Page 03

Hailey was about to reply something innuendo-like back, Mackenzie knew, so she slapped her bum hard. Her friend yelped. The purple haired girl wasn't concerned: they'd done this a thousand times and she knew when it was too painful or not. She applied the other nine spanks in irregular intervals, keeping Hailey on her toes, listening to her excited noises.

Mackenzie put a hand on her upper back to stop her from getting back up. Getting her face nearer to Hailey's bottom, Mackenzie pushed her cheeks apart and dribbled onto the mid-section, watching happily as her spit travelled slowly down from her roommate's butthole to her pussy lips, passing over the clit hood piercing there.

'This is a little preview for our girl on girl show tomorrow.' She winked at the camera. 'And this as well.' She slapped the tight butt one more time.

'You bitch...' Hailey called out to her as she exited the room, when she tried to sit her sore ass back down.

Closing the door behind her, Mackenzie settled back on the couch, making herself comfortable, and started playing the show.

As the intro began and the host made his presentation to the audience, Mackenzie realised this was a familiar show to her. At least a couple of times there was someone she liked on it, and so she'd watched it then.

It was a panel show with a host and four guests. There was a main guest of sorts who had the privilege of being the only one to be interviewed one on one by the host half-way through, after a few panel topics were discussed between the host and the other three guests. After the one on one interview, the main guest joined the panel for about twenty minutes, and then the show ended.

The first part wasn't too interesting, as Mackenzie realized Jarno would be the main guest (and thus, not participating in the first panel discussion). She fast-forwarded the discussions, until his introduction.

'Ladies and gentleman, my main guest this week is the youngest man to win a Formula 1 race in history, and has just completed a big money move to Ferrari. Please welcome, Jarno Merlo!'

Applause followed, as Jarno appeared. He was in a grey suit with his curly black hair looking better than ever. His expression was the shy genuine smile that seemed to suit him. Both him and the host walked towards chairs, slightly away from the rest of the panel.

The host was good, Mackenzie realised. Somehow, he managed to coax Jarno away from being too shy. In fact, the young Italian was even making the audience laugh on a few occasions.

'It's safe to say most of us here aren't avid followers of F1. But even we know that Ferrari means something.' The host said, stretching his arms to the audience, who murmured in agreement.

Jarno took a deep breath. 'It's awesome.' He said with a look of comically exaggerated enthusiasm, drawing laughs from the audience. 'Growing up I visited the Italian Grand Prix quite often, and seeing a Ferrari winner there is just the most incredible experience as a fan. These are people who really feel the sport, and it's a huge honour I've been awarded.'

It was clear from the way he said the words that he meant them. His excitement and pride were obvious to behold. The interviewer moved on, giving a brief summary of his career. Apparently, Jarno had started driving F1 cars when he was seventeen, which meant that he was placed in a weird situation.

'So basically,' Jarno explained. 'to drive in this sport, you need what we call a super license. To get one you don't need to be of any age, at least not at the time, you just have to do a certain amount of miles in an F1 car. So,' He added with an ironic smile. 'I was allowed to drive a car with around eight hundred horsepower but not a Toyota Prius because I wasn't old enough to qualify for a license!'

The audience made a surprised grunt, mimicked by the interviewer.

'Wait, so after the race, when you had to go back to the hotel...?'

'I'd have to ask for a lift, yeah.' Jarno replied, drawing laughs.

'So, let me just paint a picture.' The host said, making a show of entwining his fingers, which made Jarno make a show of leaning forwards as if to listen more attentively. 'You thrash your teammate in a race. There was a team briefing. Everyone has left except you and your teammate. How does that request go?'

Jarno paused and laughed. 'Something along those lines happened, actually!'

'No way!'

'Oh yeah, it was in a Grand Prix I had a really tough, up-close and personal kind of battle with this guy, and I ended having to go "could I get a lift into town, mate"?'

Everyone laughed with glee. As if out of the blue, the presenter said he was about to show a video of Jarno's first race win. It was an onboard camera from his car, as he fought with another car. Jarno explained it was the last two laps of the race, and it was a straight fight for the win.

