Chapter 07

Mom and I slipped back into the water and Olivia waded out to the reef, the spear floating along beside her. Mom dove down swimming off and Olivia caught my eye just before I followed. There was a hungry gleam in her gaze, I had never seen before, almost hard and feral. I felt a chill over my spine at the thought of the taboo promise her eye sent me.

I swam down through the warm waters, through the lava gap and up into the cave we were turning into a home. Slipping out of the dimly lit cave, into the noon sun, I felt bathed in the heat, more comforting than oppressive. Mia was reclined in a lounge position she had dug into the sand, her hand flying over palm fronds with the twine. Mom was already strapping on her shoes and I followed her, feeling silly for just a second as I stood up in the flopping things. But as I stepped out into the jungle and felt the secure and comfortable grip they gave me, I silently thanked Mia.

I was able to move quickly along the jungle path we had been taking to the water, and Mom followed me nearly as fast. We paused at the pool and drank deep, Mom catching my eyes as I glanced down her shirt as it hung free of her body.

“Where should we explore first?” She asked me, a little twinkle in her gorgeous eyes.

“I wanted to climb around this cliff and see if we can get to the top and have a view,” I answered, motioning into where the dense jungle met the cliff face.

“Lead on,” she said.

It was slow going, having to climb through the dense foliage and up the rocky outcropping that poked through with more frequency the higher we climbed. I pulled myself up over a ledge of rough lava rock and found I was at the top of the cliff face, with a large shelf opening up before me. Turning around I helped my stepmom up beside me and we both breathed deep, taking in the magnificent view. Behind us, rose a steep and craggy mountain peak, spreading down and away from us was the top of the jungle canopy, dense and varied. The jungle spread out around us and down to the yellow sand. We could see much of the island from this spot and looking out, both of us were disappointed to see clear blue across the horizon as far as we could see.

I was worried at the fact that no wreckage had washed ashore behind us, this didn't bode well for the search effort to find us, but I hadn't said anything. I was thinking of this and the great dark blue sea stretching around us, with is vast emptiness when I felt Mom grab my arm. Following her pointing hand, I saw another series of cliffs down and around the mountain, and at their base a series of pale blue pools spilling into one another. We looked at each other in excitement. The spring was great, but another source of freshwater would make us all feel safer.

We made our way down the cliff and steep jungle carefully, not wanting to risk any injury. The jungle got even more humid as the afternoon wore on and I was sheeted in sweat, and when I glanced back to check on my mom, I saw her top clinging to her skin as sweat dripped from her face and limbs.

"I guess Olivia was right," Mom said when she saw me glance at her sodden shirt. Then she pulled it over her head, causing me to stumble in shock at the sight, "This is more of a burden than protection." She whipped her hair to the side and wrapped the shirt in it and with an artful twist soon had her hair up and out of her face, with the shirt acting as both hair wrapping and headscarf, keeping the sweat from her eyes.

I was only vaguely aware of her hair and what she had done to it. My stepmoms’ boobs were swaying magically before me, naked to my hungry gaze. They sagged ever so slightly, but their heavy roundness was still so perfectly shaped and capped in large puffy pink nipples. I realized for one terrifying and sexy moment that she and Olivia had nearly identical nipples in color and form, but not nearly in size.

“Jason,” my stepmom said, her smile delighted as she caught my wide-eyed stare, “earth to Jason. Are you ok? I thought you would have had your fill staring at boobies from Olivia’s young firm ones.”

"Jesus Mom," I said, "yours are absolutely perfect… I mean Olivia is sexy and yea I kinda stared a bit, I couldn't help it… but yours are magnificent… better than… anything I've seen before."

“Thank you, baby,” she said with a big grin, her eyes flicking down to see the proof of my regard, “that is nice to hear.”

I tore my eyes away from her, feeling like a fool, but knowing that I didn't want to get caught out here in the dark, and wanting to find those pools, I started off again. The jungle just got more and more humid and I was about to say something when I stepped into a thinner section and saw the lowest pool open up before me. It was roughly the size of four or five hot tubs pushed together. Surrounded by bright green ferns and shorter stunted trees, I saw right off that we wouldn't be drinking this water. It boiled and bubbled, sending off a steady stream of steam up into the air. That answered the question of where the humidity had come from.

“Hot spring!” Mom called when she saw the pool and she brushed past me in her haste to get ahead.

“Careful!” I shouted, “It could be super hot!” but Mom was already checking, hovering her hand above the water and then testing it with a fingertip.

"It's perfect!" She shouted back to me excited and then she stepped into the bubbling waters, moaning out in pleasure, as first, one long sexy leg slipped in, and then the other, and finally, she lowered herself down into the pool, "Oh Jason you have to try this, it feels amazing!"

