Chapter 14.2

I desperately wanted to fuck her again, but a part of me -- the paternal part -- worried that what little Katie needed at that moment was comfort rather than sex. As much as I wanted to move my cock those last few inches to re-enter her perfect pussy, I held off and instead contented myself with fingering her to another orgasm.

And then another orgasm. And another. Over the last several months, Katie had taken the concept of "multi-orgasmic" to an extreme. She was so hypersexualized whenever she was around me that one orgasm seemed to lead straight to the next. Once she got started, her orgasmic jolts and sobs were so intense and came so quickly one after another that sometimes it seemed like she was literally being fucked silly. Her brain turned to orgasmic mush. Sobs of orgasmic release were followed by crazy giggling and an eyes-wide, empty-headed smile as she gave herself over to pleasure and dick obsession.

Now she was orgasming just from holding me and having her ass caressed and her clit diddled by me. Her entire body was wrapped around mine as she floated in my arms, and her desperate kisses were followed by sobs and more orgasmic shivering that seemed to have no end. She was floating in an orgasmic haze, intoxicated by love of dick. MY dick.

It was Katie herself who begged me to fuck her again. "Daddy," she said in a small, little-girl voice, "Will you please fuck me again? Please?" Her voice was pleading as she whispered in my ear, "I'm so upset about making a spectacle of myself. Having your cock inside me again would be so comforting!"

How could I refuse? "Of course, sweetie. Daddy will fuck you whenever you need it. Just take hold of Daddy's cock and put it inside your tight little pussy."

I turned us away from the beach and, with Katie still hanging onto me, waded out into deeper water. Katie reached down and grabbed my hard cock, then used her legs and remaining arm to hoist herself up so that she could put me back inside her. She sighed with release as she felt my shaft enter her.

"Thank you, Daddy! Thank you for fucking me!"

The two of us fuck-walked away from the shore. I walked almost bow-legged as I proudly held my daughter's ass. She floated along, impaled on my dick. She was giggling with horny happiness. "Hee hee hee! Hee hee hee! Daddeeee!"

Within moments we were shoulder-deep in the ocean, rising and falling with each surge of the waves. Now it was impossible for anyone to know for sure what we were doing under the water line. The buoyancy of Katie in my arms was so complete now that we were both drifting with the waves. My feet were bouncing lightly on the sandy bottom as we rose and fell in the water.

Katie bounced happily on my cock. "Oh Daddy I love you so much!" she gushed. "Your cock made me and now you've bred me! My whole body was made for you and now you've taken me! No daughter was ever happier with her Daddy! You fuck me so well!"

Then she uttered my favorite words in the world: "Fuck me Daddy! Oh fuck me fuck me fuck me!"

"You're my perfect daughter," I whispered in her ear. "Your ass feels so perfect in my hands, rising and falling on my cock. My perfect daughter. My perfect teenage bride. My perfect fucktoy! Ride your Daddy!"

Katie was in a sexual daze, drunk on sex. Her toned, trained dancer's body went on autopilot, bouncing and twisting up and down relentlessly as she whispered and sobbed in my ear, expressing her love and sexual desire. Her twerking ass made my cock even harder with each incredible movement. I braced my feet wide apart on the sandy bottom and thrust upward into my darling daughter. My hands, meanwhile, continued to hold her lovely round ass cheeks, guiding her up and down on my pole. She responded unconsciously to every nuance of my hands' direction, rising and falling at my fingers' command.

My beautiful blonde fucktoy daughter loved me unconditionally. She lived for her Daddy's cock. My cock's pleasure was her only goal.

I wanted to keep fucking my daughter in the water forever, but soon the sensations became too much. I gripped her ass cheeks and began forcing her up and down faster, faster, faster. Her twitching, twerking ass was completely under my control as I pumped her weightless body up and down on my shaft. Each time I pulled her curvy body back down on my rod, I thrust deeper inside her. She gave a high pitched squeal -- "Eeeeeeeeee!" -- with each thrust when I bottomed out at her cervix. Gripping my shoulders, Katie threw her head back and began screaming inarticulately. Her huge tits floated and bounced in the water that sloshed between our bodies.

