Page 10
"By the way," he said. "I ran into that lady we met at that mall and she would like to visit us while Dad's away, or even better, during the day when he's back at work."
"Oh," I replied as casually as I could. "Why? We don't really have anything in common."
"She really likes you, Mom. She thinks you're an uncommonly pretty and intriguing woman."
Jeff draped his arm over mine and slipped his cock inside me from behind.
"Intriguing?" I asked. "In what way?"
"Well, actually she said sexy."
He jolted his cock into me and I grunted my pleasure — he liked surprising me like that — but I was distracted more by Linda's admission than Jeff's boyish hijinks. That was when he hit me with the one thing I had never suspected.
"She's tired of keeping Dad occupied," Jeff said. "She wants to be with us now."
Jeff jolted several more thrusts into me in quick succession. I had suspected that Linda might want to do more than get in the sack with my son, that she might be bisexual. But Jeff was implying that she had deliberately led Stefan astray, to keep him out of the way while the two of them worked their seduction of me. Could it be true that Stefan wasn't chasing a young tightie but had been suckered by a seductive woman my own age, one who wasn't really interested in him at all, but rather his wife? The sheer devilishness of it tweaked a dark fascination that unsettled me but I responded only to the lesbian implications.
"I don't... think I'm... ready for... that," I replied, getting the words out between Jeff's rollicking thrusts.
"Ready for what?" he grunted, pausing to let me answer.
"Another woman. That's what you mean, isn't it?"
"Oh, okay," he said, as if it wasn't a big deal.
Jeff started fucking me again. I was just starting to relax into his rhythm when he spoke again.
"Let me know when you're ready then because I really want you to do it."
Jeff's pace increased and his cock pushed deeper. His hand slipped down to cup my pussy, his finger curling over my clit until the tip slipped inside me above his sliding cock. He slowed than and tensed his legs tightly, bulging his cock hugely inside me. He knew how much I loved the sensations that caused.
"Okay," I replied.
Jeff grunted, withdrew, and plunged really deep. I knew he was pleased. His free hand slipped up under my head and his finger curved around my jaw until it pushed thickly into my mouth. He liked to do this when we were fucking on our sides. I wouldn't have thought I'd like having a finger in my mouth while making love but I did. I sucked it as if I was doing his cock, responding automatically to Jeff's thrusts while I wondered what it would be like to be with a woman. The last few weeks had shown me how much life I had missed over the years. I was a much more sexual person with my son than I had ever been with anyone else. New doors had opened for me and I wasn't about to keep one closed now, especially if Jeff wanted me to open it. The night he had slipped his finger inside my butt had shown me must how wrong I could be. Oh, how I now loved the feel of his meat in my behind. If he thought a beautiful woman would add to our love, I believed him. And to think Stefan's wife and son would be fucking his mistress while he was working. Delicious.