Page 07

Feeling like he was made of stone, Jarno helplessly watched as Mackenzie repeated the process on Hailey's other leg, creating another lust inducing moan from the blonde's throat.

'I do like a good stretch.' Hailey announced, landing a sloppy kiss on Mackenzie's lips which ended with the first pulling the latter's lower lip with her teeth. She walked towards the door, and Jarno heard it open behind him. He hadn't moved an inch, only now he was looking at Mackenzie with her arms folded, making her boobs jut forwards.

'Lover boy! Waiting on you!'

With almost mechanical movements, Jarno raised himself slowly and went to follow Hailey's calling voice knowing he had a tent in his shorts, but not bothering to try and conceal it. Closing the door to the apartment behind him, Jarno soon found himself outside in the warm weather with the blonde girl who seemed to be loving life.

'Where do you usually run?' He asked her, desperate to inject some normality into their interactions.

'Just around a couple of blocks and passing by the park. Follow me and try to keep up...'

'Pff... Please. I'm a professional athlete, remember?'

'A professional athlete whose sport consists of sitting down...' Hailey mocked.

'Run and I'll chase your ass.' Jarno replied, annoyed by her smugness.

'I certainly hope you will.' She smiled, before starting.

He cursed himself for letting the topic steer towards the danger area again and chased after her.

Mackenzie's assessment of her friend's physical abilities hadn't been wrong. Her abs and toned legs weren't just for show, like some people he caught at the gym on occasion. Although he felt he'd surprised Hailey with his good form, she didn't break down at all during the half-hour of running to the park.

It was half-hour running behind her, letting her guide him. That meant it was also half-hour of his eyes not managing to keep themselves away from her flexing butt and her swaying blonde hair. Jarno could also make out the sweat that was running down her neck, soaking her t-shirt and running down her exposed lower back.

In hindsight maybe following her hadn't been such a good idea.

'Going for a drink and pause for a sec!' Hailey gasped out of breath, momentarily forgetting to be sultry.

They had their fill of water and took a breather in the shade of a tree. Sweat was still slowly finding its way down Hailey's pale skin, as she leaned back against the tree stump, eyes closed and head tipped back.

'It's pointless, you do realize?'

The only part of her body that moved were her lips. And when they did, a drop of perspiration that had been dangling on her neck finally trickled down over the bulge of her right breast.

'What's pointless?' He asked her, having been staring at her since they'd paused their run.

'Resisting me.' She replied with a sigh. 'We both know you want me to fuck me.'


'Is dying to get front row tickets for when we do. Because it's when, not if...'

It was like talking to a wall.

'I'm kind of a "one girl at a time kind of guy".' Jarno said, trying a different tactic.

'I seem to remember you being a "two girls at a time kind of guy" when you had your dick in my mouth.' Hailey replied, opening her eyes and cocking her head to one side.

'That... I don't know what that was.' He honestly told her.

'I do. It was fun. You wanted it.' Her hand went under her shorts and made a cupping motion, Jarno's mind instantly replaying the footage of Mackenzie's teeth digging into Hailey's pierced clit. 'And as soon as I had your penis in my mouth you told yourself you were just following our lead, but that's a lie. You wanted me to slobber all over your nice hard tool and cum all over my face. Just like you want to bend me over and fuck my hot pussy right now...'

Her eyes were fixed on his, like a tiger eyeing its prey.

'You're wrong.' He said, very unconvincingly even to himself.

Hailey's only response was to very slowly remove her hand from her vagina and move it up to her mouth, sucking her fingers into her mouth. Again, all Jarno could do was watch transfixed.

'Come on.' She broke the spell. 'Let's finish the run.'

His relief was immense. 'Finally throwing in the towel?'

'No.' The blonde told him, as she passed by him. 'Now I know we're gonna fuck before the day is done. The faster we get home the faster we can finally do it.'

The run home was not pleasant. He was irrationally furious at Hailey for not letting it go, and at himself for getting worked up about it. So, determined to not stare at her ass now that he knew the way back, Jarno gave everything he had to be in front. She didn't seem to like being beaten, so she also ran like hell.

They tumbled through the front door, horrendously out of breath and drenched in sweat. Both eyed the one litre water bottle and lunged at it simultaneously. There was what to an outside viewer could only be described as a pathetic struggle of pulled shirts and arms between them, that inevitably ended with a clatter on the floor.

