Part 03.3
Alicia was proud to say to her close girlfriend's that she and Joe enjoyed an active sex life. She had never had any qualms about her own sexuality. She had been surprised to learn that some of her female friends were brought up to see sex as a "necessary evil." Something foisted upon wives as part of the marriage contract. If you wanted children, it was one's duty to go through. However, a small majority held that view, thankfully.
Most of her female compatriots talked about a diminishing desire for sex as they grew older. What between the kids, the housework, and all, they and their respective spouses rarely seemed to have the energy or desire. The other issue boiled down to the fact that physically they had let themselves go, or their husbands had as well. If one doesn't feel sexy, one doesn't try to stay sexy, and so on. Alicia thought to herself.
Looking over at her husband, she let her gaze linger over his body. For a man his age, he was in good condition. They both had been active athletes in high school and college. Fortunately, they had the desire to stay in shape, running, biking, swimming, the occasional tennis game. Neither of them had considered the need for a diet in their lives. "Blessed with good genetics" was Joe's response when friends asked how they both stayed young looking.
Course Joe didn't know how closely Alicia watched their diet. She worked hard to make sure they ate a very balanced healthy diet. Not that she was some kind of health food freak, or some vitamin master, just that she was careful. Rarely did they go out for fast fried food, and many places had good salads that even Joe found "manly" enough that burger and fries were the exception not the rule.
Both had a habit of weighing themselves in the morning and would adjust their eating or activity level to keep themselves within a pound or two of their target weight. Alicia couldn't help but chuckle to herself, she had returned to her pre-pregnancy weight within a year of Bryan's birth. Yet where the weight was located had definitely shifted. She had filled into a hefty D cup while she had been nursing baby Bryan. Once he had been weaned though, she had been shocked to shrink to a lightweight B cup for a while. All the extra inches had slipped to her hips. It was just in the past few years that the balance seemed to have returned to her curves, filling in a bit up top, slimming down a bit around the hips. Joe sure seemed to appreciate her shape, a smile formed on Alicia's lips. Bryan sure seemed to enjoy his mother's figure too. Though, why he would want his mother's sagging body compared to Keionna's young firmness was beyond her.
Thoughts of Keionna's pert, high breasts, her pink nipples proudly jutting forth, the smooth expanse of her belly as the curves fell to lovely flowering of her hips, caused Alicia to sigh audibly. A tingle formed in her core, an itch that was bewildering. What was so different about that girl?
At that moment, that girl was having similar thoughts about Alicia. She knew how attracted she was to Bryan. In fact, she was starting to admit to herself that she may be falling in love with him. Though, how that would work out at the end of the summer when she was scheduled to return to Ireland, was beginning to worry her.
Yet, intertwined with her growing feelings for Bryan was a new attraction to his mum! After their accidental discovery of his parents lovemaking, she had been terrified of them. Granted they had been so kind prior to that, but, well, she could very well imagine their never wanting to see her again. But they had been so relaxed about the whole episode! Mrs. Andrews even suggesting she knew and accepted how intimate Keionna and Bryan were being.
The afternoon spent shopping reeled through the young Irish woman's mind. She had been very emotionally unbalanced, suspecting Bryan's parents to be angry, then finding them so accommodating. Alicia had treated Keionna so kindly all afternoon, so much like a daughter, that Keionna's emotions were further unbalanced. Her own mother had died years before, and while she enjoyed a fond relationship with her great-grandmum, it had been overwhelming to feel so close to Alicia. Their inadvertent kiss awoke such a passionate desire and affection for Mrs. Andrews she had acted on it without thought. When she sensed Mrs. Andrews kissing her back, Keionna had just surrendered.
Images of the four of them playing in the water, wrestling with Mr. Andrews, his and Bryan's obvious erections, palpable sexual frisson entangling all four of them. Keionna fought to hold a clear memory of each body in her mind. Mr. Andrews, mature, broad, the feel of his member in her hand. Mrs. Andrews blatant sexuality radiating from every grown-up curve of her little body, and of course dear Bryan. Young, virile, so hurt, in need of healing, with some quirky desire for his Mom. Keionna felt a throbbing in her moist juncture, a growing need for lustful attention. Whether it was for Bryan, Mr. Andrews, or pause, Mrs. Andrews, she wasn't sure. Well Bryan was near to hand, and that she decided was a good thing.
Focusing her charged imagination on Bryan, Keionna let her fingers slide between her legs. As she began massaging her pussy, rubbing her palm against her clitoris, she fantasized about Bryan's hands on her body. When she pushed her fingers into her clenching cunt, it was Bryan's hard cock she imagined plunging into her, finally dumping his load of warm semen into her willing body. Moaning her pleasure into her pillows, Keionna let her orgasm peak and then lay still, bringing her body back to a state of normalcy. She got up from her bed working on plans to bring her fantasy to reality, and soon!
Bryan was true to his word. After waving his parents off, he went for a long run on the kayak, burning off as much physical energy as he could. Arriving back at the dock, he put the kayak up on the rack, dove in the water to sluice the sweat from his body. He went to the cabin, changed into dry clothes and sat down at his desk with his history books. He was near the end of the unit and wanted to get the test sent off in the next day or two.
Bryan spent the remainder of the morning reviewing notes and cramming for the test. It was early afternoon and Bryan feel back on his routine. He headed outside for more yard work. There was still a few clean-up chores left from having the whole clan up for the holiday. So Bryan set about putting the property to rights. Remembering his father's admonition about the wood pile, Bryan took the Maristar out for a little fishing. With no luck, but no real desire to catch anything, Bryan turned the bow towards the Lodge pier.
This had been the most time he and Keionna had been apart since before the 4th. She must have recognized the boat from a distance since she was waiting for him at the end of the pier. The hug and kiss she gave him matched his own desire and pleasure at being together.
