Chapter 05

I woke the next morning with a painful erection. It was pressed hard against my boxers and I could feel the firm flesh of an ass pressed against my crotch and I struggled not to grind my hard dick into it. Worried I had been doing that in my sleep I slowly climbed out of the pile of bodies, feeling the chill immediately. There was grumbling and I felt Mia scoot back into the warm spot I had just left.

Tucking my hard dick into the waistband of my boxers I slipped out of the cave, and into the chill predawn light. The sky was just lightning on the horizon and the red, blue of dawn stole my breath, almost making me forget about my pent-up desires. I heard someone moving in the cave and not pausing to see who might be getting up, I headed into the jungle quickly. I had to go to the bathroom, but there was a more pressing concern.

Finding a wide tree trunk with a small nook in it, I leaned back against it. My hand finally releasing the painful monster between my legs. My hand slid up and down its length slowly, as my mind strayed to thoughts of my topless sisters from the day before. The shame was strong, but my need was greater as I felt my cock growing harder in my hand, days without cumming and I knew it wouldn’t take me long. That’s when I heard the gasp of surprise. My eyes flew open and I saw my stepmom standing right beside me, having stepped around the tree trunk, her eyes wide and staring at my dick, her mouth covered by her hands.

“Oh god!” I said, covering myself with my hand immediately, and feeling the embarrassment like a physical thing, as I tried to press myself back into the tree and hide. Caught by my stepmom the first time I tried jacking off! What the fuck!

"Oh Jason," Mom said as her look of surprise softened to a look of love, "it's ok."

"Mom," I looked around, "God I'm so embarrassed, please just go!" I was backing away from her or trying to, pressing myself back into the tree.

“Shh, Shh, Shh,” She said stepping up to my side and placing one warm hand on my shoulder, she gazed at me and I was arrested by her eyes, so full of love and soft understanding, “I know how hard this must be for you, and you have been so brave,” her words were warm as she stepped to my side. I breathed in a sharp breath as I felt her warm soft body press against mine, “You have grown into such a handsome and wonderful man,” her words were practically a whisper, “Let me help you, let me take care of you.” I practically jumped out of my skin as I felt her small cool fingers slide down my firm stomach and beneath my hands where they covered my hard cock.

“Mom… what are you doing?” I turned to her, my voice sounding as stunned as I felt, “Oh… god!” I moaned out as her fingers slid around the shaft of my cock, radiating pleasure as she gripped me.

"Quiet baby," Mom said, her lips right at my ear, "let mommy take care of you, you saved my life baby… mommy just wants to make you happy… please, Jason."

I turned my head towards her, my eyes searching hers in the morning light. Seeing only love and hope in them, I nodded slightly and as her hand began to slide up the shaft of my cock, I snaked an arm around her waist pulling her heavenly body against my side. Mom looked down at her hand and I followed her gaze. Her large breasts jiggled beneath her ripped shirt with each stroke of her small hand on my hardness. My hand slid down to her ass and she pressed herself even more firmly to my side, her hand working me faster.

"Hurry baby," she whispered, "before your sisters get up and find us… Jesus your cock is magnificent Jason… I can feel it pulsing."

“Mom,” I breathed, “I’m…”

“Cum for me baby, cum for me Jason!” Mom’s eyes were wide with desire and joy as the first ropes of my cum shot out of my cock and across the jungle floor, her hand continued to stroke me as rope after rope shot out and I groaned out in pleasure at the biggest orgasm of my life, up until that point.

"God that was so much!" Mom said as she wiped her hand absently on her shirt, gazing at me, "you must have needed that."

"Mom," I said looking at her, my mouth working silently as I struggled to find the words of appreciation, or how to tell her what this just meant to me. Before I could speak, Mom leaned forward and gave me a peck on the lips, or it was meant to be a peck. The second her lips met mine there was a spark of something, that passed between us and her lips softened, molding themselves to mine. The moan of desire from her throat and mine was unmistakable, but she pulled back with a ragged breath, our eyes very wide as we starred each other. Then putting a hand before her mouth, she dashed back out of the jungle and to the beach. I will never forget the look on her face as she tore her eyes from mine, a blend of lust, love, and surprise that must have matched my own.

I stood there for long minutes, going over what had happened in my mind. Marveling at the experience that had been one of my biggest fantasies for years, and I had gotten to live it out, here, in the middle of nowhere, with our lives on the line. Shaking my head in wonder, I made my way back to the beach and found my sisters were up, already planning their day. I spent an hour cracking coconuts, so we would all have something to eat throughout the day, and then helped Mia and Olivia hunt for items to help in Mia’s weaving.