Jarno fell backwards, landing on Hailey. She didn't let out any noise that made him think that she wasn't okay, but he turned over to check if she was all good. As soon as he did, he realized he was now on top of her looking down at her face from much too close. Hailey was lightning fast and removed her t-shirt in a blink of an eye.

He tried. He desperately tried to not look below, but there wasn't much he could do. His eyes went to her small breasts. There were barely bulges since she was lying on her back, but there was no mistaking their femininity. They were gorgeous, and Jarno found himself focused on the pieces of jewellery that pierced the nipples.

'I got you now, lover boy.' Hailey said, her heels pushing his butt down, closing the distance between his erection and her groin. 'Now, what are you going to do? I have some suggestions...'

'I'm sure you do.' Jarno replied, finally breaking the silence he'd imposed on himself since he'd started running again. He noticed movement and looked up to see Mackenzie, whose expression wasn't too different from a toddler being pleasantly surprised by the presents under her Christmas tree.

'Hi, guys. Pretend I'm not here...' She said, sitting on the counter to have a good view.

The sight of Mackenzie completely naked was the last straw for him, though instead of making him cede to his impulses with Hailey, it gave him enough resolve for something else. With a quick reach of his left arm he grabbed the water bottle they had been squabbling over and squirted some onto Hailey's face catching her by surprise. As the blonde girl spluttered, she slackened her grip on his waist and he got up, not producing a word as he took Mackenzie by the waist and carried her effortlessly to her room.

'Hey!' Both girls squeaked at him for different reasons.

Before either had time to react, Jarno closed the door to Mackenzie's room behind him and turned the lock. The still startled looking owner of the room was then pushed up against said door, as he looked at her from just inches away pinning her against it.

'I'm going to fuck you now.' Jarno told her without any inflexion to his tone. 'I'm not going to be nice, if you reach your orgasm good for you but I'm not waiting for you, I'm just going to fuck you really hard.'

Mackenzie's lower lip quivered and a low grunt escaped her throat. Finally, the look of starving wild animal that he knew he'd had for the past week was instantly mirrored on her face.

'Jarno, you motherfucker!' Hailey shouted angrily, giving the door a punch. 'Mac, don't you dare fuck him! Keep it in your pants!'

Without looking away from Jarno, Mackenzie brought her hands up to grip his shoulders tightly.

'Sorry honey, girl's got to eat...'

She sealed her mouth to Jarno's, pulling him forward, their arms running along each other's backs, waists, necks and hair as Hailey gave them one last furious insult and shove against the door before going... somewhere. Neither of them gave it any thought.

Jarno could smell Mackenzie's natural scent mixed with the aroma of her arousal. Barely aware of anything else, he almost missed her unbuttoning his shorts until they were no longer there. He tried to look down but all his eyes could catch were the lightning fast movements of Mackenzie's lips and tongue across his entire face.

Almost unnoticed, his underwear had also made the trip south. He knew this because he felt his penis being held with an iron grip by the purple haired girl's small hand. She was trying to lead. He could almost hear her sarcastic comments about him being deep and meaningful.

With a very forceful touch, Jarno turned her around and shoved her naked front against the door and making her bend over. He made himself go all the way into her pussy instantly, from behind. There was no need for gentleness. Her excitement was such that a small puddle was forming at their feet and his cock was so hard it was actually causing him pain.

Mackenzie made a sound that Jarno was sure he'd remember until his dying day, face contorted in a feral expression accompanied by the soundtrack of a roaring lioness. Slightly fearful of being ripped to shreds by her claws, he thrusted in and out as fast as he could.

His hands desperately grabbed every inch of her, feeling pointy nipples piercing his palms as he took a needful handful of the big shaking breasts as well as her undulating belly.

'Yes! Yes, yes, yes, yes...' She kept repeating with increasing abandon, face carelessly glued to the door which wouldn't stop shaking. Her hand kept brushing his balls as she frigged herself, knowing he would finish without waiting for her if she didn't do so.

Jarno took a grip of her purple hair and smacked her butt. Mackenzie's hand didn't even slow down on her clit, despite her gasp.

'So you like teasing, huh?' He found the words with a lot of effort, never stopping the jackhammering of his hips.

'I'm sorry.'

Another slap, followed by Mackenzie's sharp intake of breath.

'Do you like this?'

'Fuck yeah...'

Another slap.

'Didn't catch that...'

'I love it!'

