Chapter 04
Thinking: How the fuck do I put this into something that's remotely coherent? Fuck it. Just do it, Lee.
--Status Report--
Date: [redacted]
Transcriber: Lee Simmons, Security Chief, Institute for Advanced Medical Discovery, Clearance Level Gold 1A
Re: Current status of the Changed, et al.
Everything had gone to shit. The Changed, Mary (nee Tom) Kendricks, as well as family members and lovers of the Changed have all been affected. The meteorite brought in for research has turned to ash after an "explosion of light". This all began just over 2 weeks ago when all of the Changed underwent extreme alterations to their bodies after testing of the meteorite resulted in an apparent explosive shockwave....
Just over 2 weeks prior
"Allow me to formally and officially introduce myself, Josh. I'm Tom Kendricks."
Taken aback briefly, Josh recovered and asked with obvious frustration in his voice, "Kendricks? What the...? I'll ask you again, where the fuck is Mary?"
Tom smiled and said, "That's a long story. Lee? You want to tell him?"
Josh looked over at me and I said, "Josh... trust me when I say this... Tom and Mary they're.... well... they're the same person."
Josh's disbelief on his face caused Tom to chuckle a bit, but then he said, "Yes, I'm afraid it's true. Now let's sit. We have much to discuss and this will take awhile to explain. It started on February 9, 1913..."
After an hour, Tom finished and said, "Now then, you know all about me, Josh, and the reason behind this institute. For over a hundred years I thought I was a unique individual and that there was no one else who was like me. Then 4 months ago that all changed."
Josh looked back and forth between me and Tom, before asking, "Lee? Is he fucking serious?"
I slowly nodded my head and said, "I know it sounds like science fiction, but everything he told you is true. He's shown me proof."
"Look, fine, whatever. Now what the fuck is going on here with my great-grandmother and all the others, Kendricks?"
I looked over at Tom to see his reaction and all we got was nothing.
Finally Tom said, "I honestly don't know. But whatever is going on with them is also affecting me, though not as severely. I'm currently struggling to remain in one form at the moment and it's taking a lot out of me. Otherwise, you'd all be seeing me shifting back and forth between me and Mary. And doing it that quickly and numerous times would not be... uh.... optimal."
As I looked closer, I could see the strain on Tom's face. He was putting on a brave front, but I knew he was fighting a losing battle.
I finally said, "Tom, we need to get you out of here, maybe some distance will help."
He looked at me and said, "No. I doubt any amount... of.. uhhh.. distance would help. What's affecting me is not caused by proximity, it's some....uh....something else entirely. The scientists researching and testing the meteorite discovered it was giving off some sort of phasic wave. Something they had ne...."
And with that he collapsed, unconscious.
We all rushed to him and we all saw what he was trying to hold back. One moment he was Mary, the next he was Tom. I finally got clear headed enough and ran over to push the red emergency button. Within seconds a medical team was there taking over.
In short order he was taken to a private room and the doors shut.
Josh finally said, "Lee, what the fuck do we do?"
"I.... I don't know."
12 hours later...
I sat in Mary's office (it was always Mary's and never Tom's) contemplating as to what to do. This was so far out of my league, I had no idea what to do. Currently there were a dozen people being affected by whatever that meteorite did. Thankfully we were able to get Mary/Tom stabilized and staying in one form by inducing a coma and placing her into a cryogenic chamber. It was untested, but at this point we had little choice. It seemed to be working.
I look up when I hear a knock on the door and Josh enters.
Sitting down he says, "Lee, we have to do something here! I know whatever is going on is so fucking out there that there's no way we could ever hope to understand it, but don't any of the doctors or scientists have a clue of what's going on?"
I looked at him and I could see the fear and lack of sleep in his eyes. I loved this man, but I had no answers for him.
"Josh, no one knows anything. Even after years of research on Mary and her genetic structure, as well as all the recently changed people, they've got nothing. I'm a just a grunt here. Give me something to shoot at or punch, I'm you're woman. But this.... this is so far out of my comfort zone that I haven't a clue where I should start."
Josh got up and walked over to me. He had every right to be mad at me because of all the secrets I kept from him, but he leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips.
