Part 01.1

Bryan was ready to go. It was time for the annual family trip to their cabin. It was time for spring cleaning and making the vacation spot ready for the summer. Bryan and his family had been spending summer weekends at the cabin since his father had been a boy.

The cabin was part of some property his Grandfather had purchased just before the Depression. With some ingenuity and a lot of luck, Bryan's grandfather had been able to keep the property and slowly improve it over the years. When his father, Joe, had been about 10 the family had built the current cabin. Over the years, it had been updated, modernized, and expanded. When Bryan's grandfather had died, Joe received the cabin and its 25 acres as an inheritance.

Bryan had graduated from high school last year. He had spent most of the past summer at the cabin alone. He had received a full scholarship to college and a fat trust fund from his grandfather for living expenses in college. Therefore, there had not been a special need to work that summer for school expenses. His parents had been happy to let him stay at the cabin all summer keeping an eye on the property and doing some much needed maintenance and upkeep.

Joe and Alicia Andrews were coming out of the house with the last cooler of food for the weekend. They had to be back Sunday night to go to work on Monday. Bryan would stay the week on his own before the whole clan showed up for Memorial Day weekend. The three-day weekend was the traditional kickoff to the summer home.

"Bryan is the truck all gassed and ready?" inquired Joe of his eager son, knowing full well that Bryan had taken care of that chore last night.

"Aw, jeez Pa! I completely forgot!" laughed Bryan. Alicia smiled at the banter between her "boys."

"Well, we'll have to stop in then and get some won't we?" joked his dad. Patting his son on the back, Joe lifted his end of the cooler over the tailgate. Alicia grunted as she lifted her end.

"Why did you put so much beer on ice? It's only the three of us this weekend," queried Bryan's diminutive mother. At 5' 2", she packed a lot of energy into her petite well-proportioned frame. "You know I only have one or two the whole week we're there, and since we have to drive back tomorrow night..."

Joe looked sheepishly at his wife of 23 years. "Um, just thought that since the whole Andrews clan would be up next weekend, we won't have time to ourselves. And..."

"I see," Alicia knew the real story. After two beers, most of her inhibitions dropped away and it appeared Joe wanted see her loosened up. Bryan's parents enjoyed an active sex life and had a "christening" ceremony every spring when they opened up the cabin. Bryan was well aware of the tradition and usually he made himself scarce for a few hours the first night the family was at the cabin.

Alicia leaned against her husband's broad chest. At 45, Joe was still in good shape. They both enjoyed a lot of outdoor sports and had remained active despite full time jobs. That Bryan was also athletic and regularly worked out at the college's weight room was evident in his broad shoulders and tight waist. Both of her men were good-looking rugged outdoorsman, one of many qualities that had attracted Alicia to Joe in the first place.

"I won't need anything beside some clean country air," she purred into Joe's ear. It was true. Alicia was quite easily aroused and typically very amorous whenever the couple was at the cabin.

Joe grinned, knowing they would have their usually vigorous romp in the sheets tonight.

"Hey, do I have to dump the ice on you two now?" complained Bryan. With a knowing smirk on his face, he punched his dad in the arm and climbed behind the wheel of the truck.

"Hey, don't get smart with us, young man," chortled his father, pulling his keys out of his pocket and walking towards the car.

Alicia looked lovingly at her husband. "I'll ride up with our 'little boy' here, and give you some time to cool off, big fella." Besides, she had some things she wanted to talk with her son about and this was the first chance she had since he had come home for the summer.

Soon the two vehicles were caravanning their way through town heading for the freeway and points north. The cabin sat on some lake property about 3 hours away.

They had been driving for a half hour or more, when Bryan asked his mom to refill his coffee mug.

"Just like your Dad," grinned his mother as she opened the thermos, "can't function in the morning without a jolt of caffeine."

"Yep, a bean off the old branch," joked Bryan back.

"Say, we haven't had a lot of time to talk this year. Just wondering how you were doing."

Bryan smiled nervously. He had guessed this was the real reason his mother had chosen to ride with him. She wanted to talk. "Yeah, Mom. I'm doing okay." Bryan elaborated, "It was a tough year at first, but like you said, while time doesn't heal wounds, you get used to the pain, and then move on."

Bryan's high-school sweetheart had broken up with him at the beginning of the school year. They had dated for 3 years. Apparently, though, she had continued seeing other men because she was two months pregnant with some other dude's baby when she told Bryan about it. She didn't even know for sure who the father was. She and Bryan had always used condoms, the few times they had had sexual intercourse. They hadn't seen much of each other during last summer. Obviously, though she had kept herself very busy.

So, Bryan had started his first year of college a jilted ex-lover. He barely had passing grades at mid-term. That's when he told his parents what had happened between him and his former girlfriend.

"I made the Dean's list this semester." Bryan proclaimed. "Figured I would drown my sorrows in hard work and studying instead of other things. Kinda makes up for fall semester. However, I will still have to re-take ComWriting 101 to graduate.

