Part 03.2
Still panting after exertions, Keionna lay back, relieved her audience was only Bryan. But he had just seen her masturbating! What would he think of that! Grand-mum always said good girls didn't touch themselves, but what with Alicia's kisses, seeing the Andrews' all naked last night, Keionna was fairly bursting with sex!
"You, you aren't disgusted?" she whimpered, as Bryan's hands roamed over her chest and abdomen.
"What? Of you, uh, you know?" Bryan stammered. "Of course not! That was one of the sexiest things I have ever seen! Besides, I, uh, I help myself out sometimes too."
Hearing what he said, Keionna relaxed. "One of the sexiest? What else have you seen? Boyo?"
"Uh, last night wasn't the only time I've seen people have sex."
There was an intriguing thought, Keionna felt.
"Bryan! Keionna! Would you come help set the table?" Alicia's voice drifted up the stairs.
Pushing Bryan from the room, "I'll be right down; I have to compose myself first. Now go!" Keionna shut the door behind the grinning Bryan. Oh dear, she thought, her panties were soaked. She hated wearing wet panties. Groaning with frustration, she pulled them off. Rummaging in Bryan's dresser, she found a pair of running shorts, pulled them on and drew the drawstring tight. They would stay on, barely. She pulled her socks off and with nary a thought drew on Bryan's shirt without her bra. Snapping the shirt only halfway up she let the tails hang out.
Keionna looked for a brush in Bryan's bathroom and ran it through her hair. Shaking it loose she finally descended the steps. Bryan and his parents were in the kitchen laughing. Turning the corner, she saw Mr. Andrews scoop up his wife for a loving kiss. Alicia had changed too. Of like mind with her younger friend, she had on a button down shirt of her husband's. As Joe lifted her into his embrace, the back of the shirt pulled up revealing her thong clad rear end. Keionna noted with interest the look on Bryan's face as he drank in the sight of his mother's rear.
Slipping up behind him, Keionna covered his eyes, and whispered in his ear, "Hey, now, I thought you only had eyes for me?" Laughing at his embarrassment at being caught sneaking glances at his own mother, Keionna shut him up by kissing him warmly.
"Aha, I see dinner dress is casual this evening." Joe quipped, eyeing the long legs Keionna revealed as she planted herself in Bryan's lap. "I'll have to put the tux away for another time." He sighed as Alicia playfully slapped his arm.
"Go and get the grill started, Bryan. I am going to change out of these fishy clothes." Joe left for the bedroom. Keionna and Alicia shared an appreciative look as they watched Joes' rear.
Unaware of the women's lustful glances, Bryan lifted Keionna from his lap and grabbed the long matches from the drawer.
"A man's work is never done." He quoted, "Catch the fish, clean the fish, and cook the fish." Ducking quickly as a dishtowel was flung at his head.
"Man's work indeed, come Keionna, we'll work on the rest of the meal, while the manly man goes to make fire!" Alicia reached for Keionna's hand and led her to the counter.
Joe emerged from the bedroom to see the women giggling with their heads together. He took the fish from the refrigerator and grabbed some spices from the shelf.
"So did you two have a good time shopping?" he asked innocently.
"You could say that. We discovered some new things." Alicia answered alluringly, at which the girl burst out laughing.
"Well, I am glad you two are getting along, then." Joe muttered as the girls all but fell on each other in laughter.
"Yes we are, aren't we, Keionna?" Alicia smiled warmly.
"Yes, Mum, that we are," the girl replied. Joe missed the look of lust between the two.
"Well, now I better get these fine fellows on the grill so we can eat!"
Dinner was soon on the table and Joe insisted on another bottle of wine with the meal. Afterwards the men graciously offered to do the dishes as the women had protested about the men vs. women's work in making dinner. Taking their glasses of wine out to the patio, the girls chatted amiably.
Keionna noticed that Alicia had unbuttoned her shirt more, and as she sat down exposed a fair amount of breast flesh. Obviously, the older woman had forgone the use of a bra as well as Keionna. Tucking her feet under her, she leaned forward and took the older woman's hand.
"Thank you Mum. I have had a wonderful day." Her eyes filled with mirth and happiness. "And thanks for not being angry about last night. Bryan and I were, uh..."
"Don't you worry about it my dear. Bryan is an adult now, and if you and he want to, um, well, I just hope you are both being careful about STDs and, uh all that." Alicia felt her fingers stroking the younger woman's.
"Oh of course Mum, we are. Actually we haven't gotten that far yet." Keionna admitted shyly.