"Daddy! Daddy! Fuck me Daddy! Cum in your daughter, Daddy!"

I gave her what she wanted. The entire world seemed at that moment to consist of only me and the water and my beautiful, busty, fertile, sex goddess blonde daughter floating in a sea of sex. My hands on her ass directing her movements made the sensations of her tight pussy impossible to resist. Despite having cum only a few minutes earlier, the intensity and personal connection with my voluptuous, devoted daughter was so strong that when I came I felt as if my entire body was jolting with a massive electrical shock.

After that Katie became a limp doll in my arms. My cock remained inside her as we turned around.

I began walking slowly back toward the beach with Katie floating in my arms, still impaled on my cock. I held my daughter's ass in my hands, pulling her gorgeous body to my chest. Her arms were wrapped around my neck. Her legs wrapped around my hips. Her body molded itself to mine with her lush breasts pressed against me and her ass still rising and falling reflexively on my erect cock. Despite being nearly passed out from the intense sex, her ass undulated as she humped herself against me. All the while, I whispered soothing thoughts in her ear while she her head remained buried in my shoulder, hiding from the rest of the world. My cock was so stimulated that it refused to go down.

"My buxom baby. My delicious Daddy licker. My harem wife. Daddy loves you oh so much. Daddy fucks you and loves you every day. My big titty daughter. Daddy will always fuck you -- whenever you need it."

"You promise, Daddy? You'll fuck me whenever I ask? You don't mind my big breasts?"

It was crazy that Katie had ever felt bad about having big breasts in the first place. It was even crazier after all these months of me playing with and kissing her big tits that she could still doubt how I felt about them. Yet her shyness and low self esteem was so ingrained that she constantly needed reassurance of my love and my intense sexual attraction to her big soft kissable tits. I NEEDED to fuck her to help her self esteem.

I pulled my daughter even closer to me so that I could feel her enormous tits press against my chest. "I love my daughter's big, lush tits," I reassured her. My finger pumped in and out of her asshole in emphasis.

"Oh Daddy!!" She humped up and down in my arms. I don't think she even knew her torso was moving up and down, still fucking me. Her tight round ass was dancing to a special beat that only her body could hear.

Finally, as we came close enough to the shore that we were more in eyesight of the beachgoers, Katie became more comfortable. "I love you so much, Daddy. Thank you for holding me. Thank you for fucking me so well. Your cock is so good to me. I think I'm alright now." She kissed me passionately, then disengaged from my arms and stood in the water.

A few minutes later we waded back toward the beach. Katie had readjusted her top and the water had washed away all trace of our fucking. We decided to take a stroll along the sand while we let the sun dry us off.

At first the three of us -- me in the middle, flanked by two beautiful pregnant teens on either side -- walked casually along the beach, looking at the waves, the sandstone cliffs, the white sand and the families gathered around sand castles and picnic umbrellas. The sun was setting and people were beginning to set up bonfires of driftwood. The density of people on the beach was increasing as people began arriving for the fireworks that would start as soon as the sky got dark enough.

After a few minutes, Randi took my hand, softly intertwining her fingers in mine. As if she were telepathic, Katie did the same, so that the three of us were now walking slightly closer to one another, slightly closer in step.

I could feel the wind on my cock. My baggy swim suit, made of a nylon fabric designed to be lightweight and non-absorbent, hung loosely around my waist and thighs. As the cloth dried, I felt air circulating around my cock, which was hanging freely under the ultra-thin fabric.

We strolled along the beach. Men, and even a lot of women, couldn't help but look at the two pregnant teens on either side of an adult man. Despite my common sense, a part of me felt as if they knew that only minutes before I had been fucking the hell out of both of them.

