Page 02
I awoke in near darkness, having a terrible need to pee. A thin line of light coming through the not quite drawn curtains in the window provided plenty of illumination once my eyes adjusted. I was in bed with Danny, his halting snore as familiar a sound as any I knew. A blanket covered our nakedness and I felt hot and sticky. A few feet away in the other bed, lying naked and exposed were Zeke and Donna -- her head resting on his stomach and maybe an almost evaporated line of drool extending from her open lips across his groin to his cock, which appeared half erect, lying across his thigh.
I moved the cover off me and slid to the edge of the bed. Danny's hand reached out to my wrist and he moaned softly, more asleep than awake, "Noooo. Stay with me, Melissa."
I broke his grip and whispered softly. "I'm just going to pee, baby. I'll be right back." He whimpered in his sleep, shifting uneasily as I slipped out of the bed and into the bathroom. There, I sighed with relief as I emptied my bladder and as I wiped, realizing that I was a bit sorer than I could ever recall. Not bad pain, but that "I'm sore cause I got the fucking of my life, sore." I shivered then and felt fresh heat and moistness between my legs as my memories of the evening adventure flooded back to me.
For the first time, I truly understood the value of swinging -- of having other partners. Part of me loved Danny with all my heart, but finally, after the other lackluster encounters, I'd found something that had more than filled that restless hunger inside me. I felt like I could fuck Zeke for the rest of my life! My fingers stroked my tender flesh for a minute, making me shiver with delight until I regained self control.
I flushed, washed up and turned off the light, pausing first to look at myself in the harsh light of the motel bathroom. Those damned florescent lights bring out every flaw, but I was struck by how sexy I felt I looked -- little red love-bites on my breasts and neck, nipples even now swollen at the thought of Zeke's cock and a goofy, "I just got fucked good" grin on my face.
I left the bathroom, moving past the other bed to reach Danny when a hand shot out and took my wrist. I damned near jumped out of my skin, but somehow didn't make more than a little squeaking noise. I turned and saw that Zeke, still lying supine on his bed, had taken hold of me. His eyes gleamed at me from the dark and he gently tugged me towards him. I resisted only a moment, sparing a glance over at Danny asleep in our bed and then surrendering to the strength I felt in this near stranger.
Once I bumped against the bed, Zeke's tugging changed direction, his hand forcing me down, down until I was on my knees. In the dim light, his eyes commanded me. No words were spoken, just his eyes, flickering once towards his crotch and then focused steadily on me. A sweet sinful shiver slipped through me as I acquiesced without a thought, leaning over and taking his semi-hard cock in my mouth.
Zeke tasted faintly of pussy, cum and saliva and it was ambrosia to me. I lovingly rolled my tongue over and around the head of his cock, cleaning it of any drying, crusting evidence of our earlier activities. I demonstrated my newfound prowess at deep throating, taking all of him in my mouth while my eyes never left his, seeking and finding his silent approval as I sucked him to a full erection.
Finally, his fingers twisted in my tangled locks and pulled me off his now magnificent and stiff penis. He guided me up onto the bed and again, his eyes told me everything I needed to know. He let me go, putting his arms behind his head, getting comfortable as I straddled him. It suddenly came to me that either Donna was awake and watching or he'd gently moved her while I was sucking him off. Either way, I had been so devoted to my cocksucking, I hadn't noticed anything else.
On my knees, hovering over Zeke, I could feel his thick cock head brushing against my labia, almost making my cunt lips pucker with anticipation. Balancing carefully, I moved into a squat over his lovely body and slowly began to move down, cooing softly as I gently impaled myself on his wonderfully long and thick cock!
I could feel my calf muscles tighten and quiver as I controlled my descent, aching to have him inside me now, but relishing the lusty delight of feeling him slowly spread my cunt flesh as I impaled myself on him. I felt his pubic hairs brushing against my labia and I wiggled in delight as I took all of him in my burning cunt. For a long time, I sat there squatting on Zeke, just savoring his cock.