What is taking that boy so long? Alicia wondered at her own desires to take things much further with this foreign beauty. Out of curiosity, she asked, "Does Bryan have any, uh difficulties? He had such negative feelings about intimacy..." though he sure seemed to respond to Alicia's own teasing this summer.
"At first, but then we talked through what happened between him and that horrid little twat!" Keionna spat the desultory term out. Shaking her lustrous hair, "I think he is ready now."
The men came out to the porch at that time. Joe had uncorked yet another bottle of wine, and Bryan brought out a deck of cards.
"Well we actually have four hands now, so we can play some Euchre." Bryan had loved the game since childhood, but being an only child, it was hard to play three handed.
The Andrews' set about teaching the Irishwoman the game. Keionna proved to be a quick learner. According to long standing family tradition, the women teamed against the men. Soon the women had a considerable lead on the boys. Keeping track of how many games won, Bryan looked at his Dad imploring the card gods to change their luck.
Glancing at his watch, Joe looked at Keionna, "Do we need to get you back to the palace before the coach turns into a pumpkin?"
"I called Unca Thom before dinner. Alicia talked to him and I don't have a specific curfew this evening."
"Seems 'Uncail Thom" is quite happy to let his Irish niece hang out with us Americans." Alicia giggled. "I got the impression he was worried that poor Keionna was getting bored hanging around the Lodge with her old uncle."
"He's not old, but I do like the present company." Keionna took Bryan's hand and clasped it warmly, surreptitiously running her other hand on Alicia's thigh. She leaned in and accepted Bryan's kiss.
Alicia reached out and stroked her husband's leg. Carefully watching the younger couple, she ran her hand up towards his crotch. Joe had been fighting a waxing and waning hardon all evening. The way the girls were dressed, every movement gave a tantalizing view of flesh. No real exposure, but enough hints that he suspected that Bryan and his problem with the cards was due to the teasing banter and flashes inside the open shirts of the ladies.
"Hm, we'll have to take care of this." Alicia whispered in his ear. The wine was doing its normal work on Alicia's libido. Unaware of the additional pressure of Keionna's attraction to his wife, Joe grinned wolfishly in anticipation.
Noticing his father's expression, Bryan interrupted, "I suppose we better give these two old people some privacy tonight."
"Old!" his mother squeaked. "Old! Why you!" She lunged over the table, reaching to tickle her son. As they playfully grappled with each other, Alicia's shirt pulled open, revealing a considerable amount of bosom. Unable to ward off his mother's attack, Bryan convulsed in laughter, finally falling from his chair. Alicia tumbled after him.
"So," she demanded as she straddled her son, unaware of her exposed bosom. "Do you take that back? Old are we? Well?" As she pinned Bryan's arms her shirt came fully open.
Looking at his mother, Bryan's eyes were filled with the glorious view of her displayed assets. Joe broke out in laughter looking at his son's agonized face.
"Alicia dear, when he has had an eyeful of your charms, I doubt he will say you are old. Look at yourself." Alicia did. Aghast at her state of undress, she caught the look in Bryan's eye. His anguish had given way yearning. Here was a clear up and personal view of his mother. No hiding around corners, no hidden moonlit shadows, here she was openly displaying her naked breasts.
Without haste, Alicia climbed off her son, pulled her top closed, but did not button it. She failed to notice he eyes widen as he caught sight of her thong covered pussy.
"Well? So you still say we're old?" she demanded as she sat down in her chair, carefully arranging her shirt-top. She was quite excited about revealing herself in front of both Bryan and Keionna. It was evident in the little holes her nipples were poking through the fabric of her shirt.
"Uh, I, uh guess not." Bryan faltered as Keionna helped him to his chair. She smiled wickedly at him. Keionna had enjoyed the display of Alicia's breasts as much as Bryan had. Seeing Joe adjusting himself in his seat, she deduced that everyone was aroused by the display mother had given son.
"More wine dear?" Alicia offered to pour for Keionna, who declined.
"No, I'm doing just fine."
"Well where were then," Alicia asked breathlessly pushing her hair back on her head. This motion caused her shirt to open, once again revealing the slopes of her proud breasts.
"Keionna and I were about to go for a bit of a walk and then you and Dad ..." Bryan offered.
Alicia surprised to hear herself say, "Well, don't get lost. Meet us down by the dock in a half hour or so for a swim." Her intent was obvious to all. She meant them to all go skinny-dipping together.
As Bryan go up and took Keionna's hand, he was dumbfounded as his mother shucked her shirt and sat in Joe's lap. Cupping her breasts, she fed him, murmuring, "These need some attention, Joe Andrews"
Before he witnessed any more absurd behavior, Bryan tugged a giggling, excited Keionna behind him and off the porch towards the pole barn. Out of sight of his parents love-making Keionna spun him around. Popping open the snaps of her shirt, she cupped her own fabulous tits, and murmured, "These also need some attention, Bryan Andrews."
