Page 06

Did she wonder if I knew?

Her question, when it came, was sly and almost made Jeff choke, casually throwing it out just as he put his coffee cup to his lips.

"So, you're a tea drinker, Erica?"

"Why, yes I am," I answered as Jeff blew coffee back into his cup. "But only at night, or maybe the afternoon. In the morning, I drink coffee."

"It's afternoon, now," Linda pointed out.

"Why yes. It is, isn't it?"

Linda smiled. "Most people can't drink tea after lunch, it keeps them awake."

"Oh, sometimes it makes me drowsy but I find it helps me sleep better."

Jeff, who was about to take another drink, put his cup down, firmly setting it in its saucer with two hands.

"Me too," Linda replied. "I like having tea at night. My son makes a special blend for me. He's a bit of a connoisseur."

"Mine too."

Jeff turned and stared out the window into the mall. He was holding his cup so tightly the knuckles on his fingers turned white. Linda glanced at him. She seemed amused.

"Have you been to the lingerie store," Linda changed the subject, her finger pointing behind me.

"We're going there after this but I don't think Jeff is going to be much help."

"Of course not. Men are only interested in taking things off, not buying them," Linda laughed loudly.

Jeff's ears reddened.

"Why don't I join you? I'm not hungry anyway. I know the lady that owns the store. I'm pretty sure she'll give you a discount if you're with me."

So Linda and I went to the lingerie store while Jeff sat outside. We both picked up some things. Linda suggested two pairs of stockings for me, one white and one black, with matching garters and panties. We gestured for Jeff to join us but he quickly looked away and stayed in the mall but a few moments later I looked to my side in a mirror and saw him watching. I was holding a flimsy crimson and black corset against my front and Linda was sitting in a chair in front of me, offering her advice. Jeff's eyes were clearly directed at Linda's long legs, barely covered by short skirt that had ridden far up her thighs.

"The younger men love these now," she said at the cash register, without explaining why a woman her age was interested in appealing to younger men.

We exchanged phone numbers again but this time we traded email addresses too.

"Is it private?" she asked when I gave her mine.

I assured her it was.

"Here, use this one," she scribbled another on the back of her realtor's card. "It's just for me."

Her manner imbued our transaction with a sense of intrigue which was strangely exciting. I was convinced she knew that I knew what we were both involved in with our sons. We were secret compatriots, like our sons, only we knew who each other really was.

Just before she left, she turned to Jeff who still had difficulty looking her in the eye.

"So nice to meet you, Jeff. I almost feel as if we've met before." Turning back to me, she added, "I'd love to get us all together. I'm sure my own son, Jim, would love to meet you too. We could have tea."

Her laugh tinkled between us as she turned and walked toward her office. We went the other way, Jeff lagging, casting a final look at Linda's retreating figure, heels clacking loudly on the floor as her long legs carried her away. When Jeff finally turned to watch where he was going, his pace picked up as if he was eager to leave, leaving me slightly behind. I turned to look back at Linda. She was looking at us, or rather, at Jeff. She waved and turned away, looking very sexy in her expensively cut business suit. I wondered if she was wearing stockings and garters under her skirt and whether Jeff wondered about that too. Pangs of jealousy tightened my stomach. I didn't talk much on the way home.
* * * * * * * * * *​

Stefan was home when we returned. He snapped his cell phone shut as soon as we came in the door. That simple action renewed my anger with him.

"Who was that?" I asked as I put my bags on the couch.

"Oh, just one of the guys. We're golfing tomorrow afternoon."

"Not in the morning?" I asked. Stefan didn't answer. "Will you be home for supper?"

"Not sure," he replied.

Stefan sat down on the couch and picked up the remote. Baseball sprang from the screen.

"Mmhhmmm. I think I'll go up and lie down for awhile. Shopping tires he out these days."

I picked up my bags and started upstairs. Part way up, Jeff poked his head out of the kitchen and asked me if I'd like some tea.

"Sure. That would we nice," I replied, still miffed at Stefan.

In my room, I tried on the while stockings, panties and garters. They didn't go with the brown skirt but they felt good. Putting them on refreshed that sense of intrigue that Linda had imbued, and a twinge of jealousy.

Jeff carried in a tray with a pot and two mugs while I was still preening in front of the mirror. I watched surreptitiously as he filled one mug from the pot. The other was already full. He carried the one he'd just filled over to me.