They know that I own these girls, I thought to myself. Anyone who cares to look at us on this beach knows from our body language, from the fact that both girls are holding my hands, that I am the Daddy, the owner of these two fertile teen goddesses. The men are looking at us not only because these two 18 year olds are incredibly beautiful. They're looking at them -- and at me -- because they envy the fact that I own both of them.

"You belong to me," I whispered just loud enough that only they could hear me. "Strut yourselves so that everyone on the beach knows you're Daddy's Girls."

"Yes, Daddy," they chorused. They began deliberately swaying their hips as they walked.

My cock began to stiffen at the thought of the spectacle that we were making by our mere presence. My daughter, with her curly blonde hair, short stature and lovely innocent face, combined with her humongous tits, perfect ass and wide hips, looked like an image of a fertility goddess come to life. Her partner, my Asian fucktoy, had perfect, long straight black hair and a porcelain Asian face with delicate features, a tiny figure and big, swelling tits -- a petite sex goddess of a different type. Two beautiful pregnant teens, I thought to myself, promenading along the beach for all to see. With me in the middle, the man who had made them pregnant. Their owner. Their Daddy. God, I loved touching their young, pliable, obedient bodies.

Katie giggled. "Daddy, you're getting hard," she said. "Everyone can see you!"

I glanced down. No wonder I could feel the wind on my dick. It was making a tent in my loose boxers. My hard cock was swinging freely like a metronome with each step.

Was it my imagination, or were even more people staring at us on the beach? Not only the men, but also the women. The women, especially, were looking straight at my hard, swinging dick, then at my two girls' pregnant bellies, then up into my eyes. They knew it was my seed that had knocked up both girls.

I smiled. I swaggered slightly as I walked, causing my long, hard cock to swing back and forth even more with each step. My hand snaked around my girls' waists and I stroked their bellies possessively while we walked. I met several men's eyes as we passed them. Many smiled. A few shook their heads in envious disbelief. But mostly, the men couldn't take their eyes off the blonde on my left and the petite Asian on my right, their breasts swollen with milk and their bellies proudly protruding with my seed. Women on the beach, on the other hand, all seemed to be looking more and more at my long hard dick, bouncing and swinging lewdly almost in plain sight.

Katie stopped for a moment and turned toward me. "Daddy, it's starting to get dark. Shouldn't we turn around to go find our blanket and other stuff?"

I turned and faced her. "Sure, honey," I said. The tip of my hard cock, standing out from my swim suit, bumped into Katie's pregnant stomach. Feeling my protrusion prodding her, she bent down to look at the sight and giggled.

I bent down and kissed her on the forehead. "I love you, Katie," I said. "Look at my cock -- do you see how much I love you?"

Katie smiled back at me. "I see every inch of your love for me, Daddy."

Out of the corner of my eye I saw a couple of women in their late twenties sitting on beach towels only a few feet away from me. One of them, a brunette, had fallen asleep face down on her towel. An open paperback book lay near her head, temporarily abandoned while she slept. The other woman, a lovely blonde in a one-piece swim suit sitting in one of those folding beach chairs that had no legs, had noticed us, and now she was staring open-mouthed at my hard dick, which was making a lewd tent in my swim trunks only a few feet away from her at eye level. I caught her eye and smiled at her wide-eyed expression. Then I playfully pushed forward my pelvis almost imperceptibly, enough to poke Katie in the stomach a couple more times. I gave Katie a half-hug on one side, so that we were half-facing the young woman on the beach towel, putting ourselves on display for her. I nodded to the woman, smiling, as my cock bounced up and down nearly in her face. She stared slack-jawed at my cock, then into my eyes, then back at my cock.

Then I turned around and faced Randi. I deliberately let my hard cock bump into her just like it had with Katie, but I pretended to ignore it as I asked her, "What do you think, Randi? Time to head back?" My cock prodded her stomach insistently, over and over.