It was really exciting and even Mackenzie, who had no interest in the matter, found it impossible to take her eyes away from the duelling cars. Jarno was all over him, constantly going side by side with the other driver, until with one daring move he went on his inside. The other driver squeezed him to the wall and Jarno just missed it by a few inches at nearly two hundred miles an hour. They arrived at the corner, and, in payback, the Italian gave his competitor a slight shove.

The transmission stopped, focussing again on the two men in the interview.

'Wow...' The interviewer said, whilst spontaneous applause swept the room. Jarno blushed and smiled just as Mackenzie expected he would. 'Thank you.' He mouthed quietly.

Then, it was time for the final part of the show, the twenty-minute debate with the rest of the group. Mackenzie smiled. Usually the main guest just gave a nod before joining the panel, but Jarno went to each of them individually, giving a handshake to the men and a kiss on each cheek to the women, before taking his seat. How very European...

It was obvious from the start what the objective had been when they organized the guests. The conversation largely turned around issues surrounding the USA, which meant the other guests could make due if the main guest wasn't knowledgeable, and gave him the excuse to not speak much.

However, Jarno appeared to surprise the other people around the table by participating quite actively. Though, she could tell he didn't mean to. He just couldn't resist.

First, the other male guest, an old man who kept spewing on and on about how the country was losing its core ideals of family, whatever the fuck that meant. The camera focussed on Jarno during a portion of the speech, and Mackenzie laughed. He was increasingly furrowing his brow, and a slight quirk was featuring in his lips as if he couldn't quite believe someone could speak such nonsense. There a few quiet laughs from the audience at this.

'It's all about good traditional values.' The old man was saying, looking directly at the host. 'I'm one of the founders of an organization to fix this mess. Our motto is "Family Values". Do you know why we chose "Family Values"?'

'"We're racist, sexist and homophobic" was already trademarked?' Jarno asked, dryly.

There was a silent pause. Then, everyone started laughing. The host placed his right hand over his mouth to try and rein in his laughter.

'No.' The old man replied unnecessarily, clearly irritated.

'It wasn't trademarked? And you let that opportunity pass?' Jarno shook his head sarcastically. Everyone laughed again, much to the displeasure of the old timer.

The topic changed and somehow, Jarno and the woman to his left, a thirty-something book author, were discussing relationships.

'I think it's sweet that there are people out there who feel like they don't have to rush into having sex until they found someone special.' She told him.

'I agree. Your first time should be with someone who you care about, and who cares about you. However, I do hope that those who do it, do it for the same reasons you find sweet about it and not because they've been told they're immoral or sluts if they don't.' He replied.

The old man chose this time to jump in. 'I would say that there are a few people who would argue that a woman with her virtue is more appealing.'

'Excuse me?' Even the host was stunned.

'Well, you know, once that gift is given, a woman has no more gift to give anymore.'

'Excellent point, sir.' Jarno broke the silence, his voice filled with icy sarcasm. 'Certainly personality, intelligence, a sense of humour, life goals, loyalty, independence, passions, mutual interests, and just, you know, an overall personal identity can't count for much if they don't come with an intact hymen, am I right?' He added the last part conspiratorially to the author, who was shaking with laughter.

'I mean,' He pressed on with his ironic monologue. 'this explains why the divorce rate is so high! Because, obviously, once a virgin woman has had sex with her husband, the virginity ship sails away,' The host lost it with Jarno's hand movements on the phrase "sails away". 'and she has nothing left to offer the husband.

'It must be hell for those poor guys,' He turned to the actress, who was trying to suppress her laughter. 'having to repeatedly have sex with non-virgin women.' She lost it at that. Jarno pressed on, as if fighting back tears. 'It just breaks my heart to think of what those poor bastards must go through...'

There was a storm of applause, as the actress pretended to console him by rubbing his shoulders. The host tried to push on, failing miserably to avoid embarrassing the old man. Even after the excitement had died down, Mackenzie couldn't help but notice that the actress was still holding Jarno, flashing him a clear "you're gonna get it later smile".

'Bitch, get off.' Mackenzie heard herself mutter. Jarno didn't seem to notice the advance, focussing on the panel discussions, and gently un-entwining himself from her grasp.

'Well everyone,' The host said to the camera a few minutes later. 'That was our show! Thank you for watching, and we'll see you again next week, goodbye!'

