Chapter 01.2

"Of course, mom! I love you."

I kissed him softly on the lips and then said, "I love you too. I'll order some pizza for dinner, ok?"

"Yes! I'm so hungry I could eat 2 16" pizzas!"

I laughed and said I'd order three because I was also ravenous.

After leaving RJ's room on shaky legs, I called for the pizzas and then Dr, Jensen. She agreed to another house call the next day before office hours. I then sat on the couch wondering just what the hell happened earlier and what will happen now..?

I slept fitfully that night. Never in my life did I have any attraction to RJ. No sexual feelings whatsoever. But what we did just felt like the most natural thing in the world and my body completely betrayed me with how much I lusted after him. Not just lusted, hungered. My pussy still ached, not just from the abuse it took, but it ached to be used again by RJ. Whatever was happening to RJ has affected him more than in just transforming how he looks. Hopefully Dr. Jenson will have some ideas. That was not a conversation I was looking forward to having with her, but she needed to be told.

The next day the doctor arrived around 8:00 am for RJ's examination. Until she showed, both RJ and I agreed to remain apart just in case. We didn't need to be in the middle of something when she arrived. I gave them both some privacy, while telling her that I needed to speak with her afterwards. And she headed off to RJ's room, while I sat in the living room nervously as I nursed a cup of coffee.

(RJ's POV)

Dr. Jensen knocked on RJ's door and he lets her know that she can come in.. She was shocked to see just how dramatically he had changed in just a few days. He still had masculine features the last time she saw him, but now he was definitely more feminine in appearance. The only thing to remain unchanged was his height. He had no evidence of any facial hair now and his skin looked almost milky white and completely hairless.

"Hello, RJ, how are.. ahem, how are you feeling?"

There was a noticeable pause in Dr. Jenson's question as she was already beginning to feel overwhelmed just by being in RJ's presence. She was fighting to maintain her composure, but she feared it might be a losing battled, despite knowing she had to act professionally. If only her pussy would stop dripping.

RJ said, "Hi. I really feel awesome, but weird. I've got this itchiness feeling between my legs and mom said that the scar by my ball sack looked red and all puffy."

"Ignoring for the moment as to why your mother was looking between your legs," the doctor said, "let me take a look, shall we?"

Dr. Jensen instructed RJ to disrobe and lift and spread his legs as best as he could. As she started to look she caught a whiff of his scent and it nearly caused her pussy to spasm and nearly orgasm.

"My God, what is going on here with me?" she thought to herself. Outwardly she said, "Yes, it does look inflamed and... moist? This is very odd. I'm going to touch you and please let me know if you feel any discomfort."

RJ muttered an "ok" as the doctor pushed softly. As she pushed RJ moaned.

"Does that hurt, RJ??"

"No, it really feels good actually. REALLY good."

Confused, she continued to press lightly and see what might be the issue. With the next press RJ tensed up and let out a very loud moan and she saw the perineal raphe open up as she pressed, revealing a perfect pussy with an engorged clit. She then realized that RJ just had his first vaginal orgasm.

Dr. Jenson's first instinct was to move back when the vagina appeared, but now she was fascinated in it, and not in a medical or clinical way. She wanted to dive into and suck on that clit, despite never having any interest in women. But seeing RJ with a massive penis and perfectly formed vagina right under his scrotum was surreal. If not for RJ speaking up at that moment, she would've done something highly unethical.

Shaking her head, she asked, "What...? What did you say, RJ?"

"I said, what was that? You pushed and all of a sudden I get this wave of... pleasure I guess. I've never felt anything like it before! But, wow, it felt really good!"

Thinking to herself, the doctor said, "What am I going to say to him? Or is he a 'her' now?"

To RJ she said, "Let's get your dressed and let's go out and talk with your mother, shall we?"

I was a nervous wreck as I said there while the doctor examined RJ. Finally after about 15 minutes or so, I heard his door open and the doctor head my way.

As I stood up, I began to ask her a question, but she interrupted me.

"Please, let's wait until RJ is here with us and... Oh here he is."

