Chapter 03

“Jason, wake up!” I felt hands shaking me awake and opened blurry eyes to see it was late afternoon and my mom still held my head in her lap. She had a look of concern on her face and I felt myself awaken fully at her fear, "There is a storm on the horizon."

I looked and saw the truth of her words, off on the western horizon, dark black thunderheads were forming. I could already see the water off in the distance growing choppy and the wind was picking up around us.

“Shit!” I breathed.

“What do we do?” Mia asked, her voice quavering.

“We need to weigh down this raft, so it doesn't flip in the waves and wind," I said getting up and grabbing the luggage we had pulled out of the water.

Cutting up the cordage we had, I went around the raft and tied the luggage to three corners, letting them fill with water and drag down the corners of the raft, moving the once sealed, package of food and water to the fourth corner. By the time I was done; the sun had set, the winds were howling, and the rain was whipping across my face. I scrambled back to the middle of the raft where Mom and Mia grabbed my arms and pulled me in close.

The four of us huddled, as the waves began to chop, and dark clouds swirled overhead. The raft surface was slippery as the cold rain sheeted down on us, and the raft was rocking something awful. We gripped each other close, keeping ourselves as flat as possible in the middle of the raft. The storm raged as we swirled and rocked. The waves grew and grew and soon we were sliding up and down great rolling waves, the wind tearing at us as we crested them.

“Keep a hold!” I cried out as the raft teetered over one especially high wave, “No matter what, keep a hold of one another!”

I don’t know if they could hear me over the wind and the loud booming sound that grew with each second. Looking around, I caught each pair of terrified eyes and gave a firm reassuring nod and got brief smiles in return. That’s when the lightning began, and in one brief flash, I saw something massive looming out of the darkness. Suddenly the booming sounds made sense and I screamed out a warning and hauling hard on the girls and Mom, began dragging them off the raft. Their faces were filled with confusion and I could see their mouths working as they asked questions, but I couldn't hear anything over the noise. I got about two feet before a wave came over the side and swept me off, taking the women along with me. Just as the waves took us under, we saw the raft flung through the air, tearing and breaking itself on the cliff. Then all was lost in darkness and crushing pressure.

The first thing I noticed was the pounding in my skull; each throb was in time with my beating heart and then my body was heaving as it rejected about a gallon of seawater from my stomach and lungs. Hacking and coughing out the bile, I lifted myself on knees and hands, breathing deeply of the cool air. Suddenly I remembered all that had happened over the past day or so, and I picked my head up, finding an unfamiliar cave, and feeling panic as I looked around for my family. Mia was huddled beside her puke, coughing and spitting out the last of it, while Olivia rolled and groaned, clutching her arm. Then I saw Mom and all my pain vanished.

With a cry, I scrambled over out into the shallow waters of the cave we were in and dragged my mom out of the water, rolling her over. To my horror, she wasn't breathing, and I pulled her up on the black sand. Immediately I began to expel the water from her lungs pushing up through her diaphragm, and a huge dark stream came out. Heaving and praying, another long stream came out, then to my everlasting joy, she began to heave, coughing and spitting out the rest. Rolling over she threw up until she was dry heaving, and I leaned back breathing heavy.

"Oh, Jason!" Mom cried when she finally stopped and turning threw her arms around my neck hugging me close, "god you saved me again!"

“Uhh, its ok Mom,” I said patting her sides awkwardly, “Don’t worry about it.” Even with all that had gone on, with all the pain and grossness of the past few minutes, I was still painfully aware of her sexy and soft body as she pressed against me, her torn clothes leaving little to the imagination. I think she noticed my body's reaction because she jumped back suddenly.

“Sorry honey,” Mom said glancing down, “I just don’t know what we would do without you.”

“We’d be dead,” came Olivia’s dry response. Turning, I saw she was crawling around the edge of the cave. "There is a natural tunnel here, mostly filled with sand, but I can feel the cool wind passing through it, so it leads outside.

“Thank god!” said Mia, “I was certain we would die at sea.” She moved beside Olivia and the two of them began shoveling black sand out of the small crevasse, opening it up. They dug several feet deep before getting tired and my mom and I took their places. Alternating like that, we were able to clear out a space large enough for a single person to slither out.

I was the first through and crawled free, sucking down deep lungsful of fresh clean sea air. The storm clouds still blotted out the sky, and the wind whipped across the sands but mercifully the wind had died down. Shivering in the cold air I looked around seeing the beach stretching away from where I had crawled free from the base of a craggy cliff structure. A couple of dozen feet away I saw dense jungle begin cutting off any other view of the land we were on.

I crawled back into the cave, grateful to be out of the wind. I told Mom and my sisters what I had seen, and that we were probably safer for the time being, here in the cave where it was at least marginally warmer. Each woman wanted to see for herself and get some fresh air.

