Chapter 02

As we walked, I took surreptitious glances at Himiko. The woman was drop-dead gorgeous, and I saw hints of an incredible body beneath her loose dress. She glanced over once and caught me staring, and blushed a mild pink, enchanting me even further. Then I noticed her glance at my shoulders and arms while trying not to be noticed. I even caught her biting her bottom lip once when I scratched my stomach, my washboard abs peeking out.

"Eiji is at the office and won't return until late," Himiko said as we turned onto her street, "but he wanted to be here to greet you. He said tomorrow he would greet you in the morning."

“I understand," I said, "I hope Shinjiro got to my house, ok."

"Me too," she said with a small worried frown, "he is a good boy, but sometimes… Ahh, the girls are home!" She said with a smile, moving past what she had been about to say as if it didn’t exist.

She pulled open the gate to their small house, wedged in-between others just like it. There was a small patio out front and lights on in the upstairs windows. As we walked up to the front door, I saw one of the upstairs curtains flicker as if someone had been peeking out, and I smiled to myself.

Himiko lead me in, and I found the inside of the house to be beautifully decorated with nice soft furniture, all of which was immaculately clean. My mom would definitely approve of how Himiko maintained her household. She showed me where to place my shoes near the door, that was the first thing the exchange program had warned me: never wear shoes in the house.

"I’ll show you to your room, so you can drop off your luggage."

She led me down the main hall and around a tight corner to a small room. I could tell that it was Shinjiro's room as the walls were covered in posters of cartoon girls in tiny clothing and the shelves covered in comics and little robot toys. It was closer to the size of a closet in an American home than a bedroom, but I kind of liked how organized and neat it was.

I set my luggage in a corner and glanced at one particularly revealing poster of an older animated woman in a tiny bikini and her younger, overly busty friend, both pressing their tits together and kissing. I looked to Himiko, who met my eyes and blushed, ducking her head.

“Shinjiro insisted on leaving his… artwork up while he is away,” she said with a shake of her head, “but if you wish to take it down, I can find a place to store them.” She looked up at the poster and blushed again, her cheeks a faint and pretty red.

"Uhh, no, it's ok," I said, "Is there a bathroom I could use?" I'd had to pee ever since we got off the train, and I was about to explode by that point.

"Of course!" she said, backing up and leading me back down the hall. She showed me where the bathroom was said, “Please come to the kitchen when you are done, I will have food prepared for you.”

I slid the door shut behind myself and turned to see the strangest and most complicated toilet I’d ever seen in my life. There was a remote control with over a dozen buttons on it. I ignored that and just finally let myself go. Sighing in relief. I washed up when done, taking a minute to wash my face and comb back my hair.

My hair is normally a dirty blond, but from water polo and the summer, it had become a much lighter sun-bleached blond. My blue eyes looked haggard, and I realized I had been traveling for a little over than 24 hours by this point. I was exhausted. I almost just begged off eating and went to sleep, but I didn't want to be rude.

When I stepped out of the bathroom, there was a small girl standing right outside the door. I couldn't halt my momentum fast enough and accidentally bumped into her. I stepped back immediately, but not before she pressed her body into me, almost conforming to my muscles and waist before she tripped and sprawled back onto her butt.

"I'm sorry!" I said, bowing low and reaching out to help the girl up.

Now that I looked at her, I could see she was a teenager, easily of legal age, but so petite. She had beautiful dark eyes and hair cut into a short bob. Her small button nose and dimpled cheeks capped off a heart-stopping face. She was wearing a school uniform, a white button-up shirt with red ribbons hanging down from the neck, and a long brown plaid skirt. A skirt that right now was riding up her thighs, in artful disarray from her fall. I couldn’t help but steal a peek of pure white panties before she scrambled back, pulling the skirt over her knees.

I reached down to help the girl up, but she stared at me with wide eyes, face pale, and crawled away from me a step or two as if she was afraid. I felt really bad, hoping I hadn't hurt the small teen by accident.

"Are you ok?" I asked, concerned. The girl nodded quickly, eyes wide and leaping to her feet, dashed back down the hall. I heard quick feet running up the stairs and wondered what I had done to freak her out so much.

Himiko peeked her head out of the kitchen, with a questioning frown. Then she glanced up when she heard a door slide shut upstairs, and she smiled.

“You met Yui, I see. Please forgive the girl she can be very shy, but she’s kind and gentle you will see," she waved me into the kitchen, "Come Yui has been preparing the meal all day for you, and it's warm now."

I entered the kitchen and found a bowl of noodles and soup, filled with vegetables and an egg. Of course, I'd eaten ramen before but always the freeze-dried packets. This smelled similar but was so beautifully prepared I almost didn’t want to eat it.

“It looks amazing,” I said with a smile.

