Chapter 01

I woke with a smile on and nothing else, after my exhausting evening.

Bonnie passed out atop her sheets spread-eagle and I’d been left to escort Victoria out by myself. The blonde made him promise she would get another solo performance before the summer was out and waltzed off with an airy wave.

I could only think what the neighbors thought after our boisterous evening, but thankfully mom wasn’t home yet. When I got into my room, I went straight for the bed and fell on it. The last thing I remember was telling myself I should take off the t-shirt and gym shorts I’d walked Victoria out in, but it required too much effort.

My smile slipped as the last bits of my evening came back to me and I sat up to find my shorts and shirt neatly folded and sitting on my dresser. Sighing, I rose and pulled on shorts and a fresh shirt. It was useless being upset at my mom for coming into my room when I was sleeping. She’d been doing it for years to tidy up and no matter how many times I asked her not to, her incessant need to tidy-up always drove her to it.

I wasn’t sure how to feel about my stepmom undressing me while I lay passed out. Pushing the thought aside, I headed downstairs where the scent of fresh coffee and bacon was calling to me.

Mom and Bonnie were in the kitchen, mom at her customary place before the stove and Bonnie sitting at the counter sipping coffee. The pair were in the middle of talking about my mom’s evening when they turned to find me.

“Morning,” Bonnie said, and I was happy to see she didn’t blush as she met my eyes, though she did a second later when she ducked her head down to sip coffee.

“There he is!” Mom said, coming around to give me a warm hug. The embrace lasted for longer than was absolutely necessary and my treacherous body began responding to my stepmom’s curvy figure. She pulled away then, a twinkle in her eyes when she turned back to the stovetop. “We were thinking of going to the beach this weekend. Are you free? Do you want to come along?”

“Saturday?” I asked, then frowned in thought when both nodded. “I’m going to a lecture with Nancy. I doubt it gets out too late, so I should be free.”

“Who’s Nancy?” Mom asked, turning back to me her good cheer from a moment before replaced with a hint of asperity.

“She’s his boss,” Bonnie said, and I could see the laughter behind her eyes as she glanced from me to mom. “Didn’t you mention she’s really hot for an older lady, Jake?”

“Humph!” Mom’s snort of derision was so similar to Aniston’s I thought I had déjà vu for a moment. “I’m not sure it’s appropriate for her to take you out, Jake.”

“It’s a lecture by Dr. Tyson,” I said.

“Still… I think I should speak with Nancy, and get to know her a little before I can approve of this.”

“He’s an adult mom,” Bonnie said, her frown matching mine as she glared at our mom’s back. “It’s not like you can stop him.”

“It’s the principle,” mom said. Though her confidence had faltered, she wasn’t willing to release the bit. “I’ll just talk to her, get to know her a bit.”

When Bonnie glanced over and saw my deepening frown, hers cracked into a broad grin and she laughed behind her hand. Rising, she patted my shoulder and whispered in my ear quiet enough mom couldn’t hear.

“It’s your prom date all over again.”

I wanted to argue and say no, but she was gone before I could, her laughter floating back to me.

“I’m going to the theater, be back late tonight!” She called to us as she thundered up the stairs to grab her bag.

“That girl never clears her plate anymore,” mom complained as she bussed the dirty cup and plate away. “Who are you tutoring today?”

“A young guy. He’s pretty cool.” I told her all about my first day working with Fiona as I ate my breakfast. We talked about work and our upcoming trip to the lake. It was the highlight of our summer, a trip up north to a little used lake. We would rent a cabin and jet ski’s and spend a week getting sunburnt and relaxed.

“Speaking of breaks,” mom said as she finished cleaning up and moved to leave. “My summer book club starts up again tonight and we’ll be meeting here.”

“I’ll stay out of your way.”

“Don’t be silly, I love having you around,” she flashed me a wink and a coquettish smile before slipping upstairs. “But the others who can’t stay focused on the book whenever they see you…” her eyes dipped down to my waistline, “Or that.”

