Page 01


Mackenzie cursed under her breath. The rain had soaked her feet as well as the lower part of her stockings. She put away her flimsy umbrella and went to the ticket machine.

The station was very busy, as morning rush hour was upon her. Most people barely gave anyone or anything a second glance, as they went about their business. A group of school boys were the exception, failing to be even remotely subtle as they ogled her.

Dream on. Mackenzie thought, sighing. She knew why they were staring at her, but chose to ignore it as she did whenever it happened. Her clothes always did that.

Getting her ticket from the machine, Mackenzie stated to descend the steps that led to where the barriers were. She queued up behind a man wearing a suit. He was completely drenched from top to bottom, his curly hair dripping onto his suit jacket. Well, I could be worse off, then... Mackenzie reflected, suddenly thankful for her flimsy umbrella.

The soaked man passed the gates, as did Mackenzie shortly after. They were both headed for the same platform.

Mackenzie seated herself, waiting for the train to arrive. By the corner of her eye she could still see the school boys talking excitedly amongst themselves, even pointing at her, from across the tracks. Oh, for fuck's sake!

She turned her head away from the pathetic display. To her left were the stairs she'd come from. Quite a few people were still descending towards the platform, however what caught Mackenzie's eye was an old lay at the top of the stairs, with two heavy looking bags on either hand. She appeared to handle them well enough but she needed to help herself up with one hand, forcing her to try and lift the two bags with only one hand, which was proving to be impossible.

No one helped her.

Just as Mackenzie began to lift herself to go and assist her, the soaked man passed right in front of her. He went up the stairs and exchanged a few words with the old woman, who nodded gratefully. He turned himself around, grabbing both bags as he accompanied her pace down the stairs.

As he did so, Mackenzie got to look at him for the very first time. He was a tall young man with slightly tanned skin. His face looked as if it had been chiselled for hours, his jaw line well defined, his cheek bones protuberant. And as the old lady told him something during their descent, his face showed nothing but a permanent pleasant smile.

The train arrived. Mackenzie felt quite self-conscious as she followed the two people she'd been snooping on.

'You don't have to carry all of them, dear.' The old lady told him.

'It's nothing. Do you have someone to help you with taking this home?'

Despite his best efforts to hide it, he couldn't quite conceal that English wasn't his first language. Italian, she guessed. She sat down in one of the chairs of the carriage, keeping an eye on the two of them standing next to the door with the bags near their feet.

'My son is waiting for me at the station I'm getting off at, don't worry.' She assured him. 'Where in Italy are you from?'

'The accent?' He asked her, looking disappointed in himself for not hiding it better.

'The accent.'

'How do you know I'm not just a son of immigrants?' He asked, amused.

'Most people that are exaggerate their accent, they don't hide it. And no one from these parts helps out an old hag like me.'

He blushed before replying.

'I came from a small community near Naples.'

'Beautiful place, I went there on my honeymoon.'

They exchanged a few more pleasantries until the old lady left at her stop. The man leaned back against the subway's wall, running a hand through his moist hair. When he leaned, his white shirt tightened against his body, revealing a very broad and toned torso. Up close now, Mackenzie could see the sawdust like stubble, as well as the brown fading into green in his eyes.

Mackenzie found herself licking her lips.

She managed to stop doing so, but not from looking his way.

As the next stop was reached, the train slowed down, and the man looked back at her. Blushing, Mackenzie looked away quickly. She waited a moment before looking again. He hadn't looked away either, making her feel like a creep. He smiled, though. He flashed her with a dazzling sweet smile that seemed to suit his face. Mackenzie felt herself return the smile.

The doors opened and, still with a half-smile, the gorgeous figure turned, exiting the train. It started moving again and Mackenzie sighed, unsure of what that had been about.

Part 1 of 4 | "All the other colours are just colours, but purple seems to have a soul – when you look at it, it's looking back at you." |

Jarno ducked quickly beneath a building balcony, as the skies began to water again. "Goddamnit!" His watch showed him it was 7:30 PM. A few passers-by opened their umbrellas and continued their paths, not noticing or caring about his annoyance.