We all sat down and Dr. Jensen explained everything to us. What happened to RJ during the exam. I was stunned and RJ just sat there with a blank look.

Finally she asked a question that neither of us wanted to answer, but needed to: "Why were you between his legs?"

I looked at RJ, who was still stunned into silence, so I spoke up. "Ok, I'm just going to say this, no matter how embarrassing it is. Something came over us last night. An overwhelming urge be intimate. I lost all inhibitions and... oh my God...we...we...had sex."

I looked away from the doctor when I said that, but she responded, "Overwhelming? As in if you didn't give in that your body was hurting because of the ache?"

I thought, "How does she know...?" And then it dawned on me, they must've had sex too.

We then, the three of us, had a very deep discussion. I was able to get RJ to shake off his shock and he revealed that not had he had sex with us, but with Rick as well. He said he wasn't sure what happened, but each time he felt that urge to not only have sex, but to thoroughly take control of us. However, right now, he didn't feel like it.

Dr. Jenson then said, "This is far beyond my medical knowledge. I'm going to have to do some research and see if there's another such case as RJ's. And, if so, just who can help provide you with some answers. For now, I strongly suggest that you two your best to maintain your distance when alone together, otherwise... Well, you know."

I nodded, "Yes, I definitely know. Even now, however, I can feel a draw." Looking at RJ, I said, "Sorry, honey, but I do."

He nodded softly and said, "I know, mom. It's not me doing anything intentional. I wish I could turn this off! Whatever the fuck 'this' is!"

"Language, RJ."

"Sorry, mom, I'm frustrated."

Dr. Jenson said, "Let me get back to the office and see what I can find out. I cannot offer a quick answer or solution, but I'll do my very best."

And with that, she stood up and we said our goodbyes. Leaving RJ and me alone with the sexual tension slowly building.

"Mom, I think I better go to my room, but first I'm going to shower."

I shook off what I was feeling as best as I could and said, "Um, yeah, you should. I think I'm going to go over to talk with Cece."

Now normally we'd hug, but this time we knew if we touched we'd be in the throes of passion and lost in our lust. Until we got answers, we both had to be careful.

I watched him walk towards the bathroom (My God he's walking more and more like woman) as I headed over to talk with Cece, despite craving to turn in the other direction and be ravished by my son.

(RJ's POV)

RJ undressed in the bathroom, thoroughly confused as to what was happening to him. He thought, "I have a pussy now? AND a dick? What the actual fuck?" He shook his head in disbelief as got in the shower. Letting the hot water just cascade over him helped to relax him. He then unconsciously began to play with his large nipples, getting himself aroused. Not only was his cock getting hard, but he felt his pussy start to get wet as well.

"Damn, what a weird, but awesome feeling."

Then curiosity got the better of him and he reached between his legs. He fumbled around a bit, but once he got to his clit, he knew!

"Fuuuuuuck... that feels so good."

And for the new few minutes, RJ learned how to masturbate as if he were a woman. And when he came, he saw stars and flashes of light. The accidental orgasm he had earlier was nothing like that! All of a sudden he felt very light headed, but was barely able to maintain his balance.

Turning off the shower, he grabbed a towel and he then noticed his cock was rock hard. His orgasm didn't relieve the pressure in his balls and he was a different kind of horny now, a more familiar horny. He then proceeded to rub one out and it didn't take long for him to explode. He was glad he had the towel handy.

With both pussy and cock sated, for the moment, he headed back to his room to get dressed. His mind a jumbled mess.

He thought, "What the fuck is going on? Will I ever be normal again? At first I thought this was cool, but now...?"

Then his phone chirped. It was Rick. Did he really want to talk to him? Especially after what happened the last time they saw each other? With great reluctance, he lifted the phone to read the text...

Rick: Dude, I gotta get outta the house. The moms are talking and are all emotional. And ugh.

RJ: lol! Yeah, come over. But we cool?

Rick: ? Oh. Hell yeh, we be cool! See ya in 5!


Smiling to himself, RJ finally relaxed for the first time this day. He got dressed and waited for Rick to show up. Then he remembered the pizza in the fridge! "Mmmmm, cold pizza!"

