Page 06
'Rise and shine, conscience.' Mackenzie said, closing her eyes and leaning her head on the shoulder behind her. With her free hand she pushed his lips to hers and kissed him. Were his lips always that soft? And where did his beard go? There was no way he'd had enough time to shave... She realized who she was kissing and stopped.
'If I'm your conscience you are well and truly fucked.' Hailey told her.
'Not you. I thought... Never mind.'
'What do you mean, not me? Who else-' Her expression began to slowly change from non-comprehension to an understanding grin. Without warning she bolted to the bedroom doors.
'Hailey!' Mackenzie hissed, making a move to go after her, but having to turn back for a second and drop the object in her hand, since chasing her roommate around the house with a knife in hand seemed a little over the top.
She reached the door to her bedroom just in time to hear Hailey saying: 'Hey, lover boy!'
'Yeah?' Came Jarno's muffled reply from under the sheets.
'I'll be back in a sec.' Mackenzie said and closed the door again before taking a smiling blonde girl by the hand away from it.
'You know, when I told you about not being with a guy I wasn't expecting you to go and fish one for the next morning. Damn good hook up game, girl! High-five!'
'I did not fish...'
'I said high-five, Mac.' Hailey interrupted. Mackenzie didn't move. 'Mackenzie I will feast on your corpse if you leave me hanging.'
With a sigh, the purple haired girl slowly returned the high-five.
'Fuck yeah!' The blonde cheered, looking annoyingly pleased with herself.
'Are you done?'
'Coming to think of it, you didn't really pick him up, you already knew him.'
'Seems not...' Mackenzie muttered.
'I mean do you have like a bat signal that just says "Lover Boy" that he responds to on notice?'
The memory of the Harley Quinn conversation crossed Mackenzie's mind. 'He just happened to still be in town.'
'For you.'
A vehement denial was on Mackenzie's lips but she hesitated. Which was a mistake.
'Oh, my God... He was. I call shotgun on presiding the ceremony.' Hailey clapped her hands in fake excitement.
'No, you're not.'
'Yes, I am. You can get a certification on the internet, like, no problem.'
Bringing her hands to her face in annoyance, Mackenzie tried again.
'It's not a big deal, I just saw him at Mike's and invited him to stay the night. That's it! We didn't even have sex!'
'You brought a guy home and it wasn't to have sex with him... Now, I know you're in love.' Hailey grinned, pinching her friend's cheek.
It was no use. So she took the short silence to tell her something.
'Look, I... I'm sorry about how I treated you last night. You were joking around like we always do and I took it too seriously. You didn't deserve that reaction, I'm sorry.'
Hailey's expression was devoid of mischief when she smiled at her friend.
'Don't worry about it, Mac. And for the record I felt like a bit of a dick after saying what I did.'
'It's just that subconsciously I've been thinking that I may be imposing myself on you since Jarno and I broke it off. I really like having fun with you, but before anything else you're my friend. And maybe I was forgetting that.'
Hailey placed her hands on Mackenzie's shoulders. 'Having sex with you isn't a chore, Mac!' They both laughed. 'And for the record, if I didn't want to fuck you I would tell it to your face not by making a bitchy joke. Okay?'
'Okay.' Mackenzie agreed and they shared a rare tender hug.
'Make sure you're not too busy with lover boy, though would you?'
Feeling her smile widening further, Mackenzie hugged her friend a little tighter. 'You bet.'
'Oh, and Mac?'
'Bet you're wishing you weren't on your period right about now...' Hailey teased before she slipped away with a smug grin and jumped to the front door to leave, chanting "No hot stud for Mackenzie!". It had been too hopeful to believe they would remain serious with each other for more than a few seconds.
With a sigh, Mackenzie grabbed the knife and continued what she was doing. Setting up a tray for the both of them, she re-entered her room where Jarno was sitting down on the bed, lazily rubbing his eyes.
'Gee, milk and cake. Thanks, mom.'
'I can get you some burnt toast if you keep complaining.'
'Just sayin'...' Jarno said, his voice muffled as he started to eat alongside Mackenzie. 'I took to searching your kitchen for a juice squeezer and you can't be bothered to cook? How do you survive?'
