Chapter 02

The next thing I knew was a feeling of intense pressure, and I heard the sounds of pouring water and faint screams. Blinking and glancing around, I saw my mom and Mia were both unconscious, blood streaming down my mom’s face. Olivia was pulling herself from the other side of her seat, where she had been thrown, the cord connecting us all, tangling her legs.

Glancing up and down the cabin, I saw the black of night was gone. At every place, windows buckled under the pressure of water as the plane began to sink. A loud tearing sound started near the middle of the aircraft. Then screams and cries for help began as people stirred and woke, looking around at the death and destruction wrought in moments. I pulled Mia and Olivia up into the emergency row and had Olivia wrap her arms around Mom and Mia. My oldest sister gave me a questioning look, but I ignored her for now.

I heaved myself over, feeling my legs wobble under me, and leaned over to the emergency exit. Turning the latch, I pushed on the door but felt a great weight pushing against it. Not an insurmountable weight, I was happy to find, as the door moved a little with that first push. Putting my shoulder into it and screaming out with the effort, the door began to open. I just happened to glance down and see the cord, untied to my wrist, and with a quick motion, I pulled it over. Just in time for the door to fly free and with a grunt of effort, I wrapped my other arm in the yellow inflatable ramp that sprung loose.

“Grab on to me!” I screamed back at Olivia and noticed her already with a firm grip on my pants leg, eyes wide, the cords attaching the four of us. She gave me a firm, decisive nod, and I yanked on the emergency cord.

The ramp tore up and away from the plane, twisting and trying to tear itself free of my arm. I felt my should wrench, and pain lanced up my side. Then a wall of water smacked my face, and all was swirling cold darkness. I let a slow stream of air out of my lungs, fearing we were deep beneath the waves, but to my joy, we popped up to the surface in less than a minute. The sea a churning maelstrom around us, I fought to pull my mom and sister up, Olivia helping me to keep their heads above water.

“Hello!” I called out in the darkness. Listening, I could only hear the sounds of the waves and sea around us.

“Help! Anyone!” Olivia called. When there was no response, I kicked and pulled myself up into the ramp, now a makeshift raft. Panting and heaving I pulled my sister and mom, who was now coughing and beginning to come to, I was happy to see.

Once on the ship, I went over each of us, quickly checking for wounds. There were some nasty bruises already blackening and purpling, and Mia, it looked like Mia may have broken an ankle when we were torn free of the plane. Thankfully the cut on Mom's head was minor and wouldn’t need stitches.

“Jason,” Mom asked, her eyes just beginning to focus as I checked her cut, “what happened?”

“The plane crashed,” I said, “I don’t know why, but we are in the ocean somewhere closer to Bali than California, that’s about all I know.”

“Jason saved us all,” Olivia said, huddled into herself, clutching her knees and shivering, “everyone else is dead…”

“We don’t know that,” I said, moving over to Mia once more.

She had a big knot on her forehead, and her eyes had been rolled back in her skull when I checked the first time, now I listened to her breathing and heartbeat, happy to find it stable and robust. Even as I was taking her pulse, she groaned and rolled on her side slightly, then threw up a stream of seawater and plane food across the surface of the raft.

Mom was at our sides in a second, stroking Mia’s back as she dry heaved. I stood on the wobbly inflated surface, and looked around, straining my eyes to see in the darkness. I could make out debris and trunks floating around us, but I couldn’t see any other survivors. I called out again, causing Mia to groan and clutch her skull, but once again heard no response.

“We need to find water,” I said, “hopefully some kind of shelter, although I have no idea how.”

“Relax Jason,” Mom said, patting the rubber next to her, “come and rest, there’s nothing we can do now. We will have to wait for all that, until the sun begins to rise, and we have light. Come… please.”

I hesitated, knowing these moments were critical but also knowing she was right. There was nothing we could do until we had light. It would be far too dangerous to try searching in the water, not knowing what could be in there and surrounded by crashing waves and debris. So I sat down next to her, and once my butt hit the rubber, I felt my limbs trembling, and hard shivers stole through my whole body, as shock fully set in.