By the time Rick got there, RJ had already downed 2 slices.

As he walked in, he said, "Dude! Got more of that?"

His mouth filled with pizza, RJ said, "Yepf, fricgth."

Laughing, Rick said, "I think you said fridge! I got it dude."

Rick pulled the rest of the pizza, as well as grabbing a couple of Cokes and joined RJ in the living room.

As he munched, Rick said, "Ok, Dude, look, maybe not the best time, but I gotta... damn this is good... Anyway, I gotta say something. "

RJ stopped eating and looked at Rick with bit of fear and a lot of nervousness.

Rick continued, "What you and I did... Look, it was weird as fuck, but after having time to think about it, I'm ok with it. Hell more than ok with it. Now I'm not gay or anything like that, but what we did was fucking mind blowing! My ass still hurts, but in a really good way!"

Putting his slice down, RJ said, "Um, so you're saying you might want to, you know, do it again?"

His mouth full of pizza, Rick just nodded.

"You shitting me, Rick? Because... well, because I didn't know you felt like that about me!"

Rick stopped eating and swallowed before saying, "Hey, you're my best friend. And yeah, getting fucked like that was not exactly on my fucking list of things I wanted to do with you, but damn dude.... I can't stop thinking about it, in a good way. Those tits and that cock, you'd be a porn star!"

"Again with the porn star stuff? Just stop. Please!"

All of a sudden RJ burst into tears and Rick was at a total loss of what to do. He always hated when his mom cried and never knew what to say or do, but this was RJ. His best friend!

He got up, joined RJ on the couch, and pulled RJ into his arms in an attempt to console him in some way. "Definitely not what I thought I'd be doing when I came over," Rick thought.

After a few moments, RJ pulled himself out of Ricks and arms and said, "Thanks. I don't know where that came from."

"Hey, dude, you've been going through some shit here, y'know?"

Laughing, RJ said, "Yeah, some shit all right. More than you know."

Seeing the confused look on Rick's face, RJ said, "Ok, believe it or not, I changed some more."

"Dude, what?"

RJ sighed deeply and said, "I've got a pussy now."

Leaping off the couch, Rick yelled, "DUDE! NO FUCKING WAY? YOU SERIOUS?!?"

All RJ could do was nod.

Sitting back down, Rick excitedly said, "Holy fuck! Dude, you're a fucking futa!! Awesomesauce!!"

"I'm a what now...? Futa? What the fuck is that?"

"Oh man, dude, you're like a lot of guys' ultimate fantasy!!"

Standing up, RJ angrily said, "Well, I'm glad you're so fucking happy about it! I'm not! I'm not some fucking freak for guys to fantasize over! I didn't want any of.... any of THIS!!! I... I... oh fuck you!!!"

He then ran into his bedroom, slamming the door behind him, leaving Rick to wonder just what he said that was so wrong.

Thinking, "What the hell, we used to talk porn all the time, he knows I like the really kinky shit. Why is he like this now? It's like... nah... no fucking way... Well, fuck."

Slowly getting up, he headed to RJ's bedroom and discovered the door was locked. Knocking, he said, "Hey man, can we talk? I didn't mean to... y'know."

Behind the door, RJ said, "Just leave me the fuck alone."

"Dude... RJ... please?"


"Aw man, I'm sorry, ok? I'm sorry!"

Shoulders slumped as he stood there, he thought, "Fuck me. I went too far."

Then he heard RJ unlock the door, but not open it. Rick turned the knob and slowly swung the door open. What he saw was not what he was expecting. Before him was RJ completely naked on his bed, his legs spread wide, with a very wet pussy. "Wait. A pussy?? He really does have a pussy!"

Before Rick could say anything, RJ said, " Don't speak, just fuck me. Please. Take me."

Rick didn't have to be told twice. He stumbled out of his clothes and almost leapt on to the bed, his cock already hard and ready.

RJ said, "No words, just do it."