It had been a long, tiring day. Meetings and interviews had maintained him occupied throughout. All he wanted was a hot shower and a good night's sleep back at his hotel room. The downpour that had soaked him during the early hours of the morning did nothing to improve the outlook of a very boring day.

His clothes had dried, but the late afternoon rain was looking as though it wanted him wet again. Jarno wondered if it would be best to make a run for it or just attempt to wait it out until the rain went away.

'Today is just not your lucky day, is it?'

The voice came from underneath one of the umbrellas, whose carrier had stopped just in front of him. Jarno recognized her instantly. It was the girl from the subway. Of course he'd recognized her instantly. She was shorter than him, her eyes level with his shoulders. Her clothing choices were a bit bold, a low cut white vest covered by a blue shirt (which highlighted her large breasts), a patterned above-the-knee skirt, as well as some black stockings. It was odd, yet strangely alluring.

Her most noticeable feature, though, was the purple hair. It was a deep dark purple, reaching below her shoulders. And now that he was close to her, Jarno realised her eyes were dark blue and had only seemed purple due to the combination with her hair.

'It's still an ongoing experience...' Jarno replied, friendly.

'Well, you are getting wet again, here.' She said, failing to hide her amusement.

'Your concern is touching.'

She shrugged with a sideways smirk. God, she looked adorable!

'They don't call me a people person for nothing...'

'Who calls you a people person?'

'Uh, people.'

'But of course.' Jarno conceded with a mock bow.

Fidgeting with the umbrella between her fingers, she appeared to have decided to make him beg for it.

'Where are you heading to?' He asked her, conceding.


Jarno snorted, closing his eyes momentarily. When he reopened them, she was smiling innocently.

'People person, was it?'


'Anyway, would you happen to be going anywhere near the Hilton?'

'Not really.' She replied, leaving him not knowing how to respond for a beat. 'But, uh, if you wanted to kill some time, I may help you with that.'

'What do you have in mind?'

'Want to go for a walk?'

Jarno thought about it for a few seconds. His desire for a bath and some sleep had been very quickly overshadowed by the desire to be around the force of cuteness and awkward humour that was this purple haired girl.

'I'd love to.'

He got underneath her umbrella, having to lower himself to her height so that they were both covered from the rain. He also placed his arm around her shoulders to balance himself. Well, he'd also wanted to do it to be close to her, but since that sounded a little creepy even to himself, he would pick the first reason if she asked. She didn't though, but smiled knowingly at him.

'Thanks for the lift.' He said, as they started to walk through the crowds of people. 'I'm Jarno.' He pronounced it as it was meant to be, "Yarno".

'Don't mention it. Nice to meet you, name's Mackenzie.'

'Mackenzie?' Jarno tested the name. As he suspected, the pronunciation wasn't too good and she laughed.

'Sorry, you probably hate having people do that...'

He did, but he felt there was very little Mackenzie could do to make him stop smirking at her.

'Don't worry about it.'

'You can just call me Mac, if you prefer.'

'I'll try to keep practicing Mackenzie.'

'So, where are you from?' She asked.

'Italy. And you?'

As soon as he had said it he felt like an idiot. Obviously from here, you idiot...

'It's not that obvious, actually.' Mackenzie laughed, understanding his mistake. 'I'm from Toronto.'


'That's right. I've been living here for almost seven years.'

'Was it difficult moving here?' Jarno asked, interested. Her voice was soft and smooth, and he was enjoying listening to her speak about herself.

'At first. I came alone, so it was a bit lonely at the beginning, but I've made a few good friends.'

'Sounds like you enjoy living here...'

'I do. This is home for me now.' Mackenzie said, whilst guiding them across a zebra walkway, before looking at him. 'Do you have anywhere to be, or can I get you for myself for a while to grab a bite?'

