Chapter 03.1
I must admit that what I'm going to tell you here is the weirdest fucking shit you'll ever read in your entire life. Hell, if I wasn't living it, I wouldn't believe it. Let me start from the beginning before it went all Twilight Zone on me and my wife.
My name is Alex Desmond and my wife is Kris. We've recently celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary. We met in college and, for the life of me, I still cannot figure out how I ended up with such a fucking hottie. We met with me literally running into her at the library. I turned a corner in the stacks and WHAM I hit her. Now you're probably thinking that I sent her flying, books tossed in the air, etc. Nope. I was the one who ended up on their ass like I had just hit a brick wall.
Y'see, Kris is extremely athletic. She was in college on a sports scholarship for volleyball at Northwestern. Whereas I was there on an academic scholarship. So all 5'8" of me ran into all 6'1" of her. Yep, she towered over me.
Now my first reaction was to curse out whomever I just ran into, but as I was about to make an ass out of myself, Kris held out her hand to help me up and asked if I was okay. I looked up and before me stood the most gorgeous woman I had ever laid eyes on in my entire life. As I said, she was 6'1," with long flowing black hair, dark bronze skin (from her mixed African American and Native American heritage), dark brown eyes, the fullest most plump lips I've ever seen, and a body to kill for. Muscular yet lean, with slightly bigger than average boobs. I found out later she's a 36DD.
As for me, I was your average white guy. 5'8," short blonde hair, blue eyes, in decent shape (I did exercise, but not like her!), and 2 day growth of beard on my face. The only thing not average on me is that my dick at just over 8." What I lacked in height, I made up in manhood at least. Unfortunately, at that time in my life, I didn't get much of a chance to share it with the ladies too much. Even after 3 years of college. Then I met Kris.
Anyway, as I sat on the floor looking like a fucking idiot while this drop dead gorgeous Amazon of a woman offered to help me up, all I could do is stutter out an apology. Once I was back on my feet, she tried to apologize, but I cut her off and said it was all my fault. After some nervous banter, I finally blurted out that I'd like to take her out to dinner to further apologize. At first she was unsure, but I said I wouldn't take no as an answer and she could pick the place. When I said that, she smiled mischievously and agreed. That smile shoulda clued me in right then and there, but I didn't even notice.
After giving me the address for a Cajun-Creole place, we set a time and date, as well as exchanging phone numbers, we then parted ways to get back to our schooling. I was definitely unable to focus the rest of the day, hell the rest of the week since the dinner date was in 3 days. Looking back at it, I knew I fell in love with her the moment I laid eyes on her. She, on the other hand, just thought I was adorable.
Fast forward to our dinner date. I showed up 20 minutes early and nervously stood outside waiting for her. There was no way I was going to be fucking late. As I waited out there in the freezing October weather, someone exited the restaurant and then stood next to me. I looked over and there stood the biggest black man I had ever seen. This guy shoulda been a defensive tackle for the Bears. His muscles had muscles on top of muscles.
Now I was even more nervous, but then I heard him chuckling before he said, "You Alex?"
All I could do is nod.
He held out his hand to shake mine and said, "Nice to meet you, I'm Kris' father, Carl, but you can call me Mr. Brown. So are you going to leave me hanging here or are you going to take my hand?"
I summoned all the strength I had and took his hand, watching it disappear in his massive hand.
Then a woman exited the restaurant and said, "Carl, stop scaring the boy!"
She then stepped around him and then I knew who she was, it was Kris' mother. Same eyes, same body, just older.
Carl said, "Sweetheart, I'm doing absolutely nothing to scare... Alex? Yeah, Alex."
She playfully smacked him on the shoulder and said to me, "Ignore him. I'm Sasha. I'm Kris' mother, it's very nice to meet you. And you can call him Carl like everybody else. He just likes to try to intimidate any boy who dates Kris."
My tongue finally worked its way loose and I said, "Yeah. He's doing a damn good job of it."
And that brought laughter from Carl. "Oh I like this one. Anyway, I need to get back in the kitchen. Kris is already here waiting for you." And with that he went back inside.
It was then it dawned on me, Kris invited me to the restaurant that her parents apparently owned. All I could do is laugh at that point.
Smiling softly, Sasha said, "Come on in. I'll show you where Kris is. I do hope you like spicy food."
Now I know Sasha was talking to me the entire time, but the moment I entered the restaurant my senses were hit with the most amazing smells I've ever encountered in my life and when I saw Kris, my heart skipped a beat. While she was dressed casually in a long sleeved sweater and jeans, they hugged her figure perfectly. By the time I got to the table all I remember is Sasha saying, "Now you two enjoy yourselves!"
