Chapter 12
The car ride home was a quiet one after that. With mom’s eyes locked on the rearview mirror too often for my comfort, while I sat in the backseat with the girls.
“Did you tell him about Instagram?” Laura asked Aniston when we got onto the windy road home.
“No,” Aniston said, frowning at her friend. “I was going to keep it secret and surprise him later.”
“Sorry,” Laura said, ducking her head, but Aniston didn’t seem to mind when she began explaining excitedly.
“I took your advice, Jake and made a new account.”
“Tell him how many followers you got in one day!” Victoria enthused.
“It’s only been up for two days,” Aniston beamed, “But I’ve got over 50k followers already.”
“That’s insane,” I said. “Let me see what you’re posting?”
She told me the Insta handle, and I found the account. She wasn’t lying. In fact, there were 70k followers when I found her account. There were no glamor shots of Aniston, just two posts of highlights from the NBA playoffs. You couldn’t even see Aniston in the first video, which had 40k likes, just hear her voice as she broke down the game footage.
“What are you saying about it? I can’t hear,” I asked, and Aniston leaned close to see what I was watching. The smell of her hair, and the feel of her shoulder resting on mine awoke my desire once more, and I slipped a hand onto her creamy thigh.
“Chris Paul’s had full control of the offense, all play-offs, but these last two games his handle has been gone. I theorized that he hurt his hand in the third game and with his injury history, it’s unlikely they’ll pull out the win. But his impact is larger than a championship, with the leadership he’s brought the team, especially for their rookie center.”
I could only shake my head and smile at her facility with the game. The second video showed her face while she commented and had nearly the same number of likes as the first video. Scanning through the comments, there were plenty of men and even a fair share of women who commented on her looks or said rude comments. The most comments, other than bots, were from fans who appreciated her analysis.
“Have you thought about doing a podcast?” I asked, after watching the second video and only understanding a small percentage of it, not being an avid fan of preseason football trades.
“Now that’s a good idea!” Victoria said, bouncing in her seat excitedly. “Laura, you know sound engineering, right? And I have all the camera’s, lights and microphones to make film or record it… what?”
The three of us were staring at the peppy blonde with raised eyebrows even as my mom glanced back in the mirror.
“And what do you have all that for?” Aniston asked, and I was surprised to see her usual disapproving tone and expression was tempered, as she gripped my hand. Her edges softened, somewhat, from their previous brittle sharpness.
“I can’t say.” She blushed a dark shade of red and looked out the window, glancing back and waving at everyone when they kept staring. “Stop it!”
“Is the reason you can’t say, because you’d get kicked out of the sorority if anyone found out you were a cam model on the side?”
Victoria stiffened and we could all see Laura’s comment hit a mark.
“What’s a cam model?” Mom asked, and her puzzled frown caused the four of us to burst out laughing.
“I’ll tell you later, mom,” Aniston said, winking at Victoria, who gave her a grateful smile that proved short-lived. “We’ll have Vic demonstrate for us when we get home.”
“Oh god,” the nubile blonde breathed, but I could see the excitement burning in her eyes.
“I wish I could stick around to watch,” mom said with a frown. “But I’ll be out with Nancy. You kids have fun though.”
“We will,” Aniston said, sharing a hungry smile with Laura, who was staring at me like I was a piece of meat. “It’s going to be a night we remember the rest of our lives.”
My blood heated as I felt the three girls’ eyes on me, and I swallowed hard, hoping I had the stamina for everything the night would bring my way. I knew what Aniston wanted, after our heart to heart, and from the licked lips and heated gazes from Laura and Victoria, my guess was on the mark.
When we got home, the girls ran upstairs, saying they needed to wash off the sand and lake water, while mom got ready to head out. Starving, I ordered a pizza and lay on the couch watching SportsCenter until it arrived.
“Nancy just texted, she’s on her way,” mom said, breezing into the room in a blue dress that conformed to the contours of her body and brought me instantly awake. “I left cash on the counter for dinner. Don’t make too much noise tonight,” she winked at me, “I don’t want to have to explain anything to the neighbors.”
“Jesus, mom,” I laughed, rising to give her a hug goodbye.
She didn’t let it stay at just a hug, her lips finding mine in a passionate kiss. We had to pry ourselves out of one another’s arms, and when we did, I found my pants tented.
“Looks like you’re ready for your night,” she winked, and had the temerity not to blush, as she swept from the house, waving at Nancy as she pulled up.
The older woman leaned over as the passenger window rolled down and waved excitedly. “Are you ready? Hi, Jake!”
“Hey Nancy,” when mom slipped into the seat, I rested on the windowsill and took in the pair. “Is the book club happening at our house again this week?”
“No,” Nancy said, “but you mom’s starting a new one.”
“Yes,” mom said, blushing and staring down at her hands in her lap with a secretive little smile. “Katrina and Nancy will be the only members… unless you want to join?”
“The first book is Summer of Love, a 70s book about three friends who travel together and end up falling for the same young man… It should be… informative.”
“Sounds interesting,” I said. “perhaps I’ll stop by and see what you three have… learned.”
Mom’s head came up at that, and I saw the roiling excitement suppressed just beneath the surface. I knew boldness would once again get me what I’d only dreamed of before.
Katrina was a firecracker, and I couldn’t wait to get the redhead beneath me or see what the women were capable of together. As I turned back to the house, I shelved my plans for the three MILFs. I had three incredibly sexy coed’s waiting for me, and an entire evening to enjoy them.
“He’s back!”