Page 08
"Holy shit," Jeff whispered.
His fingers pulled away. Was Stefan coming? I heard Jeff sniffing.
"Holy shit," he repeated.
I was damp. Jeff's fingers returned, immediately pressing firmly between my damp pussy lips, quivering, shaking from side to side.
"You're so wet," Jeff whispered hoarsely. "If only you knew how badly you need it," he croaked, "you'd let me do it. Yeah, like DoingMOM's mom let's him," he said. "I'd do you."
Jeff's fingers were rubbing faster now. It was all I could do not to try to get them inside me. I wanted it so badly. Where was Stefan? You've got to come so he'll stop. A saw started up. Stefan was cutting something in his shop.
Jeff groaned and something bumped against my face. I opened my eyes, then quickly shut them tight. Jeff's tented pajamas were pressing against my nose.
"Oh god. Please. Please, keep sawing," he moaned while rubbing his hardened pajamas in a sawing motion against my face.
I half-opened my eyes again just in time to see Jeff's cock leap forward as he pushed his pajamas down to let its bare, bulbous head bang against my lips. I clamped my jaws but my son's finger's pried them apart. He was inside, filling me, groaning in seemingly painful bliss.
"Oh, Mom," he moaned, leaning over to keep his fingers on my panties but managing to get his cock deeper into my mouth.
Don't come now, Stefan, I prayed. Don't come now. I sucked. Hurry Jeff. I slid my tongue rapidly underneath his tip and squeezed it with my lips as he withdrew, keeping them firm but open, offering delicious partial resistance on his return. When he pushed in farther several strokes later I moved toward him, forcing his tip to my throat and clamped my lips tightly around his root. Immediately, he began gushing his seed and I pulled back to make room, swallowing several times in quick succession until I had gulped his entire load.
He pulled away and seconds later the elastic waistband of his pajamas snapped around his waist. The saw had stopped. I lay limp, as if I had fainted. Jeff gently let my head back until it rested against the kitchen wall. His fingers pulled at my dress, tugging it down until it covered my knees and then his footsteps retreated, the stairs creaking shortly after. I opened my eyes and wiped a stray glob of cum from the corner of my mouth. What the hell was I doing?
* * * * * * * * * *
Jeff stayed in his room for several hours but eventually came down for lunch. After that, he helped his Dad. I went upstairs and found myself in his room, on his computer, checking for recent messages between the incestuous crew: DoingMOM, JimsMOM (a.k.a. Linda's son) and Jeff.
DoingMOM described his latest bout of nailing his mother. He had taken to binding her up with strips from a torn up sheet to hold her in certain positions. This boy had some real issues. I didn't bother reading the whole message though I did look closely at the attached pictures before skipping on to the note from JimsMOM. His messages intrigued me because I now knew who she was and because he was the source of the special 'tea' that the others were using. Why did his new concoction, the one that was supposed to let him have his way with his mother but leave her unaware, not work on me? Sure, everybody reacts differently to ingested substances but I was suspicious, especially since meeting his mother, that she was pretending, like I was, and actually knew what was going on. I was certain that she had found a way to have sex with her son without admitting it.
What I now wondered was if she had somehow initiated it in the first place. Did she tell her son about a special 'tea' and then 'faint' under its affect, perhaps after dressing in a seductive robe that would inadvertently display her charms as she slumped over or even become unfastened, encouraging him to view and even explore her body? I imagined several seductive scenarios in the space of thirty or forty seconds.
JimsMOM's message stated that it was a personal communication only to Jeff. Excitement fluttered through me. I was about to read a confidential message meant only for my son. What secrets would be revealed?
I really enjoyed meeting your mom the other day. She's a real fox and I would love to do something together with you.
Meeting me? What was he talking about? He wasn't there, it was his mother, Linda.
The message continued.
Don't get me wrong, my friend. It's all up to you but if you're interested, then I would really be keen to do something with your sexy mom, and you too.
This little jerk wants to get into my pants and he expects Jeff to let him. No fucking way! Anger welled up inside me. I was not about to lie around pretending to be out while Jeff's buddy had his way with me. Jeff had fucking well better tell this guy where he could get off. Of course he would. He was hinting that he wanted to do something with Jeff too.