Everyone was in a somewhat better mood once each had a chance to stretch out their legs. I checked out Mia’s arms and found it tender to the touch. She might have a fracture, but I couldn’t feel any obvious broken bones. I told her we would work up a sling for her in the morning when there was light enough to see. I felt worry deep in my bones now that we no longer had water and food, but I chose to set aside those worries for now. Curling up in the black sand, exhaustion stole me into the blackest of sleep.

I woke feeling stiff but well rested. Yawning, I stretched and felt bodies pressed up against me, huddled close for warmth. Glancing around I saw Mia on one side of me, looking like an angel in sleep, while Olivia snuggled up close to her other side and Mom pressed her back and ass into my crotch as we spooned. I felt my morning wood dig into her behind and instantly felt self-conscious, popping up. Mom and Mia grumbled almost identical sounds as they sought for warmth in the missing space, finding each other's hands, Mom rolled in close and smacking her lips, settled back into a deep sleep.

I dug an arrow into the sand, as a sign for the women when they woke, then slipped out of the cave. The morning sunlight was blinding as I stood and stretched, but at least the craggy moss-covered cliffs around me cast a shadow over the cave entrance, keeping us cool and saving me from the sun first thing. The jungle was just as thick as I remembered it, filled with dark green plants, bushes, and thick trunked trees I didn't recognize. I saw several palm trees dotting the tops of what jungle I could see, and I breathed a deep sigh of relief. If nothing else, we could drink the water from the coconuts and eat their flesh. The presence of so much dense, green vegetation pointed to the fact that there was fresh water on this island, or at least that the rain was plentiful enough to keep them alive and thriving. I knew I could construct a basin to catch rainwater, but if I could find a spring of freshwater, then we would be certain to have a stead plentiful.

I took stock of myself and found I had only my boxer shorts and nothing else. I knew my stepmom and stepsisters equally were attired in minimal and torn clothing. Walking down the beach I began to assess our situation as well. Making a mental list of all the things I would need to check out on the island if it really was an island. The beach was filled with black sand, warning me that there was a volcano somewhere nearby, most likely dormant. That increased the likelihood of finding a spring, I knew. The one worry I had was how quickly the beach seemed to curl back in on itself. It wasn't thirty minutes later when I came up against a massive rockface that stretched up and into the island, the jungle growing up the surface as it climbed into the island. I could just make out a high peak far back, deeper into the island. I trudged back to the cave, walking through the cool waves to keep from burning the bottoms of my feet.

When I got back, I found Mom sitting just outside the small caver entrance, she smiled big when I came into view and walked out to meet me. I couldn't help but admire her flawless beauty, even in the wake of what we had just gone through. Her hair was thick with salt water and sand but somehow that only added to her beauty, giving her an earthy look, only enhanced by the shirt she wore, somewhat loose and torn down one arm and across a shoulder, showing a livid black and purple bruise. Her slender legs kicked out the material of her torn pants as she walked, each foot arching and setting down with a grace that broke my heart. Her large breasts swayed, braless under the loose top and I had to school my eyes onto her face to keep from ogling her.

"What did you find?" She asked as she drew closer.

“Nothing,” I said glumly, motioning behind me, “the beach wraps around and ends in a cliff face, I think about three-quarters of the way around the island. I could see a mountain top deep into the jungle.”

“What are we going to do about water? Food?” she clutched her arms shivering in spite of the morning heat and glanced around, her face fearful.

“Don’t worry about that,” I said reassuring her, “The jungle is filled with palm trees covered in coconuts. We might have some bowel problems, but we can survive on coconuts if we have to. I'm hoping to find some fresh water on the island though."

“Thank god you’re here,” Mom said, taking my arm in hers and leading us back to the cave, “if only your father, that bastard, could see how much you’ve grown and come into your own as a man.”

“Dad managed to avoid the worst of it as usual,” I laughed, “Well, it was him that insisted I do scouts, so he gets some credit.”

“Put that man out of your mind, I know I have. Let just focus on surviving this. Besides it was you that stuck with it to Eagle Scout," Mom said hugging me even closer, her large breasts pressed along my arm, causing me to shiver in desire. Thankfully she took it for a chill, or at least I hope so.

“Let’s get the girls up,” she said before crawling into the cave, giving me a perfect view of her round firm ass sashaying in. Wearing only a pair of thin boxer shorts and being trapped with these three beautiful scantily clad women, was going to be difficult. Thinking of baseball, and my History teacher, the ancient Mrs. Wilkinson, I was able to tame the beast in my pants and slip into the cave, none the wiser that I was a weirdo and pervert for thinking such thoughts about my mom.​
Next page: Chapter 04
Previous page: Chapter 02