The blonde on the beach towel looked even more amazed after watching me deliberately poke my hard-on into the stomachs of not one but two teenagers. I could almost read her thoughts: "BOTH of them?! He's fucking BOTH OF THEM?! They BOTH belong to him?"

I caught her eye and winked at her. She smiled and looked again at my hard dick, bobbing up and down and prodding Randi's belly as if it had a mind of its own. It was so close to her face. She shook her head in wonderment and unconsciously bit her lower lip.

Randi looked me reverently in the eyes. When I looked down, I saw that one of her hands reached toward my cock, but then she drew herself back, remembering that we were in a crowd of beachgoers. "Anything you say, Mr. J." She licked her lips. "Anything!"

I turned toward the woman on the towel and took a step toward her. My cock was about six inches from her mouth as I smiled down at her. "Amazing Fourth of July, isn't it?" I said. The tent in my shorts bobbed up and down in front of her face.

She could barely take her eyes off of my dick. ". . . Amazing . . . ," she said.

"The weather -- it's so hot," I said.

"So hot," she said, staring blatantly at the tent in my crotch.

"Don't you love the beach?" I asked. "There's so much to see."

"So much." She took her eyes off my cock, looked up and gave me a knowing smirk. "I love the people watching."

I edged closer. My cock was almost touching her nose. "And I love being watched," I said. There was only a thin slip of fabric between my dick and her face.

"She called you 'Daddy'?" the blonde asked.

I put my arm around both girls' waists and faced the blonde. The tip of my dick brushed against her nose and I smiled at her. "I'm 'Daddy' to both of them. Isn't that right, girls?"

Katie spoke up. "Daddy's really good to us," she said.

"We love our Daddy," said Randi.

"And I love my girls," I said. "Every day."

"Sometimes two or three times a day," added Katie. She began to giggle -- "Tee hee hee!" -- and her huge breasts, barely covered by the small bikini, jiggled with her happy giggling.

In the falling dusk, no one else on the beach paid any attention to our interaction. The young woman's friend slept a couple of feet away, oblivious. Katie and Randi giggled at the blatant innuendo and at their Daddy's even more blatant hard on sticking in this strange blonde woman's face.

The blonde sat up slightly, so that her mouth was even with the tip of my cock. Her lips were barely an inch away from the thin fabric that covered my cockhead. When she opened her mouth, it was as if she was speaking into a dick microphone as she said, "It must be very hard -- hard all the time -- to take care of two young ladies."

"It IS hard," I said, poking my dick even closer to her mouth. "They're so young. They need a Daddy's guidance. And I take care of them so often. Every day -- every fucking fucking day -- and every fucking fucking night. I'm so fucking fucking busy being a fucking Daddy to both my fucking girls." I glanced around to make sure the other people on the darkening beach, engrossed in their bonfires and picnics, weren't watching. I pushed my pelvis forward ever so slightly, so that the tip of my boxer-covered cock brushed against the lips of the pretty blonde. Then I pulled my daughter and girlfriend tighter toward me and ostentatiously rubbed their swollen tummies. "You can see the effects a good Daddy has on them," I said, drawing the woman's attention to my girls' twin pregnancies. "And you're right -- it's hard all the time," I said.

"Daddy, can we go back now?" asked Katie. "I need some special Daddy time."

"We both do," added Randi.

The blonde smiled. The view of my dick rubbing against her smiling lips was fantastic. She gave my cockhead a feathery kiss through the thin fabric, then said, "I guess a Daddy's work is never done." She lightly kissed the tip again and stuck her tongue out to barely lick the tip. "This is fun, 'Daddy'," she said. My cock head, still covered by the thin boxer fabric, pushed against her lips, trying to find a way into her mouth as she continued, "But if you think I'm going to suck your -- Gawp!"

Katie and Randi edged around the side, blocking the view of anyone else on the beach as I pushed my insistent cock into the woman's mouth.