He looked back into her eyes, feeling as if he would do anything to be around her for as long as he could.

'Not really. I'm yours for the next couple of hours.'

Mackenzie seemed amused by something.

'This way.' She said in a slightly raspy voice.

Leading the way, Mackenzie guided Jarno through the streets, edging away from the main street they were on to more secondary ones, through a path she seemed familiar with. It wasn't too long of a walk, despite being forced to wobble together slowly under the umbrella.

'Over there.' Mackenzie pointed towards a small corner diner. It was a cosy little place that reminded him of something off a stereotypical American movie. "Mike's Diner" was what the sign above it flashed, as the night descended on them.

They got away from the downpour by entering through the door. As Mackenzie closed her umbrella, Jarno looked around. The place had a rustic, old school feel to it, with all the American movie style of furniture, just as he suspected when viewing it from the outside. It was also quite close to a full house.

Mackenzie had identified a vacant table and guided him to it. They sat down at their booth, Jarno looking around in wonder.

'What do you think?' Mackenzie asked, smirking.

'It's pretty awesome, not gonna lie...' Jarno confessed.

'Looks like I got you a new regular, Mike!' She beamed at a middle-aged man passing by. He was quite obese. Well, that would be understating it. He was the fattest person he'd ever seen, with more double-chins than he could count, and neatly cropped blonde hair.

'You shall forever have my gratitude, honey.' He said, stopping with a notepad and a pen in front of their booth.

'Don't tell me I'm getting the privilege of being served by the boss himself?' Mackenzie asked him, with a playful look on her face.

'I saw you get in and just had to come serve my best customer. And I also saw that hand there, fella!' The man pointed at Jarno with the pen. 'One complaint from the lady and they'll never find your body.'

Jarno felt himself blush at being called out, but eased again as he noticed Mackenzie was looking at him with an amused expression.

'Yes, sir.' He said.

Mike laughed loudly.

'Hey Robbie! Ya hear that? I'm a sir, now!'

Someone behind the counter shouted: 'I'll greet you as Sir Porkshop from now on!'

'We've been over this, Robbie: it's either Sir Fat Ass or nothin'! He turned back to Mackenzie. 'What's the order then, for you and pretty boy here?'

'Mike, I want you to give us the greasiest, biggest, most likely to shorten our lifespans considerably, burgers that you've got.'

'So, the usual?'

'Are you questioning my life choices?'

'Will you be wanting large fries with that?' Mike asked, still not prying his eyes away from the pad he was writing on.

'Do you really need to ask that?' Jarno put in, trying to keep a straight face.

The large man shot him a quick look, before telling Mackenzie: 'He's gotten himself a point.' He started to leave but first gave him a rough pat on the shoulder. 'Still on the negatives though, pretty boy.'

After he left, Jarno could tell Mackenzie was enjoying the show.

'I think you've passed the test.' She said, her hands up her sleeves next to her face which hung sideways. It was her cutest pose yet, which was saying something.

Still on the negatives apparently.' He managed to say in a normal voice.

'I never said it was his test.'

He didn't know what to respond to that, and, not wanting to blush yet again in front of her, Jarno changed the subject.

'This seems like a friendly place.'

'It is.' She smiled genuinely, looking around. 'When I got here I didn't really have anyone, and Mike helped me out. I would have been very hungry in those first weeks if it wasn't for him.'

'Why did you move here?' Jarno asked. What had been the motives behind her going here if it had been so difficult at first?

'My parents kicked me out.' Mackenzie curtly said, a shadow passing across her face.

Regretting asking it instantly, Jarno squeezed her hand to comfort her.

'I'm sorry I asked.'

'It's not your fault I have assholes for parents. It's okay.'

Mackenzie closed her fingers around his hand, a smile making its way back onto her features. Once more, Jarno felt slightly overwhelmed by her beauty. It was the eyes, he thought. He felt a strange serenity transmitted by the two dark blue dots in front of him.

