Page 01
As always, this is a work of fiction and all characters within are fictional existing only within the confines of the story and my so called imagination. Enjoy!
I looked down at the card in my hand and then back to the four story brick building across the street from where I was parked. The large sign on the building matched the card. It read 'The Cameron Solution' above an odd calligraphic drawing of a bull. The illustration struck me as vaguely disturbing after studying it for a moment...the bull seemed ferocious and powerful with one too many legs. I glanced around. I was sitting in one of Atlanta's wealthier suburbs in the shopping district. A Filene's was situated to the right of the brick building and a Prada store resided on the opposite side. Well dressed individuals of both genders, predominantly white like myself, strolled the streets, some moving with purpose, others idly moving along, window shopping or pausing to enter popular and expensive stores.
As I sat there, working up the nerve to go in, I watched a middle-aged woman emerge, dressed in a power suit that went perfectly with her long reddish hair. She walked down the street with a smile that disturbed me nearly as much as the card's image.
I sat for a little while longer, recalling how the card came into my hand. Yesterday afternoon, my mother-in-law, Clarice had asked me to meet her at the country club for lunch. I'd been happy to meet with her. We had always had a good relationship since I'd married her son, Daniel and she was sort of a role model for me in how to act amongst Atlanta's old money aristocracy.
My own upbringing was middle class...Papa being a family doctor in a small, sleepy Alabama town. I'd met Daniel at the University of Georgia at a football rally for the Bulldogs. We'd both been freshman students and he was the most handsome boy I'd ever met. He was fascinated with my Nordic looks and we fell head over heels in love and were married two weeks after graduation.
David's family was serious old money...what some called the Bourbon aristocracy of the Old South. Dig deep enough into his family's past and it was something straight out of Gone with the Wind. They'd been one of the earliest families to settle in Georgia and established a massive plantation that had generated the family fortune. Unlike many in the South, David's great, great grandfather had foreseen the outcome of the Civil War and had converted much of their wealth to Yankee gold and hidden it away. In the war's aftermath, he'd bought up even more land and while he no longer had slaves, the family had long benefited from the toil and labor of their African-American workers.
Needless to say, we lived in a beautiful home that was just shy of what one could honestly call a mansion, our children -- two sons and a daughter -- went to the nicest private academies in Atlanta and we have lived a life of luxury. Daniel preferred that I not work and so I had focused on the children until they were all in school and then since have occupied much of my time with various charity organizations and getting deep into mastering both tennis and golf. Although, I didn't realize it when I arrived at the country club, it was those latter two activities that were about to land me in trouble with Clarice.
We'd had a lovely light lunch...the chef here prepared the most delicious salads. We'd just finished them and Clarice had ordered us each one of the club's special mint juleps when as the waiter left us, she turned to me and in a deadly, but low voice said, "Maddy, my dear, are you screwing around on Daniel?"
I felt my stomach do a nauseating flip and my skin burned as I gathered my wits together and stammered, "M-my Lord, Clarice! N-n-no! Where...where did you get such an idea?"
My mother-in-law glared at me and I felt like I might just wilt under her heated gaze. Finally, she replied, "Word is getting around that you're getting mighty friendly with Charlie Sims here."
My blush worsened and I could barely meet her steely gaze. Charlie Sims was the golf pro at the Country Club and I'd been working with him nearly a year on my amateur game. I liked golf quite a bit, but to be honest, I liked Charlie too. Despite his receding hairline, he was handsome with a buff body and a confidence that was...arousing. "Are you fucking Charlie Sims, Maddy?"
"No, I am not!" I replied, perhaps a little too loudly as my voice drew looks from nearby tables. I leaned in towards Clarice and said more softly. "Who told you such a thing?"
Clarice shook her head and said, "In the South, darling girl, amongst our kind, there are very few secrets." She reached out and placed a hand over mine. "A little bird tells me that you and Charlie Sims were getting quite friendly in the woods beyond the back nine, last week. Again, I want to know, have you fucked Charlie Sims?"
"No...I have not!" I hissed back, glancing around and hoping no one had heard my mother-in-law's accusation. If they had, they were doing a good job of minding their own business.
She pursued the matter like the best prosecutor. "Do you deny that you and he have been engaging in some naughty kissing, perhaps while he had a hand up your skirt?"
Again, my stomach did a flip-flop and I felt dizzy as I saw images of my marriage being flushed down the toilet race through my mind. I chose to tell Clarice the truth. "No, I don't. Charlie and I, made out a couple of times." I slumped back in my seat. "Does Daniel know?"
Clarice threw her head back and laughed, "Lord, no. Daniel is like his father. Business and the Bulldogs consume his every waking moment. He'd starve to death if you didn't make him eat now and again." She grew serious as our waiter returned with our drinks. She was quiet until he'd left. She sipped at her julep and nodded approvingly before looking at me again and saying, "So, you swear you've not fucked Charlie or anyone else besides Daniel since you've been married?"
