Page 03
I got up and followed her to the kitchen, stopping to lean against the door jamb. She was leaning against the kitchen sink again.
"Heels make your legs look great but I like bare feet, Mom. It's more natural," I said, quietly.
She calmly slipped her feet out of the heels and kicked them away. I pushed out from the doorway and approached her from behind. I stood admiring her ass and legs for a couple of minutes.
"I don't mind you watching me, Tim, but don't leer. You know how I hate that."
"Sorry, Mom. It's just that you look so great and I've never been able to look at you so openly. It's a neat feeling."
"Well, in that case, look all you want. I don't mind."
I stepped closer to her, still not touching. "I may need to touch you at bit too, Mom."
"That's OK, Timmy. Within reason."
I pressed lightly against her. My hard cock thrusting against my pajamas and her ass. I pulled back and pulled my cock through the opening in the front of my pajamas.
"I really like these pajamas, Mom. Can I touch the material?"
I slipped my hands onto her bare sides, just above her hips. I slid them up until I could feel the swell of her breasts, then moved them in front, inside the pajama material, and took firm grip of each small tit, gently squeezing and tugging her nipples.
"I don't know, Tim, I don't know. That's a little direct." Mom spoke in a her harsh, corrective tone of voice I had learned to recognize when I was little. She knew was trying to dampen my enthusiasm, to coerce me into limiting myself.
"Today's special, Mom." I ignored her voice and continued manipulating her tits.
"OK, but only for a little while," she responded, sounding reluctantly resigned. She may have been talking reluctance, but her breathing quickened and her nipples were standing up hard in my palms. I continued working her nipples, using them like little picks to strum my fingers, and kissing the hollow in her neck which I had learned she liked a lot. She just stood there letting me have my way, her breathing slowly becoming shorter and harsher.
I pressed forward, pushing my bare cock between her legs.
"No, no." She tried to push away from the sink but I held her tight.
"Yes. This is special and I want to do it," I gasped, thrusting between her legs, just below her pussy. "I want to rub you bare like this today."
"No, baby."
"Yes, I want it to do it like this! It's special." I pulled her hips away from the sink, leaned her forward, and started thrusting harder. She didn't say anything more or try to fight me, she just let me do it. I didn't do anything special for her. I didn't take time to work her up. I was too far gone. I just kept thrusting my cock between her legs until I came, shooting my spunk through her and onto the kitchen cupboard.
She started to cry and ran upstairs.
I cleaned myself up and followed her. When I got to her room, she was laying on her tummy on top of the covers, quietly sniffling. I was suddenly filled with remorse at my callous treatment. How could I have just used her like that?
I crawled up on the bed and lay next to her. She turned her head away from me, "Go away."
"I can't, Mom. I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to do that." I begged forgiveness.
"I didn't mean it, Mom, I didn't mean it." I put my hand tentatively on her back and began to slowly stroke her back. She stopped sniffling.
"How could you do that to me?"
"I don't know, Mom. I couldn't help it. I was just overcome, you looked so hot. You're the sexiest woman in the world. I couldn't stop myself."
"Well, it's not nice to be used like that you know. A woman doesn't like that!"
"I know. I'm sorry, Mom, I'm sorry." I leaned in to her and started placing little kisses on her shoulder, and into her neck. She didn't object. I continued the kisses and the gentle back massage for several more minutes, then suggested she rest for a while.
"Why don't you get under the covers and have a nap, Mom? Then when you get up we can start over like that didn't even happen."
As she pulled herself up on her knees, I turned the covers back. She got into bed and I placed the covers around her, giving her a kiss and a hug. Take those pajamas off, Mom, so they don't remind us when you get up. We want to start the day with a clean slate."
"OK," she said in a very soft whisper.
I left the room, went downstairs and put on some special tea that Mom really liked. When it was ready, I returned to her room with two cups and a pot on a tray. She appeared to be asleep, ignoring my gentle touch on her shoulder, and a quiet call using her name. After watching her for several minutes remorse kicked in again. I felt a strong urge to hug her, to cuddle and comfort her. I slipped under the covers of the bed and slid over against her back, putting my arm around her shoulder to hug her. I kissed her in the hollow of her neck and whispered, "I love you, Mom. I love you so much."
