Chapter 01
I woke the next morning and lay in bed for a long time, remembering the night before. If not for the fact the towel I’d worn away from the hot tub was still draped over my computer chair, and my dick was sore from overexertion, I wouldn’t have believed it had really happened.
The sounds of my mom making coffee drew me out of bed and I glanced out the window to check on Aniston’s car and was surprised to see it gone. It was rare when my oldest sister woke before me, but she and her friends had to be at class, and it was an hour long drive back to their sorority house.
Bonnie’s door was open a crack, and I saw my middle sister sleeping on top of her covers. She was wearing a small top that rode up, revealing the smooth, pale skin of her belly. My eyes froze on the tight panties molded to her pussy lips. There was a spot of moisture that spread as I stared, causing the white material to mold itself to tight lips.
Heart hammering, I told myself to look away, but my feet dragged on the carpet. Then I noticed the sparkle of blue and a crooked grin forming on Bonnie’s lips. Our eyes met for a brief second and then I was past, staring at the wall as my heart hammered in my chest.
My sister’s cute yawn followed me down the stairs as I tried to banish the image of her amused eyes from my mind. Stepping into the kitchen, I found my mom pouring herself a cup of coffee, and she glanced up at me with a smile.
“I have a late meeting tonight, so I won’t be here for dinner.” She pointed to a twenty on the counter. “You and your sisters can order pizza again, and I’ll go to the store tomorrow.”
“I can stop by if you want,” I said, taking a mug from the cupboard and trying not to meet her eyes.
I couldn’t be certain what she suspected happened the night before, but I saw my swim trunks out the window, folded neatly on a patio chair. There were also two shirts folded beside them, and I remembered both adorning the girls before we got into the hot tub.
“If it isn’t any trouble, that would be a big help,” mom said, grabbing her phone and purse. “I’ll text you a list, thanks Jake.”
“Of course,” I said, feeling my cheeks heat when she wrapped her arm around me from behind in a tight hug.
“You’ve been such a big help already… Thank you for everything,” the smell of her hair filled my nostrils, and the thick, dark locks tickled my neck as she nuzzled my neck.
Try as I might, I couldn’t ignore the feeling of her large, heavy breasts pressed against my back. I grew awkward when mom’s hand slipped down my chest, her fingers pressing into my firm belly as she squeezed me tight. Then she was gone, and the warmth against my back replaced by a cool breeze.
“When do you get home?” I called after her, watching her wide hips swaying and hating myself for not being able to tear my eyes away.
“I’ll be back after nine,” she turned, and I blushed when she caught me staring, but she only smiled and offered me a wink. “Don’t wait up.”
I was left with thoughts of my beautiful stepmom swirling around in my head, joining that of Victoria and Laura. It was hard not to think about the pair of coeds and wonder if they were thinking about me. Had last night been a onetime thing? Or could I hope for a repeat performance?
After shoveling down a bowl of cereal, I hoped in the shower and got ready for the first day at my summer job. I hung around the house as long as I dared, hoping Bonnie would exit her bedroom and give us a chance to talk, but she didn’t respond to any of my knocks, and I left her be.
When I arrived at the study center, there were two older women sitting with young children in alcoves, working with them, and I stood around awkwardly for a few minutes until a mousey blonde approached me. The girl looked like she might have been stunning, if she put in any effort, but currently she was wearing baggy sweats, thick glasses and her hair hung in a greasy mess coving part of her face.
“Are you Jake?”
She might look mousey, but there wasn’t anything retiring in the way she addressed me, and I reassessed my first impression. She might look like a mess right now, but self-assurance bled from her voice as she addressed me.
“I am,” I said with a frown, not wanting to give away how much her round cheeks and upturned nose made me want to fawn all over her. “How can I help you?”
“Nancy said you could help,” she said, frowning with obvious disappointment when she took in my youth. “I thought you’d be older… If I can’t pass linear algebra this summer, I won’t get into the internship at Goldman. I’m paying top dollar for a tutor-.”
“I know the math’s well enough to teach you,” I said. Dropping my bag in one of the open cubicles and taking a seat. Kids and adults alike used the table and chairs, so the proportions were a tad small, and the girl’s hair brushed across my face as she took the other seat, arms still folded across her chest. “But it would be better if I got a sense of where the issues lie for you, and what your background in math is.”
