Part 02.2

What the fuck just happened?? I mean, just yesterday we were awkwardly fumbling around on her bed having lesbian sex, today she's some wanton slut devouring my cock. Yeah, it's a cock now, isn't it? Not a tiny dick. What other changes do I need to deal with here???

I stood up on shaky legs and walked over to the closet to grab some clothes and I saw my reflection in the mirror. What the-?!?!? Who the fuck that me now??? I've changed!! No fucking way! I turned back and forth to take a good look at the new me. I'm no longer 5'5", I'm at least as tall as Becca now! My strawberry blonde hair is now a deep red, very wavy, and very long. And my boobs... fuck! They're huge! From 38DD to... I gotta find a bra...WHAT? 42DDD??? Shit!

Angela warned me, but I didn't think there would be these types of changes! They had to be how Ellie envisioned herself to be. Damn, I had just gotten used to the old body, now I need to get used to this one! On a scale of 1-10 on the weirdness scale, this went to 11! Damn, even my nipples look fucking huge. I guess I should thank Ellie for not fantasizing having a cock like a horse.

Once the shock subsided, I "allowed" Ellie to pick what she'd normally wear. Lacy bra and panties, crop top that barely covered these monsters now, tight jean shorts that barely covered my ass. Oddly enough, the shorts accommodated the bulge I was now sporting and hid it fairly well.

As I heeded downstairs, I could hear mom humming as she cooked. I walked up behind her and gave her a hug. She turned around and kissed me very deeply and lustfully.

As we broke the kiss, she said, "There's my special girl. So are you feeling any better, sweetie?"

All I could is nod my head yes. What the fuck is going on here? Mom is acting like a full on slut with me. Not complaining, but...

Then a male voice from behind me startled me.

"There she is! Good morning, punkin!"

I turned around and there stood a man I've never seen before, but Ellie had. Her dad! But he's dead! How...? Oh fuck... Just how much has the timeline changed?

He asked, "So do I get a hug and kiss, too?"

I numbly stood and walked over to him and hugged him. I could almost feel Ellie crying inside of me. As I was about to break the kiss, he kissed me in the same way as mom did, but with a lot more tongue. My cock hardened and my pussy got very wet, as if this was not the first time this happened.

"So I guess your mom got to wake you properly before I could, hm?"

He laughed, a beautiful laugh actually. So. Fucking. Weird.

I finally said, "Uh, yeah. She did."

"Your mom sure knows how to suck a good cock, that's for sure. I should be jealous, but you know I'm not! You are the boss around here after all."

Wait, what? I'm the WHAT?!?

"What was that, daddy?"

Laughing, he said, "Why do you look so shocked? Look, I'm ok with it, and I have been for the past few years. I can't compete with you at all, so it's all good. I'm just glad you allow me in on the fun."

Holy shit, Ellie's dad is completely cuckolded! Holy plot twist, Batman!

Then the wave hit me. I stumbled back a bit, as if I was enveloped by pure energy. I stumbled slightly, grabbing the kitchen table to balance me. Mom and dad both rushed to me to make sure I was fine. I sat down and I felt very weak for some reason. Mom and dad were asking me something, but I couldn't quite understand it, so I was looking at them blankly.

But as quickly as it hit me, it disappeared just as quickly. I shook my head to clear it and then I got hit by a huge amount of memories from Ellie. But these weren't just the original Ellie memories, these were also memories of the new timeline that was created. Too much info all at once and I was being overwhelmed. I think I screamed before I passed out.

When I awoke, I saw two very relieved, yet worried, faces looking down at me. Mom and... dad? Oh yeah, that's right, dad. Oh, hey, how did I get on the couch...?

Mom asked, "Sweetie, are you ok? You scared us so much!"

I nodded my head yes and said, "Yeah, I... I'm fine. I guess I got light headed or something."

Dad said, "You screamed out. Something about 'too much' and then you passed out. We carried you out here to the sofa. Are you sure you're fine? I was about to call 911..."

I said, "No! It's ok. Let me sit up."