"I'm looking forward to working on the cabin this summer. I signed up for a couple of correspondence courses to get caught up with the rest of my class, so that should help keep me busy."

Alicia admired her son. "You've been through a tough time. Looks like you're going to be okay. So, have you heard from ...?"

" I don't think of her name anymore, Mom." Bryan interrupted. "I had all sort of awful names I used to call her, but..." He paused, thinking, "Well it's behind me now and I can't let that... that, person get in the way of my getting on with my life."

With that, they turned to other topics, Alicia secure in the knowledge that her son was mending. When he had come home last fall, he had been falling down drunk. Apparently, that was how he had been for most of the previous week. His roommate had called them, concerned about Bryan's behavior. Joe had gone to get Bryan from the bus station when Bryan had appeared on the front doorstep, a half bottle of whiskey in hand.

Alicia had been scared. What could have happened to make her son behave this way? It was only after a few pots of coffee, a hot shower, and some food that Joe and Alicia actually got Bryan to tell them the truth. Then Bryan had broken down, sobbed, and cried. They eventually got him to bed early the next morning.

Joe had made arrangements for Bryan to see a councilor when he got back to college, and those sessions had helped a lot. By Christmas break, Bryan had stopped drinking, was eating normally again and, was attending classes regularly.

The drive ended and the vehicles pulled into the drive next to the cabin. It took about an hour to get things unloaded and moved into the cabin. The three spent the rest of the morning and afternoon changing the cabin over from winter closed up condition to summertime openness. Heavy wooden shutters had to be taken down from all the windows. Each of the rooms aired out, the furniture uncovered, and the utilities all turned on and checked for working condition.

Alicia busied herself the most in the kitchen. They usually packed all the cookware and dinnerware in boxes during the winter, so she dug it all out and washed, dried, and re-shelved everything. Then she attacked the linen closet. To keep the mice and other critters from destroying anything, all the linens were packed and taken home over the winter. Alicia hummed to herself contentedly as she unpacked the towels, sheets, and bedspreads.

The men worked steadily around the outside of the cabin. Leaves and other detritus were swept off the porch. The well was primed and water flowing into the water heater and other plumbing. The septic tank got inspected. The same for the propane tank; the furnace was given the once over. Firewood was stacked inside the house and by the outdoor kitchen bar-b-que. The paths around the cabin, the out buildings, and down to the lake were raked. It was all a routine the three had done many times before.

"I'll let you get the boats ready this week, Bryan." Joe said as he hung the leaf blower up in the pole barn. Bryan was peeking under the tarps over the array of canoes, kayaks, and the one motorized Johnny boat they had stored in the barn.

"I'll bring up the Maristar up from the marina too, Dad. I'll give Harry a ring on Monday to give her a tune-up and then go down and fetch her before the family starts arriving Friday." The cabin was on one of the largest lakes in the state. The Maristar was a 28' runabout that served as the primary transportation for the family around the lake.

Alicia had started a pot of stew in the slow cooker shortly after they had arrived. She mixed up a batch of biscuits and got the oven warm; she called her men into dinner by ringing the bell on the back porch. Like of couple of hungry lumberjacks, Joe and Bryan came in the back, leaving their shoes in the mudroom and sat down to dinner.

While his parents did the dinner dishes, Bryan made a fire in the fireplace. His father came into the room with a bucket of beers on ice and plopped down into his armchair. Bryan looked up from the book he was reading and chuckled.

"Dad, I think Mom was serious. You won't be needing to get her liquored up to score tonight. 'Course, I don't know if you have enough energy to keep up with her tonight." Bryan had seen the lust filled glances his mother had been giving his dad during dinner. She had disappeared into the master bedroom just a moment ago with a meaningful glance at Bryan and the stairs.

"I know I sure am beat," remarked Bryan before his Dad could comment on his frank observation of his parent's amorous intentions. "I'm gonna go hit the hay. Probably be asleep before my head hits the pillow. Won't hear a thing." Dodging the couch pillow his dad threw at him. Bryan scampered up the stairs to bed.

Alicia came out to hear her husband fuming and muttering under his breath, something about boys getting to big for their britches.

"Do you really think he doesn't know what his parents get up to?" inquired Alicia. "You are always a randy fellow, and this cabin brings out the he-man complex in you and you can't keep your hands off of me." Alicia laughed out-right at the pole-axed look on Joe's face.

"Bryan is a healthy red-blooded male, who is quite well aware of what goes on between two consenting adults," she reminded him. "He seems to be past the worst of the pain that girl left behind."

"Now don't go destroying the mood, my love," winked Joe as he gathered his lovely little wife into his arms and kissing her deeply. His tongue made gentle entreaty to her lips, which parted slowly as he explored her mouth. Breaking away breathlessly, Alicia went about the room turning off the lights.

"Do you think he's asleep yet?"