I then looked at Kris and said, "Hi, I just met your parents." Smooth, I know.
She smiled and said, "Yeah, sorry about that, but I had to make sure you weren't some creep or something. I know daddy likes to play the big tough guy, but he's really a softie."
As I sat down I said, "Yeah, soft as a block of granite I bet. I've seen smaller buildings than him!"
That brought a genuine laugh and she said, "Well, he's a Navy vet. He did play some football while at the academy. I think defensive tackle."
I laughed and said, "I was thinking that he could be on the Bears as a DT as I stood out there talking to him."
And with that, all the ice was broken. For the next few hours we sat there and just got to know one another. The only interruption we got was when got our food, which was fucking incredible! She told me how her parents met and how they ended up settling in Chicago. I told her about my father abandoning my mother when I was a year old, leaving her to care for me and my older sister. The entire evening I kept staring into her eyes and I was falling deeper in love with her as the hours wore on.
Unfortunately, the evening had to end and we had to go our separate ways. I offered to take her home by calling a cab, but she informed me that her parents' house was only a couple of blocks away from the restaurant and she'd wait for them before going home. I was admittedly saddened by this, but I manned up and said, "Oh, ok. Then I guess I'll see you in the library some time?"
She softly smiled, kissed me lightly on the cheek, and said, "Yes, and we can plan our second date then. I'll be there tomorrow at 10:00 AM."
We said our goodbyes, I hailed a cab, and was on cloud 9 the whole time. When I hit the bed that night I thought to myself, "I'm going to marry that girl." And 2 years after our first date I did.
Now here we are 27 years later, with 3 kids (twin boys, John and Max, 22, and 1 girl, Joy, 24), living in the western burbs of Chicago. Kris got her education degree and eventually landed a job as a teacher and volleyball coach at a local high school. I got my accounting degree, eventually opening my own office. At this point in my life I'm contemplating early retirement while still maintaining ownership of the business, but Kris loves her job and prefers to wait. Our only disagreement at the moment.
The high school Kris works for ends its school year in May. Finals usually are done the Tuesday before Memorial Day, with the Friday before being her final day before Summer break. This year it worked out perfectly because her best friend was getting married (second marriage) on May 27th and Kris was the Matron of Honor, so we decided to make a vacation of it. We decided to stay at the hotel a couple of days before flying out for an Alaskan cruise and land tour.
To say the week or so leading up to the wedding was hectic would be an understatement, but everyone jumped into help. The one advantage of still having your adult kids living with you, I suppose. Joy covered for Kris for wedding prep, the twins and I handled packing, albeit with a Kris jumping in to pack her some of own stuff. By the time we headed for the hotel Friday night, we were both ready for the vacation! 19 days away. Just us. It had been a long time coming and we were very excited.
The day of the wedding, everything went off without a hitch. And Kris still makes my heart skip a beat whenever I see her dressed up. Fuck the bride, I was more interested in lusting after my wife as she stood there. Later that day, just after dinner had been served and the cake had been cut, Kris and I just sat there talking about the upcoming cruise and just life in general. By about 8:00 we both said out goodbyes and headed back to our room under the pretense of being tired. The reality of it was is that we were both incredibly horny. Even after 27 years of marriage, my wife turns me on like no other just as I still turn her on. Unlike most married couples, our sex life hasn't diminished all that much. And whenever we have a decent amount of alcohol, it just revs the motor.
By the time we got back to our room, we were nearly ripping our clothes off and jumping into bed. There wasn't going to be any foreplay that night. I just wanted my cock buried deep into her very wet pussy, just as much as she wanted it. She lifted her legs and spread them wide and I plowed on in. I knew her body very well. I knew what I could do to push her over the edge or to draw it out to make it last longer. That night it was just about animalistic need for us. We're used to having sex 3 or 4 times a week and the previous week we hadn't gotten a chance because of everything that was going on.
But now... now I was just fucking slamming into her pussy with her legs wrapped around me and her nails digging into my back. I brought her to orgasm quickly and quickened my pace to get another. The only sounds being uttered by either of us were just guttural noises, except when she came... then she screamed. The second time it happened someone started banging on the wall, but we ignored them.
As I was trying to get a third orgasm, I could feel that I was getting close and Kris could feel it too. She whispered in my ear to just let it go, to flood her pussy with my hot cum. In a matter of seconds of hearing that, I felt a tingling and then I let loose....
Then darkness.
Now don't let anyone tell you that people in a coma dream or know anything that's going on around them. It's all bullshit. When the darkness hit me and I slipped into my coma, I knew nothing. I didn't dream, I didn't hear anyone, not a damn thing. Anyone who tells you that they heard you talking to them when they were comatose, they're just trying to make you feel better. Trust me, it was absolute darkness.