The hardest slap of all.

'Ga-ah! Yes! Fuck yes! I fucking love you fucking me!' She turned her head to him as much as she could. 'Don't stop, keep spanking my tushy until it's bright fucking red! Fuck me! Please, fuck me!'

It was more than he was ready for, and his control completely slipped. There was no warning, just the instant release of the floodgates as his cum started to fill every inch of Mackenzie's womb it could find. She was shaking like mad beneath him, in a frenzy to reach her own orgasm. She needn't have worried because time was on her side. He could not stop cumming for more than a minute. When she did find her release with the loudest scream in history, her insides managed to make a few more drops dribble from his penis.

Very slowly, the both of them descended to their knees, still with Jarno firmly lodged inside Mackenzie. With equal laziness, they were soon completely lying down on the floor, Jarno on top, still connected.

'Remember what I said about wanting my butt red?' Mackenzie asked, after a while.


'I actually need you to get me some fucking cream on it asap. It really hurts.'

Then, she started giggling like crazy, before the two of them were in a hysteric fit of laughter. Still connected by their genitals.

'Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,...' Hailey muttered expressionlessly as they all huddled around the TV watching movies that night.

'I said I'm sorry already.' Mackenzie told her, rolling her eyes.

'Days of work and teasing for you to reap all the benefits.'

'Let it go.'

A series of cartoonish grunts escaped Hailey's lips.

'If it makes you feel any better,' Jarno said, coming from the kitchen and lifting Hailey's feet so he could sit down at the end of the couch before letting them rest on his lap. 'she's not finding it too pleasant to sit on her ass at the moment.'

Just on queue Mackenzie had her face contorted with discomfort as she tried to find a new position for her bruised bottom.

'Oh no, she was fucked so hard she can't sit properly. Sounds just awful...'

With a sigh Jarno lazily began massaging one of her feet, applying pressure on the sole before taking each toe between his thumb and index finger and twirling them.

'This doesn't change that you're an asshole...' Hailey informed him, getting on her back instead of on her side.

'I can stop, then.' He told her, being met only by a glare from her. 'Very well.' He resumed, now on both feet.

Putting her arms behind the side of the couch in a lazy stretch, Hailey enjoyed his hands, though not in the way she'd hoped a few hours before. But she wasn't forcing the issue anymore. Despite her denials, Mackenzie was almost certainly unwilling to share the sexy Italian and this last stunt after their teasing had confirmed it for her. No point in pursuing it.

Even now, as she lay with her eyes closed only a small tank top, no bra and a small pair of panties, she was sure nothing would happen. If after being as fired up as he had been before hadn't swayed him, it wasn't going to be a camel toe that did it... His right hand started to massage her leg instead. Hailey decided to call his bluff and opened her legs. He shifted his seating position and massaged all the way to the inside of her thigh, but didn't move any further. Of course not.

It didn't bother her too much. Having given up on pursuing him, she didn't feel teased or wet, just gloriously relaxed from the soothing movements. She peeked at Mackenzie. Her friend was watching TV, but caught movement to her side, looked at what was happening between Hailey and Jarno, seemed supremely uninterested and looked back to the screen.

Exactly as she thought. Hailey closed her eyes again and enjoyed the feeling of her muscles massaged. It was incredibly weird, now that she thought about it, that she was this relaxed with her nakedness around a man she hadn't even slept with. She didn't really know how to feel about it. She did know the reaction to use for her hands being suddenly tied together and to the couch.

'Hey! What the f-'

Her answer was cut short when a ball gag was put in place around her head. She saw Mackenzie upside down with a Cheshire cat-like grin on her face above her, before her friend's lips were next to her ear.

'I'm really, really sorry, honey. We both are. We talked about it and decided you deserve our undivided attention for a while. How does that sound?'

Jarno's hands were still moving slowly along her thighs, his face giving nothing away. Whilst she was looking at him Mackenzie apparently got impatient and Hailey grunted against the gag as she felt teeth biting her ear.

'How does that sound, Hailey?' Mackenzie insisted.

The blonde girl grunted her agreement and was rewarded by feeling her right ear sucked into her friend's eager mouth. As if he'd been waiting on a pre-agreed signal, Jarno let his hand wander further until his fingers caressed her slit through the material of her panties.