Their food arrived just then. Mike gave him a glance but said nothing as he placed their orders in front of them. Mackenzie hadn't been lying about the burgers in her order description: they were both disgusting and delicious looking at the same time. He took a bite.

'What's the verdict?' She asked him, as she bit down on her own burger.

Jarno made a show of chewing, carefully placing his food back down on his plate, before looking at her with a neutral expression.

'I can almost feel my lifespan shortened by a few months with the first bite.'

'That's how you know it's good!' Mackenzie laughed, reaching over for two fries. 'Now, come on! I've told you my life story leading up to here. Now it's your turn...'

'Alright.' He considered how to begin. 'Well, I was born in the middle of a very pretty nowhere in Italy. It was a cool place to grow up in, but since I was fifteen I've been living in the UK for my job.'

'What's your job?'

'I, uh...'

'What?' Mackenzie was intrigued by his hesitation.

'I'd rather not say.' He muttered apologetically.

She leaned forward.

'Are you a hitman?' Mackenzie laughed, making him chuckle as well. 'Crack dealer? Professional thief? Come on, dude, give me something...'

'Yeah, yeah... Very amusing. It's not that it's bad, it's just that you'll treat me differently, maybe. And I'm enjoying you at ease and natural for now...' Jarno admitted.

'Are you?' She asked mischievously. 'Are you enjoying me?'

'Yes. Are you enjoying me?'


The simple word made him feel lighter.

'Would you mind if I didn't say what I do, either?' She continued after a pause.


'It's like it is with you: it's not bad, I'm just not sure if you'll treat me the same after you know...'

Jarno wondered what she could possibly fear from her secret, feeling curiosity fill him. Then he realised those were probably the same feelings that had gone through Mackenzie's head about him, which made him feel slightly hypocritical.

'Okay.' He simply said. 'There is something I need to ask you, though, and if you say no it will seriously scar my opinion of you.'

Mackenzie looked puzzled. Jarno signalled her to lean forwards, as he did the same.

He whispered: 'Do you like Tarantino movies?'

Her unrestrained laughter was one of the sweetest sounds he'd ever heard in his life.

'No way!'

'I'm telling you.'

'How can you think the first season of Digimon was better than the second?' Mackenzie asked.

They were walking from Mike's Diner back to her house, as Jarno had insisted on making sure she got home well. The rain had stopped whilst they were having dinner.

'It had the original characters!' Jarno replied.

'The second had the original and new ones...'

'Alright, this will convince you: I watched the second one in English but the first in Italian.'

'Sounds promising... Go on.' She commented, as she walked next to him.

'In the Italian version they obviously recorded the lines with every actor during a few days, getting all the material they needed. And afterwards, they realised there were a few lines missing.' He shot her a glance.

'Oh dear...'

'There is one particularly memorable scene in which an eight-year-old boy suddenly goes through puberty and his voice goes all Tommy Lee Jones for a line before instantly returning to its normal high pitched self.'

Mackenzie giggled, stopping on her tracks. Jarno realised they were next to a building doorway, meaning they were probably at her place, and so stopped as well.

'That does sound better than the version I saw... You'll have to show it to me.'

'You got it.' He smiled.

They stared at each other for a moment.

'So, did you enjoy not getting wet?' She asked.

'I did. I was looking forward to not getting wet again sometime soon.'

'Well, they predict better weather for the coming days...' Mackenzie flashed her trademark sideways smirk, which indicated she wasn't going to make it easy for him.

He put his hands inside his pockets, knowing it made his shirt tighten around his well-defined six pack. It made him feel vain, but he noticed her shift her eyes there quickly.

'I'm rubbish at this, but I'm trying to ask you on a date.'

'"Rubbish"?' Mackenzie smirked.

'I've been in England for five years, shut up.' He replied good-naturedly.

The sentence was barely out of his mouth, before hers was on his. He felt one of her hands in his hair, pulling him to her. Mackenzie kissed him with enthusiasm, parting his lips with her tongue. Jarno was about to take his hands off his pockets and grab hold of her, when she let go of his lips.