'On a diet of takeout, Mike's food and Hailey's cooking.' Mackenzie replied, taking a gulp from her glass.
'And you've survived this long?'
'Thanks to junk food and no exercise.'
Jarno smirked.
'I wish I could do that and not turn into Snorlax...' He said. 'That's a fat Pokemon.' He clarified after seeing Mackenzie frown.
'I know it's a Pokemon.' Mackenzie replied half-amused, half-irritated. 'It's just that, ah...' She looked suggestively up and down his naked muscled torso.
He swallowed the last bit of his cake before speaking. 'Yeah, but this,' He pointed his chest. 'this is just because I have to workout every day. It's what I have to do for my job, not because I'm addicted to fitness.'
'Is it that important that you're bulky to drive?'
Her mind was filled with a few overweight Nascar drivers she'd seen over the years on television.
'Not to drive, per say.' Jarno said, slightly surprised at her interest. 'But it's important to be fit enough to reach the end of the race without being exhausted. If I can keep my body's pain from effort to a minimum it makes my job of focusing on the racing easier. And F1 presents other physical challenges, too...'
'Like what?' Mackenzie asked, drinking the rest of her mug and setting aside the tray, as the both of them were finished.
'For instance, I'm tall for an F1 driver, which means more weight. More weight means less speed and we have a minimum weight that the car and driver have to be over at all times.'
'But doesn't the minimum weight help you?'
'It's actually quite a low weight.' He answered, excited in his explanation now. 'The other guys can be under it without much effort. I don't. And I can't exercise more than a certain amount. Otherwise I start gaining weight again: from muscle instead of fat. My PT and I have actually started to calm down on the sessions because of that.'
'Look at me, I'm so fit I need to stop exercising...' Mackenzie mocked him, and he made a face at her. 'Anything else?'
'Yeah, I don't know if you've noticed but my neck is a bit bulky.'
Now, that he mentioned it she did notice it.
He continued: 'I have special exercises to strengthen my neck muscles.'
'What for?'
Looking at her for a moment, Jarno told her it was easier to demonstrate and instructed her to lie down with her head off the mattress. She did so. Then he told her to straighten out her neck. She fought gravity and did so feeling a slightly unpleasant sensation of strain.
'That's gravity pulling you down. 1G. In the high speed corners, an F1 driver has to fight back 5G, so we need to make sure we can handle that for two hours without twisting something important.'
The strain was becoming pain and so Mackenzie pushed herself back onto the bed with a groan. Jarno lay alongside her.
'Somehow I don't think you'll be tackling high speed corners anytime soon...' He muttered.
'Very funny. For your information I was running yesterday afternoon with Hailey so I'm tired!'
'If you ran more often you wouldn't be tired.'
'Shut up.'
'I'm saying you're lazy!' He hissed in her ear.
'Shut up.'
'Shut up.' Mackenzie silenced him this time by kissing him. She twitched her nose and pulled away softly.
'Sorry, breath?' Jarno asked her.
'No, no.' Her hand felt around his beard. 'Why did you decide to grow it?'
'Not so much as decided... just... couldn't be bothered to do it for a few days and then I've just trimmed it every few weeks.' He replied. 'Huh...'
'Nothing. Just found amusing that both you and Daniela didn't like me with a beard...'
It took her a moment to register what he was telling her.
'Your high school sweetheart ex?' She inquired.
'Yeah...' He looked down, before adding apologetically: 'Sorry.'
'What for?' Mackenzie looked at him puzzled.
'Talking about an ex.'
'I don't mind. Besides, she took care of training you really well and I get to reap the benefits. Maybe I should send her a thank you letter.'
'I'll be sure to provide the address.' Jarno said before bringing her face to his.
Mackenzie pulled him away after a heartbeat. 'Shave it off, buddy.'
'I'm not your buddy, pal...' He muttered into the sheets, looking like he was about to get comfortable on the bed again.
'Shave.' She pushed him until there was no more bed under him, though he softened the "fall" with his hands.
He grunted and got up. 'Fine.' He stopped on the way to the bathroom. 'Do you have new razors left?'
'Under the-'
Getting up into a sitting position on her knees, Mackenzie felt like entertaining a sudden whim of her imagination.
'Can I shave you?'
