Chapter 12
As soon as the door to our bedroom was closed I turned to my wife. "We need to talk," I said.
"Uh huh," she said. She unzipped her dress and as she was shimmying out of it she began to unbutton her blouse.
"It's about Katie and her self esteem issues," I said.
"Uh huh," she said. "Self esteem. Right." She reached behind her back and began unlatching her bra.
"In a lot of ways it's as low as it's ever been, but I think we can take steps to help her."
"Uh huh," she said. "Steps." She dropped to her knees and pulled my dick out of my bathrobe. "Tell me about it while you fuck my face," she said.
I tried to concentrate as Elaine slurped my cock noisily. "I need to . . . uh! Fuck! Your mouth! . . . I need to fuck Katie!"
Elaine grinned evilly as she took her mouth away from my dick for a moment so she could speak. "You need to fuck my mouth? Or you need to fuck Katie? I'm not sure I understood you." She plunged her mouth onto my dick, swallowing me all the way to the root. I could feel her tongue, mouth and throat massaging every inch of my rod.
"I . . . uh. . . Oh God!"
"That's what I thought. You need to fuck my mouth. C'mon, Daddy. Grab my hair and fuck my face!"
I was lost. I had tried to talk to Elaine, but her mouth on my cock was too much. I could barely even put two words together.
A few minutes later, Elaine stood up and, with her hand on my rod, she led me by my cock to the bed. She got on all fours on the mattress and, presenting her ass to me, said, "Fuck me now, Daddy! Ram your big cock into my wet pussy!"
As I pounded into her over and over, Elaine pushed her one rule on me over and over: "You only fuck ME, Daddy! Only your wife! Cum in your daughter's mouth, spray her face with seed! Drive her goddamn crazy! But no fucking!"
My frustration coupled with my horniness drove me over the edge. I rammed into my wife over and over, harder and harder.
"I have to!" I cried. ". . . Have to fuck her!" Images of my daughter's incredible body were swimming in front of me, even while I was screwing my beautiful wife.
"No!" she screamed. "Only ME! You only fuck ME!"
The vision of my daughter's lovely blonde hair, her trusting and adoring eyes, her red lips and her busty virgin body seemed right in front of me at the same time that my wife's words were pushing away the possibility. I couldn't help myself. With a powerful thrust, I rammed into my wife so hard that she fell forward onto the bed. I fell forward with her and continued pounding my cock into her body while she began spasming with orgasmic frenzy.
I began to cum. I had so much pent-up desire and frustration coupled with sexual stimulation that it seemed as if my head was going to explode. My orgasm was so hard that I became dizzy. I fell off my wife and slid onto the bed facing the ceiling. The room spun around me in a wave of vertigo.
When I came back to my senses, my wife was gasping and beginning to sit up. "That's why you can't fuck her," she said simply.
"I know you want her pussy," she said. "I know it's driving you crazy. But that crazy desire is giving me the best sex I've ever had."
"Elaine, . . ."
She got off the bed, moved to the dresser and began brushing her hair. "Have Katie suck you. Have her tit fuck you. Have her crawl around the house on all fours with a leash around her neck that's attached to your cock if that gets you off. But no fucking."
"Elaine, her self esteem. . ."
She turned to me with a smirk, the hairbrush frozen in the arc of a stroke through her hair. "Are you really going to claim that she needs to fuck her father for the sake of her self esteem? Well, even if it's true, I don't care. I know that the desire for her is giving you a 24/7 hard-on, and I'm not giving that up."
She went back to brushing her hair and looked at me through the mirror. "Go ahead and fuck Randi. Her pussy doesn't matter. But Katie's pussy is off limits. Period."
The next day, Sunday, I received a life-changing phone call.
"I've got chickenpox," the voice on the other end of the line said.
"What?" I asked. "Who is this? Why are you calling me?"
"I'm your sister, stupid," she said. "Don't you recognize my voice? Don't you ever check caller ID?"
"Oh. Sorry. Chickenpox, huh? That's too bad."
"Tell me about it," she said. "It's not that unpleasant, but I'm contagious as hell. I can't go to the grocery store to buy food. I'm afraid to even take out the garbage for fear of breathing on one of the neighbors. You've never had it, have you?"