She laughed at the expression on my face; the sounds reaching me from upstairs as she got ready to go. My stepmom had been in book clubs since my father passed. Finding the community and diversion necessary to get over her loss. It had been the same group of women for years, and I knew them well. A couple were attractive, and one nearly as beautiful as my mother, but mostly they were doughty old ladies who enjoyed flirting outrageously as they drank wine.

I was the last one out of the house and locked up before driving to work. The sun was out and the weather perfect for another day teaching math. I found the boy there already, and I thought he was eager to study until I caught him staring at Nancy’s large breasts surreptitiously.

When my boss flashed me a coquettish grin and waved before letting one of the other tutors pull her aside, he gave me a knowing look. The kid listened to everything I said with rapt attention after that until Nancy came by and double checked that we were still on for Friday. When she left, he turned to me, his face registering awestruck.


The kid wrapped so much in such a simple question that I found myself chuckling as I answered him.

“I told you, be bold, and be excellent,” winking I tapped the book. “The hottest girls might be popular, but the kinkiest are in honors and AP classes. Trust me.”

“I do!” he grinned and threw himself back into his studying.

The kid wasn’t a bad student, he’d just had it too easy for too long, like a lot of kids. He would have a better high school experience than I did if he took the lessons to heart. I was only now fully experiencing life, but I had high hopes for him. The kid learned quickly.

When I packed up my stuff to go, I caught him chatting up a high school sophomore who was there for summer school. The girl was two grades above the kid, and his nerves were obvious, but he pushed through them and talked to the girl. I flashed him a thumbs up behind her back before slipping out of there. I’d looked around for Nancy, wanting to finalize our plans for the next day, but I hadn’t been able to find her all afternoon.

Wondering what my mom might have said to her, and if I’d still get to see the lecture, I drove to a fast-food restaurant and grabbed myself dinner. Whenever mom had her book club friends over, they brought healthy snacks to feel good about themselves, then proceeded to drink bottles of wine and ignore the food.

The driveway was clogged with cars when I pulled in, forcing me to park down the street. I was in a grumpy mood when I shouldered my way inside, only to have the door yanked away from me.

“Welcome home!” I stared in shock at Nancy, who stood with a broad grin on her face, lips stained a dark red from wine and eyes shining.

“What are you doing here?” I asked and mollified my expression when I heard the roughness in my tone.

“Should I not have?” She frowned and glanced inside nervously, “You mom said it was ok, but I didn’t want to upset you.”

“Is that little Jakey?!” called Katrina, my mom’s oldest friend.

The buxom blonde swung into the hallway from the kitchen and nearly spilled her half full glass of wine in the process but didn’t seem to notice. Her eyes widened when they took in my height and the breadth of my shoulders.

“Jake, you’re a grown man now!” She beamed and staggered forward to pull me into a sloppy hug, her puffy lips pressing against my neck and leaving a wet kiss on the sensitive skin. “Mhmm, and a gorgeous one at that. Meow!”

Nancy stared in shock at Katrina, a faint grin forming on her lips as she watched me pry the other woman off me without dropping my food. When I looked at her with a helpless grimace, she covered a giggle with one hand.

“Kat, get off him,” mom said, stepping out of the kitchen and giving her friend a threatening glare. “I meant to text you, Jake.” She smiled in apology and drew Nancy close. “Nancy and I got to talking and it turned out we have so much in common. And when she mentioned she’d read the same book, I thought it would be rude not to invite her.”

“You guys have fun,” I said, stepping clear of Katrina before she could slip her hand down my back and pinch my ass again. Juggling my fast food and drink, as I made my way to the stairs.

“I’ll come tuck you in tonight,” mom said, and I might have thought nothing of it, if her eyes hadn’t sparkled and one hand hadn’t tugged at the neckline of her blouse.

Nancy offered me one last, shy wave before letting Katrina lead her into the kitchen. I could hear the busty blonde telling a story from one of her younger exploits, and was surprised to hear the loudest laughter came from Nancy. The ladies drank and talked more about sex and life, then they did about their book, but I pulled on my headphones and soon lost myself in video games.​
Next page: Chapter 02
Previous article in the series 'Summer of Sisters': Summer of Sisters 2