I know it's a lot to ask, and it's not what our little group is about, but before you get mad and tell me where to go take a look at the attached video. It should explain what I have in mind. I hope after seeing it you can see your way to inviting me for 'tea' with you and your mom.
I was fuming. This guy must have been spying on us that day we ran into his mother. So, he thought I was hot, did he? What was he going to show Jeff? A video of him and one of his friends double-tapping his mom? Did he think Jeff would get off on that and want to do it to me? I paused, worried. Maybe it would appeal to Jeff. In fact, I imagined lots of guys wouldn't mind tag teaming a woman but then, I'm sure it was just a way to get into another man's woman rather than sharing their own. But then, I suppose some men liked doing that, too. But with me? Not bloody likely.
I pushed myself violently away from the computer and stood up, turned and stomped away but caught myself before leaving the room. Slowly, I returned to the computer and sat down. I navigated the mouse to the video icon and double-clicked it. What the hell. I may as well see what this arrogant little pecker had going for him.
He was sitting on a couch with his mother draped over him, back her toward the screen. Her long, blonde hair was tossing about her head as she was bounced up and down on his lap. The languid pace picked up until JimsMOM was banging his mother vigorously from below, his hands holding her hips to keep her in place, trapping hers underneath his. The pace gradually slowed until it was back to the languid fuck that initially graced the screen. I was amazed that he could bang her about like that without her becoming aware. I mean, it was one thing if she was knocked right out but the new stuff supposedly left her aware, just unable to remember. Wouldn't such a violent jostling risk jerking her awake?
Wait, that was weird. His mother's hands left her hips and disappeared in front of her while his own hands lost their grip and fell, listless, to the couch. Linda's ass began lifting higher, exposing a long, hard and slick cock that her grasping pussy lips soon retrieved within their folds as her cheeks dropped to regain contact with her son's thighs. This was repeated several more times. My mind struggled to come grips with the conflicting physics of this situation. I know Jeff had said that JimsMOM said the new stuff would make us more responsive but how could his mother be doing this? She wasn't responding, she looked like she was doing the fucking and he was lying limp underneath. What the fuck was going on here?
I was scrutinizing the screen so closely my nose was almost touching the screen. Realization suddenly struck me and my face was already starting to move away in stark surprise when Linda's head swiveled around atop her twisting torso and grinned.
Please invite me for tea, she purred. You won't regret it, believe me.
I was shocked. JimsMOM was, well, Jim's mom!
Oh my god. No wonder her suggestions to Jeff about how to touch a woman's pussy were so spot on.
The video finished and, after sitting for a moment in stunned silence, I closed the window. OMG, what do I do now? What would Jeff do when he saw this message? I could delete it but then he, or she, would eventually be asking for a response. I couldn't hide it forever. What should I do? Jeff would surely let her come. Why wouldn't he? She was very attractive. I knew he'd want to fuck her and if the price he had to pay was to let her watch him do me, or even, by God, take part, well, I knew what his response would be.
I needed time. I deleted the message.
* * * * * * * * * *
The rest of the afternoon passed pleasantly enough. I made a pitcher of lemonade and took it out to the backyard for Stefan and Jeff to enjoy while they took a break from their chores. It was a very pleasant day, warm but not too hot. Sitting in the lawn chair with my eyes closed listening to Stefan and Jeff talk, it felt like bygone summerw when Stefan was still faithful, to my knowledge, and Jeff still innocent. How things had changed. Now, none of us was pure.
I allowed myself to drift off, wondering just how I had let things get so out of control. Why hadn't I confronted Jeff that day and put a stop to all this before it had sullied our relationship forever? I admitted — my loins, warmed by the memories, couldn't deny the truth — that I had desired my son's attention, but I had not realized how lonely I was, how much I yearned for the touch of a man's hand, the caress of his lips, and the press of a male body against mine. I didn't know how horny and susceptible I was and I let it get the better of me. And now we were here, in this mess, all pretending. Stefan could hardly wait to get away to be with his young woman; Jeff was chafing to get into my pants; I wasn't at all sure I could prevent myself from letting him; and now a strange woman wanted to have her way with me and my son. Hollywood couldn't have made up a more fantastic story.