"To be honest, I can't remember which childhood diseases I got or didn't get," I answered, "but I guess if you're coming down with chickenpox as an adult, it means neither you nor I had it as children."
"What about Elaine?" my sister asked. "Has she had it?"
I brought the phone to Elaine and explained the situation. It turned out that she had been exposed to the disease as a child and so was immune to getting it again as an adult. So had Randi. After a short discussion, Elaine and Randi offered to go to my sister's house to take care of her and my equally-infected six year old nephew for a few days.
"Thanks," said my sister. "I really owe you for this favor."
Within an hour or so, Elaine and Randi had packed overnight bags and set off across town to my sister's place, leaving Katie and me alone together.
I spent the rest of the day doing odd jobs around the house - cleaning, moving a few heavy items into storage, that sort of thing. Katie stayed in her room catching up on homework.
Toward evening I told Katie to change into some nice clothes - I was going to take her to dinner. Katie and I occasionally got a burger or pizza when we were out together doing errands, but I couldn't remember the last time she and I had gone out to a restaurant and sat down together, just the two of us. Besides, this would be a good opportunity to pressure Katie into dressing normally for a change, without her usual oversized coats, baggy pants, tacky scarves and ugly hats. "Something fancy, okay?" I said. "I'd like this to be a night on the town for both of us."
Katie surprised me by agreeing without the usual coaxing. She told me that she had recently bought a special gown at a thrift shop for only a few bucks and she wanted to try it on for me. While she put on her dress, I changed into a suit and tie, looking forward to the idea of a formal night out at a French restaurant that I'd heard about.
When Katie finally came into my bedroom to show off the dress she looked stunning, but the expression on her face appeared physically painful - far worse than the usual reluctance she showed at wearing normal clothing rather than the army surplus shit she usually wore.
The gown itself was extraordinary: made of one of those synthetic fabrics that mimics satin, the white floor length skirt positively shimmered in a graceful, simple line that stretched down to her shoes. The upper part of the dress was open in front almost to the navel, designed to allow one to see, as a layer beneath the main dress, a matching white corset-like bodice made of the same material that buttoned up the front. Topping off the whole ensemble was a veil pinned to Katie's shiny blonde hair, swept back so that there was only a trace of the veil visible from the front.
It was a wedding dress.
"Well?" she asked, gasping out the words. "What do you think?"
"I think it's amazing, but why did you . . .?" My inquiry about the appropriateness of wearing a second hand wedding dress to a restaurant was cut off by a glance at Katie's pained, reddened face. "What's wrong, sweetie?" I asked.
"It's this . . . top. . . . too tight!" She started fumbling with the button on the front bodice, but her hands were shaking. When she finally managed to undo the top button, she gasped in a lung full of air. Her expanding chest made several of the front buttons pop off. Katie's huge braless tits sprung out and she broke into tears. Her large breasts had literally burst through her dress.
"I thought it would fit!" she sobbed. "I was sure I could make it fit!" She dropped to the floor and frantically tried to collect the lost buttons.
"What's going on here, Katie?" I asked.
"I saw this gown in the consignment store and I thought it looked so beautiful," she said. "I know it's a wedding dress, but it was so pretty I thought maybe I could wear it as a prom gown. I tried it on - everything but the last few buttons - and it fit perfectly! Everywhere but the bust!
"I thought maybe if I controlled my breathing I could wear it. It would make my breasts look smaller and I could seem . . . I don't know . . . normal? Not a big-busted freak? Now look at it. It's ruined! I'm too ugly to wear something nice like this!" She stood and looked at herself in my bedroom's full length mirror. In disgust she threw the buttons back down on the floor.
I looked across at her image in the mirror. She looked stunning. The dress hugged every curve of her hourglass figure. Far from being ruined by the torn bodice, the gown seemed completed in a way that the dress designer never intended and could never have dreamt of. The structure of the dress and corset pushed Katie's amazing rack upward. Her huge F-cup melons thrust out of the dress as if the entire outfit was designed to show off the most hormone-driven fuckable teenage body in the world. The overall effect reminded me of images I had seen of ancient Minoan women, whose everyday dresses were parted in front to deliberately put their breasts on display at all times.
Far from ruining the look of the gown, the effect of the torn bodice was to turn it from an attractive outfit for a bride into a lewd come-on for the sexiest young woman I had ever set eyes on. Katie's tits were mouthwatering. Looking at her dressed in shimmering virginal white with her gigantic soft tits on full display made me paradoxically want to cherish her on the one hand and yet, at the same time, throw her on the ground and fuck her senseless.
