Part 01.2
Scooping some of their comingled cum onto her fingers, Alicia stuck them in her mouth and then with pouty lips thanked her husband for the early deposit pulled her shorts back on, picked up her tee-shirt and left the barn.
Joe just about collapsed on the floor. He pulled his pants up and stuffed his shrinking penis into his briefs. As he zipped himself up he heard Bryan calling from the landing. Wondering if his son had seen his topless mother, Joe grinned to himself at the guilty pleasure, and took his time to compose himself on the way to help his son with the boat.
Bryan sure had caught a glimpse of his topless mother walking back into the house. He knew what had just occurred in the pole barn and thought what a great sex life his parents must have. Just as his mother was about to enter the house, she turned and looked down towards the landing. Bryan quick turned his head away so that she wouldn't catch him staring at her boobs, yet he thought he saw a bit of a knowing smile as she went into the house.
This could get to be a long hard weekend, Bryan thought, then groaned out loud at the awful pun. He groaned a second time as he felt his cock begin to stiffen. He decided to just jump in the cold lake water. That would cure his little growing problem.
Joe was surprised to see Bryan walking up out of the lake.
"You could have waited and thrown a line to me."
"Yeah, but I would still have had to wade into shore, since the pier isn't in yet." Replied Bryan, glad his erection had died in the cold water. With his jeans soaking wet any sign of his erection would have been quite visible.
"Well, we'll have to start on that first thing in the morning. How's the water anyway then?" queried his father. "Warm enough for skinning dipping yet?" Joe had other things on his mind then the condition of his son's pants.
"Um, Dad, it's not quite June yet. Thom told me the last of the lake ice melted in early April." They tied off two ropes from the boat to nearby trees. "It might rain this weekend the forecast said. I suppose you'll want to put the boat slip in with the pier tomorrow too." Bryan appreciated the slip. It had a canvas cover and kept the worst of the weather off the boat during the summer. It was just an additional chore to do while the bulk of the family sat around sucking down beer.
"We'll make Charlie and the boys help us this year. The boys are big enough to at least handle the dry end of the work." Bryan groaned, that meant he would be in the deep water setting the heavy pylons into place for the deck of the pier. Cold work in this weather.
"I'll be sure you Mom makes a big pot of tomato soup for lunch tomorrow. That and her special grilled cheese sandwiches." Joe and Bryan both loved Alicia's special cheese sandwiches. She used several specialty types of cheese on her homemade sourdough bread. Thick and gooey they went particularly well with her grandma's tomato soup.
"What's on the menu for this evening?" asked Bryan as they made their way back up to the cabin so he could change out of his wet clothes.
"Pizza I think. Alicia didn't want to have to cook tonight as she will be cooking all weekend."
" We could eat up at the lodge. Thom hired a new cook for this season, he does a lot better than old Mrs. Hartung."
"Sounds good, I can catch up on news from the lake association while were up there. I'll go tell your mother and as soon as you're changed we'll head over."
" I suggest we drive, Dad, unless you really want to go skinny dipping," retorted Bryan to his father.
"My goodness," exclaimed Alicia as her men came in the back door. Bryan was dripping all over the mudroom. "Drop those wet clothes right there young man. I'll fetch you a towel and some dry clothes." Bryan waited patiently for his mother to bring his dry clothing down from his room. She smiled as she handed him his clothes.
"Dad informs me we'll be going to the lodge for burgers and fries. I'm getting hungry so don't be too long." She smiled mischievously as Bryan shivered. She pulled the door shut to the mudroom and closed the shade, giving Bryan some privacy as he stripped out of his wet clothes. Either his mother was playing games, or she wasn't thinking because she had forgotten to bring a fresh pair of boxers down. Drying himself off, Bryan quickly pulled on the jeans opting to go commando instead of sending his Mom back up for a pair of underwear. She had remembered socks and a dry pair of shoes, so he figured she was up to some game, but what and why, he chose not to deliberate.
