Part 03.2

She dug into my clit very hard and nibbled on it and that's all it took. I let out a loud scream as I came and I flooded her mouth. I loosened my grip on her so she wouldn't drown, but she kept lapping up my juices and I kept squirting. When I was finally done cumming, she lifted up her face so I could see her and she was a wet mess. I guess I came so hard I even got her hair wet. Without missing a beat, she rubbed even more of my pussy cum on her face and then, using her hands, slicked her hair back with it. Fucking kinky girl. She kissed the tip of my cock and climbed back up to be next to me on the bed. I barely noticed the anklet being warm..

"MMmmmm, Ellie, that will never ever get old for me. I don't know what tastes better with you: pussy cum or dick cum."

"Does it matter? Either way, you get to taste it, right?"

She laughed and said, "True. I'm a damn lucky woman."

I closed my eyes and relaxed totally and said, "So am I, babe, so am I. You've been my best friend since we were 6. I wouldn't want anyone else in my life like this."

I felt her shift a bit and she then said, "Me either, Ellie. Give me a sec, be right back."

I didn't open my eyes, but I could tell she got out of bed. I heard clothes being moved around and then she plopped back on to the bed next to me.

"Ellie? Open your eyes please."

I slowly did as she asked and I could see her kneeling next to me in all her wondrous nakedness. In her hand she held a small box. I looked at her, she was smiling very nervously. It suddenly dawned on me what was about to happen.


"Shh. Please. Let me be the one in control for just a minute. "

She opened the box and revealed a small diamond ring.

She took it out and said, "I love you. I have always loved you. First as my best friend and then as my girlfriend. I cannot think of anyone else I'd want to spend the rest of my life with! Will you marry me?"

I sat up and tried to gather my thoughts. Fuck. I was not expecting this! Hell, when I was Roger and got married, we went to Vegas to do the dirty deed. But this is... wow. I can almost feel Ellie in me screaming what she wanted me to say.

I said in a shaky voice, "Oh my God... Seriously? YES!!!! Yes, yes, yes!!!"

We squealed as Becca jumped and leaned over to hug, but we fell back down on to the bed laughing. She kissed me deeply and I pulled her in closely.

As we broke the kiss, I said, "So, when do I get to try on my ring?"

She sat up quickly and said, "Omigosh! The ring!"

She grabbed the box, pulled out the ring and placed in on my finger. I admired it and it was gorgeous. It was small setting, but it was mine. Then the red sheen hit.

"Are you crazy or just addle-brained?"

I turned and saw Piper looking very unhappy. I looked back to say something to Becca, but she was frozen in place.

I said, "Bitch, what the fuck?!"

"Tsk. Temper. You cannot get married. That's not in the plans."

"Plans?? What plans? And what the hell did you do to Becca??"

"Her? She's fine. Just not with us as we talk in this zone."

"Unfreeze her. NOW."


"Bitch, I said, unfreeze her!"

Before she knew what was happening, I was on my feet. I reared back and put everything I could into punch that connected solidly in her mouth, which sent her flying across the room.

I walked over to her, grabbed her by her black tunic and lifted her up off the ground and slammed her against the wall.

"I said, UNFREEZE HER, bitch. Do it NOW or I'll find out just how strong I am by trying to rip you apart, starting with your arms!!"

As a bit of dark blood dribbled down her chin from her mouth, she smiled at me and said, "My my my.... Futa girl realized she really does have balls. You know I could end you with just a snap of the fingers. And I...ERK!"

I grabbed her by the neck with my left hand and slammed her against the wall again, choking her.

"Then fucking do it. I'm guessing you can't, otherwise you would have done it by now instead of trying to monologue again. So either you have orders not to or you just fucking can't."

She tapped my arm to get me to release my grip and so she could talk. I let her go and she crumpled to the ground in a heap.

Taking in a deep breaths, she looked up and me and said, "Aren't you...cough...the clever one. You're correct, I could, but I do have my orders. However, that doesn't mean I can't hurt you."

Her eyes glowed and so did the anklet. The pain coursed through my body and it was nothing like I had ever felt before. I wanted to scream, but I wasn't going to let this bitch win. Even though I was wracked with pain, I did all I could to block it. I slammed my foot into her, connecting solidly with her ribs. The pain stopped when she doubled over. Enough of this shit. I grabbed her long hair, wrapped it around my hand, and lifted her. I have no idea how I knew I was this strong, but I was going to make use of it.

