Chapter 02.2
When we entered, I saw that she was right. GG and I each had our own little suite. There was a wall of frosted glass between each suite that could be turned clear at the touch of a remote. A remote that I controlled. So GG and I could see each other and still talk if we wanted, while leaving me unaffected by whatever was going on.
Once we got settled in, a Dr. Brown visited us and introduced himself. He mentioned that Dr. Stanton would like for GG to visit her so she could begin running tests as soon as possible. I wasn't needed to join, but could accompany her to see the doctor. I agreed. We then all got into a large golf cart and we sped off to where Dr. Stanton's lab was located.
The next few days were very long and boring for me and very frustrating for GG. The entire time she had been here, she hadn't had sex. Other than masturbating. She was going nuts. Whatever had changed her amped up her sex drive to 11. I knew this, of course, but really didn't think much about it. I could go a week without sex, she couldn't go for more than a couple of days it seemed.
So I did what any reasonable great-grandson would do, I went to her side of the suite and fucked the living daylights out of her. Suffice it to say the doctors weren't happy about it when they found out. However, in explaining the situation, they understood, though they were still displeased.
The next 2 weeks was nothing but tests being run on GG and me fucking her. I noticed the more we fucked, the less I felt like I was losing focus. I was a willing participant in it. Now it just felt like it was something natural.
Of course mom and Cheryl visited when they could. And, yes, mom and I got between the sheets as well whenever we could.
By the end of the third week, a couple moved in across the way in one of the other residences on campus. Two weeks later a very tall, gorgeous redhead and her mother moved in next door. Apparently GG wasn't the only one who had been changed from what I was able to glean from the staff.
Now when GG was in the lab with Drs. Stanton and Brown, I took the opportunity to stay in shape and run. It truly was a gorgeous place. On one of the runs, Lee joined me. It then became our daily routine. I learned that she, too, had been in the military, but the Marines. And like me, realized it wasn't for her. She only joined because that's what her family did. So not only was she a driver, but also part of the security on campus.
Eventually we ended up in bed together. She was fully aware of the relationship I shared with GG and was understanding of it. That didn't stop us from growing close though. She was an incredible woman in every single way. Standing at 5'11", dark brown eyes, muscular but not overly so, perfect 36C breasts with sensitive nipples, and a small tattoo of the marine logo (eagle, globe, and anchor) on her upper right thigh. I thought it was adorable.
With GG and my mom, sex is about hunger and need. With Lee, it was soft and passionate. I readily admit that I was falling in love with her very quickly and she admitted the same to me. However, we still needed to be careful. Plus she reminded me her job came first no matter what. I asked her what she meant by that and she said that I knew exactly what it meant. Unfortunately, as I thought about it, I did know.
Anyway, by the time the gorgeous redheaded Amazon came on campus (I found out later her name was RJ), GG, my mom (when she was there for a visit), and I finally met the woman in charge: Mary Kendricks.
Ms. Kendricks informed us GG was not the only one to have experienced a change of some sort. They were trying to figure out a connection, if any, between everyone, but so far nothing was obvious. She asked for our patience as they continued to research. We could, of course, return home if we wanted, but she asked that we wouldn't because the Institute would need access to GG. GG was quite happy to stay, so the decision was made.
So with all the Changed (our nickname for the 4 people affected) on campus, research was increased. It seemed like every other day a new doctor wanted blood, or wanted to do a scan, or wanted a hair sample. I saw Lee less and less because now security had been increased. I didn't fully understand why, but I accepted it.
When I was able to finally be with Lee one evening, she admitted to me that there was some outside force that had tried to attack the Institute by using a computer virus. The virus stood no chance because the cyber security was even better than the government's, but it meant they needed to be more vigilant. I asked Lee if we needed to worry and she assured me that everyone was safe. And then she proved it by fucking my brains out that night. The next day she was gone, but left a note saying she had a meeting to attend.
(Mary Kendricks' POV)
"Ok, so you called this meeting, Roger. And... ah, Lee, running a bit late I see. Please grab a seat, Dr. Brown was about to tell us something important. Go ahead, Roger."