She reached up and pulled my cock out of her mouth, then laughed. "Touche! You slipped past my defenses!" She laughed again while my boxer-clad cock poked her in the face, in the nose, and on the lips. "But I'm not going to let you do it ag -- Gawk!"

This time all three of us -- Randi, Katie and I -- were laughing at the combined silliness and sexiness.

The blonde pulled my cock out of her mouth and laughed as well. "Oh come now -- Auk!!" My cock poked its way into her mouth again.

Randi reached over and rearranged the baggy leg of my boxer-style swimsuit, so that instead of my cock making a tent in the fabric, it now stood out proudly out of the rearranged pants leg. Now my unclad cock head poked the woman's lips.

It turned into a game. Every time my cock came out of our new friend's mouth, she protested weakly, yet managed during her protestations to open her mouth wide enough right next to my hard cock for me to slip my dick in again. And again. And again.

"Really, now, I'm -- Ogg!"

"'Daddy' or not, you should be ashamed -- Glugg!"

"How dare you -- Guggg!"

Within a minute or so, all four of us were laughing as the woman came up with flimsier and flimsier excuses to open her mouth wide to accept my cock.

Unfortunately, the laughter itself put an end to our game. Our new friend glanced over at her companion sleeping next to the paperback book and saw that the other woman's nap had been disturbed by our laughing. She flicked her head in the direction of the brunette, calling our attention to her. "As much fun as this is," she said, "I think you guys better get going. My friend's waking up."

I reached out a hand and stroked the woman's cheek. "Maybe next time," I said.

"Maybe. Happy Fourth of July . . . 'Daddy'," she said.

Randi smiled as she rearranged my pants leg, providing a fig leaf of modesty to my still protruding cock. The tent in my shorts still left no doubt to any observer that I had raging hard on.

We turned and left. Knowing that the woman was watching, I cupped my two girls' asses as we walked away. "Ooh! Daddy!" squealed Katie, still within earshot as we left the scene.

The dusk deepened as we walked back to the cliff alcove where we'd left our stuff. The occasional bonfires became the main source of light as the sky darkened.

The fireworks started and all eyes on the beach turned toward the sky.

Taking advantage of the darkness and the distraction of the fireworks, first Randi, then Katie reached over and grabbed my protruding dick through the soft, thin fabric of my boxer shorts. My hands were already stretched around their waists, gently cupping their swollen bellies. My seed, I thought to myself. They're filled with MY SEED. My cock got even harder.

Earlier, while we were fucking in the surf, I had wondered: Does it get any better than this?

I guess it did. In the darkness and the jostling crowd, my devoted fuckbunny blonde daughter and her horny bisexual girlfriend were openly groping my hard cock. People were so distracted by the pyrotechnics in the sky that they didn't see a thing at waist level. My lovely submissive teens worked their hands as a team, twisting their wrists so perfectly that it was all I could do to keep from thrusting my pelvis as we walked. The crowd ooh-ed and aah-ed at the big bursts of sparklers in the sky. I reached my hands upward from my girls' pregnant bellies to their soft, lush tits and began squeezing and groping them through the tiny bikini tops that were too small for breasts that, thanks to their pregnancies, were growing bigger every week.

We reached a place along the shoreline parallel to the nook in the cliff where we'd put our gear. We turned away from the ocean and picked our way through the throng toward the looming cliff. Other partygoers looked elsewhere, toward the sky, while I played with my teenagers' big tits and they openly stroked my long hard cock. We lewdly promenaded through a completely oblivious crowd toward our picnic blanket.

Life was fucking perfect.

Everyone else on the beach had chosen spots out in the open, so that when the fireworks started they'd have a better view. But as far as I was concerned, the fireworks were a lot closer to earth.

We barely made it back to our outstretched blanket before both Katie and Randi sank to their knees before me. They didn't even have to pull down my swimsuit, but merely reached upward through the baggy leggings to pull out my hard cock and start sucking.