"Honey, look at yourself in the mirror," I said. "You look beautiful. The most beautiful bride in the world."
"Oh Daddy. Stop lying to me. I know I'm ugly. I know these fat breasts ruin my figure," she said.
"Lying?" I asked. "Is THIS lying?" I unzipped my slacks and pulled out my hard cock. "The moment I saw you in this outfit I thought about how beautiful you are, and when your breasts burst out of your dress, I couldn't help myself. A hard cock doesn't lie, sweetie. It can't lie. I find you sexy as hell, and even more sexy wearing that outfit."
We stared at ourselves in the full length mirror: she in a floor length formal white gown that hugged her wide hips, her small waist and her tight little tummy, and with her huge tits bursting out of a tight corset, and me dressed in a suit and tie with my hard dick hanging out of my pants.
"We look like quite a pair," she giggled. She took my hand, and the image we saw of ourselves holding hands in the mirror was like a perverted wedding portrait. Then Katie made the picture even better by reaching a little farther and wrapping her hand around my hard pole. I responded by wrapping my arm around her waist. Pulling her closer to me but still facing the mirror, I brought my hand upward from her opposite hip. I cupped her cantaloupe-sized breast and sighed with contentment.
"This is an image I want to hold in my head forever," I said. "You in a wedding dress holding my cock. Me caressing your beautiful body." I smiled at her sexy image in the mirror and bounced her big tit in my hand. She responded by twisting her hand on my cock, making me even harder. Katie completed the picture by smiling happily at me with a wide, open-mouthed grin. Seeing the combination of that happy grin with her hand jacking me off was incredible.
I pulled her closer to me, so that now she stood mostly in front of me. The image in the mirror now showed me behind my diminutive daughter, almost a head taller than her and standing to the side, with her hand still visible as she eagerly jacked me off. "Cock!" she whimpered. "Hard cock! Hard for ME!" Even now, she was amazed and grateful that I found her attractive. She smiled joyously the whole time as she gazed through the mirror into my eyes. "Oh thank you, Daddy!" she said, expressing crazy gratitude - gratitude! - to me for letting her jack me off. Her rhythmic arm motions made her pillowy tits bounce enticingly.
It was that happy gratitude that I found most amazing - and most sexy. Despite her angelic young face and lovely blonde hair, despite her trim dancer's body and her breathtaking curves, Katie continued to think of herself as an ugly ducking. The amazing rack that had developed over the last year and a half was, to her, a curse that confirmed and accentuated what she thought of as her unworthiness and unattractiveness. When I told her I loved her, when I told her I desired her, when I got a hard-on in her presence, when I taught her to play with my cock - all these were gifts that, in her eyes, she didn't deserve. And so when I let her jack me off and when I sprayed cum on her big tits and in her face and into her mouth, she became ecstatic with gratitude. She actually THANKED me when I let her service me! She THANKED me when I let her suck me! She THANKED me when I covered her adoring, grateful face with my cum! Right now, she was ecstatically happy that I was letting her pump my rod! She was the most worshipful, most devoted little sex kitten daughter I could ever dream of.
I brought my other hand up so that I could play with both her breasts at once. She began mewling with docile pleasure, squirming her shoulders like a kitten being rubbed. Watching myself snuggle up against her tight, round ass and fondle both her soft, bare tits as she smiled dreamily and jacked me off while dressed in a pornographic version of a satiny white wedding dress was incredibly erotic. "Will you marry me, milady?" I asked.
It was a joke of course, and Katie knew it but she beamed with delight anyway. "Of course I will, Daddy. You're the only man I've ever loved." She knelt on the ground beside me and I turned so that both of us were in profile before the mirror.
She started sucking me. The sight of my beautiful blonde daughter dressed in a gorgeous yet slutty wedding gown on her knees in front of me was incredible. The mirror's image showed a profile of her big jugs accentuated by the effect of the corset, showcasing the amazing curves of her tiny teenage body. Topping it all off was the veil pinned to the back of her lovely hair, making her both virginal and unbearably, fuckably sexy at the same time.