Opening his eyes again, Jarno saw her beautiful blue eyes inches away from his, her nose grazing his. There was determination all over her face.

'We've already been on a date, just now.' Mackenzie informed him, with a whisper. 'That was how you asked for a second.' He felt her place a piece of paper in his pocket next to his hand. Then she stepped back, and turned her back to him, walking home.

Feeling himself open-mouthed, Jarno closed it and realised the paper had her phone number.

'I'll call you.' He managed to gasp out.

'You better.' She replied, not looking back. Jarno noticed her amused tone, though, just as the entrance door to her building shut behind her.

Despite his best efforts, Jarno couldn't wait too long before calling her. Not only was he in the US for a limited time, but he thought that playing difficult to get was a terrible idea, especially since it was perfectly obvious that Mackenzie knew he was interested in her.

So, less than twenty-four hours after Mackenzie had kissed him next to her door step, she received a phone call.

They arranged to take a sightseeing trip around the city, Mackenzie serving as a makeshift tour guide for him as they wandered through places she knew to be of interest. There were moments when they would pass by locations she clearly had no back story for, but that didn't stop her from getting around the issue.

'This is a very historically memorable place.' Mackenzie told him, for the third time that day, as they passed a square with a monument in the centre for the third time.

'What is the back story to this one?' Jarno asked, looking forward to see what the explanation would be this time.

'Well, uh, this was where the Battle of Little Budapest took place.'

'The Battle of Little Budapest?'

'Yes, you see,' She started, apparently satisfied with the back story she was about to present. 'in 1745 the Hungarians and Slovaks were upset with each other and decided to settle their differences by battling in the New World, thus avoiding the destruction of their home soil.'

'A particularly impressive feat when you consider that neither country existed in 1745...'

'Hey, don't destroy my story with all this talk of facts and making sense!'

'I'm sorry, you're right. So, who won that great Battle of Little Budapest?'

'It was a long and destructive battle.' Mackenzie pressed on. 'But eventually the American natives got upset at these European powers squabbling on their land, and so they were the actual winners because they got in when the other two were tired.'

Their casual stroll ended up taking them towards a quiet park on the city centre where they found a great spot to lie down on the grass, right next to the shore of a small pond. Jarno loved these sorts of moods, just lying down with only the sound of the water in his ears.

The sound of water and the sound of Mackenzie's voice, of course. They were next to each other, both with an arm under their heads as they looked at the surprisingly blue sky.

'Okay, now that I've done my job as tour guide, it's your turn.' She said, after they enjoyed their surroundings for a bit.

'My turn for what?'

'To share.'

'Share what, exactly?'

'Stuff from your end of the world.'

Jarno smiled, still looking at the blue sky.

'What do you want to know?' He asked.

'Let's do this by parts, then. First up, why do you care so much about soccer?'

'It's a really entertaining sport...'

'Yes, with its 0-0 results...' Mackenzie remarked.

'I've seen 0-0 draws that were way more entertaining than your Super Bowl finals.'


'It's not our fault you guys have the attention span of an excited dog unless there's a point scored every five seconds... And there's also the World Cup.' Jarno turned to his side, looking at her.

Focusing on the conversation would prove much more difficult now, he was sure. Mackenzie was dressed casually, with faded jeans and a very loose fitting a grey top. Her purple hair cascaded behind her head, as she lay face up with her eyes closed, letting the sunlight bathe her skin.

'Oh yeah, that thing we pretend to care about every four years but never win... Anyway, what about that dance thing you guys have once a year, full of weirdoes?'

'The dance thi- Ah, the Eurovision!' Jarno laughed. 'Basically each European country selects a song to play and we vote on them afterwards... There are usually some "wacky" songs there.' He conceded.

'I've seen the videos.' Mackenzie said, turning to face him. Her eyes seemed more alluring than ever. '"Wacky" doesn't even begin to describe them...'

