Chapter 04

My irritation faded, and I was able to sink into slumber. I dreamt I was laying by the pool, with Laura and Victoria lying beside me while Aniston danced at my feet. My gorgeous sister reached up and plucked free the strings of her bikini top. She bit her thick bottom lip, letting the red material fall as hands slipped over my crotch, gripping my steel hard cock through the towel covering me.

I’ve been yearning to see my oldest sisters’ breasts for years, and once more the sight was stolen from me. Groaning in frustration, I surfaced from the dream, and my groan turned to one of pleasure when I felt a small warm hand slip under the covers and grasp my cock.


Fingers pressed over my lips, as a weight shifted on my narrow twin bed. It was the same presence as the other night, and I felt my cock throb in her fingers. The woman shifted, pushing aside my sheets, her weight straddling my thighs. Something wet and warm pressed down on my cock and I heard the girl breath in a sharp inhalation that I recognized immediately.


Bonnie’s breath choked off, and she froze atop me. When I reached over and flicked on my bedside lamp, she tried to scramble away but it was a simple thing to trap her in place with a powerful grip on her forearm.

“It was you,” I breathed, taking in my beautiful sister as she hunched above me, trying to hide her blushing face beneath the loose t-shirt she wore. “The other night…”

“Yes, ok,” she hissed, jerking her arm out of my grasp, and crossing both beneath her small chest. “Can you turn that off… this is embarrassing enough.”

“Not until you tell me what’s going on,” I said, sitting up against my headboard.

Bonnie wrapped her arms around her slender legs and eyed the door. I could tell she wanted to flee but instead she frowned and ducked her head, grumbling an answer I could barely hear.

“I need to know what passion and intimacy feel like for my art and mom said I should come to you for advice but…” she bit her lip and grimaced. “I was too embarrassed to ask you… And I saw what staring at Aniston in her bikini did to you, so I thought… Why not kill two birds with one stone?”

“This was mom’s idea?” I asked incredulously.

Bonnie frowned and shrugged, plucking at my blankets before answering. “I don’t think she planned on me going that far,” a smile snuck onto her face, quick as a flash. “I’m sorry I should have talked to you first… Or… I don’t know, Jake. I went crazy after seeing that.” her eyes cut over to the large lump under my blankets where my flagging cock lay, and I grabbed the covers close. “And I wasn’t thinking straight… sorry.”

“It was just physical then?” I asked, feeling a touch hurt and hearing it in my voice.

“I love you, Jake,” Bonnie said, her face crumpling in tears as her hands wring in her shirt, twisting it. “But as a brother, as a friend. I think you’re hot and I knew you were horny, and I don’t know… I fucked this all up, I’m so sorry.”

“Bon.” I reached out towards her, but she pulled back, scrubbing a hand against her eyes.

When she glanced down and saw her naked legs stretching out, I saw a shudder pass through her, and Bonnie jerked to her feet.

“Bonnie, wait!”

But she fled my room, tears streaming down her face before I could leap to stop her. Her door slammed shut as I stood in my doorway, frustrated and about to push my way into her room, when a pale figure at the end of the hallway brought me up short. Mom stood there in a white gown, one hand before her mouth and a look of shocked sadness on her face as she watched me stand there.

“We’ll talk about this tomorrow,” she said, her was voice breathless and shaken and for a fraction of a second my heart went out to her then her eyes flickered down to my nakedness and a flush of embarrassment and anger swept over me. Everything was ruined now, and my treacherous dick was still throbbing as I swung between my legs.

“This is all your fault!” I snarled, anger causing me to speak before thinking. Scrubbing a hand across my face, I turned and went to slam my door closed, but mom threw herself forward and got a foot in place, wedging it open.

“Jake, I’m sorry I only wanted to help you both…” I dragged the comforter over my nakedness as I slumped onto the bed, and when mom saw I was covered, she pushed her way into my room, pressing the door closed behind her as she rested against it. “Bonnie came to me a few weeks ago with her problem…”

“And you sent her in to seduce me?” I asked, anger causing my words to come out caustic, and I regretted my tone immediately, but the vitriol swirled inside me, seeking an outlet.