"I don't have a normal wedding band for you to wear, darling," I said, continuing the metaphor of the "marriage", "but I see that your open mouth is forming a perfect ring for me." I thrust my cock in and out of her mouth as I said the words, "With this cock, I thee wed."
Katie took my rod out of her mouth briefly, and confirmed her commitment and submission: "To this cock I am wed." Then she went back to sucking.
"Do you promise to love, honor and obey your Daddy?" I asked as I gently pushed my cock down her throat.
"Gugg! Gugg! Obey!" she said between thrusts. Kneeling before me with her hands demurely behind her back she whimpered in joyous submission. I glanced at our reflection in the mirror and saw that the veil had slipped forward on the side facing the mirror. The image that I saw now was of my busty daughter in a white wedding dress, her head mostly obscured by a veil symbolizing her virginity and docility. The only part of her face that I could see beyond the veil was the very front - her nose, mouth and eyes in profile, bobbing forward over and over to accept my meat. With her hands clasped behind her, her big naked tits were thrust forward while her delectable round ass pushed out in back. The profile of her bare tits swung back and forth with the rhythm of her blowjob in an obscene contrast to the shimmering virginal white of her immaculate dress.
"I now pronounce us 'Daddy and Wife'," I said. With both hands I gripped the sides of my virgin daughter's head, pushed my shaft down her throat and held her there, her nose rubbing my crotch. She gagged for a few moments, and the effect of her throat constricting in waves on my cock felt as if she were massaging my dick with her throat muscles. When, a few moments later, I let go of her head she pulled it back and gasped.
"Daddy!" cried Katie. "My new husband!" She knelt upright and slipped my cock into the canyon between her big tits. Her cleavage was even greater than usual because of the effect of the torn corset pushing her breasts together. Looking adoringly into my eyes, Katie cupped her humongous breasts from below and pumped them up and down, giving me the most amazing tit fuck that I had ever imagined. I watched incredulously as, over and over, my hard cock disappeared from view in the soft valley between her oversized 32F melons. After a half a minute of bouncing her boobs up and down, she began to vary the pace, lifting one tit up while bringing the other down, creating a wave of sensations that I couldn't hold back.
"You need to slow down," I warned her. "I'll cum if you don't stop."
"Do it, Daddy! Cum! Cum on my big tits! Show me that you don't mind my huge jugs! Spray your cum on my boobs!"
"Fuck yeah!" I screamed. "Your tits! Your beautiful big tits! Your innocent face! Your slim little body! My eighteen year old bride! Take my cum!"
I began shooting cum uncontrollably. The first ropes of sperm hit my gorgeous daughter-bride's lovely breasts, but then she grabbed my cock and aimed it at her own face, spraying her cheeks and mouth with white cream. "My husband! My Daddy!" she cried. A shot of my cum flew into her mouth. She swallowed my creamy love and then laughed happily. "Your delicious dick! I belong to my Daddeee!"
Katie fell backwards onto the floor and I got a look at her. Her hair was in disarray and her face and tits were covered with thick white baby juice. Her huge tits, still constrained by the bodice, stood up proudly despite the fact that she was lying on her back. I fell to my knees and began sucking and nibbling on her outstretched nipples. In response, Katie, stimulated as always to an incredible degree by any sensual touch to her breasts, began spasming in intense orgasm.
"Fuck me, Daddy," she moaned. "I've waited so long. Every night I call for your cock. I know you hear me, but you never fuck me. Put your long Daddy dick into your virgin daughter - your bride. Fuck me like you fucked my girlfriend! Make me pregnant just like her! Oh please fuck me, Daddy!"
I had to give her what she wanted. She needed Daddy dick, and I needed to give it to her.
I extended my hand. She took it and I pulled her to her feet. Then, wordlessly, I led her by the hand toward the bed.
I turned Katie away from me briefly, unzipped her gown and let it drop to the floor. Under the dress she was still wearing the matching corset which stopped just below her navel. The bustier's top buttons were gone, but the lower buttons were still intact, cinching in her waist and pushing her big round tits up and outward. I also discovered something new: she wore matching white stockings that connected with garter straps to the satiny corset. She wore no panties over her soft blonde muff.