"Thought maybe I should come by and see if your Uncail Thom is available for some checkers." He winked mischievously at the girl, both knowing the real reason for his visit.
Intertwining her fingers with his, Keionna purred, "Well if that is what you're here for, I saw him moping behind the bar on my way out." She pressed herself against Bryan's arm, making sure he noticed she wasn't wearing a bra under her t-shirt. "When he has beaten your ass, maybe you'll have some interest in me." Her erect nipples were apparent as she rubbed her chest back and forth against his arm.
Bryan enfolded Keionna in his arms. His mouth covered hers. "I could forgo an ass beating." His ardent desire thrilled Keionna. "Unless it was you who was beating my ass." His hands dropped to cup Keionna's firm butt in his palms.
Giggling she pushed him off of her, wagging her finger in his face, she pirouetted and pranced up the dock. Her taut behind entrancing Bryan as she skipped up the steps, "I don't think you've earned that yet, boyo!"
Bryan walked into the lodge to find Keionna in the corner whispering with Angie, the head waitress. Thom was in his usual place behind the bar. Seeing Bryan enter, his face broke out into a big grin, "Hear I am gonna be gettin' an ass whippin' tonight." He reached under the bar for his Go set.
Bryan looked from him to Keionna and back. "Uh, well good evening to you too, Thom. Angie." Bryan settled into his seat at the end of the bar. Thom thrust his hands in front of the young man.
"Pick your poison." He said indicating his closed fists. Bryan tapped the left one and Thom opened it to reveal a black pebble. "Ha!" he snorted victoriously. Placing the white pebble from his other hand on the board.
"So how are you, Thom? Haven't had a chance to see you in a while." Bryan placed his first pebble on the board. A grunt was all he got in response. Thom snapped another piece on the board.
Bryan countered. "We had quite the blowout this weekend. Want to share my parents thanks for letting Keionna help out with all the cousins." Another grunt, another pebble snapped into place.
Bryan looked sheepishly over at Keionna and Angie.
"So, are ya here to play? Or did ya jus' come over to ogle the lassies?" Bryan stared at Thom in perplexity.
"If you're here jus' to ogle, then shift your arse to a table, I got payin' customers to serve." Bryan looked around at the empty dining room, then back at Thom.
"No, I'm here... I'm here to play."
"Well then put your effin' eyes back in your 'ead, and play!" Snorted Thom. As Bryan bent his head to the board, he tossed a wink and a salute back at the girls. Angie assured Keionna that Thom was just messing with Bryan, and it was fine.
The two adversaries settled into their board game. What few patrons drifted into the Lodge, Angie and Keionna efficiently served. Business was usually light the week following a major holiday, Angie informed Keionna.
"So what did you do with your day?" Angie asked during a lull in the diner traffic.
Keionna smiled, "I got some laundry caught up, wrote a few letters back home. Reassured Uncail Thom I still love him." Her dimples showing in her demure pout.
"Ah, you know he was just hassling Bryan. He has been rather happy about you two seeing each other." Angie confided. "Really, Thom was worried you would get bored sitting around here all summer with no-one your age around, 'cept us old farts."
"Oh, Angie, you're not old," Keionna flung back. "Just well, seasoned."
"Ha! You tart!" Angie scolded as she moved off to fetch a diner a refill from the bar.
Watching Angie interact with her Uncail Thom, Keionna realized there was more to their relationship then just owner and employee. There was a subtle spark between them. She had been suspicious earlier this summer, but now she was convinced. Her Uncail wasn't the irascible old bachelor he claimed to be.
At 8:30 pm Thom called a truce. He and Bryan had battled to a even tie. Bryan's skill at the new game had dramatically improved in the last few weeks despite his obvious distraction with his niece.
"Well, my dear girl," he beckoned Keionna over to the end of the bar. "I guess I can let you have your boy-toy back now, eh? He's done a right fair showin' for hisself tonight, he has."
"Boy-toy?!" Bryan look incredulously from uncle to niece. "What have you been telling him? I promised to be a proper gentleman," He defended himself.
"Och, you have been, mi chroí," Keionna reached for Bryan's hands. "Uncail Thom is just baiting you." Her exquisite laugh trilled around the room.
Seeing the Lodge was fairly empty, Thom called into the kitchen. "JohnBoy? We're closin' up early tonight, eh? Not much going on out here."
"Don't be calling me JohnBoy, ya black Irishman!" came the response from the kitchen, with a few extra bangs and clangs from the pots for emphasis.
"Can we get some sandwiches up here? Johnnie?" Thom winked at Keionna conspiratorly.
"Get 'em yourself! Ya leprechaun," came the shouted response.
Thom walked down the bar and drew five beers from the tap. Handing one out to Angie, Bryan, and Keionna, he left the fifth one on the end of the bar.
In a moment, Little John crashed through the kitchen doors with a huge tray on his shoulder. Setting it down next to the beer on the end of the bar, he hoisted the glass and drained it in one long pull. Thom reached for the empty and went to refill it.
Little John brought the tray to the table the other three had settled around. Loaded on the tray were several mounds of cold-cuts, sausages, cheeses, breads, condiments, and a bowl of fruit. Collapsing into an empty chair, the big chef grumbled, "Johnboy this, Johnboy that! Hmpf, and himself not knowing one end of a carving knife from the other."
Thom placed the full beer before his capable chef and bowed, "Your libation, sir!" With a click of his heels and a smart salute, Thom claimed the last chair at the table.
Angie snorted at the astounded looks on the young people's faces. "They have taken up this new act in the past week or so. Act as if they can't stand the sight of each other. Hollering and howling at each other so's the customers can hear 'em. I swear half the people come hoping for a fight as much as for John's food!" The two men reached out and shook hands.