"I'm ready," Bryan called from the laundry room after putting his wet stuff in the dryer.
The three of them piled into the truck. Alicia sat between the two men. Joe drove them over to the lodge. He had a secretive smile. He was sitting in the same spot where his wife had had her little panty party. He knew what that had led to, and enjoyed the memory.
Alicia had similar thoughts: those of her time in the truck, her encounter with her husband in the pole barn, and her choice to flash her son. Why she had chosen to do that, she wasn't exactly sure. It still sent a tingle up from her moist juncture to the tips of her breasts. She had put a bra on before they left for the lodge. It wouldn't do to advertise herself amongst all their friends and acquaintances.
Bryan was very studiously looking out the window. He didn't want to get caught looking at this mother again. He was almost sure she had flashed him on purpose. What on earth could that mean? Was she aware of the effect she had on him in the truck on the way to the marina? If so, how come she was so calm about it?
With the underlying pent up sexual tension in the truck, the drive to the lodge couldn't get over soon enough for the three of them.
Once at the lodge, they went in and found a table in the back of the dining room. A young waitress Bryan did not recognize came up to get their drink order.
"Now what may I be getting you?" a very delicate Irish accent lilted off the red-haired lovely's pert lips. A dazzling smile followed this delivery. The three sat spellbound before her dimpled grin.
"Ach, let me be introducing myself, then. My name is Keionna. Yes, I'm Irish. I'm visiting the states and be helping out me Unca' Thom". She gestured back to the bar, where Thom stood grinning to beat the band. He waved to the Andrews and went about his work.
"So, what will it be then?" Keionna repeated.
"Just cokes all around, I guess." stammered Joe obviously smitten with the singularity of a foreign waitress, and a particularly striking one at that.
"The usually don't droll quite this much, dear." teased Alicia as Keionna wrote down their orders and handed out the menus. "I have tried so hard to house train them, but men will be boys." Both ladies enjoyed their laugh at the men's expense.
As Keionna left to get their drinks, Bryan stated, "She wasn't here last night when I came in. Thom never mentioned her at all, only went on and on about this new game he wants to play. It's called Go." Bryan had a hard time bringing his eyes back to the table. Keionna was quite stunning. Red hair, green eyes, soft luminescent skin, about 5' 6." and delicate curves in all the right places. She was wearing as simple rolled neck sweater, khakis, and deck shoes.
"Keep your eyes in your head, son." chuckled Joe. Though he was sure he was entertaining similar thoughts as his son.
Alicia just looked thoughtfully at her boy. This was the first time she had sensed he had demonstrated any interest in the opposite sex since last fall, well other than whatever was going on between them. She let that thought slide.
"If you decide to stay up here for the summer, you may get a chance to get to know our visitor from across the 'pond'." spoke Joe with a bad Irish accent.
Bryan was having serious thoughts of doing just that.
Keionna came back with their drinks and took their dinner order. The lodge dining room was filling up, as the opening weekend crowd seemed to have a similar thought as the Andrews. Cooking out was the order of the weekend and they were taking the night off from kitchen duties to enjoy the new cook Thom had hired.
The burgers were a definite improvement over last season's fare. The new chef in the kitchen was a welcome change. Many patrons sent their compliments back to the kitchen. Keionna and the other wait staff gladly carried the well wishes. Thom eventually came out from behind the bar and called the chef into the dining room.
"I want you all to meet our newest member of the lodge staff." Putting his arm on the shoulders of the big man beside him, "this is Little John Hordle." The crowd enjoyed the play on the chef's name. "He's actually my new partner here at the lodge and we are looking forward to making your visit's here truly memorable."
The two men bowed to the applause and Little John made his way back into the kitchen, while Thom began to circulate amongst the tables.
When he arrived at the Andrews' booth, Bryan pounced on him. "Why didn't you mention you had your niece here for the summer?"