He pulled in Rick for a kiss and reached down for Rick's cock, guiding it in. They both moaned loudly as Rick took RJ's vaginal virginity. It didn't take long before RJ is screaming for Rick to just pound him hard and Rick complied. He went in deep and hard, all 8 inches jackhammering RJ's pussy. It doesn't take long before RJ is orgasming from his pussy being brutalized, but he's loving every minute of it. Meanwhile, Rick is determined to not cum until he's had his fill. He's had some great pussy before, but this one.... this one was made for him!

"Oh fuck dude, I'm gonna cum!"

RJ yelled, "Pull out!!!!!"

He barely gets it out and Rick cums all over RJ's hard cock.

Thoroughly spent, he collapses next to RJ and says, "Duuuuuude..."

All RJ could do is laugh as they cuddle.

45 minutes earlier.

I'm so glad Cece was free today. I needed to talk to someone about this! I feel like I'm going out of my mind here.

As I usually do, I knocked on the door and just entered. "Cece, it's me, where are you at?"

"In the kitchen!"

I closed the door and headed into the kitchen, only to see Cece not at her best, which was definitely not her at all.

Rushing over to her, I asked, "What happened? Are you all right?"

She turned to me showing off her tear streaked face and said, "I've been fired. My asshole of a boss canned my ass because I wouldn't put out for him. You know he's been after me for years."

"Oh, honey, I'm so sorry. You need me to help in any way? I'll drop a lawsuit on his ass so fast he won't know what hit him!"

Chuckling, Cece said, "No, I'm good, but I may need that as a back-up. I have a lot of shit on him that he doesn't know about and I will use it against him. I'm the best technician he's got and he knows it. I may not get my job back, but I won't go down without a fight..."

I laughed and said, "Damn, I forget how evil you can be. But you know I'm here for you."

Leaning in for a hug, Cece says, "Thank you, Erika, you're the best. So, what's new with you?"

And with that, we both started laughing.

After grabbing some coffee, we settled down in her living room and I proceed to tell her exactly what was going on with RJ.

After about 20 minutes of bringing Cece up to speed, excluding the sex, Cece said, "Oh wow, hon, I cannot imagine what you both are going through right now! And the doctor doesn't have any idea what has caused this?"

"She's as confused as we are, she's never even heard or read of such a case. She promised to do some research to see what she can uncover, but, for now, we're stuck waiting. It's incredibly frustrating."

"Oh, hon, I know. C'mere..." Cece leans in and gives me huge and I eagerly welcome it.

As she hugs me I couldn't help but notice how good she smells. It was then I also I noticed I was getting slightly aroused by her holding me. Oh my God, what is wrong with me? And did she... just moan?

I break the hug and look into Cece's eyes and I can see they were sort of glassy, like she was in a trance. Before I could say anything, Cece leaned in again, this time for a kiss. No just a kiss, but a kiss filled with passion and hunger. I was shocked at first, but kissed her back with equal fervor. At that moment all I need... wanted.... craved was Cece. I don't know what possessed me, but I suddenly said, "Get up, let's go to your bedroom." And Cece quickly got to her feet without questioning it and almost dragged me to her bedroom.

The moment we were through the door, she turned back to me and pulled me in for another kiss and then saying, "Oh God, Erika, I have always had these feelings for you, but not like this. You know I'm bi, but I always respected your desire to not do anything. But now... now... I... my body is screaming. I can feel this tug, this desire to make love to you. It's overwhelming me and I want it to." And she kisses me again deeply.

As she kisses me, I can feel her shimmying out of her dress and letting it drop to the floor. I break the kiss and before me is a woman who has the body of a Goddess. Perfect 36D breasts with no sag, a flat stomach, perfect skin, kissable skin... I lean down and take one of her nipples in my mouth and she lets out a very loud moan ad she shudders. I think I just made her cum!

She pulls me on her bed and we both land on it, side by side. She quickly removes her panties and then starts to undress me. Pulling my shirt off, then tugging my jeans off and I removed my bra, and then off go my panties. Both of us seeing each other completely nude for the first time. Without a word, she spread my legs and dives into my pussy and the pleasure is immediate! He tongue digging deep into me, occasionally flicking up to my clit, which send shivers up and down my body. It doesn't take long before she has me cumming. As I scream out in pleasure, she continues to eat me out. I finally get her to stop and have her move her ass over my face and we begin to 69.