'It's part of the charm of it. The best part of any Eurovision event is the really weird songs. Sometimes they even do well. My first time watching it was when Finland won, and it was beyond epic.'

'What happened?'

'I was 11 or 12, and a group of grown-ass men dressed like demons sang "Hard Rock Hallelujah"... Do I need to say more?'

'Oh yes, that does sound good!' She laughed, pulling a few strands of her hair back with her hand.

'And then we get to the voting process, and everyone gets a little mad, because Armenia votes for Azerbaijan, and Azerbaijan votes for Georgia, and Georgia votes for Russia, and Russia votes for Estonia, and Estonia votes for Latvia, and Latvia votes for Lithuania...' Jarno said, watching Mackenzie's amused smile become bigger with each passing country.

'So why do you watch it?'

'Because we watch all this, proclaim that the Eurovision isn't what it used to be, but then a new edition comes and everyone believes this is the year for us to win it, and we restart the whole process again every time.' He explained with a mock serious tone.

Mackenzie giggled, and once the sweet sound reached his ears, Jarno couldn't stop himself from leaning in and gently pressing his lips to hers. Just like before, he felt the softness of her lips more than any other feeling. Unlike before, though, Mackenzie didn't rush it, merely following his lead and melting into him.

The kiss developed, as they now used their tongues. It was still very subdued, though, more caring than needful, their movements smooth. Jarno felt the sweet taste of Mackenzie on his tongue, and felt as if he would be hard pressed to find anything that was better flavoured.

Nevertheless, he had to come back up for a proper breath of fresh air, nearly forgetting to breathe in his excitement. Mackenzie appeared to have the same issue, gasping for breath as well, once the kiss ended.

They stared at each other, and Jarno felt warmth wash all over him as Mackenzie flashed him her beautiful smile. Just as quickly as it came it disappeared, replaced by a frown.

'What's wrong?' Jarno asked, concerned.

'Nothing's wrong, I just...' Mackenzie replied, sighing. 'I'm not sure this is what you want.'

Jarno studied her face, silently asking her to elaborate.

'You're the deep and meaningful kind of guy.' She finally told him.

'What's that supposed to mean?' He questioned her, more intrigued than offended, truth be told.

'That despite how hard you're trying to be impulsive and carefree, you're not quite as convincing as you think.'

'I thought I was making a good impression.'

'You are. But I won't. You think that deep down I'm going to be just as deep and meaningful as you, and in the end you will be disappointed.'

'What if I've actually seen through that? What if I know that's not you but still want you all the same?' He questioned, turning the tables on her.

'So, following that logic, you want me because I'm a slut?' Mackenzie asked, raising an eyebrow. She did it in such a way he couldn't tell if she was upset.

'You're not a slut.'

'I'm not romantic and I'm certainly not a virgin. Aren't you wondering how many people I've been with?'

'Five, seventeen, fifty-five... I don't care. I just think you're weird and pretty hot.' Jarno said, truthfully.

That took her aback, her eyes widening.

'Good answer. If I didn't know you were all deep and meaningful, I would have thought you were just trying to get in my pants!' She laughed.

Jarno smiled. He was getting addicted to her laugh, he realised. It seemed to be the expression that made her face be at its most gorgeous.

'Are you free tomorrow night?' Mackenzie asked, after her laughter subsided.

'I am. What do you have in mind?'

'Dinner, at my place. You bring some take-out. And... we'll both tell each other about our jobs.'

Surprised by her decision, Jarno considered it for a moment. It clearly meant a lot to Mackenzie for him to know about what she did before things went further, just like it had meant a lot for her to check if he knew she didn't share his more romantic nature. And he would be lying if he said he wasn't curious. I'll have to tell her about mine. But I think I trust her enough to tell...


'Deal.' Mackenzie repeated, looking relieved at his acceptance. She started getting up. 'Now, come on, get up. There's another marker of the battle of the Hungarians and Slovenians over that way.'

'Slovaks.' He replied, getting up and following her.