He raised an eye brow. 'It's not that the thought of you holding a sharp object to my throat doesn't fill me with confidence, but have you done this before?'
'For your information, my grandad was a barber and when I was eleven I got curious and asked him to teach me. And I spent three summers working at his barber shop!'
'Alright, alright! You didn't have to give me your resume... You can do it.'
'Yeah!' She jumped off the bed happily. 'Take that chair and sit in the bathroom, I'm just gonna fetch something.'
When she walked into the bathroom, Jarno's focused on the small straw box she was carrying.
'What is that?' He asked.
'This,' Mackenzie took off the lid and started removing the objects inside one by one. 'is my barber tool kit that I got from Hailey as a joke for Christmas a few years ago. I never got to use it, obviously. And don't worry, they're all within their expiration dates.' She added, before he could find any objections on the creams and gels she finished taking out of her box.
'I didn't say anything...'
'But you were thinking it. Now,' Coughing, Mackenzie started to point out each individual product. 'we have here: pre-shave oil, traditional shaving cream, after-shave balm and a traditional foaming cleanser.' She turned to Jarno. 'I'm going to start off with the foaming cleanser and wet your face with some warm water and use the cleanser. Then, I'll use the oil. It's gonna lubricate your face and allow for a more comfortable and closer shave.
'The I'll lather your face with the traditional shaving cream, shave off the beard with a straight razor, and finally pop the after-shave balm on your skin. And if you're lucky and find me in a good mood I may even give you a little scalp massage...'
Jarno said nothing, just looking up at her looking thoroughly amused.
'It was something.'
'It was nothing. Sounds good, go ahead.'
She was about to when she remembered something. 'I actually can't, 'cause I forgot...' Leaving the room, she checked the inside of the dryer. The clothes inside were still quite warm because it had just finished a cycle, which suited her nicely. She went into her room and took out two small towels from her wardrobe, placing one of them in the freezer and bringing the other back into the bathroom, and around Jarno's neck.
It had been so long since the last time Mackenzie had done this, she almost forgot how much she had liked doing it during her teenage years' summer holidays. She started by dabbing the brush into the hot water she'd just filled from the tap and applied it to her bearded "client".
'Warm the face up before we put on the foaming cleanser.' She whispered.
Squeezing some foaming cleanser into her hands, Mackenzie stood behind Jarno as she started applying it with rotary movements until his face had no more foam, but merely looked shiny. She moved on to the oil and used just a few drops of it, starting to dab his face with a few rough movements of her fingers.
'My grandad used some rough techniques on this part of the shave.' She told him in an apologetic tone. 'They work well but some I thought some were a bit too rough, so the worst ones I left out...'
'That's actually kind of nice.' He told her, and she coupled the rough strokes with some soothing circular motions again.
Mackenzie exited the room for just a few moments to fetch a hot towel from the dryer. She held it in both hands open and pressed the middle of it to Jarno's beard, before bringing the right end of it across his face and repeating the motion backwards with the left end. Jarno's face was now fully covered with the exception of his nose.
'Hold on to the face for a few moments to keep the heat on the beard area.' She told him and did just that.
Leaving it on, she moved over to the box of her shaving kit and took out her straight razor, placing a new disposable blade on it. When she finished preparing it, she moved back behind Jarno and removed the towel. His eyes were still closed and he looked very much relaxed.
'This is already a soft cream,' Mackenzie said as Jarno opened his eyes to see what she was doing now. She did the tasks as she spoke them. 'so I'm not going to lather it up in the pot. So what I'm actually going to do is put some hot water on the brush, make sure there's no excess, dab it in, then add a little more hot water on the tips, on the cream... And I'm going to use your face as the shaving dish.' He gave a half-laugh before closing his eyes again and she set to work.
'Luckily your beard isn't too big, otherwise I'd have to take really extra care to make sure it was getting to the skin underneath and not just the facial hair.' She whispered again.
Grabbing the razor, she set to work, using her left hand to pull the skin when she needed to and using her right hand to do the shaving, periodically wiping the straight razor on the towel around Jarno.
'I always front-hand shave. Some barbers prefer to back-hand shave...'
'Does it make a difference?'
'No. Down to barber preference.' Mackenzie informed him. 'Chin up, please.'
