Part 02.2
"Holiday?" Keionna inquired.
"Yes, the Fourth of July. We have the whole clan up here again, and they were taking off work early to come get things ready."
As if the mere mention of their name was a magic summons, the couple turned as they heard a car coming up the driveway. Sure enough, Joe and Alicia had arrived right on cue. Pleasantly surprised to find Keionna at the cabin, they quickly enlisted the young people's help in getting the car unloaded and supplies stowed away in the cabin.
"Now, let's go fishing before the holiday crowd scares the fish to the darkest depths." Joe insisted. He started loading poles and reels into Bryan's arms, even giving Keionna a pair of tackle boxes.
"I will stay here." Alicia announced. "I have plenty to do before company comes tomorrow. Bryan you've done fine keeping the place clean, but I need to give it a once over before your Grandma comes."
"I'd be happy to stay and help, Mrs. Andrews." Keionna offered. "I like eating fish, but I really don't like the process of catching them."
"Wont Thom be needing you over at the lodge? What with all the tourists and regulars here for the Fourth?" Joe asked. "We could drop you off at the lodge before we go out."
"Thank you, Mr. Andrews, but Unca Thom insisted that I have this weekend off to experience a real American holiday. I think he also wanted me to have more time with Bryan, too." This was said with a mischievous glance at Bryan. "See last night, Bryan asked Unca Thom if he could begin formally callin' on me, ya see."
Joe and Alicia looked at each other in amazement. Bryan was blushing furiously, as Keionna reached out and took his hand in hers. "I have said yes to his attentions, and am willing to let him call on me."
"Well, then." Uttered Joe. "Uh, that's great. So, uh, Bryan would you rather stay here then with your, um, young lady?"
"No," Keionna interrupted before Bryan could answer. "Bryan should go with his Da and catch these fish. I would stay here and help Mrs. Andrews prepare for her company."
"Let me just call your Uncle Joe and make sure that's okay, but I would love to have some help, and some extra feminine touch to getting this place ready. Mind you, Bryan has done a nice job of keeping the place clean, but I got a look at the laundry room, and the dishes in the sink. Honestly, kicking them out of the house will be a relief." Alicia grabbed the phone and called the Lodge, verifying with Thom that it was indeed okay if Keionna was with them and that he had all the help he needed at the Lodge. Alicia surmised that Thom knew more about his niece and her son then he was letting on, and she intended to get the facts from him later.
Turning around, she found the other three still standing there. Joe and Bryan's hands full of fishing tackle, Keionna securely attached to her son's right arm. The light was from behind the trio, and she realized that Keionna was lacking a certain article of underwear.
Clearing her throat, "Boys, Get!" She commanded and began shooing them out the door. Waving the men goodbye and good luck, she turned to Keionna and grasped her hands warmly. "Now, first off we make a batch of ice tea. We can get to know each other as we clean up the kitchen. And before I forget, Thank you for helping today. Joe and Bryan are great helpers around the house, but only after they have gotten the fishing itch scratched. So, tell me about your home in Ireland..."
The girls spent a happy afternoon doing domestic work. Once the tea was made and the dishes cleaned, Alicia slipped into the bedroom and took her own bra off. If the young lady was unconscious about her body, Alicia was determined to be also. She changed into a short skirt and a light flowered blouse. Keionna complimented her on her clothes when she came out of the bedroom. Alicia was beginning to really take a liking to this young Irish girl, her honesty and cheerfulness was quite a pleasant change from Bryan's previous girlfriend.
Out on the lake the men were having good luck finding the fish. In a matter of two hours, they had caught their daily limit and were preparing to head back to the cabin. A long tradition amongst the Andrew's men dictated that there was mostly silence while fishing. Once the day was done, and they had their creel full, or had given up hope, then the taboo was lifted. Time for conversation had arrived.
"Well, I see you took my advice and decided to work on international relations," Joe quipped, giving his son a sly look.
"Keionna's a special gal, Dad." Real special¸ Bryan thought to himself. He then told his Dad about their lessons together on world history, his games of GO with Thom at the lodge. His growing affection and attraction for Keionna. "I'm taking it kinda slow, though I guess. I only, um, started seeing Keionna in that light this week."
Joe nodded in understanding. Bryan's history with girls had him worried that Bryan may have given up on them. "Keionna's a fine looking young woman, yet she seems to have a great head on her shoulders too." Joe complimented. Sensing his son's discomfort, he let the matter drop. Alicia would have a strong opinion of the girl after spending the afternoon with her. The men tidied up the boat and cruised home. Securing the boat, Bryan groaned. Sensing his son's feelings, "You know she hates it if we ask her to cook them without them being cleaned."