Kicking and screaming as I held her by the hair, she said, "LET ME GO, YOU FUCKING RED-HAIRED FUTA APE!!"

"Tsk. Language."

As I held her by her up with one hand, I used the other hand to slap her across the face. Once, twice, three times. The third time drew blood from her nose.

I said, calmly, "I've had enough of you, of Heaven, of the fucking Ancients making decisions that affect my soul and Ellie's, AND everyone in Ellie's life. Now we're going to have a fucking talk, calmly, and you're going to behave or you'll leave her balder than Vin Diesel, got it?"

She muttered something I couldn't hear.

"What was that?"

"I said, fine. Now put me down."

"The magic word?"

"Oh you cannot be serious. Oh for.... Please."

I released her hair and she landed with a thud. She looked up at me with evil intent, but she knew that she had lost this fight since I was no longer scared of her.

She stood up, brushed off some imaginary dust, and said, "All right. I hope we won't have any more unpleasantness."

I shrugged and said, "That's up to you, but I want answers and I want them now, but first unfreeze Becca. It's time she knew."

Piper looked at me, raised an eyebrow, and then said, "Knew what exactly...?"

I was going to say "everything", but I realized then that she'd completely freak out when I told her about me having been Roger, Heaven/purgatory, the soul merger, and the timeline changes. Fuck. I can't do that to her. I love her. Why is this so fucking complicated?

"Fine. I won't say anything, but you need to go. When I'm ready to talk, I'll call you. And, YES, you're at my fucking beck and call now. Angela inferred that before you did whatever you did to her, so I know you're tethered in the same way. Face it, Piper, this red-haired futa girl just made you her bitch."

Though it was very brief, her face showed me that what I said was true, but she quickly reverted back to ice queen mode.

"Tsk. I'm no one's bitch, but I'll grant you this one thing. When I leave, she won't know anything happened, but you'll need to be back where you were when I appeared."

Getting back on the bed, in what I hoped was the correct position, Piper left and the sheen was gone.

"So??? Do you love it, Ellie??"

I smiled and nodded my head enthusiastically and said, "YES! And I love you!"

We kissed deeply, but my thoughts were still on what just happened with Piper. That bitch owed me answers.

After kissing and making out for a short time, we decided we needed to tell our parents the news. As I figured, all three of them were in mom and dad's room. It was quiet, so we burst in, only to see all three of them cuddled up with big smiles on their faces with the room smelling of sex.

When I showed mom the ring she leapt into my arms and started crying. Joy hugged Becca and told her how proud she was of her. And dad... well, he kind of stayed back, letting the us girls enjoy the moment, but he was beaming.

Eventually the talk turned to making plans for the wedding, what date, etc. That went on for quite some time, but Becca and I headed back to my room to get some badly needed sleep after awhile, while we left our parents to have some more fun.

Back in bed with Becca, she said, "I want you to come with me to Stanford. Move in with me. You know mom bought me a small studio condo there, so why not?"

"I don't want to distract you from your studies."

"Ellie, you being here in Illinois would be distracting. I'd be missing you like crazy, you know that."

"I'd be missing you, too, but let's talk about this in the morning, ok?"

Looking slightly disappointed, Becca said, "Ok, but I'm not going to stop asking."

Kissing her softly, I said, "I wouldn't expect you to, baby."

We snuggled up with one another and within moments we were asleep.

An indeterminate time later, a very bright white light woke me up. Fuck, now what?

I peeled open my eyelids and there stood the Crone with her arms crossed and not looking very happy. The room was bathed in white sheen.

"C'mon, c'mon, wakey wakey eggs and bakey."

I sat up and I just could not believe it. I had enough of this shit. I'm tired of having my sleep disturbed by these fucking assholes.

"You know I can read your..."

"Fuck off. I know. What the fuck do you want? You kick Piper to the curb like she did to Angela?"

The look she gave me a look that would have chilled me to the bone a few a days ago, but not now. I was done playing their games.

She said, "No, Piper is still tethered to you, but I was brought in to, well, open your eyes to what's going on."

"Great. Wonderful. I'd really love to know everything. But couldn't you fucking let me get a full 8 hours of sleep first??? Fuck."

"Hm. Yeah. You still need to sleep. I don't, so I don't pay attention to any of that."

"Whatever, prune, just tell me so I can get back to sleep."