I nodded and replied, "I've came close with Charlie...thought about it a lot here lately, but no, I've never slept with anyone but Daniel. He the only one."
My mother-in-law nodded and said, "I believe you, Maddy. Now...I want perfect honesty here. Hold nothing back. Isn't Daniel taking care of you in bed?"
I hesitated before I answered. How does one simply unload all one's bedroom secrets on the mother of one's husband? I couldn't face her as I replied and so I looked down at my lap as I said, "When we first got married, oh yes...Daniel was a wonderful lover and we couldn't seem to get enough of each other. the years have passed and especially since the youngest was born, Daniel seems to have lost interest." I looked up at Clarice with tears in my eyes and said almost in a whisper, "It's like you just said, Daniel is more interested in business and the 'Dawgs' than in me. I beg him to make love and he just tells me he's tired or he's got a big day at the office tomorrow and I'm left hanging."
I paused and took a sip of my mint julep to steady myself before I continued. "I've begged him to take time off and the two of us get away...go someplace romantic with no cell phones or computers where we can make love without any interruptions." I gave out a heavy sigh. "He tells me he just can't make time and we're getting too old for that anyway." My voice began to rise up again. "Clarice...we're both just thirty-six years old!"
Clarice nodded and patted my hand. "I understand your frustration, Maddy, more than you can imagine. Daniel is like his all the Cameron men. It must be genetic. It takes a corporate takeover or a Georgia championship to give them an erection."
I laughed at her somewhat bawdy remark and said, "You and David, too?"
She nodded and said, "I'm sorry to say that David and I haven't had sex more than say three times a year since...well, since that horny son of a bitch from Arkansas was president."
I was aghast at her words, both for how difficult it must have been all these years and for what it portended for my own future. "How could you stand it, Clarice? Not having sex all this time." I hesitated and then said, "Have you have affairs?"
My mother-in-law looked at me with disdain. "Cameron women do not have affairs, Madelyn Cameron. This family has never tolerated even the slightest possibility of scandal. Our name has never been nor ever will be smeared with even rumors of such behavior."
The force of her voice rocked me back, almost stunning me into silence. I had always enjoyed sex. Even the night Daniel deflowered me had been wrought with pleasure. I loved fucking and I missed it something terrible. Day and night there was a fiery need burning between my legs that no amount of masturbation with my hand or toys had been able to appease. Clarice's words had the power of an imperial edict and I felt a shiver of fear ripple through me at what might be the consequences of violating such an edict might be. This might be the twenty-first century, but this was the Old South and the Cameron family was money and power with a reach that extended beyond Atlanta.
" do you stand it, Clarice?" I asked meekly. "You strike me as someone who would appreciate sex, but if you aren't getting it from David and you're not having affairs." I reached out and downed most of my julep in one swallow. "How the hell do you stand never being made love never having sex?"
Again, my mother-in-law surprised me by throwing back her head and laughing again, this time until her eyes were wet with tears. She signaled our waiter to bring us another round of drinks before returning that powerful gaze of hers on me and replying, "I said that Cameron women do not have affairs, Maddy. I never said we stopped having sex."
I shrugged in confusion and waited for her to continue. "Maddy, my dear girl, our story is as old as the Cameron family itself. Cameron men marry beautiful, passionate women and then proceed to lose interest in matters of the heart and of the flesh long before they reach middle age. They love their wives, but below the waist, something seems to die." I sighed in acknowledgement before she continued, "But Cameron women are also smart and since the end of the Civil War have made accommodations to both satisfy their own desires and to keep the family's name protected from dishonor."
Clarice reached down to her purse and brought from within it a small, crème colored business card. She slid it across the table to me. I picked it up and read aloud the words, "The Cameron Solution, established 1869," and then looked at the odd calligraphic sketch that appeared to be a bull with five legs. I looked up at my mother-in-law and said, "I'm not familiar with it part of the family business?"
She found this curious and barked laughter, pausing again as our new mint juleps were brought to us. After our waiter had retreated, she said, "No, it is not part of Cameron Enterprises, a way, it is family related. The Cameron family's relationship with "The Cameron Solution" dates back to Daniel's great, great grandmother, Valerie Cameron." Clarice smiled and said, "It was her solution to the Cameron women's chief problem...her way of making accommodations. You might say she helped to start it and we have been its greatest patron ever since.
"You keep saying it's an accommodation, Clarice. How?"
Clarice smiled slyly and sipped at her drink. "It is the solution to our need to be fucked, my dear."
I'm sure I looked like an idiot, staring at my mother-in-law with my mouth hanging open for a long moment before staring down at the card and then saying in a very low voice, "You mean its...a whore..." I paused and looked at her with some puzzlement. "A whorehouse for women to go and be...serviced?"
My husband's mother laughed at me again and shrugged her shoulders. "Whorehouse is such an ugly word for what services are provided there. I assure you that your needs will be met there...probably beyond your wildest expectations. And it is discrete." She reached over and drew the card back from me. After taking a pen from her purse, she turned the card over and wrote down an address.