"I know Dad, I just wish..." It was an old argument in the Andrews' house. If you caught it, you cleaned it. Simple as that, Grandma Andrews' had established that rule long before Bryan came around. There was a table by the shore that was there just for that purpose. Bryan grudgingly set about cleaning the fish. By unspoken agreement, Bryan stayed to clean them all, while Joe went up to the cabin.
Walking into the cabin, Joe discovered the girls sitting at the counter sipping tea. "May I have a glass of that?" He noticed his wife had changed clothes. Appreciating her attire, he sidled up to her for a kiss.
"Not like that you don't!" Alicia shuddered, pointing at the fish scales on his clothing. "I want my man clean first." With that, she imperiously pointed at the shower. Taking the tea offered to him by Keionna, Joe paused. Where those her nipples he could see poking through her blouse? Turning away, he looked at Alicia for help, only to realize she too was showing through her blouse. Joe turned hastily away from both the ladies and beat a retreat to the bathroom. Alicia turned to Keionna and winked.
Bryan was not too much longer; he brought the cleaned and filleted fish into the kitchen. Turning to his mother and Keionna, he smiled.
"Well, I suppose the happy fisherman wants a kiss for his catch, eh?" Keionna looked questioningly at Alicia. With firmness in her voice, she put her hands on her hips and pointed a long finger at Bryan, "I want my men to be cleaned up first!" and she pointed emphatically at the bathroom. This motion caused her breasts to shake furiously under her blouse.
Laughing openly, Alicia raised her arm to point up stairs. "Actually my dear, "your" man uses the upstairs shower, my man uses the downstairs." The two of them broke into gales of laughter. Bryan was very confused. He looked at them dumbly, aware only of the two set of female flesh jostling around enjoyably under the thin blouses the women were wearing.
Suddenly the laughter stopped. Both women were staring at him. "What?" Bryan dumbly asked.
"She told you to get cleaned up. Now go and get cleaned up, no one wants to hug a man with fish guts smeared over him!" Bryan's mother firmly pushed Bryan towards the stairs, giving his but a smack to get him going. "Be sure to wash behind your ears!" She shouted to his further embarrassment and Keionna's delight.
"You have to be firm with them, dear. Men are like dogs. Once their housebroken, you can usually trust them." Alicia instructed Keionna. The girls laughed knowingly.
"Once what is housebroken?" Joe inquired as he entered the kitchen buttoning his shirt. The helpless gales of laughter from the two women didn't help explain things.
Alicia scolded her husband out of the kitchen. "Go get the grill ready, I'll send Bryan out with the fillets when their ready." She and Keionna set about getting dinner ready. Bryan came downstairs in loafers, khaki shorts and a tee shirt. Keionna consented to a chaste kiss, then she sent him out to stand guard over the grill with his father.
"What do you think their plotting in there?" Joe wondered when Bryan arrived with the fish. He had the feeling his wife was up to something devious and had enlisted Keionna's help in the matter.
"Plotting? Um, I dunno." Bryan stammered. When he had retrieved the plate of fillets, he realized Keionna still hadn't donned a bra. While that excited him, he worried how his mom would view this. Turning to catch his mom's expression he was taken aback to discover she too was sans brassiere. Conflicted as he was by his interest in his mother's body, his intense attraction to Keionna, and the vague uneasiness about sex brought up by his recollection of that horrible night, Bryan was clueless as to his father's line of inquiry.
Curious about Bryan's sudden withdrawal, Joe touched Bryan's shoulder, "Hey, Bud, you there?" In the long months after he brought Bryan home from the bus station, Bryan would have moments where he would just check out. Concerned, he gently asked, "You've not started drinking again?"
Bryan shook his head, smiled over at his father, "No, Dad, No. Just a weird moment, sorry. I guess I am a bit surprised to find myself with someone like Keionna. You know after everything, I didn't think anything like that would happen. So..."
Supper went extremely well. The boys kept stealing glances at the girls, trying to get a closer look at their unencumbered breasts. For their, part both of the women flirted outrageously with their respective companion. Alicia was quite bold with Joe, Keionna a bit restrained, as she was careful about Bryan's emotions.