"Ach, boyo, I dint have much chance to tell you last night. You were too busy telling me stories now weren't cha?" Thom countered with a twinkle in his eye.
"Now wait a minute, you were all hot, and bothered to get me hooked on your new board game and then wouldn't let up with questions, and ..." Bryan drifted off, realizing his friend had played him. Not just with the new game, but once his story was coming out, saved the news of his niece as a surprise.
"Actually, me boy, she's not 'xactly me niece. See, her grandmum, and mine were childhood friends back in County Derby, see. Keionna's the only granddaughter of her son, Albert. Seeing as me Da and Albert were practically raised as brothers, and Keionna's parent's died in a car accident some years back, Keionna's been living with Albert and her grandmum. So now she's like family, see, and well she's here a-visiting her "Unca" Thom." Thom explained to the Andrews.
"She's contemplatin' a goin' to university here in America, see. Maybe studying finance and business, maybe hospitality and take over the lodge. We'll see." Thom was obviously proud of his adopted niece. Keionna arrived at that point with the Andrews' bill. "Be sure ya tip her well, I hear her landlord be a charging an outrageous rent!" Thom chuckled and walked away dancing aside as Keionna flicked her towel at him.
"What lies has me Unca' been tellin' ya now?" She grinned at Bryan and his parents.
"Keionna, we would like to welcome you to America. We are Joe and Alicia Andrews. This is our son Bryan. He may be around a lot this summer as he usually stays at the lake all summer." Joe made the introductions.
"I'll look forward ta seein' ya again then, Master Bryan." Keionna collected the bills and went back for Joe's change.
Joe left a nice tip for Keionna and the new chef, Little John. As the Andrews drove home, they talked about the plans for the rest of the weekend once the family arrived.
When they got home, Bryan suggested they play a game before bed. Getting out the cribbage board, they played three games before choosing to call it quits for the night.
Memorial Day weekend went off without a hitch. Bryan's uncle and cousins did help get the pier and boat slip in the lake. The rest of the weekend was filled with family games, cookouts, a campfire, and general hilarity. Both Bryan and Alicia were able to get their minds off each other's bodies. If his parents had sex that weekend, Bryan did not hear them.
Monday evening came. Joe and Alicia had the car loaded and ready to return to the city. Bryan's cousins had left without destroying anything. Bryan had actually enjoyed spending time with his younger cousins. They had grown up some in the past year.
"So what's your feeling about staying up at the cabin all summer, Bryan?" Joe asked his son. "Not as much to work on this year, since we finished up the pole barn, but you're welcome to stay again."
"I just worry about you being all alone all week," complained Alicia.
"He's got that wild Irish rose to be chasin' after, now doncha see." mimicked his dad.
Bryan blushed. "I've got some correspondence courses to do this summer, and I enjoy the solitude of the lake during the week. You guys are here most weekends. Uncle Tony mentioned bringing the boys up a few times to go fishing, so I suppose I'll be just fine." Bryan hadn't really thought of staying at the cabin all summer. He too wasn't sure about being alone all that time. Yet last week had gone okay.
"I'll drive home with you guys today, and bring the rest of my stuff up for the summer. I left several of my school books at home." The group caravanned home. It was late when they got into the city, as traffic had been horrendous.
When Bryan got up in the morning, both his parents were gone to work. There was a note for him on the kitchen table.
Bryan Dear,
You were tired, so we let you sleep in. Enjoy the week. We'll be up next weekend with groceries and other necessities. I think there is enough at the cabin for you, but if not just put things on tab at the lodge and we'll settle up on the weekend.
Please don't spend too much time alone. Visit the neighbors, go play Thom his new game. See if that Keionna would go to a movie or something.
There's a few dollars in the envelope for the movies or bowling, I also included our ATM card. Call if you need to talk.
Love Mom.