“I’m going into my junior year as a finance major,” she said, shrugging. “I’ve taken calculus and all the statistics requirements, but the internship calls for courses usually only done if you want a job in quantitative finance.” she made a sour face at that and once again I was struck by her startling beauty. “If it wasn’t so prestigious, I wouldn’t bother.”
“And how long does your class run for?”
“Four weeks,” she said, her frown deepening as she finally relaxed her arms and heaved a great sigh. “I’m gonna fail.”
“That’s not impossible,” I said, while thinking to myself: yes it is. But I don’t want this privileged rich kid getting me fired, and it was obvious from her purse that she had money. “But I can’t promise anything.”
“That’s what Nancy said,” the girl said, her frown turning sour. “How do I even know you 're qualified? What are you, a freshman?”
“Pre-frosh actually,” I said, grinning when she made a distasteful sound in the back of her throat. “I start at Stanford in the fall. As for my bonafides, I could show you my transcript and rattle off all the AP, honors, and college courses I took, but it’s easier to show you. You have your textbook?”
“Yea,” she said, and I could see she was impressed despite herself.
Pulling a thick textbook out of her backpacks he slid it across the small desk to me and I flipped it open to the middle section. I lucked out and found a problem I recognized and quickly began sketching out the proof. It only took a minute to write the beginning parts and when I glanced up, I saw reassurance in the girl’s face.
“Ok, I guess you know what you’re doing,” she even smiled as she offered me her hand. “I’m Fiona.”
“That sounds familiar,” I said, scratching my head, then shrugging when it didn’t immediately come to me. “Let’s go over your class schedule and see what we need to work on.”
She called up the schedule on her phone, and we got to work. Nancy got into the office twenty minutes later, bustling in with her hair still wet and a wild look around her eyes from being harried by her children all morning. When she saw me and Fiona at work, she beamed and came over to check on how things were going.
“They’re good,” Fiona said with a note of surprise in her voice. “I might actually be able to pass the class.”
“It’s going to take a lot of work,” I said, with less confidence than the girl felt. “But we have a good schedule if we can stick to it.”
“Wonderful!” Nancy beamed. “When I saw your sister was in the same sorority as Fiona, I thought this would work out perfectly!”
“Who’s your sister?” Fiona asked, brightening. At the same time I remembered where I heard her name, and a quiet groan escaped my lips.
“It’s my stepsister actually,” I said, wincing in anticipation of her reaction when I offered the name, “Aniston.”
My guess was correct and Fiona’s face went cold. The girl stiffened in her seat, pulling back from where she’d been leaning close to me, and I saw Nancy glance between the pair of us.
“Oh dear, have I said something wrong?”
“It isn’t you,” I said, sighing. “Aniston’s reputation precedes her.”
“Your sisters a cunt,” Fiona said, earning a sniff of disapproval from Nancy.
“Dear lady, I understand your father is paying us a lot, but that kind of language isn’t allowed in here.”
“What, swear words?”
“No,” Nancy said with a sniff. “You can cuss all you want, though I’d ask that you keep it to a minimum around the children. What we don’t accept is the use of such reductive gendered terms.”
“Right,” Fiona said, glancing sideways at me, unsure whether the woman was joking or not.
“I’ll leave you two to it,” she said, her smile brightening before she bustled away, checking on the other students.
“That woman’s a busy-body,” Fiona grumbled, her arms once more crossed beneath her firm little breasts.
“A protestor in search of a cause,” I said, grinning when the pretty girl snorted in laughter.
The laughter dried up a moment later and a sour frown returned to her face, “Aniston’s your sister… You going to tell her I suck at math? She’ll love that.”
“You don’t suck at math,” I said, shaking my head. “This is counter-intuitive stuff and takes a minute to wrap your head around. Besides, Aniston is a cunt,” Fiona let out another snort of laughter, “And she doesn’t need to know everything.”
“Thanks,” Fiona smiled then glanced up at me thoughtfully. “What must it have been like growing up with Aniston? The girls got a stick so far up her ass I’m surprised her breath doesn’t smell like oak.”