Chapter 09
That afternoon I took the hatchet and dozens of feet of rope Mia had braided and built us a large bed frame, while Mia, Mom, and Olivia wove together four blankets and stuffed them with moss and dense grasses from the jungle, drying everything out as best we could over the fire. The bed frame wasn't finished that night, but I did manage to build us a small cover for the cave, to keep the wind and blowing sand out, as the girls finished two of the blankets.
That night we felt like kids, as I covered the opening to the cave, blocking out the night sky and the steady wind and whipping sand. We lay under the two blankets and cuddled close. I began to nod off when I felt a body shift against me, just as it had the other night and I felt a soft perfect ass press against my crotch. My cock got hard instantly, and I felt a small hand grip it, pressing it against a steaming panty-clad pussy. I was certain it was my mom when I felt her hips roll back and forth, the sand shifting silently beneath her. My dick grew large in her hand and I heard a stifled gasp and froze when I recognized my sister Mia's high-pitched voice.
“You ok Mia?” My mom mumbled, sleepily from the other side of out pile.
"Just… thought I felt a bug crawling… on my leg," Mia said from right before me. My breath began slowly, my heart racing as Mom rolled over and in moments was breathing slowly and deeply in sleep. I startled when Mia's small hand flexed on my cock, her fingers expertly rolling and milking its girth. I had to bite my lip to keep from moaning out and then she pressed herself down on it, grinding her ass and pussy back on me. My hand slipped to her hip and I flexed my fingers into the soft flesh as she rocked back and forth. Her movements smooth and steady, her breathing quickening slowly as she drew out our pleasure. Long minutes passed as she worked herself up and down my hard cock, frigging her clit on me as she stroked my cock with expert hands. Then I felt her body shuddering and convulsing as the orgasm took her over, but she managed to only allow one shuddering gasp from her mouth.
I felt my beautiful bubbly blond stepsister shift in the sand and then a wet warmth stole over my cock. I felt fire race up my body, as pleasure I had never known radiated out from my cock. She sucked my whole cock down her throat silently. Her tongue sliding along my shaft and balls, her throat muscles milking my cock with delicious intensity. In mere moments I felt my balls boil and my hand convulse on her back, where it had been stroking her soft flesh. She pulled back up my cock quietly and sucked hard on the tip. Stroking me quickly with thumb and forefinger, as I shot huge amounts of cum into her swallowing mouth.
My toes curled and I felt tingling pleasure sweep through my whole body from fingers to toes and I rested my head back on the sand. Mia had just sucked my dick and swallowed my cum, happily, while my stepmom and her sister lay near us in the dark cave. The sound of surf outside did much to mask the sounds of her movements but even still. My heart was racing even as I felt her small soft form wiggle into my side. I drifted off to sleep on my back with a big smile of contentment on my face.
The next morning, I woke to find that Mom and the girls had gotten up before me and prepared breakfast. I got up and stretched, blinking in the bright sunlight. I looked around the group and felt overwhelmed with love for these three gorgeous women and the answering smiles from each of them, were happy and content. We were making something good out of this crazy situation, and I wasn’t even trying to think about all the sexiness that had been happening.
“Let’s go take a bath!” Mia said.
"We should get some fishing done," I said.
“We have plenty of fish,” Olivia said, “we run the risk of not being able to eat them faster than they will go bad if we catch many more.”
"Come on Jason," Mom said, "you have been working so hard non-stop, we all have. We have food, we have water and shelter, and the fire for a signal if a searcher comes near the island. We deserve a break."
"Ok," I said smiling around, I could never deny these wonderful ladies. Besides, Mom and Olivia were both right, we ran the risk of rotten meat, and the break would be good for us. I hadn't been thinking about it and I kicked myself for not thinking about their mental well-being as well as their physical, "you ladies should go and make a day of it."
“Jason!” Mia said, rolling her eyes, “we all need a break, and that includes you. You’re coming and there’s no debate.”
“Ok, Ok,” I said, holding up my hands, surrendering and laughing, “I guess I’ll force myself to a beautiful hot spring and watch three gorgeous women frolic in the pools.”
“Not that pretty after our disaster and living without a sink or lotion,” Olivia said as she started to pack stuff.
“I know what you mean,” Mom said in agreement.
“What are you talking about Mom? Liv and I both look ragged, our hair’s dull, and our skin is peeling and raw, but you look amazing… like really amazing… what gives?”
“She’s right,” Olivia said as she tilted her head and looked at Mom with new eyes, “you managed to have better skin and hair over the past day or so… how did you do that?”
“I guess it’s just the diet,” Mom said, her cheeks turning slightly pink, “it agrees with me.” She gave me a small glance and a secret smile as she passed me, packing up some water and food for the day. Mia noticed her glance and she tilted her head, a look of dawning realization on her face. She looked at me and I saw a big grin show there, then she winked and turned around.
“I don’t get it,” grumbled Olivia to Mia, “we eat the same stuff?”