They helped me and they sat on either side of me. Mom brushed my hair to the side to look at me.

"Are you sure you're fine, sweetie? Is there anything we can do for you?"

I then got a flash of a memory from the new timeline (damn, this is fucking confusing) and I knew what needed to be done then. Even though I had just passed out, I felt this extreme need to do this, this is what is now normal.

I said, "Yes, strip. I need to fuck you."

There were no protest, no questions asked, she did it quickly.

I removed my shorts and panties and my new cock was standing straight up. Dad took hold of my cock as mom got ready to straddle me and he guided my cock into her. Like Angela, she plopped right down on to it. She knew what she was doing then. She began to ride me hard, like she couldn't get enough. I slid down a bit to be more comfortable, spreading my legs a bit, exposing my wet pussy. Dad just sat back and watched. He had pulled out his dick to masturbate as he watched. Hm, he is smaller than me, but he is bigger than average. By pure instinct, I slapped mom's ass hard and she squealed and came hard, drenching my cock.

I then stopped her and said, "I need your ass now, mom slut."

Mom slut? Ok, yeah, it works!

She got up, turned around, and got into position. She lowered her ass and I guided my cock into her. Obviously, in this timeline, she'd been fucked many times in the ass by this cock. As I slid all the way in, I could hear her moaning loudly. She then began to bounce up and down on me. I was amazed as I watched my cock get buried deep into her.

After a few minutes of this, I knew I was close. I had her get off and to get to her knees. I took hold of my cock and began to stroke it. I heard dad cumming as I did I was stroking off. Mom was extremely eager for my cum and she took my cock in her mouth to help. I didn't stop pumping my hand as my cock head was being licked and sucked. It didn't take long for me to cum then and I exploded into her mouth. This time she couldn't catch it all and it sprayed out, covering her face as well. Holy fuck, just how much do I cum now??

I leaned back into the couch, trying to collect myself. I then tried to figure out why I had to do what I just did and another small wave of memories flooded in, this time it wasn't as overwhelming.

"Punkin? You ok?"

I opened my eyes and saw dad looking at me with a very concerned look.

I said, "Uh, yeah, still feeling the effects of whatever hit me in the kitchen. Mom doing her thing helped though."

Slyly smiling, he said, "She is quite good at it, isn't she..?"

Mom walked back into the living room, apparently she left when I had my eyes closed. She was cleaned off now too.

She plopped down next to me and asked, "Feeling better now? I remember how much pain you went through for years, but I'm so glad I was able to help. I thought you were all past that now."

"I'm fine, mom. I think I just got dizzy, this was nothing like that kind of pain from years ago."

Except for the fucking headache I have right now with all these memories acting like a battering ram on my psyche!

Dad patted my knee and then said, "As much as I would love to continue the fun with you, I think I need to get going here. I need to head into the office and get that report out. You two have fun today!"

He kissed us both, me on the cheek and mom on the mouth, and left us.

Mom said, "Are you up for eating breakfast, sweetie? I made your favorite, ham and swiss cheese omelet with home fries."

Say what? More timeline changes? That's really my favorite.. or rather it was when I was Roger. Man, this is going to be tough figuring all this out. It was bad enough when I only had to figure things out once, but now I feel like I'm trying to figure out 4 different lives. Fuck.

I followed mom into the kitchen and took a seat. She placed a plate in front me and the portions were massive. I guess this new body requires more food. Regardless, I devoured what was in front of me and I was extremely happy. She's a damn good cook!

Mom took my plate and started doing dishes. (Nice! No more dishes for me to wash!) I excused myself and went up to my bedroom and my phone was chiming away. It was Becca wondering if I was feeling better and if I wanted to come over to use the pool. Pool? They have a pool now? Y'know, getting ALL the memories would be nice, whomever is fucking with me!

I told her I'd be over in an hour or so. I got back a ton of cutesy emojis expressing her happiness.

