Episode 17

After a brief discussion, it was decided that the SUV driver would stay behind to get the car repaired while the rest of the group would continue their journey in the hatchback.

Ramesh: (explaining to the others) "We have a problem. The SUV has broken down. We need to fit all of us into the hatchback."

Anjali: (irritated) "How are we supposed to fit in one car? And what about our luggage?"

Ramesh: "We’ll shift the luggage into the hatchback. It’s not ideal, but we don't have a choice."

Ganga: (interrupting) "But the marriage clothes and ornaments are already in the hatchback. There’s no space left."

Ramesh: "Someone will have to hold the clothes and ornaments in their lap during the journey. We don't have another option."

Anjali sighed, clearly frustrated with the situation. The group began transferring the essential items from the SUV to the hatchback, trying to make the best of the challenging circumstances.

Priya: (trying to lighten the mood) "Come on, let’s just get through this. It’ll be an adventure."

They shifted all the luggage to the hatchback car. As they all stood near the car ready to get in, they realized they had a new problem. The hatchback car had only a seating capacity of five members, including the driver, but there were seven people in total. Priya, looking at Ramesh and Anjali, asked, "How will we fit in while holding marriage clothes and ornaments?"

Everyone began their versions of permutations and combinations to figure out how they should all sit in the car. Srinu did a quick calculation and soon realized the only solution was for someone to sit on another person's lap while others holding the marriage clothes and ornaments and sit beside them. After trying different combinations of seating, everyone else realized the same. They all huddled together to discuss who should sit on whose lap.

Anjali: "I'll sit on Ramesh's lap."

Ramesh: (playfully) "If you sit on me, I'll become a langda [cripple] for the rest of my life."

Anjali hit Ramesh a couple of times on the shoulder while laughing at his joke.

Ramesh: "But seriously, you can't sit on me because I'm holding Chintu on my lap."

Anjali looked at Priya and Ganga and said, "Either one of you should sit on me."

Priya: "But I'm holding the marriage clothes. It will be uncomfortable."

Ganga: (showing her gold ornaments) "What if these get damaged if I sit on you?"

With each combination, it became more evident to Srinu that Ganga would have to sit on him to make it work.

Priya: (playfully) "I know what to do." (looking at Ganga and Srinu) "Ganga, you should give your gold ornaments to your sister Anjali and sit on Srinu."

Srinu and Ganga looked at each other. Srinu looked at her with renewed excitement, but Ganga gave him an angry look as if saying, "No chance." Everyone was looking at Ganga for her answer.

Ganga: (with a stern face) "No."

Priya: "Come on, Ganga, we are getting late."

Ganga: "There is one more way we can fit in." (Ganga's face showed determination to avoid sitting on Srinu)

Srinu got disappointed, realizing Ganga was avoiding sitting on him.

Ganga: "Chintu can sit on Srinu. Anjali can sit on Ramesh, while Priya and I can hold the marriage clothes and ornaments."

Srinu's head fell down, cursing for missing a golden chance. But to his surprise, Chintu started crying, saying he wanted to sit in the front seat with his father.

Srinu looked at Ganga with renewed hope, but Ganga gave him a cold stare.

Ganga: (looking at Chintu) "Srinu can sit in the front seat with Chintu, and Ramesh can sit back with us while Anjali can sit on him."

Srinu got angry, thinking how much Ganga was trying to avoid sitting on him.

Anjali: "Chintu won't sit with new people like Srinu. He will cry throughout the journey." (trying to hold her laugh) "Your brother-in-law Ramesh is too fat and can't fit in the back seat with us."

Everyone laughed at Anjali's comment while Ramesh put his head down with shyness.

Eventually, they realized that Ganga sitting on Srinu's lap was the only viable option.

Priya: "Ganga, let's not waste more time. We need to reach the temple before it gets too late."

Ganga looked at Anjali with distress. Anjali, with a soft voice, held her sister.

Anjali: "Mera bachi, man ja. Hone wala pati hi toh hai na" [My baby, please agree. He’s your future husband, after all].

Srinu smiled, thinking about how sweet Anjali was calling Ganga baby. Ganga reluctantly agreed, her face showing clear discomfort. She handed her gold ornaments to Anjali and prepared to sit on Srinu's lap. Ramesh and Chintu sat in the front. First, Priya held the wedding clothes and got into the back seat from the left side, sitting in the middle. Anjali followed Priya and sat beside her. Then, Srinu entered from the right side and sat on the other side of Priya. Now Ganga was the only one left. She stood at the door beside Srinu, still hesitant to sit on his lap.