"Where would you like this?"

I turned and took it from him. I was stuck. I'd have to drink it but I was sure it was okay. I mean, Stefan was right downstairs watching TV.

Jeff sat on the bed, holding his mug. He took a sip, admiring my new stockings.

"Do those feel good?"

"Yes. Do they look good?" I lifted one leg and stretched my foot out.

"They certainly do," Jeff answered with slightly inappropriate enthusiasm.

"I don't know," I said, twisting my leg while I examined the stockings, feigning disatisfaction.

I turned back to the mirror and frowned, lifting one side of my skirt high, above the stocking, exposing the straps. I cocked my hip and sipped my tea. It tasted a little bitter. Was it the real stuff? Could he possibly be that cocky? Surely he couldn't be that reckless, not with his father so close? No, of course not, but I'd make him want to, for making me jealous.

"I don't know," I mused. "Maybe the black ones will look better."

Of course, that made no sense but it did allow me to put my foot on the end of the bed while I carefully unsnapped the straps from each stocking and slowly peeled them off my legs. I took my time, flexing the muscles in my legs much more than necessary and pausing to rub them as if the stockings had chafed my skin. I stopped for a sip of tea after each leg, prompting a pleased smile from Jeff smiled each time, making me wonder if he really was up to something.

I fetched the black stockings out of the bag and slowly pulled them onto my legs. I couldn't seem to manage to get the snaps on so I left them dangling and just sat down next to Jeff. I drank the last of my tea.

"You don't have to help me, son. Why don't you watch the game with your father?" I knew Jeff didn't like to watch sports.

"That's ok, Mom. I don't mind."

"I suppose you and your father are getting hungry?"

"I'm okay, Mom. Are you feeling too tired to make dinner?"

"A little."

"Don't worry about Dad. He's going out later with a couple of the guys from work."

"He is? He didn't tell me."

"I know. He just told me to tell you not to worry about dinner because he was going out after the game."

I looked toward the open bedroom door. I could hear the game playing. I felt woozy.

"Were you having trouble with these, Mom?" Jeff grabbed a strap from my thigh and picked it up. "Do you want me to do them up for you?"

Jeff was already fumbling with the snaps, his hands reaching under my skirt. I meant to brush his hands away, but instead, I put my arm on his shoulder and looked dumbly down at his bustling hands, scraping the inside of my thighs.

"It's hard, isn't it." I giggled at the suggestion in my simple statement.

"Really hard," Jeff agreed.

I giggled again, not sure if he caught the unintended drift.

His hands opened, pushing my knees apart, then closed in on the strap again. He seemed to be having as much trouble as I did but he kept trying. I couldn't believe he was doing this, so blatantly touching me up, and that I was letting him. I felt quite woozy now. The tea was definitely spiked. It dawned on me he knew his father was going out soon. I had to get up. I had to get out of this room and downstairs. I tried to stand up but my bottom stayed planted on the bed and my torso swayed around instead.

"Are you dizzy, Mom? Too much shopping? Just lie back for a minute."

Jeff put his palm on my shoulder and eased me back on the mattress, my legs still dangling to the floor.

"Maybe the black ones will work better."

"What?" I mumbled.

"The black ones. Maybe you need to use the black straps with the black stockings," he explained.

That made sense. Maybe he was just trying to help. I heard him rustling in the bag. He appeared above me a few seconds later, dropping the black lingerie beside me on the bed. He tugged me closer to the edge of the bed until my bottom hung half off.

He spoke in a gentle voice, "Let's just get these white straps off."

I felt my skirt flip up and, though I couldn't see, I knew my panties were completely exposed.

"What are you doing?" I mumbled.

"I'm just getting the white straps off for you, Mom," he explained, as if it was perfectly natural for him to be undressing me.

Before I knew it, his fingers were around my waist, pulling the white garter belt off, tugging it over my hips and down my thighs. He struggled getting them over my widely spaced knees. My mind wandered, then I felt him putting them back on. No, he must be putting the black ones on, to match the stockings. That's what he was doing.

Jeff didn't have any problem getting the black ones past my knees but he seemed to have great difficulty getting them over my panties. At least, it took him a long time to get them over. He had to slip his fingers under the elastic of the little belt and tug them up all around. He had an especially hard time in the front. His knuckles felt so good scraping around down there. I remembered how adept he was with his fingers, and how willing he was to take his time there. I wished Stefan wasn't home; I wished I was asleep; I wished Jeff thought I already was. Maybe he did. My arm was flung over my eyes.