Sighing contentedly as Bryan leaned in, suckled one breast, and hefted the other softly, Keionna pulled Bryan's head to her. His warm mouth made such a contrast to the cool air wafting over her exposed skin. As Bryan traced his tongue to the other breast, the wet trail behind flashed goose bumps down her spine.
Reaching the door of the barn, Bryan pushed it open and pulled Keionna inside. Along one wall was a rec area by the tool bench. Under the window was a large overstuffed couch. They collapsed onto the couch in a tangle of limbs, Bryan miraculously still suckling her breast. Keionna pushed him loose long enough to pull his shirt over his head. She wanted the feel of his skin against hers. That wonderful sensation of comingled heartbeats, salty sweat mixing as their bodies slid against each other.
When Bryan left off his oral attentions of Keionna's tits, she looked up, a warm smile blossoming on her face as his head moved lower and she felt his hands grabbed the waistband of her shorts. When she felt his breath waft over the heat of her core, Keionna sighed in anticipation of the pleasure to come.
The next few minutes were a celebration of pleasure as Bryan expertly ate Keionna's pussy. She writhed in bliss as the wet tongue of her lover manipulated her clitoris and labia. In an exquisite release of endorphins, the orgasm thundered through her. Clenching Bryan's head in both hands, she pulled his mouth against her quivering pussy.
Bryan's face was alight with delight as he sat back and looked into Keionna's contented face. She slowly eased herself up.
"Now it's your turn, a chroi." She traded places with Bryan, pulling his shorts down, practically inhaling his cock before he fell back against the couch. His erection came to full staff in seconds. The sexual charge from watching Keionna masturbate, his mother's open display of her body, and the satisfaction that came from bringing Keionna to orgasm, had Bryan's balls practically bursting. He sensed he wasn't going to last very long.
Keionna was focused on giving Bryan a blowjob he would not forget. She too was filled to bursting with sexual energy. She had heard of girls that would somehow swallow a man's penis down their throat. She was so charged up she had to give it a try. She got the head of Bryan's to the back of her mouth, feeling the gag reflex, she pulled him back and worked at relaxing her reflexes. She tried again, getting his cock a bit deeper before she felt the urge to gag. While she fought down her body's reaction, she suckled at Bryan's balls. When she felt ready, she made her third attempt.
Bryan opened his eyes and looked down as Keionna took his entire member into her mouth. He could feel her throat swallow against the head of his cock. Absolutely amazing! Like striking a match, he erupted, sending his warm semen down Keionna's throat.
The sudden splash of warm, sticky, cum against her tonsils caused Keionna to choke. She pulled Bryan's cock out of her mouth, gasping for breath. His second spurt of cum landed on her chin. Swallowing the first deposit, she hungrily sucked his penis catching the rest of his spurts in her mouth. Stroking the length of his distended organ to milk out every last drop of his salty juice, Keionna kept the whole load on her tongue. Sure she had gotten every last drop of his tasty treat, she looked up and Bryan with a wide eyed look of lust, opened her mouth to show off her treasure, closed her mouth in a pout and swallowed.
The whole experience blew Bryan's mind. He was quite used to giving head. His former girlfriend had insisted on it all the time. Yet she rarely would return the favor, preferring to bring Bryan off with her hand. Keionna's obvious pleasure and craving for his cock and cum had Bryan totally off balance. In so many respects, Keionna was the antithesis of his former love interest so as comparison was inane.
"I guess I have to wait for another round?" Keionna pouted playfully as she planted a soft kiss on the head of Bryan's penis.
"I think you drained the last drop of that for a good long while." Bryan pulled the lovely Irish girl into his arms.
"Last one to the dock cleans tomorrow's fish!" They heard Bryan's father yell from the back of the house.
"I see they finished up too." Bryan grinned as they pulled their shorts on.
Keionna retorted, "Go mbrise bolgán béice ollmhór do chroí" and dashed out the door without her shirt, pulling Bryan after her. The sight of his topless companion mesmerized Bryan. The effects of her exertions had a wonderful effect on her anatomy.
"Ya can stare at me boobies later, we don't wanna clean fish, now do we?" Keionna teased her mate.
They arrived at the dock to find Mrs. Andrews already in the water, laughing at the expression on the young people's faces.
"Of course we don't fight fair!" She giggled as Mr. Andrews jogged up behind the kids, pulling their pants down around their ankles and dumping them unceremoniously off the end of the pier.
