Part 04.2
"Hey, Mom, time to get up! I've got breakfast started. How do want your eggs?"
Composed and dressed in shorts and t-shirt, Alicia joined her son in the kitchen and tried to act as if nothing happened.
Bryan was a bit confused himself. It wasn't until he came down to start breakfast, that he saw two mugs on the counter and remembered, Mom had come in yesterday. He thought fast and hard but he didn't remember seeing anyone in his parent's bedroom when had gone in for his shower. Though he did recall that the bed was unmade, but in his post-workout euphoria it hadn't registered. So where was his mom when he came home? Had she seen him prancing around the house in the buff? The thought brought a tingle to his testicles. Even so soon after his release, he sensed a bit of longing in his loins at the thought of his mother's eyes on his nudity.
The two Andrews finished breakfast preoccupied with their own thoughts.
"I'll take care of the dishes," Alicia announced picking up their plates.
"I've got some studying to do." Bryan remarked as he crossed over to the desk where he had his books laid out.
"That's fine, I was going to go work outside this morning while it's cooler." Alicia ran water into the sink and squirted soap into the froth. The blurping of the soap container made her think of Bryan squirting his semen in the shower. She giggled with delight.
"Well you're in a great mood today." Bryan observed, setting out his books and papers for the morning. "You always seem much more relaxed up here Mom." He grinned back at her. Alicia thought if you only knew why!
The morning passed by in quiet routine. Bryan dove into his lessons. He had about two weeks worth of work to finish before his courses were finished. He wanted to wrap things up before his Dad came up for the last weeks of summer. He wanted as much time for family as possible. Then of course there was a really strong need to be with Keionna as possible. He hadn't asked her when she was going back to Ireland. He had kinda assumed it would be around the time he would head back to college. Maybe he better start thinking about what they would do when that time came.
Meanwhile, at the Lodge the object of Bryan's attention was having a very important discussion with her Uncle Cormac. Spending time in America had been Gran's idea for Keionna to get a plan in order for what she wanted to do with her life. There weren't a lot of great options for her back in Ireland. There was a local factory where many of the girls went to work before they got married and raised a bunch of kids, but Keionna had no desire to settle for that kind of life.
Working with her Uncle all summer had given Keionna a real liking for the hospitality business. The Lodge was a special place. She really enjoyed the work, whether it was bussing tables, helping the waitstaff, or the increasing duties in the business office Uncle Cormac was sharing with her.
"I am not gettin' younger, my lass." Cormac was saying. "I've got many a good year left in me, and I sure luv this place, all right. Yet a time come, a man knows he should be findin' a partner of sorts to pass the business along too. Now you've got a taste for what runnin' the Lodge is like. Whatcha think aboot coming along more official like?"
Keionna was giddy. It was just the proposal she was looking to make herself.
"Though things be a bit different nowadays. You probably ought to get some schoolin' and such afore we just turn the operation over to ya. That school Bryan Andrews attends has a good business department, his da is always tellin' me. Whatcha say, you work her summer and weekends, study up aboot the hospitality business, and when ye graduate we revisit you becoming me partner? Eh?"
The prospect of staying in America, to be able to go to college, work at the Lodge, and be with Bryan was too much for the Irish lass. She burst into joyful tears, threw her arms around her Uncle's neck, and bounced up and down with pleasure.
Bryan and Alicia were delighted with Keionna's wonderful news, and helped her start her application and registration process for the college. They contacted the government agencies to apply for a student visa and helped Keionna labor through all the red tape to be able to study here in America.
Cormac gave Keionna the following Monday off. Monday's were typically pretty light nights at the Lodge. The Andrews planned a little party to celebrate Keionna's new direction. Both Alicia and Bryan were very happy that Keionna was going to be close by. Joe was happy with the news too. He came up that weekend and shared his appreciation with everyone, but he had to return to work early Monday.
Alicia planned a light floating dinner for the three. Floating dinners were a regular custom at the Andrew's. Basically a picnic that they took out on the lake as the evening sun settled to the west. Alicia made her specialties. Chicken quesadillas, mango chutney, tossed greens and fruit, and lemon bars. She also chilled two bottles of wine.