Mackenzie moved, standing up and absent-mindedly let her fingers run along Hailey's belly over the fabric of the tank top but not removing it. Her hands were then moving upwards, enveloping the small breasts they found as Hailey felt her nipples being rubbed by the other girl's palms. Then they were being pinched between small, delicate fingers. The fabric of her panties was now wet against Jarno's fingers and the blonde girl had never wished so much to not be gagged to properly appreciate the two people touching her.

As if knowing just how turned on she was, the two of them moved at the same time. Mackenzie straddled Hailey, facing her feet and Jarno kneeled on the couch facing his girlfriend, his fingers hooking into the waistband of Hailey's panties and pulled them until they were off her feet. She left her knees pulled apart after that, loving the feeling of exposure as Jarno and Mackenzie, with their hands bent down together, admired her denuded vagina.

With the confidence of having done it many times before, Mackenzie started to expertly pull and massage the hairless pussy lips, occasionally fiddling with the piercings on Hailey's clit. Feeling movement, Hailey looked up to see that her friends were kissing passionately. They looked phenomenal together, the sight exciting her further. Mackenzie's hands paused and they broke away. Jarno stuck two fingers inside the purple haired girl's mouth who sucked eagerly, before inserting them in Hailey's needy opening. She tried to move her hips but she was pinned by Mackenzie who let some spit drool slowly until it touched her friend's clit before slowly spreading to where Jarno's finger was busy.

Hailey felt she could cum from this alone, but the other two didn't seem keen on it happening so soon. Both their hands stopped playing with her until they were sure she'd calmed down. When they were sure she had cooled her excitement, there was more movement blocked from her eyesight by Mackenzie's body and then Hailey bit hard on her gag and grunted when the unmistakable feel of a tongue probing her pussy lips occurred.

Mackenzie looked over her shoulder at Hailey with a wink and a grin before leaning against the back of the couch to give the blonde girl the view she'd craved for of Jarno working away at her fun parts. It brought a tingle through her spine as she saw the Italian holding back no punches as he pleasured her orally. Maybe not as good as Mackenzie, she judged, but still very good, especially considering his girlfriend's experience.

Yet again Hailey was feeling familiar pre-orgasm tingles. And yet again they realized it and ground to a halt. Hailey growled against her gag.

'Don't worry, baby.' Mackenzie said, fully straddling her again and facing her this time. 'This is the last pit stop before the checkered flag.'

'Really?' Jarno asked, speaking for the first time since the improvised threesome started. 'Such pun, many wow...'

'Quiet you. And do that faster.'

"That" appeared to be getting naked, because although her view was blocked by Mackenzie again, she saw his clothes falling to the floor to her right.

Feeling her sides caressed soothingly by Mackenzie's hands, Hailey gasped when she also felt a hard cock begin to push inside her. It entered slowly and pulled back with every new inch of penetration, Hailey's eyes going up into her skull as her chest heaved. When she reopened her eyes, she noticed Jarno's hands were caressing Mackenzie's large breasts and the hands at Hailey's sides travelled to the smaller breasts of her friend, mimicking everything that was being done to her own.

'You want to watch, honey?' Mackenzie asked her when Jarno was buried all the way inside her hot quim.

She nodded.

Mackenzie rose slightly to scoot up Hailey's body, pushing her pyjama shorts to the side to expose her own wet snatch, still careful to impede any view of Jarno fucking the pierced pussy further down. She removed the gag from the blonde girl's mouth.

'I tell you what,' Mackenzie said. 'as soon as you make me cum I'll hop off and let you enjoy the view of seeing yourself get fucked by him.'

With that she dropped her thighs to the side and let her pussy fall on the awaiting lips below. Hailey wasted no time and stuck out her tongue, flicking it as quickly as possible across the swollen clit as the juices of the other girl's excitement started to overflow and bathe her cheeks.

'Jarno, don't go slow, I want to give her a challenge.'

And he obeyed, starting to move inside Hailey. She felt her over teased snatch beg for faster movements but was desperate to get to see the Italian stud pressing her into the couch with her own eyes, so she redoubled her efforts on Mackenzie. She could tell her friend was trying to delay herself as much as possible, but Mackenzie was horny too and Hailey knew how to give her pleasure too well from years of experience. With a certain inevitability Mackenzie exploded, shaking against her friend's mouth.

Fulfilling her promise, Mackenzie lifted herself and gave Hailey the view she'd been craving. The sight of Jarno pounding his cock into her as he held on to her spread legs for leverage made her tingle with excitement. His face was a mask of lust as he looked at her face full of his girlfriend's juices.

