily bounced off the bed and dropped to her knees and when I didn't move she asked me if I hadn't understood. I said I had and got up on the bed.

Dando stared up at me with a very embarrassed look on his face but I gave him the most comforting smile I could as I straddled him -- and gave a little shiver as he entered me. I hadn't been wrong -- these boys had wonderful cocks that fit my insides just right.

"Aaaah!" Dando moaned as I lowered myself fully onto him and his eyes locked onto my breasts. I encouraged him to touch them but received a sharp rebuke from Lady Carasina.

"No! I do not condone that sort of behaviour!" Dando looked disappointed but I soon took his mind off it.

I rode that boy as well as I knew how -- and I know how to ride a man. His hands moved to grab my waist and I felt the strength in him -- it was like being held by a bear. My own hands moved to caress his naked, broad and toned chest -- he was practically hairless and pecks and abs like sculpted bronze, just like his brother. I caught Ramba sneaking peeks at me, his face full of jealousy. Dando's hands travelled down my waist and over my butt cheeks. If his mother objected she was too busy with Ramba to care. He bucked under me, trying to force himself deeper inside me and I rewarded him with a little moan. His hands grasped my ass firmly and I wondered if he'd ever been with a woman other than his mother.

Soon I could tell he was close and I gave his cock a long squeeze -- and he came. He filled my pussy with semen and let out a long, deep groan as he held me firmly in place, not letting me go until he was done.

"Good boy." His mother said, breathlessly from next to us. She had watched as her son came in me but hadn't stopped sucking Ramba's cock. Slowly and still very reluctantly she pulled her mouth off of him again and stood up.

"Well I think he's ready again now." She said, wiping her mouth delicately. "Get to it."

So I did. Just like I had his brother I got on top of Ramba and rode him until he too came inside me. By the time I was done Lady Carasina had dressed herself again and was checking her makeup in a pocket mirror.

"Right, good. Let's get home, boys." She said and the boys quickly started getting dressed. I sat on the bed and watched them both sneak glances my way, each of them clearly wishing they could stay. I wondered if they'd ever come back -- I hoped so. I liked them. Once they were done I pulled my jumpsuit back on and walked on out behind them.

Lady Carasina barely glanced at anyone as she marched her sons out of the Sanctum and for a moment I wondered if she would be the one scoring me or the two boys. I would later learn that women weren't allowed to vote at all on our scores. But soon the display beeped and I reviewed our scores:


WYFA-score: 44%

Pussy score: 9.3

Ass score: N/A

Mouth score: 8

Total Score: 8,6

Cocks served: 15

And Elosia's:


WYFA-score: 45%

Pussy score: 7

Ass score: N/A

Mouth score: 8,5

Total Score: 7,8

Cocks served: 11

Fuck! I thought. Despite doing my best and very nearly catching up to her she was still ahead on WYFA score and nothing had changed. I looked around the room but both Elosia and CB were in their rooms and nobody else was here except the guards.

Plitrick caught me looking and grinned.

"Sorry Slut, no more customers today." My heart sank. Unless Elosia fucked up badly there was no chance. It was all up in the air.

"Fucking hell!" Elosia whispered to me later as we were exchanging stories. "That's... well, that's new."

"That's what I thought!" I'd just finished telling her all about Lady Carasina and her two sons. Elosia's 'client' had been far more straight-forward: Seemingly an old romantic who just wanted some company in private... and a blowjob.

"Still, if those boys come back and they like you... I mean if their mom is some kind of big-shot around here..."

"They might be useful to us, yeah." I said, something that had occurred to me after gathering my thoughts earlier.

We both glanced almost subconsciously at the displays.

Elosia's score had actually gone up a little bit, but the situation was unchanged: Her WYFA was higher than mine, my total was higher than hers. Whoever would get a nightly visit was still up in the air.

"I hope it's me, you know that, right?" she said. We both knew what the other was thinking about. I nodded and replied, obviously, that I hoped it would be me.

"Whatever happens, we just have to remember our training. We've practiced this hundreds of times." That was true. I thought back to those countless exercises in the sun-lit Intimacy Halls of the Guild's grand institute. I brought to mind those sessions, the constant, incremental increases of force and words all under the watchful eyes of instructors -- male and female -- the careful repetition of safe words that would then gradually be removed after many, many iterations of instruction and practice and the in-depth mental evaluations that followed.

Many agents of the Order opted out of the training program entirely and nobody minded -- their duties would require much of them but never that, not unless they approved and received the appropriate training. But me and Elosia had undergone it together, along with dozens of classmates -- also male and female. Otherwise, we would never have been selected for this mission. It took skill and a lot of training to learn to enjoy being taken against your will.

Our minds were steeled to the experience, our bodies prepared for the sensations. But still, the unknown factors, the strange circumstances - it all added a lot of tension.

We were silent for a while. Somewhere further inside the sanctum CB whistled to herself.

"Would you like to be intimate later?" I asked.

"No, but I will be if you have a need of it." She replied. I considered it for a moment, examining my frame of mind.

"No. No I asked for your sake."

"I was going to ask for your sake, too." She said with a kind smile. CB danced into the room, hair still wet from her shower and still whistling and announced with flattening cheer that it was dinner time and started whirling up a storm in the kitchen. Me and Elosia took one last look at each other and then got up to help her cook.