"Uh, thank you, Ms. Kendricks. Well, as I said, our team made a discovery of sorts. We still do not know what caused these 4 to change the way they did, but I believe that we may have found the event that caused it."
Mary asked, "Event? Was it manmade or natural?"
"Natural we think."
Lee asks, " You think? Is it anything we need to be concerned about..?"
"Oh no, no... what happened was just a one time event from what we can tell and nothing since."
"But?" both Mary and Lee ask at the same time.
"Yes, but... we still don't know WHY."
Mary finally says, "All right, Roger, please tell us what you believe to have happened."
"Oh yes... Um, Marty, could you start the video? Thank you. Now as you can see this is a remote farm area about 50 miles north of us. Recently they discovered something odd in one of the fields. As it turns out they found a large meteor, about the size of a basketball, buried deep within the ground."
Mary interrupts and asks, "What does this have to do with anything, Roger??"
"Ms. Kendricks, I'm getting to it. It seems that this meteor was dug up near the end of May of this year. And the people who dug it up decided to investigate it before bringing in any scientists. So they attempted to drill into it. From what we can gather, they went through many drillbits, ruining them all, before using a diamond tipped one. They drilled in about 2 inches and then it happened. An explosion of light according to witnesses in the area."
Lee asks, "Witnesses? What about the people doing the drilling?"
Dr. Brown says, "Died instantly. But it's WHEN the explosion of light occurred. Just after 8:30 PM on May 27th."
Mary looked at Dr. Brown in disbelief before saying, "Are you sure?"
He nods and says, "100%. But there is one other thing. We know approximately when it hit the Earth. Early February of 1913."
Mary sat up straight, leaned forward and asked, "1913? Why are you so sure?"
Dr. Brown says, "Marty, this is all you."
Marty stands up and nervously says, "W-well.. As we interviewed people about what happened in May, some of the locals started talking about all the strange things happening and how it think it was the rock that hit one of the farms back in 1913. Um.. let me check my notes... oh, yeah, February 9, 1913. It apparently destroyed a barn and killed a few farm animals."
Trying to keep her composure, Mary asks, "You're sure of the date?"
"Yes, ma'am, very sure. Numerous locals all verified it."
Mary sat thinking for a moment, looked at Lee and then Dr. Brown before saying, "Get me that meteor. I don't care how you get it or the cost. You get it here ASAP."
And with that, Mary dismisses the meeting, but asks for Lee to remain behind.
Once everyone has gone, Lee walks over and locks the door and then pulls out a remote. With a push of the button the lights dim and there's an audible hum in the room.
Lee says, "Ok, Mary, we've gone dark. No one can hear or record us."
Mary says, "Lee, I think this is it. Finally. After all these years. I may finally get answers."
"Are you sure you want them? I mean, I know you've always wondered, but..."
"No 'buts', Lee, I need to know. You're the only one who knows my secret and I'm fully trusting you in this endeavor."
"You know you can trust me. You saved my life, or rather when you were Tom, and I owe you more than you'll ever know. The fact you told me about what you can do is something I'll take to my grave."
"I know, Lee, but this.... this is something I never thought possible. An answer."
"Let's not get ahead of ourselves yet. First, we get the meteor. Then we'll see what answers we can get, if any."
"You're right, of course. I'm not usually so rattled, but after hearing the date...."
Lee let the sentence hang there for a moment before saying, "Shall we say anything to the Changed about the meteor?"
"NO... no, not yet. Maybe in time."
Lees nods and asks, "Anything else?"
Mary shakes her head no and dismisses Lee. Lee presses the remote button again and the lights come to full brightness and she exits the room, leaving Mary alone.
Mary leans back In her chair and thinks, Answers after all this time? But do I really want them?
Later that night Lee joined me in bed. Our lovemaking was a bit more aggressive than normal, but I loved it just the same. She kept begging me to fuck her harder and harder until I was pounding her as hard as I could. When she screamed out her orgasm, I could feel her nails dig into my back, which caused me to cum deep inside her.
Afterwards I said, "Ok, so what was that all about?"
Lee looked at me with an intensity I had never seen before and then she said, "It's work related, so I can't say."