Bryan got the boat decked out and cleaned up special. Knowing his mother's plan, he put several towels and beach chairs on board. Floating dinners typically revolved around cruising, swimming, eating, cruising, and more eating, in that order. Bryan figured his mom might want to take Keionna out to the sandbar. It was a bit of an island deep on the south end of the lake. Only the locals knew about it. There was a narrow channel that fed into a smaller lake where the sandbar was located. It was a common hangout for family picnics and sports for the lake residents. They carefully hoarded its location from the noisier vacationers.
Alicia had told Keionna about the basic plan for the evening dinner, to be sure and bring a bathing suit, change of clothes, sunscreen and such. Armed with a shoulder bag packed with essentials, Keionna arrived at the cabin excited to celebrate her college embarkation.
The Andrews quickly loaded everything aboard the Maristar, ensconced Keionna in the bow, and slipped from the dock. Bryan cruised the main waterways. Alicia told the younger couple all about the history of lake, the people, and the county. Bryan had heard most of this narrative before, but was thrilled when his Mom would share some juicy tidbits of local gossip he had not heard before as one of the "younger generation".
Keionna basked in the attention the Andrews showered on her. The evening was perfect weather. Eventually Bryan navigated the narrow channel and set course for the sandbar. As they were drawing nearer, Alicia started giving directions to Bryan for a much more secluded cove even deeper into the forest surrounding the little lake.
Puzzled, Bryan wondered where his Mom was taking them. Gently steering the Maristar around a point, he spied the hidden cove his Mom was taking them too.
"This little cove is a really special place your father and I found back when we were dating. As far as we know, nobody else seems to know this place. In all our years at the cabin, we have never seen anybody else back here." Alicia had a delicious little smile on her face as she remembered the wonderful times she and Joe had back here.
"There's a little stream back there that dumps into the lake." Alicia pointed out the most picturesque view. "We usually anchor here, Bryan."
Bryan quickly cut the motor. Dropped the fore and aft anchors, and secured the boat.
"Now lets swim!" He shouted, and launched himself into the water.
Keionna stood up and moved to the back of the boat. She kicked off her flipflops and smiled at Alicia. "This looks wonderful."
Alicia turned to the Irish girl, "There's a little rule Joe and I have when we swim back here in our cove." Her eyes were bright with excitement. She was sure Keionna would love the rule, and Bryan wouldn't mind either. "We always swim in the buff here. No suits allowed."
Startled, Keionna pointed at Bryan splashing in the water.
"He doesn't know. But I think we can convince him to join us don't you?" Alicia grinned mischievously at the Irish lass.
Beaming with arousal, Keionna's response was to simply begin disrobing. Alicia followed suit. Bryan shouted, "Hurry up you two! It's lonely out here! The water's perfect!"
Both women had put bikinis on under their clothes, so when the tops and bottoms were shed, Bryan yelped with delight and called them to jump in.
He swallowed a ton of water and dunked under and came up sputtering as to his shocked eyes, the women didn't stop disrobing there. He blinked the water from his eyes, as first Keionna and then his mother slowly undid the ties holding their tops up and bared their luscious breasts. When their hand went in unison to their waistband and began tugging the panties down, he sank again, almost inhaling a lungful of lake water.
Kicking to the surface he watched in astonishment as Keionna and Alicia turned toward him, completely exposed, tits bouncing, pussys shaved bare, grabbed hands and jumped together into the water.
Treading water in shock, Bryan was unprepared for the assault of the women when they got close to him, Both sets of hand were grabbing for his swimtrunks, tugging them loose and wrenching them off his legs. Bobbing up and down, spluttering Bryan finally uprighted himself to see his mother holding the prize. She swung his trunks around her head.
"The rule is when we swim back in the cove, no one can wear anything!" She gave the trunks a toss and sent them flying onto the boat. Then with no warning she turned to Bryan and pushed his head underwater. Keionna was prepared when Alicia came after her. Soon the three were grabbing each other and pushing, splashing, and dunking like five-year olds.
Bryan was easily the best swimmer of the threesome, he dove under water and swam a few yards away from the girls. He popped to the surface and watched as the two naked women tried to wrestle the other under the surface. Boobs and hair were bouncing all over the place. He dove under again, and kicked towards the girls. Coming up underneath them he grabbed the first bare thigh he saw and pulled. He grabbed rather high and his left hand was pushing up against a shaved pussy. Being much closer to the surface himself, he turned and wrapped his arms around the other body. His hands came down and grasped a fistful of soft breast. He pulled that body down and then lurched back to prepare for the return assault.