He leaned back on the desk, looked at me, then said, "Look, I'm just a guy who has EMT training and that's it. You got a broken bone or a scraped knee, I got ya! But I'm like you, I have nothing. All I keep going back to is all of this occurred in a very specific area. From where the meteorite landed as compared to where everybody was located. From the story Tom told, he lived, what 5 miles away at the time of his birth?"
I nodded.
"Ok, so let's look at the others. Got a map I can look at? Not on a computer, real physical map."
"I think so, hold on let me look. Mary was old school and... OH, here we go."
I handed him the map and he unfolds it on the desk.
"Using the site of the meteorite landing, let's see here. Ok, I lived 10 miles away. RJ lived, let's see, 11 miles away. And the Desmonds lived the closest at 6 miles away. Let's draw a circle and.... I still have nothing, but I find this curious."
"Well, the institute isn't in this circle. It's well outside of the radius by a few miles. Before the meteorite was brought here, how was everyone reacting?"
I shrugged my shoulders and said, "I guess ok? I mean, I wasn't privy to all of what was going on, all the doctors had their own individual research responsibilities, but it seemed like it was fine."
"So Mary was never affected in any way?"
I shook my head no.
Josh continued, "So the further away from the meteorite, they weren't continuously being affected? Essentially they were more stable?"
"I guess, maybe? But, wait, not the Desmonds. They were over 50 miles away for awhile, but they said they kept changing."
Josh thought for bit and said, "Maybe because they hadn't completed their change or because they were the closest to initial event?"
"Oh I don't know, maybe, I guess?"
Josh let out a frustrated sigh and finally said, "I was hoping that if we moved everyone further away, it would help, but we're just grasping at straws here. Look, we need to look at all of the medical records of everyone. Including Kendricks. And don't give me any flak on it or say it's HIPAA or something like that. We're fucking beyond all of that. We need to figure this out, otherwise we're going to have people who are stuck in comas for the rest of their lives. We need to get the records and whatever doctors or scientists are free of the meteorite's influence and get them here NOW!"
I knew he was right. I had to finally give up any semblance of control and open everything up for him and our medical team to see. No more separating who saw what. So I made the call.
One hour later there were six of us in a conference room poring over research and documents and everything that Mary had collected in her lifespan. I kept hearing mutterings of "I wish I had known this" and "How did they figure this out?" the entire time. Finally Dr. Stanton said, "I may have found something!"
We all immediately stood up and rushed over to her to see what she had on her computer screen.
She said, "See here, here's all of their genetic structures. I just wish Mary hadn't kept us all separated.... Sorry, not helping, I know. Here, let me put it on the big screen so we can all see it better instead of crowding over my laptop. Now, we all know that there have been extensive tests done on all of the patients. We know that none of them are even remotely related. However, something stood out"
Using a light pen she began to circle each DNA strand from all of the patients. I had no idea what was being pointed out, so I just listened.
Then Dr. Giles spoke up and said, "Yes, I see it. That area of our DNA structure is dormant. So? Everyone has this."
Dr. Stanton interrupted and said, "No, Randolph, look closely, they're not dormant! If it was dormant, with this equipment it would show as dull in color. Let me bring up mine. See? Dormant. I checked this with as many individuals as I could. For some reason all of those being affected and changed had this dormancy unlocked. But, hold on.... OK, here's Josh's. It's odd, HIS is appears to be dormant and yet not dormant at the same, look at the color. However, we also know he was definitely affected in some way, but now he's not. So I'm guessing it can be stopped or reversed, we just need to figure out how."
Josh finally said, "Ok, great, what does this tell us? Can you reverse what happened here or not? Can it be made dormant again? If it happened with me, can it happen with the others?"
The doctors looked at one another and finally Dr. Giles said, "I have no idea, but we may, and I emphasize MAY, be able to find a way to stabilize it in some way. I've done some research on genetic malformations in the past, but it's still in its infancy and I can't even begin to think as to how it can be applied here."
I finally said, "Hey, it's something to go on. It's more than what we had 24 hours ago. Tell me what you need, I'll get it here. Money is not a problem."
And with that, they started to formulate a plane. Josh and I left them alone to discuss it, as we took a break.
Josh and I headed back to Mary's office and collapsed on the couch. I looked at him and he looked at me. I know we were both tired, but we both leaned in and kissed each other. Then clothes began flying off and before I knew it, I was bent over the couch as Josh was just fucking me. Just pure animalistic lust.