Bryan smiled. His mother would think of everything, including trying to get him interested in Keionna. Bryan was already interested, but also was in no hurry. He planned on going up to the lodge to play Thom his game, and if things also developed with Keionna, well, he would see.
Loading up his summer clothes, his schoolbooks, and laptop Bryan set off for the cabin. He spent much of the drive thinking of Keionna. She was about his age and absolutely stunning. Sure, the Irish accent, red hair, and healthy curves had a lot to do with his attraction, but Bryan couldn't help but think that there was a lot more to Keionna then the surface beauty. He resolved to find out.
Bryan stopped at the lodge to have lunch. He was hungry and that was just as easy as making something at the cabin, or so he told himself. Walking in to the dining room, he looked around for Keionna. She was wiping down the bar counter. Sitting at the bar, Bryan asked for a lunch menu.
"Lil' John's gots some specials today ifn' you want to try?" Keionna smiled at Bryan.
"Sure, sounds good." Keionna went into the kitchen and placed his order.
The two chatted amiably over the meal. Keionna demonstrated a fine mind, and an almost insatiable curiosity about all things American. Bryan excused himself and headed out to the cabin, resolving to stop by the lodge often this summer. He wondered what Keionna's work schedule was like. Did Thom need her every day, or was she on a rotation like the rest of the waitresses?
That first week, Bryan cleaned up the cabin and grounds from the weekend family gathering. Got all the boats and fishing gear organized and ready for summer use. He started on his first correspondence course, a review of American History. I'll have to show some of this to Keionna, he thought. Maybe get her to share some of Ireland's much longer history with him in the process.
When he went to bed that first evening, Bryan returned to his habit of showering and returning to his bedroom in the nude. As he would lie on the bed, he would slowly start massaging his stomach. Working his way down, he would give his limp penis a gentle pull, then caress his thigh. Returning to his stiffening cock, Bryan would slowly fist it up and down a few times, then let it go and try flexing his penis just with his pelvic muscles. As his arousal would build, he would take some of the pre-cum on the ridge of his forefinger and work it around the head of his erection. Using the natural lubricant, he would eventually be stroking himself with a steady rhythm.
His mind's eye would be occupied with scenes of his parents making out, or his mother doing housework topless. Just as he was cumming, Bryan envisioned a close-up of Keionna's face; Her green eyes all smoky, a soft glow about her hair loose and disheveled, her lips moist from a recent kiss.
"Yeah, I guess you're back to the land of the living, bro'," Bryan laughed to himself as he cleaned himself off. "Horny as hell and wanting a girl." About time, he had begun to worry if he would ever get over that... "She who will not be named".
With those pleasant thoughts, Bryan drifted off to sleep.
Back in the city, Bryan's fantasy of Alicia's racy housework was more of a reality then he would ever have guessed.
Alicia worked shorter hours during the summer months. Often home by 2:30 in the afternoon, she would quickly discard her office attire and be a lot more comfortable. Since Bryan wasn't home, she gave up on wearing a bra altogether while around the house.
By Thursday of that week she skipped putting a top on at all. Walking around the house in just a pair of loose running shorts, Alicia took care of the housework and getting dinner ready. Joe loved finding his half-naked wife at home, and their sex life got turned up another few notches.
Instead of going to the cabin that weekend, Joe and Alicia stayed home on Saturday. Alicia declared a clothing ban and skipped even the running shorts. Joe was quick to follow suit. His growing erection at the breakfast table caused Alicia to get down on her knees and give Joe a blowjob along with his morning coffee. Wiping the cum from her lips after his climax, She sat back down and picked the paper back up as if nothing wild had just occurred.
Later that morning as Alicia was bringing the laundry up to bedroom, Joe caught her on the steps. Seeing her bare pussy had his cock growing again. This time he took charge. Wrapping his arms around her, he stopped her on the middle of the stairs with her arms full of the laundry basket, Alicia couldn't do much. Joe started fondling her tits and then snaked a hand down between her legs. Rubbing at her pussy, Alicia was soon soaking wet, when her hole was ready, he shoved the two middle fingers of his right hand in as deep as he could. Alicia grunted with pleasure, pushing her ass against Joe's rigid cock.