'The Battle of Little Budapest, according to you a few minutes ago, involved the Slovaks, not the Slovenians.'

Walking by his side, she looked at him amused.

'A guy that actually listens to my incoherent gibberish... I'm kind of impressed. I don't even pay attention to what I say, never mind someone else.'

Knocking on Mackenzie's door, Jarno waited nervously. There was the sound of someone making their way towards the door. As it opened, he saw that it wasn't Mackenzie.

The two girls matched in height, but that was where comparisons ended. Whilst Mackenzie had a big bosom and a curvy body, this girl was thin as a stick, with quite small breasts. Her top didn't cover her stomach, where Jarno could see the outline of a six pack and a piercing on her bellybutton. Blonde hair just about failed to reach her shoulders.

She was very hot, yet Jarno felt there was a much bigger allure to Mackenzie.

'Why, hello there...' The blonde girl greeted him, leaning against the door with a sultry gaze.

Now, even though he knew Mackenzie had a much bigger allure, Jarno wasn't completely immune to her.

'Uh... hi. I'm looking for Mackenzie.'

'That would be me.' She lied, with a mischievous grin.

'He's met me before, doofus!' Came Mackenzie's voice from somewhere inside the house.

'Well, you can't blame a girl for trying!' She called back. 'So, ridiculously hot, European and bringing food. Now, I see why you're in such a hurry to get me out of the house.'

'Hailey...' Mackenzie warned her, appearing behind her.

'Don't worry your pretty head about it, I get it, I'm going.'

She did start to leave, shooting Jarno a sideways smirk, before giving him a playful slap on his butt. 'You kids play nice, now...' Hailey called as she started to descend the stairs.

Turning back towards the woman he was actually visiting, Jarno commented.

'She's subtle.'

The last word barely got out when he saw what Mackenzie was wearing.

'Yeah, subtle would be the word. What?'

'You look beautiful.'

Her blush was the only response. She was wearing a white and blue patterned strapless dress, which gave him a great amount of cleavage to view, and ended just a few inches above her knees. Her lower left leg had a tattoo which showed a few mock-slashes, as if done by claws, making it seem like blue fish scales were underneath Mackenzie's skin.

Also, she was barefoot, which made him think of some sort of lake fairy.

'Come on in.' She whispered to him.

It was a cosy apartment. The entrance led to the living room. It had a nice sitting area next to a tall window, with two comfy couches pointed at a TV set. The kitchen was to the left and on the far left he could see the doors to two bedrooms.

Mackenzie had prepared the area around the couch for their dinner, as they both sat down facing each other, the lower part of her dress rising and exposing a larger "slash" tattoo where the mermaid-like scales were even larger on the top of her right thigh. She opened the contents of the bag Jarno had brought on the coffee table.

'Chinese?' The purple haired girl commented, surprised. 'I was kind of expecting you to bring pizza...'

'Racist.' Jarno replied, in a tone of mock indignation, making her laugh.

They chatted freely. Apparently, Hailey was Mackenzie's roommate for about six years. They were best friends, who'd been lucky to find someone trustworthy to share an apartment with.

As their food quickly disappeared and the wine was slushed down, Mackenzie started to get visibly nervous. Jarno understood completely, as he felt the same way as well.

'Well, I guess we can't post-pone it now...' She whispered.

He took hold of her hand gently, caressing it.

'Hey, I've had the pleasure of listening to the weird things you can come up with the last two days. I really like you, and I doubt there's anything that can change my mind.' She looked genuinely moved. 'Besides, I have an idea of how to make this easier.'


Reaching into the back pocket of his trousers, he got a notepad and a small pen. Mackenzie eyed him curiously as he wrote something down on one of the pages, before ripping it from the note block and bending it on itself. Then he handed the block and the pen to her, much to her confusion.

With the folded paper between his fingers, he put them at her eye level.

'I wrote my job in this piece of paper.' Jarno told her, watching understanding reach her eyes. 'Do the same in your piece of paper, fold it, and then we'll switch papers at the same time.'