" you still use these, um, accommodations?"
She smiled at me and said, "Darling, Maddy. I am only sixty-three years old and in the prime of health." She stuck her tongue out furtively and grinned. "Well, maybe I'm slowing down a little. I only average visiting two or three times a week these days."
She slid the card back to me and signaled our waiter that we were through.
After she had signed for the check and we were alone again, she let her look of amusement fall away as she said in that nearly scary tone again. "Cameron women do not have affairs, but we do make accommodations to be satisfied. It is a burden and a privilege of being married into the Cameron family. Our husbands are good men, but with different needs. Go visit this place, Maddy and see for yourself. I doubt you'll be disappointed. Rather, I think you'll learn some great and wonderful truths about yourself and I promise you, if you keep an open mind, you'll never regret it."
Clarice winked at me and stood up. Even at sixty-three years old, she was a lovely woman. Perfectly coiffed black hair streaked with gray, her breasts, albeit augmented, rode high on her chest. Her narrow waist gave way to a generous set of hips and her legs were shapely and trim. "I suspect I'll be running into you there very soon, darling." She smiled at me and winked a second time and said, "Enjoy," before walking away, never looking back but somehow demonstrating that most every male in the dining room had his eyes on her. I found it a bit odd to suddenly recognize in her a very obviously sexual being.
A car with an intentionally loud muffler, passed by, shaking me out of my reverie. I looked again at the brick building across the street from me and taking a deep breath climbed out of my car. I was wearing a summer dress, white with a blue floral print that swirled just above my knees and hugged my chest tight, drawing attention to my bountiful chest and to what I considered my best feature, my bare shoulders. I was wearing two inch heels that helped accentuate my toned and shapely calves and I had my nearly bone white hair wound up off my neck and held in place with an ivory comb.
Not sure about what to expect, I walked across the street, removing my sunglasses as I opened the door and stepped inside "The Cameron Solution."
A chime sounded sedately as I went inside. I saw a waiting area with several lush and expensive overstuffed leather chairs settled around a large glass coffee table. Beyond it was a reception desk, manned by a tall, thin African-American, a young man in his mid-twenties, wearing a dark blazer and tie with a crisp, ironed shirt. He looked up and smiled as I approached. "Good afternoon. Welcome to 'The Cameron Solution.' How can I help you today?"
I felt my skin blushing as I fumbled for a reply. "I'm, Madelyn Cameron and I've come to see, your services."
He gave me a brilliant and sincere smile as if I was instantly the most important person in existence. "Of course, we've been expecting you, Missus Cameron. Ms. Clarice called us and told us to be expecting you." He stood up and I realized he was very tall, towering over my five-foot eight frame. He pressed a button on an intercom and said authoritatively, "This is Stephen at the desk, Madelyn Cameron has arrived. I'm bringing her up to..." he glanced at a computer screen before finishing, "Suite B." He gestured towards an elevator beyond his desk and said, "Please, ma'am, follow me."
As we approached the elevator another young man, also African American and dressed in the same clothes, emerged from an anteroom and nodded at us, saying in a deep, rumbling voice, "Stephen...Ma'am." He passed us and took over at the desk. I glanced back at him curiously. He wasn't as tall as Stephen, but broader in the shoulders and I had a sudden and shocking urge to see how his ass looked on those tailored slacks.
Stephen ushered me into the elevator and pushed a button. He smiled at me as the elevator smoothly but slowly began to move. "Have you been fully briefed on 'The Cameron Solution' Missus Cameron?"
I smiled weakly, feeling my already red face burning brighter. "Ah, no...I'm not sure how things work. I mean do I...I should I pay at the..."
Stephen held up his hand and replied, "Everything will be explained, ma'am. Don't be nervous...this is going to be one of the best days of your life." The way he smiled down at me as he spoke nearly unnerved me to the point I was ready to run away. I felt like he was literally undressing me with his eyes and that both frightened me and made me very wet between my thighs.
I must confess that while I always felt that I harbored no prejudices against blacks, I had had very few experiences with them in all my years. In my hometown, blacks and whites had generally stayed wrangling had kept desegregation from really materializing in school and I had not had any black friends in my youth. The same could be said for college...I hung with the middling wealthy white students until I met Daniel and then I ran with the very exclusive white rich kids until we graduated. Since then, we had basically hung with the Old South gentry and the color lines, while never referred to, were very strictly enforced.
To my shame I will confess that I had entertained fantasies about having a black man and I recalled many giggling sessions with friends at slumber parties as we had discussed certain myths about the prowess and size of black men. I felt awkward, embarrassed and aroused by being this close to a black man...probably the first African American I had been around other than waiters or store clerks since college.
I rode silently with Stephen until the elevator car stopped, the doors opened and we stepped out into a broad hall, another young black man behind another desk who nodded and said, "Missus Cameron. We're honored to have you here." He nodded to a door with a small 'B' on it and said, "Stephen, Zachary is already waiting in Suite B."