'Come down here.' Hailey heard herself beg.

There was no need to ask as he'd already been on his way down, his lips crashing into hers as they kissed for the first time. He used his tongue to search for the taste of Mackenzie that was all over her face, biting, sucking and licking much to Hailey's carnal delight. Her nipples were now trapped against his well-defined chest, stuck on the fabric of the tank top, the only clothing she was wearing.

With her legs wrapped around his waist and her arms still pinned backwards by what she now realized to be ropes that she'd used with Mackenzie on cam before. She was also aware of Jarno's hand pulling on her blonde hair, whilst his other one was snaking with some difficulty between their fronts.

His objective became clear when she felt his fingers surround her clit and massage. One, two, three, four circles around it and Hailey lost all control, exploding loudly though all sounds were muffled by Jarno's mouth. Her twitching insides also made him crash down into Earth again, as she felt gushes of heat inside her pussy that could only mean it was now filling with his seed.

He pumped it into her before letting himself fall on her, panting. They both were shaking from their efforts, Hailey feeling a grin spreading across her features.

'That was so hot...' Mackenzie said, sitting on the floor to her right, open-mouthed. 'You guys fucking like that. I think I could've cum just from watching you two like that.'

'Us?' Hailey asked, finding words within her grasp again. 'Are you kidding? You should have seen the two of you from my angle when you were massaging my pussy! Let's just say I've got some visuals next time I want to finger myself.'

'Maybe it's just because it's always hot when I'm involved.' Jarno said ironically, lifting himself from Hailey and getting his softening cock out of her cum-filled opening.

'Yeah, we find you hot when you're being shy and naïve, otherwise you're just like every other asshole.' Hailey laughed.

'Yep.' Mackenzie agreed. 'Come here.' She told him once he was up, and sucked the cum, and her friend's juices, from his dick. 'Your turn.' Mackenzie told her, letting go of his penis and laying down so that she could lick every drop that was escaping her friend's folds.

Although still very sensitive from the glorious fuck she'd experienced, Hailey would have told someone to clobber her over the head with something heavy before ever denying Mackenzie a go at her pussy. Her recent orgasm meant she was able to enjoy it as a merely pleasant massage for a while. However, just after Mackenzie had managed to remove all traces of cum, her horny disposition soon returned and soft moans began to escape her lips.

'Umm... Can I get untied now?' Hailey asked.

'Nope.' Mackenzie said, removing her lips just to say it. 'Jarno, she's overdressed, I want to see her titties.'

Jarno approached Hailey and asked for permission with a look and she signalled yes with her head, half-exasperated, half-amused that even after fucking her tied down he was still concerned about crossing lines. He pulled the top over her head and left it by her hands because the ropes made it impossible to remove it completely.

'Suck them.' Mackenzie whispered against her quim.

He didn't need to be told twice and Hailey felt rough lips come into contact with her pliable mounds, his fingers following soon after that. His tongue ran through the middle of her breasts and his palms took a firm hold. The blonde girl felt her chest rise to meet him and silently thanked Jarno for the look of wonder as he manipulated her tits, since she'd assumed they wouldn't be as enticing to him with Mackenzie's voluptuous ones so close by.

'Step off for a second, would you?' Mackenzie told Jarno. He did and without warning she took hold of Hailey's hips and flipped her over. 'Ass up.' Hailey was just lying fully down and felt a smack on her butt. 'I said, ass up!' Hailey got to her knees, exposing herself but struggled a little due to her tied hands to not sink face down on the couch.

Hailey felt a hot breath between her thighs and then Mackenzie's tongue touched her once more. Only this time it didn't touch where it had been before, it went to straight top lap at her anus.

'Oh God, yes!' Hailey groaned. She'd always loved some good rear end action.

'Funny how a little tongue to the butt action can awaken a girl's religion right up!' The purple haired girl giggled. 'Let's just get this little thing nice and wet and then... what do you say, Jarno?'

'What do I say to what?'

'Don't play dumb, it's not convincing. Shake that ass over here and fuck hers.'

Hailey's imagination was already cooking up the image and loving it.

'I...' Jarno mumbled, sounding uncertain. 'I've never actually...'

'Yes!' Mackenzie shouted in excitement. 'I was hoping you'd never done it yet! See, Hailey? I do get you nice presents! Consider this supply of butt virgin your advanced birthday present...'