He seemed to enjoy the feeling of the blade passing on his skin, and she was also enjoying to see his clean-shaven face appear in front of her eyes again. After she was finished, she took care to feel around for any hair she may have missed with her fingers, running the blade again, though always careful not to shave against the direction of the hair.
Retiring to the kitchen to fetch the now cold towel from the freezer, Mackenzie held it in much the same way as she had done with the hot one.
'Now, we need to close your pores. Normally, something with alcohol is used for that, but that's a bit too aggressive on the skin for this sort of shave.' Mackenzie informed him, grinning with anticipation for what she was about to do.
'Okay...' Jarno acquiesced, suspicion filling his features.
With one swift motion Mackenzie pressed the freezing towel to his recently shaved skin. Jarno gave a jolt and made a little grunting noise.
'Language! My Italian isn't that bad!' She laughed. 'Applying a soft cold surface is better than alcohol.' She leaned in and whispered: 'Though I usually let the client know it's coming...'
'I bloody hope so...' He complained though she could feel him smile through her hands on the towel. She left it on for a while whilst she tidied up the rest of the objects she'd used. Stepping up to Jarno again, Mackenzie removed the towel, and wiped his face though avoiding to do it for long to make sure it didn't heat up again.
Pouring a little after-shave soothing balm to her palms, Mackenzie applied a very thin layer of it on to the cheeks where the blade had been running across just a minute before. Her hands moved away from the area quickly for the same reason she'd avoided using the towel for too long.
Alternating between a soft touch and a hard touch, she started to run her hands through Jarno's curly black hair, massaging his temples, his earlobes and neck. The recently clean-shaven Jarno was looking completely relaxed and were it not for the shy smile that was his resting face, Mackenzie would have wondered if he was sleeping.
Long gone was the troubled look she'd identified when they crossed paths at Mike's Diner following months of not seeing each other.
Ceding to an impulse, Mackenzie went around him, never taking her hands off the black curls of Jarno's hair. With incredible slowness, she placed her knees on either side of Jarno's on the chair. He didn't move, though she saw him swallow dry. She leaned into him until their noses touched softly in an esquimo kiss.
Then, he opened his eyes. Only a fraction. So that Mackenzie could see the points where the green in his pupils faded into brown. His hands moved at a crawl to her lower back, caressing her flesh, and that was the trigger to smother her lips against his.
It was perhaps their most sensual kiss ever. There had been fiery ones, small ones and the one they'd shared the previous night (which deserved its own special category on the longing behind it alone). But this one was a unique blend of unhurried lust. Mackenzie could have spent the entire day melting into him.
Mackenzie's hands never left his hair, Jarno's hands never left her waist, since there was no rush, no sense of urgency to see the other naked. They had so much time to do that now, after so long apart. Now was the time to savour. Savour his probing tongue. Savour his firm grip on her lower back. Savour the sweet friction against her increasingly aroused vagina. Oh, the friction...
His slowly hardening cock was proving to be a fantastic humping place for Mackenzie. She felt it twitching against her pussy despite the fabric of her panties and his boxer shorts. Suddenly, it became apparent to her that the idea of only kissing Jarno without her lust overtaking her was incredibly foolish. She had to have him. Immediately.
Letting her tongue drift purposely across his neck and his cheeks, Mackenzie felt him laugh.
'I thought you weren't going to heat my skin again.' Jarno quipped.
'Fuck that.' She told him, smothering any possible reply by kissing him again. Hailey's words rang in her ears, annoying her. Bet you're wishing you weren't on your period right about now... No hot stud for Mackenzie! No hot stud for Mackenzie! No hot stud for Mackenzie! Suddenly, she knew what she was willing to do. 'Do you have a problem with blood?'
The meaning of her words didn't quite seem to reach him.
'I mean mine...'
Then it clicked in his head. He paused for a beat and then...
'Thank God...' She exhaled into his mouth and removed her panties, discarding her tampon into the bin. Thankfully he didn't see her doing it. There was something awkward about doing it in front of a man, even Jarno. He really didn't care, though, as he'd taken the time to remove his boxers.
'Shower.' She managed to sigh when his rigid shaft pressed her womanhood.