Dropping his shorts, Joe cannonballed into the water just as the kids came sputtering to the surface, splashing them further. Father and son dove into a splashing contest; the girls cheering them on, till on an unspoken cue the boys turned, grabbed each female and tossed her over their shoulder into the water.
The girls struck back, staying underwater they grabbed the men by the ankles and flipped them over. Soon the couples were in a water-wrestling match, Bryan locked in a tussle with his mother as Joe shrugged in and out of Keionna's grasp. The boys soon found themselves rather distracted by the sight of the topless women. Tits bouncing, hair flailing, and the close proximity to their respective opponents, had both men getting aroused. A condition the girls discovered simultaneously.
Alicia was thrilled by the sight of her son's erection and then abruptly ashamed. She backed off, only to be tackled by Bryan. This action caused Bryan to press his aroused manhood to press hard against his mother's back. Suddenly aware of his condition, he too stepped back, unsure of himself.
Keionna had grappled onto Joe's back in an attempt to pull him down, as he tried to step out of her take-down her arms slipped off his wet shoulders and she unexpectedly came into contact with Joe's erect penis.
Joe froze at the touch of this glorious half naked Irish girl's grasp of his cock. Keionna was still holding him from behind, her breasts smashed against Joe's back.
"My, now that's a grand one." She whispered, giving Joe's cock a bit of a squeeze before letting Joe go. "Bryan takes after his Da, eh?"
Turning around, Joe noticed his son's excited state. How Alicia kept glancing at Bryan's groin. That and how Alicia was flushed down her neck. Something he knew from experience wasn't from physical activity. That Keionna's lithe body aroused him was expected. That his wife was equally intrigued by their son's nudity that was an odd wrinkle.
Joe broke the tension, quipping, "Us, more responsible elders have to get up and return to the work world." He casually strode through the water to Alicia. "So I think I am going to take this beautiful creature to bed." He scooped up his wife and waded ashore.
Keionna reached for Bryan. "I'm all flah'ed out. I should be headin' back to the Lodge."
As each of the four drifted off to sleep that night; their dreams were filled with rather erotic themes and variations to the evening's water battle. Normal pairings were not the nom de guerre. Nor were the permutations limited to couples. Threesomes and a foursome flitted through all the nocturnal musings of the Andrews and their young foreign friend.
Joe and Alicia bade Bryan a fond farewell early the next morning. Returning to work was the last thing they wanted to do after an eventful holiday weekend. "But someone has to earn the money to pay for this place," chuckled Joe as he climbed in the car. He had told Bryan he could cut back on the firewood production. "We have enough now for two summers, unless you're planning on living here all winter!"
"Give our regards to Keionna." Alicia gave Bryan a warm, lingering hug. She was aware of its affect on both of them. Looking into Bryan's brown eyes, she smiled, nodded once, and got into the car. "What's your plan for today?"
"I should get back in my routine. I'll go for a paddle in the kayak, and then I have some catching up to do on my schoolwork. I may head over to the lodge this evening. Haven't played games with Thom in a while." They all smirked, knowing full well the reason for Bryan's absence from Thom's game tables.
"We won't be up for a week or two. We'll have plenty of yard work to do back at home to keep us busy." Joe started the car.
"I'll take care of things around here." Bryan waved as his parents drove out the driveway.
"I am sure he will." Joe grinned at his wife. "I just hope he remembers to cut the grass now and then." Alicia slapped his shoulder as she caught his meaning.
"Well, I am sure glad to see him happy again. Keionna sure has brought him out of the dark place he has been this past year."
Joe agreed, in his mind's eye he held a picture of his son's very beautiful and very naked girlfriend standing on the beach. Her full young breasts standing proudly. Joe hummed tunelessly to himself in appreciation.
Alicia understood fully what was making her husband smile that way. Looking at his crotch, she could see his member stiffen.
"Now is that for me, or the girl in your head?" She reached over and stroked the growing bulge.
Caught out, Joe lied, "Why my lovable, huggable, kissable wife for sure!"
"You never could lie to me could you?" Alicia kissed her husband's cheek. "You can look all you want. Just remember who you really go to bed with. Eh? Now focus on the drive so we make it home to that bed." She patted his leg and turned to her knitting.
Unbeknownst to her husband, Alicia's imagination was as filled with images of the young Keionna's body as his. With many of the same actions and intents in mind. Alicia wondered what was happening. Here she was a happily married woman. Mother of a great son, an adult son. She felt flummoxed over her growing sexual attraction to her own son. And now this infatuation with her son's gorgeous girlfriend. What did that say about her?