Slowly, I began to piston up and down on his cock, low, guttural moans emerging from my mouth as it hung open in lewd rapture, feeling the incredible pleasure beginning to boil over from my pussy, smelling my arousal as my pussy juices flooded his cock and escaped, making our joined crotches a sopping wet tangle of hair and flesh.
As my first orgasm erupted from within, I went to my knees, collapsing on top of Zeke, my face and tits pressing against his chest, feeling his strong heart pound underneath my flattened breasts, feeling a corresponding pulse from his cock, throbbing in my tightly clamped cunt, only my hips in motion, yielding to the oldest instinct in the world -- unable to deny the desire to mate.
As I regained control of my body, I kissed my way upwards till I found his mouth, lashing his tongue with mine as I continued to fuck his wonderful cock. Then I was up and riding him, a sneer of complete and utter carnal joy on my lips as I bounced up and down on his long, thick dick. I was moaning louder now, not caring if I woke anyone else up, just focused on fucking that wonderful penis forever.
I heard more than saw Donna moan and sigh in her sleep beside us, but when I glanced over at my husband, I could see that Danny's eyes were open. With a mute expression, Danny watched us -- watched me pleasure Zeke. I could not see gratitude or concern in his face, but to be honest, I didn't care. All I wanted was to fuck Zeke, fuck him forever.
I have no clue how long I rode him. I know my body was covered in a thick sheen of fuck sweat from my exertions. My hair dripped with sweat and rivulets of moisture ran down my breasts and dropped from my hardened nipples to splatter on Zeke's chest. I came hard a second time and then a third. I was dizzy and exhausted, yet unable and unwilling to stop, spurred on by the silent command in Zeke's eyes to pleasure please him.
He lay there, hands behind his head, a gentle smile on his face, letting me do all the work, my steaming pussy massaging his long, hard shaft as I rode him -- virtually motionless until finally as I felt yet another orgasm begin to build, Zeke grunted and as I descended on his cock, he thrust upward, going deep into my womb and the world caught fire as his hot semen scalded my insides, setting off a glorious orgasm that swept me senseless.
I have no idea how long I bounced around on Zeke's wonderful cock cumming my brains out -- there seemed to be no ebb and flow of pleasure, just one continuously immense flow of ecstasy centered on my pussy and spreading outward to all parts of my body. Later I would reflect on how fucking Zeke reorganized my understanding of the world and all the possibilities therein. Everything now had to be seen in a new perspective. Danny was a good lover and had made me orgasm many times, but Zeke...Zeke made me CUM!
Eventually my orgasm did subside and I collapsed onto Zeke in a sweaty heap -- not that I recall much. I just know I didn't return to Danny's side, instead falling asleep on top of Zeke, eventually slipping off to curl up on one side of him, my leg thrown across his legs and my body pressed up against him, holding onto him like he was the most valuable thing on Earth. I freely confess, I never even entertained a thought of returning to my husband's bed. In the hazy, warm afterglow of the fucking of my life, I was right where I wanted to be as I drifted off to a contented sleep.
I came awake, at least partially, sometime in the later hours. It was dark and I was again quivering with pleasure. As I awoke, I realized the source was a pair of soft lips and a maddening tongue going down on me. I could hear slurping noises and quickly realized that as I was still cuddling with Zeke and I could sense more than see Danny in the other bed (I did wonder if he was watching), that it had to be Donna between my thighs.
Zeke's wife spent what seemed to be a sweet eternity eating my pussy, her tongue roaming hungrily over my flesh, delving deep inside to lap up her husband's sperm one moment and then devilishly torturing my clitoris the next. Donna made me whimper and moan as she lovingly brought me to orgasm again and again, opening my eyes to the true joys of oral sex when done by a master.
I was spent when Donna finally withdrew. I was still half asleep with my head in an orgasmic fog as I felt her move up alongside Zeke's other side. Maybe I dreamed the rest, maybe it was real, but I think they had a conversation.
"Did you get your fill, darling? Did you like eating my jizz from Melissa's cunt?"
"Best tasting meal I ever had. I really, really like her, Zeke."
"Yeah, me too -- she's...she's one of us."
"Baby, can we keep her?"