They stumbled together into her bath tub, turning on the shower. The water fell upon them both, as they thrashed around on the floor of the tub, attacking each other like they were hungry for the other. Their mouths didn't even seem to care what they enveloped anymore, and Mackenzie sucked Jarno's earlobe hard into her mouth, just as she felt herself being speared by his cock. The slight soreness was long forgotten in a haze of pleasure and she thought to herself how dumb she'd been thinking they could have gone slowly.
For once she was completely passive. There was something exhilarating about Jarno using his hardened body to do all the heavy lifting and fuck her with gusto. As her excitement mounted, Mackenzie couldn't believe neither that she'd managed to go for so many months without experiencing him, nor that she'd spent that time convincing herself that this hadn't been that good, when it most definitely was.
Holding tightly to each other, the two of them moaned their way to their mind shattering orgasms. For the first time in months Mackenzie felt a jet of warmth filling her belly, as Jarno's spurting cock was tugged by her pulsating pussy. Their squirming eventually started to die out, as they gasped and sighed their way into something close to normal breathing.
With Jarno still inside her and his weight over her, Mackenzie felt complete bliss. There wasn't a care in the world in her mind, not even the feeling of the liquids leaking from her as the penis inside her shrunk to its normal size.
After a while, when the heat of passion started to ebb away, Jarno removed himself from her. She winced but it wasn't too painful. Her period soreness was much better than the previous night and Jarno had been careful so it didn't feel much different. Though it was good thinking to have moved the activities to the bathtub because they were both dirty.
'Sorry.' She mumbled groggily at the sight of her blood on him.
'What? Oh...' He noticed the mess. 'It's just blood.'
'Blood that came out of my...'
'I know where it came from. I was there.' He said smiling reassuringly. 'Literally.' He added playfully before gently kissing her forehead.
She smiled but didn't move. She didn't feel like she could be bothered to do so in the foreseeable future. Fortunately, Jarno seemed to have decided she didn't need to. He turned the shower on, fine-tuned the temperature and sat down in the middle of the tub. He had her sit cross legged with her back to him, and washed and shampooed her purple locks.
Feeling her scalp massaged, Mackenzie closed her eyes and tipped back her head, taking it all in. Jarno used soft movements, almost as if she were sleeping and he was afraid to wake her up. And in a way that was true, since she felt like there was nothing existing but Jarno's hands on her body.
After removing the last vestiges of shampoo, Jarno's proceeded to rub the shower gel to his right over Mackenzie's skin. She felt him lather it all over her, feeling herself smile as he took his time to massage her breasts thoroughly and biting her lip as he took a grip on her butt, using his fingers to put a little pressure on her asshole.
He didn't push in, though. He moved on and started to clean her recently fucked pussy. Pushing the folds apart, Jarno used his fingers to force out the remaining combination of her natural fluids and his. If someone had told her a man would be doing this to her, especially on her period, she would have found it mortifying. The thing is that it wasn't like that at all. Mackenzie's trust in Jarno had reached a point where she felt nothing was too personal for him to witness.
Washing away the soap that lathered her skin, Jarno replaced the shower head above them again, letting the spray descend upon them as his fingers traced paths from Mackenzie's neck to her back.
'My turn.' Mackenzie told him when she felt she was already abusing his giving mood for too long. 'Stay down.' Her best option, being smaller than him, was to stand upright behind him.
She shampooed his curly hair just as he'd done to her, before telling him to get up and lathering his skin in body gel. Her hands took their time caressing his six pack and his penis. Their shower had lasted for so long that Jarno's shaft had had time to recharge, growing under her care. Mackenzie felt the heat in her palms, as she automatically started pumping it.
With her head cocked to one side, Mackenzie kept her eyes on the now fully engorged member as she rinsed off the gel from Jarno's body. She paused, one hand still pulling the foreskin backwards and forwards. Her teeth were biting her lower lip. There was no way she would pass it off.
Going to her knees, Mackenzie pulled back the skin over his tip and sucked on it. Only one quick suck before taking it out and looking up at Jarno's face. His eyes were closed and his lips were slightly parted. She smiled and engulfed him once more, thinking to herself why she didn't suck him off the previous night. Just because she couldn't (or think she couldn't at the time, since she'd now fucked him on the rag) have orgasmed didn't mean Mackenzie wouldn't have enjoyed herself bringing him one.