He first saw Keionna's red head thrust up from the water. She kicked so hard, her entire bosom was clear of the water. The sight of those wonderful tits, streaming water sparked a growing arousal in Bryan's loins. The second head up was Alicia and she too kicked so hard to the surface lifted her breasts clear. Only she had come up at an angle and fell forward toward Keionna mashing her glorious orbs into the redheads face.
The ladies finally returned to the surface clinging to each other. Bryan could see that their bodies were pressed against each other. Knowing that two sets of tits were pressed against each other, two very bare sets of tits, just stiffened the rod between his legs.
Distracted by the idea of all that bare, jiggly, soft, bouncing cleavage, Bryan failed to notice the intense look the ladies gave him as they turned his direction in unison. They lunged and caught him and thrust him under. He flailed his arms wildly trying to fight for the surface, he got several handfuls of one ass and the other. Laughing victoriously the girls relented and let their victim make it to the surface.
Sputtering and gasping, Bryan fought for air. The girls relented and both grabbed him close for a hug. Bryan caught his breath and felt four full breasts pressed against his skin. He had an arm around the shoulders of each bare-assed lady. He felt his face being pulled forward and a set of warm lips devoured his mouth. Still struggling for air, he heard a voice, "Looks like he needs mouth to mouth!"
His head was pulled the other way and again his mouth was covered by a hungry set of lips. Pulling himself together he looked from one set of green eyes to a set of brown eyes. Both were filled with a hungry passion.
The green eyes closed. Lips again met his, a tongue flicked against his. They opened. Turning towards the brown eyes, they closed, lips met his, a tongue flicked against his. Stunned he hung there between them. Breathless, painfully aroused, vulnerable. Four hands pushed his head under water one more time. He felt two bodies swim off in different directions.
Roaring with intent, he soared to the surface bent on revenge only to find no targets in sight. No tell tale wakes to track, no bubbles on the surface giving away his prey. Spining around in the water he was greeted by gales of laughter. He spun around and saw Keionna and his mother, Alicia sitting on the deck of the boat, arms around each other, breasts heaving with laughter, fingers pointing.
He rushed them both through the water and grabbing a free ankle pulled one then the other into the water beside him.
"You it!" Shouted his mother. "whoever is it must catch the others. Tag only counts if you kiss them on the mouth!" She then sped off towards the shore. Bryan turned and lunged at Keionna. He almost had her, but his hands just brushed down the sides of her slick body. She tried to backstroke away, but she let herself be caught by Bryan. She grabbed his head and passionately kissed him. She wrapped her legs around his waist, feeling his hard penis against her belly. As she pulled back intending for more, Bryan pushed away, singing, "No Tag backs!"
Keionna frantically looked around for Alicia. She spotted her treading water about 5 yards away. Bryan was sidestroking his way towards the stern of the Maristar. Keionna made a feint of trying to follow him. Watched as Alicia began swimming her way to watch the outcome. Keionna dove under the water and kicked towards the other woman. Breaching the surface just inches from her prey, she caught Alicia easily. Grabbing her shoulders, she pulled the older woman close, pressing her breasts against her, and sucked Alicia's mouth to her.
A long moment passed. They looked at each other intently. Alicia pulled the girl close and kissed her deeply again. Bryan was around the other side of the boat and was missing the girl on girl action.
Holding each other close, Keionna said, "No tag backs. Go get him." She let go and smiled gleefully as comprehension dawned on Alicia's face. Alicia set out for the bow of the boat, knowing Bryan would appear at any moment, completely unaware.
Sure enough she saw his head come around the prow. He was looking back, expecting his pursuer to be coming from the back of the boat. He wasn't looking as he bumped headlong into a very cushiony set of breasts, turning over in surprise he looked into his mother's brown eyes.
"Tag." Alicia grabbed her son's head and covered his mouth with hers. This wasn't any motherly peck on the cheek. This was a hot-blooded woman, sexually charged devouring a hard manly set of lips. "You're it. And I have to go set out supper." With that Alicia left a shell-shocked Bryan in the water and swam for the ladder.
Alicia climbed out of the water, and reached for a towel. She felt the boat sway and watched Keionna climb out of the water. Her pert breasts heaving, her nipples erect. She reached for a towel as well.
"Think I'll give you a hand." She smiled wickedly at Bryans mother. Neither woman reached for any clothing. Just laid the plates and food out. Alicia pulled the cork from the first bottle of wine.
