Chapter 02.1
Carol Freemont was having the time of her life. Who knew that being a slut could be so liberating? In all her 92 years, she never realized just how much she loved being pounded by 3 cocks at once! And the orgasms! So many and so fucking good! She wanted more and more and more... God, this was the best thing that ever happened to me, she thought. More cock, I need more yummy cock!
How we got there...
My name is Josh Lincoln and I guess I need to be the one to tell this accounting of my great-grandmother, Carol, and what happened on her 92nd birthday and the weeks that followed.
We all call her GG. When I was born and she became a great grandmother, someone, we don't know who, started calling her GG and the nickname stuck. Anyway, let me back up a moment, as I said, my name is Josh. I'm 23, trying to figure out life out of the military currently. My mom (Lori) is GG's first grandchild. My mom's dad was GG's first born. I am not going to go into all the details in terms of all the family members, like all the names and ages, there are WAY too many of us, but GG had 3 children. Granddad and two great aunts. They all had kids, a lot of them. My mom has 2 sisters.
Anyway, getting all of us together for any family event is a huge pain in the ass. Mainly because everyone is spread out all over the country, plus you have the typical family drama. The last time everyone was together, and I mean everyone, was for great-granddad's funeral when I was nearly 3 years old and my sister Cheryl was only a month old. I obviously do not remember any of it, but I was told GG was the strongest of everyone. She had just lost the man she had spent a lifetime with and she was more concerned that everyone else was doing fine.
Now a bit about GG, my great granddad, and their life: Even at her advanced age, GG is incredibly vivacious, sharp as a tack, and suffers fools lightly. I know this because she told me so! She met Andrew Freemont while she was still in high school and they secretly dated for a few years as he was 5 years older than her. Two days after she turned 18, 1 week after she had graduated from high school, they eloped. Now when they got married, she had no intention of being housewife. Sure she stayed home after the birth of her 3 children, but when the youngest turned 4, GG decided that she wanted to go to college, which Andrew was 100% behind. Quite the forward thinking man at the time! She started taking evening courses over the next few years in order to earn her a degree in teaching. After she graduated, she got a job at the local grade school and loved every moment of it.
From how GG told it to us, their life together was perfect, though it wasn't easy in the beginning. Apparently holding down a job was difficult for my great-granddad, but when my grandfather was 2 Andrew Freemont met the right man at the right place at the right time. And that is when he started working at the bank. By the time he was in his late 40's he was part owner and ran 4 separate branches. When he retired at 65, he was incredibly wealthy. And when great-granddad retired, so did she at the age of 60. For the next decade of his retirement, he and GG traveled A LOT. Unfortunately, he developed some health issues which caused them to stop travelling as much as they did and essentially remained homebodies for the final 2 years of his life. He passed away peacefully at the age of 77. When his will was read, a lot of the family was shocked. Let's just say many didn't get what they assumed they'd get.
Now when my great granddad passed, everyone thought for sure GG wouldn't be far behind. I mean, they had been married over 54 years and together almost 57. However, here we are 20 years later and she's still going strong. I know for a few years she tutored a little to just keep busy. Eventually she did have to slow down a bit, which is when, post-divorce, my mom, my sister, and I all moved in with GG. I was just about to be a sophomore in high school.
After I had graduated and joined the Coast Guard, I found out GG sold my mom the house "just in case". There was a huge uproar in the family over it, but GG reminded them it was her house and her decision and that was that. What the family didn't know is she sold it for $1. Regardless, it was still considered GG's house.
So after spending 4 years in the military, I knew it wasn't a career for me. I enjoyed it, but once I did 4 years, I was done. I moved back home and tried to find a job. I held down a few, but they were mostly temporary jobs. I applied to the Firefighter Training Academy, but I'm on a waitlist currently. So for now, I do what I can. Mostly I'm at home with GG a lot. It was during this time she told me that she wanted to have a big family get together for her birthday. Even though it wasn't a "special one", she just wanted it. Who was I to deny her? So I took up the task of getting everyone together. The planning started just before Thanksgiving and her birthday was in mid-June. Long story short, I was actually able to everyone to agree to Memorial Day weekend and for the party to be on May 27th, 2 weeks before her actual birthdate! Trust me, it was a minor miracle.
