Chapter 04
I couldn’t seem to concentrate though, the image of Himiko in her flattering apron and surprisingly sexy body, was running through my head. I set the books aside and lay down on my bed, pulling my dick out I closed my eyes and envisioned bending the sexy MILF over in the kitchen and taking her there.
I was just getting into it when I heard a shocked gasp from the doorway. My eyes flew open, and I covered myself in shame and saw Himiko standing there one hand covering her mouth and the other holding a small tray of cookies. I pulled the thin sheet over myself and ducked my head in shame.
“Oh my…” she said softly, eyes wide.
I expected her to move out and shut the door quickly, and I glanced up, filled with a strange energy and fear when she glanced down the hall and slipped into the room. She slid the door shut behind herself gently and set the plate of cookies down on the small desk. I was frozen like a deer caught in headlights as she moved to the side of my bed and sat down on the edge.
"You should be studying," She said with concern in her eyes, and I cringed, even more, nodding. Why was she torturing me so?
"But you are distracted… I've read this happens to boys and that it's a mother's duty to keep a growing boy focused." Her eyes flickered down, a little unsure and nervous, but I saw her face firm in resolve, and she glanced back into my eyes without any hesitation in her face.
“Let me help you,” she said, and I saw her pupils dilate as she slid a hand over the sheet and across my thighs, “This will calm you down and help you focus, I promise.”
“What are you doing?” I asked in a fierce whisper as she let her gentle fingers slide over the blanket covering my now soft cock.
“I have to make sure you are prepared to study,” she said with a strange gleam in her eyes, "Relax, this is my duty, Blake… oh my…" My cock had begun to get hard once again, thickening under the fingers as they slid along its length over the blanket.
I didn’t know what to do. This was so far outside of my understanding of how you hook up with a girl or woman that I just lay there. I'd had several girlfriends over the years and wasn't a virgin, but something about the gorgeous and elegant woman before me in her conservative dress had me feeling like I was a virgin again, getting my firsthand job.
“Oh my…” she breathed as she began to draw the thin blanket out of my loosely clutching hands and down my legs. Her eyes widened and then looked at me, a slow smile of delight suffusing her face. "It looks like the rumors are true, Blake, you are… most impressive… Mhmmm”
She moaned ever so softly, her eyes drinking in my big dick as her cool fingers ran down its length and encircled its shaft. She began by stroking it in a firm grip, watching my reactions closely. Her fingers relaxed, as I sighed in pleasure, and she smiled deep.
"Himiko…" I said, looking at her with wide, shocked eyes unable to finish my thought, not wanting to stop this wonderful surprise.
She didn’t say anything, her eyes staring at my dick in her hand as she slowly stroked it. I was already so worked up jacking off before that I knew I wouldn’t be able to last long. I held off for as long as I could.
“So long…” Himiko breathed and licked her bottom lips, glancing at me with an expression of someone with their hand in the cookie jar, "So thick… you are so beautiful, Blake." Her other hand slid up my stomach across the muscles, and I felt my cock beginning to jerk.
“Himiko,” I warned, and her eyes flared wider, her smile growing more lascivious as she watched my cum gush out of my cock and coat her hand and landing on my stomach.
“So much…” she breathed.
I felt the pleasure recede as I came down from the heights of pleasure, but my cock stayed hard as a rock — the wildness of our situation, keeping me super excited. Himiko reached to the side and pulled over a t-shirt and wiped her hands and my cock clean. It throbbed as she handled it, and she looked back at me, shock and wonder on her face.
“Still so hard?” She asked me, her voice a little awed.
“Sorry,” I said with a chagrined shrug, “This is just so exciting, and you are so beautiful… I was thinking about you earlier when I… you know… and then you came in…”
"You were thinking of me?" She asked in surprise one hand, going to her breasts and pressing the dress down against her body, "Certainly I'm too old," she said, glancing away, "not young and nubile like Hina or Yui."