Srinu: (encouragingly) "Come on, sit. I promise I won’t bite, baby!"

Ganga gave him a stern look for calling her "baby." Anjali stopped her laugh, realizing Srinu had picked up her calling Ganga baby before. Priya noticed Ganga's reluctance and, to tease her, said,

Priya: (playfully) "Ok, I will sit on Srinu. Anjali behan, please hold these clothes."

Ganga's eyes widened with dread when she heard Priya and immediately got in the car, sitting on Srinu's lap with haste. Srinu winced in pain as she sat with force. Everyone laughed in the car. Ganga blushed with shyness and anger and slapped Priya's hand.

Priya: (laughing) "I was just kidding!"

Anjali: (smiling) "See, that wasn’t so bad."

Ganga: (mumbling) "Just drive, bhaiya."

The driver started the car, and they began their journey. Ganga sat stiffly on Srinu's lap, trying to avoid any unnecessary contact. Srinu tried his best to make her comfortable, gently supporting her without making it awkward.

As the car rumbled along the road, Srinu could hardly believe his luck. Having Ganga sitting on his lap was a mix of overwhelming sensations and emotions. Her body felt incredibly soft and warm, like the most delicate and tender meat he had ever touched. Her ass cheeks felt incredibly soft, like the finest, most delicate silk cushions resting upon him. Each subtle movement she made, whether adjusting her position or shifting slightly, sent gentle, teasing sensations through his legs.

He could feel the warmth of her body through the fabric of her tight leggings, which accentuated her curves perfectly. The gentle pressure of her weight, combined with the softness of her flesh, made him acutely aware of every inch of her against him. It was as if her body was designed to fit perfectly against his, each curve and contour aligning seamlessly. He felt like he was carrying his happiness on his lap.

Just a few minutes ago, he had been silently praying for a chance to be closer to her, and here she was, practically in his lap.He silently thanked God for granting his wish so quickly. It was as if the universe had conspired to bring him this moment of closeness. Srinu's heart swelled with gratitude, feeling that his prayers had been heard.

Srinu's heart raced as he felt the gentle pressure of Ganga's weight on him. He marveled at how her body seemed to mold perfectly against his, every curve and contour fitting just right. The scent of her perfume mixed with her natural body scent was intoxicating, a subtle yet powerful blend that filled his senses and made his heart beat faster. Her hair, styled perfectly and sprayed with a sweet-smelling hairspray, occasionally brushed against his face, adding to the sensory overload he was experiencing.

"How can someone be this beautiful and soft?" Srinu thought, trying to keep his composure. "Her perfume is driving me crazy. And her hair... it's like silk. I'm carrying my happiness right here on my lap."

Despite the playful banter and teasing happening around them, Srinu was completely focused on the feeling of Ganga sitting on him. He felt a deep connection to her in that moment, a sense of protectiveness and admiration. He tried his best to make her comfortable, supporting her gently and avoiding any awkward movements.

Srinu felt a surge of affection for Ganga. He wanted to reach out and hold her, to tell her how much he loves her. But he knew he had to be respectful and careful. Her initial reluctance and the tension between them made him want to show her that he was trustworthy and caring. He hoped that this journey, despite its awkward start, would help bridge the gap between them.

Srinu noticed that Ganga was still sitting away from him. She was perched precariously at the edge of his thighs near his knees. Every time the driver applied the brakes, she had to brace herself against the driver's seat, and Srinu worried she might hit her face. To prevent this, he subtly lifted his legs, causing her to slide back until her back nearly touched his chest.

Ganga misunderstood his move and shot him an angry look, as if to say, "Don't take advantage of the situation." Srinu felt a pang of guilt, but he genuinely wanted to keep her safe and comfortable

Anjali, noticing their struggle, decided to check on Srinu.

Anjali: (noticing the struggle) "Are you okay, Srinu? I know she is a bit heavy after recently becoming a little chubby." (pinching Ganga's cheeks lovingly)

Priya: (joining in and pinching Ganga's other cheek) "Yeah, she's gained a bit, but it's all love."

Ganga: (nodding in disagreement, signaling them to stop calling her chubby)

Srinu: (watching them play with Ganga's cheeks) [How cute.] "I can carry this sweet weight for my whole life."

Priya and Anjali: (in unison) "Awww! How sweet!"

Ganga blushed even more, looking down in shyness. The moment felt perfect, filling Srinu with warmth and happiness. The closeness, the playful teasing, and Ganga's presence made him feel incredibly lucky and content.

Listening to their conversation, Ramesh, sitting in front, added playfully.

Ramesh: "Oh, the journey has just started. Let’s see if you say this when we get to our destination. It’s a 6-7 hour journey."