Even though I was technically the organizer of it, my mom and sister were the actual party planners. The house was definitely big enough to hold the party because of the massive backyard, plus the back deck was one of GG's favorite places to sit. So my mom hired a caterer, as well as an official party organizer. Tables and chairs were rented. She even hired a cover band who played 50's and 60's music, GG's favorite. And everything went as well as could be hoped. Everyone had a great time, we even got GG to dance a bit to the music. Yeah, there were some disagreements here and there (family, y'know?), but overall a fun time was had by all.
After the last family member had left and the party organizer had broken down everything, mom and GG were just sitting outside enjoy the light breeze. I came out to ask if they wanted anything before I sat down to chill and catch up on "Billions". Mom wanted a glass of wine and GG just wanted some lemonade "if there was any left" and I said sure, I'd get it.
As I turned to go back in, mom got up to follow me. Just as we entered the house, there was a loud CRACK and I felt like I was hit by some force that flung me and my mom into the kitchen. Luckily, we weren't injured too badly, though my mom struck her head and she was stunned. I looked outside and I saw GG laid out on the deck. I got up as quickly as I could, albeit on shaky legs, and rushed to her side. At this time Cheryl had rushed downstairs to see what happened and I yelled at her to call 911.
I reached down to GG and I could tell she wasn't breathing and I started doing CPR. I didn't notice it at the time, but when I touched her, there was a slight tingle. I have no idea how long I gave her CPR, but when the EMTs arrived, thankfully she was breathing, though it was very shallow. Once they loaded both my mom and GG into the ambulance, Cheryl and I followed them to the hospital. On the way there, Cheryl called as many family members as she could.
The next few hours in the waiting room was incredibly nerve-wracking. Finally around midnight we met with a doctor. He informed us that GG did have some injuries, mainly bruises, but otherwise fine. However, she was currently in a coma and they had no idea when or if she'd ever come out of it. He was a little curious about the "strange EEG" readings, but not overly concerned.
The entire family was a constant presence in the waiting room as we all took shifts visiting GG over the next few days. Eventually those who travelled needed to get back to their lives, but my mom, Cheryl, and I remained. The entire time she was in the hospital, I thought she looked a little different every time I came in to see her, but I thought it just my imagination. However, I could swear she was looking a little younger, not as many wrinkles, and her hair was turning from gray to a very light blonde.
30 days after the accident, she finally awoke from her coma, confused. She was fine. She was happy, almost giddy. After a battery of tests were run on her, she was finally allowed to leave the hospital a week after she woke up. The doctors were surprised at how quickly she recovered, it was as if she hadn't even been in a coma. Even I was a bit surprised at the energy she had, but I chalked it up to her just wanting to get home.
Once home, GG decided to just go to her room and rest, I just assumed she probably pushed it a little too much. I told her I'd bring her something to drink and watched her head off. Is her butt looking a bit more shapely? I shook it off and got her a glass of water and let her rest.
Now I wish I could say that I immediately saw what was going on, but that's a lie. Everything I did see, I just brushed it off as my imagination. Unfortunately, during this time I was working and I didn't see much of her. However, it was also at this time that I was to be gone for a few weeks for job training at the firefighter academy downstate. (Yep, got in!) I was reluctant to go, but everyone encouraged me. GG was fine, they said. So off I went. I wish I hadn't...
Now the reason I had to go downstate was because the local firefighter academy didn't currently have a slot for me and wouldn't for a few weeks. So rather than delay my training, they arranged to send me away until a slot opened. 3 weeks later one did open up and I headed back home. When I entered the house, my mother and sister were arguing with a woman I had never seen before. A drop dead gorgeous woman with long blonde hair, almost a bright yellow, plump lips, maybe about 5'5", massive knockers, and an ass that deserved to be smacked. She wasn't dressed provocatively, but I didn't think any clothing would hide the fact that she just oozed sex.
I plopped my bag down and walked over to see what the deal was, then I heard Cheryl call her "Gigi". Interesting name I thought, until it dawned on me that she meant "GG". THEN I saw it! She was GG, but she was completely changed! HOW in the hell...? They then saw me.