I walked forward and dipped a toe in. It felt like a perfectly heated hot tub and I slipped into its heated embrace with a sigh. I dipped my head and felt the bubbles streaming through my hair and up my body. With quick hard movements, I was able to scrub my skin and hair clean. Popping my head up I saw Mom had the same idea I had, as she scrubbed her long hair, giggling like a schoolgirl. After a couple of minutes, I pulled myself out and sat on a large boulder, feeling the soft ferns under my bare feet. I felt the stress melt away from my shoulders for the first time in longer than I could remember and as I looked down at the pool, I saw my gorgeous stepmom pulling herself free of the waters, her hair slicked back and the water sheeting down her topless body. She saw my frank regard and smiled.

“You have a problem down there…”

“Oh! It’s nothing,” I covered myself and blushed, “don’t worry about it.”

“We are nowhere near civilization Jason, and you deserve this, you need it and I want to give it to you more than you would believe,” her voice had an edge of desire that sent a thrill through my dick as she knelt before me.

"Please let mommy help you. I could never have let myself confront these desires if we were back in the real world. Something about this island and our situation has freed me though." She looked up at me with shining eyes, filled with love and a passion I had never seen in them before, "I've dreamed about this for so long, dreamed of feeling you, tasting you. I would lay awake at night and scroll through your posts, imagining you on top of me, taking me, making me yours Jason!"

“But… why?” Was all I could bring myself to say, so stunned was I.

"Oh, you silly boy!" She said pulling me into a kiss with her soft lips before pulling back and smiling at me, "You are kind and thoughtful, you're always up for an adventure, you're always the smartest person in the room but you never force anyone to recognize it. Because when you touch me, my spine shivers and when I think of your broad shoulders and gorgeous face my heart flutters. Because my daughters love you, and more than I think it's healthy for girls to love their stepbrother, and that makes me jealous, and excited and full of shame and wickedness. And I don't know any other man who could have saved me from both a plane crash and a hurricane in the same day. I love you, Jason, to my secret shame I've always loved you."

"I love you too Mom," I said in a fierce whisper. I went to keep speaking, but she stopped me with a hand over my lips.

“Stop there,” she said her hands coming to rest on my boxers, “That’s enough for me, more than enough. Now you sit there and let me take care of you,” her eyes gleamed and her smile turned wanton as she drew my boxers down my legs, eyes widening as my large dick flopped out, “I’ve been dreaming of this for so long, I’m going to savor it.”

Her hand reached out, cool fingers encircling the thick shaft of my cock as she leaned forward, eyes closing in pleasure as her lips wrapped around the tip of my cock. My head arched back involuntarily, and I moaned out in pleasure. My eyelids fluttered but I saw the unmistakable flash of golden blond from the other side of the hot spring and then a small rounded form duck down behind a dense fern bush. But I could neither speak nor care, as my mom's hot and wet mouth worshipped my cock.

Looking down I watched her thick lips slide over the head of my cock and down the shaft. Her other hand coming up to grip one of her massive breasts, massaging it before she reached up to grip my shaft. Her tongue swirled around the head and then she went back down, sucking me deep.

"Mhmm," she moaned as she lifted off my cock, trailing spit from her lips to the tip, "you're so big baby, so smooth and thick, mommy can't get enough of it," she kissed around the tip, letting the tip of her tongue flick along the underside, driving me crazy. Her tits were swinging with her movements, mesmerizing me, and her narrow waist flared out to wide tan hips clad in her tiny cut-off shorts. The sight of her and the feel of her mouth as she sucked me deep again, brought me close to orgasm. I felt my balls tightening and I fought to hold it off, but with how backed up and needy I was from only having one orgasm over the past few days, I knew I wouldn't be able to hold off for long.

"Mom," I said, and noticed the blond head peek around the fern, an unmistakable squishing sound coming from between her legs, her wide blues eyes watching us, "I'm going to… cum."

"Yes, baby!" Mom said as she stroked me off with a quick hand, "fill my mouth with your seed, give it to me Jason, please…"

She jerked my cock and I felt it swell and pulse, she wrapped her lips around the head and sucked hard, swallowing my cum down quickly and not missing a drop. Panting, I glanced up but there was no one in sight, just a few gently swaying ferns.

“God Mom… that was amazing! Better than I ever dreamed,” I breathed, catching my breath slowly.

I watched my mom swallow my cum, a look of surprised bliss on her face, “Mmhmm you taste so sweet baby, I can feel… I can feel my stomach settling down,” her eyes popped open and she looked up at me, a happy and contented look.

