Chapter 03
Himiko rose with a small pained smile on her face and went over to the counter and got out two bowls.
"Are you hungry, Blake?" She asked me in her cultured voice.
“I am yea,” I said, realizing I was ravenous.
She brought over two bowls of a rice porridge that was very similar to oatmeal, at least in texture. I ate two big bowls of the stuff and then went and got ready for the day. We had a meeting that morning with the exchange program, and Himiko said we could walk there in about twenty minutes. I was looking forward to seeing more of the city.
It was a beautiful day, and as I stepped out of their house with Himiko by my side, I felt great. We started out, and I immediately felt awkward and the center of attention. Everywhere we went, every face turned and stared at the tall blond white guy walking around. Himiko laughed quietly to herself when we turned down the first street, and a neighbor woman dropped her laundry off her balcony. The woman's jaw was hanging open.
“Are white people really that rare in Osaka?” I asked Himiko at the end of the first street.
"It's not that," she said, glancing over at me with a small smile, "well, it's partly that. There are a lot of white people in this part of Japan, but they are all businessmen, staying in a hotel downtown." She looked me up and down, her eyes stopping on mine and holding them for a long moment before she blushed slightly and hurried forward.
"What is it?" I asked, hurrying after her.
“The women of japan are not used to tall, muscular young men with… with those eyes… and that hair,” she gave herself a shake and crossed her arms over her chest.
She didn't say anything else for the rest of the walk, and neither did I. I felt better about the staring eyes, though, and I did notice that most of the odd reactions came from women. We arrived at the small community center next to the High School and took name tags and filed into the meeting room. Just as we stepped into the room, Momo was sliding up alongside us, dragging a wild-eyed Avram along with her.
"Hello Blake-san," Momo said to me with a wide, almost predatory smile, "How are you liking Japan? I know Tanaka's house is quite small and you are so very… mmm big," one of her petite hands reached out and grabbed my bicep feeling the muscle. I saw her eyes widen as I flexed involuntarily and she licked her bottom lip and sucked it in, like she saw a tasty dessert she wanted, "Tell me… are you comfortable there? I can request a transfer."
“No, the room is comfortable,” I said with a smile. I could feel Himiko bristling at my side, but she had a calm expression on her beautiful face, “The food and hospitality have been great as well.”
“You see?” The small elegant woman suddenly turned on Avram. Speaking in English, frustration tinging her voice, “White people can eat Japanese food.”
"It's my bowels," Avram said to me with a shrug, "I have been on the toilet practically since dinner last night." He was using English, and I winced slightly at that. This was going to be a tough year for him if he couldn't get the language down.
"Tell me, Blake," Momo said to me in Japanese, slipping in between Himiko and me with consummate skill, proving the social shark she was, "are you an athlete or a scholar?"
“I plan to try out for the baseball team,” I said, “Mr. Tanaka is going to get me into the tryouts.”
“Ahh,” she said with a smug smile taking my arm and leading me over to a chair, "that makes sense. The man was a meathead in school. He will be proud."
She sat down and patted the seat next to her, but I was already stepping back. Himiko walked slightly behind us with her head bowed, but I placed a hand on her lower back and moved her ahead of me and into the seat Momo was patting.
“Please save me from this woman,” I whispered in Himiko's ear so only she could hear. I could feel the fine muscles of her back flexing and move beneath my big hand, and her face was rosy-cheeked, but she took the seat. Once I'd sat down on her other side, she pulled out the brochure and began going over it with me. I could see a sour expression on Momo's pretty face, and a fragility as of a woman reminded that she had few friends. I felt sorry for her but knew that she would end up being trouble.
The director came out and addressed the group. There were two dozen students who would be going to different schools in the area — kids from all over the world. We had a chance to mingle with the kids and parents after the speech from the director. I didn't find anyone I connected with, but a few of the kids seemed cool, and a couple of the girls were quite hot. I was avoiding Momo when a couple of the other moms, cornered me — asking me a dozen rapid-fire questions. They just kept crowding in closer and closer, a couple reaching out and squeezing my arms. It might have been different if any of them were attractive, but as it was, I just wanted to get out of there.