Everyone looked at Srinu for his reply. Ganga turned her head a little.

Srinu: "Don’t worry, bro, I won’t be langda [crippled] carrying Ganga. And it doesn’t matter if the journey is six or seven hours long; actually, I don’t want this journey to end."

Priya: "Tum dono ke pyaar ke chakkar mein kya hum sab aisi car mein baithe rahenge kya? Main toh nahi baithongi." [Because of your love story, are we all supposed to sit in this car forever? I definitely won't.]

Everyone laughed at Priya’s comment.

For the next thirty minutes, Srinu remained in a state of disbelief and silent joy, unable to fully comprehend that the love of his life, Ganga, was sitting so close to him. Her presence was a constant reminder of the blessing he felt he had received, and he kept replaying their brief moments of connection in his mind.

Meanwhile, Ramesh, sitting in the front seat, was occupied with his young son, Chintu. Chintu, filled with curiosity and energy, was playing with the car's audio system, switching between songs and occasionally asking his father silly questions. Ramesh answered patiently, his voice a soothing contrast to Chintu's excited chatter.

In the back seat, the women were engrossed in their own conversation. Anjali, Priya, and Ganga were animatedly discussing the outfits they planned to wear for the upcoming marriage ceremonies. The car was filled with the sound of their voices, sharing excitement about the different clothes and accessories they had chosen. Ganga's voice, though tinged with a hint of the earlier tension, was now more relaxed and engaged in the lively discussion.

As the conversation continued, Anjali's phone rang. She glanced at the screen and saw it was her mother calling. Answering the call, she updated her mother about their situation, explaining the SUV's breakdown and how they had to squeeze into the hatchback to continue their journey. She assured her mother that they were safe and making progress despite the minor setback.

While Anjali was on the phone, Priya and Ganga shifted their attention from their conversation to watching Instagram reels on Priya's phone. They giggled at the funny videos, occasionally showing each other particularly amusing ones. The sound of their laughter added a lighthearted atmosphere to the car, contrasting with Srinu's internal mix of excitement and disbelief.

Srinu, still processing the current situation, occasionally glanced at Ganga. She looked stunning in her pink kurta. Ganga's natural beauty and the casual intimacy of her sitting so close to him made Srinu's heart swell with affection and gratitude. He silently thanked God again for this precious moment, cherishing the opportunity to be near her and observe her in a relaxed, candid setting.

As the sun set and darkness enveloped the landscape, the roads were illuminated only by the occasional passing vehicles. They had entered the main highway, which lacked streetlights, leaving the path ahead lit solely by the car's headlights. The traffic had thinned out considerably, and the car sped along smoothly, creating a sense of tranquility inside. Srinu's side window was completely open, allowing the cool breeze to flow in and hit his face. He felt as if he were in heaven, savoring every moment of this serene journey. He could not have wished for anything more.

As the car continued its swift journey, one by one, the passengers began to succumb to their fatigue. The first to fall asleep was Chintu, and with him, half of the noise in the car dissipated. Chintu's small body slumped against his father's shoulders as he slept soundly. Ganga, sitting beside Srinu, occasionally reached over to gently rub Chintu's hair with her fingers, whispering, "See how cute he is while sleeping." Srinu thought to himself, "How sweet Ganga's motherly heart is. I wonder how much love she will have for our own kids."

Ramesh, who had been holding Chintu, was the next to fall asleep. The gentle rocking of the car and the long journey took its toll, and soon his head leaned back against the headrest, his breathing deep and even. Anjali, seated next to the window, soon followed, lulled by the rhythm of the car and the cool breeze coming through the slightly open window.

Priya and Ganga, now the only ones awake, continued their conversation in low voices, sharing stories and laughter. However, the day's events and the journey soon took their toll on Priya as well. Her eyelids grew heavy, and it wasn't long before she, too, drifted off to sleep, her head resting gently on Anjali's shoulder.

With Priya now asleep, Ganga found herself the last one awake in the car, aside from Srinu. She glanced around at her family and friends, feeling a sense of peace. Despite the earlier tensions, this moment of quiet companionship was soothing. She turned her gaze to Srinu, who was still wide awake, savoring the cool night air and the serene atmosphere inside the car.

The gentle hum of the engine and the rhythmic passing of the road beneath them created a lullaby that threatened to pull Ganga into slumber as well. She fought to stay awake, perhaps out of a sense of duty to remain vigilant or simply to enjoy the moment a little longer. Srinu, feeling her gaze on him, turned to meet her eyes and offered a reassuring smile.