“You’re gorgeous,” I said earnestly, my eyes tracing the lines of her face.
She looked back at me, her cheeks blushing slightly. I marveled at the fact this was the first time I'd seen her truly blush since she sat down. Japanese women sure are strange, I thought.
"You are so kind to say so," she said, and I saw my words had an effect on her, "It is still so hard… do you want more… relief?" Her words were shy, but the fire in her eyes was anything but, and she didn't wait for my response.
She shifted on the bed and reached out with two hands, wrapping them both one atop the other around my dick.
"Ahh… mhmm god, that feels so good," I said. She glanced at me and then back down, and before I could react, she had leaned over, and her delicate tongue slipped out of her mouth and licked the head.
"Oh, fuck!" I said at the hot wet sensation.
Her smile was wide and hungry as she kissed my cock and then wrapped her lips around the head. She was very inexperienced in giving blowjobs, I could tell right from the start, but she was enthusiastic and keyed into my reactions. In no time, I felt my balls tighten up, and I firmed my will to hold the orgasm off.
She had both hands stroking me, my thickness keeping her fingers from meeting her thumbs, and length so great she could jack me with both hands. Her lips formed a tight circle sliding over my cockhead, again and again, her tongue teasing the slit of my cock. I glanced down and saw big soft tits swaying inside her dress. Big firm nipples pressed the fabric, and the sight sent me over the edge.
"I'm going to…" I warned again and heard a grunt of pleasure from the older beautiful woman's throat. Her eyes were closed tight, and as the first hard blast of cum shot into her throat, she jerked slightly and then began swallowing it down as fast as she could. Her throat working and lips sucking the last of my cum out.
I collapsed back onto the bed, panting and still tingling from the powerful orgasm and looked down to see Himiko sit up, one hand wiping her lips and kissing the remaining cum from her fingers. She looked down at me with a fire smoldering deep in her eyes, and a gentle expression on her face.
"I have never done that before," she said, then looked at my eyes and smiled.
"That was incredible," I said, beginning to come back to myself.
“I hope this helps your studying,” she said with a smile as she stood up and walked over to the door. She glanced back and looked me up and down and bit her lips, giving me one final grin before she slipped out.
I sat up and pulled my shorts on. My mind was still whirling with what had just happened. It was far beyond my fantasies, but it had been the single most erotic experience of my life. Feeling clearheaded and motivated, I pulled my books back over and buried myself in studying. I finally passed out around midnight, feeling like I’d learned and retained more than I ever had in my life.
I woke the next morning refreshed and excited for the day. I went out to the kitchen to find Himiko and Hina eating breakfast. Himiko got upright when I entered and got a bowl of porridge and a cup of tea. I sat and smiled at Hina, but she just glared and me and sniffed. Dropping her spoon in the bowl, she stood and whipped her hair around as she stalked from the room.
I glanced at Himiko with a questioning frown, and she just shook her head gently.
“Hina has been… difficult since she learned her brother would be gone for a year," she sat sipping her tea, "They were close. Shinjiro is a good boy, but he and his father don't get along. He isn't interested in women that way," she said with a significant glance, "and Hina was the only one he could confide in.”
“I see,” I said with an understanding nod, “My uncle Richard is gay. He is over at our place all the time. I think Shinjiro will find some friends over in the states. If you want, I can call my uncle and see if he’ll take Shinjiro to a club or something."
“A club?” She asked.
"Never mind," I said, waving it off. I sipped my tea and felt the tension in the room grow, looking up at Himiko. I caught her staring at me with intense eyes. She glanced down immediately and then looked up, her cheeks blushing slightly.
“How did your studying go last night?” She asked.
"Really good actually," I said, unable to meet her eyes, "Thank you… again."
“Your baseball tryout is this afternoon at the school field,” she said then she glanced down and chose her words carefully, “If you plan to study this morning, then I could help you… focus… again.”