Cheryl ran over to me and said, "Josh, oh thank God you're here, we need your help!"
I stuttered and said, "Uh... y-yeah, I see. What happened? How..? When?"
My mom said, "We don't know what's happening! We're trying to get her to go see the doctor, but she's refusing to go!"
I then heard a giggle and I looked toward GG. She winked at me and started manhandling her boobs, blowing me a kiss in the process.
I had no idea what the fuck was going on, but I said we're going NOW and all three of us literally grabbed her and we piled into my car.
On the way to the doctor's office, GG kept whining about how she didn't want to go. She was fine. She was horny. She needed to be fucked. And, God help me, my cock twitched every time she spoke. It took all my willpower to not pull the car over and rip those clothes off of her. However, my focus was strong and we got her to the doctor without incident.
As I hit the warm air, the feelings I had subsided, but not the need. We all guided her into the building and got her to doctor's office. As we sat and waited, she pouted. I kept looking at her and I was amazed at the extreme change. My 92-year old great-grandmother was gone and in her place was this sexpot. I guessed that she looked to be in her 20's now. I could see my GG in her features, but barely. Her eyes were the same deep blue, but now they almost sparkled. I also realized that the more I looked at her, the stronger the sexual urge was getting. I had no idea what was going on, why was I sexually attracted to my great-grandmother?
Thankfully the nurse called GG's name and we all got up to go in, but the nurse said only two could go in with her. I figured both my mom and sister would want to go in, but Cheryl asked me to go because she couldn't handle any more stress.
I nervously sat in the examination room and my mom and GG talked. Hearing the conversation was odd. GG kept talking about needing sex, my mom kept trying to get her to relax. Meanwhile, my dick wouldn't go down and I was uncomfortable. But after about 5 or 10 minutes, the doctor entered (Dr. Julia Pearson) and the tensions eased a bit.
I then heard what I had missed. In the 3 weeks I was gone GG completely transformed in the woman that sat on the examination table. In that time, my mom and sister caught her having sex with 3 different men and her sexual appetite seemed to be increasing. Dr. Pearson asked GG all sorts questions and the woman I knew was still there based on the answers, but the way she answered was off. She was giggly, almost flirty, her voice was higher pitched than I remembered. When it came to the physical examination, I exited, but GG winked at me and wanted me to remain. I didn't stay, though I really wanted to.
15 minutes later I was told I could re-enter and then Dr. Pearson gave us the run down as to what she saw.
"Well, as far as I can see, Mrs. Freemont is perfectly healthy. Blood pressure, etc., are all normal. However, the extreme physical changes are unexplainable. I have no explanation how a woman of 92 can now look like a woman in her early 20's. I've drawn blood and I'm going to call in a specialist to see what they might suggest. Thankfully I know someone who can be here in about 30 minutes as they're currently in the hospital adjacent to this office. Are you able to wait that long?"
My mom said, "Yes, whatever it takes. We need to get to the bottom of this!"
"Excellent. Let me go and make that call. You can wait here if you like or go back into waiting room if that's more comfortable."
We opted to remain here, but my mom followed the doctor out so she could tell Cheryl what was going on. Leaving me alone with GG.
As soon as the door closed, GG hopped off the table, rushed up to me, and kissed me before I could say a word. That kiss... wow. I knew who she was, but at that point my head was swimming. The way she kissed me was unlike anything I've ever experienced. Her tongue worked its way in and she hungrily probed my mouth. And just as I thought it couldn't get any better, she immediately dropped to her knees, undid my pants with such expertise that a hooker would be proud, and she pulled out my very hard dick.
I know I should've stopped her, but at that point my sex-addled brain was just focused on getting blown. Now I'm not the biggest guy around, but I have a nice 7" dick. I've been told it's a bit thicker than average, but I've never compared myself with anyone else. But there was my great-grandmother, on her knees, about to blow me, and she just took it all in at once. No stopping, just immediate deep throat. I groaned loudly as she did that and then she just started bobbing up and down on it.