His hands were down by my stockings again, trying to do up the snaps. He was still struggling, his knuckles rubbing the tender skin of my inner thighs. The black ones weren't working any better than the white ones. Of course not, I reasoned. They were exactly the same, both the same brand. Jeff finally quit struggling. He sounded exasperated. He sighed, barely audible over the loud cheering from downstairs. Someone had hit a homerun.

Jeff leaned over and whispered in my ear. "We'll have to put all the black stuff on, Mom."

I didn't answer, pretending to have drifted off.

Jeff repeated himself, emphasizing, "all the black stuff."

I remained inert.

His hands moved higher and started fumbling with the garter again. No, his hands were lower. Jeez, he was pulling my panties down. I tried to lift my arms, tried to stop him, but the one remained across my eyes and the other stayed by my side, like a lead pipe. My panties were down to my thighs, my pussy exposed and bare. The baseball game seemed very loud.

"There, that's it," Jeff whispered.

Was he crazy? Stefan was right downstairs.

This tea seemed different. The regular stuff made me very tired and weary but this just made me woozy and disoriented. It's new. Where did he get it? From Jim? Yes. He gets his stuff from Jim. It must have been in the package that came for him this morning. Those women, those other mothers, maybe they were pretending to be submissive and then being unable to remember what had happened to them. That's why Jeff was being so brazen. Usually he left quite a bit of time for the tea to take effect and even then he called several times before touching me. This time he had just started feeling me up, even while I was sitting up and obviously still awake. He thinks I'll be acquiescent and forgetful. He believes he can get away with this shit with his father still in the house!

Why can't I slap him? My arms wouldn't work. I couldn't even yell. I tried to kick but my legs just twitched. My panties had slipped down to my knees and I felt Jeff tugging them down my calves, then pulling them over my feet. He lifted my foot and kissed the tender underside of my arch, then carefully put it down and did the same to my other foot. Oh, god, the memory of him licking my feet sent bolts down my legs. Jeff stood and leaned over to pick up the black panties that were still lying beside my head. I peeked at his groin. He was very excited.

Unexpectedly, he pulled my arm off my eyes. I didn't have time to close them so I allowed them to glaze over more than they already were. His fuzzy face seemed to be smiling. It lowered toward me and he kissed my forehead, then lowered his lips to mine. He kissed me tenderly for a full minute, then straightened, the black panties dangling from his hand.

It was alright. He just wanted to look at my pussy. Now he's going to put my panties back on. Good boy. That's okay. Serves me right for teasing him so much today. My own fault.

Jeff dropped the panties on my face but I could still see, one eye looking through a leg hole. He eyed me critically for a moment, then spread the panties out until my eyes were covered. I sensed him withdrawing, pulling away, kneeling between my legs, forcing them out, closing in. Oh god, yes, his mouth, on me, licking, licking. Oh yes, it's so wonderful. Kiss it, suck it. Lick me, son, lick me.

Perception is a strange beast. Jeff knelt before the alter he had uncovered, worshipping my pussy, for what seemed an eternity. My ragged breath seemed to bounce loudly off the panties covering my nose and mouth yet I could distinctly hear the play by play of Stefan's baseball game. He was down there, probably drinking a beer, while his son was upstairs licking his wife's pussy. How's that for cheating, you prick?

What? The TV had just clicked off. Stefan was yelling.

"Jeff? Jeff!"

Jeff jerked back and fell on his ass. Quickly, he jumped to his feet and ran into the hall. I shook the panties off my face.

"Yeah, Dad."

"Can you throw my Yankee shirt down?"

"Yeah, sure. Where is it?"

"Oh, shit. I'll get it."

I heard a step on the stairs.

"No, I'll get it for you. Is it in your closet?"

"No, in my bottom drawer, the one on the right."

"Dad, Mom's sleeping."

"Oh yeah. Right. I forgot."

I saw Jeff come back in. He rummaged around in Stefan's drawers, then walked into the hall.

"I can't find it."

"Jesus H. Christ."

Stefan's foots clomped up the stairs.

"Sorry," Jeff said, just as I shoved myself back on the bed and swung my legs up just as Stefan arrived at the door.

"That's okay. Did you tell your mother I have to go out?"


"Great. Sure you don't want to come down for a couple with the fellas?"

