Chapter 10.2
After the meals arrived, though, the girls' antics with the sausages were much more blatant. At first, they paused self-consciously when one of the male diners walked by on their way to the restroom. But after a while, they got caught up with the game of using their sausage/dildos as sex toys, and they didn't even notice the men who walked past, did a double-take, then a minute later made a second trip to the men's room. Within a half an hour there magically appeared a steady stream of men sauntering to and from the men's room, ogling my daughter's bouncing rack and staring open-mouthed at the three gorgeous women giggling over their meat toys.
When it finally came time to leave I announced, quite honestly, that I was not fit to drive. I'd had three scotches on an empty stomach, and there was no way I would have passed a roadside sobriety test.
Elaine, practical as always and yet with a demonic streak, suggested that Katie should drive me home. "Honey," she said, turning to me, "you should ride in the back seat and just relax, given how much you've had to drink. And Randi?" she said, turning toward our daughter's friend, "Would you mind riding in the back with him instead of going home in my car? He might need your help."
We stood up and walked toward the door. Elaine led the way as we made our way across the restaurant. I put my left arm around the waist of my buxom blonde daughter, while my right arm went around the waist of her exotic Japanese-American girlfriend. The other diners - all of the men and most of the women in the restaurant - turned their heads and watched as I promenaded through the restaurant, showing off my devoted, subservient teenagers. As I made my way toward the cashier, my hands drifted upward from the girls' waists, so that by the time I was halfway through the grouping of tables, my arms were wrapped around the girls' backs and my hands were cupping the undersides of their large breasts, showing off their big tits to the other diners. It was difficult for us as a trio wending our way between the tables, and it was necessary to twist and turn several times as we avoided chairs and excused ourselves to seated diners. The result was that I had ample opportunity to fondle the two girls right in front of several of the diners. "Excuse us," I said to one couple, and "Pardon me," to another, as I bent over their tables and bounced my daughter's and her girlfriend's breasts in their faces.
When we stood beside Elaine as she thanked the cashier, the three of us turned toward the other diners and I began shamelessly caressing, bouncing and mashing the girls' sizable boobs for all of the customers to see and envy. I noticed that several men were almost mesmerized by the sight of my left hand blatantly cupping one of Katie's huge braless F-cup breasts and bouncing it hypnotically up and down over and over in front of the assembled diners. Several men in the crowd smiled and shook their heads in disbelief while others simply stared open-mouthed, but all of the men's expressions had one thing in common: lustful envy. One man, I noted, discreetly gave me a thumbs-up sign, carefully hiding the gesture from his female companion. Katie and Randi smiled towards the other patrons, happy to show off their sexuality, happy to please their Daddy. At that point, I was beyond being discreet - I wanted to show off to all the men in the restaurant how devoted and compliant my three gorgeous women were, how they belonged to me.
After she was done with her short conversation with the cashier, Elaine circled around the three of us so that she faced me with her back to the other diners. She cupped her hands on either side of my face and gave me a long, soulful kiss. For my part, I kept my arms around my teenagers, continuing to publicly fondle their breasts. As Elaine kissed me, I could feel by her upper body movements that she was deliberately wiggling her ass for the other diners' benefit, showing off her sexy hourglass figure and making clear to the other diners that not only the young teens, but also she herself was part of my harem.
I heard several pieces of cutlery clatter to the tables as the other customers forgot their meals and stared at the spectacle we were making. Then, with a flourish, the four of us left the restaurant.
Once Katie and Randi and I were in the car, we didn't even make it out of the parking lot before Randi had pulled my pants off, displaying my aching cock for her attentions. She threw my pants onto the front passenger seat, whose back was still laying flat from when Katie had rearranged the seat to better blow me during the drive to the restaurant. While Katie turned the car into traffic, Randi apologized to her friend: "I'm sorry, Katie, I'm so sorry. I know you're probably going to think I'm selfish for doing this while you're stuck with driving. But I have GOT to fuck your Daddy!" She pulled off her panties, pulled her blouse up to her collar bone, hiked up her skirt and immediately straddled me, facing towards me.
Her pussy was so wet that I could feel the slickness where her juices had dripped down her leg, yet she was still so incredibly tight that I had to ease my cock into her a tiny bit at a time. For her part, Randi had to crouch over my groin and gradually ease herself down a fraction of an inch lower with each stroke.
"Oh, god! You're so big!" she cried.
"And you're so fucking tight!" I replied.