Well, now she was about to bring him one. Her head bobbed up and down, her hands caressed his testicles gingerly, and she made sure her tongue moved quickly against the underside of his shaft. His breaths became deeper and deeper until she felt his balls tense in her hands as he started to cum.
It was much less cum than the amount he'd unloaded into her pussy, she could tell, and it didn't cause her any problems to avoid dribbling it down her chin before gulping it all down. With one last kiss on the very tip of what had definitely become her favourite cock recently, Mackenzie went back up to her feet, just as Jarno opened his eyes again.
They shared one long kiss under the shower.
'You know,' Mackenzie said as they dried off. 'all this lovey-dovey-haven't-seen-you-in-months sex was nice and everything, but I need you to know that I don't want that all the time.'
'Okay.' He simply replied.
'I'm going to want quickies.'
'I'm going to want you to lick my pussy to orgasm behind a tree in the park.' She also suggested to test his reaction.
'Got it.' Jarno replied, unfazed.
'And maybe some blindfolds and handcuff play.'
'And if I ask you about spanking...'
'I'll say "make sure to focus on my left butt cheek, Mackenzie"...' He said, dryly.
The door of the apartment opened and closed again, just as Mackenzie raised her eyebrows appreciatively.
'Good boy. Be right back.'
She kissed him and wrapped her towel around her body, leaving him to finish dressing whilst she talked to Hailey. When her friend noticed her, she started humming the "No hot stud for Mackenzie" song. She stopped when she noticed her grin.
'What are you so cheerful for?' Hailey asked, as she took out her used towel and water bottle from her gym bag on the table.
'Because, as a matter of fact, Mackenzie did get hot stud to herself...' She grinned, leaning back against the wall.
Hailey twitched her nose in annoyance.
'Lucky bitch... Only you could have had your period end just as lover boy returned.'
'Actually I'm still on my period.' Mackenzie said, nonchalantly.
It took a few moments for the meaning to hit the blonde girl. When it did she gaped at her friend.
'Oh my God! You're joking!'
'Nope...' She elongated the word with a grin.
'That is so cool! How was it?'
'Really fun, actually. Haven't you done it while you were bleeding?'
'No, never.' Hailey said, seemingly disappointed at herself for never having gone that far. 'Why, have you? Before this?'
'No, first time.'
'I guess being in "lobe" has something to do with going through with that...' The blonde teased.
'The orgasm I've just had is way too good to make me care about your quips, Hailey.' Mackenzie said in a lazy stretch, making her way closer to her friend who stuck out her tongue in a not very elegant way. 'But, ah... Do you still wanna ride him?'
She had expected Hailey to be jubilant but was surprised when she gave her a concerned look.
'Look, Mac, you know I wanted to get a ride since I saw him on our doorstep, but, jokes aside, we both know he's not just one random guy to you. I'm not sure I feel comfortable doing that...'
'Look at me.' Mackenzie told her friend as they looked each other in the eye. 'It makes me really horny to think of the two of you fucking and I want to watch it. Do you or do you not want to fuck him?'
Hailey's concern dissipated but there still seemed to be a snag she was noticing.
'I really want to fuck him but I don't think he's going to go for it.'
'He's gone for it once already.' Mackenzie reminded.
'That was different, we were both there to tease him... And, you know, the camera was on. So there were... exceptional circumstances.'
'Let's recreate some exceptional circumstances, then.' Mackenzie said slyly.
'What do you have in mind?' Hailey asked, finally going into the jubilant mood her friend had expected when she told her about getting to fuck Jarno.
'You're evil!'
Mackenzie giggled and slapped her butt before leaving the room.
Jarno flopped back down onto the bed with a sigh. The purple haired girl was still on her period in the third day since his arrival. Even though that hadn't stopped them the morning after their reunion, Mackenzie had been feeling a little sore down under so, until it stopped, they'd agreed to pause their love making.
However, Mackenzie decided that it would be amusing to continue to tease him mercilessly. She had just idly sucked on his cock for a few seconds before popping him back out, at which time he'd accused her of being evil. It was one thing to torture him this way, it was another to torture him and not give him any release for three days.
'If I can't cum, I'm not helping you cum.' Mackenzie told him two days before.