"Piper was right, you are a feisty one. Just don't make the mistake that I'm as forgiving as Piper. You push me too far and you will regret it."

"No I won't. I don't know exactly what's going on, but I know enough that you won't do shit. Smack me around a little maybe, some scary threats probably, and giving me that death stare definitely, but other than that you won't do a damn thing. Something is up and I don't like it. I'm being used. My family... Ellie's family... is being used. You need me for something. This change in me, while a deep fantasy of Ellie's, is not as fucking cut and dried as you want me to think it is. And this damn anklet.... So you're either here to intimidate into forgetting about it, which won't work, or you're going to actually fucking talk to me and give me explanations."

She tried to hide it, but she couldn't. Definitely not a good poker face. I hit the nail square on the head.

She paced a bit, looking like she just bit into a pile of shit while trying to collect her thoughts. She topped and then sat down on the bed next to me. For some reason, she now looked a bit different. Like the she was actually revealing her true self to me. She looked almost... angelic.

She said, "All right, you deserve the truth. You won't like it, but you've sussed some of it out and there's obviously no way you're going to stop making things difficult for us. So here it is: The switch wasn't entirely an accident. Yes, you were reaped too soon, that's the truth, but when I discovered who you were, what your soul was capable of doing when combined with Ellie's soul, who was very much on our radar, I made the decision to place you here."


"Hush. Let me finish. This will take awhile."

I begrudgingly let her speak without interruption and this is what she told me:

"We're in trouble. And by 'we', I mean the universe. All of the universes actually. Call it what you will, 'the great darkness' or 'the coming of Evil' or whatever end of the universe title you want to use, but there's 'something' trying to eradicate what's known and replace it with a version of themselves. So far they've succeeded in a few universes, but not as many they could've gotten. They need more power if they want it all. They're strong enough to stay hidden from the Ancients, but not strong enough to push through to their final goal. That final goal is this universe, the Prime universe. This is the most difficult one to get, but if they get this one, they all fall. They decided to go for the gold, so to speak, and take it all at once.

"We know this being has tried to break through the Holy barriers to gather more magical power, but they've failed at nearly every turn. They did break through one small barrier in a minor universe. That was enough to increase their power significantly, but not enough to give them the power to finish what they're attempting to do. Breaking through that one insignificant barrier is what warned the Ancients that the threat was truly serious. Until then they were ignoring what was going on, thinking they were safe. That barrier being broken through was enough to actually scare the Ancients. And if they're scared, you better damn well better be fucking scared, too!

"That's where you come in. Once in a millennia there are some souls who are capable of achieving far greater things than you can imagine. You and Ellie for example. Apart you're damn special in the ethereal plane, together you're one of the most powerful beings in any universe. Honestly, you should not have remembered when you merged with Ellie, but for some reason you did. That threw things into a bit of a tizzy, but Angela did what she could. The intent was for your two souls to slowly build up the power needed for facing this Evil, but then you got all busy with your mother which made the magic almost uncontrollable. Incest sex is far more powerful than you realize. We needed to get things under control and quickly, so we sent Angela back to have sex with you in order to infuse you with the full amount of magic they wanted to build up slowly. If you hadn't gotten so sexually active the way you did, the Ancients would not have been forced to move faster than they would have liked. It was a dangerous move.

"You turning all futa was somewhat of an unexpected side effect. While there was an infinitesimal chance of it occurring, they felt the possibility of it happening was EXTREMELY unlikely. At best, the chances of it happening were one in centillion to the tenth power. We told Angela a lie, for which she passed on to you, just in case it did happen. The Ancients were leaving nothing to chance. So, no, it wasn't anything as idiotic Ellie's fantasy and your wish combining, but those thoughts made the lie even more effective. When you did change and you were unconscious, I informed Angela as to what to do then. To be perfectly honest, no one knows exactly WHY you turned futa or why it affected the timeline and, as I mentioned before, the Ancients do NOT like not knowing. Though there is a whisper of it happening once before to another being in some remote universe. Not even the Ancients know for sure.

"Anyway, moving on, this is why Angela was removed and Piper was brought in. To put in layman's terms, she's the best of the best of the best. And the fact that you tossed her around like a ragdoll showed us how powerful the magic within you truly is. Granted, if she hadn't been given orders to not injure you, she would have probably killed you. BUT, even though she held back, you caused more physical damage to her than anyone has done in centuries. You drew blood. Not once, but twice. In the multitude of centuries that she's been around, only one being has ever drawn blood from her, and that was with great difficulty. By doing that, she knew to back off and she knew to contact me.

