Chapter 08
It had been years since we’d spoken like this, but the old closeness was there, layered beneath my idiot monkey brain. No matter how hard I tried to ignore it, my eyes and focus kept returning to the feeling of Aniston’s body pressed against mine, the curving swell of her hip and slope of her breasts.
“Speaking of feeling better,” Aniston said, an amused smirk twisting her wide mouth. “Laura told me you gave her the biggest orgasm of her life. Twice.” I felt my face heat, but she went on ignoring my embarrassment. “She isn’t easily impressed, and she couldn’t stop talking about what a god you are in bed.”
“Did Victoria say anything?” I asked, feeling my face heat further when Aniston grinned at me.
“Does someone have a crush?”
“No,” I said, shaking my head. “I just thought…”
“Relax, tiger,” she swatted my shoulder playfully as she sat back up and rested her head on one hand. “Victoria didn’t say anything, but I think that’s even more telling than Laura. Vic’s a freak and wants everyone to know it, but she’s worried I’ll ban her from hanging out with you if I know she’s got a crush.”
“She does?”
“Careful, big boy,” Aniston warned, her eyes going flinty, but her lips still smiling amusedly at me. “Don’t you go falling for her, too. Victoria’s a fun fling for you, but you don’t want to get tied down with someone that flighty. Let me give you some advice this time. Find yourself a nice girl without so many skeletons in her closet.”
“Like, Fiona?” I knew the name would get a reaction from Aniston and she wheeled on me with a glare and for the first time in years I saw get genuinely angry with me.
“Anyone but her,” there was real vehemence in her voice and her eyes fixed me in place with a hard stare, forcing me to swallow, clearing the dryness from my mouth. “Do you hear me, Jake? Promise me.”
“Ani… I promise.”
Something relaxed in her, but only slightly, and I could sense fear warring with the anger inside her. Mood broken, Aniston pulled away from me on the couch and rose. Pushing her honey-colored hair back, she frowned down at me and, with a sniff, stalked off towards her room.
I was left with a confusing swirl of emotions to deal with as I headed to my own room. Pushing them aside, I turned on my computer and lost myself in an alternate reality for several hours.
Mom came home and an hour later called us all down to dinner. It wasn’t normal for all four of us to be together on a weekday evening. In fact, I couldn’t remember the last time, outside of a holiday, it had happened. Aniston was in a good mood, so was Bonnie and mom was glowing with joy to have us all together.
She talked about her day at work, and Aniston told mom and Bonnie about her interview. They commiserated together, and both encouraged her to take up my advice and start a social media profile. Bonnie talked about her upcoming auditions and how much she was stressed about the love scene.
Oddly, it was Aniston who offered her little sister the best advice. Reminding her not to worry about what other people thought. It was easier said than done with Bonnie, but I could tell she appreciated her sisters’ words. I thought I’d escaped with nothing awkward happening, but then Bonnie spoke up as we were clearing the table.
“Jake and I will rehearse tomorrow afternoon when he gets back from work… Can we have the house to ourselves for a couple hours?”
The tightness in her voice clued mom in that something was going on and she grinned at me.
“Are you two rehearsing, ‘that scene’?”
“Mo-om!” Bonnie said, making a face and turning scarlet down to her neck.
“Is that why Victoria’s coming over tomorrow?” Aniston asked, raising her eyebrow at Bonnie, then me.
Bonnie blushed even further and, ducking her head, scurried into the kitchen. Mom swatted Aniston’s shoulder, who was snickering as she watched her dark-haired sister retreat.
“Don’t embarrass you sister,” mom warned. Then turned to me, her lips pressed into a smile. “I think it’s great you’re helping Bonnie out, Jake just make sure you’re all safe, ok?”
“Mhmm,” I said, feeling my cheeks heat as she leaned forward and pressed a kiss to them. They heated further when she breathed into my ear, and I could only hope Aniston couldn’t overhear her.
“Make sure you save some of this big boy for me too,” her hand slipped over my package before retreating as she pulled away from me and waltzed into the kitchen.
Aniston looked after mom and raised an eyebrow when she glanced back at me. I struggled to find an explanation, but a throaty chuckle escaped her lips before I could, and I shrugged in chagrin.
“Now I’m impressed,” she said and with a wink, she turned to go. “I’m heading back to the sorority house tonight but don’t have too much fun while I’m gone.”
She made certain I couldn’t look anywhere but at her perfect ass as it swayed back and forth. Each step was perfectly placed as she made her way over to and up the stairs, and my mouth was dry as I watched her tan legs flashing beneath her. Pausing at the top, she glanced back, and I saw her smile grow when she caught me staring. Laughing throatily, she disappeared into her room to pack up.
I was flustered as I finished clearing off the table and joined my mom and Bonnie cleaning up. They headed to bed as I finished up in the kitchen. I wasn’t tired when I went to bed, but sleep found me shortly after relieving myself to thoughts of what I had planned for Bonnie and Victoria the next afternoon.
When I arrived at work, Nancy acted strange around me, flirty and shy in turns. When Fiona showed up in a tiny pair of jean shorts and a halter top, I had to force my eyes away from her nubile body. Her flirtations didn’t start up until we’d begun working, but the girl was outrageous when she let herself go.
She kept touching my arms and thighs and laughing loudly at everything I said. I’d have thought she was teasing me if she didn’t keep glancing down at my crotch curiously every time she pressed her firm tits against me.
“Two of my girlfriends from high school are visiting this weekend,” she said as we finished up our work for the morning. “I got us a hotel room, figured we’d hit a club or two in the city, then crash where we have some privacy… What are you up to Saturday night?”
“Umm, I’m not sure,” I said, Aniston’s warning front and center in my mind as I hunted a way free of the coming invitation.
“I could get my hands on some Molly… what do you say to spending the evening with us, rolling on some good shit?” She ran her hand up my inner thigh, causing me to sit up straight and gasp as her small hand cupped my package. Eyes widening, she grinned down at my crotch, “Victoria wasn’t lying… Mhmm, Bailey and Brooke are going to love playing with this.”
“I’m don’t think,” I said, my voice rising in pitch as the girls’ fingers played along my rapidly hardening length. “That would be a good idea.”
Her smile fell away, and I saw disappointment register, but the girl wasn’t deterred that easily. My heart broke to turn her down because she was adorable and sweet. Far kinder than I would have guessed her to be from the stories Aniston had told, but I couldn’t betray my sister like that, even for a foursome with sexy college girls.
She kept bringing the weekend up as we packed our bags, but I noticed Nancy lingering nearby with a frown of disapproval on her face. When Fiona left, after making sure to bend down in her tiny cutoff right before my face to remind me what I would be missing, Nancy called me into her office.