"I see. Well, I can't say I understand, but I know you have a job to do. And whatever it is that you're doing that caused you to behave like this tonight, I hope you're safe in doing it."
She kissed me deeply and then said, "Always. Now please hold me. It might be awhile until you can."
That night we slept in each others' arms and in the morning we made love slow love to the chirping of the birds outside the window. We then showered together and she said her goodbyes.
The next few days were quiet. Well, as quiet as it could be with me taking care of GG's urges. But on the sixth day, I saw a black truck enter the campus during my run. It headed down a private road that led to Ms. Kendricks' house. Odd, I thought, I thought I saw Lee in the truck.
Later that night, as I was about to head to bed, I heard a knock on the door. When I opened it, there stood Lee. And she looked like Hell.
I pulled her into my suite, put her on the couch, and got her a glass of water.
Finally I asked, "What the fuck happened?"
She looked at me and said, "I can't.... Look, the past few days were not the best for me. Please understand that I'm unable to tell you what happened and where I went."
I started to say something, but decided against it. All I did was nod my head slowly, even though I wanted to know just what the fuck was happening.
Without a word, Lee took my hand, and we went to my bedroom. There was no sex, she just needed to be held.
The next morning I rolled over and saw that she was still in bed with me and still sleeping. I then noticed that she had some bruises and she looked just a little different, but I couldn't put my finger on it. As I stared at her, she stirred a bit and finally opened her eyes and said, "Hey."
"Hey, yourself."
Taking a deep breath, she then said, "I missed you."
"Missed you, too."
She leaned over and kissed me deeply. It didn't take long then for us to be fucking like rabbits. I know I was rough on her, probably because I was frustrated by all the secrets, but I just knew she needed it, too. I spent nearly 15 minutes jackhammering the hell out of her pussy before cumming deep in her as she orgasmed.
Afterwards, we both fell asleep again, but the next time I awoke she was gone. This time, however, she left me a note saying we'll have dinner together that night.
I laid in bed for a few more minutes before finally getting up and jumping in the shower. When I exited the bathroom a few minutes later, there was GG in my bedroom, completely naked with a very lustful look. My cock twitched when I looked at her, but I could tell something was a little different. Before I could say or do anything, she dropped to her knees and took my cock into her mouth. Her talented tongue and mouth working my cock like no one else could. Her head was bobbing up and down so quickly, I couldn't focus. Even though I had just cum earlier with Lee, I could feel my balls boiling. I didn't want to cum this way though, I needed to fuck her.
I grabbed her by the hair and roughly pulled her off my cock. As I pulled her mouth off of me, my cock came out with a loud "pop!" and she whined.
"Me need more cock. GG love cock! Cock, cock, cock, gimme!!"
I pulled her to the bed, picked her up, tossed her on it, spread her legs wide, and plowed right in.
She screamed, "YESSSSS!! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!! More cock, more cock!!!"
By now I was a man possessed and all I could think about was just fucking this slut in my bed. I didn't care who she was at that point, she was just a fuck doll now and I was going to use her for MY pleasure.
The more I fucked her, the more sounds she was making. She was becoming unintelligible at the point. Just squeaking and squealing. Meanwhile, I could feel I was close to cumming and I didn't hold back. I let loose with an eruption within her. Had I been more clear headed, I would've realized this was not normal. The amount of cum I had produced was incredible.
I finished up inside her and rolled off, but she wasn't done. Not by a long shot. She moved quickly and once again had my cock in her mouth. She was going to get me hard again and this time she wanted her prize of me cumming in her mouth.
I groaned loudly and just let her do her thing. I was too tired from all the sex that morning, so I wasn't going to fight it.
Now once again, had I been more clear headed, I would've paid better attention to what was going on around me. If I had, I would've seen RJ come into my bedroom as GG was working her magic. I only noticed when GG moaned loudly as RJ plunged her cock deep into GG. Between the slapping sounds of GG being fucked and the slurping sounds she was making while sucking me off, it didn't take long for me to get close to cumming. Just in looking at RJ and those gorgeous boobs did it and I came deep into GG's mouth.