I collapsed on my bed wondering just what the fuck I was going to do now. As I laid there, I could tell I was getting more memories of the new timeline. It wasn't as invasive as before, but they were coming regardless. Might as well close my eyes, relax, and let it happen.

Here are some of the memories I was getting from Ellie's/my new life: My "special condition" wasn't entirely noticeable most of my life. When I turned twelve, puberty hit and it hit me hard. Over that summer I grew 6 inches in height and the cock began to grow out as well. It had been just a little nub above my pussy that no one really paid attention to. Within a year it was fully formed and very functional, though small. Doctors declared I was perfectly healthy even though they were mystified as to why it was happening. They wanted to do all sorts of research and tests on me, but mom and dad said no way. As long as I was healthy, they were happy.

As I continued to grow, so did my cock and balls. I could actually remember the pain I went through as it grew! When I started growing my cock, I spent quite a bit of time going to the doctor, which changed dad's schedule. Because of that, he wasn't in that specific place and time that caused his death in the previous timeline. As I grew, I naturally became more and more dominant and dad and mom started to submit, it didn't happened slowly over time. It's not a BDSM type of situation, it's more of a wanton desire for them to submit and please. Both of them seem to be addicted to my cock and cum. (Something I need to remember to ask Angela about.) During those years that mom eased my pain with massages, et al, it grew into a sexual relationship. She got addicted to its size and with how much cum I produced. It seemed that I always came in gallons (might be a slight exaggeration), but thankfully I didn't create any sperm, so no chance of me getting her or any woman pregnant. 2 years ago it reached the length and size it is right now. When I turned 18, I did eventually allow the doctors to take cell samples and blood to see why I am so unique. (Hey, I'll give you a hint: it's magic!)

Becca is openly my girlfriend and it seems everyone in the world knows that I'm futanari. HUGE media blast about it for a couple of years, but now everyone has moved on with their lives, with only the occasional request for an interview. I had no desire in doing the whole social media, "hey look at me!" crap that many Gen Z kids seem to love to do because I valued my privacy. Since I hit 18, I've had numerous offers to do pornos, but turned them all down.

Holy fuck, what a lot to absorb there. The Ellie in this timeline is pretty much the same emotionally, though the dominance she has over her parents is new. So fucking glad I'm not going to have to show off my ass and cock on social media to elicit likes, but she is a foodie and posts tons of those types of pics. (It would have been great to have all of those memories earlier!) And this is where we're at right now...

My phone chirped again and it was Becca wondering where I was at. I looked at the clock and I saw I had been laying down for about an hour. I said I'd be right over. I looked to see what Ellie wore for a swimsuit and noticed she had a variety of bikinis and that was it. I grabbed the one that "felt" right and headed over.

I was a little shocked by what I saw when I got to Becca's, things had changed. I know there was now a pool, but the house looked different somehow (couldn't quite put my finger on it). I rang the bell and Becca answered and she was now a bit shorter than me! Weird. She ran up and grabbed me in a bear hug and then kissed me deeply.

She said, "Mmm, hello, lover! How is my favorite futa girl today?"

I smiled and said, "You have other futa girls you're involved with?"

She playfully punched me in the shoulder and said, "Doofus, you know what I meant!"

"Heh, yeah, I did. And I'm ok I guess. Just feeling weird today."

Her look turned to concern and said, "More growth pains like the last few years or something else?"

"Just a headache. I kinda feel off, I can't really explain it."

She pulled me in for a hug and softly stroked my hair. She whispered, "My poor girl. How may I take care of you today?"

Ow. Another memory. What the fuck..? Becca AND her mom are sub to me too? Wait, her dad is dead?? Oh shit.

I pulled back a bit, but kept holding her, and said, "Baby, I just need to relax, chill in the pool, and do absolutely nothing today."

She kissed me and said, "Done! C'mon, mom's eager to see you, let's get out to the pool! You can change out there."

As I walked through the house and I started to notice the differences. Same layout, just slightly different furniture and different wall colors. Obviously her mother's touch with Lucas being dead. Amazing how one little change to one person can change any things. That's the something effect... BUTTERFLY, that's it! The Butterfly Effect. Now I'm the lucky one to see it in action. I may never get used to this. I think I may need to do some research on this.