How was I going to get out of it? And honestly, did I want to? I had gotten here because I thought there was no harm in enjoying my son's attention if nobody knew it was happening and he didn't realize that I knew. I knew in my heart that if I could keep it that way I would probably let it go farther and actually let him take me rather than put a stop to it. But Linda's impending involvement changed everything. I had to find a way to keep her away, and to do it without Jeff finding out I was aware, even if that meant losing his amoral love. My pussy suddenly pulsed with tingling desire. Oh, what would it feel like to accept his young cock, to really let him fuck me. I sprang forward in my chair in self-revulsion at my thought.
"Mom, are you ok?" Jeff cried.
Both he and his father were staring at me. I looked down and blushed furiously. My hands were between my legs, pressing my dress into my crotch.
"Oh, my," I cried in a fluster. "I think I've just had a hot flash."
I got up and stumbled to the house, embarrassed beyond words.
* * * * * * * * * *
I was quiet at dinner and both my men respected my need for privacy. Though Jeff normally helped me clear away the table and rinse the dishes before puttiing them in the dishwasher, he joined his father in the living room instead. As soon as I joined them, he got up and went to the kitchen. Stefan looked exhausted sitting in his chair, barely paying attention to the news. I slumped on the arm at my end of the couch.
Jeff carried a tray into the living room. Surprise, it held three mugs of tea. I didn't want to play this game anymore but I didn't protest when he handed one of the mugs to me. He passed the big one to his father and took the last for himself, retiring to the far end of the couch I was sitting on. I didn't look but I knew he was watching us as he slowly sipped his tea. It wasn't very hot so I was able to take large drinks. I wondered if Jeff had made it lukewarm on purpose. I looked at Stefan and noticed that he was taking big gulps as well. It didn't surprise me a few minutes later to look over and see that he had nodded off, his empty mug dangling from the fingers of his right hand. Jeff got up and went to his father.
"Dad?" he called. He shook Stefan's shoulder. "Dad." Stefan lifted his head and looked groggily at his son. "Maybe you should go to bed early tonight if you're leaving tomorrow."
Stefan nodded and Jeff helped pull his father to his feet. I drank my tea more slowly as I watched Stefan lean on his son's shoulder as he helped him up the stairs. That warm feeling was returning to my groin. Was I actually going to let him? Decision time would soon be here. Regardless of what I did, after tonight, nothing would be the same. If Jeff let Linda come and I confronted him he would know that I had let him have his way with me all along. Linda would tell him the truth about the new 'tea'. Sure, the stuff he had given Stefan, and earlier me, knocked you out but the new stuff didn't and, vexed, Linda would own up to Jeff.
Why hadn't she just left things as they were?
I knew the answer to that; it was all suddenly clear. She needed me to consciously let my son do what he wanted, even make love to me. That way, she would have leverage. She could expose me, to Jeff and anyone else, if I didn't go along. I either let Jeff know what I had done and curse him forever with incestuous guilt, or I let Linda play with me too, for however long it amused her to do so. I was trapped.
I finished my tea. I was feeling a little woozy, as I expected, by the time Jeff returned. He smiled as he approached me, a knowing smile, smug in the knowledge of a successfully unfolding plan. He held his hands out to me.
"Looks like you're ready for the sack too, Mom."
I nodded and lifted my hands to his. I felt no resistance. He pulled me up and I slumped forward, my breasts bumping into him, my partially stimulated nipples grazing down his chest before, surprised, he caught and held me up.
"Mom. You really are tired."
I nodded into his shoulder and let my breasts push more firmly into his chest. I knew already that I wasn't going to confront my son tonight. I didn't want to fight him.
"Let's get you to bed."
Jeff dipped down to let his left arm catch me behind my knees and lifted me up, effortlessly. I put my arms around his neck. Yes, take me to bed, son, take me to bed.
Jeff walked slowly up the stairs, almost as if he didn't really want to get to my bedroom. Was it because he was having second thoughts or did he just like the feel of me, pliant, soft and submissive in his arms?
He carried me into my bedroom and slowly walked toward the bed, past Stefan's clothes strewn about on the floor. Stefan was lying on his back, covered to his chest. The covers were pulled back on my side. Jeff probably knew I would be ready before he even returned downstairs to get me. The room was lit only by the setting, summer sun. Jeff sat me down on the bed and pointed to the thin cotton night gown already laid out on the pillow.