“Blake!” Himiko called to me, pulling me out of the crowd, “I got the schedule from the director, we can get out of here.”
“Great,” is said with a look of gratitude. She giggled as we slipped out of the place. I could see Momo scanning the crowd, hunting for us, just as we left.
“The placement exam is next Friday at 10 am,” Himiko said when we were back on the street heading home, “It would be good for you to study tonight. I will make you a good meal and make sure the girls don’t disturb you.”
"Ok," I said, not at all looking forward to studying, "Thank you."
She glanced at me and then back ahead, I could see her eyebrows pull together as she thought, but I didn't press her. I took in the sights as we walked, and when we stopped at a corner market so she could buy some items, I stayed outside and played the coin-operated Galaga game. I was just starting to get into the zone when two girls stopped and stood right next to the machine. They didn’t look at me, but they definitely wanted me to notice them.
Finally, Himiko came out of the store and gave the girls a disapproving frown. The two scurried off, giggling and whispering to one another and glancing back at me.
“You be careful of girls like that Blake,” Himiko said when we were a block away.
“They seemed pretty innocent to me.”
“In Japan no girl is innocent," Himiko said, and when I raised an eyebrow at her, she blushed deep, "Almost no girl. You see, even for the innocent ones, they know the rumors, and so they all want to find out."
“Rumors?” I asked.
“Don’t make me repeat it,” she said with a small, shy smile, "You know the old rumor about Japanese men," she held up her hand and wiggled the tip of her little pinky.
“Oh,” I said, and this time it was my turn to blush.
"It's not true, of course," she said quickly, "but all the kids talk about it and when they’re that age… You just be careful; AIDS is here in Japan too.”
This was the height of the AIDS epidemic, and I took her warning seriously. I hadn't thought about having a love life here in Japan. At least not until today as we walked around, and I saw how many women were beautiful.
We got back to their home, and Himiko started preparing dinner. Yui came down right away, silent and watchful with her big round eyes. She was a whirlwind in the kitchen, cooking the most amazing and delicious food in record time. All the while, Himiko helped out. The stepmom was in her loose conservative dress, but she had an apron on, tied tight and pressed flat to her body. I struggled not to stare at her large breasts atop her willowy frame.
I hung out in the kitchen, perusing the study guide, and mapping out what I needed to study. Looking it over, I was starting to get pretty stressed. I had assumed Japan would be easier than American schools, once I knew the language. The test was proving that my assumption was wrong. Himiko came over and looked it over with me. She said this stuff was way over her head, and that if I needed a tutor, she could find one for me.
We sat down to dinner, and Himiko and I talked about our pasts. She was a fascinating woman, so elegant and graceful in her movement and expressions. She had been a model in her youth under the assumed name of JULIA, she said. Beautiful but coming from a very poor background. She tried to play it down, but I got the impression she had a good career from it. The life of a model in japan was not like America. She was micromanaged to within an inch of her life here, never had a boyfriend, or went out.
Finally, her parents insisted she marry, worrying about her financial security, and that was just a month or two after Eiji's wife had died. The marriage had been shotgun quick. One day she lived in her parent's shack, and the next, she was a mom to three kids who had just lost their mother. Her story died out after that, and I saw Yui, looking at Himiko with a much softer gaze as if she was just hearing about the woman's life.
I told them of mine, the struggles I'd had growing up, not nearly as hard as hers, but tough none the less. I mostly talked about my hopes and dreams for the future. I had a secret passion that I'd spent a lot of time working on over the past couple of years. It had started when I made a mixtape for a girl, and then the tape got unspooled and ruined by my cat before I could give it to her. So, I had been playing around on my computer, trying to figure out how to copy music digitally. I had an idea for a company that sold, not CD's or tapes of music, but over the internet, digitally.
We finished the meal of fried noodles and fish, and I helped the women clean up. They wouldn't let me help them wash. Yui scowled at me like I was a fool for asking. I thanked them again and went back to my room, pulling out my textbooks and began brushing up on my Biology.