I was in heaven. I've never had such a fantastic blow job in my life. I knew I wouldn't long, but I think that's what she wanted. She was relentless. Her hands held on to my ass as she kept sucking. I could feel my balls start to boil and I knew I was close. I tried to warn her, but she doubled down on what she was doing. I've never seen a woman bob her head so fast, it was unreal. I then exploded in her mouth and I could swear she also came when I did so. She sucked out every drop of cum she could. She then let my softening dick go, pulled up my pants, re-did them with ease, and then jumped back on the table as if nothing had happened.
As I plopped back down in my chair, she said, as she licked her lips, "Oh you're tasty. I need more of you. giggle Next time I want you to fuck the living shit out of my cunt."
Before I could say a word, my mom re-entered.
"Everything ok?" she asked.
I nodded and stammered out a yes.
20 awkward minutes later, Dr. Pearson walked back in with another doctor.
Dr. Pearson said, "This is Dr. Eliza Stanton of The Kendricks Institute for Advanced Medical Discovery. I thought your case might be something she'd be interested in. She the lead geneticist at the Institute."
One thing I noticed first about Dr. Stanton was that she was very tall. I stand at 6 foot even, but she was even taller than me. The next thing I noticed was her deep green eyes behind her glasses. Thirdly I noticed that she was very blunt in her discussing my great-grandmother.
"Yes, thank you for bringing me in Julia. I've gone over your notes and think we at the institute can definitely help to discover what has happened to Mrs. Freemont. While her case is obviously quite unique, the people at the Institute are incredibly capable and we have the most advanced medical equipment anywhere in the world. Ms. Kendricks spares no expense."
The next few minutes we all sat there listening to Dr. Stanton explain the virtues of bringing GG to the Institute, what they can do, etc. In the end we agreed it was probably for the best, though GG disagreed. "I feel fiiiiiine....," GG whined as she rolled her eyes.
Try as we might, we could not convince her at all. And since she was still apparently of sound mind, we couldn't force a power of attorney on her. In the end we told Dr. Stanton we'd keep trying to convince her and she shrugged her shoulders and walked out, but not before handing me a card. "Call me when she's gotten worse," she curtly said.
The trip home was a long one. Mom and I sat in the front and talked about what to do, while Cheryl tried to keep GG occupied as best as she could. It was like listening to a ditzy blonde talk when GG talked now. The once highly intelligent woman I used to know was now a ditzy bimbo.
The next few days were rough on us all. One of us always had to keep an eye on her, otherwise she'd sneak out of the house and seek out new sexual playmates. Thankfully once piece of good new we received was that, despite her new found youth, she was unable to have children. So even if she did get out, no fear for an unwanted pregnancy.
During this time I settled into a nice routine. Still going to the academy 5 days a week, while taking over GG watch on the weekends and most evenings. I did notice I had to keep my distance from her though. Every time I got with a few feet of her, my mind went directly to sex and I knew I could lose myself in it if I let it. But 9 days after the doctor visit, I lost the battle.
I woke up on a Saturday morning and it looked like it was going to be any other day. I got up, showered, dressed, and went down for breakfast. Usually it's all of us, but this time it was just my mom and GG. By now GG wasn't even bother to cover up much. It seemed like her boobs grew even bigger and she started wearing extremely revealing clothing.
My mom said, "Honey, I knew this is difficult for you, but I need a huge favor of you today. I have something to do for work and I need to go in for a few hours. Do you think you can handle GG today on your own?"
As I sat down, I said, "Um, yeah, sure, but where's Cheryl?"
"She said she needed a break and went away for a day trip to Galena, but she may not be back until tomorrow."
I sighed heavily and said, "Ok. We'll be fine."
GG giggled and winked at me and my dick lurched.
Mom kissed me on the cheek and said, "Thank you, honey." And she was gone.
I got up quickly, grabbed a cup of coffee and kept my distance from GG. I knew the new few hours would be the most difficult of my life, but I had to do it.
Now GG was looking at me with a sly grin and she bit her bottom lip. She said, "Mmmm, so it's just you and me today? GG needs some more of your yummy cum. giggle This body needs to be used and fucked."