Anyway, the first time I remember being aware of anything was when I heard strange beeping noises. I then heard undecipherable voices and then more darkness.
It took another 2 days before I started to awaken, albeit slowly. This time I recognized the people around me. I tried talking, but Joy hushed me. Then a doctor appeared and starting talking. I got only about half of what he was saying as I was still out of it, but I did catch the words "odd," "unprecedented," and "change." I thought I misheard, but before I could say anything my body betrayed me and I fell into a deep sleep once again. This time I dreamt.
My dreams were very, very strange to me at the time. I dreamt of dresses, make up, high heels, and stockings... Things that, in some weird way, felt natural to me. I awoke in a panic, wondering what the fuck was going on. Before I could say a word, Joy was at my side, with John & Max close behind her, all of them asking me if I was all right.
I held up my hand and I rasply said, "Yeah, I'm... what the fuck? What happened to my hand?!?!"
The hand I saw was not my hand, or rather not the hand I was used to seeing! This one was decidedly more feminine with long nails. And what happened to the hair on my knuckles?
Before I could say another word, Joy said, "Dad... DAD! Seriously, you need to listen. Something has happened to you and mom. The doctors are as confused as we are.... I know you're confused, too, but...."
As she talked I started to look down. Under the sheets I could see a body that I was not used to seeing. Like my hand, it was definitely feminine. I went to lift the sheet up, but John put his hand on me and said, "Dad, please, don't. Let the doctors talk with you first."
I nodded softly, but then I realized something...
I choked out, "John, your mom!!! Is she ok? Where is she???"
Max walked over to the curtain and said, "She's behind here, but... but... I can't." And he ran out of the room in tears.
I looked at my other two kids and was about to say something when we got interrupted by a large group of people rushing into the room. I was "swallowed" up by a bunch of lab coats all asking me questions at the same time. Finally a very loud, booming voice cut through the din and said, "Enough! All of you, back away NOW, give the patient some room to breathe!"
As everyone took a few steps back, I then saw the man with the voice. Obviously he was used to giving orders and being in charge. He stepped up to the bed and said, "Um, Mr. Desmond, I'm Dr. Henry Stephens. I apologize for my colleagues all gang rushing you like that, but everyone here is very interested in what has happened to you and your wife. You're quite the conundrum."
I asked, "What do you...? Wait... my voice. What happened to my voice? What's happened to me?!?"
"That's exactly what we're trying to figure out!"
Looking around the room, Dr. Stephens then said, "If you don't need to be here, get out. And right now, only family members and myself need to be here! When, and only when, you're needed, you'll be allowed back in. Last person out, close the damn door!"
I never saw a room empty so fast. And with that, it was just me, the doctor, my kids and my wife behind the curtain of mystery.
I looked at the doctor about to say something, but he stopped me. He cleared his throat and said, "Mr. Desmond, by now you obviously know something has happened to both you and your wife. We are at a complete loss as to how this happened, we're not even sure if it can be reversed."
I guess the panic in my eyes urged him to continue very quickly.
"Now I can say that you and your wife are complete healthy in every way, so there's nothing to worry about that there."
I was waiting for the "but" to follow and it was a hell of a "but."
He continued, "BUT you and your wife have undergone some rather drastic changes." He took a deep breath and said, "To be perfectly blunt, you and your wife seem to have undergone a gender change."
My first reaction to that was to say, 'fuck you, doc," but I instead laughed. I laughed so hard I started to cry. And as I was laughing I could tell it wasn't my normal laugh. It was high pitched, girly. I then started to really cry.
Joy leaned down and hugged me. Telling me it's ok, we'll figure out, don't worry.
Once I collected myself, I took another long look at my body. I could then see my boobs. Big from what I could tell. I could see that my body was definitely smaller. I looked at my hands again, definitely a woman's.
I then said, "Give me a mirror!" They started to protest, but I yelled, "GIVE ME A GODDAMN MIRROR NOW!"
Obviously anticipating this, Joy opened the drawer in the dresser next to the bed and handed me a hand mirror. I slowly lifted it and looked at the face staring back at me. I hoped to see a man with a full beard, but instead I saw a woman with effervescent blue eyes, long blonde hair, very full lips, and dimples in my cheeks. I was a fucking knock out.
My shock was short lived though. I thought, "if this happened to me, what about Kris...?"
I looked over at the curtain and then back at the doctor and said, "Let me see her."
He tried to dissuade me, but I screamed, "NOW!"