This how I wanted it, NEEDED it. Just to feel used and loved and fucked. He smacked my ass and called me a slut. I came hard when he did that. I felt him pull out of my pussy and then felt him push into my ass. I didn't care, I needed to just not care, I just needed to be wanted and loved. It didn't take long before I felt him tensing up and he flooded my bowels with cum. After a minute or so, a spent Josh pulled out and just fell on to the couch while I flopped over on to the other side. I think we both passed out.
The next thing I remember is Josh gently shaking me awake and telling me we needed to get dressed. Dr. Stanton had some news for us.
A few minutes later we both walked back into the conference room to see we had a few new scientists and doctors and a very excited Dr. Giles. I finally got their attention and asked what was going on.
Dr. Giles said, "Ok, I think we may have a plan. Mind you this is something no one has ever attempted to do nor do we even know if it's going to work, but we MAY have a way to stabilize everyone. The only thing is, it could kill them just as easily as cure them. Dr. Byrne has run a few simulations and the results are inconclusive."
Dr. Byrne chimed in and she said, "What we have here is so out of the norm that none of us can properly assess what could happen. We don't know if they'll heal, if they'll return to normal, or even die or get worse. The only way is to test it on one of the Changed. We also need a volunteer with stable DNA to use to hopefully use as stabilizing element. It has to be someone who been affected, but no longer undergoing changes. And we all know who it needs to be..."
They all looked at Josh and he knew the implications. We had 5 people to try to heal, not including family members who were also being affected. Josh had been lucky and, while he was mildly affected, it seemed as if he wasn't changing any more. He had stabilized. We needed him to help.
He looked at all of us and said, "Do whatever the fuck you need to do, but let's get to it."
And with that, equipment was ordered, a new lab was set up, and the process began. Meanwhile, I had directed all of those affected be placed in comas and, like Mary, placed in cryogenics. Still a long shot, but at least no one would continue to get worse.
Four days later, things began to move quickly. By now Josh knew what they needed of him. They needed bone marrow, as well as to do a spinal tap. The amount of pain he was about to undergo was tremendous, but he knew he had to do this. It took hours, but they finally got what they needed. Under normal circumstances, it wouldn't have been easy on him, but they had to take more than what would have been taken and as much as they dared from him and he was still in extreme pain.
As he laid in bed with an IV drip, I smiled at him. He was unconscious because of the drugs, but I knew his bravery was beyond measure. I was already in love with him, but now I was so beyond in love with him that I was never going to let him go. I kissed him on the forehead and left to go see how things were going.
Unfortunately, things weren't going well. It took them 3 more days to finally come up with what they hoped was a solution. They all knew it was a long shot, but it's all we had. All they needed now was someone to test it on. This meant I had to wake everybody up, which was a 3 day process. And once everyone was awakened, we couldn't put them back into the same situation. The decision was mine to make, so I opted to wake only the 5 primary changed people. They were the most severely affected. So if this worked on one of them, it would work on all them. Or so we hoped.
3 plus days later Josh was at my side as we stood there watching his great grandmother being awakened. Her body was so disfigured that she looked like a caricature of a what a bimbo would like in a porn comic. Gigantic boobs, over sized lips, incredibly small waist, and so forth. I left him to watch as I went to check on the others. Thankfully everyone awakened with, apparently, no ill effects. The gamble paid off.
Mary summoned me over when I got to her room and she said in a raspy voice, "Situation?"
I explained to her what we had discovered and what we hoped would be a cure or stabilizing effect.
She said, "Me. Use me."
I shook my head no and said, "We need to ask everyone, not just you. You're too important here."
She was about to disagree when I heard something going on outside.
Rushing outside I saw that Josh was gone and GG's door was open. I ran over and saw what was going on. Somehow she had gotten loose and was now on her knees sucking Josh off. Josh may have stopped changing, but there was still a draw of him to her. He flipped her around and started pounding her pussy like a man possessed. I hit the panic button and people rushed over to pull GG off of Josh and restrain her. They both fought everyone who tried, but eventually we were able to get them apart. As we did so, Josh orgasmed and sprayed cum all over GG. He'll never live that one down. It took almost 30 minutes to finally get it all under control and to pull the men off of her.
An hour later, with a more clear headed Josh, he apologized for what happened. He wasn't sure why he entered or why he did what he did, but it felt like he was in a trance. I told him he'd need to remain in isolation and way from the effects of whatever the Changed were emitting. He reluctantly agreed, but he wanted to be able to watch.