Ganga and Srinu were the only two people still awake in the car. The gentle hum of the engine and the rhythmic motion of the vehicle had lulled everyone else into slumber. Srinu noticed Ganga struggling to stay awake. She was feeling sleepy, her eyes fluttering shut every few moments, and making an effort to keep herself balanced as she tried to sit upright.

Despite her exhaustion, Ganga was hesitant to lean back onto Srinu's chest. She seemed determined to maintain her own space, sitting upright and resisting the urge to rest on him. Srinu watched her with a mix of concern and affection, admiring her strength even in such a simple matter. He could see her struggle and wanted to ease her discomfort.

"Ganga," he whispered softly, not wanting to wake the others. She turned her head slightly, acknowledging his voice. "You can lean back and sleep if you want. It's okay," he assured her.

Ganga hesitated, contemplating his offer. She looked into his eyes, searching for sincerity and reassurance. Seeing the genuine concern in his expression, she slowly allowed herself to lean back onto his chest. Their eyes met briefly, a silent communication passing between them.

Srinu gave her an assuring smile, his eyes warm and understanding. Ganga's tense posture relaxed slightly as she settled against him. She could feel his steady heartbeat beneath her and it brought her a sense of calm she hadn't expected. She closed her eyes slowly, her head resting gently on his shoulder.

As Ganga rested her head on Srinu's shoulder, a myriad of emotions washed over him. He couldn't tear his eyes away from her adorable face. She looked so peaceful and serene, her features softened by sleep. Her long eyelashes rested gently on her cheeks, and her lips were slightly parted, making her look even more angelic.

The wind blew gently through the open window, causing strands of her hair to fall onto her face. Srinu's heart skipped a beat as he delicately brushed her hair back with his fingers, tucking it behind her ear. The touch was tender, almost reverent, as if he were handling something incredibly precious. He marveled at the softness of her hair, the smoothness of her skin, and the gentle rise and fall of her chest as she breathed.

He could feel her soft breath against his neck, a warm, rhythmic reminder of her presence. Each breath seemed to synchronize with the beating of his own heart, creating a harmonious connection between them. Srinu's heart swelled with a deep sense of affection and protectiveness. He wanted nothing more than to hold her in his arms, to wrap them around her waist and pull her close. The desire to feel her body against his, to offer her warmth and security, was almost overwhelming.

Yet, Srinu was also acutely aware of the potential implications of such a gesture. He was afraid it might send the wrong signal or make Ganga uncomfortable. He didn't want to do anything that would jeopardize the fragile trust and budding relationship they were building. So, he restrained himself, contenting himself with the simple pleasure of having her rest on his shoulder.

As the car sped down the highway, taking sharp turns, Ganga lost her balance and fell to the side. This abrupt movement jolted her awake, and she instinctively leaned back onto Srinu's chest for support. Srinu saw this as an opportunity to offer her more comfort and security. He gently moved his hands around her soft belly, placing his left arm on her belly button and securing it with his right hand.

For a moment, there was no reaction from Ganga. Srinu's heart leaped with hope, thinking that she might allow him to hold her as she had been falling moments ago. He could feel the warmth of her body against his, and his heart swelled with affection and protectiveness.

However, just as he began to relax, Ganga used her right hand to give a little slap to his wrists. Her eyes remained closed, but the message was clear—she wanted him to remove his hands from her stomach. Disappointed, Srinu quickly withdrew his hands and whispered a soft "sorry" in her ear, hoping she understood that he was just trying to help.

Ganga adjusted herself slightly, still resting against his chest but now more secure in her position. Srinu sighed inwardly, trying to mask his disappointment. He continued to watch over her, his heart filled with a mixture of longing and respect.

As the wind blew strongly from the window, Ganga's hair kept falling onto her face, causing her visible irritation. She slowly sat upright and casually lifted both arms to reach her hair, trying to tie it into a bun. She had no idea what her simple action was doing to Srinu, who was stunned by her beauty.

As she lifted her arms, her boobs raised and revealed her baby armpits, so close to his face. Her arching back was so sexy, making her body curve in a way that drove Srinu wild. Srinu's head moved on its own, closing the distance between them. His face was nearly touching her back. He so wanted to bury his face into her. Unknowingly, his lips moved, and he uttered the word "baby!" which made her turn to look at Srinu. In the process, Srinu's face collided with her body where her armpits and boobs met. His eyes were partly covered with her hair. His left cheek and nose were buried into her baby armpits, and his chin was pressing against her right boob.

He instantly felt a hard-on in his pants. Till now, his head was filled with innocent love for Ganga, but now his head was swirling with wanting to make love to her right there and then. His thoughts were a mix of innocent admiration and intense desire, making it hard for him to control himself.