"Doesn't matter if he is," replied Joe. "Bryan promised he wouldn't hear anything." Joe's eyes crinkled up in contained laughter. His little wife could become a very vocal lover when she let her inhibitions go. Something that happened with much frequency here at the cabin.

The married couple settled down on the big couch in front of the fire. Alicia tucked her feet up as she nestled into her husband. Facing him, she ran a hand over his jaw, drawing him back in for a kiss. This one was as gentle and sweet as the prior kiss. Joe's arms wrapped around his wife, drawing him to her.

The first kiss turned in to many. As the heat between them began to build, Joe's hands began to massage Alicia's back. Roaming up and down her spine, working out the little kinks and sores from the day's work. Alicia moaned into Joe's mouth as the kiss became more hungry. Opening her eyes, she looked longingly at her husband. The unbridled passion lit his eyes with a hungry light, drowning her in his lust.

Joe nibbled his way from Alicia's earlobe down her neck to nuzzle in the hollow of her throat. His hands became more insistent as they began to move to the front of Alicia's blouse. While kissing and nuzzling her neck and lips, Joe slowly unbuttoned Alicia's blouse. Each time a button gave way, Alicia gave out a little moan, knowing full well the pleasure yet to come.

After the last button gave way, Joe cradled Alicia's head in his hands. "Now, my dear woman," he purred in his best Italian accent, "I am going to make love all over your body. Yes?"

Panting with desire, Alicia could only nod yes.

Pulling her blouse from her shoulders, Joe's hungry mouth devoured her neck, shoulders, and lastly began to mount the slopes of her heaving breasts. Deftly his left hand unhooked the bra clasp and without missing a kiss, Joe's lips slipped the bra away from her right breast. The nipple was already hard and distended. Alicia's mouth was open as she gasped for air. She wanted his rough lips on her nipple. She wanted it there now!

Joe's tongue traced a trail across to her other breast instead. Meanwhile his hands were busy removing her blouse and bra to drop them on the floor. Alicia began to work at Joe's shirt as well, wanting to press her bosom up against Joe's lightly haired chest. She wanted to feel her nipples carve lines against his skin.

Watching his wife's rising passion, Joe lowered his head and sucked Alicia's entire left breast into his mouth. His tongue made slow circles around her soft globe, leisurely making his way towards the tip of her tit. Her hands were pawing at his clothes desperately trying to get his shirt off so they could have skin-to-skin contact.

When Joe at length made contact with her nipple, he gently took the nub in his teeth and flicked the tip of his tongue over the end. The ripple of pleasure shot through Alicia and she let out a low moan. Pulling away from him, she almost ripped his shirt apart pulling it off over his head. Before she could get her hands back on him, Joe took the other breast into his mouth and preformed the same intimate torture to it as he had the left breast. Culminating with the nipple firmly between his teeth, he looked Alicia in the eye. Gone was the quiet little lady, in her place was a tigress in full heat looking for a conquest.

Alicia stood up unzipped her pants and dropped both her jeans and undies in one smooth motion to the floor. She straddled Bryan's hips and dropped down into his lap. Running her hands through his hair, she sucked his tongue into her mouth, pinned it down in a quick wrestling match, and then pulled his face to her chest. Joe happily began to lap at whichever tit was presented him. He would suck the whole thing into his mouth, tonguing the nipple rapidly, and then he would pull back and suck on just the bud, work his way over to the other side and start all over. Joe had always loved breasts, considered himself quite the tit man, and tried to make an art of loving a woman's breasts. Alicia loved the attention her chest was getting. Her pussy was quite soaked. Her hips were thrusting against the bulge in Joe's pants in time with the movements of his mouth.

Pulling his mouth back to hers, Alicia consumed Joe. Rising up, she reached for his belt. Pulling it loose, she unbuttoned his pants, continuing to kiss and suck on Joe's tongue she tugged at the waist. Joe lifted his hips allowing Alicia to draw his pants and briefs over his hips. His cock had begun to swell a long time ago in response to the action of his mouth on Alicia's plentiful bosom. The tip of his penis caught in the band of his underwear. Alicia had to let go her lip lock to deal with the obstruction.

Seeing her husband's enlarged gland spring free of its restraints, she transferred her oral attentions from her husband's to his pelvis. Licking the tip free of any pre-cum, she nibbled at the tip while she forced Joe's jeans past his knees and down to his ankles. Dropping to her knees, Alicia pushed his legs apart and began to pay serious attention to Joe's manhood.

She cupped her left hand around his scrotum, gently bouncing his testicles in her palm. With her right hand, she took a firm grip on the base of his penis and slowly engulfed the length of the shaft into her mouth. Drawing back, she withdrew till only the tip was perched on the perfect moue of her lips. Looking up she saw her husband staring passionately at her. Alicia understood how men thought a blowjob was the most wonderful thing in the world. When they were first married, the idea of taking that thing into her mouth had filled her with horror. Why? Then one night she gave into Joe's pleading, and she sucked his dick for the first time. Who would have known? It was a wonderful feeling to have her mouth around the soft skin of his penis, to feel his cock twitching in her mouth. Now she understood how women could like the idea of cock sucking too.