I was completely spent and moved out from under GG to watch. I was utterly amazed at seeing GG being fucked by such a huge cock. I got out of bed to get a better look and I was amazed to see that GG was taking a cock that looked like it was the size of a baseball bat balls deep. The harder she was getting fucked, the more GG screamed. It was then I noticed. As they fucked, there was a shimmer surrounding them. Not light, not energy, just a shimmer. The more I looked, the more drawn to it, but I was trying hard to not lose control again.
I took a step or two back and it helped. And the moment I did that, RJ came and GG orgasmed at the same time. The shimmer became more intense and then I got hit by a shockwave.
I don't know how long I was out, but when I opened my eyes I was surrounded by medical personnel. I looked around and saw I was in one of the medical units. I looked back at who was trying to help me, but I couldn't hear or understand her. She saw my confusion and stopped trying to talk.
I know I passed out again, because the next time I opened my eyes I was in a hospital room with Lee and a few others all dressed in scrubs. Lee came over to me and asked, "Are you all right?" But all I heard was a whisper. My hearing was better, but not much.
I told her I couldn't hear her well and she handed me a tablet to use. I typed out, "What happened?"
She responded on a similar tablet, "We don't know. All we know is there was a loud crack and shockwave that came from your unit. By the time the EMTs arrived, they found you passed out on the floor, with RJ and Carol in the middle of having sex."
I typed back, "Oh yeah, the sex."
Lee gave me a look that said "oh really?" and she then smiled wryly.
She continued, "It took a few people to pull RJ and Carol apart, but once they did and were a few feet from each other, they both collapsed with exhaustion."
I asked, "Are they ok?"
She nodded and then typed, "They're both here in the hospital."
At this point someone interrupted and said something to Lee and she looked angry and frustrated.
She was then being ushered out, but not before Lee mouthed "I love you" to me. I said out loud, "Me too!" I think I yelled it.
I then noticed a nurse using a syringe to put something in the IV that was attached to me. Next came darkness.
The next morning, at least I think it was morning, I awoke to see Lee sleeping on a cot they had put in my room. I cleared my throat (hey, I heard it!) and Lee stirred.
I said, "Wake up, sleepyhead."
Upon hearing that, Lee was immediately awake and looked up at me!
Lee said, "Can you hear me?"
I nodded and she smiled, with some tears forming.
She got up out of her cot and awkwardly climbed in bed with me as she cautiously moved my IV line. As she snuggled up with me, she gave me a soft kiss, and then she punched me in the shoulder.
"You scared the fuck out of me, Josh!"
"I'm sorry and ow."
"I know, but dammit..."
And then came the full waterworks. I didn't know what to say, so I said nothing and just held her.
After a few minutes of this, I finally asked, "How are GG and RJ?"
Lee sat up and said, "I don't know, I haven't talked with anyone in awhile. All I do know is they were running a lot of tests on them as well as the Bridges at the lab. But enough of that, how are you?"
"I'm fine, but my shoulder hurts."
She stifled a laugh and said, "Asshole." And she kissed me again.
We laid in bed for awhile until our morning was interrupted by Lee's cell chirping. They needed her ASAP, but wouldn't explain why.
She reluctantly got out of bed and was about to leave the room, but I stopped her.
"Stop! I'm going with you, Lee, and do NOT tell me no. This is my family that's all fucked up and I deserve some fucking answers, Goddammit!"
She gave me a look as if she was going to try to stop me, but she saw my determination and just nodded curtly. I pulled out the IV, which hurt like hell, and I quickly got dressed. After rushing out of the hospital, we hopped into her vehicle and off we went. We arrived at the labs in moments and shoved past the guards and pulled me along. There were some curse words thrown in our direction, but they didn't attempt to stop us.
Once we got to the next door, the resistance was a little more stout. One guard had his hand on his gun, even though it was still holstered.
Lee looked at me and told me to relax and to let her handle it.
As she walked up to the guard, she said, "Look I know you're doing your job, but..."
"Ma'am, I cannot allow this civilian to pass and..."
"SHUT IT! This 'civilian' as you call him has his great-grandmother behind these doors and he deserves to see her. I don't give a flying fuck what your orders are or who gave them to you, but I could call Ms. Kendricks and get this all cleared up OR you can move your fucking ass and let us pass. Your choice."