"Please! Go gently with me! It's so small down there! I don't want you - oh, yeah! That's it! A little more! But don't hurt me!" She bit her lower lip and shut her eyes tight in concentration. "So big! Too big for my tight little pussy!"
I laughed in triumph. "I'll be gentle," I said, but then I grabbed her hips and pulled her down another inch on my pole.
Randi reacted by screaming. She seemed to lose consciousness for a half a second, collapsing ever so briefly onto my chest before waking up with a shiver and a whimper. She grabbed the back of my head for support and pulled my face into her soft tits. "So big! So hard!" she whimpered. "You have to be gentle with my little cunny!"
"Of course," I crooned, then rammed myself in deeper, deeper.
I laughed to myself as I watched Randi's eyes shut tight and her face contort in an exquisite mixture of semi-virginal pain and orgasmic ecstasy. She threw her head back and screeched, while her pelvis and thighs began shaking uncontrollably, sending ripples of pleasure along my rod.
We went on like that for several minutes, with Randi begging me to go slowly and gently and me lying to her, claiming that I would enter only a little bit at a time - just before I rammed myself in deeper. Randi quickly learned that each reassurance on my part was coupled with my forcing more cock into her, with that much more pleasure inflicted on her. She squealed with each phony reassurance and each deeper thrust. Soon it reached the point that she began giggling in happy anticipation every time I told her I'd go slowly.
"I'll be gentle!" I said, and rammed deeper.
"Aagh!" she screamed.
"So gentle!" Another hard thrust.
"Oh, fuck yeah!"
Finally her pleas to for me to be gentle became a joke in itself. "Go slowly!" she screamed, anticipating the opposite. "Go slo. . . - hee hee hee! - Oh yeah! Pound me gently, Mr. J! Don't fuck me too hard! Oh fuck yeah! Don't pound me with your big cock!"
Finally I reached the point that I was all the way in side her, and the fucking began in earnest. Randi began bouncing maniacally up and down on my lap, babbling about how much she loved my cock.
"Remember when your wife called me 'your little Asian cock whore'?" she asked as she rose and fell on my cock. "That's what I am - I'm your little Asian fuckdoll! Your cum whore!" She gasped with another orgasm. "Your Randi Fuckdoll! Randi Fuckdoll!"
Randi was one of the best fucks I have ever had. So eager! So compliant! Her teenage pussy ached for my cock. Her vagina was impossibly tight, and I knew that mine was the only cock that had ever entered her. Her slim, flexible little Asian body seemed like it was custom made for me to manipulate however I pleased. She was so light that I could lift her up and down on my cock effortlessly, yet she was far from passive - she was desperate to do everything she could to please me.
"Teach me!" she begged, returning to her desire for me to teach her how not to be a lesbian. "Teach me how important cock is! Teach little Randi Fuckdoll how to please you! Give me cock and cock and cock!" She started corkscrewing up and down and around on my pole. As she fucked me, she thrust one of her bare nipples in my mouth, grabbing the back of my head to pull me toward her delicious sweet breasts. Her lustrous, long black hair fell on all sides of my head like a curtain, putting Randi and me alone in a world that consisted only of her body and mine. My mouth on her beautiful tits. My hands on her ass directing my Fuckdoll up and down. My cock in her tight vagina, pumping in and out until soon I would give her the load of sperm that she craved.
The artificial traffic jam was as bad as it had been a couple of hours earlier, and we soon found ourselves caught in a gigantic snarl of automobiles, a clusterfuck that seemed to have no center and in which traffic barely moved at all. In fact, there were times when we were going so slowly that pedestrians actually passed us. This meant that drivers in adjacent lanes and people walking along the street had dozens of chances to watch lithe little Randi as she bounced up and down joyfully on my cock, frequently screaming her way through orgasms. It was true that the windows were slightly tinted and it was night time, but her actions in the darkened interior of the auto, bouncing frantically and relentlessly on my cock, were unmistakable.
Eventually we left the main drag and the hopeless morass of cars. Katie turned onto a side street hoping to take an indirect route home that might be longer but would avoid all the stalled cars. However, we did not anticipate the Republican zeal for social order: the governor of our fair state had stationed highway patrol vehicles on several side streets specifically to punish anyone who dared to leave the main thoroughfares - clearly the people in charge of the stunt did not want the traffic jam to ease up.
We were pulled over. I patted Randi on her bare ass, signaling her to stop gyrating on my cock and get off of me. She stopped her movements, but before she had a chance to get off my lap, a flashlight shone in the car windows and a female voice said in a flat yet somehow aggressive voice, "License and registration, please?"