Stroking Joe's penis slowly, Alicia decided to give his cock the same slow torment of pleasure that he had administered to her chest. Licking up and down the shaft and unhurriedly sucking the length into her mouth, Alicia gave herself over to the proper oral treatment of her husband's cock. Soon his was moaning and grunting, trying to hold off the eventual release. Sensing his coming climax, Alicia pulled her mouth off his cock and gently sucked first on testicle then the other into her wet warm mouth. She sped up the frequency with which she stroked his raging manhood. Feeling his cock stiffen, and his ball sack pull up into his groin, Alicia did the one thing that drove Joe wild. She took the head of his penis into her mouth. Sucking on the glans, she pumped her fist up and down the length of Joe's manhood until she was rewarded with the eruption of sticky semen onto her tongue. She stopped sucking and just held her lips parted as Joe ejaculated his seed into her mouth.

Smiling up at her husband when he finished cumming, Alicia looked him right in the eye as she swallowed his sperm. Licked her lips and then cleaned off the cum on his cock and balls. Short of breath, Joe pulled his wife up to him and opened his mouth against hers and ran his tongue all over hers.

Joe pushed Alicia down onto the couch, pulled her legs apart, and kissed his way down her belly towards her sex. With all the attention to her breasts earlier, and the blowjob she just gave him, had Alicia's vagina dripping with wetness. She kept her pubic hair trimmed into what was known as a racing stripe above her slit. Joe's lips were making little bows all around her pubic mound. He lifted her thighs up on his shoulders and wrapped his arms around them. His fingers began to play in the sparse hair above Alicia's pussy. Smelling the full extent of her arousal, Joe gently blew against the puffy outer lips of Alicia's nether opening. Gently kissing her clit, Joe then began to lick the external folds of Alicia's labia. Using his fingers to gently open her pussy wider, Joe ran his tongue over the length of her opening. Starting almost at her anus, he would press his tongue flat against her sex and then slowly lift his head, lapping his tongue the whole rise of her cunt, till he would flick the tip against the head of her clitoris.

Alicia needed to be highly aroused before she could take much attention to her clit. Joe knew this and focused his oral attentions on her vaginal opening. Drawing his right arm form under her thigh, Joe placed the tip of his forefinger against the tiny opening of his wife's pussy. Continuing his stroking lick of her outer sex, he gently inserted the finger into her. Once he had the whole finger inside her body, Joe took the bud of her clitoris between his lips. Without moving his head, he began thrusting his finger back and forth, eventually adding a second finger.

He pulled his head back and watched his wife's labored breathing as he continued to finger-fuck her. She grinned down at him and he lowered his mouth against her pussy, trying to thrust his tongue as deep into her snatch as he had pressed his fingers. Alicia moaned and bucked her hips against the mouth that was violating her sex. Alicia had thought it was strange enough for a man to want his cock sucked on, but she wondered even more, why he would want to put his mouth on her genitals. That was until Joe had showed her the intense pleasure of oral sex. He was a master at giving her an orgasm with his tongue. Each type of orgasm was its own special treat, oral, digital, and of course penile! With the right arousal, Alicia would even cum with just Joe sucking on her tits! Sex was a wonderful thing she thought, as the pressure built inside her.

Joe was now concentrating his finger work on her G-spot, that unique tactile area on the upper front of a woman's vagina that could trigger fantastic orgasms. Joe had an unspoken rule of giving Alicia 3-4 orgasms before he would enter her. He brought about her first orgasm with his fingers.

Alicia felt the orgasm starting in the pit of her belly. She pulled her legs up and apart giving Joe deeper access to her pussy. Breathing rapidly, she felt the dam burst. Squirting over Joe's hand, she came, and came. Joe paused for a moment, and then began shoving his hand in and out of her pussy, being sure to press hard against the pussy walls on the way out. This brought about a second eruption that Alicia felt deeper in her spine. A geyser of cum shot out of her cunt showering Joe's hand and arm. Gasping for breath, she pulled him to her. They kissed passionately for a while as her spasms subsided.

Alicia pushed Joe back and sat down on his refreshed hard-on. In one thrust, she had the length of him embedded into her pussy. The feeling of being full of cock warmed her. A flush crept over her skin bringing out a deep red blush over her shoulders falling to the swelling of her breasts. Joe loved the view of his wife riding his cock and bouncing above him. He grabbed her waist and let her do the thrusting at her own pace.

Eventually though, the sight of her breasts bouncing in front of him, overcame him and he brought his hands up to cup her boobs and his thumbs found her nipples. He began squeezing and tweaking her nipples in time to her thrusts. The combined sensations did the trick and Alicia felt the beginning of yet another orgasm. She collapsed against Joe's chest trying to get her bearings. Yet now it was Joe who was insistent. He flipped her onto her back and lined his erect penis with her vaginal opening.