Katie turned back around and I took in a small gasp of breath. I felt as if I had unwrapped a beautiful Christmas present only to discover even more beautiful wrapping underneath. The white silk stockings combined with the torn corset and her exposed boobs made my busty teenage treat look even more delicious. "Should I take the rest of the clothes off, too, Daddy?" Katie asked, wanting nothing but to please me as much as possible. Her hands came up to her breasts and she cupped them from below, presenting them to me.
"No, sweetheart. The rest of the outfit was meant to be worn on the wedding night. Keep it on."
Katie lay down on the bed I usually shared with her mother. Looking at her, I could detect a stiffness in her posture. She was nervous, I guessed - afraid of losing her virginity despite her pleas for me to take her, and fearful that she would not be good enough in bed.
"Relax, darling," I said. "Let Daddy take care of you."
I caressed her cheek, then moved down to her neck and soon I was bent over her, gently massaging her shoulders.
I saw her muscles lose a little of their tension.
I spent the next half hour caressing and fondling her entire body. I massaged her arms. I kissed and sucked on her fingertips. I stroked the tight cinching on her bodice. I tickled her pubic hair just to tease her, then moved down to her thighs and even the tips of her feet. And through it all I bent forward at random intervals to kiss and suck on her delectable titties, sending shockwaves of lust through her body.
At first, Katie responded by making quiet murmurs of appreciation. But within a few minutes, the murmurs became moans of approval. She squealed the first time I nibbled on her nipples while fingering the outside of her pussy lips. After that, her moans were accompanied by squirming, then thrashing. Her first orgasm came when I thrust my tongue into her belly button while simultaneously pumping my fingers in her vagina. After that, Katie came repeatedly as I played the instrument of her body.
Through it all, Katie repeatedly whispered, moaned and finally screamed her favorite word in the universe - Daddy:
"Oh Daddy! Please Daddy! Love me Daddy! Kiss me Daddy! Marry me Daddy! Fuck me Daddy! Put a baby in me Daddy!"
By this time, I had both my hands on my virgin daughter's breasts, kneading them and tweaking her nipples, sending ripples of pleasure through her body. Still bent over her body as it lay on the bed, I continued to caress her big tits as I brought my cock to her mouth. The moment the head touched her lips, she opened up and accepted her Daddy's love. She was becoming so conditioned by her adoration of my cock that the combination of nipple play and the taste of my cockhead brought her to another orgasm.
After a few moments of her moistening the tip of my cock with her lips, I withdrew from her soft, wet mouth.
I knelt on the bed between her legs. "Now remember, the first time often hurts," I cautioned my daughter. "If you want me to pause or stop, just tell me."
"Please! Just put it in me!"
I entered her slowly, a centimeter at a time. Though thoroughly wet, her virgin pussy was still so unused to any penetration larger than a finger that she seemed impossibly tight. I gradually pushed farther, each thrust slightly deeper than the one before. The whole time I covered her cheeks and her lips with kisses, reassuring her of Daddy's love.
Katie wrapped her legs around my hips and pulled me in deeper. Her arms wrapped about my shoulders as if she were holding on for dear life. With each push, her fingernails dug deeper into my back. She was gasping with virginal pain, release and a desire for more.
Finally I was all the way in to the root. Katie could feel that I was in her all the way, and her gasps gave way to tears of release coupled with giggling. "Oh Daddy! At Last! At last you're inside me!" I began pumping faster and harder.
Katie was in ecstasy. "So full! I'm so full of Daddy cock!"
At this point I moved us to a position that I'd fantasized about since the moment, weeks ago, when our sexualized relationship first began. I sat up in my bed with my back against the headboard, and positioned Katie on my lap facing me. Katie lowered herself onto my cock and began rising and falling on my shaft.
At last I had my darling daughter where I had wanted her for so long: bouncing happily on my dick with her humongous tits in my face. "Suck my tits, Daddy!" she cried. "Keep sucking my tits! You're making me cum so much!" Finally being fucked after weeks of anticipation and longing combined with the stimulation of her ultra-sensitive boobs pushed Katie through the roof. Her round ass corkscrewed insanely on my rod while her hands clutched the back of my head and held my lips to her hard nipples. Jiggling soft tit flesh surrounded my lips and face.
My hands were guiding and encouraging her fantastic round ass to ride me up and down faster and faster. Not that she needed much encouragement - Katie's frantic need for my cock was matched only by the stamina and muscle control that years of dance lessons had given her. She was a natural dynamo in bed. "Fuck your virgin bride, Daddy!" she screamed.
