Chapter 06

I woke from the dreams groggy and out of it, but with two text messages waiting for me on my phone from Victoria. The blonde the first around 2am and I could tell from the misspellings that she’d been drinking, and the second ten minutes later.

VICTORIA: u freee wed? I need that dock!

VICTORIA: Illl do anything, please! Nothing else works anymore :/

Reading the messages a second time as I hurried into the bathroom, I typed out a response. It could have been the morning wood throbbing between my legs, or the memory of my stepmom’s glorious breasts wrapped around my dick. Either way, I felt flush with confidence as I sent off the message.

ME: anything? How about anyone?

She didn’t respond right away, but it was early, and I figured most college kids slept in late. Hopping in the shower, I washed off and got ready for work. When I checked my phone again, there was a message waiting for me from Victoria and I grinned wolfishly as I read it.

VICTORIA: anyone! Want me to bring Laura again? She’s dying to feel your dick again… or what about Ellen? She’s an adorable sophomore who gets off on anal… want to fuck my friend’s ass?

The offer was tempting, but I had another idea. Typing out my response and sending it, I saw three dots pop up instantly, telling me she’d been watching for my response.

VICTORIA: Yes! OMG! YES! That would be so fucking hot… but Aniston would kill me.

ME: let me worry about Aniston. I’ll text you the details later.

I hurried downstairs to grab breakfast and found mom in front of the stove, stirring eggs. She was dressed for work, in heels and a tight black skirt that conformed to the swell of her rear perfectly. The odd thing wasn’t her stunning outfit, but the fact that she was humming happily to herself. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d seen her this bright and cheerful in the morning.

My skin prickled with anxiety as I entered the kitchen, not knowing what kind of response I would get from her after our encounter the night before. When she heard the fridge door open, she glanced over and pressed her lips together in a secretive smile, cheeks coloring slightly.

“Morning, Jake… how did you sleep?”

“Amazingly,” I said, finding myself unable to tear my eyes away from her massive breasts encased in one of her thick bras beneath the white blouse.

“And were your dreams as… heated as mine?” Her eyes tracked me from head to toe beneath heavy lids and I had to force my thoughts out of the gutter or risk popping wood in the kitchen.

“They were… odd,” I said, feeling lame as I said it and turning when I heard someone enter the kitchen.

“What are you two talking about?” Bonnie asked, a grin flashing across her face as she glanced between mom and me. “The tension feels so thick I could cut it with a knife.”

Her cheeks colored when our eyes met, but she took a seat on one of the stools and poured herself a cup of coffee.

“We were discussing your problem,” mom said, hiding her self-satisfied smile as she turned back to the stovetop. “And how your brothers agree to assist you with it.”

Bonnie let out a strangled sound and her face went white as a sheet and I could see her edging back, looking for an excuse to flee the kitchen but I slipped into the seat beside her. She glanced over at me with a mixture of unease and apology.

“I think we should run lines together again,” I said, Bonnie breathing a sigh of relief at my use of the euphemism. Mom glanced back at me and chuckled, then went back to stirring eggs and humming happily. “I’ve arranged for us to have a… scene partner tonight, if you’re down.”

“Another dude?” She asked, voice tight with worry as she began shaking her head.

“Victoria, actually,” I said, enjoying watching Bonnie’s expression shift to one of consideration. I was relieved she didn’t dismiss it out of hand and that my boldness was once more being rewarded.

It was mom who gave me the hardest stare. Turning with the pan, she scooped the eggs out onto plates waiting with bacon, as she cast a frown of disapproval at me. But Bonnie was nodding as she took a plate of eggs and bacon from mom.

“You read my diary, didn’t you?”

There wasn’t accusation in her voice, but I winced and nodded. Mom’s frown shifted to Bonnie, who ducked her head back down and dug into her food.

“Aniston’s friend is lovely, but she isn’t what I would call a ‘sweet’ girl… what’s going on, Bon?”

My middle sister didn’t answer right away, and I jumped into the stretching silence.

“She’s exactly what Bonnie needs to grow into her role,” I said with supreme confidence, earning a smile from Bonnie who peeked up.

I was happy to see her confidence soar as she shoveled down her food and mom left us alone as she grabbed her bag and got ready for work. She told us to be safe and gave us each a hug before leaving. Our embrace lingered, and I took the chance to run my hand over the swell of her ass, earning a swat on the shoulder and a blush from my stepmom before she scampered from the house.

When I turned back to my stool, I found Bonnie staring at me with an arched eyebrow.

“What?” I asked, feeling my cheeks heat but giving nothing away as she eyed me.

“When she mentioned you, I knew that was going to happen.” She made a face, like she’d eaten something nasty, and turned back to her food. “Gross, just don’t tell me what happened.”

I was surprised by her reaction, but kept my silence as I ate, watching Bonnie carefully. She wasn’t nearly as grossed out as she made it seem, and I saw her working herself up to ask me something before Aniston flounced downstairs.

When my eldest sister waltzed into the kitchen, my mouth went dry, and all thought of Bonnie and her questions left my head. Aniston was dressed in a red top with spaghetti straps that looked silky as it clung to her curves. Her massive breasts were strapped down in a strong bra, and her legs and hips were clad in black leather pants. Her toes peeked out of her heels with red paint to match her top and fingernails. Thick, honey blonde hair hung about her head like a mane, reminding me of old photos of Farrah Fawcett.

“Jake!” Bonnie’s voice reached through the dim of blood rushing past my ears and I blinked and closed my mouth, swallowing hard to remove the dry taste as I tore my eyes away from Aniston as she turned back with a plate of eggs and bacon mom had left her.

“What’s the matter with you?” Aniston asked, but I ignored her frown as I shrugged in apology to Bonnie, who was watching me with an amused expression.

“He’s got a date later today,” Bonnie said with a smirk. “I think he’s nervous. Are you nervous Jake?”

“Date?” Aniston barked, stopping in place and nearly spilling her food as she turned to glare at me. “You’re going on a date with someone?”

I’d never heard such raw emotion from the poised and perfect young woman and couldn’t think of something to say before she dropped her plate on the counter. A look of disgust overtaking her face.

“I’m not hungry.”

“Aniston!” Bonnie called after her older sister, but Ani was already striding out of the house, muttering something under her breath. “It was just a joke… What did I say?”

“I don’t know,” I said, looking after Aniston and wanting more than anything to go after her and smooth things over, but suspecting that was the last thing I should do. “She’s been acting weird the past couple days.”

“You mean since you fucked her friend?” Bonnie asked with a raised eyebrow, but I wasn’t certain that was it. “Aniston’s weird about emotions. I’ll talk to her tonight.”

“No, I will,” I said with a sigh. “I’m the one she’s pissed at.”

“True,” Bonnie said, her grin growing. “I didn’t want to do it anyway… Aniston scares me.”

It was my turn to laugh, grateful to her for helping break the tension. I didn’t want to show up late on my second day, so I finished my food fast and hurried out of there. For a second, I considered giving Bonnie a hug and kiss goodbye, but that wasn’t our dynamic and she waved as I headed out, calling out after me as the door closed.

“Get Victoria to wear yoga pants and her sorority sweatshirt!”​
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