After pumping his fingers into her pussy, Joe pushed on Alicia's shoulders, forcing her to bend forward. With her arms on the laundry basket, bent over forward, Joe patted his wife's lovely derrière and spread her ass cheeks. He lined up his hard-on with her wet slit and slowly slid himself inside.
Gently at first, the two lovers built their fucking up to a ball-slapping rhythm. Each smack of Joe's cock into her steaming slit was punctuated with a grunt of pleasure from Alicia's throat. , the two exploded together. Joe pulled his deflating cock from her wet opening, slapped her but, and went back down to his den. Alicia smiled, wriggled with excitement and dripping cum from her pussy took the basket up to the bedroom.
The rest of the weekend went much like that. Joe and Alicia made love in most every room of the house. Twice in the kitchen, three times in the den, once in the living room late at night with the drapes wide open, but all the lights off. About the only place they didn't consummate their marriage was Bryan's bedroom.
Monday morning found them at the breakfast table actually dressed.
Looking at her husband dreamily, Alicia purred, "Well, that was a lovely weekend. Too bad, I have to be dressed for work today. I really enjoyed our clothing ban." Her vagina had a well-used soreness to it this morning. Not an unpleasant pain, but a definite ache as she crossed her legs. Adjusting her skirt, she caught the smug look on her husband's face.
"Yep, I need a break, girl. I was getting worried you would break my dong off with all your antics!" The grin told her how much Joe had enjoyed the weekend too.
With a twinkle in her eye, Alicia turned to Joe as she put her dishes in the sink, "Just be sure you take your vitamins, big boy. I may not be done with you yet." She sashayed her ass out to the garage and left for work. Joe used his morning drive to get his eager imagination under control and return to a work frame of mind.
Alicia continued to walk around the house stark naked. Joe was a bit more conservative, keeping his boxers on most of the time. The two enjoyed an increase to their sexual activities, yet kept their games within their normal boundaries. Unspoken between them were various fantasies engendered by their clothing optional home-style.
Meanwhile, Bryan had settled into his own routine. He would get up with the sunrise and take a kayak out on the lake for an hour. Afterwards, he ate a light breakfast and worked on his correspondence courses. After lunch, Bryan would work around the property, cleaning up deadfalls, pruning the pathways, caring for the yard, and some light housework. He would end the evening with an hour of wood chopping, not because they needed the firewood so much as he enjoyed the sheer manual labor. He would shower before making dinner. Most nights he spent reading, except on Tuesdays and Thursdays when he would head over to the lodge to spend time with Thom and Keionna.
A friendship was developing between the young people that Thom was actively cultivating. Keionna only worked weekend shifts at the restaurant. She insisted that she work during the busiest hours at the lodge. During the week though, she was pretty free to use her time as she wished.
Bryan would bring his history coursework along some evenings and while playing Thom Go, he would point out significant historical events to Keionna. She in turn would relate events that were happening in Ireland and Europe at the same time. She didn't have a perfect memory, so she often would look up information on the internet during the day so she would have something to share with Bryan on those evenings he came to the lodge.
Most of the month of June went by this way. Alicia and Joe made it up to the cabin the other weekends. Joe and Bryan would head out fishing early on Saturdays often not coming back till early afternoon. Alicia would make the rounds of the shops, art studios, and antique stores in the area. Sometimes Alicia's brother would bring his boys up and go fishing and water-skiing. Quite typically, by Sunday evening, Bryan was ready for the quiet and solitude he enjoyed during the week.
The weekend before the 4th of July, Bryan and his parents made plans for the national holiday. The whole clan would be back at the cabin again. Alicia had also invited a couple from work to stop in for the day. They would have a bar-b-que and then sit out on the pier for the fireworks.