My fingers dug into her bubble butt and forced her to bounce on my dick faster and harder. In response, Katie sat up straight in my lap and raised her hands to the ceiling, wiggling her arms in counterpoint to her swiveling hips and making her big tits sway crazily in front of me. "Take my cock!" I ordered her, grabbing her ass and slamming her down on my dick. I emphasized my words with each hard thrust: "My! Cock! Owns! You!"
"Yes! Yes!" she screamed. "Only you! Only my Daddy will ever fuck me!"
When I came I felt as if a gigantic fireworks rocket was shooting off from my cock and straight into my daughter's womb. Katie felt it, too, and gave a high-pitched squeal of delight at feeling me climax inside of her. She threw herself forward, her tits mashing against my chest as she covered my face with kisses, murmuring semi-coherent grateful thanks to me the whole time.
The rest of that night was a gorgeous mixture of some of the most romantic moments of my life coupled with some of the most sexual. Katie spent the night in my bed for the first time since she was a toddler, curling up against me, whispering to herself and kissing my chest in her sleep.
Once, around midnight or so, she scooted up in the bed towards the headboard and pushed one of her big tits into my mouth, insisting that I wrap my arms around her and suckle her breasts while she shivered and cooed through another of her breast-induced orgasms.
A few hours later, sometime in the wee hours of the night, I awoke to find her upside down in the bed with her bare ass almost alongside my head while she dreamily sucked me. In response, I rested one hand on the top of her young head to encourage her sucking, while my other hand caressed her ass, then sought out her pussy and diddled her clit while she sucked. When I came in her mouth a few minutes later, I pulled her head down onto my cock to make sure she didn't miss a drop. "Such a good girl," I murmured as she drank her Daddy's seed.
I called in sick to work for the next couple of days and contacted Katie's school to excuse her as well. With the house to ourselves while Elaine and Randi took care of my sister's and nephew's chickenpox, Katie and I managed to fuck in every room of the house. Yeah, I know what you're thinking: even the hallway? Who fucks in the hallway? And why would anyone fuck in the garage?
What happened was that Katie wanted me to carry her across the threshold as a symbol of her new wifely relationship with me. Unfortunately, we both recognized that I could not carry her through the front door for fear of making the neighbors ask questions. So instead we settled on a different interpretation of the old custom: she put her arms around my neck while I held her ass in my arms. I carried her in my arms while she impaled herself on my cock, and we fucked our way through every doorway in the house.
I was in paradise. Weeks earlier, I had fantasized about simultaneously carrying and fucking Katie in the middle of her dance studio, surrounded by her horny young classmates and the studio's practice room mirrors. A few days later I had the fantastic experience of meeting her classmate with the fiery red hair and screwing that little slut while standing up in our living room with three of Katie's classmates cheering us on.
But this was different. Katie's petite yet voluptuous body was in a class of its own. More important, this beautiful sex bomb was my devoted daughter, a nubile blonde teenager who worshiped me and my cock and wanted nothing more than to love me and serve me sexually. As we fuck-walked from room to room in the house, Katie covered my cheeks with feathery kisses, cooing the whole time about how much she loved me and wanted to have my baby. "Are you going to fill me with baby juice, Daddy?" she asked me. "Are you going to pump my body with life-giving sperm and make me pregnant?" Then she wiggled her ass and twerked up and down in my arms, giggling and orgasming again and again.
She loved the feeling of being in my arms. Loved the fact that in one sense I was completely in control of her body, while at the same time she was free to hump me as much as she wanted, secure in the knowledge that her beloved Daddy was holding her above the ground. "Hold my ass, Daddy!" she giggled. "Hold my hot little ass while I ride you!"
Striding through the house with my baby daughter impaled on my cock was one of the best experiences of my life. Even though we were alone in the house, I felt as if I were putting us on display to the whole world. I knew that any man who saw me with this gorgeous little blonde with the innocent face and impossible curves would envy me. I loved the feeling of Katie's soft ass rising and falling on my cock over and over as she impaled herself on me.
The highlight came at the entrance to the living room. As we passed through the doorway, Katie reached up and took hold of the top of the door frame. With the added leverage of the door frame, she was able to plunge herself even harder and faster on my hard shaft. Pulling herself upward, she rose higher than ever on my cock, then pushed herself down with added force, squealing and laughing with each plunge.