John walked over and pulled aside the curtain. And the person who laid in the bed was my wife and yet not my wife. In that bed was a man with short hair and some facial hair. I looked hard and could see Kris there, but it was difficult. The masculine body was more muscular than Kris, but still lean from what I could see, and her boobs were definitely not there.
I started crying again.
The next few hours were a blur. If I had a dozen tests, I probably had another dozen more on top of that. I lost track of all the people and all the questions. Thankfully, during that time, Kris started to stir. Like me, she came out of her coma, but wasn't fully awake. I was extremely relieved, as well as being scared shitless. How do we live like this now?
3 days later...
Both of us were fully awake now, but never alone long enough for it just to be the two of us so we could talk privately. By the end of the third day of being poked and prodded, we both had enough. I yelled at everyone to get out. They tried to complain, but I was having none of it. I started to get out of bed and they tried to stop me, but I shoved them aside.
"Get the fuck away from me! Leave us alone, you fuckers!!! Just leave us alone!!!"
I stood up warily, my balance was way off. Having these huge knockers was throwing me off, but I was able to get to the door and yelled, "OUT! NOW!"
They started to protest again, but I held up my hand said, "NO! OUT! NOW! MOVE THOSE ASSES!"
They all shuffled out with every attempted comment shut down with a withering glare. I slammed the door behind them. If I could've locked it, I would've. Instead I moved a chair in front of it. It wouldn't stop anyone, but it would slow them down a little bit.
When I turned around, Kris was sitting on the side of the bed. I rushed over to her as quickly as I could and hugged her. Both of us crying, saying "I love you," and just trying to ignore what was going on. I did realize that despite all the changes, she was still Kris, just manly now. She felt the same, smelled the same, kissed the same. I got in bed with her (I guess I should get used to saying "him" now) and we snuggled. Our safe space was always when we were in each others' arms.
The next thing we realized there was a hand gently waking us up. I opened my eyes and there were our children, smiling. We all knew then, no matter what we had to endure, we'll be just fine.
Unfortunately, it wasn't easy to endure with what had just happened to us. I lost track of all the tests they continued to run on us and the constant barrage of questions that were asked. Hell, they even had numerous supposed "experts" run a series of genetic tests on us. Nothing. They had no idea what happened. The only result they did get was that neither of us were capable of having children. I had no eggs and Kris had no sperm. We spent another 3 weeks in the hospital before we finally were able to be discharged "against doctor's orders." I'm still trying to figure out how no one in the media discovered what happened to us during that time, but somehow it never leaked out.
Once we finally got home, and after a very brief celebration, Kris and I just collapsed in bed together. Our children left us alone and we just laid there looking at one another. The woman I fell in love with may have been changed physically, but I could still see her in his eyes. And regardless of how Kris looked now, I still loved her as much as I did when I married her. We fell asleep in each others' arms again, this time as we kissed. My final thoughts before I fell asleep was wondering just how the hell were we going to navigate the rest of our lives.
At some point in time in the middle of the night I really needed to go pee. I quietly exited the bed and quickly made my way to the bathroom. I still wasn't used to having to sit down to pee, but it was getting a bit more normal now. Once I finished, I stood up and turned to see myself in the mirror. For the first time since I awoke from my coma I was finally able to see all of me and not just glimpses with a hand mirror. I was fucking gorgeous.
I lifted my boobs and they were quite hefty. Huge nipples that were damn near perfect. They looked bigger than what Kris used to have. I reached down to really look at my pussy and it was cute. The small patch of hair I had made it even more inviting. I turned to see my ass and it was damn near perfect too. This was not the body of someone who is 49 going on 50. When I was man, I definitely had a "dad bod." Always saying I needed to lose about 20 pounds. THIS body, however, was in perfect shape and looked to belong to a woman who was much younger. No one knows what caused this, but, damn, whatever it was definitely did it right!
I then had a naughty thought. While in the hospital we were never left alone long enough to actually explore. It was time to see how the other life lives. I sat on the toilet lid and spread my legs. I nervously began to touch myself, fumbling around a bit, not knowing where to go. And then I hit the spot and wow-o-wow I shuddered. I really knew where to go now!
As I rubbed, I started to get really wet. I slipped in a finger, then two. It didn't take long before I was finger fucking myself. I had no idea what I was doing, but, damn, it felt good. I then felt like I wanted to pee, but I wasn't going to stop. A minute or so later I exploded with an orgasm. The room started to spin a bit, but I kept my balance (barely) and felt the waves of pleasure wash over me. Once I felt a little more clear headed, I looked down and saw a huge puddle at my feet. I think I may have squirted.