There was Zeke's deep, rumbling chuckle and then, "We'll see, darling."
At that point, I slipped back into a deep slumber, my dreams naughty and strange -- seeing myself naked in front of a mirror, semen dripping from my face and breasts and running in a thick stream from my spread cunt lips, me scooping it up with my hands and drinking it and never getting my fill. Finally I began to turn, looking over my shoulder at myself and seeing as I turned, a large red tattoo on my ass...a red heart with a banner..."
I came out of my dream with a start -- someone was tugging at my arm. I blinked, the room still dim, but with sunlight sneaking through the almost closed curtains. Danny stood over me, a bundle of wadded up clothes in his other hand. He was bare-chested and wearing his jeans. He let me go, held up a finger to his lips and then pointed towards the bathroom. Confused, I nodded and then eased from Zeke's sleeping embrace and followed my husband to the bathroom.
Inside, he closed the door behind us and held out dress, long ago abandoned, in his hand. In a whisper, he said, "Get dressed, Melissa. Time to go."
I took my dress, more out of instinct than anything and then shook my head as if to clear it so I could understand Danny's words. "What? Go where?"
Danny frowned, his face tight -- almost scared. "Time to go home. I don't think this is going to work out."
I felt myself stiffen up and anger began to mix with the confusion. Part of my brain screamed outrage at the thought of leaving Zeke...of leaving Zeke's fine cock. "What do you mean, its not working out? Danny, I'm having the time of my life!"
My husband's face reddened. Through clenched teeth, he muttered. "These aren't the right folks...they're not what they said they were. We're leaving. Get dressed, Melissa."
Confusion melted away as my anger grew. "Danny, I like these people. I'm having a great time and you want to leave? I don't under..." and yet suddenly I did understand. "You son of a bitch," I hissed as comprehension flooded through me. Danny ducked his head against my angry glare.
"All this time you've been picking couples that had what you wanted...some willing pussy and a guy you don't feel inferior too."
Danny shrank back from me, shaking his head and saying, "No, sweetie, no. We can talk about it later, right now we need to get going. We'll talk about it at home."
I reached out and shoved him angrily in the chest. "Bullshit! We'll fucking talk about it now. You asshole -- you picked out losers to fuck me while you scratched your itch for some strange pussy!"
My husband held up his hands as if to both defend himself against me physically and to ward off my accusation. "No, no, no. Now stop it, Melissa. We can talk when we get home."
"Fuck you! THIS is what's been bugging you all this time. Me getting fucked good makes you a limp dick. Fuck you, I'm not going anywhere!"
Danny started to reply, but stopped as the door to the bathroom swung open and a sleepy-eyed Zeke stepped through, Donna peering from behind his back -- both naked. Even pissed off, the sight of their naked bodies sent a thrill through me. "Everything okay, folks," Zeke asked in that lazy drawl of his.
Danny took a deep breath and puffed out his chest and said, "Yeah, but I gotta be honest, Zeke. This just isn't working and I expect we just need to call it off and go home." He glanced at me meaningfully and added, "Right, honey?"
For a moment, I felt the words, "Yes, Danny," rising in my throat, but then I looked down at Zeke's cock, still at half mast and I felt my cunt quiver with desire and I let my true feelings take voice. "No, I don't want to go home. I want to fuck some more."
I heard a slight giggle from Donna and Zeke smiled at me in such a way that made my pussy just get wetter. Danny stepped up in front of me, mustering his courage to face Zeke and said, "No, this is getting out of hand. We need to go home now." Then as if appalled by his own nerve, he took a step back, almost cowering under Zeke's gaze. I saw Zeke's cock twitch and rise up perhaps an inch, growing slightly larger.
"Well, hell, man. If you guys want to go, go. Ain't nobody going to stop you, Danny," he said. "But," and he turned and smiled evilly at me. "If either of you wants to stay, that's cool too. Donna and me will make sure you get home."
"I'm staying," I said in an angry voice and before Danny could reach out, I pushed back Zeke and Donna and back into the main room.