"Aye, and it be workin' too." Thom winked at Keionna as he started piling meats and cheeses on bread.
"Like some old married couple they are," snorted Angie in disgust.
"Oh, you know it's just harmless fun." Laughed the big chef, as he efficiently stacked up a sandwich for himself. "Though I suppose it was a while before the other girls caught on." Angie blanched at the memory of some of the other waitresses' reactions to the yammering coming out of the kitchen the last few evenings.
"Scared poor Nellie half to death. Most made her quit you big fools. If I hadn't explained things to her, you'd be looking for more staff!" She punched Thom in the arm.
"Ach, we would just muster up Keionna and her boy-toy here, see!" sported Thom, giving Bryan a nudge as he bit into his sandwich. "They can't be doing it 24/7 now can they, so..." he grimaced as he received a kick under the table from Keionna.
"So who's gonna win the World Cup you suppose?" upped John changing the subject. The rest of the meal passed pleasantly. Bryan was the least involved as he didn't follow the world soccer scene that closely. Angie had a surprising set of opinions. A lively debate flew around the table.
"You can't spend as much time around your uncle as I have, and not pick up a few things" she later confided in Keionna as they were cleaning up the last few tables. John had retreated to kitchen; Thom was back behind the bar going over receipts, Bryan chatting with him over coffee. Keionna noticed that Bryan rarely had more than one beer. She understood now why, after the drinking binge he had been on a year ago.
"You and Bryan make a good match." Angie observed to Keionna as they put chairs up on the tables.
"Kinda like you and Uncail Thom, eh?" Keionna asked, testing our her theory.
"Oh, much better I suppose, but then were both kinda set in our ways." Angie smiled back. "When did you figure it out?"
"Just tonight, actually. Why don't you make it more. . .?" Keionna looked at the older woman.
"Public?" The waitress looked amused. "We both are happy with what we have. It's not real complicated, and we like it that way." She looked pensive for a moment. "I was married twice and divorced twice. Both times to a real loser. Thom, Thom respects my need for some independence." She smiled at Keionna. "He's happy, I'm happy."
On inspiration, Keionna embraced the older woman, "then I am happy for both of you." Angie smiled graciously.
"You take your boy out now, before Thom wrestles him into another game. I want some time with the old coot, tonight." She winked knowingly and pushed Keionna to the bar.
"Can I have my boy-toy back, Uncail Thom?" Keionna pleaded in her best little girl voice, as she entangled her arms around Bryan's torso. "I haven't had him to myself all day.
"Besides, Angie is feeling a little needy tonight, Uncail, and you better take care of her." She winked at her uncle's blank face. Pulling Bryan off the barstool, she walked him to the door with a wave and kiss for Angie. Even Bryan noticed the look of desire in the waitresses eye as she gazed at the Irish bartender longingly.
Once outside, he turned to the shapely woman in his arms, "Your uncle and Miss Angie? I never knew."
Keionna hushed his lips with a finger. "Don't tell anyone. They want to keep it quiet." Turning to Bryan with an odd look in her eyes. "Can we go out on the lake now? Someplace quiet."
"Uh, sure." Bryan answered. Then cast a strange look as Keionna picked up a bag from behind her.
"Where'd?" he asked looking at the bag.
"Grabbed it by the door, now are we going out or not?" There was an intense look in Keionna's eyes that seemed to devour Bryan.
He led her down the dock and they cast off. Keionna put the canvas bag under one the seats and wormed her way into Bryan's lap as he eased the craft out on the water. Keeping the craft to a slow cruising speed, Bryan enjoyed the feel of the young woman on his lap. She snuggled in and laid her head against his chest. They cruised around for a while till Bryan pulled the boat close to shore in a secluded cove. He dropped an anchor off both the bow and stern so they wouldn't drift too much in the darkness.
As he turned around from securing the aft anchor, he discovered Keionna had made some adjustments too. She had spread a blanket out on the deck, and had also changed into a baby blue baby doll nightie. How did she do that so fast? Bryan wondered. She motioned for Bryan to come lay on the blanket.
As he knelt down, she pulled his shirt over his head, folded it and lay it aside. They she removed his socks and shoes. Pushing him down on his stomach, Bryan heard her rummage in the bag for something. Her hands emerged with a bottle of oil. She poured some into her hands and rubbing them together began to knead Bryan's neck and shoulders. She straddled his legs and began to work over his whole back with slow, steady motions. The oil had a slight clove scent to it.
Finished with Bryan's back, Keionna helped him to turn over on his back. She continued her massage at his neck and shoulders, working her way down his arms and hands. Wiping her hands dry on a towel, she begin to retrace her work on his body with her lips. Warmly kissing Bryan's highly sensitized skin.
She flicked her tongue over his nipples. Stopping to suckle them each in turn. Keionna never let her hands stay still, rubbing all over Bryan's body. Sensing his growing arousal, she licked and kissed her way to his mouth where they shared a long series of slow, warm kisses. Bryan ran his fingers through Keionna's hair, inhaling the scent of her, luxuriating in the texture of her auburn locks.
Keionna raised the intensity of their activity. She started pressing her groin against Bryan's growing bulge. She thrust her hips against his in a steady rhythm. Sensing his erection achieving maximum length, she knelt back on her heels, and drew down the waistband of Bryan's shorts.
Freeing his elongated penis, she pulled his clothing free and tossed it aside. She reached between his legs and cupped his balls in her warm hands. She leaned down to kiss his mouth as she toyed with his balls, causing the neckline of her baby doll to fall forward revealing a hint of the hot flesh beneath. Pulling back with her mouth open, Keionna leisurely licked her lips as she focused on Bryan's manhood.