She murmured something unintelligible back. I continued raining little kisses on her, slowly extending them in to longer smooches.
"Oh, Timmy. It's Ok. Hug me close, honey, hold me really close."
I scrunched in tight to her back, moving my arm lower down in her front, across her breasts. I suddenly realized that she was completely naked. My cock started extending. I tried to will it down, wanting to just hug my Mom, filled with extra love for her at that moment. But my cock was filling with a different kind of love. It had a mind of its own.
I was just about to pull back, not wanting to offend her again, when she said, "That's good, Timmy, hug me like that," and she pulled my arm closer into her chest, pressing it right against her bare tits.
I couldn't pull away with her holding my hand tight against her, so I stayed still, trying to think of other things, like soccer, to quell my evil appendage's independent rise. But to no avail. Inexorably, it continued to lengthen and blossom through, to my horror, the opening in the front of my pajamas. My bare cock poked through, lodging itself into the crack of my Mother's ass. I braced myself for another tearful and angry rebuke. Had my stupid prick ruined it all again?
"That's OK, Timmy. You can rub me there. I don't mind. I know you love me, and I love you. You deserve something special for trying so hard for your Dad and me, so I'm going to treat you special today. But just today."
I was dumfounded! Putting my cock between her legs this morning had been a great sin but now she was inviting me to slide it between her ass cheeks. Don't ever try to figure out women, man.
I responded by pressing my cock firmly between her cheeks, thankful now for the way her prominent cheeks sagged down and jutted out, allowing them to envelope my prick as I pressed it into them. I began to kiss the hollow of her neck again and closed my hand over her right tit, slowly squeezing and stretching her nipple out in a long tug, again and again. I kept up gentle little shoves of my cock into the crack of her ass, and eventually moved my hands down over her tummy to the top of her pussy. The heat she was generating down there was incredible. I pushed my left hand under her head, cupping my palm past her cheeks until my fingers found the corner of her mouth. Then I slipped two fingers into her mouth at the same time that I inserted two fingers into her pussy. She moaned audibly.
I worked her like this, not changing except to push harder into her ass. Then I pushed her right over onto her tummy. I kept my fingers in her mouth and pussy, splayed her legs wide, and started sliding my whole cock up and down her ass crack. With her cheeks opened wider, my cock was rubbing constantly on her anus. After a while, she started twisting her pelvis up toward my cock to increase the friction. This must have been a little difficult because my fingers in her mouth had pulled the back of her head up toward me so that she was looking straight at the headboard. She was rasping hoarsely. I think the effect was from my cock sliding across her rosebud, not the fingers in her pussy. I'd done that before and this was quite a different sound, much more guttural.
Anyway, that sound and her ass fucking back up toward me pushed me over. With a huge groan, I spurted all over her ass and her back, continuing to make little fuck motions until I was empty. She lay still and I collapsed on top of her. After a minute I went to her bathroom, soaked a facecloth in warm water, grabbed a hand towel and a tube of our tanning lotion that caught my eye at the last minute and returned. She was laying exactly as I'd left her, on her tummy, legs spread wide, my spunk on her ass and back. I first cleaned her back and then started washing her ass, doing between her cheeks and, holding them wide, to clean her little hole that I had rubbed for so long.
She hadn't moved or said anything but when I touched her anus, she jerked and let out a little moan. I thought she might be a little sore from all my rubbing. "I'm going to put a little lotion on you. It'll make it feel better."
"Mmmhhmmm," was all she said.
I put some lotion on my fingers, squirted some directly on her little hole and started to gently rub it around.
"Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm." She was making quiet little moaning sounds, and her ass was moving, reacting to my touch. It dawned on me that she hadn't come. I know she had been really enjoying it, but I had spunked all over her, and she hadn't come.
My cock started to stir. Could I do this? Was it possible?
I put more lotion on my fingers and squeezed a liberal amount again directly on her rosebud. I swirled my long middle finger around her hole several times and then pushed it slightly in.
"Oh, ohhh, ooohhhhh." I held my finger still, buried to the first knuckle. I didn't move it.
"Lift your ass up, Mom." Nothing. "Come on, Mom, lift your ass." She cocked her hips back, lifting her ass.