My husband rushed out behind me and said, "The hell you are. Now get fucking dressed, Melissa." He grabbed me by the upper arm, squeezing until I whined with pain. With his other hand, he again shoved my wrinkled dress at me. "I'll drag you out of here naked if I have to."
"Hey." We both froze at the danger that was in that one calmly spoken word that Zeke said as he stepped from the bathroom. He wasn't smiling and he wasn't frowning. He looked serious...deadly serious. "Danny," he began, the menace in his voice burning the words into the air. "Man, you wanna go, go. Stay, watch, fuck, I don't care, but ain't nobody going to make someone else do something they don't wanna do."
Zeke looked at me and said, "Melissa, what do you want to do?"
The room was as quiet as a cemetery at dawn as I looked at Danny and at Zeke and again at my husband and part of me knew that suddenly my marriage might be hanging in the balance of whatever I did. Part of me looked down at Zeke's cock, now almost three quarters erect and informed the rest of me what the plan was. I didn't speak up, didn't say a word. I simply walked away from Danny to Zeke, falling to my knees in front of him and taking his cock in my mouth with a happy sigh.
Zeke and I were in profile to my husband, so he could see with what relish and joy I was taking in sucking Zeke's lovely cock. As he quickly hardened in my mouth, I ran my hands up his ankles and thighs and cupped his tight ass cheeks and then used them as leverage as I fucked Zeke's cock with my mouth, taking him deep and fast, gurgling my pleasure in pleasing him, not caring what Danny thought as he watched his wife willfully sucking another man's cock in front of him in defiance.
Zeke grunted in approval and then looked over to Danny and said, "Your wife can sure suck cock, man. So can Donna. It's your choice, dude. Stay and get nasty or split. Your choice."
There was a long moment afterwards, silent except for the wet noises of me sucking Zeke off. Donna chimed in, "C'mon, honey. We'll have fun. Shuck those pants off and I'll fuck your brains out!"
Danny ignored her and said, "You coming, Melissa?" My only response was to take Zeke as deep as possible and then rub my face against his hairy crotch as my throat contracted around Zeke's big dick. I heard a rustle of clothing and then my husband said, "Fuck you, bitch," and then the door opened and slammed. I never missed a beat as I ignored him -- ignored the possibility that my marriage just went out the door too. In my anger and I freely admit, my lust, I was willing to live with that at that moment.
I looked up into Zeke's face, a strangely gentle smile looking back at me and he stroked my hair as he said, "You're something, girl." I continued to suck him, never pausing, letting all thoughts of Danny slip from my mind as I loved on his erect penis.
I felt weight and warm skin against my back and then the sensation of Donna's hard nipples scrapping against my flesh. Her hands came around me and cupped my heavy breasts, lifting and squeezing them even as she hugged me tight. "You are so brave," she whispered in my ear. "You're my new hero!" Her hands played and teased my thick nipples as I sucked on Zeke. One hand slowly slid down my waist and right hip before trailing underneath me to rub my wet pussy. I trembled as I felt fingers splicing between my labia and sliding inside me with special understanding and knowledge that only another woman can truly possess.
I moaned around Zeke's dick as one, then two, and finally three fingers pressed into me and began to work in and out of my slippery and furnace hot cunt. With each thrust of Donna's fingers, I felt my own fingernails digging into Zeke's tight butt cheeks and my head picked up speed as it bobbed back and forth on his cock.
Donna whispered in my ear, "Do you want more?" and when I burbled a muffled and enthusiastic response through my mouth full of cock, without warning, I felt all five fingers of her right hand worm into my pussy and I almost choked as I screamed around all that cock as she wiggled those fingers and made a fist inside me!
I began to cum, my body almost collapsing on me, Donna's free arm wrapped around my body holding me up and then assisted by Zeke as his hands wrapped around strands of my hair, keeping my face in place to suck his cock. As Donna began to fist-fuck me, Zeke gradually assumed the role of aggressor, soon thrusting into my mouth -- fucking me orally while his wife fisted me!
Then her arm released me and I felt other fingers teasing my stuffed cunt, getting digits slick with my cunt cream which was oozing from my pussy with every thrust of her hand. Warm, wet fingers slipped between my ass cheeks and I'm sure Zeke saw my eyes go wide in surprise as a slick index finger pressed against my tight anus and slowly began to worm its way past my sphincter!