Glancing around I saw that it was beginning to darken as the sun set, and I hopped up, worried we might get stranded out in the jungle in the dark. We grabbed up our stuff and hunting around quickly, I found what I had hoped to, a small game trail leading away from the hot springs and down to the beach. It was a short trip and we came out near the middle of the long strip of sand, with the setting sun off on the horizon. An explosion of color reached across the heavens, blues, pinks, purples, and gold such as you never see on land. Pausing to enjoy the view for a moment I felt Mom's hand find mine, and squeeze it gently, her fingers interlocking with mine.

“It really is beautiful here,” she said her eyes shining, “when I stop worrying for a minute and look around, I’m amazed that we found such a paradise.”

"Come on," I said squeezing her hand back and pulling her along, "Let's get back before the girls begin to worry." I thought of mentioning our observer to my mom, but I was worried about how she might react, and I didn't know what to say. Mom, I think Mia watched you give me... head and she was masturbating the whole time; I think that might make things even weirder.

We spotted the fire off in the distance and ran over, smelling the delicious scents of cooking fish as we drew closer. Two stakes stood in the sand and on their ends were spiked two fat fish, their skin crackling and the thick white flesh toasting over the flames.

"Olivia, you caught one more?" Mom called as she ran up, "Congratulations! Oh, I'm so proud of you!"

“I did! It’s all thanks to Jace, but he made it look a lot easier than it was. Took me all afternoon to get just the one fish.” She said with chagrin.

“You still got one on your first day trying,” I said with pride, “That’s pretty impressive.”

“Thanks, little bro,” she said, her face splitting into a big grin, “Mom looks like you took my advice,” she glanced down at Mom’s topless torso and the older woman blushed deeply.

"Well, it was just so humid and hot in the jungle," she began to unwrap her hair, self-consciously covering her large breasts with one arm. Mia jumped up laughing and ripped off her top, her massive breasts – as big if not bigger than Moms, swinging free.

"Now it feels like a vacation!" Mia said, laughing as she gripped her swinging breasts, "How much longer on those fish Liv, I'm starving?"

"I think they're done," she glanced at Mom, her eyes still wide from Moms' topless body, "would you check them, Mom?"

Mom took up the stakes and pulled the flesh of the fish apart, checking to make sure they were done.

“They look done, but another minute or two to kill any bacteria is a good idea,” she said.

“How can you stand to wait?!” Mia said, “I’m so starving I feel like my stomach is going to bore a hole through my body.”

“Me too,” Olivia and I said at the same time, glancing and smiling at each other.

“Aren’t you starving?” Mia asked my mom, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

"No, I'm surprisingly ok," Mom said, placing a hand against her mouth as she looked at me, "Oh my I do feel so much better… That's… that's something to think about."

"Well isn't that interesting," Mia said as she glanced at me with a knowing grin. I ignored her, and Mom's questioning frown. I felt a spike of anxiety at what my sister might say about what she saw, worried she would judge us as perverts and freaks, but her face showed more amusement than judgment.

“What are you talking about?” Olivia asked glancing from Mia to Mom.

“Nothing,” Mia said, “I was just thinking it would be good to find a nice steady protein diet.” Mom glanced at her youngest daughter quickly, her eyes wide in fear and worry, but Mia glanced away, a small smile on her lips.

"Yea," Olivia said, "The fish is good, but we could use a more varied diet. Hopefully, we can find some different fruits or vegetables in the jungle soon."

Mom had a thoughtful expression on her face as she looked from her two beautiful daughters to me. I pulled the first fish off the fire and handed it to Olivia and then pulled the next off and handed it to Mia. They took turns ripping off bites of delicate flesh. When Olivia handed her fish to me, and I took my first hot bite, it was the greatest thing I had ever tasted. Unseasoned, cooked over an open flame, crispy, dry and delicious.

I moaned out in pleasure, breathing out the hot steam as I chewed and looking around caught eyes with my sisters and Mom, our grins ear to ear as we feasted on fish, coconuts, and freshwater. Mia had finished her basket and after eating, we made a pile of cleaned coconut halves that we could fill with water, and I worked to rig a pair of shoulder straps for the basket, so one person could carry it on their back. While I worked, the girls discussed the hot springs we had found and Mia and Olivia said they wanted to visit it first thing the next day. The girls were overjoyed at the prospect of cleaning themselves in the bubbling warm waters.

Exhausted, we crawled into the dark cave and huddled together against the evening chill. In the dark, it was hard to see who it was, but I was almost certain that my mom was the one who cuddled up in front of me. Her large firm behind pressed against my crotch, shifting gently in the sand as it worked my cock stiff. I almost groaned out in desire, and I heard a small chuckle from her. I finally fell asleep with the vision of half-naked sexy women in a sunny paradise, dancing through my head.​
Next page: Chapter 08
Previous page: Chapter 06