"Higher, Mom, push it higher." She did. "Push, Mom, push." She started to moan and shoved her ass up, burying my long middle finger in her ass. Holy fuck, batman. Her hips were raised right up off the bed with my finger buried to the hilt in her ass, and she was moaning!
"Keep it up, Mom, hold your ass up." I pulled my finger out and pushed it back in slowly, then started repeating it, gradually increasing the tempo. She kept her ass up in the air while I finger fucked her butt.
"Put it down on the bed." No reaction. "Come on, put your ass down on the bed." She dropped onto her tummy. I pulled my finger out, squeezed more lotion on her, and then pushed two fingers slowly into her. When they were sliding in freely, I increased the tempo again, then stopped, pushed them in to the hilt and ground them around in a twisting motion, then slowly back, and the same thing again, faster and faster, slow shove, grind around.
She was moaning very loudly now. I swung up over her, straddling her hips with my knees. I pulled my fingers out of her and used both hands to push her cheeks widely apart. Then I lined my cock up, pressed its tip against her open little hole, and pushed it in. My god, I was fucking my Mom's ass. She wasn't objecting. In fact, she started to grunt, not moan, but grunt as my cock slid in. I leaned forward onto my hands and started a concentrated fuck up her ass. Her grunting continued. I didn't think she could get hotter until I started the slow shove and grind routine I'd used with my fingers. I collapsed right down onto her back, pulled her head back up again, holding it with my left hand on her throat under her chin, and really started fucking in earnest. She became one huge rasping grunt. This went on and on, louder and louder. Then bang. She came with almost a howl, "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHH OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO."
I came too, spurting what I had left right in her bum as she clenched my cock with her convulsing spasms.
I collapsed on her. A long time later, I whispered, "I love you, Mom. That was very special."
"Yes," she whispered back, "I can't believe I did that, let you do that. I've never done that before." She didn't move, or talk again.
A few minutes later, I rolled off her onto my back, and dozed off.
When I woke up, it was well after lunch. Mom was sleeping next to me on her back with her legs open. I pulled the covers over her and watched her for a while. Then I ducked under the covers, low enough that I could crawl up between her legs, careful not to disturb her as I approached her pussy. Once there, I moved in close enough to reach her with my tongue, and started running it up and down between her pussy lips. She didn't respond for several minutes but I continued my gentle ministrations. Finally, she began to moisten considerably and I could hear, even though completely covered, her soft moaning. I moved up to her clit, enveloping it with my mouth and swirling my tongue around it. Around and around, then down through her slit, lap, lap, lap, and then pushing my tongue in deep and shaking my head gently from side to side. Her moaning became more audible and her hands clutched my head, trying to pull me further into her cunt.
I pulled my tongue out with some difficulty, stiffened it, and plunged it back in like a little cock, initiating a series of quick jabbing motions with my whole head. Her knees pulled and she emitted a soft wail. I plunged my head in and started to shake it from side to side again, holding my tongue as stiff as I could, then pulling out to tongue jab her cunt again. The bedroom was filled with her constant moaning and the slurpy sound of my tongue moving in and out of her cunt. I moved my mouth up to her clit again, covered it with my mouth, and sucked it in like a little popsicle.
I grasped the back of her raised thighs and shoved them up hard, bending her legs back to her shoulder. I moved up with her pelvis tilted up off the bed, my mouth still fastened to her pussy, my tongue still swirling around and sucking her clit. I moved my legs up and sat, resting her ass in my crossed legs while I hunched over and sucked her pussy, moving my hands up to the backs of her knees to keep her legs splayed lewdly up and wide apart. I sat there with her raised ass in my lap, alternating between sucking on her clit, lapping her pussy, and wiggling my tongue and jabbing it in her cunt. I lost track of how long I did this but it was quite a while. My face was soaked. When she came, she literally squirted more juice all over my mouth, neck and chest. Her pelvis was convulsing so hard I thought she was going to break her hips. Her moans subsided into an intelligible but repetitious monologue, "Oh God, oh God, oh God, ..."
I let her legs fall back down to the bed and moved up between them pressing my chest down onto her tits, slipping my hands under shoulders, kissing her lightly on her lips. She started to protest, mildly, when she felt my cock wedge its length into the crevice of her pussy. "Don't fuck me, Timmy," she said breathlessly, "Don't fuck me, ... I can't ..., I can't do that to your Dad, ... I can't share myself like that." Her breathing was ragged, she was gasping as she tried to regain her breath.