I got up slowly and carefully, grabbing some towels from the cubby and cleaned up the mess. After tossing them into the clothes basket, I collected myself and went back to bed. On the way there, I could see Kris was laying on top of the sheets and she (dammit, "he," I need to get used to saying that now) was just wearing a pair shorts.... And sporting one hell of a big boner.
Before any of this happened, I would've told you right away that I was religiously straight! NO interest whatsoever in seeing another man's junk. Hell, even porno was really difficult for me to get through 'cause of the dick, but now in seeing Kris like that was making me feel very odd. I just finished having my first female orgasm and now I see this huge tent in front of me. I should be turned off, but it was quite the opposite. I wanted it. I wanted him. I wanted to feel it buried deep in me. This was not a thought I'd ever expected to have in my life. But now... now I needed to just be fucked.
I didn't even give it a thought, my body was just acting on pure lust at this point. I pulled Kris' shorts down and up sprang a massive dick. I know I should've been intimidated by what I was seeing, but all I wanted at that point was to feel it deep inside of me. I slowly moved myself into position as to not disturb Kris because I have no idea how he would react to what I was about to do. While I know we had both thought it, the idea of sex with how we were now hadn't really been discussed. Now that I was in position in straddling him cowgirl style, I took one deep breath, grabbed hold of his dick, made sure he was lined up, and I just went down in one fluid motion.
In that moment I saw stars and a sexual energy I've never felt in my life. That moment when Kris was in me for the first time was like no other sensation I've ever had. Also, the moment I felt him in me, he woke up with a confused look on his face for a brief second before he realized what was going on. Then everything just took off. We were two people possessed. All I know is we both wanted... needed.... fucking craved this! I felt his strong hands grab my ass and he started pounding me. I was screaming at him to fuck me. With every thrust into me, I could feel him getting deeper into me, hitting my cervix. It was painful, but it also had me wanting more. It didn't take long before I was cumming.
At some point we shifted positions and he was on top of me and I could feel his dick getting even thicker and harder. Now he wasn't just fucking me, now he was going faster and just slamming into me. I have no idea how women could take this, but I didn't care at this point. I just wanted to be fucked.
He then slammed in very hard and I came so hard I know I squirted again and I heard him grunt and felt him cumming in me, but he wasn't done with me yet. With what I feel was abnormal strength, he lifted me up, turned me over, and then took me doggie style. Once again he was just pummeling me. I think I may have lost all coherent thought at that point and he was just using me as a fuckdoll. No words were being used at this point. I was totally his to use and use me he did. It was glorious!
The next few hours (yes, hours) were a blur. I was used in every way a woman could be used. I even did something I never thought I'd do and that was give a blowjob. And despite his size, it seems as if I was made just for him. When he came, I eagerly swallowed his load. Eventually though, we were too exhausted to continue, despite the need we both had. Sleep overtook us and we essentially passed out in bed.
The next morning I was rudely awakened by sunlight streaming in hitting me right in the eyes. Kris was next to me and he was softly snoring. I smiled and tried to get out of bed without disturbing him, but I then realized his hand was still between my legs. I attempted to remove it, but our combined juices had dried overnight and he was sort of stuck to me. I started to laugh, the first time in weeks that I actually had something to laugh about. It started off quietly, but quickly turned loud and I was tearing up. Kris woke up and looked at me, wondering what the hell was going on, and I tugged on his hand. He then saw the cause and he started laughing as well. In no time we were both rolling in bed in a huge fit of laughter.
When we were finally able to compose ourselves, I said, "Kris, no matter what, I love you. Last night showed that regardless of what has happened, that love and connection that we share won't change."
So for the next 2 weeks it seemed that all we did was sleep, eat, and fuck. Our kids left us alone for the most part, obviously they knew we had going through something life altering and we needed to find ourselves in this new reality. Unfortunately we knew we had to face the world and see what we could do to get used to our new status quo. I knew I could go back to my job quite easily as I was the owner, but Kris' job was another matter altogether. With her being a man now, will the school accept it and allow him to continue as the girls volleyball coach? The first thing to do was to have a private meeting with some of the school's administration, including the district superintendent and members of the school board. We were still weeks away from school re-opening for the new year, but the sooner we resolved this, the better.
One week later, with 11 people jammed in our house, Kris and I presented our new selves to the world, so to speak. Their reactions were obviously that of shock, surprise and disbelief, followed by an avalanche of questions. We did the best as we could to answer them all, but unfortunately we still had no answers as to why this happened to us. In the end, Kris was allowed to return to teaching and to stay on as coach with the caveat that he (still weird saying that) hired an additional female coach. While Kris was still the same person emotionally, his outward appearance might cause issues with the parents. Granted, some of the board members weren't entirely sure that allowing Kris to continue was a good thing, the 4 straight years in the state championships, with 2 wins, prevented them from really pushing too hard on it. It seemed as if our lives were going to return to as normal as possible. (Yeah, right.)
