Chapter 05

Nancy had a brand-new Porsche Cayenne, and I was curious what a new luxury car would feel like on the road. She started talking about work once we pulled out some issue with her bosses and their weekly Zoom meeting. The SUV handled like a coupe and had more acceleration than I was used to, which made it excellent fun to drive.

It was interesting listening to Nancy outside of work. The woman had a keen sense of humor and was quick with the jokes. She had me chuckling and then laughing until my sides hurt when she described how the portly head of the company shifted side to side on Zoom. We talked about Stanford and the classes I’d be taking freshman year, and about life in the dorms.

“You’re going to love dorm life,” Nancy said with an exaggerated roll of her eyes. “Communal showers, cold pizza for breakfast, the smell of B.O. ever present… it’s a wonderful time in any kids’ life.”

“The one thing I’m not looking forward to is sharing a room,” I grimaced.

“That parts not so bad,” Nancy shrugged. “I’m still good friends with my college roommate. You can make lifetime connection in that place.” She cast me a sly sideways glance. “Or are you upset you won’t be able to have girls over?”

“That isn’t it,” I said, though my cheeks blushed a dark shade of red and I could even feel my neck heat, because that I’d definitely been thinking about how I could get Victoria and perhaps Bonnie in there.

“Oh, don’t go all coy on me now,” Nancy said, shifting sideways in her seat and resting her chin on the palm of her hand as she looked at me expectantly. “Your mother mentioned how popular you are with the girls-.”

A horn blared, and I jerked the wheel back, moving us into the center of the lane again and tried to ignore the sweat popping up on my brow.

“Have I touched a nerve?” Nancy asked, and I wished she would drop the subject, because I had no desire to upset her with talk of other women, especially younger ones, but she persisted. “Fiona is adorable and seems to have quite the crush on you… Have you taken her out for a ‘night on the town’?”

“No,” I said, shaking my head. When I glanced over, the woman had an openly curious expression and I let out a chuckle. “Do you really want to know who I’ve been dating this summer?”

“I’d love to,” she beamed. “Tell me all the gossip!”


She clearly wasn’t ready for the question, or the firm tone I delivered it in. She was older and my boss, but I wasn’t going to be a source of amusement to her. I wasn’t angry, but I would not back down from knowing ‘why’ and she could hear it in my voice. Sitting back in her seat, she licked her thick bottom lip and ran a hand down the inner edge of her thick top, eyes taking me in from head to toe as if seeing me for the first time.

“I see what she means… You’re a rare young man, aren’t you, Jake?” My eyebrows pinched in question, but she waved me quiet before I could voice it and went on, answering my question. “If you want to know ‘why’ then I’ll have to tell you about twelve years of loveless marriage, and a childhood spent in libraries and classrooms.” She gave a snort, and there was no amusement in it as she looked out the window sadly. “I’ve tried the dating apps, but they’re no good. A bunch of man-babies, and men looking for a handout. Where are the men I watched in my youth? The actual men? I grew up on stories of Van Halen, Aerosmith, Motley Crue… These were men who snatched life by its tits, and every single one of us wanted to be their groupies… or know a groupie… or hell, just read a smutty story about a groupie!”

Her shoulders shook as she laughed bitterly and turned back to me, spots of color marring the perfect paleness of her cheeks. She was older and not as elegantly featured as my stepmom, but there was a mousey cuteness to her cherubic features. She might have been a bookworm as a teen, but she’d learned how to apply makeup, and do her hair to great effect. And that body… I felt my cock thicken in my slacks when I glanced down and took in her curves. I let her see me checking her out, her thick lips pursing into a pleased smile.

“Do you like it when I talk dirty?” She asked in a coquettish voice.

“I like when you’re honest,” I said, and again my blunt tone took her aback and I saw her reassessing me.

“You’re not what I imagined you’d be.”

“Is that a bad thing?”

“Not at all,” she smiled. “When you first came in, I thought you were a handsome young man.” I glanced over, and she blushed harder, looking down at her hands in her lap. “I’m sure you hear it a lot, but it was your achievements that impressed me the most.”

“Thank you,” I said, but she went on.

“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable just to explain… or try to… why an old lady like me would be interested in the wild adventures of someone… your age.”

“What did my mom tell you?”