Stephen walked me to the door, opened it for me and beckoned me to enter. "Enjoy yourself, Missus Cameron. I look forward to seeing you again."
I stopped midway through the door, a little surprised. "You're leaving?" I said, not sure if I was disappointed or not.
Stephen laughed and touched me on the arm gently, sending a little thrill racing through me. "Yes, Missus Cameron. Ms Clarice made a special request for your first visit." He winked at me and added, "You're going to like Zachary just fine and well, you and I can get better acquainted another time."
Feeling a little confused, I nodded, trying to smile to indicate that I would like that even though I wasn't sure why I would want to. I stepped onto into what turned out to be a lavish suite like something you'd find in the best hotel in Atlanta. An expensive living room suite was laid out around a thick, luxurious rug. Beyond it was a real fireplace currently dormant, not surprising in the hot summer season. To the far right I could see a mammoth bed that dwarfed my king sized bed at home and through a door next to it, I saw a portion of what had to be a huge bathtub...maybe a hot tub.
"Good afternoon, Missus Cameron or do you prefer Madelyn?" I turned at the lush voice, not too long deepened into manhood and found a black Adonis standing at a wet bar, pouring himself a drink. He was maybe six foot-five and solidly built, muscles straining the seams of his expensive dress shirt. His hair was curly, but cut close with a broad nose and a friendly face. Although he was dressed, I imagined that there wasn't likely an ounce of fat on what I could see was a ripped body and again, I felt unexpected moisture blossoming between my legs.
"Uh, I mostly prefer Maddy," I replied.
He walked over, a drink in his left hand and offered me his hand. My hand disappeared inside his grasp and I gave an uncontrollable shiver. "I'm Zachary and I'm pleased to meet you, Maddy," he said, lowering his head as he raised my hand and kissed me like an old fashioned gentleman. Letting me go, he gestured towards the bar. "Would you care for a drink?"
Following him, I nodded and then said in almost a whisper, "Bourbon and water...maybe a double."
Zachary laughed and said, "Take a seat, Maddy." I climbed up onto a high bar chair, very much aware that suddenly I was showing off a great deal of leg which Zachary did not try to disguise looking at. He put my drink together and handed it to me and then moved to stand uncomfortably close. I took a big gulp of my drink and then tried not to choke as the good bourbon burned its way down. "Are you nervous, Maddy?" he said in a softer voice.
I giggled briefly, as I suddenly felt like a silly school girl and said in a high voice, "Oh, a little!"
Zachary reached out and put his hand on my waist, a few inches below my breasts. "You don't need to be, Maddy." He chuckled for a second and then said, "Well, maybe you should be." He looked into my eyes and said, "What do you think we're going to do here today, darling."
I cannot imagine how mortified I must have looked when I replied in that same high voice as before, "Uh...we're going to have sex?"
Zachary laughed as his hand suddenly slipped upwards to cup my large breast through my dress and bra, his hand so large that he could nearly cover it with the span of his fingers. "No, Maddy," he replied as he began massaging and kneading my breast.
I could barely breathe as I squeaked, "No?"
Zachary leaned in kissed me on the cheek before I felt his lips brushing the lobe of my ear. "We're not going to have sex, Maddy. We're going to fuck. I'm going to fuck you until you scream for mercy and then I'm going to fuck you some more!"
"Oh my gawd!" I moaned, my accent slipping out as I felt his other hand come to rest on my bare thigh.
"Do you like the sound of that, Maddy? Do you like the idea of being fucked by a black man like you've never been fucked before?"
I felt a gush of wetness between my legs as I suddenly had a quick glimpse of my future race through my mind...this man...this black man atop me, both of us naked, his dark skin contrasting with my pale skin and my head thrown back in either ecstasy or pain or maybe both. When I didn't reply, Zachary took his hand from my breast and found my free hand and guided it to his crotch. I groaned as I felt something long there...something long and very, very big.
The black man's lips again brushed against my ear as he said, "And I'm not even completely hard yet, Maddy!"
A groan slipped past my lips and I looked up into his big brown eyes and whispered in both fear and awe, "Really?
He chuckled and said, "Really, darling. Would you like to see?"
I nodded, amazed at myself. Zachary took my drink and set it on the bar and then said, "Let's go over to the couch where you'll be more comfortable." I let him take me by the hand and lead me over to the living area, my legs so wobbly I could barely stand up.
I could feel my pussy juices running down my leg, so sodden were my panties. I could hear my father's disapproving tone in my mind, "Maddy Gelborn...fooling around with a negro. I am so ashamed of you!" The truth was, I did feel a bit ashamed, but I also knew I had to see Zachary's penis. Maybe I was about to cross the line from frustrated housewife to whore, but I was suddenly consumed with the need to see his cock hard.