<You'll be happy to hear that you look rather handsome on camera as well. You know, in an "eight-year-old kid wearing a Batman costume", kind of handsome. ;) Mac>

Jarno looked at this phone, grinning from ear to ear.

<Why, Mackenzie, complimenting my appearance? Are my devilishly handsome looks all you care about me? I was hoping my humility and sense of understatement would have played a part. Mr. J (just because you brought Batman up :P)>

A minute later, as he lied down on his bed from a busy day, Jarno heard his phone ping.

<Take a compliment, good sir. Besides, don't tell me you smiled at me in the subway because of anything other than my looks. Mr. J, huh? I might just have to go look for a Harley Quinn costume... That was a late reply, were you busy with blondie? Mac>

Her reply left him unsure whether she was joking or not. Jarno took a moment to decide on the right words. Blondie? Oh, the actress...

<Blondie doesn't hold a candle to you, and worse, I doubt she knows anything about the Battle of Little Budapest. Promises, promises, Harley... 3:)>

<Poor Blondie, clearly History textbooks are much better in Canada... :) I fulfil my promises, Mr. J. Have I struck gold on fantasy Harley?>

<As enticing as Harley is, I was hoping to have Mackenzie as company tomorrow. Are you free?'>

<I can be. But if you enjoy my company so much, search for "IaniteWannabe" sometime after eleven tonight. Talk to you later, lover boy. Mac x>

<You have my curiosity. I'll make sure to search it. Jarno x>

Feeling much more relaxed from his day, following the exchange of messages with Mackenzie, he ordered some room service to have dinner. The warm meal, eaten whilst he was sitting on the bed, meant that he was in a relaxed mood. Too relaxed, in fact. After having his eyes closed for a few seconds, nearly two hours had passed according to the bedside alarm clock.

Damnit! It was 11:45 PM.

Quickly booting up his laptop, Jarno reached for his phone to look at what he was meant to search. "IaniteWannabe". He wondered what she was referencing, but typed the words into the search browser. Clicking the first link, a new page opened, revealing a streaming website, which prided itself in being "the best cam show site in the world".

As the page formed up, a video started buffering until it was showing Mackenzie smiling, sitting cross-legged with only some purple panties and a black t-shirt on.

Jarno waited a few minutes, merely enjoying the show, to get himself situated with how Mackenzie worked. Although she'd said that these sessions were about stripping naked and cumming for an anonymous paying audience, he quickly realised that this cold description didn't quite do it justice.

For starters, the vast majority of the time she was merely chatting with the people in the "room". A string of messages appeared to the right of the screen, which Mackenzie read and replied to. Quite a few of them even seem to know her likes and hobbies. These conversations even went in the most unexpected of places. Like video games, or animes, or the fact that some people engaged in Ra*e fantasies.

'Here's the thing: creating non-consent scenarios in your head because you find them hot doesn't mean you want to get raped! Like, duh...' Mackenzie said. 'The idea of giving up control to someone during sex and the idea of having sex with multiple people are two ideas that have been around and increasingly accepted. So, why isn't adding the two together acceptable? Kind of bullshit to me...'

<Some people don't like the idea of giving other's control, even in sex. Down to personal preference, and stuff...>

The message appeared on the side, the first of a few replies to what Mackenzie had just said. Since the stream was late by a couple of seconds, she was silent for a while until she read the first one.

'Absolutely, if you don't like it, it's cool. Just don't make those who do like it feel bad because you don't.' The purple haired girl was casually twisting the end of her t-shirt between her fingers. 'Anyway, it's not really my cup of tea.'

<What, giving control or the non-consent thing?>

'The non-consent thing. I mean, come on dude, are you new here?' Mackenzie laughed. 'You guys know a few spanks turn me on.'

There was a loud pinging noise. It came from the website itself, but she'd clearly gotten it in her computer as well. A tip had just come in, indicating that thirty tokens had been received, the subtitle "show breasts" visible underneath it.

'Thanks for the tip! Come on guys, we're nearly at the goal!' With that she pushed her t-shirt all the way to her shoulders, exposing the large breasts Jarno had been playing with the previous day, as well as the elaborate owl tattoo. Mackenzie used her hands to caress them, jiggling them, pinching the nipples, and even managing to lick her left nipple by pulling on it.

