Chapter 09
The older woman wasn’t as flirty and sweet as she had been when I arrived, or the afternoon before as she pulled up the work we’d been doing on the computer system. She spent more time than necessary reviewing the math I was teaching Fiona, but we were progressing according to the schedule I’d mapped out our first session.
“Is there something wrong?” I asked, watching her expression closely as I sensed not jealousy, but envy from the woman.
“No, I just wanted to make sure Fiona was getting the best help we could give her,” Nancy said, her pale cheeks turning a rosy shade of red. “She’s a sweet girl, but I worry about you being around such an attractive older college girl. It wouldn’t do for anything to… distract her from her studies.”
“You don’t have to worry about that,” I said with a reassuring smile. “Fiona and my sister are in the same sorority and… not the best of friends from what I gather. I was told in no uncertain terms that if I did anything with Fiona, my sister Aniston would flay me alive.”
“Well,” Nancy said, rearranging a stack of papers on her desk that didn’t need sorting and a small smile finding its way onto her lips. “That’s good to know. Your sister sounds like an interesting person.”
“She’s that and more.”
Nancy glanced up at me sharply when I said that, a speculative look on her face.
“Perhaps you should bring her by saying hello before we go on our… lecture,” her pale cheeks went from rosy to scarlet in an instant and she wouldn’t look up to meet my eyes. “I wouldn’t want her upset with me.”
It was an odd thing to say, but I read in it the woman’s lack of confidence. Nancy was so unsure of herself she was willing to make way for anyone. It must have taken a tremendous amount of courage to even bring up the lecture, let alone offer to take me. I resolved then and there to make it the best night of her life, as much as it was in my power to do so.
The instant I made the resolution, Aniston’s image floated through my head, and I felt a twinge of guilt. Shaking away the feeling, I painted a smile on my face and hoped I hadn’t delayed too long in responding.
“I don’t think she’d mind at all, but I can bring her by. She’s goes to state with, Fiona and isn’t in town every day.”
“Of course! I don’t know why I brought it up, just me being silly. Forget I said anything.” Nancy waved me off, and I left but couldn’t shake the thoughts that niggled at my mind.
I knew what the woman wanted. What she was offering me without saying and I desperately wanted it too. I’d wanted the MILF since the moment I laid eyes on her and there wasn’t anything stopping me… So why did I keep thinking of Aniston? Why did her approval matter so much to me?
Shelving these troubling thoughts, I let my thoughts shift to what I’d been trying to ignore all day, my upcoming afternoon with Bonnie and Victoria. I typed out instructions to my sister after Victoria sent me a message saying she was in town, then climbed in my car and drove home.
I had to stop on the way home and take a few deep breaths to steady myself. Fooling around with Bonnie in the darkness had been one thing, but arranging a threesome with my stepsister in the middle of the afternoon was something else.
For a moment I second guessed the wisdom of what I was planning, there was a chance it could go wrong and ruin things at home and that was the last thing I wanted. But Bonnie had been adamant about wanting to explore new boundaries and that I was the only person she felt safe with guiding her.
When I got into my car, there were three messages waiting on my phone that eased the tension in my shoulders.
MOM: I stocked the downstairs bathroom with everything you might need! Good luck and have fun!!!
ANISTON: Vic will never admit to it, but she loves anal. Let Bon watch

BONNIE: I’m ready! Turning off my phone!!!
I could only shake my head at my crazy family. It wasn’t surprising to see my mom take an active interest in things. Not after our previous conversation. Part of it might be empty nest syndrome, but most of it, I suspected, was her openness to new experiences now that she was older.
Aniston confused me. My oldest sister was an enigma at the best of times, and I could only wonder at her willingness to entertain the idea of what would be happening beneath our roof shortly. There wasn’t time to worry about it because Victoria was waiting for me outside our house when I pulled up.
“Oh my god, Laura was sooooo jealous you called me, and not her,” she hopped out of her car and scurried over when I clambered out of mine and threw her arms around my shoulders and ground herself against me. “Mhmm, hello big boy… I’ve been dreaming about feeling you inside me again.”
“This afternoon is about my sister Bonnie, remember?” I asked the bubbly blonde as I extricated myself from her arms.
“Don’t worry,” she said, with supreme confidence. “You can count on me. But I’ll get a chance to fuck this beast.” she slipped a hand over my crotch, cupping my rising manhood and sending a shiver down my spine. “Right?”
“Mhmm,” I agreed, and though it was difficult, I pried the little woman’s hands off me and ignored her open offer.
Making our way into the house, I was surprised at my lack of anxiety. I moved with confidence and purpose as I hurried up to my room to drop my stuff off. Bonnie’s door was closed as I’d instructed her, and I met Victoria outside it. Holding up a finger to my lips, I met the blonde’s eyes, and we shared a quick grin.
The coed threw an arm around my shoulders and tugged me down into a quick kiss. When Victoria let out a throaty moan into my lips, and her tongue slipped into my mouth, awakening the last of my passion, I growled in desire as I kissed her.
The muffled moan coming through the door reminded me why we were here, and I pulled back from Victoria with a shuddering breath. My dick was suddenly steel hard, and my balls throbbed. It seems Fiona and Victoria had turned me on more than I realized because I was suddenly wild with lust.
Mastering myself with a supreme act of will, I pushed the cute blonde’s hands away from my crotch, where she was eagerly trying to pluck my belt and pants free. Turning the knob, I opened Bonnie’s bedroom door and smiled when I heard Victoria’s indrawn hiss of approval.
My slender sister lay atop her covers, wearing one of my old t-shirts. The paint-stained shirt covered her from neck to knees and its loose folds hid Bonnie’s slender curves beneath them. Her arms were stretched up above her head, the wrists tied to her headboard. A black kerchief covered the top half of her face, cutting off her sight.