Diving in, Joe bottomed out on the first thrust, earning a deep pleasured grunt from his overexcited wife. With a lust-filled gaze, the two began humping against each other with abandon. Grunting with each down stroke, Joe felt his penis tighten and the pressure building against the tip of his cock, watching Alicia's eyes for evidence of her own pleasure he held his climax off till he felt her pussy flooding hot cum against his balls. Letting himself go, Joe buried his cock deep in Alicia's pussy and plastered his cum against the head of her cervix.

The couple curled up on the couch under a throw and watched the fire burn down to embers as their own sated passion fell off.

At the top of the stairs, Bryan quietly got to his feet and tiptoed back to his room.

Bryan had known about his parent's sex life for a long time. His parents had a very frank and honest talk with him about sex when he was in the eighth grade. Whenever they were here at the cabin, he was aware of his parent's lovemaking. While neither of his parents were "screamers" they weren't quiet lovers either.

He wasn't sure what had drawn him to spy on his parents this evening. He had heard their sex sessions through the wall before. However, tonight was different. Wow, he thought to himself, the folks really know how to make each other happy. His former girlfriend had always wanted him to eat her out, but had never once been willing to suck his cock.

Dropping his pajamas, Bryan slipped naked between the covers. The image of his Mom's lips wrapped around his dad's cock filled his mind. Reaching down, he grasped his own erect penis and began stroking it. Thoughts of a woman's head bobbing up and down in his own lap soon had him ejaculating. Bryan grabbed a towel from the bed stand and wiped up his semen. Rolling over he quickly drifted off to sleep with dreams of his mother's naked body in his mind.

The next morning, Bryan was the first up. He went downstairs to get the coffee started. The living room was empty. The throws and pillows were neatly arranged on the couch, so he knew his parents had cleaned up before they went to bed. Smiling to himself at visions of his parents loving each other, Bryan got things out and prepared breakfast. His parents joined him, fully dressed and unaware of their son's voyeuristic activities.

The family worked the rest of the day getting as much done as they could before Joe and Alicia had to leave. Again, the men did most of the outdoor work, focusing on the outside of the house and the immediate grounds. Alicia took her time focusing on the interior. There were boxes of photos and knickknacks that she got out and placed around the room. Some thought it odd that they always packed things up so completely in fall, but then there was less dusting and accidental breakage during the winter months. Besides Alicia enjoyed the personal touches and decorated the interior a bit differently every year.

When she had first married Joe, her mother-in-law had kept the cabin in pristine condition. An obsessive-compulsive type, her mother-in-law had an exact place for everything and nothing was ever out of place. Yes, she had made it a warm and inviting place, but she was forever running around putting things to right. Alicia and Joe had slowly been doing some redecorating in the years since he inherited the cabin. They did not want to lose the memories of the place, but had wanted to put their own signature on the cabin.

It was mid-afternoon when Joe came inside and loaded their luggage into the car. They would leave the truck for Bryan to use. Alicia gave her son a tight hug. Unaware that Bryan could feel the fullness of her bosom against his chest, she held him close. Then drawing her face to hers, she kissed his forehead. Bryan was alarmed at the growing excitement he felt in his pants. Yet before his mother noticed, she withdrew from his arms. Bryan shook his Dad's hand and held up the list of yard work they had made.

"I'll be sure to have this done before next weekend, Dad." Bryan assured his dad. Confident of his son's work ethic, Joe patted his son's shoulder.

"Don't work so hard that you forget you're also here to relax. Thom is always up for a game of cards or checkers over at the lodge, you know. And be sure to let the neighbors know we're back for the season." Joe advised his son. The Andrews clan had been a fixture at the lake for three generations now. The first family to build out at the lake, the Andrews had the largest plot of land. Their closest neighbors all had large parcels as well. It was down by the lodge on the far end of the lake that had seen the most development over the years. Bryan always enjoyed the seclusion afforded them by their extensive property. Yet it was nice to hang out with people in the evenings too. Last summer, he had enjoyed an ongoing contest of wills with Thom, the lodge bartender, over a quite a few games of checkers.

"Yes, Dad, I'll be sure and schedule time for goofing off too." Bryan replied to his father's look of disapproval. Since his rebound last fall, Bryan had become very structured with his time. He didn't want to run the risk of having too much time to think about things and get down and moody again. "Or I may just let it happen and take the consequences." Joe nodded. He understood his son's predicament. Maybe he would meet someone new this summer and get past his broken heart.

"No pressure, boy. Just take it easy. 'Bout time some of the rest of the clan helps out up here. So leave some of the heavy work for next weekend." They men chuckled. The rest of the family considered hoisting a full beer mug heavy lifting.

With another round of hugs and handshakes, Bryan's parents left for the drive home. Bryan went out to the wood shed and starting splitting wood. He enjoyed the simple physical work. It wasn't a priority job, yet there was always a need for split wood, and besides it gave him time to think.