To cut right to it, Kris' return to school the next day was nothing less than a circus. Someone had contacted the media about what happened. Weeks of keeping it secret were done in moments. He was met with dozens of reporters and cameras the moment he arrived back at school to prepare for the year. Thankfully there were no students around, but that didn't stop the circus. Kris had no choice but to run back to the car and beat a hasty retreat. Not that it did any good as they followed him home. Now I was met with the same shit show that Kris had just encountered, but now at home. As he entered the house, they were in close pursuit. Yelling "no comment" and slamming the door in their faces, but that didn't do any good as they pounded on the door and rang the doorbell incessantly. After nearly 15 minutes of it, I finally called the police and they at least got the media off our property, but they remained camped out in front of our house.
Unfortunately, because of these events, we realized that there was no way we could just go back to our lives, at least not immediately. We made the decision to get away from here for a short time and with the intent to hide away for a few weeks. All of us, including our kids, packed bags and snuck away in the middle of the night. Joy and our sons made themselves shown as Joy pulled the SUV out of the garage, while Kris and I hid under a blanket in the back. When the reporters saw the SUV and only our kids, they ignored them. Our kids weren't the story.
90 minutes later we pulled up to the cabin I had rented at the state park. No one had followed us. During the drive, I called my sister and let her know what we were doing so she wouldn't worry. She'd take care of the house and I almost worried for the reporters then, as she won't take any shit from them. I also emailed the school and my business to inform them that we were taking a long extended vacation and why. I also included a comment to Kris' school that if I ever found out who leaked this to the media, there would be hell to pay.
So we settled into the cabin and finally had some peace and quiet. And then it got even more weird...
On the third day, I was particularly horny and no matter how much sex we had, neither Kris nor I could fully get satisfied. It was like that itch you could never scratch. At one point we had to stop because, to be perfectly honest, we were just too exhausted. After a few hours of sleep, I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to get some much needed food, leaving Kris to sleep some more.
I saw John and Max sitting there having breakfast and just talking, dressed the way they usually are: Shorts and no shirts. I smiled and thought, "The more things change..."
John said, "Oh, hi, da.... Um, mom! How are you and dad doing?"
By now they were calling me "mom" and Kris "dad" because it was just easier I guess and a lot less confusing considering how things have changed.
I said wearily, "We're fine, just still adapting I guess."
Max chuckled and muttered under his breath, but still loud enough to be heard, "Yeah, I think the whole forest heard it."
I gave him a shocked looked and then smiled.
I laughed and said, "Yeah, sorry. With everything that's happened, Kris and I just can't help it. It's so frustrating. And.... that's TMI, isn't it?"
They both started laughing and then John said, "Hey even before any of this happened, we all knew when you and dad had sex. When he was mom, she wasn't exactly quiet. But you are a lot louder...."
I must've blushed a million shades of red when I heard that. My only response was a smile as I sipped my coffee.
Finally, Max said, "Look, we're all adults here, so it's cool. I know I was freaking out in the beginning, but I'm over it now. As strange as it sounds, it's kinda like the way it's always should've been. I don't mean to say it wasn't right before, but now we've all accepted it and it feels right. That make sense?"
I thought about what he said and I slowly nodded in agreement. I hadn't really thought about it, but he was right. Our lives were great before we changed, but now it seems like that way it should be. Even with all the turmoil of being on the news and all.
"Thank you, Max. I think you're right. How did you get so smart?"
John laughed and said, "Obviously I taught him all I know."
I laughed and Max said, "And that's why you have so little left."
We all laughed harder.
"You two are the best sons a mother and father could've ever hoped for. Come here, I need hugs from you both."
As I walked over to them I could feel my pussy twitch, but ignored it. I pulled them into my arms and then my pussy got drenched immediately. My knees buckled, but they held me up. My breathing became shallow and all I could think about was getting fucked and used. It was if a switch was flipped and all I wanted to be was a fucktoy.
At the time this all happened, they also had similar thoughts. I felt my robe being ripped off and a hands all over me. I drew one of them into for a kiss, I didn't know who, it didn't matter, I just wanted him. My pussy was on fire and I felt one of them shove fingers deep into me and I moaned loudly and the orgasm hit me quickly and powerfully. By now I was completely in their arms.