I gulped and tried to think of anything else. I couldn't just walk out, I had to keep her within sight of me. I finally said, "Um, GG, you know we can't do that, I'm your great-grandson!"
She giggled again and said, "I know, that's why it makes so Goddamn fucking hot. Now come take this whore. I can see how much you do by that bulge."
I knew she was right, I was rock hard. I didn't understand why, but every time I was around her now, all I could feel was arousal. And then I made my mistake, I turned my back on her to place the cup down on the counter. As I did that she got up and came over to me. I turned around again and she grabbed hold of me. Kissing me again like she did in the doctor's office, but this time there far more hunger to it. I tried to push her away, but my mind was losing focus. I was weakening, even though I knew it was wrong.
We stood there and kissed for minutes, her hands all over me and mine all over her. By now I was so lost in my lust, I no longer cared. I didn't care who this woman was any more, I needed to fuck her, to ravish her, to pummel her hot cunt into submission. I picked her up and she squealed like a little girl. As I rushed her into my bedroom I could hear her whispering in my ear, "it's about fucking time."
I threw her on to my bed and started to tear off my clothes, while she ripped hers off. In seconds we were both completely naked and I finally saw all the changes. Her boobs were perfect. Huge nipples and dark areolas. Her waist was tiny, but her ass was huge. The perfect bimbo body was right there in front of me and it was all mine.
I nearly leapt on to the bed and she laid back with her legs spread wide. I wasn't kind when I drove my hard dick right into her. When I hit bottom she hissed a loud "YESSSSS" and I started to fuck her like there was no tomorrow.
For the longest time the only noises were the slapping of our bodies and her loud screams and moans. She kept urging me to fuck her harder, use her, enjoy the slut she had become. With every thrust into her, I could tell she was orgasming. Her body was a pure sex toy and every movement was pleasure for her. It wasn't long before I knew I was going to cum. I then began to fuck her even harder, which drove her over the edge. And when I started to fill her with cum, she screamed even louder with the biggest orgasm I've ever felt a woman experience.
But we weren't done.
Once I stopped cumming, she deftly moved out from under me and took my softening dick into her mouth. Licking and cleaning our juices off of it. It didn't take long until I was hard once again and this time she was on her hands and knees.
"Take my ass! Take my ass! Take my ass!" is all she could say. Her hands spreading her ass cheeks and I barely gave it a thought as I plunged right on in. She was tight but very slick. And, like her pussy, I began to pummel her. I grabbed hold of her hips and I just took her for all she was worth.
I reached down and grabbed her hair, pulled her back and I felt her body tense up again with another massive orgasm. She kept saying over and over again, "GG loves yummy cock!" It was like her mantra.
Now I realize I probably should've been tiring by a certain point, but it was as if I was possessed. No matter what, I was going to keep pounding this ass until it was filled with cum. And for the next 20 minutes, that's exactly what I did until I exploded. And, just like last time, GG deftly moved off of me and took my dick into my mouth. She didn't care where it was just seconds before.
She pushed me down on to the bed and really started to get to work. Her mouth working my dick like it was her last meal. If I had been more clear minded, I might have realized at this point my dick was a bit larger than normal, but I didn't. All that mattered at that point was her getting me to cum a third time, this time in her mouth.
She went from deep throating me to licking and sucking on my balls and then back to sucking my dick. Never in my life have I ever seen or felt a woman do what she was doing. Her head was moving up and down at a speed I never thought possible, but I wasn't going to stop her. At one point, in an effort to push me over the edge, she slipped a finger into my anus and I bucked. So now she was sucking my dick and fingering my ass. It was glorious. And when she started to massage my prostate, I lost it. I came with such force I shoved my dick as deep as I could into her mouth, but she didn't budge. She swallowed every drop of what was pumping into her mouth. I then passed out, completely exhausted.
I don't know how long I was out, but it was long enough for her to get dressed and leave. I didn't have time to think about what had just happened, despite a massive headache I was now experiencing. I quickly dressed and ran out of the house. Thankfully my car was still in the driveway, so I know she hadn't gotten too far.