As supper ended, Bryan insisted that he and Keionna would clean up the kitchen. He wanted some time alone with her to talk over last night and this morning. He sent his parents off to take a walk. With their own intentions for their privacy, Joe and Alicia readily agreed. Alicia grabbed a blanket off the porch swing as the two set out. Bryan noticed the blanket missing and guessed rather naughtily, what use it was going to be put to.
Trying to clear a vision of his naked parents from his mind, he turned to find Keionna sitting on the counter motioning him to her. "Time now for a proper reward for the great fisherman!" She planted her lips firmly on Bryan's and wrapped her long legs around his waist. After a nice long kiss, she pulled back. "I know, you need some time. You still want to be with me, but need to put those memories aside. It's okay. I am here to give you some much better memories. So if just snogging is all we do, well that's just fine." She pressed her lips to his, demonstrating the meaning of her Irish words. Eventually they parted and set about cleaning up the kitchen talking quietly about nothing in particular.
Bryan offered to drive Keionna home. "Let's take the boat please." Keionna requested. "Unca Thom dropped me off this morning," explaining how she had arrived at Bryan's house. They walked arm in arm down to the lake. "You're parents have been gone a long time." She looked at Bryan.
"Oh, I think they're just fine. Um, Mom grabbed a blanket so I don't know how much 'walking' they were gonna do." Keionna nodded her head in appreciation.
"They sure are in love aren't they?" She remarked.
Bryan nodded, thinking of the times he had seen them engaged in sexual activity this summer. "Mmm, yes they are." He handed Keionna into the Maristar. Casting off, Bryan lightly sprang into the boat. Starting up the motor, he backed the boat up and turned slowly for deeper water. Keionna came up and sat in his lap. With a questioning look she took his free hand and brought it to her lips and then to her breast. Bryan smiled, leaned forward and kissed her. Then he took his hand, slipped it under her blouse, and cupped her firm breast. A look of happy contentment lit her face as he began grazing his thumb over her nipple. Without much more ado, Bryan escorted Keionna home to the Lodge. He walked her to the door. Giving her a chaste kiss, he was sure to say good evening to Thom on his way out.
Thom beckoned his niece over to the bar. "I take it things are still going grand?"
Keionna smiled at her "Uncle." "Yes, dear 'Unca'! Very grand indeed."
The Fourth of July holiday weekend passed by quickly in the minds of celebrants. Joe's brother and family came up to the cabin. Alicia's mother arrived late in the day. His younger cousins kept Bryan quite busy: going fishing, kayaking, and hiking through the woods. Keionna was a very popular addition to the family gathering, even winning over Alicia's reserved mother. For the Fourth, Joe's three cousins and their families joined the festivities. Between the parade, picnic, and the evening fireworks everyone was quite involved in having a good time.
Since July 5 fell on Sunday, most of the extended family had stayed the night. Many of the younger kids camped out in the yard in tents. Bryan being the oldest kinda fell into the role of camp councilor. Keionna quickly pitched in and the two made a great time of entertaining the younger crowd, while the elders played cards, cooked, fished, and reminisced about the good ole days.
Bryan appreciated Keionna's presence more than ever. The first year of dating his past girlfriend, she had taken one look at the mob of youngsters, gone into a sulk and generally made herself scarce. The past two years she had refused to come for the Fourth. Now, though Bryan actually found himself enjoying his role with the younger half of the clan. Keionna was a natural with the kids. Poor imitations of her Irish lilt could be heard echoing all over the cabin.
They two organized games soccer and ultimate Frisbee. They even got the kids to agree to an impromptu talent show that had the adults in stitches watching the antics of the younger crowd.
Joe and Alicia were gaining a lot of respect and admiration for Bryan's new girlfriend. She was always smiling and quick to share in the chores regardless of what needed to be done. Keionna was never far from Bryan's side, but she wasn't clingy or possessive of him either. In fact their relationship was so natural, most of the relatives thought the two had been dating for months, not just days.
Seeing how happy Bryan was with Keionna, Alicia's fears for her son's emotions faded away. When Keionna had offered to stay and help prepare for the weekend, Alicia had used that time to gently ferret out some intel on Bryan's new friend. What she had discovered had heartened her greatly. Seeing the two together and enjoying playing with the younger crowd put finis to any concerns Alicia had.
Other than the fact that Keionna had been bra-less that first day. And why had she felt the need to compete with the young girl? From Joe's lustful energy on their "walk" after dinner, Alicia was sure he had noticed that both the women were missing that customary piece of clothing. She was comforted to note that Keionna was properly attired while the company was around. Even the bathing suit she had worn swimming with the younger kids had been a nice modest one-piece. Had the kids been up to something prior to her arrival? There had been no evidence of such, but then she hadn't been looking.