"As for you, I hate saying this, but we need you. Your merged souls now possess more than enough power for this Evil to do what they need to do. You're the bait, but coming after you is risky. They work in the shadows, in the in-betweens, in the just slightly out of phase with reality realm. They'd need to fully enter this realm in physical form to take you and the power you possess. Doing so makes them extremely vulnerable. They just cannot 'pop in and pop out' in an instant. To do what they to do in order to possess your power, that will take time. A lot of time. Time that the Ancients can use to end this Evil presence and make the universes safe. If they fail, you die, we die, everyone dies. Souls are eradicated to be replaced by unnatural things.

"So, to summarize, you were reaped too soon, we took your soul and merged you with Ellie, the Ancients infused you with a massive amount of magic, and you're set you up as bait to capture a universe killing being. And before you piss and moan, this falls under the category of the needs of the many, blah, blah, blah. So that's it."

Holy. Fuck.

"I'm bait. I'm fucking bait."

The Crone just nodded slowly.

Anger swelled up inside me and I lashed out with slapping the Crone across the face. Or I would've, if she hadn't ducked. The damn old bitch can really move.

"Stop it, we don't have time for your impetuous nature. I know you're angry, you deserve to be angry, but what's done is done. Like it or not, you're our last hope."

Great, now I'm Obi Wan-Kenobi. I sat there and seethed, trying to collect myself. I cannot fucking believe this.

Finally I said, "What a fucking dumpster fire this is. These Ancients, for all-powerful, all-knowing beings, they sure know how to royally fuck everything up. No wonder humanity is the way it is. So what the fuck happens now?"

She shrugged her shoulders and said, "No idea."

"Wait, what? No idea??? How the fuck can you sit there and say, 'no idea'?"

"It's actually quite easy..."

"It was fucking rhetorical, you bitch!"

Sighing deeply, she said, "I under the frustration, but this is why the Ancients are scared. They don't know, ergo I don't know, ergo I have no further answers to give you."

I was about to scream at her again, but then recalled something.

"Wait, you said I'm bait, so you need to draw this.... whatever... to me, so you made me all magical and shit, so why is Piper doing all she can to make sure I can't be seen magically?"

"She isn't. She's telling you what not to do, knowing full well you'll do the complete opposite. Best of the best... remember? She's been purposely pissing you off to build up your strength. The real purpose of that anklet is not only to control your magic, but it'll protect you just long enough for the Ancients to act when the bait... well, you... gets taken."

I couldn't even come up with a witty retort to that. I was so played like a violin. I gotta give the bitch credit, she done good.

The Crone stood up and said, "Now you know. And you also know what we don't know. I realize this is probably the last thing you'd ever do, but trust us in that we're going to protect you and your family as best as we can. Someone is always watching. You have a major part to play in all of this and, if it goes well, you will have helped to save more souls than you could ever imagine."

Now I felt like the bitch. I wasn't expecting something so semi-heartfelt from the Crone, but she was right. I didn't ask for this, but I need to see it through. Fuck.

I said, "Fine. But I'm warning you: If anything happens to anyone I love, I'll let this.... Evil just take me and the power you gave me out of fucking spite. Let the universes burn for all I care then. I didn't ask for any of this, but I don't have a fucking choice now, do I? I'll be your Goddamn bait and, if I survive, I don't want to see any of you holy bitches again."

The Crone nodded slowly and then poof. The bright white was gone, to replaced by the dark of night. I looked over to see Becca asleep, softly snoring in her sweet little way. I reached over and softly stroked her hair as to not disturb her. She muttered something that was unintelligible, but kept sleeping. Completely oblivious to the danger around us. I envied her.

I kissed her forehead and whispered, softly, "I love you and I promise I will keep you safe no matter what it takes."

I laid down and tried to process everything that was told to me. I felt like a fucking idiot in thinking that I was the one to blame about my new appearance. Eventually the anger subsided enough for me to fall asleep, but I still had fitful dreams.

Days pass....