When we got to the pool, I saw Joy. Wow! She was cute before, but now she's a fucking MILF! Previously she was more of the motherly type, cute but not what you would call overtly sexy. This was a very sexy woman! She obviously works out a lot and it looks like she's doing power lifting based on the very defined muscles she's sporting. Hot damn, she's fucking stacked.

Joy saw me and said, "Ellie! I am so glad you decided to come over, we've really missed you."

"I've missed you two, too. You're really looking fucking hot today, Joy."

"It's all for you, Ellie!"

I heard Becca giggle when her mom said that and she said, "Mom's just horny for your cock, you know that. I don't know who the bigger slut is around you. Me, mom, or your mom."

Without thinking about it, I said, "It depends on who I'm fucking."

Huh?!? Where the fuck did that come from..?

I continued, "It does look like Joy needs a good fucking right now, don't you think, Becca?"

"Mmm, I think so. I think I need my pussy eaten too. Would you mind if she did that?"

"I can't say no to you. Joy assume the position. I'm taking you from behind and you need to make Becca happy, too."

Without a word, she took off her suit and got on to her hands and knees on the lounger. I could see that she was already soaking wet and eager to please. Becca and I stripped and went over to her. I saw Becca position herself on the lounge chair and Joy buried her face into Becca's pussy. My new memories "told" me what Joy loved most of all. So I aimed my cock for her pussy and I slammed on in as hard as I could. This is a woman who wanted to be pounded as hard as I could give it to her.

I heard her gasp as I went in balls deep. I then set the pace and began to ram into her. The slapping sound that was being created was loud and it fucking turned me on. I was so lost in my own lust, I had forgotten about Becca until I heard her screaming her orgasm. That aroused me even more and I could tell I wasn't going to last long, but I had no intention of holding anything back. I kept feeling Joy's pussy clamping down on my cock every time she came, it was a feeling that just cannot be explained. This woman had the most amazing pussy I've ever felt! She must exercise those muscles, too!

As I got closer to cumming, I began fucking her even harder, and she kept screaming for more. With one hard, deep thrust, I unloaded in her. I've never cum this hard in my life (in either life!) and I could tell her pussy couldn't handle how much I was pumping into her. I felt it gushing out as I my balls emptied.

When I was finally done, I pulled out and I left a gaping hole when my cock had been. Streams of cum came pouring out. I sat down on the lounge chair next to us to try to catch my breath. Without being told, Becca was on her knees cleaning my cock off with her mouth. I saw Joy essentially flop down on to the lounge chair face first after being fucked senseless.

I repositioned myself and laid down on the lounger and Becca moved with me to finish her duties. This was not the first time we three had done this, I just remembered it. What I was surprised at is how my cock began to stiffen again. My God, my refractory period is incredible!! I've already cum four times today and it's barely even 1:00! Of course, Becca's mouth was a wonder and she started to finger my pussy at the same time. I didn't know what felt better at that point: her mouth on my cock or her fingers in my pussy. Becca knew what she wanted and moved down to eat me out. FUCK! Her tongue is amazing!! I reached down and pulled her face into me and she eagerly accepted it. I then felt her clamp down on my clit and that pushed me over the edge. I let loose a torrent of cum as I squirted all over her. I let her loose and she rose up for me to see. Her face was a wonderful glistening mess.

I said, "Fuck, baby, you and your mom are going to drain me completely here. I need water."

Becca reached down and grabbed a bottle and handed it to me. Definitely not our first rodeo.

As I gulped it down, she said, "It looks like you're still ready to go..."

I looked down and I could see my cock was still hard, but I knew I couldn't. I tried to focus on getting it soft, but to no avail. I finally said fuck it. I should know by now this cock wants what it wants.

"Becca, hop on and let's fill you up now."