During the weekend gathering, she had watched the young pair for any signs of advanced sexual behavior. No odd wet spots on Bryan's pants, no extended absences, no PDA's, in fact she barely could recall them kissing, just a lot of hand holding and such. After Bryan's past experiences, Alicia felt reassured that he would be cautious in the sexual activity area. She didn't want to think about her exhibitionist behavior, and what effect that may have on Bryan. Alicia was happy that her son was happy.
The relatives all left after dinner Sunday. A tired but content set of Andrews sat around the outdoor fire scar.
"Whew! I am glad that is over," exclaimed Joe, lounging back in his chair a cold beer in hand.
"The lack of noise is a little odd." Bryan and Keionna were side by side in the swing, tall glasses of ice tea. Bryan had one arm loosely around Keionna's shoulders. "Did I have that much energy at that age, Dad?"
"Hmm, what age was that? I doubt I could have kept up with you two, much less that whole mob of kids."
Alicia interrupted, "Yes, you did, and because you were the first, you never had anyone to play with. You always seemed underfoot. Your Grandpa would look after you. He always had something special planned."
"Yeah, Wish he could still be here now." All three of the Andrews nodded thoughtfully at that remark.
"Keionna, let me express our deepest thanks for helping Bryan oversee the younger generation this year. He has not always appreciated that task." Alicia smiled warmly at the Irish girl.
"It was my pleasure, Mrs. Andrews. I don't have any cousins back in Ireland. It was fun to be with so many people from the same family."
"Well this is the one time of the year the whole clan usually gets together. My brother and his boys are up several times during the summer." Joe opinioned, "Course now they may want to come more often to see this foreign beauty we have amongst us." They all laughed. The cousins had taken quite a shine to Keionna, the obviousness of their infatuation written all over their every move.
"Gee, I have no idea what they see in her." Bryan let out a woof as Keionna elbowed him in the ribs. "All these sharp joints poking around." A female fist smacked onto his thigh. "And that crazy way of talkin'? 'Och, me bairn this, and me bloody'..." The fist to his shoulder finally got Bryan to stop, though it was that as much as the laughter.
"I'm teasing, Keionna." Bryan bent his head forward for a kiss. Keionna dodged away.
"Well, me bairn," Keionna retorted, "if that is what you think, no snogging for you!" Crossing her arms she pulled away from Bryan.
Bryan slid to one knee in front of Keionna, "Galar an grá nach leigheasann luibheanna." He spoke softly, lifting both her hands to his lips. The kiss Keionna blessed Bryan with was more than chaste, quick, or simple.
"My goodness, what did he say to deserve that my dear?" queried Alicia, touched by Bryan's gentleness and Keionna's ardent response.
Disentangling her tongue from Bryan, yet not releasing him, "He said, 'Love is a sickness that no herb can cure'." The look Keionna gave Bryan answered any question the parents had as to whether the young couple was in love.
Oblivious to his parents startled expressions, Bryan recited,
"This heart that flutters near my heart
My hope and all my riches is,
Unhappy when we draw apart
And happy between kiss and kiss:
My hope and all my riches -- - yes! -- -
And all my happiness.
For there, as in some mossy nest
The wrens will divers treasures keep,
I laid those treasures I possessed
Ere that mine eyes had learned to weep.
Shall we not be as wise as they
Though love live but a day?"
Alicia reached out and took Joe's hand in hers. "We'll I guess that education we paid for is showing some worth, eh?" She winked at Joe's dumbstruck face.
"More like the internet connection you pay for," chuckled Bryan as he rose and sat back down pulling Keionna into his arms. "I have had a reason to be doing some research on Ireland lately. Eh? A Ghrá Gael?" Keionna snuggled back into his shoulder.
"Aye, me bairn, Aye."
"Well, seeing as our bonny lad has won the heart on yonder fair maiden, let us repose ourselves to the manse, and give them space to be," quoth Joe in a very poor Irish brogue. Taking Alicia's hand in his, he rose. "Let me whisper sweet mumblings in your ear. There once was a man from Nantucket..." Alicia clapped a hand firmly over his mouth.
"Whose dick was so long he could suck it.