'Fair enough. But then, why are you doing this to me?' Jarno asked whilst she stood topless, pinching her nipples, distracting him from replying to e-mails on his laptop.
'The real question is why wouldn't I be doing this to you...?' She'd replied, pushing her a nipple into her mouth and sucking on it. He'd also then taken the opportunity to inform her of her evilness.
I need a distraction...
He sat up again, scratching his chin. He felt the sandpaper like texture beneath his fingertips. The memory of Mackenzie's own personalized barber session sprung to his mind and he thought about asking her again. Jarno groaned. The beautiful girl semi-naked shaving him without the possibility of ending his dry run didn't seem a particularly enticing prospect, so he decided to postpone that.
Thinking that staying in the house was probably a bad idea for the moment, Jarno decided he wanted to go on an evening run to the park and back, to burn some of his frustration off. Plus, he needed to keep up with his training program in this month off racing.
He had just put on a black vest, some shorts and sneakers, and was heading out when someone called him. Jarno turned around and saw Hailey leaning from her doorway, her chest naked and to his viewing interest.
'Yeah?' He croaked at her, not being able to avoid the moment's silence it took him to admire her small perky boobs swaying slightly from her movement.
'Are you going to work out?'
Her tone was completely neutral, her face betraying nothing out of the ordinary.
'Mind if I join you?'
'Okay, I just need a second to get dressed because I've just finished a cam session, is that cool?'
'Yeah, no problem.'
She gave an innocent smile and her head and boobs disappeared from view back from where they'd come. Hailey was never innocent.
'Oh, fuck no...' Jarno muttered to himself, falling back onto the couch. She was in on it. Mackenzie had gotten her friend to wound him up as well... And suddenly his time away from the evil sex kitten seemed to have gone from a teasing free zone to a play date with a veela.
He cursed Mackenzie for her enticing eyes, the allure of her beautiful purple hair, her full hips, her perfect breasts, her tattoos, her don't-give-a-shit attitude, her weirdness and anything else he found irresistible about her.
The door to Mackenzie's room swung and just as he was about to remind of her evilness, a completely butt naked Mackenzie popped out. She acted as though she hadn't noticed him, watching her open-mouthed, whilst she bent down to grab a book from a low cupboard, giving him a view of her pussy from behind.
'Really?' Jarno asked as she straightened herself.
'Fuck. You.' He told her without malice.
'The only two people in this house have both fucked my brains out already, why should I need to be modest?' Mackenzie smiled, making her way to the back of the couch. 'And now that thought's in your head, isn't it?' Her smile widened. 'You inside me. Me with Hailey. Hailey with her face buried in my dripping wet-'
Jarno kissed her, holding the sides of her head. It was foolish and he knew it. The girl in his arms was having too much fun to give in to him. Kissing her was about as smart as a thirsty man drinking a glass of salt water. But this was quite the glass of salt water, soft lips responding to his as her hands went into his hair and pulled. Could it be that he'd managed to turn the tables on her?
'Mackenzie, give me a hand with this stretch, please.'
Hailey's interruption broke the spell he'd managed to cast over her friend. With an admiring glance, Mackenzie seemed to be thinking the same.
'Almost, tiger...' She whispered before going to the blonde girl.
Without Jarno noticing, Hailey seemed to have been warming up with a few stretches before asking for Mackenzie's help. She was wearing a midriff t-shirt as well as the smallest shorts ever in existence.
For the first time he had an opportunity to tell what the tattoos on her legs were. The top of the left leg showed the playing card of a king of hearts, though this one showed one of the two figures stabbing the other with his sword. The right leg showed a leafless tree, from ankle to high thigh, scattered flowers on a few of the branches' ends.
Her bellybutton was also pierced, Jarno now saw. How many did piercings did she have in total?
'Don't be shy.' Hailey said, leaning against the wall.
'I never am.' Mackenzie replied. She grabbed her friend's leg slowly and pushed it upwards. Hailey seemed to have no problem with the increasing angle it was making and when Mackenzie had successfully made it reach an almost perfect one hundred and eighty degrees, Hailey let out a moan worthy of any porn film. And Mackenzie, with an innocent look down, traced her other hand across the underside the leg's thigh, finishing with a caress to the blonde girl's tight butt.