Our rooms had little in way of entertainment. There were paintings and decorations everywhere; the bed posts featured erotic carvings and the walls were covered in paintings of various sexual acts but little else.

In other circumstances it wouldn't have bothered me too much -- I knew plenty of ways to bring myself to sleep almost regardless of the hour and I usually slept well (although, I added, if we had to stay here to months like CB had done that might make me scratch at the walls eventually). But that night nothing I did worked. Even if it had I would have wanted to be awake and prepared for what was coming -- whoever it came for.

It was close to midnight, I knew that, but as I lay there in the darkness and strained to pick up sounds it seemed like minutes dragged into hours.

Finally I heard the doors to the Sanctum open. There were no voices but footsteps followed. In my mind I saw a number of men -- three or four by the sound of it -- walk across the antechamber to the corridor that lead to our three rooms. But whose room? Mine or Elosia's? No way to tell: Not yet.

Outside of the door I heard a whisper but not enough to make it out. For a moment nothing stirred and my heart beat a mile a minute.

Then my door made the tiniest whisper of a noise as someone gently, gently opened it.

So it's me. I thought and part of my mind started doing interesting maths in my head about the scores displayed on those displays and how things could have played out differently, but I shut that down quickly. It was a natural defence mechanism but it wasn't going to help me. I needed to be present, to consciously engage with what was about to happen; that was the way I'd been taught.

Quietly the men moved into my room, careful to not make a sound. That was good info for me, it made me understand what they wanted. They didn't want me afraid, they just wanted to take me. Unaware, unprepared. I felt a presence at the foot of the bed but kept my eyes closed as if asleep.

"Get her." A voice finally said and suddenly someone was on top of me. I 'woke up' and looked into the eyes of a handsome young man who grinned lecherously at me before clamping a hand over my mouth, muffling my scream (in truth I opened my mouth and held my voice until he stopped me).

"Hello, Slut." He said and pulled the covers down -- I had stripped out of the jumpsuit before going to bed and as I had no other clothes I was naked. The other men pulled the covers completely off the bed and joined him. There were three of them and as I looked down I noticed Prockas among them -- the Grandmaster's son.

"We're gonna have some fun with you, bitch." The man on top of me hissed and tore his hand away from my mouth before forcing his own lips onto mine -- his tongue forced itself into my mouth and he kissed me deeply but angrily. He was already undoing his trousers. I squirmed and started struggling but one of his compatriots moved up and grabbed my arms and held them pinned to the bed. The first man finished getting his pants off and whipped out his cock and stuffed it inside me. If I hadn't been wet it would have hurt. Thank the stars I had some warning. I thought. His cock entered me quickly and unceremoniously and filled my pussy.

"No please, no!" I cried out, desperately. It seemed to have the desired effect for he started fucking me harder, my body being tossed around like a ragdoll under him. His friends grinned and laughed at me.

"Stay quiet, whore. This will all be over soon." They weren't lying; the first man came inside me within less than a minute and he groaned deeply as his cum filled my pussy. He was still catching his breath when Prockas shoved him aside.

"My turn." He grinned at me and positioned himself between my legs. "I love breaking in new Sluts. But don't worry, honey -- I'm gonna be a while." He said and then he entered me. My pussy was slick and full of semen and it made a loud, farting sound as he pushed himself inside me.

"Please! Please stop!" I said, faking tears which Prockas only laughed at.

"Shut the fuck up, Slut. This is all you're good for you disgusting whore!" He grabbed my legs and lifted them up over his head so he could go deeper. His cock was hardly very big -- I knew that already from the other day when he forced himself upon CB -- but he pushed it as deep in as he could. He fucked me like that for several minutes until the man keeping my arms still objected.

"Hey come on man, my turn!"

"Shut the fuck up! If you want a go take her other hole." He said and suddenly pulled out. He grabbed my waist and I was violently turned around and pulled up on my hands and knees. Before I could orient myself Prockas was back inside me and the man at my head grabbed my chin harshly.

"Get ready to put that ugly mouth to good use." He hissed and presented his cock to me. I pulled away, keeping my mouth shut until a forceful slap sailed across my cheek -- I had expected something like that. I didn't want another one, but I knew I had to make it look convincing. I reluctantly opened my mouth and he shoved his member in. I was filled both from the front and from behind and together the two men used me. Prockas shoved my forcefully from behind so the cock in my mouth almost went into my throat. I gagged but still did my best to give the man in front of me as good a time as I could.

Prockas seemed like the only man there who could actually last because soon my mouth filled with cum again and as it happened much sooner than expected I actually choked on it -- I coughed and gagged as he kept himself anchored to my face and cum forced itself down my throat, leaving me ragged for breath. Finally he pulled away and I drew a deep breath, my throat sore. They all laughed at me and then finally Prockas came. Cum overflowed my pussy and I felt it run down my thighs. Prockas shoved me hard down on the bed as my legs trembled from the pleasure and exertion.

"I hope you enjoyed it, bitch. We might be back later." He hissed and then they all left, their laughter following them out of the room and the sanctum. I stayed on the bed, catching my breath, my throat raw and my crotch full of warm cum. Finally I grabbed the sheets from the floor and got back into bed, finally able to sleep. I'd made it through okay, all things considered. I hoped -- probably in vain -- that it was the last time any of us would have to go through something like that, though.

I drifted off to sleep, far from relaxed but dead tired.​
Previous page: Part 02.1