"To this cock I am wed!" she squealed. "To this cock I am wed!" Her lovely breasts bounced up and down in my face.
"My cock is for YOU!" I said, thrusting upward into her snatch. "My daughter! My bride!"
Finally the sensations became too much. After one especially intense orgasm Katie stiffened, gasped and then went limp in my arms. Her hands remained entwined around my neck, but the strength of her hold loosened. With my cock still impaling her, I brought her dazed body to her bedroom and gently laid her down on the bed.
Katie whimpered as I withdrew my cock. Half asleep, she moaned, "Noooo, Daddeee. . . . Please please suckee Daddeee?"
How could I refuse? I bent over her face on the bed and brought my cock to her lips. Though only barely conscious, she opened her mouth automatically and began to slurp and lick. Within moments I came, pumping a load into her thirsty mouth. She whimpered again, licked her lips and fell asleep.
Katie loved to fuck in Elaine's and my bedroom. For her, the emotional connection and smells of Daddy's room and Daddy's bed were overwhelmingly romantic. I, on the other hand, had a similar feeling about making love in my daughter's bedroom. Surrounded by her teenage possessions, I felt an intense closeness to my beautiful teenage daughter who was now my lover.
But I have to admit that for sheer sexy fun, the living room was the best. On Wednesday, Katie and I settled in front of the TV for one of our Gilligan's Island evenings, and before the Skipper even had a chance to take off his sailor's cap and beat Gilligan over the head, Katie had already turned away from the TV and straddled me. She was dressed again in her white silk stockings and the white satiny wedding bodice whose torn front buttons displayed her oversized tits. Katie took my hardening cock in her small soft hands and began stroking me up and down.
"Isn't Gilligan's Island fantastic?" she asked. In fact, I couldn't see the TV screen, since my field of view was entirely taken up by my daughter's tits bouncing in front of my face. The structure of the ripped bodice combined with her arms stretched inward and down toward my crotch meant that her large breasts were even more accentuated than normally. Despite being distracted away from the TV screen, though, I did appreciate the soothing, sexy voice of Ginger in the background as she discussed with Mary Ann the awful ramifications of this week's predicament, which apparently, like every event on Gilligan's Island, involved bamboo and coconuts.
Before Gilligan even had a chance to break the Professor's latest invention, Katie braced her hands against the sofa back behind me, lifted herself up and slipped my rigid tool into her pussy. With a happy sigh she began riding me.
"Give me your tits," I said. "Let me suck your lovely big tits."
"Oh Daddy I love you so much!" she said as she fed her nipple into my hungry mouth.
A half hour later we had changed positions but were still fucking. By this time Katie was standing behind the sofa holding onto the back of the couch while I stood behind her pounding her like the world was ending and this was my last chance to get off. Because Katie is so short, we had taken the cushions off of the couch and laid them on the ground for her to stand on. The result was that the cushions not only raised her pussy to the right level, they also provided a springy surface that allowed her to bounce all the more as I gripped her hips and blasted her from behind. The bounciness of the cushions made me feel like my cock was on the best roller coaster ride in the world. The sensations of her tight pussy was driving me crazy with lust.
The second episode of Gilligan's Island was blathering in the background when the door opened. Elaine, followed by Randi, entered to the sight of her husband in profile fucking the shit out of her daughter, who was clad in white stockings and a slutty white corset that allowed her huge tits to bounce freely as she rocked on Daddy's rod.
Elaine, for her part, was dressed extremely sexily - clearly she was hoping to have a special night with me after having been away for three days. Above a short skirt, Elaine wore a halter top that was so loose it was easy to see her 36DD braless tits swaying beneath the thin fabric. Randi wore her usual gigantic grey coat even in relatively warm weather, but before she was all the way through the door and able to see what was going on in the living room, the coat was half off, revealing that Randi was wearing nothing underneath the shapeless bulk.
Part of me was dismayed that Elaine had found us in this position after the talk we'd had about my not fucking our daughter. But I was in such a sexual frenzy that I couldn't stop even if I wanted to.
"No!" cried Elaine. "You weren't supposed to fuck her!" She tried to take my arm, but my hands were practically welded to my gorgeous daughter's hips as I thrust over and over into her irresistible body.