'And it even comes in the size I wanted.' Hailey laughed, still on her elbows and knees.

Jarno placed his hands by his sides, narrowing his eyes in mock anger, but his nakedness and reawakening hard-on made it difficult to take him seriously.

'Well, I'm not doing all the work by myself!' Mackenzie told Hailey. 'Get him hard again while I get your butt prepared.'

'You heard the lady, lover boy. Get that cock over here.'

As soon as he stood next to her Hailey, still deprived of using her hands, she slowly and purposefully started to rub her cheeks, lips and nose against his manhood. She loved seeing it slowly grow without even needing to put him inside her mouth, and tried to find out if he could reach full length from the rubbing alone.

Occasionally she'd glance up, both for effect and to see the look of wonder and lust in Jarno's eyes, which made Hailey wet and smug. Though the wetness could also be explained by the finger that had now entered her asshole, she supposed.

Jarno was now rock hard once more and Hailey got him into her mouth. She was as sloppy as humanly possible, as her goal wasn't to make him cum but to coat his cock in her saliva, so that it could enter her without friction.

After what felt like several glorious minutes, and with two more fingers inside her rectum, Hailey decided that it was good enough.

'Okay, he's all set. Quick, put it in.'

There were no remarks or jokes this time. Mackenzie vacated her position and sat on Hailey's lower back, facing Jarno, who had moved to kneel behind the blonde girl. Hailey could tell Mackenzie had gotten hold of his dick and was pressing it to her asshole. There was little push, the tiniest of grunts by the blonde, and he had the head inside. All three gasped.

Knowing exactly what kind of speed and pressure her friend liked, Mackenzie guided Jarno in the following moments until his calves were right against Hailey's thighs. The fullness Hailey felt was intoxicating. A sound above her let her know the two people in charge of fucking her were kissing rather passionately, Hailey realized as she turned her head.

'Why are you still dressed?' Jarno voiced the question Hailey was about to.

'My butt is still sore. Besides, this is about the two of you. I want you to fuck her every hole, and right now you're three for three.' Mackenzie replied huskily.

'I want to fuck your ass too.'

'Oh, and you will, baby.'

Hailey felt like she eavesdropping on a couple's private moment, which was hilarious to her since it was her ass that was being fucked during said "private" moment. She was being thrusted into now, as Jarno had started to move during his exchange. The need to touch her pussy was causing her to pull against her arm restraints but to no avail.

'I've wanted to see you fuck her for so long...' Hailey heard Mackenzie speak again.

'But I'm here because of you. You know that, right?' Jarno asked exchanging a very meaningful look with Mackenzie.

'I know. That's exactly why I wanted you here.'

Their hands were desperately groping each other and Hailey could feel her pussy softly dripping onto the couch.

'That's it. Fuck that tushy. You look so hot right now. I bet it feels so tight. You've never done this before, so I can only imagine...' Mackenzie's voice sounded delirious. 'Are you close, honey?'

'Oh, yes!' Jarno hissed, very much ramming into Hailey who was biting the couch to keep herself from intruding in on their conversation. His head was on his girlfriend's shoulder as one of Hailey's hands found her own clit even with her clothes on.

'Yes! Sink those teeth on my shoulder! No pity, destroy her ass, Jarno... You're close, aren't you? I can tell, it's making me so wet to see it. Come on, fill her up with your cum! I love it when you fill my pussy, I can only imagine what this must be like for her. Do it, fuck this little minx-'

Jarno shrieked onto Mackenzie's shoulder, and as the jet of cum filled Hailey's bowels, she was triggered onto an Earth-shaking orgasm. At no point had anyone even touched her aching pussy, she couldn't believe it.

They didn't move an inch away from their positions for at least fifteen minutes. Then, wordlessly, Jarno moved to untie her arms and Mackenzie got off her friend to sit next to her. Lover boy joined them and they huddled together on the couch, Hailey feeling her butt open the floodgates and stain the couch with cum but couldn't care less.

'Sorry, we got a little self-centred in the end there...' Mackenzie told Hailey.

'Oh, I felt the centre of some marvellous attentions, don't worry.' She replied, closing her eyes with a contented purr.