"Just a moment, officer," said Katie. She bent over toward the glove box and started rummaging around for the car registration and proof of insurance.
Meanwhile, the cop continued to shine her flashlight in the windows, looking for the jackpot - drugs, guns, stashes of jihadi literature or god knows what - as if it was likely that an 18 year old girl would be transporting contraband on a Wednesday night in the suburbs. When the cop pointed the beam into the back seat, it immediately spotlighted Randi's bare legs straddling my own. Then the beam rose up to our two faces, and I imagine that our eyes must have shone like the eyes of coyotes photographed with a flash at night.
"Huh," said the cop.
She reached for the door handle, opened it, and shone her light again, this time into the opened back seat with Randi and me staring at the cop, both of us naked from the waist down and Randi with her blouse bunched up around her neck, my still-hard cock impaled in her tight pussy.
Immediately, my Excuse-o-Meter kicked into overdrive. What should I say?
- "It's not what it looks like, officer."
- "Nice night for a stroll, wouldn't you say?"
- "How 'bout them Red Sox?"
The list of bad opening lines seemed to stretch out toward infinity, with each one more inane than the last and all of them equally counter productive. So I said nothing.
The female cop, too, said nothing.
Randi said nothing.
Though I'm sure only several seconds ticked by, it felt as if the three of us exchanged silent looks in the unforgiving glare of the flashlight for about four or five hours. Finally Katie chirped out, as if there was nothing out of the ordinary, "Here it is! License, registration, proof of insurance!"
The cop was distracted by the ordinariness of the announcement. She turned the flashlight beam back toward Katie in the driver's seat and began fumbling with the papers.
As soon as the light was taken away, Randi began squirming in her seat. At first I thought she was going to get off my cock and try to look presentable, but within a second or so I could sense that she was simply adjusting her position so that it was more comfortable. Which I guess was as good a move as any, since we'd already been caught in the act.
But then her squirming for a better position changed slightly into a sort of grinding motion. A rhythmic grinding motion.
I would have said something along the lines of, "Are you out of your fucking mind?" or somesuch, but I knew that anything I said would be heard by the highway patrolwoman. So instead I smacked her lightly on the ass in what I hoped was a gesture that would communicate to her a need to stop.
She took it the opposite way. While the cop pointed her flashlight at the documents in her hand, checking dates and so on, Randi took advantage of the returned darkness in the back seat to grind harder and more urgently against my crotch.
I tapped her ass again and tried to catch her eye so that I could communicate with her by facial expression that she needed to cool it, but again she took my slap on the ass as encouragement to grind harder and more blatantly.
"May I ask why you pulled us over, officer?" asked Katie in her sweetest voice.
The flashlight remained pointed at the car documents, but the cop's gaze drifted back to the increasing noise in the back seat. Randi was starting to lift herself up and down slightly, gasping slightly while simultaneously trying to control her breathing and keep the noise down.
"Uh, you've got . . . uh . . . I thought I saw . . . um, a broken tail light."
Randi began whimpering as she tried to get herself off. As she came closer to orgasming while being watched by the cop, her motions became more frantic and forced. A part of her was still trying to minimize her movements, while the automatic, animal part of her needed increasingly to get off at any price.
"Uh! Uh! Fucking . . .! Fucking cock!" she muttered through clenched teeth, almost hissing. "Gotta cum. . .! Gimme cock. . .! Gotta cum!!"
The sounds she was making were now unmistakable, even if the cop had been several feet away instead of standing just beside the driver's window. She circled around the open car door and shone her light straight at Randi and me. "What the hell are you doing?!" she asked.
Randi, the shyest person I have ever met other than my daughter, seemed paradoxically to get off on the fact that she was being watched by a person in uniform. As soon as the light shone on her face, Randi started bouncing uncontrollably. She threw her head back and screamed inarticulately. Her eyes rolled back in their sockets. Her bouncing movements sped up and became jerky and spasmodic. She was cumming in one of the most intense orgasms that I have ever witnessed.
I had to grab her by the hips to keep her from thrashing against something and hurting herself. But the act of grabbing those delectable hips sent me into automatic fucking mode, too. I began thrusting upward uncontrollably, bucking into my little Asian fuckdoll. Randi thrashed back and forth, up and down, like a sexual rag doll. Her body was partly under my control holding her hips, raising her up and then pulling her down harder and harder on my cock. But partly, she was under no one's control, not even her own, bouncing and screaming and jerking in all directions.