I was about to jump into the car when I heard a loud noises next door at the Lynch's. I then recognized GG's voice. I didn't bother running around to the front of the house, I just jumped the chain link fence and ran into the house. And there I saw GG's face buried deep into Megan Lynch's pussy and Megan in the throes of pleasure with what GG was doing.
Now I had every intention of grabbing GG and getting her out of there, but once again my mind started to lose focus and all I could think of was sex. I saw GG's ass sticking up in the air and I just couldn't ignore it, no matter how hard I might have wanted to try. In seconds was undressed and plunging my rock hard dick into GGs pussy and she came immediately. I heard her muffle out a "it's about time!" as I fucked her.
By now the kitchen was filled with Megan's loud moaning from what GG was doing and from me grunting as I fucked GG again. For the next 15 minutes or so it was me pounding her while she and Megan kept cumming. Eventually I came a fourth time and filled up GG. This time, however, she did not move around to take my dick in her mouth. No, this time she moved, grabbed Megan by the hair, and forced Megan into her cum-filled pussy. Megan didn't even complain and she hungrily dug in. Watching this spectacle, I started to get hard again and there was Megan's sweet ass up in the air. GG, despite her constant orgasming, saw what I was about to do and yelled out, "Yes, fuck her ass!!!" And I did.
Unlike GG, Megan's ass had apparently never been fucked before, but she didn't stop me. Matter of fact, she came as I plunged into her virgin hole. She was so incredibly tight, I knew I wouldn't last long, even though I had already cum 4 times in such a short time.
When I grabbed her hips and fucked her hard, I barely lasted a few minutes before I pumping cum in her. And when I was finished, I felt her collapse beneath me, my dick popping free, and her face still buried in GG's pussy.
I stumbled back a bit and felt my head clearing. Realizing what was happening, I moved even further back away from GG. Once clear, I sat there and watched. GG was still playing with her pussy, occasionally lifting her fingers up to her mouth and tasting our combined juices. I knew I needed to get her home, but I also knew if I got too close to her what would happen. So I took a chance. I grab a towel, got it damp, and wrapped it around my face. I was hoping that whatever it was that was affecting me was airborne and that this would help. As I got closer, it seemed to be working.
I was finally able to get dressed and then get something on GG. As we slowly walked back to our house, she kept begging me to fuck her some more. The more she begged, the more she giggled. She kept saying how much her little cunny needed a big hard cock in it. On and on and on...
Once home, I took her to her room. Thankfully, she seemed to be exhausted with all the activity and feel asleep immediately. I kept her door open, just to make sure she didn't go anywhere.
Once I plopped down in the couch, I was finally able to think clearly. I had no idea what happened, but I did know I was sore, especially my dick. All my muscles ached and my head felt like I just got over a bender. What the fuck did I do and why couldn't I stop myself?? I thought.
I eventually got up, groaning from the aches, and headed to bathroom to examine my dick. I walked past GG's room and she was still passed out on her bed. Once in the bathroom, I removed my clothes and was shocked by what I saw. My dick was rubbed raw from all the fucking, but that wasn't the surprising thing. No, my dick appeared to be a bit bigger now. Nah, it had to be my imagination.
I cleaned up a bit, got redressed, and went back into the living room to wait for Mom to get home. We had to talk.
3 hours later my mom walked through the door. I had dozed off and on as I waited, occasionally checking in on GG. Fortunately, it was a quiet 3 hours.
When mom walked in, she took one look at me and said, "Ok, what's wrong?"
I wasn't sure how much to tell her, but I knew I needed to tell her everything. So with extreme nervousness on my part, I told her everything that I could remember. At first she was shocked and appalled, then sympathetic, then scared about what Megan Lynch might do. I admit I hadn't thought of that, I was more concerned about getting GG home. Trust me, it's not easy telling your mother that you just had sex with your great-grandmother.... but she took it in stride.
Once I finished, my mom said, "I don't care what GG wants, she's going to the Institute as soon as I can make it happen!"