For the next 20 minutes we stay in this position, bringing each other to numerous orgasms. We finally end up stopping, more out of exhaustion than anything else. She rolls off of me and then turns around to get into my arms. Laying there together and cuddling, she says, "Well, I certainly wasn't expecting that to happen!"

Laughing, I said, "No..... me either! But why? We've never expressed anything desire towards one another, why now? mind you, I am not complaining! Just wondering..."

I can feel her shrug and she says, "I dunno, but all of a sudden all I wanted to do was have sex with you. It was all encompassing, like if we didn't I'd die."

I sighed and realized I needed to tell Cece everything at that point, especially the sex and how RJ made me feel.

"Cece, I need to tell you something...."

3 weeks later...

After a long period of having to deal with RJ's changes and what it was doing to everyone, Dr. Jensen was finally able to secure a meeting with The Kendricks Institute for Advanced Medical Discovery. I had no idea what they did exactly as their web page lacked a lot of vital information, other than they're the preeminent leader in medical and DNA research. It was all very vague. The institute started 35 years ago by a Mary T. Kendricks and its current CEO was apparently her granddaughter, also called Mary. What I could discover is that they're highly regarded in the medical field. Dr. Jensen was quite excited about being able to get a meeting, albeit via Zoom, even though Institute was only an hour away. Dr. Jensen was a little surprised, because apparently they don't meet with just anyone, but she was elated.

And the day of the meeting, we met Dr. Jensen in a conference room at the hospital. The meeting was scheduled for 10:00 am and we arrived a few minutes early. Right at the top of the hour, the TV screen flickered and there were three people on the other side, including the CEO herself.

Dr. Jensen said, "Hello. Thank you so much for allowing us to meet with you."

Mary Kendricks said, "Oh you're very welcome. Before we begin, some introductions. To my right is Dr. Eliza Stanton, our lead geneticist, and to my left is Dr. Roger Brown, our medical director and my right hand here."

Dr. Jensen made the introductions on our end of me and RJ and then she began. She explained what happened, the timeline, as well as all the sexual aspects of what's occurred. Something we had all agreed would be discussed. By this time I knew for sure that she and RJ had sex, but we didn't mention it. The only thing mentioned was her hyper arousal being around RJ. Despite the embarrassment of revealing it, I was glad it was out in the open, especially if helped my son.

Mary and her team sat silently as Dr. Jensen went through it all, which took about 20-30 minutes. After she was done, Mary asked for a moment and the three people at the Institute conferred with one another while on mute. I could tell it was bit heated, but Mary appeared to adamant about something. Then she turned to the camera and turned off the mute.

"I apologize for that, but I was trying to get us all to agree before we went further here. However, despite Dr. Brown's vehement disagreement, I'm going to lay it all out on you. I truly feel you need to know."

I guess my face showed fear because Mary then said, "Mrs. Davenport, there's no need to be afraid, but we are I uncharted territory here. So please let me explain fully.

"RJ is not the only one who has been affected in a, shall we say, unique way. He's actually the fourth person we've been in contact with and, if not for Dr. Jensen, we may never have discovered him. Now the accident happened on May 27th at around 8:30 pm, correct?"

We all nodded yes.

"Now everyone who has been affected have all experienced the same after affects in being in a coma for a period of time and the changes occurring slowly. I will say that everyone we have discovered that have been changing are, well, they're not changing in the same way. They're...."

Dr. Brown interrupted and said, "I once again must object here. You should not say anything. Revealing patient details is quite..."

Mary looked at him with a withering glare and cut in, "YES, I know full well about patient confidentiality, but, as you recall, they all gave their permission to allow us to speak freely about this in hopes of finding a cure."

Taking a deep breath and turning back to us, she said, "I apologize, this has been an ongoing disagreement here, one I thought had been resolved." Upon hearing that, Dr. Brown turned red, but remained silent.