Bryan stayed in the water his erection wasn't going anywhere. Watching the nubile women prepare dinner without a shred of clothing was fueling his desire. There was no way he was climbing aboard while sporting an erection in front of his mother.
The girls had dinner ready.
"Aren't you coming aboard dear?" Alicia called out to the young man.
"Toss me my shorts!" Bryan called back.
"Seems to me you would be grossly overdressed," smirked Keionna.
"Join us just as we are," Alicia called and wiggled her chest, causing her breasts to jiggle quite enticingly.
Bryan just glared at her.
Alicia went and sat down next to Keionna. She put her arm around the girl's shoulders, crossed her legs, and smiled sweetly at her son. Keionna snuggled in close to Alicia, crossed her legs and put a hand on Alicia's thigh.
"Dinner is ready, luv, we be waitin' on you," Keionna called out to boy in the water.
"Not hungry yet." Bryan called back.
"Oh, well, we'll wait till you are," Keionna answered. She looked up into Alicia's brown eyes, saw her question answered there. She closed her green eyes and pursed her lips. Alicia's mouth covered hers and they kissed. Slowly, gently, with quiet endearment. Alicia took Keionna's hand in hers.
"Thank you," she whispered in Keionna's ear after finally breaking contact.
Keionna nuzzled down into Alicia's embrace. She looked out at Bryan floating in the water. Smiling, she called, "Come on luv, join us for something to eat." Her eyes told him there was more to snack on then the food laid out on the bench.
"Let's stop tormenting the boy," Alicia patted the girl's shoulder. She stood and grabbed a folded towel. Holding before her she crossed to the ladder. "I won't look." She giggled, beckoning Bryan out of the water.
Resigning himself to fate, Bryan swam to the ladder and slowly climbed out of the lake. The evening air was cool against his moist skin; the sudden chill resolved his "problem" and his erection subsided, well, mostly.
Sitting down across from the ladies, Bryan started filling a plate with food. Alicia crossed back to Keionna and sat down. Keionna had a plate filled with some food, yet she wasn't eating, yet.
Keionna lifted a forkful to Alicia's lips, "Here, Mum. Try this." She giggled as Alicia leaned forward and daintily took a bite. After a few bites, Alicia took another fork, and started feeding the young Irishwoman. Bryan was watching. His erection was growing. Seeing both of his favorite ladies, naked, and feeding each other was creating a problem.
Keionna fed a bit of fruit to Alicia. Alicia leaned in, took the morsel, then leaned farther and kissed Keionna. They both came away chewing the fruit and smiling. Keionna set the plate down in front of them, and snuggled in closer to the older woman, their breasts rubbing.
"I like that," she smiled as she fed and then shared another food kiss with Alicia. They ladies began taking turns feeding each other, and then kissing deeply, sharing the flavor of the food as well as each other.
It was bound to happen, a dollop of chicken quesadilla missed Alicia's mouth and landed on her left tit. Keionna swooped down and licked it off. She then deliberately dribbled some on her own tits. Alicia smiled and took her time cleaning dinner off her female companions heaving chest. Both women were becoming quite aroused with the kissing and nibbling.
Bryan was sitting in shocked silence as he witnessed his mother cleaning her "dinner plate" namely Keionna's lovely bare breasts. He could see how erect and firm their nipples were. The stood out quite pertly in the evening air. He had his plate covering his lap, trying to hide his now painfully erect penis.
"Seems to me somebody feels left out," Alicia pointed towards her son. Keionna was nibbling on her earlobe, and looked coyly at her boyfriend.
"Shall we leave him be, or go join him?" purring into her female lovers ear. Alicia grabbed the girl's hand and pulled her across the boat to sit beside Bryan. Each lady took a side. Alicia lifted Bryan's plate from his hands, scooped a small bite of salad and fed it to Keionna. She of course chewed slowly for a moment then leaned up against Bryan and kissed him, sharing his dinner. Alicia took a quesadilla and dribbled some of it on Keionna's breasts, "Well young man? Are you going to let it go to waste?"
Looking at his mother queerly then back at his girlfriend, Bryan shook his head in confusion, yet leaned in and licked the treat off his lover's tits. Without intending to, he stopped and suckled on Keionna's nipple, drawing a pent-up sigh of desire from her lips. Wondering if he went to far, Bryan disengaged his mouth from her breast.