The four of us huddled together, wet, cold, and miserable. It felt like forever, but eventually, the sky began to lighten, and finally, we were able to make out the wreckage around us. There was surprisingly little floating debris. Some larger pieces of luggage floated around us, and I saw large vacuum-sealed squares floating some distance off. The current was slowly stringing everything out, and I could see that our raft was floating far faster than most of the other items as the gentle breeze pulled us along.

“We need to find some water and food out there,” I said, my teeth still chattering in the cold.

“Wait until it warms up some,” Olivia said as she shivered at my side.

I had been keeping Mom and Mia awake, worried about concussions, and both of them looked even worse than Olivia and me. Olivia had been a competitive swimmer for years in high school and a lifeguard, I knew she would be invaluable.

“Olivia, I’m going to need your help,” I said. I looked her over, and she gave me a tired smile and nodded, stretching her limbs. "We can't afford to wait, unfortunately. I worry the current will pull us too far from those packages. I think they're filled with food and bottled water, though.”

“Ok,” Olivia said, “just give me a minute.”

“Jason, honey, do you think this is wise?” Mom asked.

“We aren’t going to survive more than a day or two in the sun, without water,” I said, “if you have another idea, I’m all ears.”

“They must be sending a rescue team,” Mia said, her voice full of hope, “right?”

Mom just kept her lips tightly closed and shook her head, “Darling, we’re hundreds of miles away from the nearest civilization, and who knows how far off course the plane was when it went down.”

“Mom’s right,” I said, standing and pulling off my shirt and removing my pants, so I was just in my boxers. I searched for the best route through the water as I spoke, “we need to plan for the worst and hope for the best. Olivia, you ready?”

“Yea,” she said, a look of determination on her face as she came up beside me on the raft, “what are we going to do?”

"You see those three large vacuum-sealed cubes? I want to search both to see if there’s water in one, then we push it close and tie it to the raft.”

"What about shelter?" Olivia asked.

“One thing at a time,” I said, “we can worry about that once we get water and food.”

I glanced back at Mom and Mia to give them a reassuring smile and noticed Mom was glancing down and blushing, and Mia was staring at me with fascinated regard. Then I saw where her eyes were looking, and I felt the cold breeze on my dick, which was hanging out the bottom of my boxers. I quickly shifted my legs and felt a rush of embarrassment. Turning back forward, I just caught the grin and blush in Mia’s cheeks and Mom’s hand as she silently shooed the girl.

“Let’s go,” I said, leaping into the cold-water feet first, in a rush to be away.

The shock of the water took my breath for a second and I felt Olivia slip into the water beside me, deciding to wear her yoga pants and sports bra. It took a few minutes to maneuver around debris. We eventually got to the vacuum-sealed packages, and I was delighted to see that they were indeed filled with food, plastic bags of sandwiches, pretzels, string cheese, and bottles of water.

Getting the mostly submerged package to move closer to the raft was an arduous process. It required me first to tear some strapping material from other packages, and make a makeshift rope out of it, then attaching it to the container. Climbing on the raft, an exhausted Olivia, Mom, and I, pulled the package to us. We were going slow to avoid breaking the connection and having to redo it all over again. The sun had risen high into the sky, and when we finally had it alongside, we tore the top open and fished out four bottles of water, each of us drinking deep under the hot morning sun.

Looking around I was dismayed to see that most of the wreckage had floated far behind us, but several smaller pieces of luggage were still within swimming distance. So, taking turns and careful never to go too far from the raft, Olivia and I swam out and managed to bring three pieces back. Hauling them up on the raft, we opened them up to find two were still dry inside, having held their seal, while the third was waterlogged. Each held women's clothes, which was great for the girls but terrible for me as nothing fit my large frame. Using a small pile of garments, we were able to make a small sunshade that the four of us could huddle together under and snack on sandwiches, apples, and cheese.

Finally, able to relax, now that the necessities were seen to, I felt exhaustion dragging me down into the depths of sleep. I had strained to ignore the soft flesh pressed all around me, but as my head nodded, Mom pulled me into her lap, resting my head on her thighs. I felt my cock stirring as her heavy breasts pressed down on the back of my head and I ignored it as best as I could, drifting off into restless sleep.​
Next page: Chapter 03
Previous page: Chapter 01