“When she told me about her problem…,” mom continued carefully, taking a step into my room, and picking up a discarded shirt and dropping it in the laundry basket. As she did, I couldn’t help noticing how the night gown hung away from her heavy breasts as they swayed beneath her. The brief glimpse of pale flesh, sprinkled with freckles, sent the blood back to my flagging hardon and I pressed the blankets down, hiding the treacherous appendage.

“I told her she should find someone she’s comfortable with… Someone who she could experiment with, without worrying about feeling and emotions getting in the way,” she shrugged in apology as she picked up my shorts from the day and slowly folded them. “I wasn’t sure she’d pick you… but I figured. Do you want to tell me what happened? Why she’s upset?”

“She’s fucking crazy!” I said and regretted it the moment the words passed my lips. Mom frowned at me but before she could voice a reprimand, I sighed and nodded my head. “Sorry, she’s not crazy… well, maybe she is… I didn’t know who came into my room the other night and…”

“She didn’t talk to you first?” Mom said, and her frown of disapproval deepened, but not for me as she cast it over one shoulder towards Bonnie’s room.

For a moment I thought she was going to march into my sister’s room and confront her, but she glanced at me huddled on the bed and her frown softened. Setting down the shorts, she sat beside me on my bed and rested a comforting hand on my shoulder. I flinched when I felt her warm fingers on my naked skin, but she didn’t move away.

“Tell me everything.” When I grimaced, a brief smile flashed across mom’s beautiful face before she suppressed it and fixed me with a firm gaze. “I’m willing to treat you both like adults, if you can be honest with me.”

Shifting uncomfortably, I drew in a deep breath and began from when I woke in the middle of the night. In the beginning, I tried to keep the details back, but as I opened up, the words began tumbling from my mouth and I found myself confessing everything. Not just what Bonnie and I had done under cover of darkness, but what had happened with Laura and Victoria by the hot tub.

It was easy to talk with her. It always had been. My stepmom listened, and I didn’t feel judged or less than as I poured my heart out to her. She’d always been understanding with us, but as her arm circled my shoulders, I talked about emotions and feelings I hadn’t even realized I had been experiencing until they found a voice.

“I know neither Laura nor Victoria like me, in that way,” I shrugged. “But it felt good to be wanted. To have women I admire look up at me with desire and… wanting. It was the first time in my life I really felt like a man.”

“I’m glad,” mom said, pulling me close to her as she smiled. “It’s important a young man experiences that, and I’m glad you got a chance to. But you should be careful.” Her motherly instincts were too powerful for her to ignore them as she frowned and stroked the comforter covering my legs. “Aniston’s told me stories about those girls and they’re wild. It’s important to have experiences but you can’t let yourself get off track.”

“And Bonnie wasn’t ‘leading me off track?’” I asked, unable to hide the frustration in my voice, though what exactly I was frustrated with besides my throbbing member I couldn’t say.

Mom took my outburst with a calm smile, her hand lightly stroking my thigh, which only caused my frustration to ramp up even further, though I couldn’t tell her that. She was sitting all too close, her herbal scented hair filling my nostrils and distracting my thoughts. I was having a hard enough time trying to ignore her massive breasts pressed against my side.

“Your sister is a beautiful and intelligent girl, but she’s… awkward at the best of times. Not unlike yourself.” she reached up, drawing my face around, so she could stare into my eyes. “She needed someone she could trust. Someone good and kind who wouldn’t hurt her. Someone handsome…” she drew in a shuddering breath, and I found myself falling into the dark blue pools of her eyes.

“She should have talked to you first, but I don’t regret suggesting it.” Her fingers tightened on my back as her arm gripped me tight. “You both needed this… I worry about you, Jake. This is a vulnerable time in your life… I know how easily the wrong woman could lead you astray… or drugs. I’m sorry I just get so scared.”

“It’s ok, mom,” I said, pulling her into a hug and feeling like the man of the house for the first time in my life as emotion swept over her and she clung to me.

I was the rock my mom clung to, and instead of feeling put out or resentful; I felt powerful.

“You did nothing wrong,” I whispered in her ear, honey blonde locks tickling my lips as I spoke. “I love you and Bonnie the same now as I did before. It’s ok.”

“You mean it?” mom asked, turning to gaze into my eyes.​
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