Elaine moved closer, and now one hand was on my forearm while the other was on the other side of my torso on my side, trying to coax me away. "Please!" she said softly but urgently. "You promised!"
"I . . . can't stop," I gasped. "She needs it! I need it! . . . Her self esteem . . .!" my voice trailed off as I tried to articulate the lamest reason on earth for fucking my daughter in front of my wife.
"I'm his bride!" screamed Katie, gaily squirming and bouncing on her tiptoes as I pounded her. Katie was leaning forward just enough so that her luscious ass was the most important thing in the world. The feel of her soft butt against my crotch, accentuated by her exaggerated bouncing on the sofa cushions, was so intense that I had lost all control in fucking her.
"Daddy married me! Right here in this house! He took my virginity right here and we've been fucking for three days and three nights!"
From behind, Elaine was leaning her entire body against me, molding her soft tits against my back. When Katie spoke I could feel a shiver of disappointment and even despair run through Elaine's body, yet even then I was powerless to stop fucking my beautiful slutty bride daughter. "Please," whimpered Elaine. Then even more weakly, she pleaded, "You promised." She brought her hands down to cover mine as I gripped Katie's beautiful hips, trying ineffectually to pull my hands away.
While this was going on, Randi stood transfixed in the entranceway, her coat half removed. After a few seconds, she collected her wits and completed taking off the coat, dropping it on the floor. Nude, she circled around the couch in front of Katie. Cupping her hands on either side of Katie's face, Randi looked her girlfriend in the eyes and said, "This is so cool, Katie. I knew this would happen." She kissed Katie full on the mouth, thrusting her tongue in my daughter's mouth. "Your Dad is such a fucking stud!" Then she began kissing Katie some more.
Elaine was desperate to stop what was going on, yet nearly resigned to failure. She flung off her flimsy halter top and pulled down her little skirt, allowing it to fall to her feet. Naked now and clad only in a pair of high heels, she tried tempt me into pulling away from Katie, hugging me tightly from behind and whispering urgently, "Fuck ME! Fuck your wife!" Elaine's hands rose up and began to caress my chest from behind.
"I AM fucking my wife," I gasped. "I have two wives now - two wives and a concubine!" I slipped my hands upward along the smooth fabric of the white wedding corset that cinched Katie's already tight little waist, then cupped my daughter's huge tits. I was freshly amazed when as if it were the first time when her abundant tit flesh overflowed my hands and jiggled crazily with each hard thrust of my cock.
Then I felt Randi's hands join mine in caressing and mashing my daughter's tits. Randi lifted her head up from kissing my daughter and thrust herself forward, pushing her tits into my daughter's mouth.
Randi's eyes met mine. She smiled as we gazed at each other over the bouncing and thrashing corset-clad back of my daughter. Randi licked her lips in a signal of pure lust. The two of us, Randi and I, were joined at either end of my daughter, kissing and fondling and fucking her at both ends.
Elaine's hands drifted back down to Katie's hips, and the result was that Elaine was now effectively holding my body tightly against my daughter's, pumping her own pelvis in synch with mine while I rammed our daughter over and over. Elaine sobbed with resignation as she joined the daisy chain fucking my daughter. "A harem!" she sobbed in defeat. "We're your harem!"
With those words I lost what little control I had left. Everything I wanted was here with me at that moment: my big titty, innocent daughter-bride, my busty, horny wife, and my pregnant Asian sex doll mistress. I thrust my pelvis as hard as I could and my cock began shooting out what seemed like a gallon of cum into my fertile blonde daughter.
"Yes!" screamed Katie. "Daddy I can feel you cumming inside me! Fill me with your cum! I belong to you! We all belong to you!"
"My harem!" I screamed, pumping more cum into my daughter. At that moment I could feel all three of them. Randi looking into my eyes and caressing my hands as I mashed Katie's big tits. Elaine hugging me from behind and humping frantically as she joined me in fucking our daughter. And Katie - most of all tight little Katie, the most voluptuous daughter I could imagine - dressed in a slutty torn white wedding corset and white silk stockings, with her huge tits swinging wildly, bouncing in and out on my cock, fucking me frantically and screaming out her devotion to me.
They were all mine. My girls. Mine to love. Mine to fuck. Mine to impregnate. Mine to own. My harem.