A few hours after that incident, we set up a Zoom call for everyone to know what we had planned. Thankfully, they were all mostly functional and able to participate. GG was in and out, but she understood what we were asking. I then asked for a volunteer to undergo what could possibly be a very deadly process. As expected, everyone volunteered. I then decided we'd do it the old fashioned way: We'd pick a name out of a hat. Mary tried to override that decision, but I reminded her who she put in charge.
An hour later, GG was wheeled into the new lab. She was crying and saying thank you the entire time. Josh watched via a video feed and I could almost feel his anxiety of what was about to happen.
GG was strapped down and given an IV of fluids to help. She was then anesthetized. Dr. Giles then prepared what he hoped would be a cure. Having no idea what was going to happened, everyone was on edge. It had been decided that the easiest and probably least invasive way to do this was to give them a shot. Unfortunately, the best place to do this was at the base of the spine and it would be extremely pained, hence the anesthesia.
They slowly turned the bed over to reveal her back and Dr. Giles gave the shot using a jet injector and.5 ml of fluid was injected into her.
Now we wait....
Though we didn't wait long. Within 20 minutes we could see her body changing. Slowly at first, then more quickly, then too quickly. Everything was on her kept inflating, deflating, her hair changed from white blonde to natural blonde, from long to short, to everything in between. Her heart was racing, her blood pressure sky rocketed. They were doing everything they could to get it under control.... And then her heart stopped.
They worked on her for as long as they dared, but they finally had to give up. As they walked away, they turned off the machines and I could see that she hadn't changed back to being an old woman, but a young one though not as a bimbo.
Dr. Giles was walking towards me we all heard a loud gasp. She was alive! They all ran back to attend to her and to check her vitals. She was slowly coming around and we could see that she was slowly beginning to age again. After a short time it stopped and it looked as if she was now a woman in her early 40's. Her body was definitely voluptuous, but not extreme. Her blonde hair was long and curly. Whatever changes she had undergone, this was now her form. We had a cure!
Over the next couple of days everyone who was effected was treated. We learned from GG to reduce the dosage from.5 to.4 ml to ease the suddenness. In every case though, they all "died" only to re-awaken. The crisis had past, but there was still research to be done.
In conclusion, everyone has been cured with no casualties, albeit with a few confused individuals.
Searches for anomalies continue per Mary Kendricks' instructions. Board members will remain out of the loop as to the cause, also per her instructions, as too many of them would attempt to profit from it. For all intents and purposes, the official cause is "unknown".
--End Status Report --
2 months later....
Thankfully everyone resumed their somewhat normal lives.
GG was herself again, albeit much younger. We all guessed she appeared to be about half the age she was when she initially changed. She was looking forward to her new lease on life. Her sexual relationship with Josh and her family ended. Mary assisted in setting up a new life for her and lived with her family still.
In RJ's case, she was still futa, but her body was more normal, albeit with 40DDD breasts, a vagina, and an 8" cock. Her and her mother remained very sexual with one another. RJ and Rick were talking marriage. She was also quite popular on a fans sex site with a current following of over half a million.
As for the Desmonds, there was no dramatic change, their sexes remained swapped, though Alex was no longer as deeply submissive as she had been. Their relationship with Eva ended. Their sexual relationship with their children did continue. They filed suit against the school and its board for their invasion of privacy because of the leak to the media. They settled out of court in the high 6 figures, which they donated to numerous causes.
As for all the family members and staff affected, they all returned to normal with no lingering effects. None of the Changed ever affected anyone again.
As for Mary, she returned to normal. Well, her normal at least. Unlike the others, she was born that way, so the cure merely allowed her to heal and regain control of her shifting between sexes. She continued to live as Mary, but occasionally switched to Tom for some fun. She established a trust for the Changed so they wouldn't need to worry about money ever again. She also made the decision to destroy whatever remained of the meteorite. It was too dangerous. Whatever remained was placed upon a rocket and fired into the sun.
As for me and Josh, our wedding is planned for next year. We're both employed with the Institute, with me remaining as head of security and Josh in charge of the emergency response team, which includes all the EMTs.
Meanwhile, the Institute keeps a wary eye out for any other people out there who may have.... Changed.