Ganga was shocked by the sudden turn of events. She could not decide what to do. The intimacy of the moment caught her off guard, leaving her feeling vulnerable and unsure. Her heart raced as she processed the sensation of Srinu's face pressed into her, their closeness taking her breath away.

Srinu, on the other hand, was completely lost in the moment, overwhelmed by the sensory overload. His face was buried into her, and he could feel the silky softness of her hair on his forehead. The intoxicating scent of her hair filled his nostrils, a mix of her natural fragrance and the faint trace of her shampoo. His senses were heightened, and every detail seemed magnified.

His face nestled into her baby armpit, he could feel the soft skin with delicate folds, smooth and tender. The subtle scent of her sweat mixed with her perfume sent him into a trance-like state, making him feel lightheaded with desire. It was a mix of sweet and musky, a unique scent that was distinctly Ganga.

Srinu's chin was pressing against her right boob, and he couldn't help but marvel at how soft it felt against his skin. The sensation was electric, sending shivers down his spine. Her breasts felt like the softest pillows, and the thought of their softness consumed him. He could feel the gentle rise and fall of her chest with each breath she took, the rhythm matching his own racing heartbeat.

Ganga, feeling the pressure of Srinu's chin against her boob, experienced a confusing mix of emotions. Part of her wanted to push him away and reclaim her personal space, but another part of her felt a strange thrill at the closeness they shared.

Ganga slowly moved her hair from Srinu's face, revealing the trance-like state he was in. Still holding the same position, Ganga looked at Srinu. Srinu opened his eyes, meeting her gaze. Their eyes locked for a brief moment. Srinu's eyes fell on her lips, and his mind could only think of kissing her.

Without a second thought, he moved his head swiftly and pressed his lips against hers. He could feel the softness and moisture of her lips, tasting the hint of her strawberry lip balm. For a couple of seconds, they both were lost in the kiss, the world around them fading away.

The initial shock of the sudden turn of events paralyzed Ganga for a moment. She could feel the warmth of Srinu's face pressed against her soft skin, his breath mingling with hers, creating an intimate bubble that enveloped them. Her confusion was momentarily drowned by a wave of unfamiliar excitement.

Coming to her senses, Ganga moved away from Srinu, putting her hands down and turning her face to the front. Srinu, noticing her reaction, realized that he had crossed the line. He automatically started saying

Srinu: "Sorry, sorry."

Ganga got so angry she didn't even look at him. She glanced around at her family members present in the car, making sure no one had seen what had happened. She took a sigh of relief, knowing everyone was still asleep.

Ganga whispered carefully, trying not to wake anybody

Ganga: (whispering) "What is wrong with you? What if anyone had seen us?"

Srinu could only apologize.

Srinu: "I'm really sorry, Ganga. It happened in the heat of the moment. I didn't mean to do it deliberately."

Ganga, still furious, hissed

Ganga: "I did not think you were this kind of a person. You promised to respect me, and now this?"

Srinu: "I know, I know. Please don't think low of me. It was a mistake, and I swear it won't happen again."

After a few more exchanges between Srinu and Ganga, an awkward silence fell over both of them. Ganga, still furious, wanted to move away from him as much as possible. She slid away from his chest and now was only sitting on his knees, while leaning on the driver's seat for support.

Srinu was tense and angry at himself for crossing the line and kissing her without her permission. He was disappointed that he had lost yet another chance to make up for his last mistake. A few minutes passed without any word between them, only the sounds of vehicles could be heard. Srinu thought he should talk to her, as a few minutes had passed and he thought she might have relaxed and was not angry at him anymore. He moved his right hand to touch her shoulder, but there was no reaction from her. Soon he realized that she had fallen asleep again while leaning on the driver's seat. He left her alone and let her sleep.

After a few moments, the car hit a road bump, making the car jump, and it made Ganga's head hit the seat she was leaning on. She winced in pain and rubbed her forehead. Srinu immediately reached for her forehead and wanted to rub it to give her relief from pain, but she angrily pushed his hand away. Srinu understood her signal and moved his hand away, but not giving up, he softly said,

Srinu: "Please, Ganga, lean back and sleep on my shoulder."

Ganga: "No need, who knows what you will do next?"

Srinu: "Sorry, Ganga, I won't do anything. I'm just worried you might get hurt."

Ganga: "Don't worry, I'm fine,"

She leaned onto the driver's seat again, trying to sleep. Srinu thought how stubborn she was.
Next page: Episode 18
Previous page: Episode 16