Keionna took the plate from Alicia and promptly smeared about half a quesadilla over Alicia's bosom, covering both nipples completely.
"Be sure and clean you plate young man," she instructed Bryan.
Looking into his mother's eyes, Bryan felt his mother's hands gently grasp his head and pull his mouth to her left nipple. The moist heat of Bryan's mouth and rough edge of his tongue sent shivers down her spine as he enthusiastically began to clean her hot skin. She locked eyes with Keionna. Both women were breathing deeply with the flush of passion. A light blush began to creep down Keionna's torso. Her coloring always made her susceptible to blushing, and the heat of the moment had her positively glowing.
Bryan took extra care cleaning his mother's right breast. Savoring the feel of her engorged nipple in his mouth, sucking away long after the food was gone, Alicia lay back savoring the feeling of her son sucking her breast, not in the way he had as a baby, but now as a lover does to his beloved.
She felt the boat rock slightly and looked up in time to see Keionna cross to her other side, a glass of wine in hand.
"Here, Bryan, let's sweeten that plate up some for us both." Bryan pulled away and was fascinated by the play of light trickling through the wine as Keionna poured a tiny bit over Alicia's excited tits. "I'll drink here, you, there." With that she latched her mouth firmly to Alicia's breast. Bryan quickly took the hint and suckled on the left.
Alicia moaned in pleasure. She loved having her nipples sucked. To have a mouth on both was bliss. She wrapped an arm around each young person and held tight. The double tongue action was lighting a fire in her loins that had her thrusting her pubic mound up and down.
Keionna understood what the older woman wanted. She reached across and took Bryan's hand and lead it to his mother's thigh. Never letting up her assault on the luscious breast in her mouth, she encouraged Bryan to start stroking his mother's inner thigh. She slowly lead his hand to Alicia's crotch.
Alicia was opening her thighs. Wanting something to touch her feminine core. She opened her eyes to watch if her son would penetrate her vaginal opening with his fine strong hands.
Bryan was shocked at Keionna's touch and almost disengaged from his mother. But seeing how aroused she was. Thinking of the times he had watched his father screw his mother and how he had a growing lust for her himself. He suckled in a full mouthful of tit, playing his tongue over the hard point of the nipple and placed his hand fully over his mother's wet groin.
Keionna kept up her licking on Alicia's breast. Now that Bryan was fondling his mother's sex, she had to start grabbing her own tits. The charge in her was building rapidly.
Bryan stroked his hand up and down, feeling the wetness of his mother's pussy. Her shaved pubic region was slick with moisture. He let go with his mouth and looked the question into his mother's eyes as he poised two fingers at her opening. Nodding frantically yes, Alicia thrust her hips against Bryan's fingers forcing them to part her lips.
With deliberate slowness, Bryan eased his two fingers into his mother's gash. They went in to the first joint, then past the second, then he had them deeply thrust into her. Her tunnel was hot and wet, offering no resistance to his fingers. He slowly withdrew them and repeated the slow entrance.
The look of intense gratification in his mother's eyes, led Bryan to lean up and give her a kiss. They locked lips for several slow strokes of his fingers. Her lips fluttered, "Faster, please, Bryan."
Bryan picked up the pace of his finger thrust into his mother's body. He looked down so watch his handiwork. Keionna left Alicia's breast to also kiss her boyfriend. When she went back to suckling at Alicia's tit, she covered Bryan's hand with her own, feeling his thrusting into his mother's cunt.
Alicia was building so quickly toward an orgasm. The naughtiness of their situation had her fired up. She was making out with her son and his girlfriend. It was dynamic. It was impossible. It was so amazingly incredible!
Bryan changed his motion. He started deliberately stroking the upperside of Alicia's vagina. He found that round rough spot and pushed against each time his fingertips reached that point. It was Alicia's g-spot. The effect was like dropping gas on a fire. Pleasure erupted in Alicia's core and burst outward. She felt a sudden wetness expel from her pussy. With each wave of her orgasm she sprayed another stream of liquid over Bryan's hand.
Her lovers stopped all physical stimulation as she finished her orgasm.
"Cool," Keionna lifted Bryan's cum soaked fingers to her mouth and suckled them. Then she took his hand and fed it to Bryan. Alicia could smell her sex all over the two young people. Her son was licking juice from her pussy from his fingers!