Orgasm again wracked my body, its entrance coinciding with Donna's finger sliding into my ass to the second knuckle while she worked her fist inside my pussy. I screamed in the throes of carnal joy, began to choke and had to let Zeke's cock slip from my lips just as he cried out, "FUCK, YEAH!" and began to cum. I'd lost count of the number of times he'd cummed since yesterday afternoon, but even in the grip of my intense orgasm, was amazed at the amount of hot, gooey semen that splattered across my face, some landing on my nose and cheeks and chin and some in my open mouth.
I think I was a little bit nuts for a bit, lost in ecstatic bliss as my pussy tried to contract around Donna's fist -- her twisting and turning it and applying pressure just so... I tried to recapture Zeke's cock in my mouth and did eat some of his ejaculating sperm as I got my lips around the crown of his cock for a few moments, but most of his load splattered against my face and upper chest -- thick rivulets of spunk trickling down my tits or between them. In the heights of Donna's fist-induced orgasm, the feel of his hot, thick semen simply escalated my pleasure and in a fit of desire, I reached up and smeared his seed all over my face and rubbed sperm into my large breasts before sucking the remnants from my own fingers.
Donna sensed I'd reached the outer limits of pleasure and slowly unclenched her hand and gently eased her fingers from my pulsating cunt and bringing one last almost painful jolt of ecstasy as she suddenly yanked her index finger from my asshole. I squalled with pleasure as my body fell back against her, turning to see her pretty, grinning face. I moved to kiss Donna, but she held up the hand that had been in my cunt moments before, her fingers -- her whole hand coated in my pussy juices, some of it thick and whitish.
With a naughty giggle, Donna smeared my own cream over my own face, letting it join and mix with the streamers and blobs of semen already there. I gasped in surprise -- amazed at the heat of my own leavings and even more amazed at how excited her nasty actions made me.
Donna was suddenly on me, her mouth showering me with kisses, her tongue lapping up the mixed juices on my face and then feeding them to me with aggressive soul kisses -- kisses I returned with hungry passion. When my face was clean, she attended to the spunk on my breasts, pausing only to bite my throbbing nipples before running her tongue over my meaty breasts before sharing it with me in tongue twisting kisses.
Eventually, the last tremors of my orgasm faded and between tender kisses from Donna, tears began to run down my face as the enormity of the moment hit me -- what I had just experienced sexually and what I might have done to my marriage. Tears led to great heaving sobs and wails. Amidst all that, Zeke picked me up like I was a baby and carried me to the bed. Both he and Donna cradled me between them, wrapping arms and legs around me and calming me with tender caresses and soft kisses until the crying subsided.
We talked about what had happened -- about the revelations I had had about Danny and myself. I was mildly surprised to not feel more regret. I was damned angry at my husband for trying to manipulate circumstances for his own pleasure and I was very excited about the new feelings I had inside of me -- hungers to experience new worlds of sexual pleasure and the emotions I was feeling about Donna and Zeke.
Donna and the whole female experience was very arousing and I wanted to explore that bi-sexual side of me that I had scarcely realized existed inside me and then there was Zeke. I knew that I still loved Danny, but now there was something more with Zeke. He made me feel safe and beautiful and horny and the feminists can start throwing rocks, but dammit, I wanted to please him in every way possible and I hungered for how he and that dick of his made me feel.
Zeke and Donna admitted to me that they felt a kinship with me that they'd not experienced much in their swinging adventures -- Zeke making me blush when he said that I was the first woman besides Donna that just naturally made his dick hard. Donna said that all her dreams and fantasies since she had seen my photo had come true and then some. My head absolutely spun at their words and my heart beat wildly at the possibilities that lay ahead.
Zeke finally came out and asked if I wanted him to take me home.
"Right now?" I asked in a very small voice.
"Yeah, baby. Right now," he responded.