The next few days were a flurry of activity. Cheryl was told what had happened. She was disgusted with the incest part, but sympathetic that I wasn't in my right mind. Even still, she steered clear of me for a short time. I was also to never be alone with GG just in case. I was good with that. Meanwhile, mom contacted Megan Lynch to see what could be done to not get GG in trouble. In turns out that Megan is a drunk and she thought it was just some dream she had. We left it at that. Then mom made a few phone calls to get power of attorney in order to get GG to the Institute. And without going into great detail, she was finally able to get one after meeting with a judge and telling him about her manic sexual attacks. Now we just had to get GG to the Institute without incident.
Yeah, that didn't happen.
2 days before we were to take her there, she, for the lack of a better term, escaped custody. We thought we had everything locked down in the house, but we forgotten that this was HER house and she knew all its secrets. We missed a spot in the closet where it was connected to another bedroom. She slipped out of her bedroom to the other room and climbed out the window.
We didn't notice she was gone until the morning.
Now this next part I was able to piece together from what I was told by GG and the others that were involved. So here we go...
Once GG got out, she stole mom's car. Her first stop was an all night store to get some clothes that she felt were more appropriate to her new look. She used mom's debit card, which she had also stolen, bought a few sexy outfits that showed off her new assets. She was barely legally dressed. That night she wore a short red dress that came down to her mid thigh with a plunging neckline. Black 6" heels. And that was it. No underwear at all.
Her next stop was the ATM where she withdrew as much as she could. She hit 2 of them.
Then she dumped the car, used my cell phone, yes it was stolen too, to get an Uber. He dropped her off at an odd location, but she was then able to walk to the nearest "no tell motel", where she booked a room. She paid in cash.
Now within walking distance of this motel were a few establishments. A couple of bars, an "adult emporium" (that's what they called) it, an adult bookstore, and some restaurants. Her first stop after the motel room was the adult bookstore. She set herself up in one of the booths which had a gloryhole. And for the next hour or so she sucked a lot of cock and downed a lot of cum.
When she tired of that, she went to one of the bars. The moment she walked in, every eye was on her. Men and women alike. She sauntered up to the bar, sat down, and just looked around. She flashed a smile at everyone who looked at her. In moments she had 3 drinks in front of her from "admirers". She downed all thee drinks and asked who it was that sent them. Three guys walked up to her. A fight nearly broke out, but she calmed them all down apparently. My guess is whatever affected me also affected them as well.
Anyway, the four of them went back to her motel room and they all had fun with her. They were going at it for hours. Every one of her holes were filled multiple times. At one point, they tried stuffing two dicks at once into her pussy. She kept moaning loudly and saying, "More cock, I need more yummy cock!"
Eventually the three men all stumbled out on her room to head home, but she wasn't done yet.
She showered, changed into a new dress that was even more revealing than the previous one. It was basically nothing but straps that barely covered her body, but just enough to be legal. She again had on her new 6" heels. She then headed over to the adult emporium. Stopping along the way to give one man a blowjob in his car because he thought she was a prostitute.
Once in the emporium, she discovered it was a glorified adult movie theater/book store with private rooms. Being a woman, she got in free. By now it was nearly midnight and things were just getting started. As she wandered around, every eye was on her. And she was loving every moment of it. She was so wet from all the attention, it was literally dripping down her legs.
At some point she and a few couples were in a large room together. She was the center of attention. Between her legs was one of the women, eating out her pussy. GG kept sucking as many dicks as she could, eventually getting covered entirely in cum. She kept scooping up globs of it off her body and licking it off her fingers. By the time she had to leave at closing time, she covered head to toe in cum. She dragged one of the women back with her to her motel room and the discovered that she wasn't a woman, but a fully functional transwoman. GG was in heaven.
The next morning GG said good bye to her latest lover. Took another shower, got dressed in yet another new outfit. A very revealing grey sweater dress that hid nothing. Again with the heels.
She went out to breakfast and definitely caught the attention of everyone, especially the families. She smiled and flirted with everyone.
By now mom and I had caught up with her. She hadn't turned off my phone and we were able to track it.
When we got to the restaurant, she waved us over as if nothing was wrong. Mom was close to going apocalyptic on her, but I calmed her down considering where we were. So the three of us sat there and had breakfast as if there was nothing wrong. Of course, being this close to GG I was sporting a raging hard on, but I was able to keep focus. I suspect mom was also feeling something, but I was focused on not doing something..