I sat down on the firm leather cushion and Zachary stood in front of me. I sat with my knees together just as a proper woman should do, but Zachary smirked and nudged them apart, exposing more of my thighs as the hem rose and then he stepped between my knees and looked down at me. He smiled approvingly as I reached out tentatively and pressed the palm of my hand against his crotch again. "Go ahead, Maddy, take my pants off," he said in a commanding tone. His rich voice alone with that forceful attitude made me quiver with delight and I was a little surprised to see how quickly I obeyed, my hands shaking as I fumbled with his belt and then undid the buttons on his tailored slacks.
His pants slid down to his ankles to reveal that he was wearing white briefs that contrasted with the dark chocolate color of his skin. Beneath the white cotton fabric was the shadow of something big and dark. Zachary ran a finger down the side of my face and over my lips as he said, "Go on now, girl...Don't be making me wait."
His tone was more insistent now and his language and demeanor seemed to be...I don't know what to properly describe it...more black and less polite. In any case, I murmured, "Yes, Zachary," and I reached out and tugged down his underwear and then gasped as his cock sprung free...semi-erect, and slapped me in the face, the massive swollen plum shaped head sliding over my lips and chin to hang there just below my face. For a long minute, I just sat there and stared in shock and surprise. Even with all the teenage giggling stories of how black men were "blessed" I had not expected to see so much cock on a man.
"You're beautiful," I whispered, reaching out finally to take it in my hand. I could barely get my fingers around it and I could feel it growing in my grasp even as I slowly stroked it. I brought my other hand up and began to masturbate him, anxious to see how big it would become.
"Yeah, Maddy, that's right...get him all big and angry," Zachary purred. "I imagine your husband doesn't have anything like that hanging between his legs."
A memory of a younger Daniel and me actually measuring his cock swam up into my befuddled mind. Daniel's penis was just short of six inches when erect and I had greatly enjoyed his cock, but this...this was a monster compared to Daniel's...much longer and much thicker. "No," I whispered. "He's...tiny compared to you."
Zachary liked that, chuckling as his fingers wormed their way into my hair bun and then gently forcing my head forward. "I bet you want to taste it, don't you, Maddy? White girl sees a black cock for the first time, she wonder how it tastes. Go ahead, baby, give it a lick."
My lips kissed the firm, but spongy head of his cock and I couldn't help but flick my tongue out, tasting him. I'd sucked Daniel's cock many times and wasn't surprised that Zachary tasted of piss and sweat and that unique male something...but I was taken aback by how much intense the flavor was with Zachary, almost as if he was more man than my husband. I moaned a little as a teeny orgasm detonated between my thighs as I realized that my mouth was on a black man's cock.
As my nipples hardened into long, hard nubs, pressing against my bra, I slid Zachary's cock against my cheek, down until I could lash his huge testicles with my tongue, feeling the wiry hair there against my wet fleshy probe, before I slowly ran my tongue up the long length of his shaft and swirled it around his swollen cock head. I looked up at him with my Nordic blue eyes and moaned, "Please, may I suck your cock, Zachary."
He smiled and said, "Oh, I like that...please...yeah, I like that a lot. Go ahead, Maddy, you may suck my big black dick all you want." I moaned happily and opened my mouth wide, somehow wrapping my lips around the end of his penis and taking it inside, my tongue barely having enough room to work what I fervently hoped was some pleasurable magic on this black man's penis.
My tongue moved feverishly about as I sucked and licked and slurped at his cock, getting it wet and slick with my saliva, making his dark meat shiny and slippery. I let him slip from my lips as I showed his cock with kisses and licks before taking him back inside my mouth. I had mastered deep-throating my husband before we were even married, but now as I tried to show off my skills as a cocksucker, I knew I was in trouble.
I worked him into my mouth, first getting a little distance as I ran the crown of his penis along the inside of my cheek and then trying to swallow as much as I could of him down my throat. Maybe six or seven inches moved past my lips before I began to gag, his big dick clogging my throat. I could feel him laughing as I pulled back, coughing, but determined to go again, repeating my efforts to swallow as much of his cock as possible. It was overwhelming to realize that he was so big and so long that I couldn't pull it off and for some reason, I wanted to do it...not just to prove I could, but to please Zachary.
As I worked his cock, Zackary was playing with my hair and although distracted, I felt him pull the comb from my hair and heard it clatter on the coffee table nearby. He ran his black fingers through my platinum blonde hair, shaking out the long strands that fell to my shoulders and then gathering them up in his hands. "You have a sweet mouth, Maddy," he said softly. "I just have to fuck that sweet, white bitch mouth!"
He gathered up my long tresses in both hands and used them for leverage and to keep my head in place as he suddenly began thrusting his cock in and out of my mouth, making me helpless to resist, plunging his cock into my throat until he could hear me gurgle and gag and withdraw only to do it again.
He made it clear he was in charge and even as he would force his cock into my mouth until he would go no further and then work his hips around and push forward as if trying to force more of his erect penis down my throat while my hands fluttered and clawed at his midsection and I choked and gagged. It was uncomfortable, yet if he was raping me orally. Another small orgasm exploded deep inside me as I comprehended that I liked being treated like a possession by this young, black man.