"I won't, Mom, I won't. You can trust me," I assured her. I continued to rub my cock along the length of her pussy. "I'm just going to rub on you, I won't put it in."
"OK, Timmy, good boy." Then, "Rub me Timmy, rub me." I did. Fuck she was hot. "Ohhh, rub me, ohhhh, rrruuubbb me, Timmy, rrruuubbbb, meee."
I pulled my one hand from under her shoulder and moved my fingers up to her mouth. I started to play with her lips as I rubbed my cock on her, moving them from side to side, then inserted two fingers inside her. I moved them in and out of her mouth in time to my thrusts along the length of her pussy and from side to side when I paused to rock my cock sideways against her puffy lips.
I talked to her. "Do you suck Dad, ... do you suck him?" She shook her head ... no. She was clearly into what we were doing and didn't want to talk but I felt an urgent need to do this now, while she was needing.
"Then it wouldn't be sharing if someone else had your mouth, would it, Mom? I can have your mouth because it's not sharing, right?" She shook her head ... no.
Did that mean I couldn't have it, or did it mean it would be sharing?
"Then I can have your mouth, right?"
She nodded her head. God, I was going to come. I had to get up there so I didn't waste it on her belly and blow this opportunity, even if I did leave her hanging. I pulled myself up to straddle her chest, pulled my fingers out of her mouth, and pushed my cock in. Her eyes opened, looking up at my flushed face and into my wild eyes. She could see my desperate need. I pushed my cock in, and started to fuck her mouth. I couldn't last, I started to come almost immediately, spurting into her mouth.
Even though exhausted, I immediately lowered myself to take her pussy into my mouth, but she grasped my head and pulled me up to lay on top of her, where I collapsed, my head falling beside hers. She started to stroke my back with one hand, and the back of my head with the other. Her legs wrapped around me, her feet rubbing up and down my calves.
I was in bliss.
Later, cuddling and chatting in bed, we started necking. We engaged in an extended snog session, arms and legs entwined, complete with more pelvic rubbing, though I could only manage half mast. This tender time is perhaps the most memorable I have ever spent with any woman. Although we were sure that Dad would be home late, we got up before supper time just to be safe. This was fortunate because Dad was a bit tipsy and tired so he returned home for dinner, arriving just a little late.
Dinner conversation with Dad turned out to be even more rewarding than the one the night before. I was unusually inquisitive about his golf game and got him to recount his best shots and his game plan throughout both games he had played that day. Dad interpreted my intense interest as a desire to expand to a second sport, but I assured him that I wished to be the family soccer star, and therefore needed to concentrate on just that sport, while he continued his role as the family golf pro.
"You know, Dad, while I'm working hard to earn my place in the soccer world, Mom is helping you relax to get ready for Sunday golf, and while you're chasing the links, she helps me wind down from the stress of Saturday's games."
Dad agreed, "That's right, Tim," but looked at little bewildered about what point I was trying to make.
"So, Mom helps us both out."
"That's right. She sure does."
"So, she should share in the glory, Dad."
"Right again, Tim," he beamed, and raised his glass of milk, "A toast to the woman of the family. We couldn't do it without her," he said exuberantly, clicking my raised glass and Mom's, which was hesitantly offered, and took a big swig.
"So, we would both treat Mom special, right? We're sharing her help, so we should share in making her feel special too."
I raised my glass of milk, "To sharing Mom."
"Absolutely," my father declared, clicking my glass, "To sharing Helen."
My Mother was even more hesitant in raising her glass, but she did, taking a small sip. Dad drained his glass, as did I. When I dropped mine down to the table, a second before Dad, I noticed my Mom looking directly in my eyes with a curious, perhaps suspicious look on her face. I grinned back, mouth surrounded by frothy, white milk. She looked away as Dad finished.
Dad didn't stay for dessert. He claimed he had gotten too much fresh air. "I'm really tired, babe," he said to Mom, "I'm going up to bed early. But I leave you in the capable hands of my new partner here, and he will treat you special. Right champ?" he said, turning to look at me.
"Absolutely, partner," I smiled, "I will go to any length to please Mom, ... um, I mean ... Helen!" I grinned up at my Dad as he left the kitchen.