Chapter 04
When I crawled into the cave, I saw Mom rousing the girls. They woke, each in her way, Olivia popping up wide awake and getting her bearings immediately. Mia grumbling about it being too early and rolling over in the dark sand, coughing and spitting out sand as she accidentally sucked it into her mouth.
“Has a rescue boat shown up yet?” Mia asked, as she rubbed the sand out of her face.
"No," Mom said, "I think we have to prepare for the thought that we might be here for at least a few days."
“What are we going to do?” Olivia asked, her voice touched with worry.
"The first thing I am going to do is explore the island," I said, "I hope to find some fresh water. There are palm trees, so if nothing else we can drink the water and eat the pulp from the coconuts. But if we can find some fruit or anything else on the island to eat, then we will be much better off. What I need you girls to do," I said, taking in Mom, and the girls, "is gather as much dry wood, leaves, and palm fronds as you can so we can build a fire."
“Why do we need a fire?” Mia asked, “It feels plenty warm to me.”
“In case a rescue plan flies by overhead or a ship is out at sea, they can spot the smoke from far off and know there are survivors here.” Mom said with a warm smile, “It’s a good plan Jason, but we can do more than gather fire.”
“I know you can,” I said meeting her gorgeous eyes, “but the jungle could be filled with dangerous animals and until we know what we’re dealing with, it’s safer if you stay near the shore.”
“Ok,” she said, nodding in agreement, “but we will search along the whole shore and see if we can find anything edible.”
We all crawled out of the cave and stretched in the warm morning sunlight. I was finally able to take stock of us all, now that everyone was standing out under the sunlight. I stood in only my boxer shorts, while Mom had on her loose black top and a thick bra underneath supporting her large breasts, while she wore ripped and tattered yoga pants. Mia and Olivia were in similar clothes, each with torn shirts and leggings. Patches of pale and tanned flesh peeked through and I could see both of their underwear through the tattered clothes.
"Be careful Jason," Mom said as I began to slip into the jungle, "and come back within a couple of hours so we don't worry."
"Ok Mom," I said giving her a reassuring smile as I slipped under the canopy. I gave one last glance back and was happy to see Olivia, Mia, and Mom walking down to the warm water to wash what they could of the dried blood and grime of our ordeal off themselves. Just as I was turning to go, Mia pulled her top and bra over her head, heedless of anyone watching and wadded out into the water. She used big handfuls of water to wash herself off and I felt my breath seize in my chest when she turned, giving me a full view of her perfect pale breasts.
“Mia!” Mom called to her from the beach, “put your top back on, what are you thinking?”
“I feel gross, I just want to get clean Mom,” she turned back and smiled at Mom, glancing back to the jungle and looking straight at me. I felt a spike of anxiety that she could see me, but that should be hard with the deep shadows I was in, “besides it’s not like anyone can see us, this is a deserted island!”
“Your brother…” Mom cast a worried glance up at the jungle.
“Mom, Jason is deep into the jungle by now, you know him, always exploring,” Mia turned back and gave Mom a mischievous grin, “besides he saved our lives, at least twice, seeing some tits is a good reward for the little perv.”
“Not so little anymore,” Olivia said as she stripped off her top too and slipped into the water.
My eyes were saucers as I took in her firm high breasts and slender body. My cock was diamond hard and poking through my boxers, so I adjusted it and slipped deeper into the jungle. I felt so guilty and shameful for my reaction to seeing my stepsisters topless. I tried to ignore the nagging fantasies that tried to intrude into my brain and focus instead on our survival, but it was difficult. I'd never seen anything as sexy as my two sisters, Olivia: tall, slender and elegant; Mia: shorter, thicker and bouncy.
I moved back into the jungle, my mind a swirl with taboo desires that I fought down, focusing my attention on the vegetation island around me. The jungle was thick, and I found moving through it was difficult, but after about twenty minutes of slow progress, I came across a small trail, such as a game might use. I paused, taking time to scan the ground for tracks. I saw old pigs’ feet tracks, as well as small paw prints that looked to have come from a small mammal, like from a squirrel or marsupial or something. The pig tracks were reassuring, I knew I could rig up a trap or perhaps even hunt one with a spear. That is if I could make or find a good knife and running water to clean the animal. Without those, I would be risking bringing disease and rot into the equation and that would be dangerous.
I struck out along the game trail heading deeper into the island, away from the beach. The land rose fast, the soft jungle floor interspersed with patches of hard craggy lava rock. My feet were having a hard time on the lava rock and I didn’t want to risk getting a cut along the bottom of one and was just thinking of turning back, when I heard the most beautiful sound, trickling water.
I moved forward and came around a bend in the trail to find a hidden paradise. There was a large clear pool of water filling a sandy basin. It led out into the jungle, off towards the opposite side from our cave and was fed by a trickling spring up on the craggy rock face. The slow flow of water bubbled out of the rock and made a small waterfall, as it filled the pool.
Falling to my knees I sniffed the water and tasted it with the tip of my tongue. It looked and tasted fresh, so I drank. I only took a mouthful, hoping it didn’t make me sick and knowing that if I made it through the next few hours without problems, we were probably ok, not that we had much choice.