She knelt between his knees and kissed the head of his penis. Working her way around the head like and ice cream cone, she planted a series of wet kisses up and down the shaft. When a bead of pre-cum formed in the slit at the tip of Bryan's penis, Keionna extended her tongue and picked the drop of wetness up. Pursing her lips in a fat O, she lowered her mouth onto Bryan's hard cock.
Launching a gentle sucking rhythm, Keionna took an inch at a time, working the whole of Bryan's cock into her mouth. Fully swallowing him into her throat from this angle was hard, so she contented herself with as much as was comfortable. Bryan wasn't complaining.
While giving him head, she kept her hands moving over his tummy and thighs. She only used her mouth to manipulate his sex organ. Her hands made their way to his nipples, where she began to twist and tease them in correspondence with her attentions on his cock.
Bryan kept his hands entwined in Keionna's hair. Occasionally, he lifted his head to see the work of that enticing mouth giving his penis such wonderful attention. His moans of appreciation kept Keionna at her task. She sensed when he was reaching a climax and slowed her attention down. She brought her mouth to his. Gently she pulled on his testicles to help push back his inevitable orgasm.
Satisfied that she had prevented an imminent ejaculation, Keionna smiled lovingly at Bryan. She scooted her hips forward as she straddled him. Reaching down she took the hem of her baby doll in hand and slowly raised it up. The moonlight was just enough for Bryan to make out clearly the flush of Keionna's warm skin. Drinking in the sight of her glorious breasts falling free of the sexy garment, Bryan reached to cup both breasts in his hands.
Keionna encouraged his attention to her breasts, leaning into his palms, low moans of pleasure escaping her lips as he brushed her nipples. Rocking her bare pussy against Byran's cock, she manipulated her hips till the length of him rested right in the v of her labia.
Gripping Bryan's shoulders, Keionna let her hair drape over their heads. Bryan's hand kneaded her breasts, stoking the fires of lust that were burning in both their groins. The ends of her hair brushed over Bryan's skin lighting it on fire. Wetness made their pubic contact slippery. Bryan felt the head of his penis slip up between Keionna's legs. Looking at him wide-eyed, Keionna nodded her head yes. Pushing her hips against his, she tried to aim his cock at her pussy entrance.
Bryan looked at Keionna closely. He held his pelvis still. She nodded again, more emphatically. He felt the tip of his cock part the outer lips of her vagina. He pulled back a mere fraction of an inch, then thrust forward. Keionna kept nodding her head, staring at him intently.
Bryan pulled his pelvis back, and then rocked forward, his cock spearing into Keionna's parted pussy lips. The tip passed the entrance. Withdrawing, he slowly pushed forward again. The head fully entered her warm tunnel. Another slow withdrawal, in agony over Bryan's practical entrance, Keionna grunted heavily and thrust herself down on Bryan's penis impaling herself halfway along his length. It felt so big! She thought, and it wasn't all the way in! what was stopping it?
Bryan realized in a flash the issue. Keionna was still a virgin. His penis was stopped against the barrier of her hymen. Eyes searching out Keionna's in concern, he gasped with alarm as he felt her raise herself and thrust again, much harder this time. Much much harder. A cry of pain burst from her chest. He was through! Oh it stung! But she had his cock buried in her wet pussy all the way to the root! It was in her, it filled her! As her breathing steadied from the pain of tearing her hymen, the pleasure of a fully engorged cock pressing against the walls of her pussy instinctively caused Keionna to rock back and forth. Just the proper motion to excite both of the young lovers.
Bryan's focused narrowed down to the sensation of Keionna's pussy completely wrapped around his enflamed penis. Thrusting back in time with her movements, the couple clung to each other's arms as they concentrated on the friction of pussy and cock.
Riding up and down on her lover's member pushed Keionna over the edge, the first of several orgasms crashed over her in tidal pulls. Panting heavily, she froze as the big one hit knocking everything from her mind as pure pleasure shot down every nerve ending. Finally coming off the crest of her orgasm, Keionna collapsed against Bryan's chest, their hearts thundered away at a gallop, both trying to slow their breathing down. Bryan's still rock hard cock penetrating her pussy, Keionna shivered with delight as her lover caressed her back.
Bryan gently rolled her to her side, his cock sliding free of her enclosure at the movement. He leaned forward and kissed her quivering lips. Licking the salt from beads of perspiration from her upper lip, he kissed her nose, her eyes, her forehead. He suckled on her earlobe. Keionna pulled him to her hungrily, pawing at his hips, trying to find his manhood.
Bryan pushed over and knelt above her. His hips poised. Keionna wriggled her legs free, spread them and wrapped her long dancer legs around his waist and drew him down. He slid the whole length of his cock into her waiting pussy in one motion. Penetrating her deeply, he held the position as Keionna adjusted to his fullness. Establishing a rhythm, Bryan pulled his cock nearly free of her vagina. Then he would slowly penetrate to the hilt, hold his cock there, and then again withdraw. The physical sensations were again overcoming conscious thought for the young lovers. After what seemed an eternity of steady slow thrust, Bryan was pistoning his cock into Keionna's sloshing pussy with wild abandon. He felt the familiar tightness begin in his testicles. His toes curled as the nearly painful sensation flooded his engorged cock. As the eruption of his ejaculation tore through Bryan's body, the splash of his semen against her virgin vaginal walls, orgasm overtook Keionna. They both spasmed with the intensity of their orgasms.
Keionna felt a warm wetness gush out of her pussy. A quivering of her vaginal walls milked every drop from Bryan's spent penis. Her final quiver shook his penis loose from her pussy and fluids followed out. She reached up and pulled Bryan's mouth to hers. She had to devour him. Now, she had to show him how much she loved him, his body, her need for him. The ache, the desire, it was all so overwhelming.