Part 4 of 4 | "And here's my advice to you. If you get the chance of the mad kind of love, grab it with both hands, and to hell with the consequences."|

With the outline of her muscles clearly standing out, Hailey kept up her show of sideways sit-ups going for a few more seconds, grunting with the effort. Sweat covered her entire body, which together with her sports bra and running shorts was making it very difficult for Jarno to keep his eyes away.

Finally, she laid down with a groan.

'Your turn.'

'Nope, do some pullups first.' He told her.

'Fuck you, I've just ran "I don't even know how many" blocks before this shit! I'm exhausted, you do it.'

'I'll give you a treat if you do.'

'What kind of treat?' She raised her head, suddenly very attentive.

'Do it and find out.'

Looking sideways at him, she headed towards the pullup bar. They were at the same park they'd gone to when Hailey was trying to get Jarno to fuck her. It had a few exercise stations, each with its own specific muscle group workout.

Hailey jumped to grab the bar and after a pause proceeded to do what Jarno had asked. He watched her arms, noticing every single twitch with an interested expression. When she was done, she let go and looked at him, gasping for breath.

'It better be a good fucking treat you're giving out here...'

With a smirk, Jarno stopped leaning against the wooden support of the pullup bar and took off his shirt, leaving him only with his shorts on.

'Off to a good start.' Hailey grinned wickedly, her eyes travelling down from his face.

Jarno "tsked" under his breath and threw his sweaty shirt at her face. She didn't seem to bothered, taking it off and tossing it to the bar so that it hung there.

'Your treat is getting to see me be in pain as I do some pull ups with a "weight belt".'

'What "weight belt"?'

With a jump, he grabbed the bar and looked at her. 'You. Get on.'

She looked excited as she went behind him. He felt her grip his shoulders, whilst hoisting herself up, the added weight momentarily catching him off guard before he recovered. Her legs wrapped around his waist and she hooked her arms so that her palms were feeling his biceps.

'Go on then.' Hailey told him. 'I want my treat.'

Bracing himself, Jarno used his upper body to lift himself until the bar was under his chin before relaxing his arms again. Hailey weighed practically nothing but he still felt the difference as he started straining with the effort.

'Oh, this is lovely.' Hailey cooed, her fingers tracing his flexing muscles. Jarno could almost sense the smile of wickedness on her face. A few passers-by shook their heads in disapproval at their display. 'You should get your own.' Hailey told two girls who were passing by, giggling at them. 'It's as fun as it looks!' She told them, making them laugh.

'Could you not pimp me out to strangers?' Jarno grunted with the effort of another pullup.

'But it's fun.' She adjusted her position slightly.

'Oh, I'm sorry, are you uncomfortable?' He asked her with sass, stopping to look back at her.

'I'm good, thank you. Why, are you not? I can make it comfier...'

Her foot moved until she was caressing him over his pants. Jarno did one more pullup before groaning.

'Good?' Hailey teased.

'No. Bad. Arms. Get off.' He heard her make a disappointed noise. 'Off, or I'll fall on you.' She hopped off.

Letting himself down with a thump, Jarno shook his arms to loosen the muscles and grimaced with a little pain.

'Sit down.' Hailey told him. He was too tired to be wary so he complied, sitting in a nearby bench, putting his shirt back on. She went up to him and grabbed one of his arms, letting it rest on her shoulder, massaging it softly. 'Don't look so surprised. I can be pleasant.'

She definitely could. Jarno closed his eyes and surrendered himself to the pleasant massaging motions of Hailey's soft hands. He moaned in pleasure.

'If you moan louder than when you had your cock in my butt I'm going to be very upset.' She told him.

'Have you ever spent a day without saying anything sexual?'

'Once. It was a Tuesday.'

His left arm started to get the treatment she'd just finished giving his right one.

'Hey, this is rather awkward of me not to know, but Mackenzie's birthday hasn't passed since I met her, right?'

Hailey raised her head with a concerned look. 'Oh, well this is awkward...'

'Please tell me you're joking...'

The blonde girl kept her expression for a bit, before she started laughing.

'Nah, I'm just messing with you!'

'You... little-'

'You've still got two months and a bit before that.'

'Okay, good...' He muttered to himself. 'What do you guys- ah, girls usually do?'

'What? On her birthday?'


'Uh, hang out, go out for dinner, clubbing, fucking each other, fucking someone else... Guess we won't do that last one, this year. Not both of us, anyway.'

'Would you mind if I spent the day with her? I don't wanna break tradition, but there was a surprise I was planning.'

'I guess I can live with that... What's the surprise?'