Watching his parents have sex last night had raised a lot of issues in Bryan's mind. The first of which was what a pervert he must be. Watching his own parents! Jeez. Yet it had been a beautiful sight. Sure was sexy the way the firelight played over both of their bodies. His parents were healthy people, kept in good shape and were obviously in love with each other. In some strange way, Bryan felt part of the love radiated up to him, even though they didn't know he was there.

Then there was the sight of his mother's bare breasts, although a little droopy with age, but still nicely pear shaped. Her nipples a lovely shade of pink deepening into a blush red at the tips. Her little strip of pubic hair was amazing, as though the purpose was not to hide her genitals, but to point the way to her inner essence.

In addition, his dad had looked good too! Bryan had seen a couple of porno movies with friends in high school. They had all joked about the size of the women's breasts and the shape of their legs and all. Laughed at the way the guys looked silly walking around with their boners sticking out. Yet it was the girls they were interested in. Bryan found it odd that he wasn't offended by his dad's nudity, just proud that his dad looked good without clothes.

Last night was the first time he had masturbated since his breakup last fall. His girlfriend had really done a mental number on him. When she announced that she was pregnant, with some other dude's baby no less, she had informed Bryan that he was a lousy lover. She had gone on about how she had barely been able to allow him to touch her. How she had started fucking other men just to "get the taste of you off my lips!" Since they had only made love three times, and hadn't seen each other most of the summer, Bryan had been crushed by her treatment of him. When they started dating, she had seemed like your basic "good girl next door." Well, she didn't like that reputation, she informed him, and so while he was up at the cabin she decided she was going to become a slut. That she did.

Even now, 9 months later and the baby born, she still didn't have a clue as to who the father was. The sick part had come last April. Desperate, the girl had the audacity to call up Bryan to try and repair their relationship. She wanted the child to have a father. Apparently, she thought that while Bryan was "bad in bed" he would be a great father for some other dude's kid. Bryan would have nothing to do with it. By then he realized what would happen. She would dump him and the baby and run off with the next big dick she found. "You made your bed, sleep in it." And he hung up on her.

With all that, Bryan had really suppressed all his sexual feelings. Once he had sobered up last fall, he had thrown himself into his schoolwork and volunteering at a local shelter to fill up his free time. He had raised his grades, felt like he was making a difference to the needy, and in general started to feel better about himself. Just not with girls.

In fact, last night was the first time Bryan recalled having an erection in months. Why was it that it was his mother's body that had gotten his arousal up? That was another reason he was working the woodpile. Bryan hoped that the physical exertion would tire him out and he would fall asleep quickly tonight. No dreams about boobs, cocks, or pussies.

Once dark fell, Bryan went back inside. He popped open a beer. Leery of drinking too much, he still felt it might help him fall asleep quicker. He warmed up the leftover stew from yesterday and sat down at the table with a book. A historical novel of the Templars, Bryan wanted to take a break from his constant studying before working on his correspondence courses. Time enough for those when he went home after Memorial Day weekend.

He cleaned up his dishes, finished the beer, decided against a second one, popped open a coke, and headed to the bathroom for a shower. While drying off, Bryan realized he hadn't brought his pj's with him. Without his parents there, he figured what the hell. Draped the towel over the rack to dry and walked naked to his bedroom. The upstairs had a railing that looked down over the great room. As he passed by, Bryan looked down at the couch where his parents had had sexual intercourse last night. He stopped. Once again, the sight of his parents together filled his mind.

He saw his mother sitting topless on his dad's lap, Dad suckling at her tits. Then his naked mother giving his dad a blowjob, and swallowing! Good Lord, he thought, women do that? Then he pictured his father sticking his tongue in his Mom's pussy, her chest heaving with passion, her breasts bouncing around.

Bryan's flaccid penis was swelling again. Unconsciously he found himself beginning to stroke himself as he remembered his Dad mounting his Mother. The intense look on their faces as they both climaxed at the same time.

Realizing what he was doing, Bryan dashed into his bedroom embarrassed. He shut the door and jumped under the covers, shaking. Yet his growing desire soon had him touching himself again. Closing his eyes, Bryan griped his cock in one hand and slowly, lightly rubbed his penis up and down. His other hand drifted up his chest to flick at a nipple. Bryan had never been a big on masturbation or fantasies. Yet now he couldn't help himself. He imagined the feel of a woman kissing his nipples, his tummy, and then taking his penis in her mouth. Using the pre-cum to lubricate his hand, Bryan stroked away at his cock, feeling it grow and expand in his hand. Keeping his eyes closed he imagined this mystery women burying his cock inside her. She guided his hands up to her breasts as she rode him like a cowboy. Only when he felt himself spurting did Bryan throw off the covers and grab the towel from the bed stand. He didn't want to get semen over the sheets. Strangely satisfied Bryan lay back and feel quietly asleep.

So began a new ritual for Bryan. He worked hard all day around the cabin and property. The rail fence had some mending due to winter dead falls. The pier needed to be readied to be put in next weekend when Dad was back. If they could get his uncle and cousins to help that would be great, hoped Bryan. It was a full morning's work for two, but could be done in a few hours if the others were willing to get wet.