The lovers collapsed together in the bottom of the boat, under a moonlit, star filled sky and drifted off to blissful sleep, exhausted in each other's arms.
Most of her female compatriots talked about a diminishing desire for sex as they grew older. What between the kids, the housework, and all, they and their respective spouses rarely seemed to have the energy or desire. The other issue boiled down to the fact that physically they had let themselves go, or their husbands had as well. If one doesn't feel sexy, one doesn't try to stay sexy, and so on. Alicia thought to herself.
Looking over at her husband, she let her gaze linger over his body. For a man his age, he was in good condition. They both had been active athletes in high school and college. Fortunately, they had the desire to stay in shape, running, biking, swimming, the occasional tennis game. Neither of them had considered the need for a diet in their lives. "Blessed with good genetics" was Joe's response when friends asked how they both stayed young looking.
Course Joe didn't know how closely Alicia watched their diet. She worked hard to make sure they ate a very balanced healthy diet. Not that she was some kind of health food freak, or some vitamin master, just that she was careful. Rarely did they go out for fast fried food, and many places had good salads that even Joe found "manly" enough that burger and fries were the exception not the rule.
Both had a habit of weighing themselves in the morning and would adjust their eating or activity level to keep themselves within a pound or two of their target weight. Alicia couldn't help but chuckle to herself, she had returned to her pre-pregnancy weight within a year of Bryan's birth. Yet where the weight was located had definitely shifted. She had filled into a hefty D cup while she had been nursing baby Bryan. Once he had been weaned though, she had been shocked to shrink to a lightweight B cup for a while. All the extra inches had slipped to her hips. It was just in the past few years that the balance seemed to have returned to her curves, filling in a bit up top, slimming down a bit around the hips. Joe sure seemed to appreciate her shape, a smile formed on Alicia's lips. Bryan sure seemed to enjoy his mother's figure too. Though, why he would want his mother's sagging body compared to Keionna's young firmness was beyond her.
Thoughts of Keionna's pert, high breasts, her pink nipples proudly jutting forth, the smooth expanse of her belly as the curves fell to lovely flowering of her hips, caused Alicia to sigh audibly. A tingle formed in her core, an itch that was bewildering. What was so different about that girl?
At that moment, that girl was having similar thoughts about Alicia. She knew how attracted she was to Bryan. In fact, she was starting to admit to herself that she may be falling in love with him. Though, how that would work out at the end of the summer when she was scheduled to return to Ireland, was beginning to worry her.
Yet, intertwined with her growing feelings for Bryan was a new attraction to his mum! After their accidental discovery of his parents lovemaking, she had been terrified of them. Granted they had been so kind prior to that, but, well, she could very well imagine their never wanting to see her again. But they had been so relaxed about the whole episode! Mrs. Andrews even suggesting she knew and accepted how intimate Keionna and Bryan were being.
The afternoon spent shopping reeled through the young Irish woman's mind. She had been very emotionally unbalanced, suspecting Bryan's parents to be angry, then finding them so accommodating. Alicia had treated Keionna so kindly all afternoon, so much like a daughter, that Keionna's emotions were further unbalanced. Her own mother had died years before, and while she enjoyed a fond relationship with her great-grandmum, it had been overwhelming to feel so close to Alicia. Their inadvertent kiss awoke such a passionate desire and affection for Mrs. Andrews she had acted on it without thought. When she sensed Mrs. Andrews kissing her back, Keionna had just surrendered.
Images of the four of them playing in the water, wrestling with Mr. Andrews, his and Bryan's obvious erections, palpable sexual frisson entangling all four of them. Keionna fought to hold a clear memory of each body in her mind. Mr. Andrews, mature, broad, the feel of his member in her hand. Mrs. Andrews blatant sexuality radiating from every grown-up curve of her little body, and of course dear Bryan. Young, virile, so hurt, in need of healing, with some quirky desire for his Mom. Keionna felt a throbbing in her moist juncture, a growing need for lustful attention. Whether it was for Bryan, Mr. Andrews, or pause, Mrs. Andrews, she wasn't sure. Well Bryan was near to hand, and that she decided was a good thing.
Focusing her charged imagination on Bryan, Keionna let her fingers slide between her legs. As she began massaging her pussy, rubbing her palm against her clitoris, she fantasized about Bryan's hands on her body. When she pushed her fingers into her clenching cunt, it was Bryan's hard cock she imagined plunging into her, finally dumping his load of warm semen into her willing body. Moaning her pleasure into her pillows, Keionna let her orgasm peak and then lay still, bringing her body back to a state of normalcy. She got up from her bed working on plans to bring her fantasy to reality, and soon!
Bryan was true to his word. After waving his parents off, he went for a long run on the kayak, burning off as much physical energy as he could. Arriving back at the dock, he put the kayak up on the rack, dove in the water to sluice the sweat from his body. He went to the cabin, changed into dry clothes and sat down at his desk with his history books. He was near the end of the unit and wanted to get the test sent off in the next day or two.
Bryan spent the remainder of the morning reviewing notes and cramming for the test. It was early afternoon and Bryan feel back on his routine. He headed outside for more yard work. There was still a few clean-up chores left from having the whole clan up for the holiday. So Bryan set about putting the property to rights. Remembering his father's admonition about the wood pile, Bryan took the Maristar out for a little fishing. With no luck, but no real desire to catch anything, Bryan turned the bow towards the Lodge pier.
This had been the most time he and Keionna had been apart since before the 4th. She must have recognized the boat from a distance since she was waiting for him at the end of the pier. The hug and kiss she gave him matched his own desire and pleasure at being together.
"Thought maybe I should come by and see if your Uncail Thom is available for some checkers." He winked mischievously at the girl, both knowing the real reason for his visit.