I looked up toward a burst of fireworks. At the same time, I reached down and stroked my teenagers' faces as they devotedly sucked their Daddy. "Good girls," I whispered soothingly. "Such good girls."

"Thank you, Daddy. Can we fuck you now?"

I lay down on the blanket and Randi mounted me cowgirl style. She was so wet that her usually tight pussy was able to take me in more smoothly than usual. Even so, it took several minutes of her easing herself centimeter by centimeter onto her Master's rod.

"Oh God, Mr. J," she gasped, "I don't think I'll ever get to the point of taking your big dick all at once -- and I hope I never do." Randi held her fuck-sister's hand for leverage as she raised herself up, then on the down-thrust brought herself gently down a little farther than her previous downstroke. "Aah! Aah! Aah!" she grunted. "So big! So big in my little cunt!" Another burst of fireworks exploded in the sky and Randi gasped with pleasure. "More!" she panted. "Give me more!"

After several minutes of pain/pleasure, Randi finally bottomed out on my rod and my fuckdoll began bouncing up and down rapidly. "So good!" she crooned. "Your big dick feels so good in my tight little pussy!"

Katie no longer had to sit beside her girlfriend to hold her up while Randi lowered herself gradually onto me. Instead my daughter lay by my side, her large breasts pressing against the side of my chest while she kissed my neck and mewled with sympathetic pleasure, taking joy in her girlfriend's orgasms. All the while, she still held Randi's hand -- tenderly, as if they were sharing a special moment together. "Daddy, we love you so much," she cooed. "Can I have turn now?"

"Of course you can, sweetie," I said.

Randi dutifully rose off of my cock and lay beside me, molding her body to mine as her foster sister/lover took her place riding me.

Katie was already so wet that her cunt glided down onto my shaft. Her pussy was a perfect fit -- it had never had anything but my cock inside it. Katie sighed with love and satisfaction as she felt me fill her pussy.

"I love Daddy cock," she sighed. As always, her high, girlish voice and her innocent face contrasting with her sexy body made me even hornier. Her beatific smile and half lidded eyes made her look as if she were experiencing some kind of religious ecstasy rather than having a carnal experience.

Katie began to ride me. Her luscious, huge tits began bouncing, barely constrained by the inadequate bikini top. Her teenage body, toned by so many years of dance lessons, had not an ounce of fat, yet her eye-popping tits and womanly hips, combined with her pregnancy bulge, made her an icon of sexual desire. Her blonde curls made the scene so perfect that I couldn't take my eyes off of her loveliness.

Over and over, Katie rose and fell on my cock. At first, she leaned forward, bracing her hands against my chest, making her big tits even more prominent as they bulged between her arms. Her tits slipped out of the inadequate bikini.

Then she made the tableau even better by sitting up and stretching her fingers to the sky. Her fingers wiggled as if she were presenting her body to the stars and inviting the gods to bless her fornication with her father. She was so ecstatic over being "allowed" to fuck me -- yeah, that's right, she thought of it as ME doing HER a favor -- that her face lit up with horny happiness. Her pelvis began making corkscrew motions around my dick while she twisted and bounced on my lap. Her breathtaking tits bounced up and down, side to side and in all directions. "Oh Daddy I love fucking you so much!" she squealed.

Then Randi, still hugging me on the side, whispered in my ear: "Cum in my fuck-sister's little cunt."

The sight of my sex goddess daughter bouncing happily on my rod was too much. I came in my darling daughter's tight pussy, a pussy that only I had ever entered and that was molded to fit only my cock. Waves of pleasure washed over me. My two teen girls moaned as they felt me cum.

"Thank you, Daddy," said Katie. "Thank you for cumming inside me! I love your big Daddy cock so much!"

She gently pulled herself off of my gradually softening cock and lay down beside me on the other side from where her best friend lay. She reached between her legs and scooped up a fingerful of cum, then fed it into my Asian sex kitten's open mouth.