I was probably shocked more than they at how fast the word, "NO!" escaped my lips. "Danny and I will work it out or we won't," I said. "Either way, every moment I can have with you two, I want. I might be crazy, but I think I love you guys!"
Donna's face brightened even as tears came to her eyes and she replied, "Awwww! We love you too, Melissa!" She moved closer and kissed me and then Zeke was with her and we were all three kissing.
We began with lips and then those lips were traveling elsewhere until somehow we were all linked mouths to crotches. Zeke was between my legs, his long and talented tongue showing me how good a man can really eat pussy while I went down on Donna, relishing again the taste of her wet cunt and taking pride in instinctively knowing all the right ways to make a woman cream with my tongue. Donna sucked on her husband's cock, switching out from time to time and spreading his ass cheeks and licking his asshole, providing me with my first experience of rimming.
At that moment, we abandoned all thought and mention of my husband and threw ourselves into the weekend of sexual abandon we had all hoped would occur from the start. We sucked and licked and fucked all through the day, recharging with long naps with the three of us intertwined. We talked and got to know each other more -- Zeke even confessing that part of his endurance was due to his rather unusual pharmaceutical knowledge gained in earlier times combined with the new anti-impotency drugs. Part of me might have been shocked a few days before, but now having been the beneficiary of his supercharged cock, I had no complaints.
Saturday night ended with me on my hands and knees, my asshole, wet and sloppy from Donna's talented tongue and Zeke kneeling behind me, his cock wet and slick with my pussy juices preparing me for the first ass fucking of my life. I was trembling with both excitement and fear as I felt Zeke's thick knob press against my sphincter -- about to have lose my last cherry, something Danny had been too squeamish to try over the years.
My world changed as Zeke slowly forced his meat inside my anal chute, bringing screams of pain from my lips that slowly became sobs of pleasure as he slowly worked his cock in and out of my ass, loosening up my asshole and firing up pleasure centers I never knew existed. I was totally under his control as he fucked me fast and then slow, deep and then shallow and all I could do was beg him for more.
In the end, I was a helpless mass of quivering flesh -- Zeke holding me up with his hands and cock and my head resting in the wet, slick pussy of Donna, spread-eagled before me, taking great pleasure from my feeble and aimless lickings, she taking my head in her hands and using my face to rub and fuck her throbbing cunt. I barely remember the end of it as I felt a gusher of searing hot semen flood my bowels and then I was over the precipice, falling helplessly in the throes of the single greatest orgasm of my life.
I awoke in the darkness, feeling myself cuddled by Zeke and Donna, my lips wrapped around her erect nipple and his semi-erect cock nestled against my tender ass cheeks. I could feel the semen running down my thighs, cool and sticky now and my mouth tasted of cunt -- licking my lips, I could taste Donna on me and the aroma of her scent hung about my face. I sighed happily, my breath making Donna sigh too, deep in her sleep. I felt loved and safe and I slipped back to sleep, content in every way.
Morning saw us once again locked together in the throes of passionate and in my case anxious fucking. Zeke took us in turn, first his wife and then me and then my wild weekend came to a close as Donna and I engaged in a tender bout of sixty-nine loving. While Donna rested and cleaned up, Zeke ran me home and I felt like the slut I had been all weekend, riding on the back of his chopper, my arms wrapped tightly around his waist as he took me back to my home town, my hair streaming wildly in the wind and my legs being shown off to best advantage in that slutty little black dress I had worn on their arrival and my cunt tingling in the soothing vibrations from between my legs.
I'm sure there were neighbors all agog as they watched Zeke pull into my driveway and witnessed me giving him a long and tender kiss. Finally, I said my goodbyes, wiping tears in my eyes and turned to walk up to the porch. I stopped when I saw Danny standing there, his arms folded across his chest, his eyes red and swollen, that pouting look of disgust he'd had the previous morning still on his face.
"Danny," I said.
He spat on the ground and pointed back along the driveway towards my old Chevy and said, "I packed up most of your shit and it's in there. I want you the hell gone, Melissa."
"Danny," I began again, hearing my voice break and I don't know what made me angrier -- hearing myself start to cry or the way my husband was reacting. "Are you sure you want to go this way?"