Intertwining her fingers with his, Keionna purred, "Well if that is what you're here for, I saw him moping behind the bar on my way out." She pressed herself against Bryan's arm, making sure he noticed she wasn't wearing a bra under her t-shirt. "When he has beaten your ass, maybe you'll have some interest in me." Her erect nipples were apparent as she rubbed her chest back and forth against his arm.
Bryan enfolded Keionna in his arms. His mouth covered hers. "I could forgo an ass beating." His ardent desire thrilled Keionna. "Unless it was you who was beating my ass." His hands dropped to cup Keionna's firm butt in his palms.
Giggling she pushed him off of her, wagging her finger in his face, she pirouetted and pranced up the dock. Her taut behind entrancing Bryan as she skipped up the steps, "I don't think you've earned that yet, boyo!"
Bryan walked into the lodge to find Keionna in the corner whispering with Angie, the head waitress. Thom was in his usual place behind the bar. Seeing Bryan enter, his face broke out into a big grin, "Hear I am gonna be gettin' an ass whippin' tonight." He reached under the bar for his Go set.
Bryan looked from him to Keionna and back. "Uh, well good evening to you too, Thom. Angie." Bryan settled into his seat at the end of the bar. Thom thrust his hands in front of the young man.
"Pick your poison." He said indicating his closed fists. Bryan tapped the left one and Thom opened it to reveal a black pebble. "Ha!" he snorted victoriously. Placing the white pebble from his other hand on the board.
"So how are you, Thom? Haven't had a chance to see you in a while." Bryan placed his first pebble on the board. A grunt was all he got in response. Thom snapped another piece on the board.
Bryan countered. "We had quite the blowout this weekend. Want to share my parents thanks for letting Keionna help out with all the cousins." Another grunt, another pebble snapped into place.
Bryan looked sheepishly over at Keionna and Angie.
"So, are ya here to play? Or did ya jus' come over to ogle the lassies?" Bryan stared at Thom in perplexity.
"If you're here jus' to ogle, then shift your arse to a table, I got payin' customers to serve." Bryan looked around at the empty dining room, then back at Thom.
"No, I'm here... I'm here to play."
"Well then put your effin' eyes back in your 'ead, and play!" Snorted Thom. As Bryan bent his head to the board, he tossed a wink and a salute back at the girls. Angie assured Keionna that Thom was just messing with Bryan, and it was fine.
The two adversaries settled into their board game. What few patrons drifted into the Lodge, Angie and Keionna efficiently served. Business was usually light the week following a major holiday, Angie informed Keionna.
"So what did you do with your day?" Angie asked during a lull in the diner traffic.
Keionna smiled, "I got some laundry caught up, wrote a few letters back home. Reassured Uncail Thom I still love him." Her dimples showing in her demure pout.
"Ah, you know he was just hassling Bryan. He has been rather happy about you two seeing each other." Angie confided. "Really, Thom was worried you would get bored sitting around here all summer with no-one your age around, 'cept us old farts."
"Oh, Angie, you're not old," Keionna flung back. "Just well, seasoned."
"Ha! You tart!" Angie scolded as she moved off to fetch a diner a refill from the bar.
Watching Angie interact with her Uncail Thom, Keionna realized there was more to their relationship then just owner and employee. There was a subtle spark between them. She had been suspicious earlier this summer, but now she was convinced. Her Uncail wasn't the irascible old bachelor he claimed to be.
At 8:30 pm Thom called a truce. He and Bryan had battled to a even tie. Bryan's skill at the new game had dramatically improved in the last few weeks despite his obvious distraction with his niece.
"Well, my dear girl," he beckoned Keionna over to the end of the bar. "I guess I can let you have your boy-toy back now, eh? He's done a right fair showin' for hisself tonight, he has."
"Boy-toy?!" Bryan look incredulously from uncle to niece. "What have you been telling him? I promised to be a proper gentleman," He defended himself.
"Och, you have been, mi chroí," Keionna reached for Bryan's hands. "Uncail Thom is just baiting you." Her exquisite laugh trilled around the room.
Seeing the Lodge was fairly empty, Thom called into the kitchen. "JohnBoy? We're closin' up early tonight, eh? Not much going on out here."
"Don't be calling me JohnBoy, ya black Irishman!" came the response from the kitchen, with a few extra bangs and clangs from the pots for emphasis.
"Can we get some sandwiches up here? Johnnie?" Thom winked at Keionna conspiratorly.
"Get 'em yourself! Ya leprechaun," came the shouted response.
Thom walked down the bar and drew five beers from the tap. Handing one out to Angie, Bryan, and Keionna, he left the fifth one on the end of the bar.
In a moment, Little John crashed through the kitchen doors with a huge tray on his shoulder. Setting it down next to the beer on the end of the bar, he hoisted the glass and drained it in one long pull. Thom reached for the empty and went to refill it.
Little John brought the tray to the table the other three had settled around. Loaded on the tray were several mounds of cold-cuts, sausages, cheeses, breads, condiments, and a bowl of fruit. Collapsing into an empty chair, the big chef grumbled, "Johnboy this, Johnboy that! Hmpf, and himself not knowing one end of a carving knife from the other."
Thom placed the full beer before his capable chef and bowed, "Your libation, sir!" With a click of his heels and a smart salute, Thom claimed the last chair at the table.
Angie snorted at the astounded looks on the young people's faces. "They have taken up this new act in the past week or so. Act as if they can't stand the sight of each other. Hollering and howling at each other so's the customers can hear 'em. I swear half the people come hoping for a fight as much as for John's food!" The two men reached out and shook hands.
"Aye, and it be workin' too." Thom winked at Keionna as he started piling meats and cheeses on bread.