"Goodnight, Mom," he whispered after kissing me gently on the forehead.
He walked away.
Surprised, I sat hunched over for a minute, hands clasped together between my legs. Stefan was breathing heavily, already in a deep sleep. I turned toward the nightgown and picked it up, then dropped it. I stood and shucked my dress, removed my bra, and took off my panties. I had no energy to go to the bathroom to remove the little make-up I wore or to wash myself. I picked up the nightgown and raised it above my head, then let it fall down my arms and nestle over my body. It slid on easily since it was open to my waist in the front. Where had he found this? It was an old one, one of Stefan's favorites from our younger years. It laced up in a series of ties up the front. I remembered how I had struggled against his efforts to get them undone. I had thought he would relish a slow tease as I slowly pulled the laces free but he only saw them as an obstacle to grabbing my tits for a few gropes before getting his cock into me. It hadn't taken me long to learn not to do anything to slow Stefan down because it only meant he would last even less time inside me. After a while I realized it didn't matter; I would wait until he rolled off and fell asleep before pleasuring myself.
I tied each lace into a bow. I had stopped doing that with Stefan and in the end, I put the nightgown away. That was so many years ago now I thought I'd thrown it out. But tonight I did up the ties, tugging the ends firmly to form a tight knot at the center of each bow. The laces would now serve to protect rather than seduce and would hopefully be more successful in that task. Twisting around and leaning back, I slipped my feet under the covers and pulled them up. Then, I waited for my son's return, lying on my back beside my snoring husband.
The time passed slowly. Though I assured myself I didn't know what I would do when Jeff arrived, my nipples had hardened and I knew it wasn't because of the restless movements causing them to scrape against the sheet. It dawned on me, as I lay there, that if I confronted Jeff as soon as he pulled the covers down and undid the laces on my nightgown, I could suddenly 'wake up' and admonish him, just as I had originally planned to do so long ago. Waiting for him to take pictures had sunk me then because of my own latent desires. I knew that now and also realized that I didn't need the pictures. I didn't even need to confront him about the group. I just needed him to stop and warn Linda away. Maybe then she wouldn't say anything. Maybe she would be fooled and think I hadn't known at all. Maybe I could stop this thing after all.
* * * * * * * * * *
It was dark. I had drifted off but something jarred me back to wakefulness. I could hear Jeff approaching, hear the soft press of his feet on the carpet. He was coming. I had no doubt he had the balls to do whatever he wanted even though his father was right beside me. I couldn't hide behind Stefan's presence; this morning had proved that. It was up to me to put a stop to this, as I should have done weeks before. I steeled myself for the task ahead of me.
Jeff walked around the end of the bed to my side and stopped. I wouldn't have known he was there if I hadn't heard him come. He was dead still. I waited for him to pull the covers off. And waited. And waited.
What was he doing? My ears strained but all I heard was the faint sound of a breath here and there and I wasn't completely sure that wasn't my imagination. I struggled to keep my own breath under control but, despite myself, I was getting excited. What was he up to? Minutes passed.
Then, at the end of the bed, the covers pressed against my feet as Jeff tugged their ends from under the mattress where they were tucked in. Once loose, the covers were dropped and the silence returned. After only a minute or two, the covers were slowly peeled from the side of the bed and folded on top of me, forming a ridge from my toes to my chest. Following that, they were rolled off to my side, the one closest to Stefan. I was now completely uncovered except for my old, threadworn nightgown.
Despite the thin material, I felt secure in the tightly laced gown. If Jeff tried to undo the laces, I'd leap up and accost him. I regretted taking my panties off but only momentarily. If he pulled the gown up far enough to expose me, I would do the same. Whether trying to undo my nightgown to see my breasts or pulling it up to peek at my pussy, he would be caught red-handed. Without knowing that I knew what he'd down, I could justifiably confront him with inappropriate behavior, however mild compared to what he'd done before. I smiled smugly in the dark. Events were unfolding as they should.
Nothing happened for some time but I wasn't worried. I waited for the inevitable attempt to disrobe me. I knew he would try and I'd spring my trap right away. Another minute passed.