Reaching the goal, as Jarno found out when he surveyed the information below the video, was one of the ways in which cam models could organize their shows. Basically, there was a board filled with numbers from ten to eighty, which represented tips that could be made. Each number, when tipped, gave a prize for Mackenzie to fulfil (such as showing her breasts, like just then). By having every number tipped, the board was cleared, which granted the biggest prize to the entire audience. This session's prize was "Anal Cum Show".

Only five numbers were still left to be filled, due to him joining late. Still, at least he wouldn't miss the actual show.

Mackenzie continued her chat with the audience, which seemed to have a much better knowledge of her interests than Jarno. Apparently, she made a few drawings in her spare time, which he would have to ask her about later, and had a keen interest in anime shows. Her anime ramblings left him none the wiser but he found her excitement as well as that of a few viewers to be quite endearing.

Along the way to the goal, the tips fell one by one.

There was the one where Mackenzie sucked her toes. Strangely arousing.

There was one where she pulled her panties aside, fingered herself for a few moments, and tasted herself on her fingers.

There was one where she went on all fours and parted her legs, giving the camera an unobstructed view of her pussy and asshole.

Instantly after doing this, came another one which was very timely, since her ass was already in place when she gave herself ten spanks.

Finally came the last one: fingering her butt. It was quite timely, since it helped her to stretch the muscles there for the main event. Mackenzie turned around and got hold of a large pink dildo with a suction base, which she made a show sucking with great skill. Then, turning back to her original position, her ass pointed to the camera, she started to press it into her bottom.

Her rose bud fitted it in without many constraints, as the beautiful girl on his laptop screen clearly was accustomed to it. Mackenzie moaned freely as she impaled herself on her toy, the hand that wasn't holding it finding its way to her swollen clit.

Then, letting it pop free, she placed the dildo on her bed, standing straight up, and went off camera in search of something. On her return it appeared, the vibrating magic wand.

Lowering herself back down onto the pink dildo, Mackenzie let herself bottom out on it with a sigh. Then, she clicked a button on the wand until a faint buzzing noise could be heard through her microphone. She pressed the wand to her clit, and started to ride the dildo using her legs.

Unlike before, the purple haired girl was no longer in a chatty mood. Once the main event started, she became an entirely different performer. And performer was the right word. She appeared to have decided to act as though she were merely masturbating and the more than five thousand people watching weren't known to her, just getting a sneak peek of something they may not have been intended to watch. It was all fantasy, and it worked brilliantly.

The look on her cute face as well as the soft squeals that escaped her lips as she rode the dildo were making him feel his cock fighting against the restraint of his pants. It occurred to him he was probably meant to masturbate as he was sure the other viewers would be doing, but Jarno wanted to enjoy this first experience of Mackenzie's cam show without distracting himself.

Mackenzie suddenly stilled, the massive shaft all the way inside her and spasmed wildly, as if electricity was shooting through her. Her orgasm looked very pleasing, and she took several moments before, in slow motion, she let go of the wand and popped the dildo out of her ass.

She giggled at a few of the comments left by viewers, and stayed for about twenty more minutes to casually chat with those who stayed despite her having already orgasmed, and gave the camera a kiss before logging off.

Even after the smiling beautiful girl was no longer in view, replaced by a "Cam Offline" sign, Jarno found himself staring at his laptop screen. There were questions floating around in his head. Should he care that literally thousands of people had seen the body of the girl he'd made love to the night before? Did he have any right to care? What was he feeling following this?

It was much too late to be thinking about these questions for now, so Jarno got into some comfortable pyjamas and went to sleep.

As soon as he passed the door to Mike's Diner, it was clear to him that the large man didn't really have too much trouble getting by. Once more, the place was packed. There wasn't just one type of person visiting either, but a very diverse set of people from all ages. Including a certain girl with purple hair he saw standing out as soon as he surveyed the room.

Mackenzie was sitting in one of the diner's corners, at a little corner booth that looked only big enough for two people. Her hair was arranged in cute looking pigtails, a white t-shirt with an anime character stamped on it over her torso, and a short skirt and black school girl leggings on her legs.