"Like some old married couple they are," snorted Angie in disgust.
"Oh, you know it's just harmless fun." Laughed the big chef, as he efficiently stacked up a sandwich for himself. "Though I suppose it was a while before the other girls caught on." Angie blanched at the memory of some of the other waitresses' reactions to the yammering coming out of the kitchen the last few evenings.
"Scared poor Nellie half to death. Most made her quit you big fools. If I hadn't explained things to her, you'd be looking for more staff!" She punched Thom in the arm.
"Ach, we would just muster up Keionna and her boy-toy here, see!" sported Thom, giving Bryan a nudge as he bit into his sandwich. "They can't be doing it 24/7 now can they, so..." he grimaced as he received a kick under the table from Keionna.
"So who's gonna win the World Cup you suppose?" upped John changing the subject. The rest of the meal passed pleasantly. Bryan was the least involved as he didn't follow the world soccer scene that closely. Angie had a surprising set of opinions. A lively debate flew around the table.
"You can't spend as much time around your uncle as I have, and not pick up a few things" she later confided in Keionna as they were cleaning up the last few tables. John had retreated to kitchen; Thom was back behind the bar going over receipts, Bryan chatting with him over coffee. Keionna noticed that Bryan rarely had more than one beer. She understood now why, after the drinking binge he had been on a year ago.
"You and Bryan make a good match." Angie observed to Keionna as they put chairs up on the tables.
"Kinda like you and Uncail Thom, eh?" Keionna asked, testing our her theory.
"Oh, much better I suppose, but then were both kinda set in our ways." Angie smiled back. "When did you figure it out?"
"Just tonight, actually. Why don't you make it more. . .?" Keionna looked at the older woman.
"Public?" The waitress looked amused. "We both are happy with what we have. It's not real complicated, and we like it that way." She looked pensive for a moment. "I was married twice and divorced twice. Both times to a real loser. Thom, Thom respects my need for some independence." She smiled at Keionna. "He's happy, I'm happy."
On inspiration, Keionna embraced the older woman, "then I am happy for both of you." Angie smiled graciously.
"You take your boy out now, before Thom wrestles him into another game. I want some time with the old coot, tonight." She winked knowingly and pushed Keionna to the bar.
"Can I have my boy-toy back, Uncail Thom?" Keionna pleaded in her best little girl voice, as she entangled her arms around Bryan's torso. "I haven't had him to myself all day.
"Besides, Angie is feeling a little needy tonight, Uncail, and you better take care of her." She winked at her uncle's blank face. Pulling Bryan off the barstool, she walked him to the door with a wave and kiss for Angie. Even Bryan noticed the look of desire in the waitresses eye as she gazed at the Irish bartender longingly.
Once outside, he turned to the shapely woman in his arms, "Your uncle and Miss Angie? I never knew."
Keionna hushed his lips with a finger. "Don't tell anyone. They want to keep it quiet." Turning to Bryan with an odd look in her eyes. "Can we go out on the lake now? Someplace quiet."
"Uh, sure." Bryan answered. Then cast a strange look as Keionna picked up a bag from behind her.
"Where'd?" he asked looking at the bag.
"Grabbed it by the door, now are we going out or not?" There was an intense look in Keionna's eyes that seemed to devour Bryan.
He led her down the dock and they cast off. Keionna put the canvas bag under one the seats and wormed her way into Bryan's lap as he eased the craft out on the water. Keeping the craft to a slow cruising speed, Bryan enjoyed the feel of the young woman on his lap. She snuggled in and laid her head against his chest. They cruised around for a while till Bryan pulled the boat close to shore in a secluded cove. He dropped an anchor off both the bow and stern so they wouldn't drift too much in the darkness.
As he turned around from securing the aft anchor, he discovered Keionna had made some adjustments too. She had spread a blanket out on the deck, and had also changed into a baby blue baby doll nightie. How did she do that so fast? Bryan wondered. She motioned for Bryan to come lay on the blanket.
As he knelt down, she pulled his shirt over his head, folded it and lay it aside. They she removed his socks and shoes. Pushing him down on his stomach, Bryan heard her rummage in the bag for something. Her hands emerged with a bottle of oil. She poured some into her hands and rubbing them together began to knead Bryan's neck and shoulders. She straddled his legs and began to work over his whole back with slow, steady motions. The oil had a slight clove scent to it.
Finished with Bryan's back, Keionna helped him to turn over on his back. She continued her massage at his neck and shoulders, working her way down his arms and hands. Wiping her hands dry on a towel, she begin to retrace her work on his body with her lips. Warmly kissing Bryan's highly sensitized skin.
She flicked her tongue over his nipples. Stopping to suckle them each in turn. Keionna never let her hands stay still, rubbing all over Bryan's body. Sensing his growing arousal, she licked and kissed her way to his mouth where they shared a long series of slow, warm kisses. Bryan ran his fingers through Keionna's hair, inhaling the scent of her, luxuriating in the texture of her auburn locks.
Keionna raised the intensity of their activity. She started pressing her groin against Bryan's growing bulge. She thrust her hips against his in a steady rhythm. Sensing his erection achieving maximum length, she knelt back on her heels, and drew down the waistband of Bryan's shorts.
Freeing his elongated penis, she pulled his clothing free and tossed it aside. She reached between his legs and cupped his balls in her warm hands. She leaned down to kiss his mouth as she toyed with his balls, causing the neckline of her baby doll to fall forward revealing a hint of the hot flesh beneath. Pulling back with her mouth open, Keionna leisurely licked her lips as she focused on Bryan's manhood.
She knelt between his knees and kissed the head of his penis. Working her way around the head like and ice cream cone, she planted a series of wet kisses up and down the shaft. When a bead of pre-cum formed in the slit at the tip of Bryan's penis, Keionna extended her tongue and picked the drop of wetness up. Pursing her lips in a fat O, she lowered her mouth onto Bryan's hard cock.