Katie smiled and shivered with pleasure from the sensation of Randi licking her fingertips. "Daddy tastes so good, doesn't he?" she said. She began fingering herself dreamily as she licked her lips, savoring my taste.

Randi reached into her cunt and brought her fingers to her mouth, tasting her own juices. I glanced down and saw that now both girls were fingering themselves as they snuggled up to their Daddy.

We lay on our beach blanket for the next several minutes and watched the last of the fireworks. I relaxed with both my arms wrapped around the girls' shoulders, thinking to myself what a perfect Fourth of July it had been. The girls rested their heads on my shoulders and nuzzled my neck for a half hour while they masturbated. They stretched their legs over mine so that their toes met, and while they fingered themselves and whispered their adoration, they flirted with each other by playing footsie.

We watched the stars. The rest of the beachgoers gradually thinned out. I reveled in the feeling of their swollen breasts and pregnant bellies nestled against me. Occasionally, the girls kissed me, but mostly we simply lay quietly, staring at the Milky Way. They masturbated in my arms the entire time.

Every once in a while, one of the girls shivered in orgasm, gasping "Daddy!" in a ragged whisper, then kissed my cheek in gratitude and went back to frigging herself. After a few minutes, they began panting "Daddy!" more frequently and urgently as they gave in to their desire and devotion. They shivered all over in repeated orgasms while licking my neck and whimpering "Daddy! Daddy!!" over and over.

The feeling was fantastic. My girls -- my teenage harem -- had come to identify me so totally with their sexuality that when they were masturbating, the only image in their heads was me and my cock. So when they diddled their clits, they thanked ME for their orgasms. Their love for me and my hard cock was overwhelming them. I smiled and squeezed them tighter each time they came and whimpered, panted or gasped their devotion to me. "Good girls!" I whispered when they came.

After already cumming twice that afternoon, it took a lot to get me hard again. But it was such a turn-on having these two nymphs in my arms, cooing their love for me and calling my name as they masturbated that after a while my cock began to rise again.

"Look, Katie!" cried Randi, "Your Dad's hard again!"

"Oh God, Daddy!" gasped Katie as she reached for my shaft. Her other hand continued to diddle her clit.

Within seconds Randi's hand joined Katie's, and now both girls frigged themselves while they stroked me up and down. My arms cradled their shoulders as we lay on the beach blanket, hugging them tightly to me. Their bodies molded themselves to mine with their legs draped over mine, and they continued to giggle while playing with each other's feet.

"So warm! So alive in my hands! So hard!" said Katie. "I love you Daddy! I love your cock so much!" She shivered in another orgasm. "Just touching it makes me cum!"

"You're hard for us! All the time!" said Randi wonderingly.

After several minutes of the girls cooperating in jacking me off, Randi whispered in a little-girl voice, "Master, do you mind if I suck Daddy for a while? Please?"

I smiled at her subservient need to ask my permission before sucking my cock. I also noted for the first time that Randi seemed to be giving a special name to my cock -- "Daddy". "Go ahead, sweetie." I said. "Suck Daddy. Daddy in your mouth will make you feel good."

Randi repositioned herself to her hands and knees and began licking and sucking me. My hand drifted down to the top of her head to guide her, not that she needed any cues on how to please me after months of servicing me nearly every day.

Katie scooted further up so that she could kiss me on the lips while her best friend licked my rod. She continued to thrust her finger into her twat over and over. I lifted my hand from Randi's head and instead began caressing my daughter's hypersensitive breasts. Moving the tiny bikini top out of the way, I started tweaking her nipples, causing her to shiver and shake even more. Her fingers in her pussy began moving faster, more urgently.

"I love your tits," I whispered between kisses. "So large. So soft. Filling up with milk for my baby. You're so young -- so innocent and horny at the same time. Your huge tits look so perfect on your teenage body."