It was only now that Jarno realised she had been dressing more conservatively the previous days. Was she doing it to seem more "normal" to him? He hoped not. The fact that she was a little "out there" was one of the major reasons he found her to be so alluring in the first place.

Her gaze was on the movement in the streets outside, and she only noticed him when he was close. A smile adorned her lips.

Jarno felt the familiar warm feeling inside him as he returned the smile and sat down next to her. He traced a finger on her cheek absent-mindedly and kissed her.



They stared at each other. Then they both gave out little laughs.

'So, how was your day?' Jarno asked.

Mackenzie appeared to consider replying something sarcastic, but didn't. 'It was good. I had some prep work to do. What about you? How was your day, darling?' She reinforced the final word with a British accent.

'It was... pretty boring. I had my final meeting here, before I have to go back home.'

'You're leaving?'

Her question was made with a tone of disappointment that made Jarno feel several feet tall.

'The day after tomorrow.'

Jarno could tell this clarification didn't make her any happier. It was depressing him as well. But it was inevitable. The new season was starting and being away from the factory was not an option he could take. Thinking about not seeing this amazing girl for months was soul crushing even though he was still right next to her.

'Did you enjoy the show last night?'

Her change of topic left him silent for a beat. Maybe she didn't want to spoil the mood by talking about their future... Making sure he stopped overanalysing it in his head, Jarno moved along as well.

'You were in it, of course I did.'

'Flattery will only get you so far...'

'How far?'

'Pretty damn far in this case.' She whispered back conspiratorially.

'Okay, what if I said: you were in it naked, of course I did...?' Jarno asked playfully.

'That would be even better.' Mackenzie smirked with mischief. He was much happier to see her like this. Enough to make him reconsider bringing up himself leaving again.

'Please, Mac, I've just eaten.' Mike said with an air of queasiness as he stood next to them and their display of intimacy.

'Which of the fourteen meals you take a day have you just eaten?' Mackenzie turned to him, without any trace of malice.

'Third dinner, most important meal of the day.' He replied, without any trace of being upset. 'What are you and pretty boy gonna get?'

'Steak of the house for me, Mike.' Mackenzie ordered.

'Same for me.' Jarno followed.

Mike paused to look at him.

'Do you always just agree with everything she says?'

'When I don't I quickly get told why her opinion is the right one, so I just don't bother anymore.'

The diner owner laughed, as Mackenzie protested. 'Hey! I mean, it's true, but hey!'

'Second point for pretty boy...' Mike muttered to himself, amused, as he walked back to the kitchen.

'You're growing on him, it's quite frightening, actually.' Mackenzie commented with a raised eyebrow.

'I can't turn off my charming personality whenever I wish.' He replied with a fake smug look. 'It is both a blessing and a curse.'


'Do I detect a note of sass?'

'Would I ever do such a thing?'




She flashed him with a strangely shy smile.

'I'm going to ask you something, but it's not going to mean what you think it means.'

'Shoot.' He said, going with the flow as he often did when in her company.

'Do you want to come over to my place after dinner?'

Jarno took a moment before replying.

'So, it's not going to mean what I think it means...' He paused, with an intrigued expression. 'Should I be offended that you assumed I would assume something dirty out of that?'

'I said it wasn't what you would think, you were the one who assumed I would assume you were assuming something dirty. Which makes you the dirty one.' Mackenzie stuck out her tongue to him.

Jarno was finding her quite endearing at the moment. 'What did you mean, then?'

'Like I said, I've been doing prep work all day. For my show. I was wondering if you wanted to see the show live this time.'

'Live, as in being in your room as you do it?'

Mackenzie nodded, her expression giving nothing away.

'Why?' He asked. 'Does it excite you to have someone in your bedroom as you do it?'

'I don't know, never done it before.'

The response floored him. She's never asked someone to watch her. Reigning in his enthusiasm, Jarno managed to continue in a normal voice.

'I'd love to see it live.'

'It's going to be different than the other one.'

'Different how?'

'Hailey is going to be on cam with me.'


'She's a cam girl, as well.' Mackenzie explained, confirming Jarno's suspicion.

'I figured she would be, to be comfortable enough to be on cam with you like that.'