"Yummy, yes?" Keionna leaned in and deeply kissed Bryan. Alicia found herself stroking the redheads back. Soon she was rubbing the girl's ass. It was so soft and round. Alicia lifted her other hand and cupped one of the girl's breast as it dangled in front of her. The young couple didn't stop kissing as Alicia started to fondle the girl. Pulling Keionna to her side, Alicia leaned down and start sucking on the blushing tits of the red-head.
Bryan moved over and took up the other side, just as they had done to Alicia. Though this time when he reached for the available pussy he found his mother's hand already there! His Mom had a finger inside his girlfriend's cunt! It was amazing. He actually felt happy to share his sexy girlfriend with his mother.
Though he did startle when his mother stood up, and knelt down between Keionna's legs. Gently pulling her thighs open, she looked at the two young lovers, "I have always wanted to try this." With that she put her lips against Keionna's pussy and began kissing, licking, and lapping her tongue over Keionna's labia.
The obvious pleasure on Keionna's face led Bryan to believe all was well. So he took over fondling, sucking, and devouring Keionna's fine bosom.
Alicia was delighted to find that eating a woman's pussy wasn't such a horrible thing. The smell was delicious, the taste luscious. She worked away orally at the girl's sex, doing those things that she always liked when Joe would eat her own pussy. Using the flat of her tongue, she licked the whole length of Keionna's young pussy. Starting at the bottom and working her way up, she focused on her clitoris. Alicia flicked the tip of her tongue around the little bud, then she would start over. Flattening her tongue at the bottom and again lapping upward.
Alicia's oral ministrations to Keionna's cunt and Bryan's sucking of her tits had Keionna thrumming a tight orgasmic chord. Quickly reaching a crescendo, she too came hard, liquid gushing from her pussy over Alicia's hungry mouth.
The girl from Ireland grasped the American woman's face and pulled her in for a passionate kiss. They shared the taste of the foreigner's cunt.
Bryan looked on, as his mother and girlfriend swapped spit. It was a gorgeous sight. He scooted up on the bench and sat back as the two females hugged and necked.
"Well, we can't just leave him to himself now can we." Alicia and Keionna turned to Bryan. Both were kneeling on the deck. Bryan's erect cock stood at attention before them.
"That looks rather tasty." Alicia grinned at Keionna.
"Would you like to share?"
"Sucking cock is one of my favorite activities, dear," and with that one red haired beauty and one brunette joined forces in sucking Bryan's manhood. They would nibble at the crown for a moment, then lick the length of his shaft, first one then the other would engulf the head between her lips. Alicia enjoyed the salty taste of her son's pre-cum. Similar to her husbands, yet distinct too.
When Keionna was lapping at the tip of Bryan's dick, Alicia leisurely enveloped one of Bryan's testicles with her mouth. Gingerly sucking, she sensed the heightened arousal this brought her son. Releasing the ball in her mouth she took the other.
Keionna was trying to get as much of Bryan's cock into her mouth as she could. It would hit the back of her mouth and she would gag a little. She sucked him up and down several times. Then she pulled off to give Alicia a turn.
Alicia quickly took Bryan into her mouth. She sucked hard on just the head of his penis for a moment. Then she opened her mouth, relaxed her throat, and swallowed the whole length of Bryan's cock. Keionna was amazed at how deeply Alicia swallowed Bryan's cock.
"Show me how you do that?" she whispered, leaning in and kissing Alicia and then licking Bryan's shaft.
"You have to go slow. Let your throat relax. Don't try to swallow the whole thing the first time. Build up your comfort level." Alicia advised. "It took me a while to be able to swallow Joe's penis, but the rewards for both of us were intense." She demonstrated by inserting Bryan's penis halfway, then 3/4, then the whole way. When she withdrew, the boy's member was coated in a layer of salvia.
"You try, just go slow." Keionna nodded. She nibbled around the glans for a while, then sucked in the first quarter. Swirled the cock around in her mouth, let it go, and then went halfway down the shaft. Again she released her sucking mouth, looking at Bryan's face. His eyes were closed with an expression of overwhelming contentment covering his face. This time she pushed him a bit deeper into her mouth, forcing herself to relax. Not letting him escape she tried swallowing as she took him deeper. It worked! On the third down thrust she found her nose mashed against Bryan's pubic bone. She had the entire length of his not so small cock in her mouth!