In the evenings, Bryan usually had one beer with dinner, read by the fireplace till he was tired. Then he would go upstairs, get undressed, and walk naked to the shower. He would look himself over a bit before he got in. Wondering what girls would think about his body. Would they be as interested in him as his Mother was interested in his Dad? After toweling off, Bryan would walk naked back to his room, lie down on his bed, and masturbate.

He didn't fantasize about anything or anyone in particular, just found pleasure in touching himself in different ways. If something didn't feel right, he didn't do it, but if it did, like dragging his fingernails lightly over his scrotum, or pushing one finger against his rectum, well then he did it. He kept the towel close and would catch his ejaculate, wipe his hands off, and drift comfortably off to sleep.

Thursday night came, and Bryan felt he better do something different. His dad would check in with Thom at the lodge to see if Bryan really had stopped over or not. So, he ate an earlier supper, climbed into the truck, and drove over to the lodge. On the way he remembered that he had meant to get the runabout this week, though without the pier in, it would be awkward mooring the boat. Yet if he knew his younger cousins, if the powerful boat wasn't there they would be squawking the whole weekend. They loved to race up and down the length of the lake making as much of a nuisance of themselves as possible. Bryan didn't mind his cousins; it was just that they were so much younger than him they didn't have much in common. The oldest was only in 7th grade this year.

Thom lit up like a Christmas tree when Bryan walked into the bar. Before he had found a seat at the far end, Thom had the checkerboard out and ready to go.

"Been waiting for you all week, boyo. Your dad rang me up on Monday, said you were here getting things ready for the family and all. Figured you wanted a chance to redeem yourself after last season," he said nodding at the checkerboard. When Thom had first suggested they play checkers last summer, Bryan had laughed at 'grown ups' playing a children's game. Then he learned about how Thom played checkers. An absolute stickler for the strictest of rules, Thom demonstrated the advanced strategy he believed the game deserved. After two matches where they were evenly paired. Thom pulled out a new board.

"Got meself a new passion, boyo. This here's called GO. A Chinese game, kinda like checkers, chess, and poker all rolled together. Care to learn how?" He started Bryan off with a simple 9 by 9 grid to get used to the new rules. All the while Thom would serve patrons their drinks, explain thoughts on strategy for this new game, and surreptitiously drew out Bryan's story of heartbreak and recovery without raising a fuss or seeming to pry.

When Thom called last drink and closing in 10 minutes, it was almost 2:00 am, Bryan realized that this was the most pleasant evening he had had in mixed company since last weekend with his parents.

"Thom, you're a wizard or something. I haven't told anybody that stuff other than my parents or the councilor at school. Thanks, I feel like some strange weight is off my chest." Bryan reached out to clasp his friend's hand.

"Just don't be making a stranger of yourself now, boyo. I be investing some time in you and no one else around here will learn my new game, so just you be stopping by regular like."

" You can count on that Thom. Though I think I may see if they have any books on Go at the library so I can learn how to give you a real challenge."

" You do that boyo, you do that." replied Thom as he locked the door behind Bryan. Bryan had only been drinking ginger ale all night, so he had a safe drive home, reminding himself to call the marina in the morning about the Maristar. Harry always had the boat ready before Memorial Day weekend, knowing the Andrew's family had the whole family up to kick off the summer season.

When Bryan got to the cabin, it was very late. He set the alarm clock and stripped down to his skin. He skipped the shower tonight, having taken one before going to the lodge. As he lay down, he gently stroked his penis. Tonight he was actually tired enough that he fell asleep long before he became aroused.

Bryan's parents arrived shortly after noon on Friday. Bryan was just leaving to fetch the runabout from the marina. Alicia offered to drive him to the marina and bring the truck back. During the drive over, Bryan found himself giving his mother the once over. It was a warm day and his mother had walking shorts on and a tee shirt. He wasn't sure at first but it sure looked like she wasn't wearing a bra.

Alicia detested the things. She would go braless under her clothes at every opportunity. When Bryan had turned 13, she made sure she wore a bra around the house so not to embarrass him. This past week with him gone, she had shed her bra the moment she walked in the door from work. Joe always loved her free hanging tits. He had been feeling her up all week.

As they were driving, Alicia's breast rubbed against the fabric of her shirt, causing her nipples to become erect. Bryan couldn't help but notice the aroused state of his mother's bosom. She really is a very shapely woman, thought Bryan. Looking out the window, he was recalling how those same breasts had looked while his Dad had nursed at them on the couch.

"All I'm saying Bryan is you have to give love a chance." Hunh? Lost in his daydream, Bryan had lost track of what his mother was talking about. Realizing he also had begun to have an erection; Bryan adjusted himself under the cover of resettling himself in his seat. Trying hard not to stare at his mother's chest, Bryan mumbled something to the affirmative.