Somehow we all ended up in their bedroom and we were all naked. How we got here was a mystery to me, but I didn't care. I just needed to be fucked and before me were two young virile men with very large cocks needing to be in me. I know I could have said something, but it was if they read my mind and they were both on me. They flipped me around to where my head was hanging over the bed a bit and all I could do was gasp. One of them got on the bed, spread my legs wide and then I felt him shove right in to the hilt. He wasn't as big as Kris, but he was still large. But before I could say anything, the other one placed his cock on my mouth and my lips automatically parted. Without mercy, he pushed on in. My gag reflex was completely gone now after weeks of sucking Kris. He slid on in and I felt his balls hit my nose. The moment he did that, I exploded with another orgasm.
I have no idea how long we were in this position, my mind was completely gone and my only thoughts were "more, more, MORE." I kept orgasming and my pussy and mouth were nothing but cocksleeves at this point. The rhythm they got into had to be a twin thing. It was perfect, but then they stopped. One of them picked me up, as the other laid on the bed, his gorgeous cock straight up in the air. I was then put over him and I slid right on to his cock. I cried out loudly as I felt him hit my cervix. I was then pushed forward a bit and I knew what was about to happen. Without much warning I felt his cock pushing on my anus, pull back a bit, and then push in firmly. I know I screamed out in pain and pleasure, but my pussy squeezed hard and I had another explosive orgasm.
I know I should've been thinking about how wrong this was. This was incest! But, my God, I didn't fucking care. I found my voice and kept urging them on. The rougher they were, the more I wanted. My ass was getting slapped and my nipples were getting abused, all while their massive cocks were splitting me in two. I lost track of how many orgasms I was having. It honestly felt like I just kept cumming and couldn't stop. At one point the cock in my pussy pushed in so deep I felt pain and knew what happened. I know it's not physically possible, but it felt like he entered my cervix. The pain finally subsided and then it became highly pleasurable! I was now used to the abuse my cunt was taking.
I have no idea how long we all fucked like this, by now I was essentially an idiot bimbo and I was lost in all the sex. Eventually I felt the cock in my ass twitch and I could feel my insides being flooded with cum. Then the other cock twitched and my pussy overflowed with cum. They both pulled out with loud pops and I passed out.
I don't know how long I was out, but I was awakened with two pairs of hands on me. I slowly opened my eyes and saw both of them smiling down on me. At that point, despite the roughness of the sex, I felt their love. I pulled one of them in for a kiss and then did the same with the other. I said, "Thank you. I needed that. But I need to sleep now." And I closed my eyes again.
Meanwhile, while all of that was happening to me, Joy and Kris had gotten up, totally oblivious as to what was going on in the twins' room.
Sleepily, Joy said, "Mornin', dad. I'd ask how you and mom slept, but I don't think you two slept much."
All Kris could do was laugh and nod before saying, "Yes, sorry about that. Whatever caused this has also increased our libido, but we're truly insatiable now."
After swallowing her coffee, Joy said, "First of all, I'm glad we can still have 'girl talk' despite the changes. Second, you both look younger now because of the change, the doctors all guessed that you both appeared to be in your twenties. I think you look even younger as everything has 'settled in'. Third, you both underwent something incredibly dramatic, so it makes sense something really got out of whack."
"So when did you get so smart, Joy?"
"I've got awesome parents who also really smart."
As she said that, she walked over and gave Kris a huge hug. And like with what happened to me and my sons, the same thing happened to them. From how it was described, Joy's pussy got immediately wet and Kris' cock sprang to life. They kissed deeply, passionately. Joy was clawing at Kris' clothes, trying to get them off. He stopped her, picked her up, and carried her to her bedroom.
He tossed her on the bed, took off his clothes as she did the same. And completely without pretense, he spread her legs and shoved right into her pussy. She gasped loudly as he hit deep and she wrapped her legs around him.
He grabbed her by the wrists, pinning her down, and pummeled her pussy. With all the sex we have been having, he was going to last a long time until he came. Joy had no idea what was about to happen.
As my sons and I finished up and I passed out, he and Joy had been going at it in every position imaginable. He got her on her hands and knees and was plunging deep and he pushed a thumb into her anus, which caused her to orgasm strongly. Seeing this, Kris, pulled out and then pushed into her ass. No warning whatsoever, he just pushed in and she screamed. He didn't know it, but she was an anal virgin. It didn't matter though, Joy was screaming for more.
After a few more minutes of ass fucking, he let her know he was close. Then the unexpected happened. She immediately pulled off of him turned around and without any concern, gave him a blowjob. He grabbed her and shoved in as deep as he could go. He knew she had absolutely no gag reflex from all the talks they had and he came deep in her throat, all the time her pussy was squirting her most powerful orgasm yet.