"Now, as I saying before I was rudely interrupted, there are others who have undergone.... unique changes. All of them are currently here at the Institute and we're trying our best to discover what happened and if we can help them in some way. I must be honest, so far we're at a loss as to why this has happened and why it's just happened to these 3, pardon me, 4 people. All we DO know is that the people who have been affected are all within immediate area and it all happened at the exact same time. Otherwise, they're all different ages, they all lead completely different lives, and are not genetically related, at least not in the 3 we've tested so far. It is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma."

I finally spoke up and asked, "So is there anything at all you can tell us as to what might heal my son??"

This time Dr. Stanton spoke up and said, "Mrs. Davenport, I'm not going to lie. I wish I could give you a definitive answer, but, at this time, we're as confused as Dr. Jensen is. However, we're confident that we'll figure it out. We have one of the best medical research facilities in the world and, once we set our mind to it, we will get to the bottom of it."

Finally RJ asked, "Can you make me the way I was?"

All three on the screen looked at one another before Dr. Brown said, "We don't know. What has happened may be irreversible, but we're doing further research."

I said, "Thank you for your honesty, even though it's not what we had hoped to hear."

RJ then said, "I'm curious, what changes have the others had to deal with?"

Mary said, "Good question. You've all experienced dramatic changes, but, as I said, all differently. Our first patient is a 92 year old great grandmother of 4, grandmother of 10, and mother of 3 who has de-aged to what we guess to be around 25. Not only de-aged, but... well, the best way to describe it is that she's turning into a bimbo. The pure fantasy representation of what a bimbo looks like and acts like. Exaggerated breasts, big lips, etc. The other two are a married couple in their early 20's who have swapped sexes. At first we though they swapped minds, but, no, their bodies have changed. Male is female, female is male. And, once again, some exaggerated features. He.. I mean, SHE has very large breasts, very shapely. And HE is very muscular and has a very large penis. And, like you, they're all hyper sexual."

Dr. Jensen finally said, "And all three are there at the Institute currently?"

Mary nodded and said, "Yes. We have housing set up on campus and we're monitoring everything. Their residences are all equipped with sensors and medical scanners that track everything that goes on. There are cameras set up in the living room and kitchen as well, but those are the only two areas.

"Now the big question is this: RJ, do you want to come to the Institute to see if we can help you? You will be treated very well, but we will require that you agree to have tests run on you. And there will be quite a few tests run. You can come and go as you please of course, but it would make things easier for you and us if you lived on campus."

I was about to object before RJ spoke up and said, "I'll do it!"

I turned to him and said, "I won't allow it! No! I won't let you be some... some.... some lab rat!"

He turned to me and said, "Mom, I'm 18. I'm an adult. I want to do this. I need to! I can't live like... like this! Yeah, in the beginning I loved it and all the sex has been fucking awesome. I know, language... But, dammit, I need to do something!"

I looked at him and all I could see is fear and determination in his face. I then, with great trepidation, said, "Fine. But I'm moving in with him, so we will need a two bedroom."

After thinking for a second or two, Mary said, "Excellent, we can agree to that. I'll get my people on it right away. Dr. Jensen, we will keep you fully informed with what we're doing of course. Now let's go over a few of the details..."

For the next hour or so Mary Kendricks went over what we should expect and both Drs. Brown and Stanton went over what tests would be performed and answered any questions we had. In the end, I was far more comfortable with what was to possibly come, albeit still a tad nervous.

The next few days were whirlwind. I let Cece know what was going on and asked her to keep an eye on the house for me as I had no idea how long we'd be gone. I arranged with my job to work remotely as much as possible, something Mary was a bit reluctant to let me do because she was concerned about security at the Institute, but acquiesced when RJ said he wouldn't go unless I was able to do it. I'd still have to go into the office on occasion, but not often. Papers were signed, medical forms by the dozens were filled out, releases were signed, on and on and on... Thankfully my law background helped us get through it all. Once done, I felt relieved and I was glad we were being proactive. I finally got my first decent night's sleep in months.

One week after the meeting, we headed off to the Kendricks Institute, hoping to find an answer, not knowing we'd find a lot more than we bargained for...​
Next page: Chapter 02.1
Previous page: Chapter 01.1