'Well, regardless of her job, she is a huge sex hound, so I'd say she would do it even if she wasn't camming.'

Jarno let the sentence sink in.

'You have told her, right? About me seeing, huh... the both you doing... stuff?'

'She doesn't mind.' Mackenzie snorted. 'Understatement of the century. She practically started jumping up and down at the idea of showing off in front of you...' She raised an eyebrow at Jarno's flush. 'Come on! Don't tell me you didn't notice! Hailey hasn't been exactly subtle about wanting to jump your bones...'

Jarno grunted, hoping the purple haired girl didn't notice his excitement at her words.

'You know you can just fuck her if you ask her.' She continued.

'What? You're okay with that?' He asked, stunned.

Mackenzie shrugged. 'I'm fucking her; why would I have a problem with you doing it? She's ridiculously hot and I can't testify that she wiggles nicely when she's cumming.'

This girl was such a contradiction. On one hand, she confessed to him that she'd never previously asked anyone to watch her cam show. One the other hand, she urged him to have sex with her best friend. Who she was also having sex with. Did she not feel jealous about sharing him? If she only cared about him as a fuck buddy she wouldn't. This is fun. This is pleasant. Stop overanalysing it, he told himself.

'I just want to be with you.' Jarno said, truthfully.

Mike appeared with their orders, which distracted Jarno from Mackenzie's intrigued stare.

The blonde girl let her hands grab fistfuls of purple locks, pulling forcefully on the other girl's head until it was tipped back completely, before flattening her tongue over the exposed throat. She explored every inch, until the pale skin was covered in her saliva. Then, she hungrily invaded her friend's mouth, drawing a muffled moan from her.

As Jarno watched the two beautiful women going at it from just a few passes away, he couldn't quite believe to have been given a chain of events that would lead to him experiencing this.

Following Mackenzie to her home, Jarno had witnessed as the gorgeous girl and her roommate set up the camera in Hailey's room. Throughout the entire prepping, Hailey kept wiggling her butt in front of him, as well as giving a few pulls on her top to expose her abs. She also made sure to leave a few suggestive comments hanging in the air.

Once everything was set up and the time for the start of the show was reached, Mackenzie directed Jarno to sit down on a chair alongside the camera.

'Enjoy the view.' She whispered to him. 'You know; you can jerk off if it gets too tight in there.' He felt her trace her fingers over his penis. Behind her, Hailey was watching them intently; looking right into Jarno's eyes as she seductively sucked one of her fingers into her mouth.

'I'll just stick to watching for now.' He replied. Mackenzie shook her head with a smirk and Hailey made a childish pout.

The show began, and their online room was quickly filled with people, who, as he'd been told by Mackenzie, had seen the announcement for the GG (Girl on Girl) session one month ago.

Just like Jarno had witnessed the previous night on his computer, the cam girls spent the first few minutes just chatting with their audience about the most mind-bogglingly varied themes. It was quite obvious why the two women had gotten to be such good friends, since they seemed completely at ease with each other. So much so, that at one point Jarno felt a little awkward, as though he were intruding on a private moment. They were broadcasting said private moment to literally thousands of people, so he reassured himself it was probably just in his head.

Ding, ding! The first tip rolled in. "Hailey and Mac: Kiss". And so the enticing spectacle of the two girls in heat had started.

Gasping for breath they parted. Mackenzie's neck was shining from the sweat and saliva there. She took one look at him, wearing what he was fully aware to be a cartoon like open-mouthed stare, and she stifled a smirk by biting her lip. A knowing look was also on Hailey's face. He was quite annoyed to get caught being so worked up at the sight of two girls kissing like a horny teenager, but couldn't help himself. He'd also noticed the blonde girl had a tongue stud.

From that point onwards the tips rolled in at a steady pace. And every time they did, a new prize was awarded, completing a list very similar to the one Mackenzie had used at her anal show.

After their display of tongue mashing there was a tip for "Mackenzie Doggie", which turned out to be her going on all fours and removing her skirt and panties, affording the camera with a view of her shaved pussy and butthole. Jarno was enjoying looking at the delicious goods on display, musing excitedly that he'd been buried in one of them.