Finally, he withdrew his cock from my mouth, strands of my saliva hanging off his magnificent shaft and head and even as I coughed and gasped for air, I couldn't help but look up at him, loving that amused and masterful grin on his face and moan, "Please, Zachary. Fuck me. Fuck me now!"
He laughed and said, "Well, Maddy...not sure you're ready yet." He pulled me to my feet and said, "Take off my shirt, girl." I quickly obeyed, nearly ripping the buttons off his dress shirt to get him naked. While I worked, his hands roamed over my body, cupping and squeezing my breasts while he murmured, "I like your titties, Maddy!" and then pulling me to him while his hands roamed down my back and pawed at my ass cheeks. The entire time, his long, hard cock probed against my abdomen, seeking a way past my summer dress.
With his shirt off, I ran my hands over his smooth, dark skin, kissing his chest and smelling his scent which my body seemed to instinctively respond to. Then I felt his hand slip under my dress and palm the crotch of my panties. "Mmmm, my Maddy's a little excited," he chuckled as his fingers pulled my gusset to one side and then I let out a cry as two of his fingers ran up and down my lower lips and then pushed inside me.
"You're wet, Maddy," he whispered, leaning down and kissing me. His tongue seemed as extra big as his cock, forcing its way into my mouth and immediately taking my tongue prisoner. I melted into his embrace, his fingers inside me practically holding me up as they swirled inside my wet pussy.
He pulled his fingers out and held them up between us as he broke the kiss. "You're wet, but I don't know if you're wet enough for what I got for you." He shocked me by smearing my own juices across my lips. "But, I think I can get you there. Sit down, bitch!" He shoved me back down roughly on the couch and I found myself sprawled out, legs wide and the hem of my dress nearly up around my crotch. In a relaxed, confident move, Zachary was suddenly kneeling between my legs, his long, strong fingers sliding up my bare thighs.
"Not going to need these any more," he said as he tugged my panties off and flung them away. "I was you, I wouldn't even bother wearing panties when you come visiting 'The Cameron Solution.'" He flipped the hem of my dress up onto my stomach and grinned hungrily. "Now, Maddy, that is one fine pussy!" he said as he ran a hand over my cunt, fingers sliding up over and between my swollen, plump labia and through the thick thatch of ash blonde pubic hair that I kept trimmed in a neat rectangle.
Zachary leaned in, his nostrils flaring as he inhaled and then said, "Nothing like the smell of white pussy wet for a block cock!" His hands slipped under me, cupping my ass cheeks and then lifting me up as he brought his mouth to my cunt and I cried out in surprise and delight as he mashed his face between my legs! Daniel, in our younger years had occasionally eaten my pussy and I loved the sensation of a mouth and tongue on me, but like the rest of our love life, that was something that was long past. Now, I had a young African-American male licking my pussy and doing it enthusiastically!
As his long, thick tongue lashed my wet flesh and assaulting my swollen clitoris, I went off like a bottle rocket, exploding into orgasm without any warning. I bucked my pelvis upwards, trying to give Zachary more access to my gushing pussy, his noises of slurping up my flood of juices sounding so lewd and arousing to my ears, adding fire to the burning fury of my orgasm.
I screamed as a storm of ecstasy exploded in my pussy and raced though my body as I had an orgasm stronger than any I had experienced in a long, long time. My heart seemed to be about to burst through my chest as I arched my back and squirmed my crotch against Zachary's face, both delighted and stunned that I was finding such intense pleasure with someone besides my husband and that it was with a black man to boot. I was sure that it was the old fashioned taboo of a well to do southern white girl, raised to keep a respectable distance between myself and a black man that made my sexual delight unlike anything I had ever experienced.
On top of that, my enthusiastic black man was very talented with his tongue and mouth, licking and sucking and finding all my secret special places without any difficulty at all. My orgasm had scarcely begun to wane when I felt his tongue broaden and flatten as it run upwards over my slick labia and over the wrinkled folds of my cunt and assault my swollen and throbbing clitoris and I literally climbed up on Zachary's face as it seemed like his tongue was a long, fleshy carpet sliding over my almost bursting pleasure nub.
He seemed to like that and his fingers dug into my ass cheeks and lifted me up, my legs sliding over his broad, muscled shoulders while I arched my back and seemed to hover in the air, my hands clawing at his head while he feverishly licked and sucked my cunt.
As my second orgasm peaked and I slowly slid down from a high peak of perfect pleasure, my young black man sat me back down and rose up, his dark face shiny with my juices. He reached out and roughly yanked my dress over my head and cast it away. He reached for my half bra, but I tore it off and flung it away, freeing my meaty, but still firm breasts.
Zachary ran his tongue over his lips and grinned as he again reached for me. "Maddy, I reckon you're wet enough to try and take my black cock now," he growled as he lithely climbed to his feet, pulling me back up into a sitting position. "Suck me a little more, bitch. Get my big, bad black dick as hard as it can be."