4th of July weekend is here! It's always a huge party for us, even more so the past few years. Joy has it at her place because of the pool and dad takes over the cooking on the grill. Mom, Becca, and I tend to be the "support staff" for this little shindig. It's exactly what I've been needing. Despite the party planning, I've been a mess since my conversation with the Crone. It doesn't help that Piper has been a fucking pain in my ass as well since the night I kicked her around, though she's been a little less abrasive. Well, less abrasive for her, that is. I so need this distraction right now. The sex with everyone just isn't helping me to forget how much fucking trouble I'm in here. And I'm getting tired of the anklet and its pain causing effects, but I've learned to basically ignore it. I just want this shit done so I can live my life without looking over my shoulder all the time.

After our bellies have been filled with numerous grilled meats and veggies, we grabbed some lawn chairs and laid a blanket in the front lawn to watch the fireworks going off in the park down the street. Joy and dad opted for the chairs, while Becca and mom were on a blanket with me and they felt very good next to me. Mom was lazily running her hand on my exposed belly, I don't think she even realized she was doing it. Becca noticed and she smiled.

Becca whispered, "I think your mom is horny. I know I am."

She kissed me softly on the cheek and joined my mom in running her hand on me. What they were doing was beginning to drive me crazy with desire. As my sexual urges increased, I could feel the anklet warming up. Mom leaned up a bit and kissed me deeply on the lips, deepening my desires. Becca, followed mom and kissed me just as deeply. At this point I knew it was futile to resist their charms and got up.

"C'mon, you two, let's get in the house. I don't want to miss the fireworks, so let's hurry!"

They got up quickly and followed me into the house and into Becca's bedroom. Once there I told them to strip and they did so without a word.

I said, "Since you two are so fucking hot right now, I want a show. Get on the bed and 69 for me."

They smiled lasciviously at my order. Becca jumped on the bed, telling mom to get on top. Mom positioned herself and lowered her ass to Becca's face. Knowing Becca, I knew exactly what was about to happen. Mom's pussy, as well as her ass, was about to be invaded by Becca's incredibly talented tongue.

Before mom could get her head between Becca's legs, I saw her arch up as Becca dove in. Mom moaned very loudly at what was happening to her from my fiancée. She then spread Becca's legs and returned the favor. Becca squealed as mom started eating her out. I sat down to enjoy the show after I undressed. I began to slowly stroke my cock as I watched the 2 women I love the most in the world eat each other out for my pleasure.

I watched for a good 15 minutes as they got each other to climax quite a few times. I decided after about the 6th or 7th orgasm mom had that it was time for me to finally get some pussy myself. I got up and walked to the front of the bed and I could see mom's gorgeous ass bobbing a bit as Becca continued to work her tongue into her. Sensing me standing there, Becca opened her eyes and she grinned when she realized what I was about to do.

I grabbed mom's ass with one hand to steady her slightly and I used my other hand to guide my cock into her hot and ready pussy. I wasn't rough as I entered, but I didn't go slow. As I pushed all the way in, I heard her squeal out in pleasure and she came almost immediately. Even as I fucked her, Becca wasn't done with working on mom's clit, which kept mom cumming. I fucked mom with slow and steady strokes because I didn't want to hit Becca too hard with my swinging balls. The sensation of Becca working mom and me fucking her was pushing my mom over the edge. She doesn't squirt often, but I know the signs and she was extremely close.

"Hold tight, Becca, I'm about to really start banging mom now."

Becca gave a thumbs up and I increased my speed. I felt my balls really hitting Becca hard now and I could swear I heard her moan as I did it. The harder I fucked mom, the more she was screaming and begging for more. I knew what would definitely push her over, so I slipped a thumb into her ass. That did it. She exploded and I could feel her squirting, Becca was getting drenched in pussy juice. That pushed me over the edge as well and I came with incredible force into mom. My cum and mom's own juices were now spraying all over Becca's face. I saw Becca buck and I knew she was having a massive orgasm because of all of this. With a couple of more thrusts into mom, I knew I was spent and pulled out, with my dick slapping Becca on the face. I heard her giggle when.

All of a sudden it hit me. The anklet was pulsating and then burning me. Really burning. This time I couldn't ignore it. Before I could say or do anything, I felt something slam into me and my body felt like it was on fire, just as it did when I first put on the anklet. I staggered and fell to the floor on to my ass. I tried to get up, but my body wouldn't cooperate. Becca saw this and literally pushed mom off of her and climbed off the bed quickly to get to me.

I think I heard Becca screaming my name, but then the darkness took me.
Next page: Part 04.1
Previous page: Part 03.1