And he said with a grin
As he wiped off his chin,
"If my ear were a cunt, I would fuck it," shouted the young couple to the backs of Bryan's parents. Alicia turned in surprise, but Joe kept her moving inside. "Speaking of fucking..." the glint in his eye overrode Alicia's astonishment and gave way to a rise of lust in her own.
"Oh, me boyo, you be feelin' rather big now, eh?" Alicia's imitation of Keionna's lilt was spot on. They were out of sight of the children now as she put her hand on Joe's growing bulge. "Are ye man enough to use it now?"
Joe scooped Alicia up in his arms and practically trotted towards their bedroom.
"Me Man. You Woman. We Fuck!" Joe grunted as he threw his diminutive wife on the bed, kicked the door shut, and ripped his shirt off.
Leaping forward he pinned Alicia to the mattress and began kissing her exposed neck as he tore at the buttons on her blouse. Getting the front opened, he attacked her breasts like a man possessed. Pushing the bra up over her breasts, they bounced free. As soon as the nipples were exposed, Joe latched his hungry mouth on first one then the other.
Alicia's rising passion had her pulling at Joe's belt and trousers, trying to free him from the constraints. His tongue lashing on her pert nipples was fueling the flames of her desire. She needed to feel the heat of his bare skin on hers, and now!
Joe had other things in mind. He continued his oral assault on Alicia's bust line, meanwhile his hands made fast work of her shorts and panties. Hefting her hips up, Joe never lost contact with her breasts as he worked her bottoms off her lovely legs. Scooting her more to the center of the bed, Joe pinned Alicia's wrists above her head with one hand. Still stimulating her exposed boobs, his free hand began to trace its way through her racing stripe towards her inner core.
By now, Alicia's juices were running freely. The intensity of Joe's passion had struck a raw chord within her. She could sense that it wouldn't take long for an orgasm to flood her pussy, if only Joe would stroke her just the right way.
With a nipple gently nicked between his teeth, Joe rested the flat of his palm over the opening of Alicia's womanhood. He knew she was close, knew she wanted to erupt soon, and was thrusting her hips trying to get something inside her box. He was purposely tormenting her. He let her grind herself against the palm of his hand, but wouldn't let the clitoris make contact. Sucking and licking at her tits, Joe could see the frustration mounting in Alicia's stare.
He slowly slipped his thumb down the length of her labia and let is pop inside her cunt. His other fingers cupped her pelvis as she groaned with delight. Moving the thumb up and down, Joe started to kiss his way down her abdomen. Lining her belly button with the tip of his tongue. He pulled his thumb out of Alicia's core and kneeling between her legs, lifted both her thighs over his shoulder. Placing his hands directly under her buttocks, Joe lifted her wet, warm, gash to his mouth, softly sucking her engorged clit between his pouted lips.
Alicia almost came right then. Slowly she felt Joe's talented tongue making the circuit of her pussy. Parting first the outer lips, penetrating the inner lips to enter her vagina, and then back up to flick her clit.
They would occasionally play a game where Joe would spell words out with his tongue on her pussy and Alicia had to guess what it was he was writing. She always had a good hard cum before she every guessed the words. This was like that but twice as intense. Every once in a while, Joe would seal the opening of her cunt with his lips and suck in. When the suction broke, he would dart his tongue into her vagina and swirl it around. His tongue never got that deep, but the sensation of his warm mouth, lips, and slippery tongue on her most intimate place thrilled Alicia, sending shivers of orgasmic anticipation up and down her spine.
While the main source of stimulation was focused on his oral attack, Joe kept up a mild massage of Alicia's ass. Her pussy juice had smeared all over his face and her thighs. Using the lubricant like massage oil, he worked it into her skin.
Alicia's breathing became more and more ragged, her face scrunched up with the effort of controlling her body's reaction to her husband's erotic stimulation. As the first orgasmic convulsions began to contract her pussy walls, Alicia thanked the stars she was a multi-orgasmic woman. She couldn't imagine how dull sex would be if she could only have one orgasm at a time.
Joe kept his lips sealed over Alicia's gushing orgasm. He knew that during her climax she needed no additional stimulation. He just rode the bucking movements of her pelvis. As her body began to relax, Joe looked up at Alicia with a shit-eating grin. Wiping her juices from his face, she pulled him up until he lay on top of her and then kissed him deeply for several moments.
In the pause of their lovemaking, Alicia worked Joe's pants and underwear off, finally getting a good grasp on his full erection. She pushed Joe over on his back and straddled his hips. Lifting herself up, she pressed her pelvis against Joe's elongated cock and slowly rubbed it over her titillated pussy. Joe kept his hands firmly on each ass cheek. He was proud of his wife's firm, pert bottom and enjoyed holding her bare ass in his hands. For her part, Alicia loved the sensation as well.