We had a large pile of palm fronds and the three of us were stripping fronds off and splitting them in half as Mia had shown us. Mia was in good spirits excited to try out her ideas and just all around enjoying the sun and sand. She commented several times that if there had been daiquiris and lounge chairs then it would have been the perfect holiday. Olivia, on the other hand, was much more reserved. I could see from her startled glances to the jungle or ocean whenever there was a loud sound, that she was traumatized by our recent experiences. I took care to draw her into our conversations, watching her shoulders relax and the anxiety melt away as she engaged with her sister and me. I found it most beneficial for her comfort when there was a clear plan laid out for her, the structure seemed to reassure her.

It was nearing noon when Mom came running out of the cave, at first we were worried but then her smiling face became clear, as she slipped free of the shadows of the cliffs.

"Kids come quick! You'll never believe what I found!" Her voice was breathless with excitement and I was surprised to see she was wet, the shirt clinging to her upper torso like a second skin, her large heavy breasts and firm nipple poking through. She had ripped her yoga pants free of the tattered ends and now they were closer to shorts than pants. Turning, she led us into the cave and back to the pool of saltwater.

"It was the glimmer of light down there that drew my attention," she said pointing. She was right, there was a small glimmer of light in the back-right side of the pool and with a big grin, Mom dove into the pool, swimming underwater in the direction of the glimmering light.

My stepsisters and I looked to one another and shrugged, Mia first and then Olivia next, with me taking up the rear we dove in after her. The water was warm and as I opened my eyes, I felt the sting of saltwater and felt, with my reaching hand, the soft sandy bottom of the pool. The light was easy to follow as everything else was darkness and as I drew closer, feeling a twinge in my lungs, the lava rock came in on either side of me and the light grew. Then the rock walls swept away, and I was surfacing to find myself in a small lagoon, with towering rock walls covered in dark green vegetation growing on small little outcroppings all over the cliff faces. The rock walls arched together in almost a dome, and only the barest sliver of noon light shined in now to fill the lagoon with full-spectrum sunlight. The lagoon was a large crescent of pure white sand, sloping gently down to a deep pool. On one end of the pool was a large reef, reaching out and into the greater sea, through the gap.

"This is paradise…" breathed Olivia as she waded up the soft sand, trailing her fingers in the warm clear water.

“It’s more than that,” my stepmom said as she pointed out into the pool, “There are large white fish feeding near the bottom of that reef, we may be able to catch them.”

“Spear them,” I said, gazing out at the area, “I bet spearing them would be easier, or at least for a really strong swimmer.”

"I could do that," said Olivia as she looked around the lagoon. Mom's eyes pinched as if she might say something, but I motioned her with one hand down low to hold off. A sense of peace and calm had come to Olivia's face when she entered the lagoon that warmed my heart to see. When she turned to me, her face determined, she found me already smiling at her and nodding, "I could, if… if you would teach me how."

"I will," I nodded, "we can make you a spear tonight, one that you will be able to practice with at least."

Her answering smile was so filled with purpose and hope that I knew it had been the right decision. I still had some doubt about her ability to learn and be good at the difficult task, and even more at my ability to teach her something I had only ever read about. If nothing else, it had given her new purpose, as I was now realizing Mia had found in her weaving and me in my hunting.

“Jason, there is something over here I wanted to show you,” Mom said, walking out of the pool and heading up to the crack in the back of the lagoon, she stopped before a large boulder that had been broken open from a fall. There were several large pieces of broken black rock with small round pebbles dotting their broken surfaces. I looked at her questioningly and she smiled picking up one of the small pebbles and holding it out for me. I took it, amazed at its icy hardness and stared in wonder.

“Oh my god, if we ever get out of here, we will be rich!” I looked over the small pile of uncut diamonds and found two pieces with hard edges and pocketed them, showing the rest to Mia and Olivia.

“This is what I really wanted to show you,” Mom said, reaching back to where the sand met the rock wall. There was a green ground covering growing there and as I bent forward to look, she lifted a few pieces of it and I saw it was a thick vine structure. Moving forward I ran my fingers along the thin, but strong vines, feeling their suppleness.

"This will be useful!" I said amazed at the discovery.

“What use could vines be?” Mia asked, her face twisted in distaste, “This has to be a million dollars’ worth of diamonds!”

"More than that," I said off-handed, "these braided together, will be the string that holds your weavings together, the string that holds the spearpoint to the shaft and any number of useful tools we can make now that we have this."

“Oh…” Mia said looking from the diamonds, mostly worthless in our present situation to the green vines, something she would never even glance at twice in the regular world, “I guess that is pretty helpful.”

Soon we were ripping up small areas and harvesting dozens of yards of the thin and strong vines. They were easy to strip off their foliage and Mia proved to be a deft hand at braiding the strands together. I went into the jungle with Olivia and we found a small stand of bamboo, and using the hand-hatchet, hacked down a tall pole. Then I set about splitting it lengthways into a dozen or so long pieces that I then bound to another straight bamboo pole and set to dry near the fire.​
Next page: Chapter 06
Previous page: Chapter 04