"No. Mom wasn't feeling well. I'll stay and look after her."

"She's lucky to have you son. Not many guys would hang around Saturday night to do things for their mother."

To their mother was more like it, I thought.

"I don't mind, Dad."

Stefan had retrieved his coveted shirt.

"Okay. I'll probably be late."

"See ya, Dad."

Stefan's feet banged down the stairs and the door slammed.


Jeff was at the door. He walked in but stopped about eight feet away, looking at me, turned over on my side, seemingly innocently asleep. Stefan hadn't noticed the stockings and garters lying on the floor next to the bed. Or the panties. I had been lying on the bed without panties covering my pussy, wet with my son's saliva, while he foraged for his best baseball shirt.

I moaned and turned onto my back. I must look so desperately wanton and horny, legs now spread wide, pussy and inner thighs glistening from his saliva, though hidden beneath my skirt.

Jeff started undoing his shirt.

No, son. You don't understand. I won't forget. One day, you'll know about these drugs and you'll be ashamed. Don't do it.

But I didn't stop him, or even offer discouragement. I even turned my head toward him with glazed, half open eyes.

Jeff pulled the shirt apart, baring his hairless chest and exposing his muscular arms as he dragged the sleeves down. Bending a knee, he lifted his foot and pulled off his sock, then repeated the action with equal efficiency for the other foot. Watching him undo his belt buckle caused a tingle to spread through me. You're such a hussy, I thought, close your legs, he can see your need.

He stooped to lower his pants and held the waist while he kicked off first one leg and then the other. Naked, he straightened up. For the first time, I saw his young cock, and I was lost. I couldn't, wouldn't stop him. I wasn't able.

Jeff walked slowly toward me without faltering. His steps were slow but confident and his cock looked so strong. I was already wet and slippery, from my own juices now, not his. He walked around to the foot of the bed and reached to grasp my feet, lifting them up, turning his head to kiss the inside of each one. He gazed steadily into my eyes as he pushed my feet, forcing my bent knees onto my sweater. His hands slid down my legs to my knees, then along my thighs to the outside of my hips and finally, under my sweater and up to grab my tits.

Jeff held my breasts firmly, squeezing just hard enough to pop my nipples up hard. He didn't release them to push my skirt down to my hips, he simply pried the hem down with his elbows and forced my legs wider by pressing his torso closer to mine until my pussy was exposed. Then, his eyes never wavering from mine, he let his tip bump up and down on my pussy. Bump, bump, bump, and a little slide along the groove. Changing his angle slightly, he moved sideways, catching the lips on each side of my slit and rubbing through the widened channel. He paused with his shaft thus aligned, pulled back to survey his prize and then arched his back, sliding his slickened cock along my slippery groove. I couldn't stop myself, I moaned.

"Oh yeah Mom. That's so awesome."

He fixed his gaze on my eyes again.

"Jim said this new stuff was really great."

Jeff, reached down to grab the bottom of my sweater.

"Let's get this off."

He pulled the sweater up over my breasts and pushed it over my head, then flung it aside to admire my breasts. I couldn't shut my glazed eyes. He smiled and reached out to touch my pussy, his fingertips lightly brushing its hair. All I was wearing now was the belt around my waist with the black straps dangling down to my thighs. My skirt, though still on, was now uselessly pushed up high around my waist just below my breasts.

Jeff leaned over, his arms stretched out straight to hold himself up high. Slowly, he descended until just the tip of his cock grazed my skin. He dragged it in a wide oval from hip to hip, dipping down to let the head briefly slip between my legs to taste the slickness that had drained from the bottom of my pubes. After a dozen or more trips across my tummy, my pussy was reaching up to greet him and my legs tried to trap his cock each time it dipped between to taste my nectar.

Jeff chuckled in joy and worked himself higher until his cock was bouncing around my tits, teasing my nipples. My breath was wildly erratic and I unconsciously twisted my back trying to keep each tit in contact with his cock even though I knew it was only leaving to grace the other. On the next upward shift, he was pushing his shaft on each side of my neck, then pulling back to nudge into the hollow at the base of my throat. When I thought he was going to come on my neck, like he had the other night, he moved up again, gracing my face with his tubular presence. God, slut that I am, I pushed my tongue out to lick my son's shaft. If I was supposed to react but forget, then I was going to enjoy myself. To hell with morals.​
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