It wasn't long before her movements caused the head of Joe's cock to press against the entrance to her womb. Stopping to just rim the tip, Alicia returned the taunting sensation as Joe tried to ram his cock home. When he finally plunged into her pussy to the hilt, they both stopped moving, enjoying the pleasure of their full intimate contact.
Alicia could never really describe properly to Joe what it was like to have her pussy full of his cock. It was a solid stretchy fullness. For that matter she did not fully grasp the feeling Joe sensed with his cock enveloped by a warm, wet, sucking tunnel, but it didn't matter the connection was bliss.
Joe stretched out and let Alicia set the pace of their fucking. She would slowly hump up and down his shaft as she would build back towards another orgasm. Sometimes he would bite at his lip to keep from cumming himself so their sex could last. As the friction built, Joe would slap Alicia's bare buttocks with the flat of his hand. Not to hurt, but to startle her. This would soon put her over the edge and then Alicia was cumming. Her hips pressed as hard as she could against his, her pussy quivering with contractions, another flood of juices poured out between their conjoined legs.
Joe wasn't about to let up his assault tonight. Sitting up, he pushed Alicia down on her belly and crawled behind her legs. Lifting her hips up to his waist, Joe took control and slowly penetrated her pussy with his raging hard-on from behind. Alicia gave herself over to the plunging penetration of her husband's cock. Slow, long strokes as he would part her cunt with his plow.
Reaching between her legs, Alicia added to her pleasure by lightly stimulating her clit. First rubbing, then pinching, then pulling at her nub as she was solidly fucked. She could feel her third orgasm of the night building in her toes. Pushing back against the meat in her cunt, she encouraged Joe to fuck faster.
"Harder, Damit! Harder!" She yelled. Joe grabbed her hips more securely and rammed his dick in hard. Pulling himself completely out, he plunged savagely back into her gaping hole. The tingle of her approaching climax worked up her thighs; it felt as if her cunt was on fire. Her nipples were so sensitive that the thin sheets hurt as she dragged her chest across the bed. She could feel Joe's ballsack slap against her pussy with each individual thrust.
"Ga, Ga, Hunh!!" A groan punctuated each plunge of Joe's cock into her pussy, they were both barking at the impending release. With a quick twist of her clit, Alicia burst the dam. It was as if her body exploded. A solid jet of cream shot from her cunt. Ripples of involuntary muscle spasms radiated out from her pelvis up and down her torso, her arms and legs jerked. Alicia let out a loud, slow groan of pure pleasure. Damn but this was GOOD! She thought. FUCK, DAMN, "OH – MY – GOD!! That's GOOD!" she shouted into the pillow.
Joe held tight through her thrashing. His penis engorged so full it hurt. Curling his toes he bit back the need to let go. He held onto his ejaculation, carefully pulling himself from the vise grip of his wife's cunt. They both groaned as they lost the connection. Joe lay at his wife's side as they caught their breath.
Smiling affectionately at her husband, Alicia rolled onto her back and spread her legs. "Now finish it."
Joe sat up and crawled between her legs. Alicia wrapped her legs around his waist as he lowered his cock towards her tunnel. He penetrated her slowly, looking to set up a slow rhythm, but they were both too keyed up to wait much longer. Alicia sucked at Joe's nipples as he pounded into her flesh. She spread her legs wide as he tucked his knees up to her side. Joe was trying to push his dick into the depths of her cunt. When he started hitting her cervix they both grunted with excitement. Not long now, he thought, as his balls pulled tight against his groin. A tightness built up in the base of his cock, the head was becoming very tender and suddenly, pow! His ejaculation put them both over the edge. No longer thrusting, but attempting to crawl into his wife's cunt, Joe felt his semen spit out into the warm folds of his lover's pussy. For her part, Alicia loved the sensation of her husband's cock squirting inside her. She felt each twitch as semen splashed against the depths of her vagina, her pussy contracting around his shaft, milking every drop of his seed out of him.
As the orgasmic fireworks faded, Joe lay his head down between Alicia's heaving breasts, pressed his ear to her sternum, and listened as her heartbeat slowed. It was his favorite post-coital position. Their breathing slowed together. After a while, Joe crawled up and gathered his wife's spent body in his arms, a sated look on both their faces.