Chapter 12

I was woken from my rest by the most ear-splitting screech of anger. I started up and saw Hina standing in a short robe, screaming obscenities at her little sister who had leaped to her feet and was yelling right back. I saw what had happened immediately and felt a cold shiver run down my spine. The dream was ending, it seemed. To be honest, I wasn't surprised there was no way such things could last forever. The look of anger and hurt in Hina's eyes cut to my soul, and I realized I cared deeply for the quiet girl.

Mina spun, tears streaming down her face and dashed from the room. Yui pouted and snatching up her robe, stalked out as well. I was left assuming the world was going to burn down around my head.

Getting ready, I was surprised when Himiko slipped into my room with a smile on her face.

“Why are you smiling?” I asked, “I think Hina and Yui are going to kill each other.”

“No," she said with a dismissive wave, "everything will be ok, trust me. You have to pack, though, for two days."

"We're leaving?" I asked. It made sense to get out of town while things blow over.

“We are all going on a trip,” her grin was excited when she said, “to the hot springs!”

“Wait… what?” I asked, confused.

"It's the best thing for us," she said, pulling down a small piece of luggage from the closet, "two days I the mountains, relaxing and reconnecting." She looked up at me as she stepped back to the door, "Make sure to get some rest on the ride out there, Blake, you're going to need it." Flashing her mischievous smile, she slipped out of the room. Deciding to go along with it all once more, I packed a few clothes and some swim trunks into my backpack, along with a few study books and went out to the living room.

I found Hina and Yui were already packed. Neither would meet my eyes, but they both were excited. I had never been to a hot spring, but from the way, everyone was acting, it was like we were headed to Disneyland or something. Himiko came down quickly, and we piled into the car.

I got into the passenger seat as the beautiful woman drove us up into the mountains. It was a quiet and uncomfortable car ride with the girls staring out opposite windows in the back seat, ignoring one another. Himiko didn't seem worried at all as she drove and even had a small smile on her lips when she glanced in the mirror at the girls. I decided if she was comfortable, then I might as well be too, so I settled into the seat and took a long nap.

The car stopped at a small dark wood building tucked deep in the forest on the mountainside. Ours was the only car in the parking lot and when we went to the single old woman attendant was surprised to see us. It being the middle of the week and offseason, they rarely had guests.

Himiko got us rooms and arranged the meals. The old woman led us back through the deep warren of rooms and corridors to the far end of the complex. She reassured Himiko that we would have total privacy back here, then left us in the large comfortable room. Four bedrooms were leading off from the main central room and a small hallway that leads to the pools. Himiko motioned for the three of us to sit, and she walked over, ensuring that the woman had gone, shutting and locking the door.

“One year,” she said when she turned back to us, an eye brown arched, “That is the time we all have together. Then Blake will go home to America, Hina will head off to college, and our family will be scattered. I want us to take some time and appreciate what we have,” she sat next to Hina and reaching out stroked the tall girl's hair.

“I know you watched Blake and I in the kitchen that day,” she said to Hina, the girl's eyes widening, “and you hold no anger to me, why are you mad at Yui for the same thing? Are you made that she had taken so much time with him?”

Mina nodded, her face red with either anger or embarrassment. Then Himiko folded her into a warm embrace, whispering in the girl’s ears. I saw Hina smile and pull back, nodding and wiping a tear from one eye. Himiko smiled back and stood slowly, reaching out her hand for Yui.

“Come Yui,” she said drawing the short girl up and with her, “let’s leave these two alone for the rest of the day, you and I have some relaxing in hot springs to do!”

The air in the room suddenly grew awkward and charged, and I glanced over at Hina to see her looking at me with shy eyes from under her lashes. She was so adorable I grinned wide and stood pulling her into my arms.

“I wanted you first,” she said into my chest, “that morning in the bathroom I was waiting for you, but I chickened out,” she looked up at me, her wet eyes desperately seeking something in mine.

“I’m sorry,” I said, “but it was Himiko who started all of this.”

“No, I should apologize for being so mean and rude so often." Looking up at me from beneath her long lashes, I felt my heart quicken, "Please forgive me?"

I grinned at the girl and pressed my lips to hers. The kisses were tender and full of passion. Slowly we made our way back to one of the smaller pools and stripped each other naked. We sank into the warm waters and indulged in each other’s bodies. Hina is tall and slender like a volleyball player, with big breasts that sit out from her chest like firm domes. Her body fit into mine like a glove.

It wasn't a wild and passionate session, we took out time, making love. I felt such emotion pouring out of me for the girl and felt it from her too. As we stared into each other's eyes, she was sitting on my lap in the pool, gently riding me, I saw how deeply she cared. I felt it mirrored in my own eyes, and we smiled, kissing and touching and letting our pleasure be drawn out.

Mina needed the reassurance and confidence that our lovemaking gave her, and when we separated, she gave me a deep kiss and made me promise that we could have more like that, with just us before I left. I promised her happily. I saw her walking away relaxed and with a lightness to her steps.

I took a short nap in my room. The sound of the bamboo swaying outside and the water trickling in the garden put me at peace, and I slept like a baby. I woke to delicious smells, and when I stepped out of my room, I saw the main room had been set up for dinner, with a veritable feast of dishes being laid out by the one attendant.

“Blake, I was just going to come and wake you,” Himiko said with a smile.

Mina and Yui were all three dressed in traditional Japanese kimono. Himiko wore blue with prints of birds in flight covering it. There were several layers to the garment, and her hair was done up beautifully. Yui wore light pink robes covered in flower patterns, and Hina wore purple with images of shells. All three looked gorgeous with just a hint of makeup and a floral scent upon the air, from the perfume they had shared.

"Come, Blake," Hina motioned to a cushion, “we have a special meal tonight, the owner has been cooking all day for our guest of honor.”

"Me?" I asked, and smiling sat on the small cushion, "Thank you very much, it all smells so wonderful!"

"Here, you have to try the uni!" Said Yui as she shuffled over with a small bowl. She held out a little bite on chopsticks for me to taste it. It was beautiful, perfectly cooked, and with just a hint of spice. Then Himiko shuffled forward with a dish of sea urchin and roe that looked like it should have been served in a Michelin star restaurant.

"This sea urchin dish is one of our favorites, a rare treat," she held it out for me to taste, and I closed my eyes, mouth filled with bliss, and I let the soft meat melt away on my tongue.

“Try the sake," Hina said, pouring out four small cups, "It's made just up the mountain from here. The owner brought it in special for us."

I took a sip of the warm liquid. It tasted like weak tea with a hint of alcohol, but I felt it burn in my stomach, almost like whiskey. The whole meal went like that, the three of them feeding me small bites and slowly eating themselves. They laughed and joked with one another, and I felt like a king as I watched the three pretty women eating and getting along.

When the meal was over, and we all had a nice buzz from the sake, Himiko and Yui began to clear the food while Yui shuffled into her bedroom and came out with a pile of blankets and pillows. I built a small fire in the fireplace, and soon, the warm light and a cozy atmosphere suffused the large room. They set the blankets out and lay the pillows around the sunken edge of the room.​
Next page: Chapter 13
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