We eventually got her home and, this time, we made sure she was going nowhere. But GG was happy to be home and went right to bed and fell asleep quickly.
Once we were settled in, mom and I collapsed on the couch, thoroughly exhausted. Mom leaned her had on my shoulder and she completely relaxed. Unfortunately, even with GG nowhere in sight, I was still sporting a hard on. I tried to ignore it, but couldn't. I kept shifting and mom finally said, "Look, if you're going to keep moving around, I'm just going to lay someplace else."
I was about to say something and then she kissed me. Just like how GG kissed me. I should've pulled away, but I was too horny. She was just as affected as I had been.
We stumbled to her bedroom, undressed quickly, and resumed kissing. Now before this, I had absolutely no sexual feelings towards my mom, but now I wanted her. I wanted her in every way possible. I stopped kissing her long enough to admire the woman who stood before me and I was in awe. She was in outstanding shape for a woman in her 50's. Very slim, small pert boobs with big nipples, a shaved pubic area. I pulled her on the bed, spread her legs, and dove in. I licked and tongued her pussy for a very long time, bringing her to many orgasms. By the time I was finished doing that, my face was drenched in her pussy juices. She then turned the tables on me and she started sucking my dick.
It was then I saw how much bigger I was. It wasn't just my imagination. Before I was 7", but now I was a bit bigger than 8" and noticeably thicker. Mom took it like a champ and giving me the second best blowjob I've ever had. As good as it felt, I did not want to cum in her mouth, I wanted to fuck her. So I told her to stop and climb on me. She moaned slightly when I asked her to stop, but she did as I asked. She slid up my body, situating herself to start riding be cowgirl style. With one fluid motion, she sat down on me and took my full length deep in her pussy.
I grabbed her ass and then began to pound her for all she was worth. She moaned, screamed, squeaked, and came multiple times. As I was getting close to cumming, I told her and she quickly got off of me and took my dick in her mouth once again. It didn't take long and I filled her mouth. I came so much that some spurted out and down her chin. She released my dick and used a finger to captured what she had nearly missed.
She then laid down next to me, snuggled up, and we both slept.
I have no idea how long we slept, but when I woke up mom was gone. I then heard the shower. I got out of bed, grabbed my boxers, slid them on, and walked over to the bathroom door. I knocked lightly and said, "Hey, everything ok?"
Mom said, "Oh God, yes!"
I was relieved! I then said, "Ok, so do you want some company or...?"
She laughed and said, "No, not now. Cheryl will be home soon and we both need to be presentable."
I reluctantly agreed and told her I was going to use the other bathroom to shower.
30 minutes later I walked out of my room as Cheryl walked in the house. We said hello and then mom joined us.
We all talked about what had happened with GG. Cheryl was stunned to silence with what she was told. I wish GG hadn't been so open about what had happened, but it was like she was proud of what she did. In the end, we all knew it was the right thing to do in getting her to the Institute. Thankfully, she'd be going there the next day.
Now one thing we all three discussed was who was going to stay with her while she was there. The Institute requested one family member join her. Mom couldn't because she couldn't get time off. Cheryl couldn't because of school. That left me. Thankfully I was at a point in my EMT/firefighter training that I could take a short leave. The commandant was aware that I had a family situation with my great-grandmother and he understood. He let me know I would not lose spot.
So the next day a large town car pulled up to the house from the Institute. A tall woman with short brunette hair exited the car and introduced herself as Lee. She helped with the luggage and opened the door for GG. I requested to ride up front with Lee. She told me it was generally against protocol, but understood when I told her that it was for the best and for the safety of both me and GG. I didn't need to go into detail, but Lee nodded, giving me a knowing look.
The ride to the Institute took about an hour or so. The entire time GG kept asking if we were there yet. I kept apologizing to Lee, but she said it was fine.
Once we got there, I was totally amazed at how massive the complex looked. It was as if we were in a small city. Lee drive us right up to the building where GG and I would be staying. I admit I was nervous, but Lee assured me every precaution was being taken to ensure everyone was safe.