Launching a gentle sucking rhythm, Keionna took an inch at a time, working the whole of Bryan's cock into her mouth. Fully swallowing him into her throat from this angle was hard, so she contented herself with as much as was comfortable. Bryan wasn't complaining.
While giving him head, she kept her hands moving over his tummy and thighs. She only used her mouth to manipulate his sex organ. Her hands made their way to his nipples, where she began to twist and tease them in correspondence with her attentions on his cock.
Bryan kept his hands entwined in Keionna's hair. Occasionally, he lifted his head to see the work of that enticing mouth giving his penis such wonderful attention. His moans of appreciation kept Keionna at her task. She sensed when he was reaching a climax and slowed her attention down. She brought her mouth to his. Gently she pulled on his testicles to help push back his inevitable orgasm.
Satisfied that she had prevented an imminent ejaculation, Keionna smiled lovingly at Bryan. She scooted her hips forward as she straddled him. Reaching down she took the hem of her baby doll in hand and slowly raised it up. The moonlight was just enough for Bryan to make out clearly the flush of Keionna's warm skin. Drinking in the sight of her glorious breasts falling free of the sexy garment, Bryan reached to cup both breasts in his hands.
Keionna encouraged his attention to her breasts, leaning into his palms, low moans of pleasure escaping her lips as he brushed her nipples. Rocking her bare pussy against Byran's cock, she manipulated her hips till the length of him rested right in the v of her labia.
Gripping Bryan's shoulders, Keionna let her hair drape over their heads. Bryan's hand kneaded her breasts, stoking the fires of lust that were burning in both their groins. The ends of her hair brushed over Bryan's skin lighting it on fire. Wetness made their pubic contact slippery. Bryan felt the head of his penis slip up between Keionna's legs. Looking at him wide-eyed, Keionna nodded her head yes. Pushing her hips against his, she tried to aim his cock at her pussy entrance.
Bryan looked at Keionna closely. He held his pelvis still. She nodded again, more emphatically. He felt the tip of his cock part the outer lips of her vagina. He pulled back a mere fraction of an inch, then thrust forward. Keionna kept nodding her head, staring at him intently.
Bryan pulled his pelvis back, and then rocked forward, his cock spearing into Keionna's parted pussy lips. The tip passed the entrance. Withdrawing, he slowly pushed forward again. The head fully entered her warm tunnel. Another slow withdrawal, in agony over Bryan's practical entrance, Keionna grunted heavily and thrust herself down on Bryan's penis impaling herself halfway along his length. It felt so big! She thought, and it wasn't all the way in! what was stopping it?
Bryan realized in a flash the issue. Keionna was still a virgin. His penis was stopped against the barrier of her hymen. Eyes searching out Keionna's in concern, he gasped with alarm as he felt her raise herself and thrust again, much harder this time. Much much harder. A cry of pain burst from her chest. He was through! Oh it stung! But she had his cock buried in her wet pussy all the way to the root! It was in her, it filled her! As her breathing steadied from the pain of tearing her hymen, the pleasure of a fully engorged cock pressing against the walls of her pussy instinctively caused Keionna to rock back and forth. Just the proper motion to excite both of the young lovers.
Bryan's focused narrowed down to the sensation of Keionna's pussy completely wrapped around his enflamed penis. Thrusting back in time with her movements, the couple clung to each other's arms as they concentrated on the friction of pussy and cock.
Riding up and down on her lover's member pushed Keionna over the edge, the first of several orgasms crashed over her in tidal pulls. Panting heavily, she froze as the big one hit knocking everything from her mind as pure pleasure shot down every nerve ending. Finally coming off the crest of her orgasm, Keionna collapsed against Bryan's chest, their hearts thundered away at a gallop, both trying to slow their breathing down. Bryan's still rock hard cock penetrating her pussy, Keionna shivered with delight as her lover caressed her back.
Bryan gently rolled her to her side, his cock sliding free of her enclosure at the movement. He leaned forward and kissed her quivering lips. Licking the salt from beads of perspiration from her upper lip, he kissed her nose, her eyes, her forehead. He suckled on her earlobe. Keionna pulled him to her hungrily, pawing at his hips, trying to find his manhood.
Bryan pushed over and knelt above her. His hips poised. Keionna wriggled her legs free, spread them and wrapped her long dancer legs around his waist and drew him down. He slid the whole length of his cock into her waiting pussy in one motion. Penetrating her deeply, he held the position as Keionna adjusted to his fullness. Establishing a rhythm, Bryan pulled his cock nearly free of her vagina. Then he would slowly penetrate to the hilt, hold his cock there, and then again withdraw. The physical sensations were again overcoming conscious thought for the young lovers. After what seemed an eternity of steady slow thrust, Bryan was pistoning his cock into Keionna's sloshing pussy with wild abandon. He felt the familiar tightness begin in his testicles. His toes curled as the nearly painful sensation flooded his engorged cock. As the eruption of his ejaculation tore through Bryan's body, the splash of his semen against her virgin vaginal walls, orgasm overtook Keionna. They both spasmed with the intensity of their orgasms.
Keionna felt a warm wetness gush out of her pussy. A quivering of her vaginal walls milked every drop from Bryan's spent penis. Her final quiver shook his penis loose from her pussy and fluids followed out. She reached up and pulled Bryan's mouth to hers. She had to devour him. Now, she had to show him how much she loved him, his body, her need for him. The ache, the desire, it was all so overwhelming.
The lovers collapsed together in the bottom of the boat, under a moonlit, star filled sky and drifted off to blissful sleep, exhausted in each other's arms.