Hailey, of course, teased him further by parting her friend's butt cheeks, before biting down on one of them. Mackenzie yelped and Jarno groaned.

Then, it was Hailey's turn to remove clothing. She took off her shirt. Her pale small breasts were there for Jarno to behold and he was very much loving it. They were very perky, tear drop shaped, and her nipples were tiny and shooting straight out erect, both adorned by small piercings. Above them was tattooed a blue anatomically correct heart with equally blue wings, a few drops of blood dripping from it.

He felt a sudden urge to grab the perky tits, but Mackenzie was the one who did it. That didn't satisfy her for long, though, and suddenly she started to nurse on the blonde girl.

'Oh, that feels so good, Mac. I guess, with all that practice...' Hailey moaned, licking her lips at Jarno. It was obviously said to inflame him, as a muffled laugh escaped from Mackenzie's closed lips. Hailey's arms, he now realised, almost didn't have any of her pale skin left. Betty Boop was on her top left arm with skulls and fire on the forearm, and a naked fifties pinup girl on the top right arm with a set of roses on that forearm.

Jarno's cock was actually hurting from how hard it was against inside his pants. He really wanted to help ease some tension, but refused to masturbate in front of them. Not because he thought they would mind. On the contrary. He just didn't want to give Hailey the satisfaction of winning that particular battle of wills.

Suddenly, and much too soon for Jarno, the board of tips was cleared by the viewers. He was expecting the goal to be something like Mackenzie's show, but instead he read on the screen what it said. "Strap-On Show".

A mental image of Mackenzie sitting in her kitchen wearing only his shirt popped into his head. Such as sucking the girls, Her hands on her enormous boobs. Such as licking my pussy, Her hand over the end of her shirt. Such as fucking me with a strap-on...

'Okay, guys, you know the drill.' Hailey told the audience. 'You have two options: either this lovely lady gets to fuck me,' She put an arm around Mackenzie, which made both their boobs jiggle. 'or she gets to fuck me. So, go and vote!'

Jarno noticed that where the original goal had been written were now the two goals described by Hailey. From what he gathered, people could give tokens to their favourite goal and the first to reach five hundred tokens would be the one the girls would perform.

As they gave everyone time to tip generously, Hailey and Mackenzie were no longer concerned with putting on a show for Jarno or teasing him. They'd gone into full-on erotic mode, mashing their bodies together. The blonde girl was lying on top, slowly humping their privates together. Jarno could see that her legs were also inked up, but couldn't really tell what the design was.

Their display reminded of Jarno of Mackenzie's show the day before. Somehow by focussing on making it feel good for each other, without worrying about how excited the audience was, made the spectacle even better for everyone watching.

The pinging sound of tips filling the room mixed with the soft moans from the bed. Tongues were sucked, breasts were thoroughly pawed, and pussies received oral attentions, and all the while Jarno felt his knuckles turn white as he fought the urge to grab Mackenzie right there and then and fuck with her. And, if he was being honest with himself, so too did he want to do that with Hailey.

They shifted themselves until they were in a 69 position. Mackenzie's face and Hailey's rear were staring right at him. The purple haired girl smiled at him. Jarno felt himself grin back like an idiot and, never breaking eye contact, she started to lick all around her friend's pussy.

Hailey was shaved and there was "tink" noise when Mackenzie's teeth bumped against the clit hood piercing he now noticed for the first time. Her small tight butt had just as much appeal as Mackenzie's curvy one. Her slit was quite thin, but it was giving way with ease to the tongue that was assaulting it.

Suddenly, Mackenzie bit down on the blonde girl's clit, and Jarno nearly came for two different reasons. First of all, because he could see that his lover's lips were glistening from her friend's juices. And also because Hailey let out an animal like growl and arched her back, revealing a swarm of tiny bats on her lower back.

As if on cue, one of the objectives reached its token target. "Use Strap-On on Mackenzie" had won.

'Yes, I'm gonna get you back for that, you bitch!' Hailey shouted, jumping from the bed to get the strap-on, Jarno assumed. Mackenzie licked her lips and winked at him.

'Have we convinced you to join in yet?' She asked him, after moving closer to him so that the camera didn't pick up on the fact that there anyone in the room with the two women.​
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