But Mia just shrugged, keeping her thoughts to herself. I grabbed up the straight spear I had made the first night and we headed off up the beach. Thirty minutes later we were tromping through the jungle, the humidity climbing as we drew close to the springs. I felt my eyes wanting to stare, as the women drew off their tops in the humid heat, but I managed to keep them to myself for the most part, even though Mia made a point of shifting and wobbling her massive tits right before my face as she walked in front of me. Watching my face the entire time to see how I was affected by her. My semi-hard cock was a testament to how sexy I thought she was, and she smirked often whenever I had to drag my gaze from her soft pink nipples.
We got to the steaming pool and the girls whooped with joy, and even Mom laughed and tossed off her top. Mia was the first to shuck her bottoms and she laughed when she saw Mom’s shocked expression. Wiggling her white butt, she lowered herself into the warm waters, sighing in pleasure as she submerged herself. She rolled onto her back, her big boobs broaching the surface as she floated to the middle of the pool. Olivia gave Mom a chagrined glance and me a wink before she dropped her panties, the dark ‘V’ between her legs flashing as she stepped into the warm pool.
“When in Rome,” Mom said, with a shrug and a big smile. Then she too dropped her panties and covering her crotch with a hand, used the other to hop into the warm water.
Soon the three of them were standing or floating in the bubbling water in a semi-circle before me. Each watching me with nearly identical looks as I hooked my thumbs into the waistband of my shorts and dragged them down my legs. Mia let out a wolf-whistle and as I looked up, I saw each of their eyes taking in my semi-hard shlong. Mom and Olivia had matching knowing smiles as when Mia let out her whistle, Olivia gave an appreciative nod and even Mom bit her bottom lip. I felt my confidence grow under their stares and I couldn’t help the smile that touched my face as I slipped into the waters.
They were as wonderful and refreshing as I remembered and soon, I was sitting on warm rocks, letting my arms float in the mineral-rich bubbling waters. My stepmom and sisters stayed near the other side of the pool for the most part, but Mia did float around, teasing me incessantly whenever she came close, in a good-natured way. For the most part, I alternated between laying out on the fern-covered soft dirt and slipping back into the hot pool, letting my muscles relax and the stress melts away. Each time my mom or sisters climbed out of the pool, I tried desperately to not look or stare at their bodies, but inevitably I failed. The second time I was getting back into the water, Mia spoke up, broaching the topic from earlier.
"I was thinking about your skin and hair, Mom," she said with a glance to our mother, who happened to be sitting out of the water dripping from her hair and her heavy breasts hanging down, as she combed out her hair with her fingers, "and how healthy it looks. You know I read an article in Cosmo that said male semen is so rich in protein and nutrients that it can give a person skin and hair like that."
“Oh really?” Mom said, her face was a study in benign curiosity and I barely managed not to pause as I climbed into the pool.
“I think I read that article too,” Olivia said, “it said a man’s cum could have all sorts of benefits and can give a person a lot of sustenance.”
“That’s very interesting,” Mom said as she helped Olivia out of the water to cool down with her.
“I mean we have Jason here,” Mia said with a wicked grin, “and he is more than worked up seeing all these boobies swinging around,” she shook her body side to side in the water, wiggling her big perky breasts, “right little bro?”
“Mia, stop teasing your brother,” Mom said, as I glanced away, blushing and trying to avoid all of their eyes, and hide my raging hardon under the water.
“Seems like a shame to waste all that goodness and let him just jerk off in the jungle.” Mom frowned at her youngest daughter and was about to scold her for the language when Olivia spoke up.
“This is life or death Mom, and it’s been a week,” her voice dropped, edged with worry as she went on, “it’s not like we all haven’t been thinking it, but each day we don’t get rescued it gets less and less likely that we will.”
"Don't say that," Mom said, reaching over and pulling Olivia into an embrace, "we will be rescued, and if we aren't… well, we will make our life here work. We have Jason," she said smiling at me, "I know he will take care of us."
“So, you agree?” Mia said, her voice surprised, and when Mom hesitated, she turned to me, winking and was about to say something inappropriate, I could just tell from the sly look in her eyes.
Right at that moment, the air was cut by a shrill scream from the jungle and I whipped my head and saw a great tusked boar, face twisted with fury as it cried out loudly and pawed at the ground. Mom and Olivia were clutching each other in fear now, their mouths just opening with screams of their own. The scene seemed to move in slow motion as I pulled myself out of the water, tearing off a nail on the rocks as I did. Then I launched myself across the intervening space and felt my hands close around the cool haft of my makeshift spear.
The ground beneath me was trembling and my ears were filled with the sounds of screams from all corners as I rolled to my knees. My vision was filled with a furious boar, screaming in its fear as it charged my stepmother and sister. I had rolled directly in its path. Quickly, I slammed the butt end of the spear down into the rock, just in time for the boar to hit its chest first. The spear splintered, shattering under the weight, but not before it drove several deadly feet of bamboo through the beast's body. Unfortunately, that body still had momentum after the spear shattered and it crashed into me with a brutally hard hit.