Alicia had noticed that Bryan was looking pretty toned and developing a nice tan. She asked him about it. "I go out kayaking in the morning, Mom, and look at the log pile. That's probably what's doing it."
"Outdoor living is better than any gym membership," replied Joe also noting his son's fitness. "I should start making better use of my gym membership." While not overweight at all, Joe did have a general softness about him that he would like to change. Alicia was a regular workout nut. Yoga three times a week, a walking group at work, and aerobics twice a week in the afternoon.
"I wouldn't mind that," she said as she caressed her husband's chest. "I'm not complaining, but you have been a bit busy at work lately. Some exercise would help relieve the stress." Though some of the exercise she had in mind had nothing to do with gym equipment, and more to do with the bedroom.
Joe recognized the look of lust blooming in his little wife's eyes. Bryan did too, and announced he was going for a bike ride and may be gone for an hour. "Want to come along Dad? Start on your new resolution?"
Joe caught the ardent desire in Alicia's eyes. "I think I better wait. I'm not up to an hour's ride yet, and it's definitely too hilly around here for me."
Bryan bade his aroused parents good-bye, fully aware of what they were going to do as soon as he left. Only he didn't exactly leave. Riding his bike out of sight down the drive, Bryan doubled back through the woods and approached the cabin quietly.
Sure enough, his parents hadn't even left the living room. His father was on his knees eating out his mother's pussy on the couch. She was rubbing her breasts and pinching her nipples. Occasionally, Bryan could see her arch her back as the pleasure Dad's tongue and mouth were giving her became too much. His dad stood up. His mother pulled his pants down and began sucking on his father's hard-on. Bryan was too far away to hear anything, but he could well imagine the sounds of sucking and slurping that his mother's active mouth must be making.
Pulling his own erection out his pants, Bryan began masturbating while his parents fucked in the house. Alicia sucked on Joe's penis for a good 10 minutes when she had enough. She wanted that cock in her pussy and now! She got up pushed Joe down on the couch, straddled his waist, and slowly shoved his engorged penis into her moist tunnel.
The view out the window was perfect. Bryan could see his father's penis slowly disappearing into his mother's body. When he had watched them the last time, he couldn't see this part in any detail. Now, he wished he could get closer, but was afraid they would notice him.
Inside the house, the two lovers were oblivious to the outside world. Focused on the intimate friction in their conjoined groins, Alicia and Joe worked to get the maximum pleasure out of their afternoon interlude. Grinding against each other, panting in unison, they built the frisson between them. , Alicia gave out a huge moan and shuddered. Her orgasm rocked her core and she shook all over. Wave after wave of intense pleasure rippled outward from her groin, taking her breath away. When it was over, she collapsed onto Joe's chest. When her orgasm started, Joe had stopped thrusting his hips, and just held himself in as deep as he could inside her convulsing pussy.
Seeing his mother cum took Bryan over the edge. He spurted his semen out onto the ground. Panting, he stood there is a daze while he watched his father stand up with his cock still buried in his mother's pussy and carry her into the bedroom.
Catching his breath, Bryan squeezed the last of his cum out of his shrinking penis and tucked it away in his pants. He quietly walked back through the woods to where he had left his bike. Taking a drink of water from his bottle, Bryan gingerly sat down in the saddle and pushed off. He was going to need to take the first part of his ride easy. No doubt, his parents would appreciate the extra time he was gone.
Bryan was quite lost in thoughts of his parents erotic lovemaking, so that he didn't notice that he had a fellow biker catching up to him.
"Well, fancy meetin' you out here." Keionna's lovely voice startled Bryan so much he lost his balance and ran off the road.
"My goodness!" shrieked the redhead as she braked suddenly and dismounted, running back to help Bryan untangle from his bike.
"I'm so sorry, so sorry!" she repeated as she ran up to a dazed Bryan.