Bryan was is such a state of arousal it almost hurt anytime Keionna moved over the head of his penis. He looked and saw his entire member being swallowed down her throat. Then his mother suckled one of his nuts gently into her mouth. It was too much. "I'm gonna cum!" he warned the women at his crotch. Keionna only locked on harder as she pulled her head up and down. She could feel the first twitches of Bryan's impending climax as his cock pulsed in her mouth. Alicia cupped his balls in her hand, sensing how tight against his body they were pulled.
Bryan's orgasm hit. The first splash of semen squirted into Keionna's mouth. It was hot and salty. She opened her mouth and pulled back. The second splash hit the roof of her mouth. Suddenly Alicia's head was against hers, mouth open. She pointed Bryan's cock at his mother, the third and hardest squirt spent all over Alicia's face. The fourth spasm Keionna aimed better and scored a hit inside Alicia's mouth. The final shot Alicia took with her mouth over the tender head of her son's penis. Knowing how sensitive he would be she just held him there as the rush passed.
Bryan pulled out and look exhausted down at the girls. His sperm was splashed over his mother's face. A dribble was at the corner of Keionna's pouty lips. The women were gazing intently at each other. They swallowed the cum in their mouths, and then to everyone's delight, Keionna licked and kissed Alicia's face clean of Bryan's ejaculate. Stopping only to French kiss the older woman, obviously sharing a taste of the sperm she had collected.
"Oh, my, God!" gasped Bryan. It was the most intense sexual thing he had ever seen.
"Wonderful" purred his mother, as she snuggled against his redhead girlfriend.
The ladies sat up and crawled into Bryan's arms. Three sets of hands roamed gently over exposed skin, rubbing sensitive parts, exploring gently their neighbor's body. It was clear to Bryan that while he was spent for the moment, the girls were hardly satisfied. Wondering what he could really get away with, he nudged his mother to lie down on the bench. He scooted until he was between her knees and started tracing kisses along the insides of her thighs.
"You should love this, mum," breathed Keionna in her ear. "He has a very talented tongue. Just like you." The ladies kissed deeply. Alicia spread her legs wide inviting her son to explore her exposed pussy.
Bryan wasted no time in lapping the honey from his mother's snatch. He probed along the folds of her labia with his tongue. Finding her opening he swirled around it. Covering the whole of her flower with his mouth he sucked her folds into his mouth, letting the flat of his tongue press hard against her pubic bone. Releasing the pressure he arrowed the tip of his tongue upward till he hit the base of Alicia's clitoris. Alicia's bud was slightly bigger and more prominent then Keionna's. He traced a delicate circle around and around it. Then forming a moue with his lips he milked the engorged gland.
My God! Thought Alicia, the girl was right! The boy had talent! His tongue lapped up and down her intimate secrets, darting in and out of her opening, then swirling her clit, sucking, biting, then his whole mouth pressed open, covering her completely. It was heavenly.
"does he do this for you, dear?" she inquired, pausing to catch her breath. Keionna nodded enthusiastically. Then suckled on a breast. Then moved lower. She ran her hand down Alicia's tummy, inserting her fingers into Bryan's stimulation of Alicia's sex.
Keionna joined Bryan between Alicia's thighs. She wanted to return the oral favor she had gotten earlier. She wanted to taste Alicia's cunt for herself. Bryan let her in. She began her feast of Alicia's pussy.
Bryan grinned at his mom. He slunk behind Keionna and got her to lift her dainty butt in the air. He now had access to Keionna's exposed cunt. He continued his cunnilingus.
The sounds of slurping and sucking were punctuated with grunts and moans as the women rose the stages of orgasmic bliss. Alicia came first. Her first oral stimulation from a fellow female was exquisite. Keionna exploded not far behind, as Bryan fingered her clit while his tongue fucked her cunt.
Keionna collapsed forward onto Alicia's chest. The girls hugged each other through the after shocks of their individual orgasms. When they could focus on reality again, they looked behind them to see that Bryan's cock was standing at attention again.
"He's ready for more action, eh?" Alicia winked at Keionna. "Have you already had the pleasure, my dear?" The girl sheepishly nodded yes. "Well you don't need my permission, fuck that boy!"
Keionna sat up, pushed Bryan back, straddled his waist and lowered her quivering cunt onto his hard-on. They took their time getting fully impaled. Both young lovers delighted in the feeling of penetration.