Danny looked at me like I was some kind of bug -- someone awful and he spat off the porch again and said, "Slut."
He turned and started to walk inside, but stopped when Zeke called out from behind me, "Hey, man." I hadn't heard Zeke dismount and come up behind me. I felt a shiver of delicious comfort when he put a hand on my shoulder. Danny turned back and looked at the two of us, his disgust now mixed with unease. Zeke said, "Melissa will be staying with us, dude. You got my email if you come to your senses."
Zeke then stepped around me and turned his back on my husband if he didn't exist. "You okay to drive?" he asked me. I nodded, still trying to process everything. Zeke smiled -- that dangerous, exciting smile of his and asked, "You think you'd be okay staying with Donna and me?"
A grin flitted across my face even as electric tingles flitted over my weary, well fucked cunt. "Oh lord, yes. I'd love it," I said.
Zeke smiled and guided me to my car, helping me in. Neither of us gave Danny another glance as we pulled out of the driveway and I followed Zeke back to the motel. Once there, Zeke quickly filled Donna in and she squealed, kissed Zeke on the mouth and then hurried to my car, climbing in on the passenger side and giving me a long kiss before informing me she would ride back with me to their home. That proved very distracting as she sat curled up next to me, her hand resting dangerously high on my upper thigh.
Now, most of those listening to my story no doubt expect an explicit account of two weeks of no-holds barred fucking, but the truth is somewhat different. Zeke worked days at a local car dealership as a mechanic and Donna had a part-time job with a local grocery and many hours passed by myself, allowing me time to think about things -- Danny, my marriage, Zeke and Donna and most of all the future.
Was there sex -- to be sure! Every night we three made love and there were a few independent moments with Zeke and Donna separately -- Donna and I spent several lovely mornings in bed alone, exploring my growing bi-sexual side. But there were also cookouts and walks and television shows and cleaning -- me insisting on helping with the chores and all the everyday stuff that makes up one's life. There were talks on the phone with Danny who was wavering, struggling with his own demons and with what was happening to our marriage.
When the first weekend came, we did cut loose -- Zeke got himself revved up and by Sunday afternoon, Donna and I were walking bowlegged and the house smelled of fucksweat, spunk and pussy. It was glorious and I reveled in losing myself in the earthshaking sex that these two inspired and provided. In the glow of some glorious afterglow of some glorious orgasms, I began to make some decisions for myself and my future.
Another week passed in much the same way, ending in a weekend of wonderful, shattering sex that wound up including some of Zeke's and Donna's friends and I loved every fucking minute of it! During the week that followed, I had some very earnest discussions with Zeke and Donna and committed to some actions that I would later look back upon and never feel a shred of regret.
It was a month after that first fateful swinging weekend that Danny asked me to come home. I was honest and told him I wasn't sure I wanted to come back, but finally, I agreed to meet him, but only if Zeke and Donna were with me. Danny conceded and we planned to meet on the following Saturday at the motel where it all began.
We arrived first and were waiting in the very same room where we'd all first met. When Danny first walked through the door, he paused, staring at us from across the room. His eyes widened as he took me in.
I was sitting on the arm of an overstuffed chair next to Zeke. Donna sat on the other arm and Zeke had his hands draped casually yet possessively on our bare thighs. Donna and I were both in matching fire engine red halter dresses -- the short hemlines barely covering our crotches and the low cut tops offering a lot of cleavage, especially in my case. The clingy, jersey cotton material left no doubts that we were braless...and aroused.
Perhaps what shocked Danny the most was my hair. At my urging, Donna had taken me to her beautician who'd done a marvelous job turning my mousy sandy colored hair into a stark, almost platinum bleach blonde color. As my husband's eyes roamed over my body, I felt pleased by his expression of shock and amazement.
Finally my husband found his voice and said, "Are you...are you ready to come home, Melissa?" His voice sounded fearful -- perhaps not sure I was going to say yes or perhaps afraid about what he was about to let back into his home.
I stood up, Zeke following behind me, Donna watching us all with frank interest. "I think I am, Danny, but there are going to be some changes...some I'm not sure you're going to like."