She clapped her hands with glee and did as instructed. She got into position and I felt her lower herself slowly on to me. Unlike Joy, she needed a bit of time to accept my girth. But once there, she started bouncing. She leaned down to kiss me, her hands were playing with my boobs. My nipples were incredibly sensitive and the sensations of that as well as her taking my cock the way she did was almost too much for me to handle. She and I fucked for about 10 minutes and I started to get close to cumming again. How the hell do I have any cum left to give??

Becca could tell I was close based on how I was looking and I felt her increase her efforts. I grabbed her by the hips and got her at the pace I wanted. When I was about to cum, I pulled her down hard and held her there. I lifted up my hips and filled her up as I did with her mother. And, like with her mother, it came gushing out because of the volume I was producing. How the hell can I keep cumming this much??

We laid there for a moment or two with Becca on top of me, trying to catch our breath. Finally, an exhausted Becca rolled off and laid down next to me on the lounger. I looked down to see that my cock thankfully softened. I don't think I could handle any more fucking today.

All three of us laid there and soaked up the sun as we recovered. Eventually we got into the pool, sans suits, and enjoyed splashing around and having fun. After a couple of hours I had to get home and rest. Having sex 7 times in less than 12 hours and then swimming, I was badly in need of a long nap!

Back in my room I stripped completely and flopped down on to my bed. I immediately fell asleep. Ah yesssss...

What the fuck? What the hell is that Goddamn light? Turn it off, you fuckers!! Aaargh!

I slowly opened my eyes quite reluctantly and saw the room bathed in red light. What the hell...?

Suddenly I heard a voice, "Oh, goody, you're awake. I thought you were going to sleep the rest of the day, and that would not do. No indeed."

I looked up and there stood a woman at the foot of my bed that I've never seen before, but she oddly felt familiar. She was quite petite, wearing a black dress that was extremely short and form fitting that showed off a nice hourglass shape. She had very long straight blonde hair that went well beyond her shoulders, deep blue eyes that she accented with purple eye shadow, and thin lips with black lip gloss.

I asked, "Who..?"

"Tut. No questions. Not yet. We do need to talk. Me first."


"I said, no questions. Did cumming as much as you did today take away brain cells, too? Or are just an idiot?"

That woke me up!

"HEY! Fuck you, bitch! I don't know who you are, but..."

"You don't know? Let me guess, you weren't told. Oh, this is delicious. Abso-fucking-lutely delicious!"

"Well, I'm glad you're pleased, so why don't you fucking clue me in."

"Tsk. Bad manners. Need to work on that, Ellie, or do you prefer Roger? No, you're an Ellie now, but with a Roger appendage. Whatever. Anyway, it's obvious no one said a thing to you. Disappointing."

I sat up fully in bed as a wave of fear swept over me.

"Typical. The bureaucracy up there is truly hideous. I'll need to put that in my report. But I get ahead of myself here. I'm Piper. Yes, as in 'time to pay the'. I'm replacing Angela. She did her duty and she's gone. Her failures with you were too much to forgive, for which she'll need to deal with for the next millennia or so. Yes, yes, yes, she did the whole 'fucking you for to make things right' thing, but she utterly had no choice in that matter. Everything that led up to that was, quite truthfully, unforgiveable."

Say what now? No Angela? Piper? Oh fuck me...

"Oh I'll fuck you eventually, don't you worry about that! It's in my job description! And, yes, based on the dumb look on your face, I can read your mind. Something Angela preferred not to do, but I love doing it. Now you may ask one question."



"Tsk. Temper, temper. Anyway I thought it was quite obvious: I'm your new, shall we say, case worker. Angela has been kicked to the curb, I've been brought in to make sure you remain under control for the foreseeable future. Having sex 5 times in a day, after twice with Angela and one masturbation, is not quite being under control, but I suppose it wasn't too unexpected. Oh, may I sit? That was rhetorical, I'm sitting anyway. I don't need your permission. This is how it's going to go with you and me, so listen closely, futa girl, because I'm only going to say this once."

Next page: Part 03.1
Previous page: Part 02.1