"They're growing, Daddy," she told me. "I hope you don't mind." She had a pleading tone in her voice as she continued, "Please tell me you still love me even if my tits get bigger! My bra size is now 32G."

32G! I thought to myself. She was unbelievably stacked! "I don't mind, baby," I said. Her words made me even hornier and I humped her girlfriend's mouth even harder. "I love you," I gasped, as my ass bounced up and down on the blanket, thrusting up into little Randi's eager mouth. "I love your big tits!" I held one of her huge tits and felt the supple titflesh overflow my hands. "32G!" I cried, wonderingly. My pelvis bounced up and down on the beach blanket frantically as I speared Randi's throat.

"Oh, Daddy," she breathed into my ear, "I'm so -- uh!! Uh!!" She orgasmed and began spasming. She stifled her own screams by clamping her mouth onto mine and moaning into my mouth. Her moans mingled with Randi's slurping in a symphony of lust.

When her spasms stopped, she scooted up farther on the beach blanket and presented one of her breasts to my mouth. I eagerly began kissing and nibbling on her nipple, feeling the full softness of her huge breasts cover my face. "Show me you love me and suck my big tits, Daddy! Oh please suck my tits!"

The moment my teeth grazed against my daughter's nipple, she began shaking all over in her biggest orgasm yet. With her body pressed against mine, I could feel every part of her twitching and shaking uncontrollably as she was overwhelmed by the sensations of her fingering herself coupled with my kissing her breasts.

It was too much for me. Feeling my daughter beside me nearly having a seizure from orgasming so hard made me cum hard. My pelvis lurched upward into Randi's mouth, causing her to gag and sputter. My cum rocketed out of my cock and into her little Asian mouth. Cum dribbled out of the corners of her mouth and down the sides of my rod.

I stroked Randi's hair. "Good girl," I murmured. "Good cocksucker!"

When we finally stood up, re-packed our gear and returned to the car, we were almost the only ones left on the beach. In the distance, I saw a few bonfires of families and friends who were enjoying the summer evening together. But they were far enough away that it was as if we were, all of us, in separate worlds.

When we got in the car, Katie took the back seat, while Randi rode alongside me. Once we were on the highway heading home, she turned to me. "Mr. J, I'd like to thank you for taking me out on such a perfect day," she said.

"Randi, there's no need . . ." I began.

"No, Mr. J, I insist," she said firmly as she reached for my belt.

She sucked me all the way home.

Thank God I have an automatic transmission. I was able to use one hand to steer while the other rested lovingly on the back of Randi's head, stroking her hair and occasionally urging her to suck me deeper or harder. "Good girl," I murmured encouragingly. "Good Daddy's girl. Good girls suck Daddy cocks."

"And am I being good, Daddy?" she asked teasingly.

"Oh yes. Very good," I said as I guided her head back to my cock. Resting my hand on the nape of her neck, I guided her head up and down on my pole.

I was reaching yet another climax just as we entered the driveway. I stopped the car and shut off the motor, then leaned back and gave in to the sensations. Thrusting my cock upward over and over into Randi's eager mouth, I gripped her head and fed her a mouthful of sperm. Randi gagged and sputtered.

She immediately sat up on the car seat and leaned over the backrest toward Katie. Katie moved toward her, and the two bikini-clad pregnant girls began kissing and moaning, swirling my sperm between their two mouths.

When we entered the house I was still wearing the swim trunks that showed the full outline of my cock through the lightweight fabric. My girls came through the door with me, then immediately began kissing me and fondling my cock and balls while we were still standing in the entranceway. But after a few kisses I squeezed their asses and told them it was bedtime. "Go upstairs and lick your sister to sleep," I instructed them.

I turned toward the living room where my wife Elaine was sitting. My cock making a huge tent in my shorts, I faced her and said simply, "Hi, honey. I'm home."​
Next page: Chapter 15
Previous page: Chapter 14.1