Danny swallowed hard, his eyes focusing uncomfortably on the possessive hand Zeke placed on my shoulder -- echoing the moment when he threw me out. "Like...what changes, honey," he said, his voice rising a little.
I smiled, surprised to suddenly find myself feeling a lot of love for him, almost regretting what I was about to say and do...almost. "I love you, Danny, but things have changed. They can't ever go back the way they are. Zeke and Donna -- they're a part of me now." I glanced over at Donna who gave me a saucy, sexy wink and then over my shoulder at Zeke who I smiled at and then nodded.
Zeke's fingers moved deftly to the string of my halter dress and undid it. Slowly, the jersey cloth fell away from my body, revealing that I had no panties on. Danny's eyes widened as he saw my vulva as smooth as the day I was born. Donna had demonstrated to me the pleasures of a bald pussy.
"That's just the least of it, Danny," I said, turning slowly into Zeke, showing my husband my ass -- the angle bringing my left ass cheek into view first, revealing the large red heart with a white banner flowing across it and the flowing blue script that declared my intentions -- that announced with no doubts that I was the "Property of Zeke." It might have been evil of me, but the pain of all those hours on my stomach in the Tattoo Parlor was worth the look on my husband's face.
As I cuddled against Zeke, my hand in his shirt, rubbing his hard chest, I said to Danny. "I love you and you are still my husband, but Zeke is my man now. I belong to him." I rose up on tiptoe and kissed Zeke on the mouth, lewdly rolling tongues with him in front of my husband. When we finished, I looked at Danny and continued, "I'll come home, but when Zeke wants me, I'm his, to do with what he wants, where he wants, whenever he wants." I paused and smirked at Danny. "You called me a whore and a slut and you're right. I'm Zeke's slut and whore."
Danny swallowed, his face so red, I thought he might have a stroke. "What the fuck are you saying?"
I started to speak, but Zeke squeezed my shoulder to spur me to silence and he answered instead. "What it means, Danny, is if I say suck my cock, she'll do it, no questions asked." Zeke grinned and glanced at me. "Suck my cock, Melissa."
Without hesitation, I went down to my knees, reaching out to tug his sweatpants down, revealing that he was going commando and that he was already magnificently erect. I wrapped a hand around his stiff dick and guided it into my mouth, looking at Danny and making sure he got a good look at what I was doing.
"What it means, man, is I'm going to fuck this hot bitch whenever I want. She's going to be just like Donna -- the best fucking slut that ever wanted to please a man." Zeke grinned and nodded and went on, "Now, you're her husband, so I'm fine with you fucking her too, so long as I'm not, but when I tell her too, she's going to fuck or suck my brains out...or if I'm so inclined, she'll happily fuck anyone I tell her to. Right, Melissa?"
I nodded with my mouth full of hard cock and mumbled something close to the word, "Yes!"
Danny's eyes went back and forth between my face full of cock and the tattoo on my asscheek. His face was no longer red, but a sickly whitish pale. I saw regret and anger and confusion in his face, but nothing else. Part of me regretted crushing him so completely, but part of me was angry that he wouldn't even put up a pretense of a fight. Just as Zeke thrust his cock deep into my throat, Danny just put his head down and walked out the door. I wish I could say I wanted to go after him, but there on my knees, pleasuring Zeke's fine, erect penis was where I wanted to be...then and forever.
I got the papers a few weeks later in the mail -- "Irreconcilable Differences. Today, Zeke and Donna and I are still together and I reckon we always will be. Lust has deepened into love over time and Zeke treats Donna and me equally as his wives. We even had an actual marriage ceremony done in Las Vegas a few years ago on vacation. Not legal of course, but we put the certificate on the living room wall anyway.
Sometimes I think of Danny and wonder how he's doing. I wished he'd been man enough to claim me or at least share me, but I have no real anger now. If he hadn't suggested us swinging to begin with, I'd never have met Zeke and Donna. Maybe it was a swingers' surprise, but as I spread my legs for Zeke's fine cock or Donna's evil tongue, I know that in the end, it was the best surprise ever.
The End