Without looking away from him, she did as he asked, putting the items he'd given her on the coffee table when it was done. They were now only holding their respective papers. Jarno handed her his. She took it, but hesitated before handing hers. Gently, he took her hand in his and smiled reassuringly. He felt her fingers open up and her paper being deposited in his.

'In 3...' He said.

'2...' Mackenzie replied.

'1.' They said together, and unfolded their respective secrets.

Jarno read what had been written in Mackenzie's loose handwriting. He wasn't quite sure what he was looking at, though.

Mackenzie laughed.

'Seriously?' She asked him. 'Racing driver?'

'Yeah...' He muttered apologetically.

'Why didn't you want to say? What's so bad about that?'

'During the past few years I've become sort of known, and uh... There are few things as bad as people constantly kissing your ass. Trying to impress you. Trying to become your friend, just so that they can say they're your friend.' He sighed. 'I liked you with your weird sense of humour and how little you cared about impressing me.'

She had her mouth slightly parted, surprised by his confession. There was nervousness too.

'Now it's my turn, I guess.' She said, running a hand through her purple hair.

'I'm going to be honest, I don't actually know what this means...'


'What do you mean with being a "Cam Girl"?'

Swallowing hard, Mackenzie looked down for a moment, before gathering up the courage to continue.

'As a "Cam Girl", I go online and I strip naked for an audience. They pay tips and I give them "rewards" like sucking on dildo, using a specific butt plug or cumming.'

Jarno digested it for a moment.

'Do you like doing it?'


'What do you like about doing it?'

'I... like the idea of exposing myself to someone I don't know. That this stranger is getting pleasure from seeing me. That I can tease and seduce him without this person ever managing to actually have me. It's empowering, in a way. I'm doing exactly what I want with my body and I'm exploring my sexuality in a way that a lot of prudes would hate.'

'Is this why your parents kicked you out?' Jarno asked her, connecting the dots.

'Yeah... I was doing it for a few months when my mom spied on my computer when I wasn't home and found some of my cam girl stuff. We had a fight and she had these demands of what her daughter should behave like and I told her to take a hike.' Mackenzie said, the note of sadness at the memory plain to hear. 'I had a friend who was renting a place back here and I took a chance. Like I told you, it wasn't easy at first, but I managed.'

In the wake of their mutual discovery of the other's secret, they were silent for a little while, processing it.

'So,' Mackenzie spoke first. 'what are you thinking?'

Jarno observed her attentively. Her brow was furrowed, as she waited to find out his reaction. It was completely obvious to him that the girl in front of him was apprehensive about his reaction and he could understand why. Most guys would have reacted angrily or even have been disgusted at her. In fact, it was likely that Mackenzie had faced some of those types of guys, since he recalled her saying she preferred to get it out of the way quickly as a general rule.

Since he prided himself of not being like most other guys, Jarno knew he didn't feel like that. But he genuinely didn't know what to make of it. He'd never been with a woman quite so easy-going about her sexuality, and he wasn't sure if it was good or bad that that excited him somewhat.

'I'm thinking this is something that's become an issue in your relationships.'

'Yeah...' She agreed, looking concerned with where the conversation was going.

That's when it hit him. The thought of this incredible girl being kicked out of her own house, with enough difficulties to grant her the need to depend on the kindness of a diner owner, just because of being judged for exploring her sexuality in the way she wanted, made him feel sad for her.

And for once he knew exactly what to do next. Grabbing her face with both hands, Jarno kissed Mackenzie.

She let out a surprised whimper and took a few seconds before she responded. Pulling back, Jarno kept his hands stroking her cheeks until she reopened her eyes.

'Ever since I saw you on that subway station, I've wanted to kiss you.' He whispered, never breaking eye contact with her beautiful blue gaze. 'And everything you've said and done since has only made me want to be around you even more. This secret doesn't change that.'
Next page: Page 02