Alicia sidled up against the two lovers. She put an arm around Byran's shoulders. "You fuck this girl good now. Okay?" She cupped Keionna's pert ass in her hand and encouraged the girl to grind herself on Byran's cock.
The kids worked in a slow rhythm grinding against each other. Alicia whispered encouragement in their ears, occasionally kissing one or the other. Suckling on an exposed nipple, groping Keionna's ass.
"How good is it, dear?" she questioned the Irish girl. "Do you feel stuffed? Full?" Her fingers were exploring near the girl's anus.
"So good, so full, he's so hard!" breathed Keionna. The woman's fingers were sending interesting waves of pleasure through her. She was squelching wetness all over. Alicia used the oozing juice to lubricate her fingers as she pushed against Keionna's sphincter. Her middle finger popped inside, just one joint. Everyone froze for a moment.
"Holy shit!" exclaimed a very excited Keionna. "Gently, more"
Alicia carefully inserted a little more of her finger into Keionna ass. She could feel Bryan's cock throbbing just thin layer of skin away. She wiggled a little more, the second joint popped in. Alicia held it there. She felt Bryan start to stroke again. Keionna was practically writhing with ecstasy. The double penetration felt amazing! Who knew! Apparently Alicia!
After a few moments, Alicia would wiggle her finger a bit in concert with Bryan's thrusts. Soon Keionna was bouncing hard up and down on her double impalement, in her energetic calisthenics she forced the entire length of Alicia's finger up her ass. The friction of Bryan's cock filling her cunt, against her anal invader was enough to bring about her third explosive orgasm of the evening. She came so hard she gushed cum juice out around the plug of Bryan's cock. Her body shook so hard she dislodged both penetrators as she nearly blacked out from the intensity of her orgasm. Wave after wave of heated pleasure expanded through her core she lost all sense of reality.
Bryan and Alicia held onto the pulsating mass of flesh between them. It was as if during her orgasm, Keionna became a boneless heap of warm flesh. They laid the nearly comatose girl down between them. Bright spots of color bloomed over Keionna's torso. Heaving for breath, her breasts jiggled and quivered in the night air.
"what did you do?" An alarmed expression masked Bryan's face.
"My dear, we did that. Together. She needs a moment or two, but she'll be fine." Alicia was envious of Keionna's condition. Her pussy ached for a hard cock. It was great to finger and lick another pussy. Sucking on cock was enjoyable, but a good hard fuck is what she wanted now. All the other action was just a prelude, and Keionna had surely enjoyed her ride!
She looked carefully at Bryan. What she was going to suggest now was unheard of. Yet she sensed she had been building up to this moment all summer. Would he say yes? Should she even ask?
"It would such a waste to let that die." She said pointing towards Bryan's erect penis. "I suppose you could finish things yourself, but, I, uh have other needs for it..."
"Do it" A faint whisper escaped from Keionna's lips. "Do it for her, like you do for me."
"Really?" He looked incredulously between the two. His girlfriend was telling him to fuck his mother. His mother! Was begging him to fuck her. He didn't think. He just moved over his mother's curvy body. He kissed her, he placed his rigid cock at the entrance to her womb. She wrapped her legs around his ass and pulled him into her in one fatal thrust.
He was startled by a slap across his ass cheeks. "I said do it. Fuck her hard, now!" Keionna punctuated the command with another slap.
Bryan began a steady in and out thrust to his mother's cunt. He soaked in an eyeful of her heaving breasts which jumped delightfully with the apex of each thrust. Her face was covered in lust. She had a tight hold on his shoulders as her legs encouraged him to find every depth of her loving tunnel.
They ground against each other. They fucked. Bryan's balls slapped against his mother's ass as he pushed deep into her. The friction built. It heated up. Bryan sped up his thrusts. His cock felt as hard as a rod of steel. He was plunging deep in his mother's pussy as she groaned with pleasure.
He felt his mother's pussy contract around his cock. Alicia orgasmed. She exploded. The rhythmic contractions of her vaginal walls brought Bryan over the edge and he too climaxed. He ejaculated deep in his mother's pussy. Keionna was right there encouraging them both. Telling them how beautiful they looked. How happy she was for them for herself.
Bryan collapsed against his mother's delectable breasts, holding her tight. He reached out and pulled Keionna closer. The three wrapped arms and limbs around each other and basked in the glow of their spent sex.