The feeling on my cock was incredible. Randi's incredibly tight little pussy seemed to have been made for my cock and my cock only, a perfect glove that was destined to be filled by me alone. Her chaotic spasms and thrusts, combined with rhythmic bounces, were everything I wanted at that moment and everything I would ever want forever. I felt like my cock was going to explode and fill the entire back seat with cum.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Randi's exhibitionism-fueled orgasm subsided and she seemed to come back down to earth again, at least enough to speak English. She began sliding her pelvis back and forth on my cock, and she turned her face toward the cop.
The cop spoke again. "I asked you, what the hell are you doing?"
"What's it look like I'm doing?" said Randi, in what almost passed for a calm voice if it weren't for her gasping. "I'm his Fuckdoll and I'm getting fucked! I can't stop getting fucked!"
"Listen, young lady . . . ."
"You can stay. Or go. I don't care if you watch. But I have to fuck this big hard cock and I can't stop for you! Oh, Jesus!" She went into another orgasmic spasm fueled by the weirdness of the situation, the danger and exhibitionism, fucking an adult man on a suburban side street in an open car with a flashlight shining on her.
Randi was out of control - out of my control, certainly, and even, it seemed, out of her own control. Her spasms and reflexive humping were frantic.
The effect it had on me was electric - literally. I felt the same thing I've experienced when I've accidentally touched a live wire and felt the buzzing jolt go through my system. This time, though, the electric jolt started in my cock and I felt it spread through the entire rest of my body - even my hands, which twitched and clenched in reflex action, grabbing Randi's hips and pulling her up and down on my cock, while my pelvis bucked in and out of her pussy on electric autopilot. My head jerked up and down in synch with my pelvis and Randi's own uncontrollable humping. My neck, my spine, my cock, my pelvis, my whole body was out of control. I was banging my sex-crazed teenage fuckdoll like I was possessed by a demon.
It was too much. There was a burning flame that filled my field of vision, and in the center of that flame was Randi's sweet, fiery body. I no longer cared about the policewoman shining her flashlight on us and watching us. I no longer cared about getting arrested. I picked up my lithe little Japanese plaything by the hips and threw her onto the flattened passenger seat, then knelt on the floor of the back seat and began thrusting into her again. "Fuckdoll!" I screamed. "Randi Fuckdoll! Take my cock! Your cunt is mine! You belong to me!" I don't think I could have stopped desperately fucking her at that point even if the cop had put a gun to my head.
I didn't see directly what was going on around me, but I was vaguely aware that the flashlight beam began jerking and swinging wildly, creating what was almost a strobe effect inside the back seat of the car. Without interrupting my humping action, I glanced over in the direction of the light and saw, in the shadow behind the flashlight, that the cop seemed to have the back end of the flashlight in the vee of her crotch - she was masturbating herself with it.
"Uh!" she cried. "Stop in the name of the . . . Uh! Uh! Oh, fuck! Fuck stop fuck!"
While Randi and I adjusted to my putting her on her back so that I could fuck her while on my knees, Katie twisted around in the seat to face toward her friend and me. She grabbed Randi's right hand and held it tightly yet tenderly, sharing her best friend's orgasmic frenzy. While I continued to pump my cock into Randi's pussy over and over, Katie moved further toward the passenger side and raised one knee onto the seat so that her bisexual best friend's head was angled against her thigh and almost in her lap.
Now they were together, my busty blonde daughter and her Asian girlfriend. Their two bodies were in such close contact that both of them jerked and bounced in tandem with each of my thrusts. Each time I pounded into Randi's impossibly tight vagina, I could see four breasts jiggling and bouncing in front of me. Randi and Katie even gasped in unison with each thrust. The flashlight beam continued to swing wildly all over the car's interior, casting bizarre twisting shadows that rocked crazily as if we were careening down a roller coaster. "Fuckdoll!" I cried. "You're my Randi Fuckdoll! All mine!"
"Yes!" she screamed. "All yours!"
And Katie joined in, "All yours!"
The cop began screeching. "Assume the position!" she cried, but her words were completely at odds with her actions. She had dropped to her knees on the asphalt road, torn open her regulation pants, and was now thrusting the thin cannister of her pepper spray in and out of her cunt. "You're under arrest!" she continued, and then began babbling disconnected words and phrases about "handcuffs!" "I'm taking charge!" and so on. She seemed to be experiencing some weird melange of S&M fantasies associated with cop-domination, yet - thank god! - she seemed to be lost in her voyeuristic bondage fantasies rather than inflicting them on us.