And with that she pulled out her phone and started to call Mary Kendricks.
I looked at the guard and watched all the color drain from his face and he mumbled something I couldn't hear, but Lee grabbed my hand and we entered the once forbidden inner sanctum of the labs.
I didn't know what to expect, but it wasn't this. It was less laboratory and more hotel. Yes, there was a huge room that sort of looked like a that was filled with workers, but that was to one side. The other looked like hotel doors, each one numbered and with a keypad. Lee yelled out and asked where GG was and was met with deer in the headlight stares, but she yelled it out again. Then someone pointed and said, "#19, down the hall."
Off we went down the hall.
Upon getting to the door, Lee punched in a code and it didn't work. She tried again, same failure. I heard her mutter "fuck" under her breath before she started pounding on the door. The door was immediately flung open by an obviously aggravated Dr. Brown, but before he could say anything Lee shoved past him and pulled me along with her.
And there she was, my great-grandmother, GG, strapped down in a hospital bed. At first I was pissed, but then I could see why. Her body had changed even more, it was even more exaggerated in its shape. Her boobs were gigantic, her lips swollen to the point where I could barely understand, her eyes were the brightest of blues that were definitely not human, and her hair... pure white blonde. As she struggled in bed, she kept crying out for "more cock, need more cock".
I turned to Dr. Brown in anger and said, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?!?!?"
Dr. Brown stumbled back a bit, but was saved when Dr. Stanton entered the room, saying, "Well, Roger, these tests ar...."
She then saw me, shocked at first, and then irate. "HOW did you get in here and..? Lee? What are..? Did you bring him in here against all protocols??"
All Lee did was nod. Her silence alone was deafening.
Dr. Stanton pulled Lee aside and whispered, though not too quietly, "Lee, you know he cannot be here, Ms. Kendricks will have your job for this."
Lee said, loudly, "It's hers if she wants it, but I doubt she'll do anything. We're at point now that we all need to figure out what the fuck's happening. In case you haven't noticed, all of us are being slightly affected by this. I wasn't sure at first, but when I was with Josh last night, I knew something was different. He's changed as well, though not dramatically. Not like poor Carol."
I looked at Lee, trying to figure out what she meant, then it dawned on me. I suspected that my cock had grown a bit more, but once again I thought it was just my imagination.
I looked at her and mouthed, "Do you mean my dick?" She nodded.
Before I could respond, someone new entered the room. A man I had never seen before, but he oddly felt familiar. No one said anything when he entered. He just surveyed the room. He was extremely unhappy, but his only reaction was a deep sigh.
He then spoke with authority, "All of you, come with me."
Lee, obviously shocked, said, "Tom? But how..?"
He said, "No now," and then motioned us all out of the room. Once in the hallway, he didn't pause a moment as we followed him.
One elevator ride later, we're all in Mary Kendricks' office. He then pressed a button and the lights dimmed and there was an odd hum.
He then walked over to me and I could see he wasn't happy. He then looked at Lee, which caused Lee to exclaim, "Sorry, but he deserved... And you're... back?"
He nodded slowly.
Then he turned his attention turned to me. "I'm sure you have many questions."
By this point I was beyond angry and blurted out, "Damn right I do! Where is Mary Kendricks and who the fuck are you?"
Another deep sigh, he looked at Lee and then back to me and then he said, "Fine. No more secrets, no more hiding, not that I could at this point after the other day. Allow me to formally and officially introduce myself, Josh. I'm Tom Kendricks."
Taken aback briefly, I recovered and asked with obvious frustration in my voice, "Kendricks? What the...? I'll ask you again, where the fuck is Mary?"
Tom smiled and said, "That's a long story. Lee? You want to tell him?"
I looked over at her and she said, "Josh... trust me when I say this... Tom and Mary they're.... well... they're the same person."
I guess my disbelief on my face caused Tom to chuckle a bit, but then he said, "Yes, I'm afraid it's true. Now let's sit. We have much to discuss and this will take awhile to explain. It started on February 9, 1913..."