I yielded to his demands and immediately got my mouth around the head of his penis and began sucking, my hands stroking the long shaft, feeling it throb with his strength and youthful vigor. I sucked him for maybe a minute before he shoved his cock deep into my mouth and then yanked me up by the hair of my head. "Let's go, Maddy!" he commanded. "Time for this white slut to get what she always dreamed about."
I suddenly was walking bent over, my mouth filled with black cock as he walked backwards, leading us into the bedroom. Pulling on my hair, he freed himself from my mouth and then threw me onto the bed. His strength was a little scary, but also very arousing and I clawed at the sheets as I spread my legs and drew my knees back, trying to offer my cunt to him as lewdly as possible as I cried, "Fuck me, me what a black cock can do!"
He laughed as he climbed onto the bed, the black skin of his erect and enormous cock gleaming with my spit. "Oh, I'll show you, Maddy," he said with both amusement and lust in his voice, "I'll show you why little white bitches just cream themselves when they even think about black cock!"
Zachary was between my legs and leaning in, the head of his penis pressing against my kissing labia and he looked down at me and as he pressed into me, hissed, "I'm gonna change your life, Maddy!"
I felt the pressure of the tip of his penis and then my labia were being spread and then I screamed as I felt him thrust inside me...two, maybe three inches and felt both pain and pleasure as I felt my womb being spread apart. It hurt and it felt good. As he pulled back a little and pushed again, getting at least four inches of his thick dick inside me, I had a sudden flashback to the last time I gave childbirth and while I was nowhere close to being opened that much, there were hints of that pain and of undreamt pleasure.
" fucking big!" I moaned as I felt his thrust inside me again, parting and spreading my flesh and I suddenly realized he was in virgin territory, deeper inside me than my husband had ever been. The sheer realization of that astounding fact along with the sensation of cock actually touching me where I'd never been touched before made me dizzy with ecstasy while I clawed at his chest.
"Oh yeah, Maddy, you like that don't you?" Zachary whispered as he thrust even deeper, his dark, muscled body settling down atop me, preparing to thrust even as he kissed me with his still wet and sticky mouth, sharing my own pussy juices with me even as I bathed his mammoth penis in a fresh flood of hot cream.
I cried into his mouth as I felt him thrust yet again, my head reeling as I wondered how much cock was inside me, pushing deep and stretching me out. He thrust again and pain and pleasure fought for dominance as I felt like I was about to be split in two. "F-fuck me, please. Love your c-cock," I whimpered as the kiss ended.
Zachary kissed my mouth and then planted little kisses on my face before nuzzling my neck. He rose up on his arms like he was doing pushups and looked down between our bodies, my blue eyes following the gaze of his brown ones to see where his enormous cock was buried in me. "Mmmm, you must love my cock, you done 'bout taken it all, Maddy," he said after pausing to kiss my rolling breasts and biting my swollen nipples.
He thrust into me again and I was again swept up by orgasm, bucking against him and finally timing it right to meet his thrusts with my pelvis, whimpering, "Ow, ow," and trying to ignore the pain and embrace the pleasure. Then I sobbed as I felt his pubic hairs scraping my bare flesh as we hunched together and eliminated any exposed gap between his cock and my pussy. I felt crammed full of pulsating meat and recognized that in one sense it was extremely uncomfortable, but also reveling in being so full of cock and somehow having been able to take all of the young black man inside me.
Zachary ground his crotch against mine and leaned down and whispered in my ear, "What do you think your little hubby would say if he knew his white wife had almost fourteen inches of black bull cock inside her tight pussy?"
His lewd words spurred my pleasure higher even as I laughed hysterically between sobs as I suddenly realized why the card and sign of Cameron Solution's bull had five legs...or rather, four legs and a huge cock! "Don't. Care. What. He. Would. Say. Just. FUCK. ME!" I managed to stammer out, hunching myself against him, wanting this young black man with the big dick to feed that long, thick thing to me again and again.
My new lover just laughed and replied, "Yes, Ma'am. My pleasure, Maddy!" Zachary began fucking me then, not extremely fast, but as swiftly as he could worm his big dick in and out of my stuffed cunt, quickly finding exactly how deep he could drive into me for the most pleasure and the least pain. I abandoned myself to the tempest of carnal delight then, letting him pound his cock into me, able to only grunt and squeal each time he slammed his body into me, a willing but helpless victim to his wonderful assault.
I don't know how many times I had made love or just fucked my husband, but this surpassed every experience I had ever known. It was only as my black lover fucked me with his lovely cock, kissing me and leaving bite marks on my neck, nearly drawing blood when he bit the swollen nipple of my right breast, that I truly understood the meaning of the word 'taken.' Zachary took me and claimed me as his own. As I writhed under his erotic assault, I would have said or done anything so long as it would have extended the awesome pleasure of his cock burying itself inside me again and again. In that sweet and taboo moment, I would have divorced my husband, sold my children and fucked a thousand dogs if it meant another single minute of being fucked by my young black man.