Once spent, he pulled out and collapsed on the bed, thoroughly exhausted. All Joy could say was, "wow." And then, like me, he passed out.
Again, I have no idea how much time passed, but it was still light out when I exited the twins' bedroom. I went to my bedroom to get dressed and saw Kris there. We both looked at each other sheepishly, not knowing yet what the other had done, but went into each others' arms and just hugged and kissed, reaffirming our love in some way. We then heard a knock on the door.
"Mom, dad, we all need to talk," Joy said. "Could you both come into the living room so all 5 of us can talk?"
Separately, both Kris and I knew what it was about, but neither of us knew that is was about us both.
As we walked into the living room, we faced our children, all of them a bit embarrassed.
As we sat down, I spoke up. "Look, I think I know...."
I was immediately interrupted by Joy. "No. Not entirely. John, Max, and I have been talking. We're all a bit confused, but not upset. It's just weird. And before anyone tries to stop me, we three agreed to let me lead this conversation."
I so wanted to say something, but I looked at Kris, who nodded agreement, so I let Joy go on.
"Ok, deep breath here. I know you two haven't talked yet, but we all had sex with one another. Me and dad; John, Max, and mom. We know it wasn't planned or even thought about, but it happened. We have zero regrets, despite how others would think. It happened and, God, I know I loved it."
I looked and John and Max and saw that they were both nodding.
Joy continued, "We three compared notes, so to speak, and realized that everything was just fine, until we touched you. I've been kinda looking at stuff online as you both slept, doing some research. You'd think there wouldn't be a lot out there, but apparently sometimes powerful pheromones can overwhelm your senses without anyone realizing it. Now you know I'm no doctor, and this definitely sounds and reads like science fiction, but I really think this is what happened.
"I've noticed than since you both changed and came home, I've been slightly on edge in terms of being horny. Nothing out of the ordinary, but definitely noticeable. After a bit of arguing and being embarrassed by it, both John and Max said the same. I know I didn't think much of it, until I started doing this research.
"The change you both underwent did more to you than just change your genders, it also has apparently increased your desirability to those who are closest to you. And since we've all pretty remained indoors since we got here, there's been a lot of build up. I'm just guessing that, but it makes sense.
"We three all said the same thing as we talked: We went blank when we touched you and all we wanted was sex. And until the act was completed, it's all we wanted. Zero filters. Hell, dad took my ass, which I swore I would never let anyone do, but I let him. Until then, it was a hard NO for anyone to do that to me, but once he did started, it's all I wanted."
I finally interrupted and said, "Hold on, let me say something and this might explain a few things."
Joy reluctantly acquiesced and let me continue.
"What none of you know is that Kris and I have not been fully satisfied sexually for the past couple of days, even with all the sex. It seemed that no matter what we did, no matter how many times we came, it wasn't enough. We were almost there, but that itch remained.
"Right now, that itch is gone. Whatever I needed was finally sated. The last thing I want to do is to have sex. If you had asked me this morning before any of this happened how I was doing, I would have been squirming in need, even after morning sex. I know Kris felt exactly the same."
He commented, "I did, but we both still had that urge to keep going. How we weren't both fucked raw, I'll never know."
I smiled at him and then I said, "Your research makes sense, Joy. And if that's accurate, then this could be a bit of a problem for us all. Incest is illegal and many consider it morally wrong, but right now I don't care about any of that. I'm more concerned about touching any of you now. We're the family that hugs and I refuse to give any of that up, but I also don't want to end up being fucked into unconsciousness every day."
They all laughed as I said that.
I continued, "So we need some ground rules here I guess. IF it does happen again with any of us, we do our best to just deal with it. If we go out in public, we need to not touch. Both Kris and I don't seem to effect each other, just you, and possibly others. If it is pheromones, we need to keep the windows cracked a bit here in the cabin to, hopefully, lessen the effect. No idea if that'll help, but why not? And finally, we can't be embarrassed by any of this. What happened to us is unnatural and this is an unexpected side effect, but I am not going to lose my family because of it."
I then started crying and Kris pulled me in for a hug. Our children looked at us not knowing what to do, until Max said, "Fuck it, I'm going in for a hug."
His arms wrapped around us, then Joy and John. And the five of us hugged and cried. We all then realized there were no sexual urges, which made the hugs even tighter.
We finally broke apart and Kris said, "I guess those pheromones weren't that strong now. Maybe because we all had sex and got it out of our systems?"
I said, "Maybe. Maybe not. You all know that this is definitely not my realm of expertise, but I suspect it's like releasing the pressure from a pressure cooker. The lid was taken off and it's all good, but I think the lid has been put back on and it's only a matter of time."