Skirting the pool, I scouted the area and found a few places that looked promising to climb. My feet would get chewed up on the bare lava rock, so I held off on trying to find a high vantage to see the whole of the island. I had gone roughly halfway across the island, if I was correct in gauging my distances, and a couple hours had passed. Deciding this was a good day's work, I turned back down the game trail and followed it back to the beach. I stepped out of the jungle to find my stepmom just dropping a large bundle of dry palm fronds in a pile near out cave.
"There you are!" she cried when she saw me and she ran over to hug me, her boobs bounced freely beneath her loose shirt and I realized with some terror that she had removed her bra, "I was so worried about you!"
My cock grew thick with the sexy sight and my pent-up desires, and as she wrapped her arms around me I felt it press itself against her flat stomach and she jumped back, my face beet red and hers mirroring mine as she glanced down ever so briefly to see my hardness pressing against my boxer leg.
“Oh my!” She said her eyes wide and her blush deepening.
"I found a spring and a pool of fresh water," I said hurriedly, "and it looks like there is wildlife on the island. We may be able to hunt and eat it."
"That's wonderful news," Mom said, her eyes meeting mine in a genuine smile, her embarrassment was gone, and I saw a gentleness there that I had never seen before, "We're so lucky to have you, Jason."
“Where are the girls?” I asked, looking around the beach.
“Mia is in the jungle, she said something about making shoes for us, while Olivia is gathering another armload of sticks and palm fronds.” Mom said, then she called out for them both and a few minutes later the girls arrived. Each of them was not wearing a bra just like my mom and my eyes bounced from one to the other, unable to help myself with the display of free-swinging breasts beneath loose tops. The women didn’t seem to notice how discomfited I was, and they each were dying to get a drink of water. Twenty minutes later we were all lying next to the pool drinking deep.
“We need to figure out a way to transport water back to our cave,” Olivia said.
“That’s a good point,” I said, my mind racing, “we could use coconuts if we just removed a small part at the top, but that isn’t a lot of water.”
“I may be able to weave us a basket that could hold more coconuts,” Mia said excitedly.
“What did Mom say about you making shoes?” I asked her.
"It's something I learned in a design class, different weaves to use with natural materials," she motioned up to the jungle canopy, "Skirts, shoes, hats those kinds of things should be pretty easy to make if I can find some king of twine to bind them together."
We sat there for a while, filling our bellies with cool water and discussing our survival. Olivia had seen several plants she knew were edible, but she was warning about depopulating them, and perhaps even cultivating them. While Mia spoke about the different items she could make, and how the waters looked far too rough and treacherous to fish, everything we had seen so far at least.
We walked back, still talking animatedly about what we needed to get done, and I found a small patch of shale rock outcropping. Taking a few minutes and the girl's help, I was able to pull free a section of rock about as long as my forearm and several inches thick. Careful not to cut myself on its sharp edges I lugged it back to the sands just outside out cave, noting to my mom and sisters that it would make an excellent knife, once it was chopped down to an edge and a handle carved into it or tied on.
Breaking off a small piece from one end, I had a large wedge-shaped hatchet head that I could hold in one hand. Taking the new tool to a large rock worn flat by the sea, I had my sisters and Mom bring over coconuts, and I set to cracking them in half, slowly working my way around the middle, with small whacks of the hatchet to crack them. I gave the first opened coconut to Mia who had been complaining of her hunger the loudest, she was also the youngest of the women. Then to Olivia and Mom after. Each drank the water quickly, then devoured the sweet and tangy pulp. I too ate a couple of coconuts and felt refreshed with something solid in my stomach.
Then I set to the laborious process of building us a fire. I had my mom and stepsisters watch, instructing them on everything I did just in case something happened to me and they had to rebuild a fire. Their attention was rapt, as I tore up bark for kindling with my nails, and split a palm frond. Placing the stick against the cut, I began to slide it back and forth quickly, heating the dry wood. It took several tries but finally, the miracle spark took hold in the kindling and a steady stream of blue smoke rolled out of the small bundle.
“You did it!” Mia cried.
"Praise God!" Mom said at the same time.
I barely registered their words though as I bent down, gently coaxing the small embers alight. Olivia was the only other who responded immediately, she jumped over to the small pit I had dug and had a small dry stick ready in her hands as I fanned the flames into a small blaze. She fed her dry sticks into the small flames at the perfect time, causing them to grow into a respectable fire. I sat back and met her eyes, the two of us sharing a big grin as the warmth suffused our skin.
Mom and Mia started dancing around the flames, and Olivia and I joined them. Our hands up, we laughed in wild joy, finally able to revel in the fact that we lived. Water, food, heat, and shelter for a first day lost and stranded on a deserted island, we weren't doing too bad. Soon we sat down, warming our hands by the fire. As the sun set and we watched in wonder, the red, yellow and golden colors were unreal as the brilliant orb disappeared beneath the horizon. With the dark and cold creeping in, I set and banked the fire to keep it going through the night and we crawled into the cave, happy to be out of the cool night breeze.
I worked the sand beneath me into a nice comfortable bed and was soon dozing off when I felt a soft form huddle up against my back. The warmth of her skin lulled me farther into dreamland and I barely registered the smaller form scooting back against my front, cuddling close in a spooning position. I slept with the most wonderful dreams of golden beaches and bouncing bikini-clad breasts and booty's.