'Let me tell it to Mac first.'

'Now I have to spend two months wondering what it is? Mean! I think you're massaged enough.' Hailey said, stretching. 'I'm pooped. Do you mind if we just walk home?'

'Nope.' Jarno got up, and followed her. 'But if Mackenzie asks, we ran all the way, unlike her lazy ass, and thus deserve to get her to massage us?' He asked her, with a raised eye brow.

She grinned at him appraisingly, lifting her hand for a high-five, which Jarno returned.

When they arrived home however, Mackenzie wasn't there. Hailey was the first in the shower, followed by Jarno. There was no invitation, spoken or unspoken, from either of them to shower together. Despite their jokes and the increased closeness, the two of them seemed to have created a pact that meant nothing happened unless Mackenzie was present.

Jarno was glad for it. He'd come to really like Hailey, but it was Mackenzie he was completely crazy for.

A knock at the door startled him slightly, as he dried himself. The blonde girl popped her head in.

'I've got a cam show late tonight, so I'm gonna nap for a bit to be fresh for it, okay lover boy? Tell Mac if she asks?'

'Okay.' He replied, as he dried his hair, hearing the door close again.

He went into Mackenzie's room where he kept his clothes ever since they had gotten back together and dressed casually. As he put his towel away in the drier, he noticed there weren't many groceries left. Since he was practically living with them, for all intents and purposes, for the last two weeks, he'd insisted on at least paying for the groceries. So that's what he started heading out to do.

Opening the front door, Jarno nearly ran into Mackenzie, who was about to put her keys in.

'Oh, sorry.' He pecked her lips. 'Hailey's asleep to rest for a show and I'm just going to get a couple of things outside...'

Her hand grabbed him before he could leave. 'Hold up for a second. Okay?'

Jarno felt her shaking slightly and immediately stopped on his tracks. The door was closed again and they were looking at each other.

'Uh, wait. Hailey's asleep?' Mackenzie asked him.

'Yes, that is what I just said...' Jarno replied, not managing to avoid the sarcastic tone.

'Oh, ah, then let's go away from her room.' She said, pushing him until they were next to kitchen table.

'And have a deep conversation in the kitchen?' He asked her, trying to defuse the tension.

It had the opposite effect. 'You're right, it's dumb. Let's go-'

'Mac.' He grabbed her arm, and tilted her head to him with his thumb and index finger. 'What's wrong?'

Swallowing hard, Mackenzie made him sit on a chair and opened her mouth but nothing came out, which made her walk back and forth for a few seconds before attempting again. She failed once more and did her pacing again. And another time. Jarno waited patiently, silent. Finally, grabbing her left hand with her right one to stop the shaking until it was going white, she appeared to have found her courage.

'I'm pregnant.'

There was a beat when Jarno felt compelled to laugh, but the look of anxiety and fear on Mackenzie's face changed his mind right away. Pregnant. But it wasn't possible, they had used protection. We used condoms the first time and then she was on the pill... Right?

'You... uh... I... you're...'

He cursed himself for his reaction, but he couldn't help it.

'Pregnant.' She repeated.


'After our fight, I stopped taking the pill, because the only person I was gonna let cum inside me was you.' Mackenzie's voice was getting faster and higher pitched with each passing word. 'When you got back, I was on my period, and I didn't even need to worry about it, and then when we did it, it was in the heat of the moment... I didn't even think about it!' She was sobbing now, burying her head in her hands. 'I'm sorry! It's all my fault! I'm so stupid! I'm so...'

Jarno practically jumped from his chair to hold her. Her hands found his back and grabbed him, her nails digging into him, though he didn't say anything. Mackenzie sobbed against his shoulder, and he just held her tightly against him, stroking her back and the top of her head, making comforting sounds.

'I'm... so... sorry...' She tried to say between her sobs and hiccups.

'Shhh...' He soothed. 'Don't try to speak yet. Just calm your breathing, Mac... Deep breaths...'

They remained locked in their embrace until Jarno felt her hiccups become more spaced and her shaking less intense. He stretched out a hand to the kitchen tap and placed his hand under the stream. As softly as he could manage, he took Mackenzie's face away from his shoulder.

The beautiful face he'd come to know and love was swollen and red from her crying, as well as wet. Gently, he cleared her cheeks with his hand, before wetting it again and repeating the process across her forehead and her eyes, after telling her to shut them.​
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