Alicia glanced at her son in time to see him move his penis in his pants. Quickly glancing forward she wondered what caused that reaction. Catching him looking away, she realized that he had been looking at her chest. Glancing down she saw her own nipples proudly trying to poke holes through her tee shirt. Remembering that she was braless and had worn a tight tee shirt today to tease her husband she was shocked to see the effect it was having on her son.

It was at that point that they arrived in the marina parking lot. Bryan got out of the truck and told his mother he would see her back at the cabin. "Have Dad meet me down by the pier so he can help me tie up the Maristar, Okay?" Bryan asked keeping his eyes firmly locked on his mother's face. Smiling, Alicia answered, "Um, yeah, sure." She watched as her son walked into the office. It came to her that her son was a good-looking young man. She still pictured him in her mind as a young boy. Looking at his rear end, she realized he wasn't a boy. Thinking of the bulge she had seen growing in his crotch, she knew he wasn't a "little" boy anymore either.

During the drive back, Alicia couldn't decide if she was angry at Bryan for looking at her breasts, or angry at herself for looking at his crotch, or upset because she had liked what she had seen. The more she thought about it, the more Alicia liked the idea of Bryan seeing her unencumbered breasts and erect nipples. That and the thought of Bryan having an erection kept her mind very occupied. By the time she pulled into the drive at the cabin, she could feel her pussy getting moist. Turning the wheel caused her to brush an arm against her swollen nipples. The electric shot through her body seemed to energize her pussy. A flow of liquid ran down the v of her pussy towards her ass.

Putting the truck into park, she turned the engine off and rubbed one hand against the crotch of her shorts. Wetness seemed to flood her panties. Unable to control herself, Alicia unzipped her fly and slid her hand between her legs. She was amazed at how wet her pussy was. It was like a faucet had been turned on. The more she rubbed her cunt the more it flowed. Soon her tits were begging to be pinched. With one hand up under her shirt, the other buried in her panties, Alicia was working hard to bring herself off.

She slipped her two middle fingers inside her vagina. She usually never came when she masturbated. She just enjoyed the pleasurable warmth it spread through her loins, but today was different. Her fingers quickly found her G-spot and she frantically fingered herself.

In a burst of light, she came. Flooding her hand, she gasped for breath; her eyes sprang open as she had to grab her groin with both hands. The orgasm was intense. Her toes curled under with the throes of the orgasm burning through her. All this because her son had seen her nipples through her tee shirt?! Goodness, what a mess she had made in her shorts. "Oh my, what if Joe sees me like this? It looks like I wet my pants! I mean, yes I did, but..." Alicia moaned as she came down from the high.

Glancing around, she didn't see Joe anywhere. She quickly dashed into the house and into the master bedroom. Dropping her wet shorts and panties to the floor, Alicia grabbed a hand towel from the dresser and wiped her groin dry. Going to her suitcase, she withdrew a clean pair of undies and a pair of jean shorts. She debated about putting a bra on before Bryan got home. Yet something made her hold back. She would have to wear one all weekend with the rest of the family here, and well... She tossed her wet clothing into the hamper and went in search of Joe.

Joe had seen Alicia drive in. He wondered why she didn't get out right away and had started to walk over to the truck when he realized what she was doing. Joe loved to watch his wife masturbate. He often fantasized about finding her in the bedroom after work, naked on the bed pounding herself with a huge dildo. Joe would then come in and replace the dildo in her pussy with his cock and then they would have a great orgasm together. Only thing was, Alicia wasn't a big practitioner of the solo sex act. Here she was in the truck, in the driveway, obviously giving herself a hand job. Joe stopped and watched from a distance. He couldn't see any of the action, but the look on his wife's face was enough for him. He knew she would be upset and embarrassed if she saw him watching her masturbate. So he stayed where he was enjoying the view he had. When her orgasm hit, Joe was sporting a raging hard-on. He really wanted to go and screw his wife. Instead, he walked back behind the pole barn out of sight. He savored the moment in his memory and wondered if he could convince Alicia into a quickie before Bryan got back from the marina.

Alicia had the same thought as she left the cabin looking for Joe. She caught up with him inside the pole barn. She noticed the obvious erection in his pants. She pulled her tee shirt off and dropped on the floor. Joe smiled. When Alicia started to drop her shorts, he was quickly unbuckling his belt and trying to free his cock from his pants.

"Come here and get you some, big boy!" purred Alicia; wiggling her ass as she bent over a sawhorse and presented her backside to her husband's enlarged cock. Alicia loved getting fucked from behind. Joe's cock somehow seemed to go deeper and hit more of the right places when he came at her doggy style. Still sopping wet from her masturbation, Joe had no problem entering her from behind. It was raw sex. Hard and dirty, he was thrusting wantonly into her gaping cunt and Alicia was bucking back on his cock just as hard. It took barely twenty strokes for them both to reach a climax. This was just in time too, as they heard the approaching mumble of a boat motor.
Next page: Part 01.2