Himiko set out another bowl and called up the stairs. I heard another set of steps come down and a tall girl with beautiful delicate features, wide hips, and a large bust stepped in. She froze when she saw me, and her eyes narrowed when I smiled at her.

“Hmph!” She grabbed the bowl of noodles and broth her stepmom had prepared and then whirled and stalked out and back up to her room.

“That girl,” Himiko muttered under her breath, “Please forgive Hina,” she said with a low bow to me, “She is a good girl, very smart, but she can be… trying sometimes. She took the death of her mother the worst, Pardon me.”

She stood and slipped out and upstairs. I ate the food while a heated conversation went on upstairs to low and quick for me to make out. The broth was delicious and clear. The delicate flavors married perfectly with the vegetables, egg, and noodles. I ate it all down fast, slurping down the last of the broth.

After cleaning up as best I could, I went to my room and lay on the bed. Feeling homesick and lost in this strange country. I passed out on the sheets, still in my clothes, too tired to pull anything off.

I woke with a start. Someone had covered me with a thick blanket, and I yawned, climbing out of bed and pulling off my pants and shirt. I was about to get into bed and figured I'd better use the bathroom first. I went down the hall, not thinking anything about walking around in my boxer shorts. I was used to being the only child and having my own bathroom.

Blinking in sleep, I slid the bathroom door open and then froze, stunned to find Hina on the toilet, her legs spread wide and a hand furiously rubbing herself, the other massaging a handful of small breasts beneath her small shirt.

When I opened the door, the girl froze and slammed her legs together, face beet red. I stood for a moment, mouth working like a fish out of water. I looked up from her slim sexy legs and the dark 'V' of hair between and met her wide eyes for one second. Then hers flickered down, widening even further as she stared at my muscled torso and down to my dick pressing against my boxers. Her cheeks were blushing a bright red, and I realized I had been standing there for several long seconds.

“I’m so sorry!” I said, then stepped back quickly and shut the door running back to my room and cursing myself for a fool.

I climbed into bed but couldn't get the image of her sexy slender body out of my head. Her pale smooth-skinned body had been so sexy, the little of it I saw. Not to mention the sight of her masturbating. The image of her hand under her shirt, hard little nipples pressing against the soft fabric, had my cock hard as a rock, and I couldn't help but stroke it. I passed out after with visions of sexy little Japanese girls and their hot moms, dancing through my head.

I woke the next morning early and climbed out of bed, brushing my teeth. When I went out to the kitchen, I found Eiji the dad. He was dressed for work already but still smelled like a bar or a brothel, from the night before. His face was haggard and puffy, his body heavy and soft. His clothes were expensive, though.

"Greetings, Blake," he said with a grim-looking expression, "I hope you enjoy your stay in Japan."

“Thank you, sir,” I said with a deep bow, “You are most kind to give me the opportunity and take me into your lovely home.” I saw his expression soften somewhat, and he nodded, motioning for me to sit with him at the table. As I did, Himiko slipped in from the living room and poured us each a cup of tea.

"You play sports?" He asked, glancing at my muscled arms as I took the tea from his wife.

“Yes sir," I said, "I was on the varsity baseball and water-polo teams in my school. I grew up playing a lot of soccer, as well." He brightened still further at that.

"Your Japanese is very good," he said, nodding firmly, "Shinjuku High School has a baseball team, my old friend is the coach. If you are interested, I could put in a word and get you into the tryouts.”

“Sir, I would very much appreciate that!” I said with a big smile, “I worried there wouldn’t be a team, or that they wouldn’t let me join, not being a local.”

"No, no," he said with a big grin, sitting back and crossing his arms over his belly, "no rules like that, but it's rare for an exchange-student to be an athlete. They are usually more academic, but this is good! You know I used to play on the Shinjuku High team, it was many years ago, but we won the district tournament!"

“Did Shinjiro play on the team?” I asked and regretted it instantly as I saw the man’s bright mood darken.

"No, Shin is not a boy who plays sports," he waved it away, and I could tell it was a sour subject, “Himiko!”

The tall, pretty woman came in quickly as if she had been waiting just outside the door. I saw her look attentively at her husband, and he glanced at her, dismissively, "When is the placement exam?"

“Next Friday,” she said, looking down at the floor. Eiji stood, struggling his bulk to his feet, and I saw that he was several inches shorter than her.

“You will make sure the boy is prepared for the test as much as possible,” he glanced back at me, “and make sure he makes it to the teams’ tryouts.”

"Of course," she bowed slightly.

The short man glanced at her, and I saw a look of shame and guilt race across his features, replaced with anger. At himself or her, I didn't know, but there were currents going on between the couple that I couldn't read. I looked away, embarrassed to have witnessed the interaction. Without another word, the man left, slamming the door behind himself.​
Next page: Chapter 03
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