Randi was so slim and flexible that it was easy to make my next move: I took one of her ankles and raised it up in the air and began to turn her over. Randi quickly took the hint and repositioned herself on hands and knees on the flattened passenger-side seat so that I could fuck her doggy-style. Katie repositioned herself, too, moving all the way over to the edge of the passenger side with her back against the corner formed where the dashboard meets the passenger window. She hiked up her skirt. While I began humping Randi deeper and deeper in the new position, Katie pulled her best friend's head into her crotch so that Randi could lick Katie's clit.
I looked over at the cop. She had pulled her shirt tail out of her regulation khaki pants, and now had one hand under her blouse caressing her tits, while the other hand was buried in her crotch and diddling her clit. The kneeling cop moaned while the flashlight rolled back and forth on the slope of the roadway, casting us all in shadow. The only illumination remaining within the car was the light shining in from a street light down the block.
The whole thing was, I have to admit, pretty damned uncomfortable. Anyone who's ever had sex in a car knows that what it gains in spontaneity it loses in cramped discomfort. But Jesus was it hot! With subservient little Randi sandwiched between me and my horny, busty daughter, it seemed like all three of us were in heaven. Randi experienced what looked like a non-stop orgasm that lasted for several minutes. She obviously got off on being watched by a uniformed cop while she acted as an object of sexual pleasure not only for me but also for her best friend.
Katie was in a different world, with different pleasures. She moaned and shivered while Randi ate her out, but the whole time she kept her eyes glued to mine, fixated every second on Daddy. Every moment that she caressed her own tits, she seemed to be pleading with me to bridge the three feet that separated us and lick her tits directly. Every time she experienced an orgasmic spasm that emanated from her clit, she looked at me gratefully and pleadingly as the cause and center of her sexual pleasure even though it was Randi who had been doing the licking.
The cop, meanwhile, didn't touch any of us. Her voyeuristic pleasure seemed to be in a different world. Glancing at her face, it looked as if the pleasure were being inflicted on her unwillingly even though she herself was doing all the masturbation as she watched the three of us. Every once in a while, she grunted some inarticulate gesture of denial, as if she were ordering us to stop, or pleading with her own body to stop betraying her.
"Fuck me!" I commanded, staring over the back of the Asian teen I was screwing and into my daughter's eyes.
"Yes, Daddy," Katie answered, as she gripped the sides of Randi's head, forcing her friend to lick her. My daughter's mouth hung open. Her eyes were so dazed with sexual need that she looked as if she was barely able to reason.
"You love your Daddy," I instructed her, pounding harder and harder into my Randi Fuckdoll.
". . . Love my Daddy. . ." she intoned hypnotically.
"Your Daddy's cock is everything to you!"
". . . Everything. . .!" she sobbed and began shaking in another orgasm.
My daughter's hands gripping her friend's hair clenched and shook. In response, Randi, who seemed linked to Katie as we fucked, shook and spasmed in her own orgasm. I felt Randi's incredible pussy clench on my cock, begging me for my sperm.
Katie began babbling as she shook uncontrollably. "Love my Daddy Suck my Daddy Fuck my Daddy Suck my Daddy Love my Daddy Fuck my Daddy . . . ," over and over again. She stared helplessly and blankly into my eyes the whole time, lost in a sexual trance.
Finally I couldn't hold back any more. Two hours of handjobs and blowjobs culminating in the hottest and most dangerous sex of my life was too much. I bellowed out a roar of ultimate release, and I felt a stream of cum jet into poor little Randi's tight little cunt. Randi felt it, too, and screamed out in another orgasm, sending more shivers through her partner, Katie. They really were joined at the hip not only as friends but now as sexual partners as well.
As I slumped forward in exhaustion over Randi's ass and back, the three of us finally slowed and stopped. The cop, however, had not seemed to reach the culmination of satisfaction that we had, and she moaned in frustration when the rest of us stopped. Gritting her teeth, she diddled her clit even more frantically, but couldn't get off. Finally, crying tears of frustration, she slumped backwards, using her arms to catch herself before hitting the pavement. She ran one hand through her disheveled hair, then reached for the flashlight which was still shining, casting its light on the undercarriage of the car.
The cop picked herself up off the pavement and began straightening her blouse, tucking it into her tight pants. "I'm, uh, gonna let you off with a warning this time," she muttered, more to herself than to us. Then she staggered back to her car and drove away.