Her cheeks colored further, and the color extended all the way down her neck and pale chest. But she kept staring at me, and if I hadn’t needed to keep my eyes on the road, I knew she’d have held me with a fixed stare. I could sense her hesitation and kept my patience, letting the silence weight on her.

“She walked in the other night… Oh my god I can’t believe I’m telling you this, she’d kill me if she knew!” She dropped her head in her hands and continued, “She walked in on you and two of your sister’s friends having a threesome in the hot tub. That you… were in charge of them… made them do things… You have to promise, you can’t tell her I told you.”

“I think she cares less than you imagine,” I said, unable to hide my amused chuckle.

Nancy glanced up at me, and I could see her narrowing her eyes on me out of the corner of my vision, but I went on before she could jump on her suspicions. The evening was taking a turn, and one I was eager for, but I wasn’t sure how open I could be with her. “Do you want to hear how it all happened?”

“I want to hear everything,” Nancy said.

There was so much wrapped up in the last word I glanced over at her and found she’d stuffed both hands down between her thighs and was pressing them up against her jean-clad sex. Seeing me notice where her hands were, she jerked them free and paused, unsure where to put them. I reached out and took one and brought it over, resting it on my thigh and pressed the icy hand between my warm one and my leg.

Oddly, that settled Nancy down more than anything else, and she listened with rapt attention as I described that first afternoon by the pool with Aniston and her friends. I thought she would remain silent, but she interrupted me almost immediately, asking me to describe the girls. When I did, I spared no detail about all three’s finer qualities and Nancy didn’t fail to blush, but she seemed eager to hear more.

When I told her about the blowjob in the pool house, she shifted in her seat and the other hand slipped between her thighs again. It was difficult to focus on the road after that. Between her hard nipples and shifting hand, my eyes kept getting pulled from the road.

“How did you go from getting a sexy older girl to give you a… blowjob?” her voice dropped on the illicit word, and she grinned like a kid who’d broken the rules. “To a threesome with Laura? Did you drug them or something?”

“I guess Victoria liked what she saw.” I tried to leave it there, with a coy wink, but Nancy wasn’t having any of it.

“She wasn’t lying about… that… was she?” She stared down at my crotch, the sound of her heavy breath reaching me over the air conditioner.

“I don’t know what she said… but no, probably not.”

“What happened next? Wait… have you already… you have haven’t you!”

“What?” I asked, nervously.

“I don’t want to hear about the threesome, I want to hear about how you made love to your mother,” the words trailed off so faintly I barely heard the last bit. When I did, a flush passed over my skin and I flicked on the turn signal, heading off the freeway. “Where are you going? Did I say something wrong?”

There was genuine panic in her voice and she tried to pull her hand away from mine, but I clutched it tight, reassuring her and spoke over her panicked words.

“We aren’t going to the lecture.” Releasing her hand, I reached over and picked up her own phone. “You going to get on this and find a hotel, the closest one with a room, and only then will I tell you. But you’ll have to earn it…”

There was stunned silence from the passenger seat, and I glanced over as we neared the exit ramp. Nancy licked her lips, mouth dry as she struggled to find words, and when she did, they came out small and quiet.

“My condo is two exits down… off Franklin.”

“Perfect,” I said.

My blood was pumping as I realized what I’d just done and once again I thanked Victoria for teaching me that one simple lesson. Be bold.

At the moment’s Nancy struggled to speak, I’d seen a glimmer of the girls she’d once been. Shy but filled with a towering inferno if desire that remained untapped to this day. She wasn’t unlike Bonnie in that way, and the insight gave me a pathway forward. Reaching over the center console, I rested my hand on her thigh, high up and with my fingertips resting against the place one thigh met another.

“Wha-what do I… mmm… have to do to earn it?”

“The first story will be cheap,” I said, feeling my lips curl into a wolfish grin. “I only want to see my cum covering your pretty face and tits.”

“Jesus, Jake!” Her actions belied the tone of her words, which came out a touch appalled. While her hips pushed forward, thighs parting as she tried to get my fingers to brush her crotch. “Did you say… first story?”

“Did you want to hear about Victoria and my sister Bonnie?”

“You’re serious,” she said, though from her tone she didn’t quite believe her own words.

She sat very still, looking at me like I was an alien dropped from space or one of the rock stars of her youth plopped into her lap.

“Take a right up here,” she said, breathless, as she directed me the last few turns to her place.​
Next page: Chapter 06
Previous page: Chapter 04
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