Lying in the ditch, scrapes and bruises all over his arms and legs, Bryan looked up at the person before him. Outlined by the sun, he couldn't make out the face. Yet the outline of shoulder, breast, and hip were clear. A nimbus of light haloed this angel of mercy's head, as she spoke in dulcet tones. In a dream like state, he admired the lovely curves of the heavenly creature before him. Keionna was dressed for riding in a biker's tight racing uniform. The collar was unzipped at her throat. The shorts were tight and accented her gently rounded bottom.
Unclasping her helmet, Keionna was afraid Bryan had seriously injured himself. Pushing him back on his shoulders, she hovered over him and was running her hands over his arms and legs to make sure nothing was broken.
"I'm alright," Bryan stammered as she continued to fuss over him. "I'm fine, really." Keionna put both hands on his shoulders holding him down. Leaning in closely, Bryan could make out his rescuer's face. Looking deeply into her eyes, he distractedly noticed the silver flecks in the emerald green of her eyes. Fascinated with this, he gazed intently at each one, trying to memorize the subtle pattern.
"There are silver flecks in your eyes. I never saw those before." He rambled a bit incoherently. Keionna's gaze clouded over with concern. "Hey where they go? The flecks, they're gone." Bryan tried to sit up so he could see her eyes better, but she shoved him back down.
"I'm so sorry. It's my fault! I startled you and then you crashed, oh are your going to be all right?" Her bosom heaving with concern, Keionna kept Bryan pinned to the ground. Her deep breathing caught his attention and then Bryan noticed her breasts heaving beneath the tight fabric of her racing jersey. Undecided where he would rather stare, Bryan's gaze flickered back and forth from her eyes to her breasts.
After having watched his parents having sex, the sight of Keionna heaving breasts had a decidedly embarrassing effect on Bryan's groin. Sensing his growing erection and not wanting this lovely girl to see, Bryan pushed himself into a sitting position. The girl clung to him and his upper arm was mashed against her right breast. Electrified by this illicit contact, Bryan at last realized who his savior was.
"Keionna! Are you okay?" He took her arms in hand. The two looked at each other for a long time.
"Yes, but you're the one who crashed, and it's all my fault!" As relief settled in for Keionna that Bryan was alright, the tears began to flow. Upset that she had caused his accident, she began sobbing over how horribly he might have been hurt and how she hadn't meant him any harm.
Bryan took her shoulders in hand, looking seriously into her eyes, he explained, "I'm okay. I'm okay. No harm, no foul." She looked at him quizzically. "An American phrase that just means it's okay, I'm fine. Let's see." Bryan let Keionna go, and ran his hands over his arms and legs. "I've got scratches and stuff, but it'll all heal. I'm okay."
Keionna sat back on her heals, still visibly upset. "I saw you riding and called your name, and then rode up beside you and then you just crashed."
"I was thinking about stuff and not really paying attention, so part of the fault has to be mine." Bryan interjected before she got all upset again.
Keionna looked around the ground. "Where's your helmet?" Bryan looked down sheepishly.
"I wasn't wearing one." Instantly, Keionna's hands flew to his head. She gently probed her fingers around his scalp, getting up on her knees to make a closer examination. Unwittingly this put her breasts only centimeters from Bryan's nose. As his eyes feasted on the cleft of cleavage visible in her tunic, he tried to protest that his head was fine. Keionna little by little let go and sat back, concern still clouding her lovely green eyes.
"How about I help you get home and we clean you up and make sure you're okay?" She insisted. "Do you feel okay to stand?" She pressed her body close to his as Bryan tentatively made his way to his feet. Yep, he was sore and would have some bruises, but he didn't think anything was broken. He had some nasty scratches on his legs and his left forearm was dripping blood. They looked the cut over, decided it wasn't deep, and could wait till they were back at the cabin.