Our bodies slapped wetly together as we both worked hard, both of us serious in sustaining the moment as long as we could. I could see in the way his mouth hung open and the way he would again and again close his eyes as if savoring something sweet and delicious that he was taking pleasure from this nearly as much as I was. In his big, brown eyes I could see my face reflected, slack-jawed and eyes nearly glazed as I experienced cock and ecstasy unlike ever before. My white blonde hair was wild and tangled, plastered wetly against my forehead...I looked like the black-cock slut I knew I had just become.
As Zachary plowed into my cunt again and again, I looked down at us, thrilling at the absolute contrast between my white skin and his black skin. It thrilled me and frightened me at how violating such an age old taboo created so much pleasure inside me. I instinctively knew that while much of my pleasure came solely from his massive black spear, there was also much pure pleasure coming from the fact that Doctor Gelborn's sweet little white daughter was fucking a healthy, well endowed black man. Adding to that was the thought that my husband, born into the 'Bourbon' white elite was being cuckolded by a black bull!
Zachary's breath became more ragged and as I climbed towards another orgasm, he said, "You ready for some black man's sperm, Maddy? Gonna fill you, up, you hot bitch!" He increased the speed of his thrusts and then with a roar, he plunged deep inside me, nearly taking my breath away and then full as I was of cock, I screamed and climaxed as suddenly I felt his cock head swell and then begin to flood me with hot semen!"
I clawed at his back and my legs rose up and tightened around his ass as he grunted and pumped me full of his seed, my orgasm exploding with frightening intensity as I realized that my cunt was being filled with the semen of an African American man and that I loved how he and his cock and his hot sperm felt inside me.
My body seemed to be burning, the flames fueled by my orgasm and I sobbed and squirmed underneath Zachary's strong body as he thrust into me again and again, the pleasure growing stronger inside me until I couldn't seem to breathe and my head grew light and then I was lost amidst pure ecstasy...having an out of body experience as I seemed to be writhing in mid-air, looking down to see myself underneath that beautiful black body, an expression of absolute heavenly pleasure on my face while my white limbs scrabbled about around his perspiring black form.
If pleasure has a color, it seemed to me to be same as the black shade of Zachary's cock as I was consumed by it for an eternity, only returning to the world as he slowly snaked his still erect penis from my battered and throbbing and very well fucked pussy. "That was...wonderful," I gasped and then I began to cry, sobbing great heaves as the enormity of what we'd done, the pleasure that it had produced and the reality that I had fucked a black man and loved it, overwhelmed me.
Zachary took me into his arms and held me, letting me cry it until it all seemed to sort itself out -- processing the experience of such sweet pleasure after being so long ignored and having violated so many societal taboos I'd been taught practically since birth and just the intensity of making love with Zachary.
As my sobs faded, I realized how safe and possessed I felt in the young black man's arms. I nuzzled his smooth, muscled chest and said, "Thank you,"
Zachary kissed the top of my head and said, "You are very much welcome, Maddy. It was my pleasure to please you so well."
"That you did, sir," I purred as I looked up at him. "You were something and this..." I reached down and stroked his semi-erect cock, which coated with the thick, whitish fluids of my cunt and his sperm, was still an awe inspiring sight. "This cock is magnificent."
"Yes, I've been blessed." His fingers ran over my arm, sending shivers through me. "You're a passionate lover too, Maddy. Your husband is a very lucky man."
I snorted and rolled my eyes. "You wouldn't know it from how little attention he pays me."
His hand came down from my shoulder to cup and gently caress my breast as his thumb played over my still swollen and sensitive nipple. "Well, Maddy, We are always ready and willing to take care of your needs here at 'The Cameron Solution.'"
"Oh yeah," I sighed. "I am definitely sold on this place." Something was niggling at the back of my mind and I looked up at Zachary and said, "I know this sounds stupid, but when we were...fucking, you sounded different...more, um..."
"Black?" offered Zachary. "Yes, I tend to slip into that street black voice -- most of our clients like that trash talk." He placed a finger under my chin and tilted my face so he could look into my eyes. "Be honest now, did talking like that turn you on, Maddy?"
I felt my cheeks burn as I replied, "Does it make me racist if I say yes?"
"No," Zachary chuckled. "I reckon not. I think a lot of white women, especially those with little contact with Black men have a secret kink to fuck a black man...crossing the taboo line and all and I think a lot of white women with those yearnings also like to play the submissive...helpless woman being fucked by a domineering black man."
My face reddened more as I realized that what he said was absolutely true. I had never dreamed that being taken by an African American male like he had just done would arouse me so much. "So, I'm not racist so much as kinky?" I said, slowly stroking his sticky cock.
Zachary nodded and said, "And horny, Maddy...very, very horny, I think."
I shivered and whispered, " much time do I have left?" Suddenly, I was wanting more of this young black man and his beautiful cock.