Bryan's bike was in worse shape than he was. The front fork was bent and the rim was no longer a circle. So, the two young people walked their bikes back to the Andrew's cabin. Keionna kept a worried eye on Bryan. He, meanwhile, was taking furtive glances at her well-defined breasts under her racing tunic, or her shapely rear end wiggling in front of him. It took the couple 15 minutes to walk back to the cabin.
"Mr. and Mrs. Andrews?" Keionna called out as they came in the door. Bryan showed her the way to the downstairs bathroom. "Mom!" "Dad!"
They found him in the bathroom. Keionna was kneeling in front of Bryan wiping his cuts with a washcloth.
"Oh my!" Shrieked Alicia, running to grab Bryan's arm. "What on earth?"
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Andrews. I met Bryan on the road, and startled him and he crashed his bike, and it's all my fault, and..."
Looking down at the nervous redhead, Alicia put her hand on her shoulder.
"I'm okay, just some cuts and bruises, Mom. Keionna's just a bit upset. I wasn't really paying attention to where I was going."
Looking over his injuries, Alicia determined that the only serious cut was on Bryan's forearm. Helping Keionna, the women cleaned up the rest of Bryan's cuts, and wrapped some gauze around his arm, taping it in place.
"I'm so sorry, Ma'am, Bryan. It was my fault." Keionna was on the edge of tears again.
"Now listen. Everything's fine, Keionna. Bryan will live and maybe this will help him to pay attention while riding." Intuitively, Alicia looked at her son, "And maybe he'll remember he should also be wearing a helmet too."
Bryan glanced guiltily at Keionna. "She said the same thing, Mom."
"Well, if we women weren't here to look after you men, you would have killed yourselves with stupidity a long time ago." She put her arm around Keionna and led her from the bathroom. "You go change your clothes young man!" She commanded Bryan.
She took Keionna into the kitchen and sat her down at the counter. "Would you like something to drink? You still look a little bit in shock dear." Alicia looked kindly at the girl while she poured a tall glass of iced tea. "Now don't worry dear. Bryan has gotten into worse scrapes by himself. I don't blame you for anything. I'm just glad you were there to help him out if it had been something more serious. I mean, biking these roads without his helmet!"
Keionna sensed that Mrs. Andrews was more upset over that mistake then the accident. Sipping at the tea, she actually began to relax.
"So, tell me what actually happened, dear." Alicia coaxed.
"Well, just as I said, I saw Bryan on the road ahead of me. I called out to him. He didn't answer. As I rode up beside him, I just said 'Hi, fancy meeting you here.' See, ma'am I go for a ride every day, and I've never seen Bryan out before. I thought he might like some company. I knew I would. But then I must have surprised him or something because he jumped, swerved his bike and then crashed into the ditch!" Keionna had such a look of horror on her face; Alicia came around the counter and hugged the girl.
"I heard the bike crash, so I quick turned around and there he was lying in the ditch and bleeding."
"That's okay, dear. You helped him home and we've got him all cleaned up."
Bryan limped into the kitchen, his Dad in tow.
"Got himself some nice muscle bruises, but now he'll remember the reason he's supposed to wear that helmet!" Joe slapped the back of Bryan's head not too gently.
"Oow! Hey!" Bryan protested, sitting next to Keionna. "How about something cold for the walking wounded." Alicia poured him a glass of iced tea.
Keionna looked at the wall clock. Jumping up, "Oh, I need to go. Unca' Thom was expecting me back before the dinner crowd."
" Let me take you back in the truck." Joe offered. "That way we know you got safely back, and I can explain things to Thom. Besides, I was gonna run to the store anyway."
Bryan assured Keionna he was fine. She gave him a tight hug to the astonishment of Bryan's parents. Looking at his Mom over Keionna's fiery hair, he innocently shook his head and shrugged.
Joe put Keionna's bike into the bed of the truck, handed her into the cab and drove off towards the lodge.